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As far as I’m concerned in each of the classes we as future teachers must always encourage respect, even
more when students are learning a new language because when the teacher creates a safe and trusting
environment, the students will have all those desires or feelings to participate with fearless of making
mistakes and without fear of being made a mockery, with all of that they will know that we all make
mistakes and that we also learn much more from them (mistakes).

“En el salón de clases el humanismo pone el énfasis en el lado humano del aprendizaje y en la
necesidad de que el maestro considere las elecciones, necesidades y crecimiento de cada uno de
ellos” (Kenneth, 2000)

This planning will be based on a online class level A2 so the ice breaker that I will use first is by sharing my
screen with a game about a happy song to work with the emotions of the students because is also an
important part to start by giving them
energy to work, so the song that I will
This platform “LyricsTraining” is an easy
and fun way to learn and improve foreign
languages skills, through the music
videos and the lyrics of any song.!estarvale1213 on this the

students have to hear what the song is saying and when in the lyrics of the song appears a lot of dots like
this ….. they have to guess what word is absent.

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