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Beautiful places
What things attract tourists to visit a place?
 Tourists’  expectations when visiting a place are depended on several features
of the chosen destination: It’s about … like culture, architecture, must-see
sights, shopping, gastronomy, weather… The expectations are depended on the
purposes of each individual for this trip. Some people want to relax in a quiet
place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Other people like a bustling
street crowded with people, music… 
How do places change when too many tourists visit them?
 Travelling helps us to learn about the world around us, try new experiences.
But, unfortunately, there are many people visit tourist destinations. It can cause
many negative effects on these areas. It can cause destruction of nature and
habitat loss. For example, new areas of land need to be cleared for new
buildings, roads, hotels,... Animals lose their natural habitat and have to move
to a new location. On the other hand, it also causes an increased number of
vehicles, higher levels of noise, deforestation and pollution...
What can individual people do to protect beautiful places?
 I thought, we have to try to be respectful and quiet as we roamed the ground,
tactful about our picture talking.
 Wasting and consuming large amounts of water is damaging to many areas.
People can help converse by taking shorter showers, turning off the taps while
they brush their teeths and hanging those towels back up.

The environment
Apart form tourism, what other environmental problems are common in the world
 Our environment faces several problems, and many of these seem to be
worsening with time, bringing us into a time of a true environmental crisis.
Here are some of biggest environmental problems of our lifetime:
 Food waste
 Pollution
 Biodiversity loss
 Global warming
 Deforestation 
 Acid rain 
Whose responsibility is it to deal with these problems?
 In my opinion, in society, everyone is responsible for protecting the
environment. When they protect the environment that means they are
protecting their lives, their health, their relatives or anyone. 
 Everybody needs to be aware about the danger of environmental problems and
play a role. Beside that, the government also should take responsibility to
reduce pollution in order to protect the environment.
What can ordinary people do to protect the environment?
 Being ordinary citizens, I believe we can do a lot.
 First, people can practice recycling, save electricity as much as they can, avoid
wasting water, and minimize the use of cars or motorbikes...
 Secondly,  people can try not to throw garbage all over the place and try to
avoid using plastic bags and plastic bottles. Instead, they can use paper bags or
the materials must be environmentally friendly.
 These things just are the little things that people can do easily everyday. 

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