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Dungeon Masters are encouraged to insert this maze into Menzoberranzan wherever it might be useful. For
example, battle mazes are often used to screen the last route of retreat of a powerful noble house, or one
may be employed to guard the vault of a wealthy merchant or moneylender.

1. Entry
This large room has a ceiling twenty feet above the floor, and three pairs of double doors in the walls. Two
of these portals are false—if any attempt to open them or to pick their locks is made, they explode outward
as a 6d6 fireball, filling all the room with the effect.
Along the ceiling are eight slits, four on each side, allowing drow in rooms numbered 2 to shoot arrows or
darts at anyone entering this chamber. The doors that lead to the maze are barred; attempts to bash them
open suffer a -20 percent penalty to the open doors roll.

2. Ambush Room
These chambers are reached via secret doors and steep stairways. Their sole purpose is to allow bombard-
ment of intruders in room 1.

3. Pit Traps
These nasty surprises are located throughout the maze. They resemble the floor perfectly in appearance,
though they sound hollow if someone taps the floor. Falling causes 4d6 points of damage from the 20’ fall
and the spikes at the bottom.

4. Water Trap
Intruders stepping on these areas trigger a flow from the cistern (#6), which fills the hallway from floor to
ceiling between this location and the nearest stairways leading up.

5. Acid Trap
Anyone trying to open these doors or pick the locks opens a vat of acid, which strikes those directly in
front of the doorway for 8d6 points of damage, and soaks the characters and their possessions. Anyone
standing more than five feet away takes only 4d6 points of damage, and is not affected above the knees.

6. Cistern
This is a spring-fed tank, so regardless of how many of the water traps are sprung, the cistern remains

7. Second Ambush Room

This chamber allows up to three drow defenders to shoot darts of arrows into the adjacent room.

8. Barrier Walls
These are adamantite walls, about 4’ high, with passages only wide enough to accommodate one elf at a
time. They provide good cover for defenders who wish to shoot at attackers; any character shooting from
behind one of these walls has the equivalent of AC 3.

9. Monster Trap
The DM can place a monster of his or her choice here, encased within the three-tiered altar. When the
room is entered, the stone shell breaks, sending fragments throughout the room (2d6 points of damage to all
present). The monster then attacks.

10. Exit
This wide corridor connects with whatever the maze was designed to protect.

@1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Dungeon Masters are encouraged to insert this maze into Menzoberranzan wherever it might be useful. For
example, battle mazes are often used to screen the last route of retreat of a powerful noble house, or one
may be employed to guard the vault of a wealthy merchant or moneylender.

1. Elevator
This shaft supports a small, circular platform that can be raised and lowered by its passengers, or by
someone at the top or bottom of the elevator, by cranking a block and tackle mechanism. The total drop is
80’, and requires 4 rounds of cranking. The elevator can carry a maximum of 8 passengers.

2. Stairway to the Vault

This wide stairway descends 30’, and leads to a large room with walls on three sides. The fourth side
drops 50’ to the floor of area #7. A narrow ladder leads to the bottom of the larger chamber.

3. Pit Traps
These nasty surprises are located throughout the maze. They resemble the floor perfectly in appearance,
though they sound hollow if someone taps the floor. Falling causes 4d6 points of damage from the 20’ fall
and the spikes at the bottom.

4. Mother of All Pit Traps

This treacherous plunge takes characters the full 80’ down, dropping them in the middle of area #7, and
inflicting 8d6 points of damage from the fall.

5. False Doors
This portal will explode outward on any attempt to push or smash open its doors or pick their locks. A
lightning bolt blasts from each, down the full length of the corridor facing the doors. Anyone in that corri-
dor is subject to 6d6 points of damage.

6. Back Stairs
This stairway, accessible only by secret door, leads down 30’ to a network of chambers (numbers 8,9, and
10) though some of them require still more sucessful detections of secret doors.

7. Ambush Room
This large chamber exists solely as a danger to those unknowing intruders who find themselves here. Any
attempt to open the double doors visible on the walls results in the same lightning bolt, detailed in #5: twin
bolts that strike straight out from the doors, covering the full length of the room. Also, targets in this room
can be showered with missile fire from area 8.

8. High Ground
This chamber has eight slits along the wall adjoining room 7, allowing characters to shoot into the latter
from 40’ up, and retain the equivalent of AC 2 from the protection of the walls. The room is well stocked
with arrows, flasks of oil, and even rocks.

6. Secret Shaft
This narrow shaft conceals a lader that leads down 50 feet.

10. Monster Room

The DM is encouraged to place a large monster in here, keyed to attack any intruders.

11. Exit
This stairway is exposed to fire from above for its entire length; but those who make it out have reached
the end of the maze!

©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
House Nurbonnis NPCs House Females

Rynn’qynnil Nurbonnis
Drow High Priestess of Lloth, Level 8

AC 0; Move 12; hit points 40; #AT 3; Dmg 2d4 ( x 3); THAC0
16; MR 66%
Weapon: whip of fangs

Inherent Spell-Like Abilities: dancing lights, faerie

fire, darkness, levitate, know alignment, detect lie,
suggestion, dispel magic

Spells Known:
First Level: detect good, detect magic, cause fear
Second Level: augury, chant, silence 15’ radius
Third Level: dispel magic, feign death, meld into stone
Fourth Level: cause serious wounds, neutralize poison

Carri’pol Nurbonnis Lynn’qynnos Nurbonnis

Drow Priestess of Lloth, Level 6 Drow High Priestess of Lloth, Level 7

AC 2; Move 12; hit points 31; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 + 2; THAC0 AC 3; Move 12; hit points 30; #AT 2; Dmg 2d4 (x 2); THAC0
17; MR 62% 17; MR 64%
Weapon: adamantite mace +2 Weapon: whip of fangs

Inherent Spell-Like Abilities: dancing lights, faerie Inherent Spell-Like Abilities: dancing lights, faerie
fire, darkness, levitate, know alignment, detect lie, fire, darkness, levitate, know alignment, detect lie,
suggestion, dispel magic suggestion, dispel magic

Spells Known: Spells Known:

First Level: detect magic, detect snares and pits, sanctuary First Level: curse, detect magic, shillelagh
Second Level: charm person or mammal, slow poison, Second Level: chant, find traps, spiritual hammer
spiritual hammer Third Level: dispel magic, cause blindness or deafness
Third Level: dispel magic, cause blindness or deafness Fourth Level: spell immunity

©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

House Nurbonnis NPCs House Males

Karelist Nurbonnis Adlictin Lot’ttl

Drow Mage, Level 8 Drow Warrior, Level 5 (on lizard mount)

AC 0; Move 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 + 5; THAC0 12; MR 66% AC 2; Move 15; hit points 31 (each, warrior and mount);
#AT 1; Dmg 1d8 + 3; THAC0 12; MR 58%
Inherent Spell-like Abilities: dancing lights, faerie fire, Weapons: lance, long sword +3
darkness, levitate, know alignment, detect magic (all
once/day) Inherent Spell-like Abilities: dancing lights, faerie fire,
darkness, levitate
Spells Known:
First Level: detect magic, jump, light, read magic Caraf’nir Pron’nonnis
Second Level: detect invisibility, ESP, web
Drow Warrior, Level 6
Third Level: fly, hold person, slow
Fourth Level: fumble, minor globe of invulnerability
AC -1; Move 12; hit points 38; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 + 5;
THAC0 12; MR 62%
Daevion’lyr Nurbonnis, Weapon: long sword +4
Inherent Spell-like Abilities: dancing lights, faerie fire,
Drow Guard Captain (Fighter/Mage), Level 6/5 darkness, levitate

AC -1; Move 12; HD 6; hit points 28; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 + 5;

THAC0 11; MR 62%
Weapon: long sword +5, or handcrossbow with poison

Inherent Spell-like Abilities: dancing lights, faerie fire,

darkness, levitate, know alignment, detect magic (all

Spells Known:
First Level: sleep, magic missile, light, charm person
Second Level: invisibility, web
Third Level: fireball

Pernictal Nurbonnis,
Drow House Wizard (Mage), Level 9

AC 0; Move 12; hit points 24; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 + 5; THAC0

12; MR 68%
Weapon: dagger +4

Inherent Spell-like Abilities: dancing lights, faerie fire,

darkness, levitate, know alignment, detect magic (all

Spells Known:
First Level: alarm, magic missile, light, charm person
Second Level: invisibility, web, improved phantasmal force
Third Level: slow, fireball, fly
Fourth Level: ice storm; minor globe of invulnerability
Fifth Level: Bigby’s interposing hand

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