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Indian Global Capability Center (GCC) Market Expected to Generate Over $60

Billion in Revenue by 2025; Experts Cover Key Factors for Successful GCCs

Chicago, IL January 13, 2022 --( The Indian Global Capability Center industry is predicted to
generate over $60 billion in annual revenue by 2025, up from $36 billion in the current year. In India,
more than one million people are currently employed in over 1,430 locations. It is also worth noting that
70 percent of India's GCCs are owned by businesses based in the United States.

Nexdigm, in association with USIBC (US-India Business Council), ICICI Bank - Canada, CBRE, and the
Indo-American Chamber of Commerce concluded its four-part webinar series on "Global Capability
Centers – India as the preferred destination." The topic for the concluding session was "The role of
technology in virtual migration, transformation, and governance of GCCs."

“Let’s start the conversation with people! When you have the right people with the right level of
engagement, other wonderful things are bound to happen. Again, before you even touch the tools, what is
the culture you want to inculcate? That drives the narrative of what kind of tools would be best suited for
you,” Sayee Bellamkonda, Executive Vice President at CBRE.

During migration to a GCC, there are multiple technology options available that can be useful from the
initial onboarding and training stage to the introduction of new processes. Deploying technologies, such
as Optical Character Reading, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Robotic Process
Automation, tends to save time, reduce cost and maintain accuracy. Implementing these tools depends on
the nature, complexity, volume, and end-goal of the activity.

Speaking on his biggest learnings in change management due to technology intervention in

transformations, Darius Thomas, Deputy Managing Director of Business Process Management and Entity
Set-up & Management at Nexdigm said, “First and foremost, it is imperative we get a buy-in from all
stakeholders before undertaking a transformation. It is important to understand who the stakeholders are
as well. There may be apprehensions during transformation as employees worry about loss of jobs, or
perhaps that the management does not listen to employees’ ideas regarding transformation. To address
these challenges, communication and collaboration are the keys.”

The webinar series covered a wide variety of topics which gave an in-depth understanding of setting up
Global Capability Centers and the advantages India has to offer in this regard. Previous webinars
provided evidence-based data that showcased India as a top choice for businesses of all sizes looking to
create a GCC.

Peter Bendor-Samuel, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Everest Group, said, “India has the
deepest talent pool particularly when we are thinking about engineering, IT or data science-related
(skills)… In this world of talent scarcity, particularly in North America, it is a very attractive location
with well-developed infrastructure ranging from real-estate, tax, and even recruiting platforms.”

Peter Schumacher, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Value Leadership Group, said, “If you’re

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looking at establishing something in Silicon Valley or Austin, Texas, as opposed to in Bangalore, you’re
looking at potentially $75-100 million per year, over 10 years and that’s a billion dollars. You could do
90% of what you could do in Silicon Valley in Bangalore for probably a third to a fifth of the cost.”

The CFO of Senneca Holdings, Eric Sweitzer shared his GCC experience, "Giving up control (is part of
the process) and that’s uncomfortable. To get through that, you’ve got to trust your partner, and that takes
time. The benefit is that you get to focus on your business which creates value."

Suhail Akhtar, Head of IG India, talked extensively about building a cyber-resilient GCC. He said, "One
of the things that we started doing is having a zero trust security model. The zero trust model is based on
a strict verification model, and you never trust before authenticating. Data protection, of course, is
another thing that is part of the zero trust architecture. Therefore, it is important to categorize your
corporate data so that you only give access to data to the people who really need it."

Captives, Build, Operate, and Transfer (BOT), and Managed Services were among the GCC operating
models considered by the panelists. They stated that the Captives and BOT models aid in the
implementation of a faster go-to-market strategy, while the Managed Services model aids firms in
achieving long-term economies of scale.

The series also covered the tactical and strategic objectives of a GCC. As GCCs became value generators,
they started to become multifunctional to deliver higher throughputs. Based on Nasscom's sample survey
report, 43% of GCCs are singularly focused, while 57% are integrated or multifunctional.

Catch all the insights of Nexdigm’s webinar series at

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