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Break into PM: PM Resume

Jeg Sithamparathas, Founder & CEO, Break into PM
Jeg Sith @


1. Work experience
2. Education
3. Lengthy work history
4. Final details Jeg Sith @ Break into PM

Work experience
● Try to list no more than 3 past jobs that ● Even distribution of PM skills across
are relevant to the position you’re content
applying for ● Pro tip: highlight each bullet and assign
● For each role, include the years you into a PM skill/trait & see if reasonably
were there, no months (unless balanced
internships or you are <3 years out of ● For PM skills/traits, try to have 4-5
school) themes e.g. product dev, stakeholder
● 3-5 bullets max management, problem solving &
● Ideally, the first bullet is a short 1 analysis, strategy/vision, team
sentence description of your job.
● Each point should be 2 lines, max Jeg Sith @ Break into PM

Work experience (cont.)

Lazlo Bock, CEO Humu & former SVP of People Ops @ Google, always recommends the following format
for concise bullet points to articulate your impact:

"Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]."

Example 1 Example 2
● Poor: “Increased server query response time” ● Poor: “Won second place at Hackathon”
● Good: “Increased server query response time ● Good: “Won second place out of 100 teams at
by restructuring our API” Hackathon”
● Excellent: “Increased server query response ● Excellent: “Won second place out 100 teams at
time by 15% by restructuring our API” HackMIT Hackathon by working in a team of three to
develop an ML email productivity tool” Jeg Sith @ Break into PM

● If you’re a recent grad, or have not graduated — your education background should be on the top of
your resume. For everyone else- it should be listed on the bottom.

● Include school, degree, major, GPA, and month and year of graduation. But the further away you
are from college, the less college and university information you're expected to include. Jeg Sith @ Break into PM

If you have a lengthy work history

● Avoid going over 1-page

● Instead, maybe add a short, additional section mentioning your prior experience (with minimal
detail) Jeg Sith @ Break into PM

Final details!
● PDF ● 1-page!
● No objective/mission/summary ● No images/logos
● No typos ● Some whitespace
● Bullet points ● No references/’references upon
● No prose request’ line
● Light on buzzwords ● Do not include high school
● Contact info (email + mobile #) ● Add 1-line for some ‘interests’; feel free
to be quirky!

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