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Jobs nd work experience in French

C n you describe your work experience nd p rt-time job in
French? Get to grips with key voc bul ry nd develop your
l ngu ge skills with pr ctice exercises nd quiz.
P rt of French Jobs, c reer choices nd mbitions

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Jobs nd work experience in French

C reer choices nd mbitions in

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Voc bul ry - work nd workpl ces

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Voc bul ry
Describing other people’s work
Person lise your
Mon père est gent de police. - My f ther is police officer. Bitesize!
Sign in, choose your
M mère tr v ille son compte. - My mother is self-employed.
GCSE subjects nd see
content th t's t ilored
M gr nd-mère ét it boul ngère. - My gr ndmother w s b ker.
for you.
M sœur est inform ticienne. - My sister is computer scientist.
BBC News: Fr nce profile
Mon mie est méc nicienne et elle dore son métier. - My friend BBC French World Service
is mech nic nd she loves her job.
BBC Food: French cuisine
Mes p rents sont tous les deux professeurs. - My p rents re
both te chers.
Future pl ns
Pe rson Educ tion
Je rêve de devenir professeur(e). - I dre m of becoming te cher.
Educ tion l App
Je veux être coiffeur/coiffeuse. - I w nt to be h irdresser.
French in Click
Je veux être plombier et tr v iller mon compte. - I w nt to be
plumber nd work for myself. Revision Buddies SUBSCRIPTION

lI f ut dorer les nim ux pour devenir vétérin ire. - You h ve to

love nim ls to become vet.

J’ i décidé que je ser i voc t. - I h ve decided th t I’ll be

l wyer.

Mon emploi de rêve est dessin teur. - My dre m job is designer.

P rt-time jobs nd work experience

Mon premier boulot ét it serveur. - My first job w s s w iter.

Je tr v ille mi-temps comme vendeuse. - I work p rt-time s

s leswom n.

Cette nnée, je v is f ire un st ge en entreprise. - This ye r I will

do work experience in comp ny.

J’ i besoin d’un petit boulot. - I need p rt-time job.

Je cherche un emploi vec des heures flexibles. - I m looking for

job with flexible hours.

Vous vez des postes en ce moment ? - Do you h ve ny

positions right now?

Jobs, rticles nd gender

An rticle isn’t needed when t lking bout jobs. For ex mple:

Je suis serveur. – I m w iter.

Some jobs ch nge their spelling depending on the person’s

gender :

Il est griculteur. / Elle est gricultrice. – He/She is f rmer.

Some jobs st y the s me:

Il est médecin. / Elle est médecin. – He/She is doctor.

There is more inform tion bout using rticles when t lking

bout jobs in the Nouns nd rticles study guide.

Where do they work? M tch the job titles with the workpl ces.

1.le médecin A.le tribun l

2.le/l professeur(e) B.le g r ge

3.l’ voc t(e) C.l’hôpit l

4.le m çon D.le commiss ri t de police

5.le/l méc nicien(ne) E.le collège

6.l’ gent de police F.le ch ntier de construction

Reve l nswer

1 2 3 4 5 6

Gloss ry

GCSE Subjects
Art nd Design Biology (Single Science) Business Chemistry (Single Science)
Combined Science Computer Science Design nd Technology Digit l Technology (CCEA)
Dr m English L ngu ge English Liter ture French
Geogr phy Germ n History Home Economics: Food nd
Nutrition (CCEA)
Hospit lity (CCEA) ICT Irish – Le rners (CCEA) Journ lism (CCEA)
Le rning for Life nd Work (CCEA) M nd rin M ths M ths Numer cy (WJEC)
Medi Studies Modern Foreign L ngu ges Moving Im ge Arts (CCEA) Music
Physic l Educ tion Physics (Single Science) PSHE nd Citizenship Religious Studies
Science Sociology Sp nish Welsh Second L ngu ge (WJEC)

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