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A day in the life of Frederic

Godé,Operations Manager, BonPain
Case Study Analysis

Group Members :
Abhishek Bendigeri – 1527103

Akarsh Dubey – 1527104

Ainash Bharad!a" – 1527122

 #ash Geh$o% – 152713&

An%araa 'erma ( 152713)

[Type the abstract of the docuent here! The abstract is typically a short
suary of the contents of the docuent! Type the abstract of the docuent
here! The abstract is typically a short suary of the contents of the

1.  Analyse the many things that Frederic does during his

typical day. You should group these in terms of the
ve categories below, and provide a full list of 
subcategories for each:

● Strategic :
 (Managing Human resources well)
Spotted a guard missing from one of the conveyor drives. Plant Engineer arranging
replacement this morning – temporary guard put in place immediately
 Involves less greater supervisory interventions
 orecast re!uirements are loo"ed up #efore the start of the meetings
 Initiating the concept of the ro#oti$ation for final pac"ing
 %etailing the need for the capital re!uirement for new e!uipment needed over the ne&t two

● Design
 'e!uirement for new process control for improving the #read !uality
 Incorporating varia#les of the statistical process control (SP) for several varia#les (weight
dimensions moisture content) and attri#utes (colour appearance crustiness). *his is much
more demanding than the specification of any other customer.
 Ma"ing H+IE ,E*-EE the adoption of a design etween the high and slow speed
 inding the possi#le locations for placing pac"ing ro#ots

● Planning and control

 /rranged for Pierre Moulin (the 0uality Manager) to investigate root cause and to
report #ac" later.
 /rranging a meeting with a purchasing manager regarding unavaila#ility of the apricots
 /rranging a meeting with the department heads to review the performance
 /ddressing the issues when preparing the ne&t operations strategy report.

● Ipro!eent
 ,ringing the team1s attention to the apparently increasing levels of spilt materials
  (on the floor) o#served on the morning tour and arranged a team would #e formed
  to loo" at underlying causes of such waste.
 2nderta"ing measures to improve and train staffs to get full #enefits of SP
 onsidering capacity e&pansion in the free$er rooms

● Other "specify#
 $on!incing 3 onvinced the dept heads that their role would gradually change with much of their 
involvement and attention to critical details.
 DecisionMa%ing 3 . /#ility to ta"e a decision to arrange a meeting with the Industrial Engineer and
 production supervisors to discuss the issues and potential solutions

2. Assess the approimate proportions of Frederic!s time

that is spent on long"term and on short"term issues.
#o thin$ this is typical of operations managers in
other industries %for eample, ban$ing, leisure,
automotive component manufacture&'
/ close analysis of rederic1s time spent on various long4term and short4term issues.

*ime spent on Short4term issues4

 irst fifteen minutes spent on chec"ing mails.

 *he ne&t forty4five minutes were spent on factory visits with the morning supervisor and the
Senior Maintenance Engineer.
 'egular scheduled morning meeting with three production line supervisors
 5at one hour spent on final plant tour.

*ime spent on 5ong4term issues4

 +ne hour time spent in the office to loo" at the detail of proposals to automate the
 pac"ing lines.
 Spending one hour in a meeting with technical representative to understand the
fle&i#ility of the proposed ro#ot pac"ers.
 +ne hour twenty minutes spent on another tour of the factory to loo" at SP charts in
each department #ecause there was some evidence that these were not #eing used
 orty4five minutes spent on a scheduled meeting with harles 5amouche Mar"eting
%irector and Sara 5epont Product %evelopment Manager concerning development
of a new range of mini patisseries.

Much of his time is spent on long term issues


(. )hat is Frederic!s involvement in technology 

ac*uisition decisions' )hat are his main concerns when
evaluating the capability of new e*uipment'
 /utomating the pac"ing lines #y ro#otisation may eliminating two people per line. it
will increase efficiency as well as decrease the la#our cost.
 Investing in another line will avoid a delivery pro#lems.
 /rranged a meeting with the I* consultant and production team for implementation of 
material re!uirement planning system within E'P pro6ect.
 He thought of purchasing new e!uipment as there was potential growth in demand of
mini pastries.
 E!uipment was e&pensive that would limit the future fle&i#ility of e!uipment. he was
concerned a#out fle&i#ility of new ro#ot pac"ers. first was high speed machines and
second was slower machines.

 +.  )hat main human resource issues are an important 

 part of Frederic!s activities'
 'egular re!uest for e&tra staff to run the third line at wee"end.
 Spotted a guard missing from one of the conveyer drives plant engineer arranging
temporary guard put in place immediately.
 E&cessive flour and fat spillage in mi&ing room which appears to #e caused #y
carelessness of training of night shift operators.

. -n what ways can Frederic!s operations contribute to

the competitive advantage of the company'
 He used to "eep record of all day to day operating activities that would help him to
increase the production and reduce the delivery pro#lems.
 He was fle&i#le to ac!uire new technology and e!uipment for #etter efficiency and
effectiveness in production.
 Idea to invest in new line to avoid delivery pro#lems.
 He has a "ai$en team which controlled all the !uality management pro#lems
eliminating supervisor wor" thus reducing cost.

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