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David Pnueli and Chaim Gutfinger

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technion~Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

I 1.1 In a ciry the 2.IDount of money people carry in tliefr pcckets is between S l
and $1000. The average amounc per person depends on t.he zone of the city. In
ttying to represenc the cìry as a continuum with respect to, i.e., amount of
money per person, :find the smallest number of people you have to incluèe in V.o
such that the errar caused by one person goìng in or out.of VE be Iess rban l '7a.

Publi~hed ~ ~he Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge
I The P1tt Building. Trumpìngton Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP

l 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA

10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Victoria 3166, Australia

©Cambridge Universìty Press 1992 publisqed 1992 n/G vi'fi, f,;fl.sM c/> #,olo N -r!ft; s1z< dF r+F &!{dvi'
Printed in the United States of America
5'1MPL€D; f.l:"- 1 rlfi: Gi&ul' lv'1rl/Jt.J V.
I ISBN 0-521-44905~7 paperback
I li

:;;J/Cf! ilo 57"fttlf!/Jf!JJ flE>/lf}Tfo!I IS lf!Vff!I Il F!ll!I lì-f!

< o.j

(1.) < tJ. (

1-2 A cylindrical con;:ainer ìs filled widl warer of densiry p = LOOO kglm 3, up to ilie
height h ""5 m, Fig. PLl. Tne outside pre:sure is Po= 105 Pa.
Is the water a continuum witll respect to
(i) densiry? Is ir with respect to pressure?

Whar is rhe height .Dz z of your V i; ifa
deviati.on of 0.1 % in p is negligib!e ?
Is the water a sirople thermodynamic
sySrem in equilibriurn? h

saoJJf' + sMil€ -:>cJade' -1103 < sorl,;(llé+t)

-4'99 < ,;, , 1

How are the answers modified if
p 0 =6x107 Pa?
Tne mp layer of the warer is held far a
long time ar 310 -K, and the borcotn is
7i ~ held ar 290 K Is it a continuum with re- Figure Pl:'l. Water in a container
and srnall cube.
spect m teroperar:ure? Explain.

I , 1.



14e- ili/TE!\ IS #or I/ S!Hflfi Tif€fl.Mo~YN4Hlc SYST<:f//

IN E6'cl!U/3f.!cJN 6fC!liJS€ r!f,,- f'!IESstl!U: /// l r 1$ "''T
V tJtFa~M,

F•tl, P., = tf 1</0

f.~ ;
."1;; <
e -
{k/d7 +!i' :
o-dd! [ - -
J / >,•~ ry

T#;; f/US5V>U: IS t'/UlCT(C/9L(. r (///IFoP.'1, rH;: >11/rf!'!/ C4N'STIT070'_

A sw.Pu: n1-t:l/HOli'ffJJJu1~ SYsrecf'f ,

r11,,- v!/To/( /S I} <n!TIJIVV# !ltr!f /ù;S/'ECr "" ré'N/E,f,frv,<,

Il T<FJ<f'el'ol1Ylr/l€ MifY 6E ;JSS/GllEO r11 €1/0f f'•!Nr /,Y IT.

1.4 A block of wood has fr1e dimensioo.s of 1 mxl mx3 m. Tne densiry of the
wood is p= 800 kg/m3. Tue coef:ficient of dry fricrion ber.veen wooci a.nd concrete
; O-~.i.e.,
.s , · - the block is cL-a.wn on a concre~e f1oor it is pulkd ,,,,:1.r..b. a for-::e of
Q.4 N per each 1 N force pu~hing che block nemici !O the floor. Cclc!.llate fuìd èaw

A bodv of water in the shape of a cube is selected insirie rhe container ofFig. PL'J,, tbe average srress on t iicat side of fne

block wbic'n muches the fJoor, when rhis S:de
such ~at the lower side of the cube co:incides wirh z = 2..0 m The siàe of che cube
· O 01 What is. the bodv farce acrincr on the fiuid inside the cube? What are the
IS • m. . " .. a. Tue 1 mx1 m side.
suriace forces acting on rhe six sides? What are the stresses? Is the whole cuoe m
b. Tne 2 mx,! m side,
mechanical equilibrium? Is it a stabl.e equilibrium?
Note suess is a vectO"r.
Wnat are the forces and r.he stresses if tbe cylinde:" is put in space, i.e., for g=O?
What are r.hey if me cylinderfalls freely? How would you keep di.e water rogethe>?


I rz J
IF PtJT !ti !{f'l!cc
W/Tf/ 3 ; ; o ,; Tlf€ 80/JY FtJ/tC~ w'fl-L. Tl/lf F<RcE r/1€ 13LoCK
Vff// I 5/f . IF Tlfé CYUl/JJéfl.
JS Ct.. •SéO !J#O T!fé !14Télf rs /lffLI 1'5 !/o~MflL To Tifi(
f(Ui:::svfl..lzeo 1 rJf,,. .Sv'J?.Ff)c15 sr;f,;.:>sE::: ;;1a 8é TffE Cotlc1{ET€ IO:. Jxt•3•1M>Y,gl= y7ofRtl

r!/€ F/{ICTl-'V hl2c€ IS rJ·'t~470!/f= 1113S.Ztl

-r;hç f&oucr.> "F /!f€ f'llt:ssv;u- /JN.P r!J.E' ;JUR::: "r Tlfé Po/ICI! M TI/€. 8•TTOH S1f)€ cJF 'Tlfti 6l00f 15
"rlfé f:fPE5'. F = 4]'R1 t +- l§§JS'·Z t lfflJ) rtkP srhf'S$ IS

To IU!il' 77fé >f/)T!'F/( TaG-GTlfG/( 'Tlfé C'('Ll;iOG!( Hr/J:r §. = E/fi·i) = ~:;s-~7j' + 7f;1gt
S€ CLasEO ~;//) CfH-JiJLETéLY Fi/t..L r;1T?f !{/}Té;? . !>• "' f/(;.;) = 7Hf f ~ :;139 t
1. 6 A re:uiln slurry is filtered at consr.ant pressure at the r,,,r:e o(

1.5 A ce:;:;:ain oil ha.s the viscosicy of 2 poise. Irs densiry is 62 lb/fr.3. \Vhat ìs irs k:ine-
V 52.SV +6.2
matic viscosity in m.2/s? 'V(lirJs] ìs the rate t [s] is the rime, and V [litersJ is the filtered volurr:.e. Is the
equarioli. rumensionally homogeneous ?
Try to rewrite the equarion with V in cubie fL Can you rewrite the equation in a
homogeoeous form?
i·S 1-6

/1 : 2. f''1S€- : l'roo111ot1ffl

= 0·2. ~
.., .:;

1 : O• 3oOrl !!!J...
To H-1/Vé I J/ (/f 3J /fllf! V' IN
"'/ • .li (J...
,/ .pi = a. 3o!Jg .#/
.( f'l
= o. 30{2
,,,, 3

,{ j = ,Jooo (.,/~
,,,, 3
= )dOO {_;fel
) ,,,., 3 )

{ ff 3
-= o.Joh
,,Jooo !:".,~'""'"'" (0.30{-~')·V"o)l/u 1
1 -= :s. 111: s §r_,z
1 T · I
V{fi)= V!Jf')•J-o,S, & ' {;re;
_, 7 1

v[f+/>J~ zt.s2. V[l·iwf>J. ·

t'iE ~é}l!iJT/ofl: i g. 3 2... V= f; /rn. Sx z!-32. V-r&-z},,


6 7
1.8 Tne foilowing cEmeasionless nuwber:s are à<:finei:
1. 7 A falling body has its z ·coordinare change fu time as
Re= (U.d.p) Iµ. Reynoids numbe:-
z = z,,- 4.9r2 Pr = µcJk Prandtl numl::er
Pe = Re·Pr Peclec number.
when: r [s) is the rime, and r [m] i.s the he!ghL Is the eqllation dimensionally homo-
geneous? Rewrire the equarion with z [ft}. where U = 2 ;:.n/s ìs tlle flow velac:.ry in the pipe, C: = 2"[!r.chj is U-.e pipe &.~ere:-,
Can you rewrire che equation in a homogeneous form. Why is ilie answer here p= 1000kg!m3 is the fluià densiry, µ. = 3 cp ìs irs vìscosiry, e?= 0.5 BrcJ(Ibm:.,F;
differenr from thar in Proble::n L4? is the spech"'ic he:;i_r of the !1uid, and k = 0.65 W/m-°C is ir:s the~ coné'.lc:j_vicj.

YVhy do dimensionally homogeneous equaiions give more infor.nation? 1;V1la: is a. Wùat are thenumeric::ìl values of Re, PrudPe?
informaùori. ? b. L.,_ a set of exper'.mems the flow in me pipe :;e~a=e rurbde::r ;;.e
U = 11 crrJs. In terms of which dimensionless nur!:Cers should d::.e e:::.gineer
record his finciings? Are dle.""e hidden assump:ions in you:r a.-iswe:"? w-n<:.é cay
the engineer do to verify these?
To fVT z lii TT
,, o. 30~ g ,.., (}.30~1? '-"
1 fT " !=
T' •.,( /NC;f = 0. O z..ç? -ff1
z. (ff] =

I , z.
1 P<il SE = ,, . I ~
..., ·5
f CP =O· QOj li.a
..., . S'
; 1:: ç.$tJ _5L
'f· Jt /
11 "'3 CP =3 Cf X o. (7(7/ ~
""' .s
/c Cl' = c?.C!CJ3 .!:&--
,,.., . 5
o fl. Z': =i':,, - 16·1 t' )
,2 [ ff J
T" ltE'" IS
../ "F =
) 1-'_K
- fK

I '
{ !b,,., = O· 4s-4 ~ ) { = o. Y>~ !<,,
ZE. = "2" --tgr
1 " bsr-. or .L
C4N MT!\!f'Vli' Tff/5 rullt1 Uof!/S.é t/é"'

-'F) ' lf._(i.l{r'-f

fj. 'J(
'i -I- /f,..,)
~ ;r/o~S4
/b,., . 'F ,,.

SLv'IU,y Fil TRllT!oN 4NJ} r!fE/1.EFOJ(


5/fMG' IN I· f.

8 9
1.9 Using Appendix A, change int0 die SJ. systern:
Densicy p = 1'.20 lb/ft3
_s-ç g ,,- /f/dtl
i) a' r =
2.Y o (J
= 33!?67 Tuernra\.conducòvity k = 170 Btu/(hr·fr.oF)
R,,_ = "· ""3 Thermal convecòon coefficient h-=. 211 Btu/(hr·ft2. F)
/' Speci:fic heat Cp = 175 Btu/(lb·"F)
o.ottJ ,..1..tJ?f.JI Viscosicy µ = 20 centipoise
P,, = ~ = o·GS " J· b.) Viscosìty µ=77 lbf.s./ft:l.
Kinematic viscosir:y v= 3 ft2/s
S!efan-BoJtzmann consrant a= 0.1713 x 10-s Btu/(·"R4)
f,,_ l<_e.P,.= :;267zz.
" Acceìeration a= 12 frJs2


10 11
LlO The following empirica! equation gives rhe wall shear srress exened on a fluid
flowìng in a concrete pipe
1.11 The ciiso:ance berween the plates in an experirnental sysrem, as shown in Fig. 1.4, is l
"tw =0.002lpV 2r-3'
h = 1 ìnch. When the up per piace is pulkd with the velocity V:=: 40 ft/min, the shea.:
stress is T = 12 lbf/ft2. Using Eq. (l.18) find the viscosiry 0f rhe fluid. µ,in S.I. (
wher~ --;., :s rhe s~e~ stress in liti,n2, pthe fl.uid d~nsit~ i.n sl~g..'f~3, V the average
veloctty or the fluid m ft /s and r me fi'ydrauhc rad1us or tne p1pe m ft. Rewrite rhe
equarion in 1enns of SJ. units.
il ~ _!_.- .:!!! = i.S
S ~ <3l.J71Jl_,f6.ot'j_~/~'1
ff slv<! lb /ff
= .nS:>f3.~. ~
~-., j
h = ) '~ < ..!-
1 l. ,..,
~ _!.-
.: _,_
t'. t'

:::; (J. z..,:ij, ~::;

V il'-'-
"" =
-;.z_ff ff
/P ; 7' = 12
, ,.,7
'M.g ibf
L , ;.2n'
.f::r = .r;7y.f ,v.{.
r/' :; = 'I

h'jS) t; = o./?iJ2.J x r1s.3t/ZJ, 17.3ofg


-t l
: o flt<Jit J V ' r--'~

12 13
1.12 A metal sphere of 1 fi: in diameter is pur on a scale. Tne scn.le shows a reading of 1.13 A volume of 30 l of alcohol, subjected to a tire~sure of 500 ann. at 25°C, contracts
200 kg. Flnd the volume, che mass, the denSiry, the specific volume, and the spe- to 28.8 I.
cific weight of •he sphere, in: a. \Yhatis the modulus of elasticity of alcohol?
a. Tne S.I. system of unirs. b. 'Whar is irs compressibility?
b. Tne British sysrem of units.

a.. •·llS6..,., 3 J,. y.1nt ff r<.: K ,, __
,. V
s= JJf/Vn =uo/o-11tC:/#'l·S ~f.."
h. : 1616.3 !t.. ·-'-

§ f~CtFI< Vc.W.M<' : lf-~ f =

a,.;· t'.t!c!O..f'"'j3 ..._,~

E.,.= é =
5fEC1FIC W€/G#T:

f "f§-

a. . f =Nf{.J X 7.21 ::- IOS-ftZ·b f .3

J, . f =JoS.3

14 15
2. l A unidirecrional flow between three infinite flat plates is shown in Fig. P2.1. The
~ 2.2 A rwo-dimensional fiow past a semi-infinite si:aùonary flat plate is shown in
r;vo outer plates stationary, while the mid plate moves at a consrnnt velocity J Fig.P2.2. Tue fluid far from the pli!te moves with a constant velocity U in a <fuec-
U"" 1 rn/s, as shown in ·the figure. The gap berween the plates is h = 0.005 m. Tue rion parallel to the plate, The fluid has the visccsiry µ = 2 kg!(m-s), and the èensity
fluid has a viscosicy of µ"" 2 kg/(m-s), and is Newtonian, i.e., it obeys Newron's p = lOÒO kg/rnJ. Tue
s~ar-stress on the ,o!.:ue is me:J.Sured as
law ofviscosiry, Eq. (l.18).
where Re = U::::p
a. Consider Eqs. (2.34)-(2.36) and ca!culate the shear stress on the surfaces of ali
" µ
the plates.
b. Find the farce, per unìt area of plate, needed to maimain t:he steaày motion of · andx is the distance tram d1e le:i.ding edge of d1e plate. This she::.r integra!es in;:o a
the mid plate. force pushing the plate in r.he flow direcrion. Fi..r:1d the farce, p<::' unir 'Widrh ofpiate.
acò.ng on the regions O<.r< 1 m, 0<.r<2 m, 0<.r< 10 r:i.

Figure P2.2
Figure P2.1

"-• .,-,-E HflGN!TVNi N' nl<= .Sff€'!Jlf s-rA€SS od

Pl/!Té!:: IS ;:.c//{f) #7 ,;t(Cé 6Y é&.(Z·J.>)

o<x<,/ )
u -- V h-Y ~ J
o<<-<2 ! l :'L
ift://C€ ON
Tff' HlfJ fUJTt:: i/ix = -f•cJ ,y~ 2
f9,<p dd rk l/l't'E!f f?L#TE: T
= -T
= 9,, ,.yf, '· o< x< 10 ! L =IO

U = VW
J, I
z:;fx ';/'
- hV J

!fé/{c.ç Oli Tlfé HlfJ f'L.#T•' / , , .

-z:;f X = _ç,,, ,,,;:;~
11-NP ""' rlf• L.a<'é!f ,,,.,.,: f...-: 4uo .v_kz.
b. F = ,2, [- {- 4_,i/ = ç"",,,;:., <.

16 17
2.3 Consider- ag~ti the flow between ihe p!~tes in Problem 21. Measurements show
thar on all the wetted surfaci!s, -·

T= =T1y=-p = consta.rit

a. \!irite

b -
th~ ~;,,,.o-dimensional stress
lower plate.

tensor a<: ;:point On the uPper surface ofthe
"Choose a coordinare system x'-y_', which is rotated by ro'4 with respect to the
x-y systern,. Write_ the two-dimensional srress tensor at a p·;i~~~- th~~pper
~urface of the lo,;,~r pi-ate, in lhe x'-y' c:;-o~din-ate -sys-;e~-:'"- 4$ IN a.. k b.

c. Write those two expressions for the tensors at a point in rhe fluid midway
between the lower starionary plare.and the moving plate.
·---~-. --:---=-=-:::.::


Figure P2.l

b. IH Tlf€ x'- Y 1 SYsTE/'f

E&-{.2-~2) yit:WS '
T_c•-<' ~ T,,x {~-€,,, )Cé.·fx,J + T,,y{€·éx){é',,·é.,)
,1 + -r,,, (e",, e~)(e: .<f;,) + Try{i,.-é;,)(ér-·&') =

-r Y
T1I I I/,
= fz:I - 'f•<l"i: I
-'t<Wz:- f'z:

18 19
2.4 Consider again the two-dimensionai flow past a semi-infinite flat plate given in
2-5 Tne stress tensor at a poinr is given as

Problern 2.. 2. Measurements show that on boch wetted sÌlrfaces,

-1 ~]
[ 4 -.:i

T = T1y = -p = consrnnt a. Find L}i.e principa.l di.recri.ons.
b. Find d1e di:reccion in >;:.;hic:i. the shear srress is the largesl
a. Write rhe rwo-dimensional stress rensor at a poinrx= 1.5 m on the upper swiace
c. Can u.'i.e continuum i.n which this tensor exists be a fluici?
of rhe plare.
b. Choose a coordinate system x'-y', whicb is rotated by m'4 w!th respecr to r.he Hint: a fluiò ca.nnot withsmici a positive noffilEl stress.

x-y system, and write the two-dimensional stress tensor ar che same point, in
the x'-y' coordinate system. •·
c. Write again rhose rwo expressions for ihe tensors at rhe point.r:=o5m on the
upper surface of the plare.
/I,= z. IZ.J J ;1, =-G./Z3
EiJ..(<·'ls),F'!( ~' 1
" 11t..
'i'J 1 :::: I .?..,,,/ ; "11,
-. / /

?'Ji.. ;:;: tJ·61~r / 'Yl 0·7 6

g t1 "'
1l .::;- !.7ft _,,...
l -f(l.{l.JJ
1 ::: )

Fot<. ),,_: (-!+G./<3)~, .i-yn,_:o; n, = -o.Jf!11c

b. -rHG slfélfA srt< Arrtfttl> rrs J-flfXJHV.f1 /9-JI.!? irs

M!t./IN.IJJ1 Il{ T7fE PJ/.€CT/ONS ;Jr ,;,r TO rf/€' rl/!Ndl'l/l
c. oftft::s. ·r,qy_/S.
e<.:::;g'.j..~.J"::: 13~) f-id:::o.9'jt.t";

-r <»>•
J ..,. , "' .!- .A
9, e,,= ,>J, e.,,,:-o.n?.Jt"-l•t9<,f
_,! ;.

T,; y r( '·IZ!f:o 19ZS) + { r{- .1tt'l)(-·1U~) +f•~· 1jts}{o.j~z~

(. {.&{)i:
1 1 = -I

-J •(o.9]ZS}:o·lll'ì): -y.IH? .

20 21
2. 6 Three coordinate systems are given as:
(±1 ' Y1 ' zt) ; (.x2 ' Y2 ' Zz) ; (x3 ' Y3 ' Z3) ..
System 2 is obtri.ined by tuming system l by tr:J4 around the z1-axi.s.
System 3 is obmined by mming sysrem 2 by W4 n.round the x2-ax1s.
Express the vecmrs
and S=i 2 +2j2 +3k2
, ~ ~
R=5i 1 +6j1 +7k1
€ Y" = O.fu~ I -1- O·?'f<!: J .\
in ali 1hree systems. e,,c =10
4 A
-J, él...'r:L_=
J ...• kt-______
Tx"Y" = -1•(•·11'")('·m1)+v•{-·11'-')t·nu)

+ i/, {-o-121q ){o -111q) - 3 • (- •-tzr'i)(• ·111s-) = ft. rz-i.J
2 : éXc ; r; (i, f e".r, ) :
li' / "'
rws (rx,, ).,-i-..- = T°x"y" = ?.122s
éy, : i::(- t +J ) J

J: év =ii r(éh +é. ]= If[n:'.(-t+

z. L
13 z. z... J )+ k l

ét.3 =l'T(-'f!'/../+J)fk]
z. l- u .,
'2.. )
e: =~=f{t+J}
3 t.

fltf•fiTEO USE oF [C(I_. {z-41}:

~I> 0 FLf/IO. 5 = S'?,+6j,+7k, A A ..:1

=s-t +&d +7k
A À.

1.- 6=t2(5-~,J+I,_{~ e~)+t{tS-~.J

= t, 11(1•) +J, tl{< )+Rz 7
3: 6=t~ k{{u) +J, t{[![ +7} + k_, 1[[!{(I)+ 7}
s= .A
l, + 2..J, +3 k,_

A: E= ~[({-1)] + {[f'('-)) + ~{J)

3: ;3 =i,[JJ + J,[s-f] + Q,

22 23
2.7 Four coordinate sysrems are given as:
(x1 , "y1 , z1) ; (x2 , y2 , z2) ; (x3 , Y:; , z3) ; (x 4 , J4 , z4) .
2.8 n) A solid rod of cross-sec~onal area A is subjected to a compressive force F,
Sysrem 2 is obtained by tuming system l by 1114 around the.z1-axìs.
Fig.P2.1. Assuming that the s1ress ìs u11ifom1 across the section, find the shear
Sysrem 3 is obcained by tuming sys;:em 2 by 1!14 around the.r2-axis.
srress in the plane B-B.
System 4 is obtained by ruming system 3 by (-m'4) around the z3-axis.
b) A fluid enclosed in a pipe is compressed by two pisions, as shown in the same
Express the vectors i, j, k in systems 2, 3, and 4.
scheme as far part (a). Find the shear stress on the piane B-B. Why is the result

i = t, ) J' J, ! li' ~i different from that in paI1. (a)?


1.: t~=~{t+J)) J.=f{-t+t))(=k


Figure P2.l

4 t,, f[f(t+j)-i(-ti;})-1!'$ J z8 G\. T;/-E 5TfèE55 FI f(i_j) IS T!f~EE JJ/!1é/IS!aN,9l

={t(1~ 'f )+J(;- f)-ii]-}_

J, =[i(;-~ J+J(i+ r J+k J± fl-!YI> Tl/-ti STU5$ H!/TiC/X IS

JYITI( P:-F/,4
k,=~={t-J f Yz'k

r:Lo j·
!+!/O F = -tF
~ o
u)Ui6 €/j. (,. 11():
o o .

z.: t:::::: A -I
WrTll I
"' (t-J)/R)
'l1 '1 ; _
Y] ~
• Yi'
L Jl1_'

k. =
_E,.{2.1.9) YIELJJS T~) =p I
Ì= L\ {1,_ +fi)i-t(
1 -J1;)+1 l
Qq '- ' ; ,_ Yi' ) T,; L = 7;;3 =o

J= i;(f-x{) +JJt +f) +~{-t)

( =t, {-f}~(t)+k, Cf) Ttfç- 51/€;Jf\ ST'/&!:5$ I5
- 1-ll

24 25

2.9 The stress at a point p is given by the matrix

.h '
r: :PJ1
Lo o

1.,, I
~ p. k J !,...,_ = P·;j, I !,,>=o
Find the direcrions in which no shear stress exists, and ~he srresses in these direc-

0.: J

r.lileri I/o·· S!fEiJ/i. sr//..és.s é )(JS/ .S

TO .;; JféJ/Cé

F~M 7;(~.zg) oti {i. 27)


T.,I "' T;, 11, + G.1 '\1l.. -r 7j, 113 = ;111,

T.,,_ = Tii. 11, + hi. 11'%.. +/z, n, = J.. >1,_
I> ZEf<.o) wil)(E lii TI/-€ Ft..u1o(P1Mrb) IT IS p,
T,,,, = TIJ 11 I + 'z> n-:. -f T,3 Y1, = .A .,,,, }

011. I (T,1 - J.) YI, -f- -r;_, '11z.. + ;;,, 113 =o

T,, '}1 I + {r,_z-/1}'1, + T,' '13 =o

T,3 J1 I -r T., ""z + (r; J --,1)11.J = o !

O/I. BY C/(!IHEI<. fl.uu:
' (-r;, - /i ) Ti.1 7j I


I T,,_

T, z

(T,3-/1) I := o

26 27
2·} ('cJt.tT.f

(7-).) o - 2.
Fu({ ;l = f? '
o (s--).) o ::: (?-). ){s--?i){ç--;i)- ?(,-/.)=o

-z o (1-;i}

), ;; S" J )z.-!/;1-1-2.?=o

? 2. = 3 } ;;JJ =8 .


(7-s)-,,,+o- '2.11 3 =o } 1'11 = '1'13

i)-NOT/iEJ\ ( C/fG"O( SCJ/U},Z f/i.cJfliJcTS) ·

IN T/f€s€ f}J/ifiCT/ot{s . '.

o +(r-s)n, +o =o 'fd}
- 2. '\t1 I .;. o .+ (~->)11,=o 2.">J,=-~3
". o o
= YJ 3 =o J\c
'Y1 I
'1 t ~ ./
li/E D!RECTJ01/ IS d ::: ,,


F-~ J,. =3:

I (7-J),,,
o +
+ o - 2"".; =o

(S--3)-,,, -f (),;;:o

11.J :2 n,
}11.. :::: o

28 29
2.11 a. Show that in a two-dirnensional flow field where the srress tensor is reduced to
The s<.1te of stressata poim (x0 , y 0 , z0 ) ìS given by

Tij= T T"'l IA BI
Tyy = C D
o oo]
the two princi.pal directions are perpendicular to one anmher.
o -100
b. Write the tensor in its principal direcci.ons and show that it contains no shear
Find the stress vector and the rnagnirudes ofthe nonnal and shearinc stresses actinc
on the pfane whose normal is " "'

n = (i+ 2j + 3k)/Yi4

Is this material liquid or solid?
/4;~ O~) / = rA-)){JJ-.1)-!!'=o 1
2.:,/0 ,.,.!/ - I
,-Yil;) ) = {{tf+D :±fe+J)f-411JJ+~t!,2}= i[11+0/Y(A-0}'1-çt3' J
/IJJ.O E&.. {i.'fs-): (il-~),.,,+ 8n< =o

ç,~ ,q =}I,= t[4+.JJ+f(/!-JJ)!i.çg<'J, 1/-),=--t{o-!I+~

)0-0 ;,.,,
n~ = ~]/13
r:.,I::; x1') ::--
1 "' S"
VT>1 z .- _/J<J
YI\ Jli;;' ~,
+ f_ [f!-t9 +

T.;,3 = -/HJ •113 =- 1iJ;;'

Fo~ ;]=~,,_=
.f:.{linJ-/(/!-JJ}'-fy6'- '}

1'h = -/; [D-/J -f{lt-J!J'-+<t.e'- 'j/!3 )


= Ti/€ /)tl/EC-ffo!/S

P€t{P€"1iiJ/Cc/(_l/f(_ _

.b .

Sol/O 171\ !10V1#G l/(}l/fjJ.

_, !K
30 ! 31
2.12 Show far a two-dirnensional field 1hat if rhe fluid haS no shear ar all tll directions
are principal.

, I ,
--r;j :- o Cf rf

€°&.·{z.44) '(;r;LOS ( TJd' -A)>1·J =0

32 33
2.13 Ex.tend the results of 2.11 and 2.12 ro three-dimensional flows by considering pairs
from i, j, k.
2.14 Far 1he piane Couene flow find the stresses on the planes v...ith the omer normnls

2· /{ : /; PrJL YttdMiiiL Ft!JICTfrJt.J OF -r!W Tl/{A.D Plf"51?..GF

n,. =- -i+

!lf!S llT UlfST Otlf! "orlr

" " J
,, "
veC'TllSé" Alt'.
_, ->- = f.11/TR.fx


N€GlfTfV€ J /fG"#CE
/$ f0$!/fi/t:

Fol!.. A ~ --

17 I$

t i fo VJ?.;./f.9/
15 [f, ~') v!fE!<E f', I$ 50Mt[ CIV&?/ PII.o: s 11JZ"
7j. f,
ffTP/fi'e/ nfE5E. !fet/Qé -rlfEJU;' IS !f T l.G'IT.< T
f, <o
!Jx = / ' ~'/'r; E<1 {!·IP); (t is)
By ;ç!J.· (1.t9)
TeXZ; -- Tèx =T ~ TèY = o IJ-1117

- Y?:

{TK~ T;y o
Fu~ .;; = ..!..(t+J)
fi )
-n ) ""~=k

{ T.
'd -
f ;~ Tyy o
o "Ttè J
;/E Jfoo/ Uou F'~ 1'1ofi.IF fl{.ftlC!!'l/L })l/{ECT/ol/5 lii r!l,;- 1-T ) 1'tA
,Y- '/ Pl#llc. F/1.u'1 r!/E c:<Mess/M Foti. ;l 1tl_ f"-'6· e.11

;/€ >lié" Tfi!JT rl/!?'11.E li/E >vc!f hFtk :I J kl<'P v'ft'U-ss lflc..

1'1/lGCTldlls IME f/!k - r!ft; TJ/CJ f"ov'#!J .4//E

oP.r!/.of;olll/l . 08!//ovSL-Y .,-#€' 2 pr/(FC7/oll rs N{T/i«fdN#L JR
-ro f3ç71f.
= -f,+7jk[t-J]
Ofll-Y ..
'l_. ( '1. :
~ ./.) Co;.//.

Fo « = ~ '

2.15 Forche Poiseuille flow berween rwo plates find the stresses on the planes with rhe '11 ) 11, = :.L ) 11 :z.. .::

outer nonnals r:L V:;:' R

-i+ j
nz= .,/2. ' (5,-,ç ff.EY!r){J 5 _,.,
Fu« /} E{l/IL5)

at the locations y =O, y = h{2 and Y = h.

lf r Y=o

/J1 Y= l.,_

[:' ;,J . ) f,, G./VE;/) ~<O.

fl 7 Y;h

;/ifE!?.E T;} , =f (- !!:- ) ,17.. e: = t J

['1 GNE;/ /}JIO

fh1D fj.x = h {- ~) !lr J;h

f, Tx;i. }
[ T~} f1

T,-J. "' h {- U)

2.16 A flat piate of I m2 is put inside a wind tunnel. as shown in Fig. Pl.16. \Vflen the
j tunnel is run !he plale is held in piace by a force of SON, which balances the drae:

j force exened by the alr on :he pfate. The intak.e side of the n.:nnel is open ro th~ 2.17 A model of a cenain airph!.ne wing, which is essentially a flat plate of l m2, is put
aanosphere. inside a wind tunnel such that its angle of attack is a, as shown in Fìg. P2.17. Tne
a. F!nd the stress on the two sides of tbe plate before me tunnel St.1r1S runnincr angle of attack is defini::d as the angle by which the plate is tiked up relative tO the
incoming flow direcrian. When 1he tunnel is run che dynamame1er balancing the

J b. Find rhe approxirnate stress on the surfaces of the plate while the tun:el is
runriing. plate shaws a farce of 50 N in che direcrian of the air velacity (drag farce), and a
force of SOON in the upward direction (lift farce)_ The inrake side of the tunnel is
open ta the atmosphere.
a. Find the srress on che rwo sides of the place before the runnel StartS running.
b. Find che approximate stress on the surfaces of the plare while the tunnel is

Figure P2.16

a.. L€r T}/é P~SWJfe IN Tl{é" é')!Vff?.c?Nrlt:NI '1t;-

P. Tift71 T/k: .ST~ES.< 011 TJ/GC Wféfl. .S !Oc I,;·

Figure P2.17
- P.i 1
/tt.JP d/I ~ L.v.verç $ JtJ{;" ~J
a. vl1r11- €//VtftoNJ-!ENT P1<.&s.<vl!,,ç &F Po
/f/€c $ ;i(r:s; TE'NSP//. !f-r -ri/'7 Scl!ff7'/U7' IS

r:· J
b. 7Yx ;::.
T = [ P,-fu
::; = Vl'PEI?. S!Of!

- ~

3.1 \VhatisthepressurearpointAin Fig.P3.l? 3.2 Tne inclined manometer shown in Fig. P3.2 is filled wiill water wlùch reaches mark
B on the inclined leg when the pressure tapis open m the atmosphere. A pressure p
is applied and the water levei rises by L = 100 rnm. If d = 2 mm and D = 100 mm,
ili what is tlle pressure p? What is the errar introduced by noc the water

'i level drop in th.e wide leg?


Figure P3.l Multifluid manoroeter.

Figure P3.2

P,, : :J ( f,, . .A~l1 +f.,. L>h.,) +;: 1/

= J'ff{i3brJ.tJ•tJ./.S-;f1JPIJ•ll·JQ)+f,

= 2 z ~S'.J. ~ + P, /'g::c>1L. r I _i
/S f,N - _,.., _5 rl/<: f/EU/7tv'é Clfl{PI? IS ••IO ,

pf- 17.174 /(.

p= P..;. J .f,., Ah"'?. +JJ.., L f.,317' :;°, +J-!l·NN•d./ ,_,317'

= P, + '°f1o . .( f;;scJJL. .


i 40 41
I 3.4 A kerosine line is fitted wìth a differ-
;n????, ui?u>?Ouu ,,/ 1ù2?.

J 3.3 The pressure difference be:ween ential manornerer. Find the absolute
~oints i and 2 in rhe piping shown in pressure at pointS A and B, given
F'ig. P3.3 is measured. using the p 0 =100k.Pa, Pwa~e.r=1000kgfm3,
manometer show11, where H = 3 m Pice:roso:ne = 900 kg!m3 and
and h = 0.2 m.. The pressure ar point Pmer=y = 13600 kg/rn3.
2 is L5 bars. What is the pressure at
point 1? Which way does the purnp
I purnp? Trf€ Pl/Mff:f) F'-VIP IS ;.rifTER.
Figure P3.4
~ Figure P3.3

./ b~I = /Or ~1
P,, = p + 0 d (1.s f.., - ll·SJI< )
p1 =p_ _,. q_ (f h _ p f/ )= ;.5r/Os+J-f1{!;/_,,,.2
2. 0 H Jw "' J oo r!O; + C/. ~I (i.s- d sbOO - //.~, 7'0) =!.J Mr(ils-
-/goo,J} = /.Jr!0"-17/{.g ~ 1{7z.r-3 ~".
1 #/...,.

= Pe,= P. + d{z·-'J,, -&.<f., -(io-~)f,}

h J/tJt!J..0 /3((' 2. é/(il. > [2·Srl3b•O-ff·S-r/d!0-{•7' 0}
: j;-or/0 -t r·tl
h >o


I 42 43
3.5 Ali known materials behave like fluids at pressure higher than 10000 -<- 20000 bars. 3.6 A mercury barome!er gave a uue reading
Assuming the upper solid Jayers of Eanh to have a densiry of 2.5 g/cm.3 ,estimare the of H 1 mm Hg. A qt.:anriry of fluià B was
thickness of rhe eanh's crust that stili behaves solid. Estimate its Ehickness then injected inm rhe bottom of the
below the bonom of the sea, assuming sea depth of 10 km.! barometer tube. Tue B fluid rose
on top of the mercury. and ilie situati.on
became th:o.t of Fig. P3.6. Wnat is L'ie

J.,_ ; 2.. S- (j'f"""' = '2.Sd& %-f.i, . vapor pressure of the B fluid?

H 1 =760mm, H=660mm,
p = ;,ffl) -c-7..ofM() "''"" = Jc l.;. z ,;o
~ '. r
h = 100 mm.
PHg = 13,600 kg/I:n.3, P:s = 850 kg!m3.
Ftgure P3.6

P, =d J,,fl, = d JM !/ + dfs h + P.,

P,, = jj,.., (J!,-l/)-Iah}"J-;1{n&,,;f-!)-ssoroi}

3· 7 CitN/.

3.7 The rese:rvoir in Fig. P3.7 h2S agate with h = Im, b = 0.75 m, B =
H = 6m. \V'hat is t..i-ie resulta.nt force acting on the gare? Whar-is ìts point of applì-
T!fE /'-iOHOIT dfl = (B-.6) ~-}!/-/,) J~
cation? Whar shouid be the angle of the slope ofthe walls, a, to m2..lce the ~~ of li
action of the resulcantfo:rce on the wall, R, pass through C?
11~ = fJ(iJS!J-) ~-"(:;-11+;,).J:J.=[tfB~br~"-{11-h)fJç
J=H-h 4' r

=f' ffxf''°' ~-?!" [•77s-.f,-x]o-J>}= //f 333./3 ,I_,

/,r11-t.. Fo/1,cG : F = F, +F"

'2. tf/3/ZS""
• ;( .
Figure P3.7

fotNT oF IJP!'Uc4rrdfi OF fl.EC:ut.:TIMT Fdlèct::

Cri CE,<17E/?L/,</E oF G'l7T€ lir TI/E f)t:Prff (F!foM


7/fl? CENT/1010 oF (]) W!/T€f<. S:i/!IFJl~E) OF Yr- = _!! = 'tl.S-!~/S

; .0:-sj "'1
h ' e-h ' i. F o!3Jt·.S- .
I S il T 1. F0Jri /if<;" /30TTOM} J.(3".
fiT" !/- f1z. F/fHJ
TOP. TJff/s F
I = [j_f
( ·
1/-11: ){hh) = 'j·fl•ld!O.s'.!">. !i
I -rJfeJJ; F<i/1. I! U/'11 T 111 o rii: A -
Tlfé MOMENT OF TH!,; Fo!(c~ /(EU}T!i/é To TI/€"
_;;,,.,,e(, )
YF P. f
( j 'l.
s;u!<.F!Jc: OF TI/€: if!JTé/{} I5 ( J p,v!IJll/llP) ì;
11, = {a{jj;J)/;d(J- =
g_fh ij'/ =7-ff~!MoxoJS'P'·33 )
6 M=
,;... «i
: ....f~~ J/
"' o(

= 2.Z.3177,S" #,,.,.
T~E 'l\
Cé,1T/Utò OF '-" /S !J r h•;3
(. Ffi4'"1 !fio !!<JrToH '.<l lfGE~Lolfc.o-
~ = } J./ . Wr.1 F•ll. a.. ro f!J>> 11/Jfo!/G!f C
Y,) ( i3 - b) h/7.. = .
rifu,;, F,. = "j f ( !/- 2 - - - 1. ..-...-.::! GC€
~e{= cf:jéiJ = CG/l}c) CG :f9CYCE="%
ll = 'j-11 </&oo (7 )(o ·7.rj(±) = -zol?ft6. ZS- ,V
i~-;;\ cG-/11-C =f i =Co<-:$,,. o<= s-4.7?' )

.. ,Ji -j·
w! 46 •• 47
3.8 Vlhat is the resu1tant ofthe forces of the fluig/acting on the gate AB in Fig. P3.8? 3.9 A rectangular water cha.1nel is 4 rn wide and ha.s a circuiar gate as shown in
What is Ihe moment acring at poìnt A? (Give the answerper unit width). Fig.P3.9. Tne gate is kept closed by a weight at_ point E. Neglect the weight of
the gate itse1f and find what wcighi:just keeps the gate closed..

Figure P3.8

Figure P3.8

1+.R12.orlr/IL f/(DJ€C710t/
OF -rHlf Gf!T€

~ = f j.{-;;:IZ \7j; -fh !<. Wr57s-')f J /?.: ,':_7s,: .f.q64 f?. = Sd- 'li' f'x~:YjSIOY Il

J3WY8tlCY <7F rlfé :>1/l?f)EO ;J/(Elf. r,;= f39/f3 J{ S/fMii !TS !3Vl7Yf/11CY F: {;=; '-1-F/) /-,_=_ç-g H"Y ~ ;./. 1$ F = { F,. '+F,, '") /~

(?/l.Ai!SSd!Ui f'ol.c<{'s fét.P€t<!?!CUUM ro G-/1T!', lf€/(C€ F
Tfo/é !UiSC/lT/ftJT / f.Jy Jç tf.
f'!/<SES "T'lf~!f C · /!€/(CE!' t,,..13 : F, = /. .fJ I , /.! = .f}t'Z '.
) I F; --I
f~$$U/l.EA I< !lo!i.M!fl To 'T/fé S'V/{,f'!/Cé,
fJD.l. f
I !ffl/Cfi lit:== L .= j.f6Z

I! /}€:

~c.: R-
/xf;..,f :


li:~ = ii(_ ~ t: i. o~ '1 F;

ftl! = ~E:+ Ep = 3 "j/1

J M:: F xfiJ) = z z..!16?.oz.. ;ti,,,, ""

11 48 49
3.10 A tan.k: is divided inm rv;o pa..rts by a vertical w2.ll, Fig. P3.10..On each side of rhe
will there 1s a diife:emfluid... A conical stopper plugs an opening'in rhe wall.
a. Vlhat is the resuitant horizontal farce exened on the stopper by rhe flttids?
b. V.'hat is tb.e resulta..11r verrical farce exened. on the stopper by the fluids?
c. Vlhat is the moment of ali rhe forces that act on the stopper, with resuect to its
r:nidpob.r ar the cer:irer of r.he wall? •


Z -h = (!r, o.l1J7S )/(f.7/•fn.p7s') =0.010

F cR y f'
l1f/L : o.Ò/O" f'!4z.'f = f.'/-4 Y- C•vNré/I LL•<U"'!$é_

Figure P3.10

JJ1AMETE/1. oF s Tof!'é~ /}r Tl/G il!lll: JJ,;~

o,, THG /UG!f7 ( fl.n1itll.i( 3} CéNTef! OF G'.-f1.flilrrY = CENrE!l

dF /3VCJY)}Nc Y.. FrJJ( fJ1MEJl51tuis ;;E€ h. ,;tuVé}

J),~ = 2. - (z-o·sJ-f.-- = t· "-S-
r, h =f r_1__ - .;<.. r!+o·h'2(1+:·''''Jj::: a.ftzH
=-i f .0,.11 i;,~ =-e 3?7t.S
~ ~
F,,~ e Li-o·''S J' ·1- 0 .ç1..S'

' 6 I f'. :o.J/<700A-71"n3!1 1!~"1 or J<o.iE!lr : H3 - li,+ o.1-·f'."' f-o. f_z.41f +ç:z.s-;: rJ.fz.ç6
Ort tH€ lc::J="T; 11t:c..-:

fJ>'c = Z - (z-,.r)
.·?,; e' 1
I Hv1.. = •-s7.r& Fv~ t:.J2r6,2•7..,. 7 :1~·
F>11.. = t f.OvL' ~L 011 rlfe lEFr

b· IJ.v rl!E fl.!Gi! r (sé E /1.€H4AK :>: .~;=A,, R, = ,,.,,., 1/3 =1 )

... ,/ ,\ A.
v'.~ = ~-!/ ~; -
Fv~ : k 'S v~
= k )·fJxl/'d ,2.1r= kH777
flf..11 = h~ +0.21:: o·vr-r-6
0.<1 TH€ LEFT ( f1€M1'~l{ 3: f1,= o. f 37.ç/ (/. 2 =~Li°, il,: Q ·>") Mvi =o.y.>.S-6' NL. =.9/.5" tf,..,,

50 51

MoME/Jr oF IH€!/.Tlfl oF A e 1;<cuL1h'i AR'"A 1' #i?JE!I of' 11 :>llcE:

fi BO<IT IT:> Ctitl'r/1.410 : '()--

\ Il= :z(k :.) '-
Po LI? I', : I""- = Jr il
- ----
--- -
h /oL<IM€:
lri. I' ' -
Jr/" f/h: = 'ii'!ii/;:
t/,fl. f R.
9 'e
= 211 = . h,
I? 'r -!\.----
5 E<Tlo!ll/l. : Ixx "/;r',;fj t
I? "'''
i(JJ =r/<i
. o '"/!·.

I X X =~~ ) L.«t Ij[f = /(x-'+'(f ~J!f

"J..IJJ CbKr/Y
fi.cM ffil. i( 3 . VoL UH~- /O-NO
Assume air to satisfy pv ""'RT, R ""' 0.287 kJ/kgK, ali drrough the aunosphere,
Gi1.flV1Ty oF /I Tf<,UJJC!lT€0 CoH€ and the annosphere to be ìsothermal at 300 K . Fmd the beight below which lie 99o/o
of the mass of the arrnosphere.

E«<· (i -3) :

-r;&t1clfreo cO,rG" {5-flt1/JEIJ).

. rz ,_ ·."' v>· lb
f(/!_ 1 <
I 3

v::t. = 1iR'J/,
t. 3

Cu'1 f'.4tUN6 Zwi 1'1-rfl rflE E",Mnl llJ7LJ1v:: - -r;1.ç ;JssvHl"T'""::

!è /XYVE /f !lé :f'//$ TI F/é.0 .

54 55
3.13 Tue balloon in Fig. P3.13 has a riiam-
3.12 A spherical balloon with a diarneter of 5 m floats in the air at a height of 200 m. ete of 10 m, an.d is fille:i wirh hydro-
The annospheric pressu..-e .ar sea leve! is 100 k:Pa. Assume rhe aunosphere w be an gen at 0.l 1'1Pa anà 300 K. Negkct the
ideal gas sarisfying p = pRT, R = 237 J/kgK at me consrant temperatureT"" . weight of the balloon ir.self and find
300 K. Find the t0tal mass of the balloon. what farce it applies to rhe baske! ?
What is ir.s farce when the balloon is
s= p
fi.lled wirh helium?
Air, hydrogen anà helium satisÌy the
perfect gas equation, pv = RT. Figure P3.13

S-2. 3{O x/(}
=(p i,/RT) = J V = f( ~ 3<N

56 57
3.14 The float shown in Fìg. P3.14 is used
to conrrol the specific density of brine 3.15 A cylinderwith a bottom section made oflead (Ple.o.d = 11370 kg/mJ) ìs filled wiili
with p= 1100kg!m3.Itisdesiredthat ~arer,. as shown in Fig.P3.15. The toral volume of the cylinder is 15.7 liters and
variations of lo/o in the specific density lts we1ght together with the warer is 16.5 kg. The cylinder is placed in a solar pond~
ma.niiest themselves by variations of The pond- density varies as p = l+O.Oly g/cm3 (y is in :ro). Find the venical
1 cm in the height of the dry pan of the location of che cy\inder.
float. For d = 4 mm, whar is the
weight of the float?

TIT€ M4S5 oF rHt:: F'C..(Jfff IS 4Y/; IJ.µO
VoLUrfl: oF /T5 SUNK f!JtfT IS V'
Figure P3.15


ì Stf/C/o


Ml = //1N j/ p = p0 +10.00 f!i [ ;:r +a. oos-,:i. i]

P"6 - P'""_ 4 =- looog [;,,~+o. a-s--{Y,,. '- { 7;_,-1) z)}; 11
/dOO ~ h,.[f -t ti•O/ Ye -ro] ji
16-t" d- =!} {ffe-P:;g-1,) = /S:Ì'Ì'</iJ-'1</oiJO!}•l-lll7_{;-roc1Y:,J r'

~ =s. o7 e,,..

58 59

3.16 A wooden cylinder (y= 700 kgfm3) is 3.17 An open rank shaperi a.s a rruncated eone is fiHed wìi:h oii to its top. The tank is
shown in Fig. P3.16. Calculate the suspendeà from a rope a.1d ìs pa:<Jy immersed in water, as shown in Rg. P3.17. _;
forces and moments thar act on the piece ofwood floats in the oil, as shown. Galcul::.•e the forceF exened by rhe ro~e
cylinder (per unit length). Will the on the tan!c, assuming the weight of the empry tank ìs negligible.
cyli.nder rotate? Would it ii it were an
elliptical cylinder?
Assume that the fluid does nor flow
from the tank through the seal.
Figure P3.16

"IH€ !fo/IJZ,ONTifL Fo!iC<: F,, = ;]SL J) =

7. gJ x /~Nx6,z. = 1177iiJ y4 / 7ffG S:#HG /}$ otl
11.fe ffo/llzortr.11L. P /(oJ€cTfo/lf çF -rH~ fJ.kd ·
Tl-f-€ vE!{TroJ~ po Re.E': pV =J(IY =J,j.f_D ""~ ,...Jfe. -,/rJdf.) [)ISfl..fiC€S o/L fts ITS Wé:l6f{T ffflO /IE,f!CC
( ,,-- .t
'j. g Ix /ooo 'f- ~-,; = 15'ho · 1<'(4"'

F = (1177-zo ~_,_ 1s-f,10') /<. =l!IJ2f f J!, ='/.) /)L; I ) if3 • I)

f.""'= FvjF,, = IS#ro/117720 = ~·131 =31_,,, (1 c.,.

2•( +f') :/·' !J33~ /ltiO lrs W€1G#T IS

o(= J. f6° ; Le k !{,'- ~ ?<>o < (. 833 =/6SO ;I

Tillii VoLl/J-<€: oP rH,ç IH!-fc;://.><:O P/91'.T 1s{ fi.Eftff/fl{ 3 1

~e'cli//stc 'Ti/-€ Fo/&:€" /S ;'E/(fENDfCVU1~ 7'o nVE Cy'U_.,;7,ç/( o,= I ) r-13=0.g; o,. z-{2-1) K ;.'-.:1.J')

s;(}l?F/fC€', THG" CY<-!NOD( ti/l<:L ,ll'o/ /C.1.rr!f-T€· V,:, = '!;"O ·S <(o- S' ~,.o ·S' •O. 7 •Ò· / ' ) ; /, 26.> #}IJJ T!IE i//GTliHT
fl-;1 ff~Lif'T{C!Tl... cyLINCJG"!Z 1v1a.. JfoT/fT« 'TO OF 7/fE PISPU! CEO //i/TE'P. / S:
f//J1..TlcU'-lfi? r;6!UtL-18f<jVf-I /'#SI TIC'//.
G,, = _f, v,C = /;po</. z6S- -= f 2$:;- ti.
TH€ Fot?.c.c I ,V //f€' ~p,ç: F: C,,1{, - G'.,, .= 3! .r #.

60 61
3.18 Tr..e diving bel! i..""I Fig. P3.i8 ìs Jowered into
tbe water. Irs weight in atr is ~V= 4800 kg,
IU'.d L =2 rn, D"" lOm. d""2m. Tue air in- T/f€ VolUf./.€ OF Tlfé /ti;( !fT ti :
side the beli is compressed isothermally, D
./ V' L - o.~y 1.06
r~1'~·--z:- =3->3o..., .
i.e., pu = const. The arrnospheric pressure Vi/il: o L =o·
is Po.= 1Q5 N/m1. N eglect fae voi urne of the
metcl of which the beli is made.
How high will the water level rise inside the
be.-11? W1ll 1J1e bell sink by itself? Once sunk,
\!iill the bell floa1 by itself ?

Figure P3.18
. ~·


tPF r!fe f;.11< /{( rii€ t5€L'- J 6€Po4;:


f!cE!NG S:VNI.( I< i{ Il~ ("HG° /$~'-'- I s Sr./NI.( -rH-C

J/I IT IS <o11l'fEsse.O. SVf'PoS€ r11i: f>EU. 15
/ti I 'T
J Wll- Te:;;t..


su~Fi'lc€, I 5
511/11< UNTILL
su/l.Ff!CE OF THE W!fTét?..
!TS ToP 15 J!/..ST /JT /lft:
/lft? w!fTt,;fi. (.€Yél ;!(:;//!~ Tt/é-

ÙL'- 15 -rf/€R ;
8-eLl 15 t/d/,/ /z I
µElt:;v'//EO FIW1 Tffi;; F/?,G€ s//.'1FP/CC

~ V. ,/ .-·A
~ h = /. 711..
= d 'Z.. )

= ~ et- 4]
(" J" !JJIP
T~us tf -
4 = jt) '+/No«

I T WILL NoT c_utJTiN!/t:;" To >ltvf/..

D -1-/ =o. r~"" . r'Hé f,E'LL V/ll t/07 $IN!.( Jl3Y /70,€1..F
J/{:;l/Jlf:' !JfG' 13,;U.. I ffT
TI/€ Vl)i..UME' oF Tli€ I/li?

THE 5U~FflC€' /5 ~ :
Ed 1 L = {. t..;'3 _,.,3.
4' '

62 63
3.19 A steel bell, (p$ = 8000 kg!m3) is shown in
Fig. P3.19. The weight of the bell in air is
W = 8000 kg. Its inside height is 3 m and it
contains 6 m3 of air. Tue bell is lowered ìnto
the sea until its bottom is 10 m below water
level. Tue air inside the beli is assumed to
be compressed isothermally. Find:
a. Tue tension in the cable which holds the
b. A window of a circular are sector of 600
is fitted in the bell as shown in the
figure, Find what farce acts on the
wìndow. Figure P3.19

' ' " ' v'olUr<IZ

oF THE $T€€i. !S

ff<it{;lfT oF Ttlli" i/!1TEI'(_ IN

>{ = ~ = f ..,J.
-rflG" 6-€'-'._

~ =b 3-(io-f-bl,-j = J.Z..)..,.,;
Vii + !/; :: ç. ,z._ç-

d {!/-{vfi+'ls);)= ?-fl {1000-f"o{y.zs-)}=

>67t7 r JI.


A box-like barge is shown in Fig. P3.2L \Vhen loaded D = 1 m, B = 5 m and
3.20 A man named Archimedes had a 100 g sphere which lookedlike gold. He b<!lances 3.21
e =3.5m. The barge rolls tO the angle (1. = 15°. Assuming the load te be well
the sphere on a scale using a cube of gold, as shown in Fig. P3.20,_and then rook a
secured, what is its righring momenr? Assuming the load to be water-like, with a.
bath. Being absen[-rninded he took the scale with hìro into the water. Now he sus-
free surface, as shown by b. in the figure, what is the righting moment? How is
pects the spbere ro be gold plated silver. How much silver should he add beside che
the last result modified if the barge had a veltical partition dividing it into two equal
sphere [O have the scale balance in water?
Pgold = 19300 kgfm3 PsD.ver = 10500 kg/w3 halves?

e ' a:
Figure P3.20

Figure P3.21
!ti W/ITé/( IS.

T!f'1T OF S'IL VéJ\ !s S:r!I =/oS-00-1000 :e 7S-o!! ~/., 3 .

;,o éV oF 6-oLJ} {rlfE c!/&é) !IEll?lf lii tlflrEJl.:
T 100' ~
= J{?z ol

G9 "VEf\ = 10?- :lo Ji'·

I/r;; S!fo l/{-f) !JJJJJ {. J' O ff ;'

~ = f3 = S
a= C+- f 5;.,1.s-'=4.147; d=c-.fri 102.~
-nf€ CéNTfffi. oF /JVoY!JrfCY {5<Pé //EMf/1(1{) IS I/ T

'( _ h( a~J.d) = z.:>?G.

Xe a"-1-fta)-zJ'
= 3(ct+d)
=1 .l"J? J < .. :>{a-1-d)
r;, = J ~ y'_,. J(f (6·e)=17.s!J-«f..,
'I I
66 67

U5aè VE/J
FaR<li {Poi{

(!1't7 èEN!i-71/

1rs X /ttlJJ
oF Ti/€ f38t1G€) w!y /3€

'( Caf.1PaNoT5, /}N.f) TI/et!

I ;; . 1.f e"" r. /.,_

TifG' /l.JG#TltfG- HoH<t1r 15

f/Mv-r /44 y
=7.s-0 3 J(t =73b0 a /.,..,~ L&Grff ·
/10M!iNT$ T;/<C o/1/G!N CJF TH'é Cn,fJ}//'l!fToS
(2. lo/ - f. f72 )Ft

FaR R PIA-rE/l.-Lll<€ Lolt.O; /YITI/ i/ v'G'l?TJC4i.. Pli!iTJT/at/

l/1711 fi..EFoVZtlCI[ To Tif€ /l.€f.11MI{'

Fai{ Il W'Ell-S:ECU!l.EJ) f..OIJ.0 Ti/G CEllT!if/, oF G!fl!ViTY I S

II !
h=/3;1.=2·S'IQ= t ' 3 ~
D+71&'--1S'=/.1.} d=.0-f&-JS'=a·i76

f/T ~=fiJ=o.s- >;;=t.t=-zs-. l/ls<J/FG/=/F&/ · ~

T>k HOME;'/r OF

Gt1fl VlTY W'!Tif f<.ésPécT To 7'1,;- <J;Vr;:,// 15 I _____.. ,;

'/.. vc=ric:tl pa.-ciCcn \

. \fC'
\__ =

HG =-r:;x Y,.. + Fd.r ~·· = ~ [-2 t°6'$1.>'- a·S'S-:-.1sj=-Z·>HFG y

Tt/€ /{!Gf/Tf/16 MOMeHT 15

(z ·s-'VY-1 J7z.) F,, = 1.5· 7.6'f..tJ = /~fJ37 ,i~ «;11Gr#.

FaJ1. ti >/firé/1;<IF lol!D l!s s,fofv'N Il/ FIG .p_;.21h 1 ;;,.,o

VITH f?..G'F~l{€.Vcé T(l TlftF /(,EMlfR1< dN Tlf~ CEtYT~I\ oF G,flJYITY:
T/1€ RJG11r1xG HoHlfr<T 15

(z... 47s- - /. {7z.) ~ = jy.OS'S'j(j.= :;1sn i.fa Lé/IGT!/.

68 69
i'!/E C€J./T€X oF G Rf/VIT'"f oF
il ~JG!/T- l/ilGlEfJ 11/1?1JE2é 3.22

e, b y

'0--d r 111


s · zI: p,," ~ TILT OF e:

----;-x I
h = 30. )
2 J
o/+ a-d=-1.0..d+a)
.3 3 l' X= a'+lad-u'-=a[p.1>-1-1.-"H-;f-owj
e 3 (a+d)
li= J(a.+d) Xe f}= ,/{ah)+/ i..l![a:-d~
2. J e, ci. l 2.. y _ h(avid} =a.{1 S---z ..rf--&}
a.'-+ t;o.d - t...d l e - >(a+d)
:; {a+d)

'fc, : 2:h ) fC. -. .!I.

Y W!5E 3
ie !f = Yc, (dh) + '{, ( ~ [a-d])
t1g = ;;;,. . '( - F,y. xc
= h [o.+2ef)
'( 3 (a+d) )
F.G-À' =-F.G <a>e _;
FG-'f : - ;:;,__ç;.,e

;vfG z. à - FBY
'' ·= FEX · .1 .!.
z éi

I i

o 70
3. z.i.. CoNT,

3.23 A safery gare is consuucted as. shown in Fig. P3.23. Tue width of the gate is l r:.!,
§u&S'T'JTUTjoN oF flt_L. lé~HS,
b = 1 m, h = 4 m. Fmd the rnoment the water exens on ti'le gate. At what wate:-
To~QV€ N"f< Uli!T U!t/17T/f height h 1 will the gare open ?

ff ( iJ) = o. '7 a .f"d- •

F = 50,000N

= :f(s) f{e)
Figure P3.23 A safety gate.

T'H& CEl'/r€11. o F ·nf€ Gl'tTE 15 li T Tlf• J)Ef Tlf h' )

f(e)==- (2 s-cne- o.&s-)Y..:.& h' = h - 11.,

z /.~(e

Ti/E' PIVOT 15 11h;

h ' o /,
11, ~
I Jj-[h-b +J)J d:J.- = Jj [ f (h-1->}+;}; o
S;}[:'(A-b)+ !'] = /dOdYJ·fl[!.;_ (1)+ f:]=i?JJ.>";/mt
Ti/€ HdM€J/T ~Et{Ull(r:p TO of'é;/ ;f/€ !PfltO I? f/F 1
MF = b F = 5orJdO !/111 = Hh I )
>11n/ h, J)fiTE'RM 1t1etJ /3'f tJ
flh, =JJ[~{À,-J,)+ !J!J =-fodo~r11[ -f:{h,-1)+±]=->dMci
(stie- f'tMV€). IÙ11e.E' h, = 10.Sz} Ml.

72 73
3.24 A re=tangui2I ta.'1..l;: containing oil acceierares at a== 0.1 g, as sbown i.-1 Fig, P3.24. 4,, ALT<l.NRTIVé flffJU!/lof 15 -ro Cc;./5/L!<C'if
Once the oil ìs .:.gci.n at resr (with :respect to whar?), what ìs a ? (Ignare the
ma..'lorneter inside ::be oil). /;Fcro/1.11!'/L é&vllr/d;.'S 1 (;·~) 19,.;o {3-.r)'

J ~ = - V p •.f ~ = tJ D. = - VF - kS' §-
- a
0 ,,_

"'I S••
o = - rf - .r ( 2a + k8)
''JT"o ,--,, (3·r) l!/llsE~> ~Jf,E
eIM10A w C~· > X I'

I o: - V'f + J s
Figure P3.24
I ~ li_ e ·e·l
~ -é' - Jl
ì -e = le:
A Q -f- (:
KG- ) - X =;;:a A
I .- G-

I e fo1NT> fJo>M>fMiJ Ff/10 ls !r/CUNEV TO k !3Y

I I f J -fr=ja -:O·~
LET Q e<JT O= - T7f - efG
w'iTH /T$ ,:-vfl.Fl/CE fE!<.f'E!lf!JCc/l4A TcJ e ·

i/ENCE t = e< :: !/. 31 e ·

P = - fax'+f~J; ~ =

F= -Jax -f8 r.+ e .

Tlfé" FREE svl(FlfO:!' !S jf CMsr;f;.'T l'Ms.>vXE tJ//E

Q_+qd"io_ •
o- dx- - o ~ a - 8 Ta,., "' )

C( = /1-31°

!::} 74 I 75
l! _I
3.25 Tue tank in Fig. P3.24 accelerares at constanr a. From the readìng of the mercury
manomerer, whar is a? Whar is a? What will the manornerer show when the
experimenr is repeated withmH the oil ?
lii TI/E O/l_

Ttl< S-Ul\F!IC!F5 iJF TI/lii HE!ICl/;/'r 81: p)( ~
oHO p)(+<lX
riw1 ~+M: -P,_, = -;[q(i<+«x-x).;.(J(=-+"':;;-z)]
= -1(({6X+J"'i!.).
0·4 .)
<li!.=-0.1-2/ .)

I?x+4K - rx
" -- e
-f o.4a - '7.lg/ J) 1$ OJ3 V/uU5

Tiffi' SlffiE /O~iJ/}TftJ!I f!E//Cé

. )

o lii.)"

.,.,fs, . 1'<
a=- &·f'fz
- - - - - - + '- ) "" e<' = lfa .) °" : 3 r. o 'l • '
/) ,; TI\ lllt;./fT l/NG" TI//( ~vGf/ rl/E' S'C/,lfF//Cé"S Or

Tifi?' IVI€!\ e u t1. 'r' I s. I' lf;f!ll.(El. To T!IG' .>vl(F!'/Cé O'r

l!fl?' O!L_' Tl/.C Hl/Nil/.fi;TE!f Jj//l..L slfo4/ r/f• S/J·M~-

IN '9N é.<PE!(/MDvT 1Y1rlf No o/L.

76 77
3.27 A can on wbeels accelerates freely, because of gravity, on a slope: Fig.P3.27
A pipe inclined a.t an a.11gle CI~ 300 is
closed ar the bottom, as shown in
Neglecting fricrion, find at what angle f3 would a fluid rest, relative to the ~art, fo;
Fig. P326. lt is fiiled with water and
a :::: 300, a= soc.
then rotated with Cù = 8 rad/s.
W.1at is ·me pressure, Pa, at the bor-
tom of the pipe?
V/ha.i: is the pressure, p,,, at t:he axis of

Figure P3.26 E

Figure P3.27

L e-r h

UP ,_e - '.:! = kcJ /1N0 y tMIMftL

(J €
J €LéMé'NT!lflY M€Cl/!lfl/CS
Q. = § Ji-.c<. . A

~ = -k~
/!1€ w'l!TEI{ //,/ T!f€ flté 15 l?CCéléil4TE!J
TO k './rTrt ;:. =ta<h«- kaf-,«= §ç...."[tGY><-hfr•].
pi€ 1

~ L .fj.t._SO l€T
BY a =-'l'cJt (cEtiTAffETl'.c).
ù105 JJS:-.ot{Ec,;.sf;(-ké-"] =-vp-.Fcik;

E<X(J. 4)
BE llT Q )
Ofl. o~ - r;T +sd-{-h{1-0'ot)-Z',ç..,,xer.<o<]
=-V('+ fd [-J;4H ot-t's-.«]cn«

f,q 15 f17HOSP!IE!{IC .

= C : f'.
f ld00K'f·f/•f·<S- ~ Jo' - TlfU$ f =o
soo• g'-,1:Z.S'-S-'3o'=t; -11117.? S' Et' /!!..SO SoGUr/oflS -ro

78 79
3.28 A cylinoncal tank 1s fi.lled wuh oil,Fig.P28. 3.29 A C"ScuLai:- hoilow top, Fig. P3.29, is filled with smcil hole r\.
I A U~rube filled with mercwy is fineci in the
tank as shown. Tue tank: and the oil roane as
a solid body about the vertical a;i;:is. Deter-
water. A small hole is made at point A. Tue
top spi.1.s abour its vertical axis with an angular
velocicy of 1Orad/s. H = 1 m, R = 0.7 5 m. ·
T r--""'c:-ccT-;-
mine the angular speed of r.he tank:
Poi!= 900 kg/m3 , PM = 13600 kgfm3.
Finà the·pressure on the internal su.rfaces, 1, 2,
l 2

Find the forces acting on the sesms cotmecting
}12 3

Figure P3.2S the flat piare 1 with the cylindrical shell 2, and
that with tiìe conical shell 3. Figure P3.29
, .,

i /lt'P W!Ti/- Til'7 0/1.!Grrl !Jr !?

1 ff/Es,;.11/1.E:
P ~ f,, - ?fio Z!r S'dooof''"

BY CoM510ERulG n/E orL.: -Tf/E P(U;sscJR.G ~T r!IÈ

CENTE~ l/T Ti/E FREE s-vtfF!lctç : i! =i'= o J P=f. =c.,.

TI/e- ffl,Essll//.e- /IT l=o , i! =- 1.z...,'
P = P, + f.,c g 1-1. = P, "''i"•'i·i?l•l·Z. = P,.,. /o.f"'!S-.
lEr r!fls fo/ttr 8E JJEFt#EO :,,=o Fo;f TI/E Hé.fet.111y.

/';, + IM).S- = C I
M .J IJN/) #r ,;,, ~ O. y7.l) ~ = 0· 1:

p= C'1 -_J,. !J 0
• ?1.S- + fJ4J~ o.?~= P, ~10.f"1.S--1:,loo•'J·Rl•t!·tl-'
o -S-z77t +/ot'.!ti.!'"
+f_xt.Moo•o·r''i.J': fq = p_o .I /}Gt::$f/$& .

Tffli" H/!/{OMETE/?. 15 a,'Sf ro //1€ //7'NoSf'l/li1ft: 'Tll-E/&E".

/11tg41'-= -'n7i' J cJ= 7 ,..,,;fa .

3.30 ·. ,. · · - ' b•ll
A cynr:cncc.i ""· , F;.,,,.
a •P3 ·30 · h2.S a rnass of 1500 kg, anà
. . an. i.nne:- volume of 6 m .3 ,
while just toud>Jng ihe water suriace. Tne beli i..nner he1gn[ IS H ~ 3 m. Tue .bell 1s
tJt.:shed downwa!u __, W1.Ul
· · ....
uie 1--,..;al
..1u s:veed
• q rriJs ' and Llie air insiàe 1s assumea. to be
· __, is
. o•'·nn- 'lyl.
"""" ""' • · .,e with pV = consranr.. Neglect the volume of ili.e metal
fro~ which beli is tr,ade, and consiàer the hydroàynarnic resisranc~ of tlie water
to ·me motion of the be!l an add.itional margin of safety. Fmd the rnaxunal value of
oe,..,.,..,;ts the be!l to float back by irs o,,,.n buoyancy.
. . . h sru"'l .........

~y rHfi" l3€LL W'!fe;; N;/;.!} 7"P rffe ><'l/Ftlct; {r'i€ PKLY PUk•

n Go 1 J ~ . ;J,.,. IY!fé',; JJiW,;

TI/€ CE;.1rsl/ <>F &l/llv17r cJF
rile- l!ifi. lii 7He- B<Ll {H.-IJ) ffefcG OF T"!IG" J)JS/'l.J9C€.{) ;l"ré!f)
Figure P3.30
1$ liT

TH€ VoLllr! G op: Tlf€ 8lf"L.t._ .t'l/lc;f S'T!LL PEt<.M.Irs

/3Vo-fJ1flcy IS }jO~E TffEJJ V,, } JJ{ :1,=foool ~=1-S"""..,'.

11/mf f V= wefsT 1 f. V,: = f, V, 1 fe =f, ~ =f, /r- =4 f,
f = f, + j;j-h, \ =: {fs-?,)(rJ = 3/',/fJ 7 il1rlf hg Tl/G
7s-o r' = %31777 + /;/tf;3f3 -!fg3fo9 : 7'f3tJtf/

L€>/EL oF T!ft:" '//JTEJ/. ll{Slf)E T'f<:; BIOLl · S!l/Cé V, =4-

y ::_32,$.._h.

Va ;
T/f€ Borro!-( OF TI/E Sl'.//\T oF r!fé BEL'- 13él..o1V' he IS

!/ (!- ;f) =- 2; 25 ..... . TJ/e 8€GL !Ms 71/<i"d l>ESCIE"/lt>t:"D 8Y 1, J

h0 = h" + 2-2.r- = 3 •lo jfi,,,,7.n )+z-zr= 3-Z.83 ,,., .
hv 1'A./JKJNG r.r1s .ot:sc~11r ti/€ !J,éf..L. c.osr PrJ7CNT1tt-t.. G"A'e:rtG'r':

é'; = :J-11 Ji,, =- ?·;f,l!;-orJ> 32.83= ~$3109 T, hWJJ krNIE"TIC ti}l~IE"Y:

'],= f11y' = 7s-o J'·

I 83

_J ~-
3- 31 Cal>IT . .[

3.31 Figure P3.3 l shows a chamber designed to test underwater windows. Tne win~
dows can be set in ili.ree orientarions as shown: horizomal (A), venical (B), and a~ B. VG/1.T!c~L.:
an angle a ro the verrical (C). Tue windows themselves are plane, and. have rhe
shapes shown in Fig. P3.31 a~e- Find the tota! farce exerred on the windows, iLS
directiou and its poìnt of applicarion. Salve the problem far ::.11 the ihe ~ow~, ·
and far each of the three orieriracions.
MfiG//ITl}Oti i$ P,_·$, Wl7"1f (=fh.=7.9/•INo•lo
~ 7;100 p,

F,_ = il?JZoN .

TlifF Pwtr or= f}p/uct9TtoN oF Tlf• FaltcE s /~ oJI

T!ffi" l/E!l.Ttc/}(. 1/-XIS oF S'(MM!!f"Ttf.Y OF €1/CJ/ P(/t/J)d>/ ;

1 /tr rJ/E OFPTff Y,, = ~ ~ ::;'

>:. ,5

t f--2m---l \-1m-j
I f--2m---l f.-1m-I
d. e.
b. c.
Figure P3.3l A chamber far testing windows.

/). !fo~/-Z.CNTlfl.. :

7'J/E ToT~L Fa/I.e€ 1s ftppu€Jil 11-r rii€ ci;1irGA. oF

GllC!f 4'11100>/ /!NJJ rrs fJtl1€CrfdN /S srttll/G</T i!P

rtl-(ç pfi.ES$r//1€ 1/1' -riff: it'ttl~dWS Cé/11'€/?_,; IS

c. fl(Cl/l/Ef>
~ = fh~ = J-il •loOO' IZ ~ 117720 PA I
Tlfé TOT/t(. Fd>ICES /l;l.é F Pifl.€CT/dN ' !{O/?MflL

rlfi!S To !11xooif

TJ/[; f"N/.C(i'i(. /}J/.é 1"/fç S/jr!€

ils '" Cf/<E i3 técJlvsç s
f!t10 i;, A/1€ r~,,_ !:'9Hlif.

3.32 Repeat Problem 3.31 for the case of the window
3.> I Co.<r. 2. given in Fig. P3.32. Note th~r whiie for the shapes
è! Cll'NS!fJl:f<. Jfl.G" in Fig. p3.31 -the farce and itS point of application

J Cr:Jo/?,P!t./47"<= Z:; may be computed either by direct inregracion, or by

making use ofthe shape's mornenr of inerùa together
Mth Steineis theorem, far the shape of Fig. P3.32 t----2m-------1

direct incegration is exo:eme:ly difficult. Figure P3.32

I TH(; CDNFIGIJ/{ffT/aN !ÌEJ$FCGflif/i

I lf!ff, Tl>'O Jln.S dF >YJ.1Hi;'TJ1.

l/lf/Cit 11-1<.E N"I PE!<.Pé!IO!Ci/llJ/1. J

iÙ7J/Cé: ~"- = JHJI TifE t-!dHO'JIT

...+-- V OF f t1El.T1fl 1.s

-r!ft: .s/J/'fE Fo/1.

! o file lf.téi:. T!f~IJ{)jf O .

l.. ---2..----~
LET IH.f'/ u· CoMPUToiJ.
I x'x'
Ix·x' ii" !}oh =h) fl&,.: r[') ao ~tf
<[É = QO - €0 - /;' _ .!.. :: o.zol
- T z.
Ix'x' C;rJ te( + Y.'e . . Ii;aej,.,,; = : : . G.€>+ ~.Q€{t &ErOEj-z.
'.i' .
:: '»:"·0.207/
" 3+ '·t~· o.zq1•(·t3ft) • -,,,0.1700
e<= T . 4/iBE ,,;rrli ~,;fEcr Td HN,
Hl"f!!{r tlF fllç/l,Ttfl OF

a. h. C· d. e. I Ffl. _, ,=•. t1z H

(1 Q.td7f ''· y!'f
sci:/,;I/ :: -'1.~ & " 1. '1
/o.orZ /(!. (!(1.. TC! jiii
1-.p " IO. O! o 10.ooi .fl).Ofb 1'1010/T JF fJl!f/1.Tlfl &F A &CF /l..Éll/TIVlf

1 il-S~o! i6
= 'iC ~ ~ 11.)'.. : 3.1. J I .SJfl/l'e:"= f-z.l,.17M+o.11zv~J
jHrl JZ. C'.
'1o1tDIT :.!.' /Afo~Tlil oF ~l/t{ $i/111<::: .1.37{ -r f

Jttlf = fff!, '&e - 1·{/ff • <U )= 2-f·{o/•a.in1)


C"HS!PGR, rllt:

Cl1o!f P!NlfTri i!:.

Figure PJ.31 I

-r~E TorA<. Fa/k,ç 15 ltPPUé/} J/.I ·nit Céf/Té'4. OP
TI/! 4'1/iOM ;fNJJ !TS fJll(€Cr/ON IS snllf/G!/r i!P

l{J!{~o!f. cc;rré!?.
rilt: pf/J;ssi!//.G" 4'f / K 15
~ - fhc = J-V x/ooo X IZ = 117720 P,, T
-rtl-E TOT//( Pd/ICES /1/1.é" ?,_ • $ , $ rii< IME!/ .

r=; <' 117720X/.1142 = Jt6ffCl , f ' ::- Ix'x
V., . f3
!3' VEf!.TJC!I L ' "'>"
Ix'x' ~L?[
01( + ;(
M~G//ITVOfi I$ ~ •S , w1rf t:_ = f h, = 7.9/•f:Jo•lo
= ? g!d{J p,
t;. G. ;

0, = Jt!O(l > f.y1~z: !3f733 ;I

Tilt Po11/T oF lfp/uohl'N oF 7'/fé p,;/c€S 15 o/I (

TI/« véf1Tic/k ;fXIS. •F SYMJ4€T/(Y OP Tlfli\' l(/llJJO<I,

/tr rl/e NFPTif '-'

= ~
' { ,5
., Ve I

r. = J0>/·Y'92.
+/t': /iJ.rlfl""

88 89
3.34 Considerarions of srrength leà engineers ro consider sphe.-ic:ù shells made of glass
3.33 A resea:rch minisubmarine is designe::i to op:rate at a depth of 500 m in the Se2... The for the windows of the submarine in Probk:m· 3.33. Tue wet pan of the windows
dens:iry of se:;. warer is p == 1050 kg/m. Tue glass windows of the submarine are has the shape ofa seccion of a sçhere - all variatlons are onsidered, frorn. a flat piane
rounà, with a diarneter of 0.3 m,. and flat, to prevent·optictl disrqnion. Tue subma- to halfa sphere. Find the forces and the mor:nents far the designs of these windows.
rine operates at all orienr2.rions, Le., the windows may look downward, sideways,
or L"l any other d.irecci.OI'.. Find far what farce and forwhat momenr mus! the win-
dows be designed.
tN //.t!i$<-éf1 3-33
-rff i:;ki)-rE<-r /10f}!F/clf-rfN.I ;,;
Fv Y\ .,-11€( lfl}lr s/'!lél<E .s;;Mf'é:

f;.J[' x/0 ~

f.t/ /(,w:


u/"{f:j'" t rft} 3

J J~ >~ "'e c31~3
f{F = J'- PJ = Il J'J 11_,..,

3-35 A cylindrical rank contai.ning water
3:36 A warf is prmected againsr being by a ship by a bumper connecred to a
(p = 1000 kg/m), oil (p = 850 kg/rn), T fioat as shown in Fig. P3.36. When no ship -i:ouches rhe bumper th!: farce in tl:e
some ice, and a piece of wood, ìs set lrn:
chain is 20 k.N.
on a scale as shown in Fig. P3.35. At
the bot10m of the tank there is a c:ircu-
lar hole wii:h the diameter of 0.3 m
blocked by plug_ Tue boa:om area of I Shìp
the ran.k is 2 m2.
a. Find the farce needed to keep the
plug in the hole.
b. Find the weight of the tank as
shown by the scale. Neglect the
Figure P3.35
weight of the empty tank.

,,_,r11,;,,,,. Z-71s7 ~ Figure P3.36

a. Find the ma)drnal resistance farce the bumper can offer.

a. . =!?.b ·ilPt.clG = z.79sq'

f 7
~-"" ~ 117{.3,/
T b. Find Lfie amount of energy absorbed by the bumper-float syste::n before this
roaxirnal farce appears.
c. Find the amounr of energy taken from the moving silip as it pushes in the
bumper by 0.4 m.

a. .

.b . rf/'lé T~ltvR dr ')'Jfé t!UHl'ER, I s

lls T<i-Ei &UHN;/I.. -rAJ/vtil5 IJ,'( X ..

F = J,o .,.~ (3>-3 ~

-20) (/·Q{]
--...r d-~1'7

( E!le~G-Y == I
F.ix ~ ![.,,, + 13 .3 ;!'.- }lx=[iu .. }b_,.·l'·
_j l ..ç{J C•/1~ ~
= f. 7C"J RJ"
c. rif€ F1!.sr f)·ftfJ-t TIJKé 1·7t?k:! }/}!.IN b.
-rife- /l..IFST 1 (.~.I (d.ft-1'.~67)- I riPK~ ft·f-"·<1/7),..~ :::

Cl· lJ.3 -" ::!>3·3:;::: I/. f1.fJ kJ.


4.2 The average air velccity in the intake duct of an air condirioneris 3 rn/s. !be intake
4.1 A sysrem of pi:pes is shown in Fig. P4.L All pìpes have rhe same diameter air temperature is 35oc_ The air comes out of the air condirioner at 200C, and flows
d=O.l ro. Tue average flow velocity in pipe number l is q1 = 10 m/s, to the right.
through a ducr, also at 3 mls. The pressure is arroospheric at lOS Fa. everywhere.
In pipe 2 q1 = 6 rn/s w the right. Find q3 . Can there be a flow wirh q2 to the left?
What is the ratio of the cross section a!eas of the ducrs ?
Wnat is q3 then ? that some water has condensed from the air in the air conditioner, how
does it affect the velocity in the outlet duct?

~~-q, __=_l_O_m/_s__ --1(~~~~~~--~- I fl-s-

' ' r-. =
Figure P4.l Three pipes. I },· = j; = 3 ) J = !Zr/p )

J; T,
I s,


if//Etl WJ!TE1'. IS édJlt?c;/SG"O -

Ti/E VéCOC!Ty JYJ(C OEc;<.eJs<: fJT riff: ce/7'-t:r.

W'l/€N 1'lw k /'1.0LG' W!fTE/Ì CoNOE;l!:G'S PE!f 1 HH"U:

M IJ(Tr/IU; fJT r!f-E I JILET) /I/€ ,N€W VéLoCllY 1::.

WITH %' =- b~ IJ-/fJ/JJX!HlfTEC( {il»· IOE'7é G-;75): 3 (ì-n,) -/>


\I11 95
4 - 3

4.4 Compressed air is introduced ìnto the ballasr ranic of a submari.•e and ù..-ives th.,;
4.3 A pressure vessel is equipped wirh a small piston of area As and a large pismn of
water out of there with the rate of 2 m3/s when the submar'..i.--ie ìs ar_ lhe Cepth of
area ALi Fig. P4.2. Tue vessel is filled with oil, and a farce F is applied to the smaìl
lOm. Tue atmospheric pressure is 105 Pa.. VVharis the flow:rare of t.b.e ejected water
piston. Neglect fricrion and differences of heights of oil and show that conservarion
when lhe mass flux of compressed air is inrroduced a[ rh~ depth of 100 m?
of mass and conservariou of energy lead ro G = F(AL!A5). Tnis is the principl_e of
Can there be a siruation in whlch, because of deprh ar1d downward motion of the
the hydraulic lift. Far- F = 10 N and AL!As = 1000, find G.
sub marine, the :ra.!e of water ejection becomes zero or even negative?

!J€PT!f I> /NTE{{f/1.€-rf:f> lf5 pi;rrff clF SrJ!f.f'flC1"

cF J/llT€/(. i!IS!Ni TlfE t!"91..Ut5-r 7/fNk..

I f/E COHf!\ESS/rJN /fJIO éX ?85:/otl iJF TJ/E !li/1 ,fi(E' !l5W#€!

1517 TEt€f.. MllL !Jr rf/€ w!lnN/ T€HPEJ14 Ti/U.

Figure P4.2 Hydraulic lift. 7'rl€ !/1/1. Pfl<i>>vlff i/ifEJ.! TlfE f)€Prlf 1S !O.., /S

> J r.._ 1, 00 xJ-l?f•IO= l·Jff,../17,-f,,

P" = lo fJ 10

+ o =
/}No rl/E vo1..r.JM€ FLUx oF .41r< V=-_§='.!.,,.,;{.
'" f'
J '"

lr1 1&·11
s40 = J,, = .>- 9f_r;.
P, l·J1' !,, =
liJ~ i/.
T{:~ " !i.. = -

= •. 3'z ~/s} ildr<:Jf E7EcTE/J !I T

LéT 7'11€ t/Ji.LIJ$7 TfltJI< C'g/'fT/9~f{ r;; _,,.,' ~Il\


l€T Tlfé sut,11!1/1Jtl€ :>JffK. .4r h ..,,;_,-. tVITil !VO _>Clt'fLY

oF Cdl-tP"-.ESS!f/! !li~ dV=-V.P,, Jp

dt h p• Jt
.J...V__ u f fi= ili
tlt - Vi, ?,+Jsh ;lé · ifcw Li:r CMf/U$x.O

€NTcf1 /i T i{ {:Nf'E é:rlJHf'Uf, )/;., ) .

V,;.; ff <o W!lT€f1 IJ//ll Fl''-' /MTO Tilé rfltll< ·

96 97
4.6 A water container has a hole in its side, Fig. P4.6. Tne water flows rh.rougb this
4.5 A steam boiler is fed with water at the
hole with the velocity of qh. = 5 m/s. Tue effective size of the hole is A= 0.1 m2.
rate of lkg/s. It supplies steam at at-
Tue pressure around the container ìs atmospheric. \Vhat horizontal force acrs on Ùle
mospheric pressure and 1osoc, at the
same rate. Tue s;:eam speed. in the pipe container because of the ho le?
is lO:::;l/s.\Y"hat is the pipe diameter?

Ftù-M /fi/)l€5

f {P= Jos f,, i=1•5:'::) = ~·.Sf!~ ~~ ~ Figure P4.6 Container wiili ho1e.

G = ./ kg/~ =('i/; d~xjo J"' y rd'>'fO•o,!!1$1/

( v/lrè!f ) (i.r-:4rt)
I / ,_,
a== o.rb'!J...,

J . J:." 'JhI ;1 =- /&dOx .>x:;' xO./

:: - 2.SdO,.; T~ r;/é lcr/


98 I 99


4. 7 A fueman hose ends with a nozzle, as shown in Fig. P4.7. Measurements show 4.8 A jet of .fluid of absolme velociry q; emerges from a noz.zle and }ljrs a mo..,.ing
AF = 0.01 m2,AE = 0.0025 m2, qF""" 8 m/s,pF"" 578000 N/m2, PE""' 98000 N/m2 anà then ru.rns, Fig. P4.8. Tne speed of the fluìd le:aving rhe vime, refa.rive to the
and so is the annospheric pressure. Tue hose is flexible and the nozzle is connected vane, qer, equals the speed of the fluid hitring the vane, relative to tbe V2.Ile, q;,-
to ir by a flange ar G. What are rhe magnirude and direction of the forces acting on The vane mçves at the absolute speed Vv- Derive expressions for the farce rhat the
the flange? If the base is notheld, which way '\\in it move? fluid applie:S to the vane and for the power deve!oped. Find Vv for which the force
is the largest,. and one far whicb the power is max:imized.

Figure P4. 7 Fireman hose.
Tih: X lh!:s !...!ICS 4lo!VG- T!f€ tloZ?.. l€ Jlxls po;flrJtlG-
T 0
Ttlé /l.JGl/T. f! fr;. :o: fp G/l.,ilVITY 15 Figure P4.8 Jet, vane and velociries.

rJEG-1...liC Téf). El!{. ( { tfy) /!él...0;5: VIE c!loos€

4 e-V ;/!//cl/
F',, ~ IJ,,(~-?,) r fl,;.fJ;,'-1/=fiz: 1-fovES J;llTH
T~lii Vflrl E.
= 4,, {!{, -;: ) + hl,.J}; z_ "9eJ{ff; J;{) '",, f/LL nE>SrJfi.$5 /iU
il T Ho sf'i/Ef{I e 1 i}tltJ GKJ!VITY
: O·ol(<-7f'o•O- Jllod1:)-;. 0·0/<"/d(/(7..-llL-d,_,Z.s",/•dOxax~)'= i S J/€(;-Ll:CTE.D
" 2-f(d d ,; ro rllé ~6HT. /lfls F•lfcG' 4c-rs o/./ 11
1/1-rlf Tlff f/}J/€ w'/Tif 11,, 7}fG' CMS>- S'EC'/'/MI f/!V=tf
Tift: FL/l!IG€" G . rlfé J/oz..z.u: PrJt..t..s 771€ lfost: ro
dF THI: Noz:z.LE )
-r!fr: f/f/SS Fl.i/X INTo 4NJ:> <JllT <Jf"
-rtlo Ai<NT. rlfe PrMCT/o/11 /# r;/,ç ;/os<f V/l.l.
J1-r "'J /J,, ( J: - V,.);'
I Tifi: C-\/ IS j /}" ;}Ji.J>
Movi; J)EP€t.JOS M rffiE FNfCt:S llc-r!J'/6' (7f'/ r;fé 1'
IÙSE AT Ttfé l.éFT S//)€ <JF Tiféi' rt..IJllC-o- v.4iV!ii 1 t:e<.(fr.~'t) ..

100 101
., -

4.9 A nozzle moves wirh. the velocity V n, Fig.P4.9. It ejects a jer which has the veloc-
ity qer> relative ro the movlng nozzle. the nozzle can swivel to form differenr
angles ~ between Vnand q.,.. F:ind an expression forthe forcedrivingthe nozzle
in the d:irecrion ofVn, and the power obtained by this farce. Are iliere Vn values
which maxirrrize thìs farce, or this power, as in Problem 4.8? Are there j3 values
which do thls ?

/lfE Fafl.Cé I~ f'11/;((f11ZEQ Fvft:

1/f./Clf ts #EG'7T!Vé /}5 l.otl!i 195 9,. >V,:: Avo

/' /
9 . " 1fv fw'!/!CJf /$ .1 H !!l!HliH).
Y' I
Figure P4.9 Moving nozz1e and jet.

i..Er X

/}T Vv "o.

Nor !JCCEU3"!/J!T€)

lv'!(tcif v!J!l.S!ft;S Fo!f o7 - Cl,

Yv -y, e~ ''t"fH!/H) "t1JJ
,, ,,., ~· 1 m Tf/E P"J/€/?, : V"' V· FX "JA V.,,, /!!,.'-
't/ l """,1
...., ;-

2. Vv =J;· - V _; =V::::'="=s:;;..L~J~:==;J=J'1=J7=y,=1=H=V=rt, TI/E F~l1ce-_, F,, J /}oés ,Vn- PEP€AIO (7N Yv (iJs i..gNG

A-s !lo 41:1{.oOY//!JH/c fl.E9s./,4Ncé JS Cé#.S:IP€!&U?) .

liT JNCM4~E5 1./lrH il , t = 17 f{4xrr1 jU!S !'..: #;IJJ V:

102 103
4 - ll

4.10 The nozzle in problem 4.9 is fixed to the circumference of a rotadng disk. such that 4.11 The sprin..i<ler of E:x:ampies 4.) anci. 4.l5(Figs. 4. 2. and 4./G; is ser insìè.e a high
it srill moves with Vn· Find rhe rurning moment and the power. pressure water tank such thar now warer enrers through the nozzles at ir.s anà
exits through its central pipe. Tne warer flow through this cen~d pipe is at 0.6 m/s.
LET Tl/'3' f/.fff!ltJS op TJ/é f}!SK f>E f?. 'Which way_ does the sprinkler rom? Negiecring iriction, what is the maximum

Ti/€N J1 = fl. F; : f\ f /l J:: U>-.<! 1 /lfi /'!Pfl€NT.

power h can put out?

Fll....slH €x&MfLE 4.3 :

.lì lì
Hp ::: 7jro.rJ!'
= P.()o 2.. *"
~ _:1
= Z.""lo .....,

:::: fiJ/::; f Z.>r/O ... c

~H& S/JM€ ç~fj)-Ef'-1 {;e.
rr).ç&'S-2.:: .-"l.,

.r I' lfS '"

lii-€ Powé~ w • , C'NSG"Rv'liTfdH OF Ml/$$ : /f,.1 Ot3Séf!V<:J1. Arvlolt:O
To -ri/-<E sf'/(itlll.lG"R (rlf€ CMTJ/.dL VoLtJrti[) St:ES

Q"' = 2 J;: 4"

%" J; 1-4;fi
i- I

!I s
Sf'/( i('//I. L€/i.
S' lfo /,/,</ :

.,,, ·~

Cl ({ CUM FF:R€NT111i.
V€l oc/ TY


104 I 105

i:i..13 A ram-Jet airplane flies horizonrally wirh a velociry of V= 600 rn/s, which is also tlie
4.12 A rocker !.s releaseci from a flying vehicle at a horizontai velocity of 300 m/s. Tne
velocity with which it sees air coming inro itS engine. Fuel is bumt at the rate of
rocket engine ìgoites and sends backward a horizontal jet of gas at a relative velocity
0.12.kglkg aIT. Tue combusti.on gas leaves ilie noz.zle wìth at q,= 700 m/s, relative
of 280 m/s. The flux of the gas is 3 kgls, and the mass of the rocket is 30 kg. The
totheairplane. Til(ç ;1~/t oF T;f.€ /1-IR. INTf!J/..€ fS ~· Z.S""'-m~
flight ;:akes place at such a height that annospheric pressu,_--e and aerodynamic resis- _
rance are negligible.
,q.,o-i'ii'qr ~F rilfi ;Joz.·uE Ex1r 15 o-JS- ,,,~. J,"f.'L
FIN.O the drivingfon:eandthepoweru.sed.
'Nhar is the acceleration of the rocket 1 second afrer release?
What is tbe ve!ocìty of the rocket's jet to the ground?
i;152r,11}T1~il {t;-3')) 13€'C<'l1E5:

P, "" - JPd [su {u.) d:i,

,5" - = - tr; /J, + tf. l!e
,.So ;:>o

IJ./ il cobJ1P1Nf!r<: SY5rl:!H Cli 7',/.ç G'/f?oi/NJJ

rJfE !foo(ET
P, = t { Jos-{"·7S--/J.~s) + l·Zx{ooxo.u·('.12 ,-7,0-t-J}
f.ÙVr:-5 hfiTJf y -?t {1ffF p) 0
-'} ;;~ 1}/F -df,,, ?!t: :: [' { o.S-><-IO"°+o,3312.>IO"j=&311.0 ;( T;fè-
- ,_, ?t
lfèso ;f T r!f.G" t:!X/ T .' f'tl,Ji/1NG Foti.CE·

+1 I.s, "' -'} +J;:! = T!f€

HE,Ycé :
-Q1fl' "'
? 1!J
Jt F

<+ - 1..)

4 - 14

4.15 \Vhat are d1e estirnaced corre:::rion factors far problews .+.é, 4.7, 4,S, 4.9, 4.iO,
4.14 A steel pipe of d == 0.150 m, wall thickness of 6 mm, and 1000 rn. long is used ro
4.13 2.nd 4.14?
supply water. Tue water flows at lO'rn/s, ;md the nominai stress allowed in tl1e
pipe wall is 5000 N/cm2 (illese pipes get rusty). To prevent high stresses due ro >IG U>é EXHHflo i..lfHlf//i-/l, PI.Oli >11-rJ!
water hariimer the valve ar rhe end of the pipe must not be closed faster ilian at a 1·3 /h10 €)(1/HPU:
Tlff Co!lfl.Ec-rfo/./ rate. Jilhar is the rrù..""limal time required to dose the valve ?
é' F 4.17 ;/!Tlf 13 "'/.o.
=3?~ TI!<;//
+----- I r)o IJ +t-t __,,...
~-G 1-> ?:-(',,?:-f. o
THé c-v' IS CifdS'éf// lts !!I EXftr1f'l.I: y.10: l:F.
fr-7 1-3?>/f{::-;- f. o
T/1€ PIPE Cil.oSS-SECT/dN tl/.€19 IS fì. éQ.('f·39):
't. 1 I·>'? /311 ':;-/.O

i\= o = H {f.:-!?)- .rJ!L ft u 4.g t : ; ;.;, 71/é FUW lt

rl/E S'ifd/(TG".<r TIHE IS F"t? ~ l{ ~ c;,,,vsr. = ~· fi. I O : f" ::;/·], /Uf/,l],l/U?NT

4.17,: Jfl-€ Fll/41 IS

TifE FUw IS rurf[,UlEN T



t = = Z·S'" SG'C·


I.J Ii
i I
J 109
.. - 11

4.16 The fiow rare in the water turbine of E~arnple 4.G is doubled, to 4 ks:is. The 4.17 A floating anchor is a device used in llfeboats to keep the nose of the boat against
worr.ent remains the Sa."'De. Fimi q"' n; and the power of the rurbine,
y the waves. It ìs rnaàe ofheavy cloth and has the shape of a eone, wich holes ar both
Bint: /3 :-emains the same, 2!ld ) qr I is doubJe.j_ ends, Fìg. P4.l 7. It is tied to the 'f"t>..a.:r'nf the boar and ìs dragged underwater by

4.s- ~fsf xt,{t.~)d:;,

the boat,_wl!ich is icself dragged by the waves and the wind. The warer is thus
M= forcedintotheanchorat its larger openìng, and comes our at the n31Tow end.
>, - - Experiments show that the pressure at the exit, L'è., the narrow end, is slightly
below the hydrostatic pressure far rbis depth, that the pressure at the wide end is
5('k.'1J1 = 4 k;ii> ab ove hydrostacic by about 0.4pV1, where V is ilie speed of the ap:chor relative
to the warer; and a good assWT.lption is thac the water does net leave the anchor ara
relative speed higher than V.
M= 4s-~ { x~ zy, Che< Ford.,"' 1 m, d = 0.4 m, estimate the resistance farce of thls anchor to relative
' ~r
speeds of 1 m/s., 3 m/s., 10 m/s., 15 m/s., 20 m/s.
J: &-,,,«: ~ S·yt.S" =


U : !Z6. 73 .
~ Zf"'1

,,;,. Figure P4.17 Floating anchor.

e :z.. t 1.. . f.·' = As + o. /f V z.
fl, = J; r l - 2J:J:&:s/ )

: (z il'-)< r X 7._:{'. , , è

V"' I,,.,/,. 3 .,.,;, 10.,;,, 1_s...,;; z,,..,/;
l i I I
d F"' '-"~·b# 1s17 ~ t1 1;/.i~I ti
I 2.•ifo // i673ç/

<t • Hl I
4.18 A shallow water beat is propelled by a pump as shown in Fig:. P4.18. Tue inlet
pipe, A, has a dia.meter of 0.4 m, and the average velocìty in it is 10 Dl/s. Tue ourlet 4.19 A boat moves in the water at a speed of 10 m/s, propelled by a pump which takes in
pipe, B, has the diameter of 0.2 m. The centers of both pipes are 1.5 m below the water at the front (point i), througb a suction pipe 'With the diameter of D 1 =0.25m,
water level and the pressures ar these centers are approximately hydrosratic. Find and discharges the water at the rear (point 2) through a discharge pipe with the
the farce that the pump andii:s pipes apply to che beat. diameter D 2 =0.2m. H 1 =2m, H 2 =2.5m.
The pressures p 1 and p 2 are the sarne as the hydrosr.aric pressures ourside the boat,
and the relative velociry Y1 is that of the boat, i.e., V1 = 10 m/s.
a. Find rhe tota.I driving force applied to the boat (i.e., the force which is
transferred r.hrough the bolts which connect the puwp to the boat).
b. Someone suggests te connect a short converging eone ar point 2 such that the of the water becomes through an opening of D 3 = 0.15 m. Tue pump
operateS as in a. Will this increase or decrease tbe speed of the boat ?
Figure P4.18 A beat 'With a pump. c. Someone suggests to connect a short diverging eone atpoint 2 such Ù1at the exit
of tlle water becomes through an opening of D 4 = 025 m. The pump operares
An inventar who did not srudy fluid mechanics but had such a beat, modìfied it by as in a. Wtll this increase or decrease che speed of rhe boat?
faking tlle outlet pipe 1.5 m into the air, as shown in configurati.on C in Fig. P4.18.
Is this a good idea ?

/3€Cf/<IS<[ r#é !'11.ESsc/~é J/T rii€ oP€//lf'IGS 15

P;; = P,, + i·S"JJ =f.+ J?7J,, =//?7/J ifroR,S-rllTI~ f~€SS<l,le· /il YfJf).o,;r11 TIC r!fi'f' f'!lésSrJl.E Té!(Ms IN F j)~(I? !Jl/T.

R = t { - 1011z.. + 37f'f"! j "" t z.t1rz J/.

Q. !/ti Il COQ/(J)!//!IT€ .n/.>i!FH llT /(Es/ ;'!{lf /(Esl'IF::.T
>liTlf UFlitf.€tlC€ To Tlf€" J!{VE//Tot<.: €6!· 0-· ~<;) ··
~" ·nf-€ w!Jrt:-1<. éc2..(Y .yr;) 8€CoMES
~ = 1: f •(p-P,) t 0• I '+o.z').1- t 3 7/77-= t37&n ,;-'
\F,. ~ t-f = -fJJ!(J,.#)dp.f: · IN Tif.!55YSTEH
Fc. "'tf{!P-p1){ 0 ·f')1-{P-P.,)(o.z')j1-~>7t17" h7&17!r' ,s -

JT 1s f{or ~ Goof) 10€1/ Uiclil/,;€ T!f€ ?ovef? OF Tf/E
fUH f MU.>T //{CJ'fEJ!/.>é tY r Il·?~"" J •IO "J {i·s) =
ro 1(815€ -rfl€ 4/!lTEJ? ro I·"..., .

112 113
4.20 The pressure at the enn:ance to pipe 1 in Problem 4.1 is 200,000 Pa., and that at tlle
'f. ICJ Ct!llT·
exit of pipes Z and 3 is l 00,000 Pa, whic;tl is also the atmospheric pressure. ·Find
what force is needed to keep the pipe strucrure from moving.
t;_ = '},_, _,_ ~•fr = 1r./ir-10 =S-.6'L.f"' ,fs. io .x- a.:xr's / ?::-o

Fx =--/ooCJ xf< C7·2. 'xr.ill.S"x;.f'.!ZS= -z7/1 ,VJ ' ' 7"/fG'<é°I"·

j,. r/1r1/ C'dlvE/1.GJJIG CoNG"'

y,..,,. = /(} X{~.l"J-) 2. = 27 71 ..,!,
/ ;;_ =fJ. 7 ç ,wf/
Choo.Jr~J C Il fif.;e ,// f<f I / Ej ("' 44) rf/ves

= - t?z&!() & =- (,P; -f'o) Am - (~0)4211 -.?.Lt/A'M -S'.i!/,.t,//

e. ;/rnf j)itlG'fl_GitlG Collé: where f' / = 2(fJO {):po J
f.J~ = f#O [k;'a J = f!o
- ,
Il >rtJ./ -J
= - 7. &'S~ r IO {M']
A.,,, = 2 A1 : 1; 1off,. 10- 3

,<(/ : .(0 f M/s]

& =

I =

l .NU [ti]
ìfe jorce neecled io ~""'!'
F= - & = -!lld [r!]

w 114 I

4.21 A jet of water has the diamerer·of 0.04 m and the
4.22 Tue vane in Problem 4.21 is tilted by the angle
average velocity of 8 m/s. The water hits a stacion-
8mh rr./4, Fig. P4.22. The water still conserves its
ary flat vane, as shown in Fig. P4.2L The wa1er
velociry after hitring the vane. Now, however,
is assumed. to spread at the point of impact with ~ V<me conservarion of moroenrum in the direction
cylindrical symmerry, and irs velocicy is con-
tangent to the vane decides how the flow is di-
served. Tue pressure everywhere out.side rhe wa-
Figure P4.21 vided at the point of ìmpacL Assume the flow
ter jet is atmospheric, and so it is inside th.e jet
rwo-dimensional and find the farce acring on
Well before it hits the vane. Find the farce acring on the vane and the power extraet- Figure P4.22
the vane and the powerextracre.d by the vane.
ed by the. vane.

'!J. (444) tJiefofs

& =

L- - - -

3 2
= 417 / g 2, j;- X o 04 <l'O. ,ç /H]
+ /11=-I

7/ie j"OWC'r !?xfrocl<d /,d /he va11e is:: 0.;; = VJù1 ii

Vr1 = V

le = f'v" A 1 .Jin() = 10 3,g:Z,, f.26 x-/o-3,-.sia4s"= 51 f/]

7he jJO v,er <?/lro cieo( ;J :

.i'= Fxv;.x = _ç7,.,z_,.Jin?J ~3:?:?{w]


I 117
4.23 The vane in Pro'olem 421 now recedes from rhe 4.24 The vane in Problem 4.22 now recedes from
water jet with the speed of 2 m/s, as shown in the jet with the speed of 2 m/s. The water still
F1g.P423. The water now conserves its veloc- conserves its velocity relative to the vane after
iry relative to the vane afrer hining iL Find the hitting it. But now conservation of relative
farce acting on the vane and the power extracted rnomentum in the dlrection tangent to the
by the vane. moving vane determines how che flow is di-
Figure P4.23 vided at the poinr of impact. Assume the flow
two-dimensional and find the farce acting on
7ò So!ve f#e /!rolih m <Ve uJe Ej f4,f0 fr Ci/. Figure P4.24
"'vaJ?e the vane and the powerextracted by che vane.

ond coordt'rr dies wh:cfi OK {IYJOV/11 J wifli Ile (lee f'y 1)


n_: /1-1---;>e,,

&~ 3 2
/0 x{ ,,- 126 3
x1"&- ,,-Jr'14S-
~ <{-0,_J (rl]
1he ;mver /s :

J: ~ r::;; ( v-1{,) srne

118 119
4.25 A water container is open at its top. It is fined with an inlet 4.26 Tue angle between the course of a sailboat and th.e windis (a+ (3). Tue velocity of
pipe controlled by a valve A, and wiih an outlet pipe and a the wìnd is 15 m/s. Tue sail has an area of 20 m 2 and is set with the angle fJ to the
valve B, as shown in Fig. P4.25. When a valve is opened wind direcrion, as shown in Fig. P426. Assume that the wind is completely tmne6.
the flow in the conesponding pipe is 1 m3/s, at the mean by the sail so as to become tangent to its backwarà dìrec:ion, and that the speed af
velocity of 10 rnJs. When both valves are closed the con- the wind relative to the sail is conserved. Tne density of the blowing air is Ll5
tainer transfers to the floor a farce of 100,000N. Fìnd what kgfm3, and the speed of the beat is 0.5 rrJs.
forces are transfened to the floor a shon rime after: a. Find the force vector the roast transfers to rhe boar. Note that ooly the compo-
a. Val ve A is opened. nent in the sailing direcrion of t.his fori:; e vector serves to advance the OOar.
b. V al ve B is opened. b. Find f3 Which makes this forward component the largesr.
c. Both valves are openecL Figure P4~2S c. Far a+ f3 = 600 find numerical values.

a) 76e New f~rrE' imnsforrecf_ to f6e (!oor is I

(Je-e 11 !)
(-ift) (-!)
A 11,<g
n1 1/1
e~ L " I

11, q(
n, V,
_J Figure P4.26 A sailboat.

-(OOx.(O -·(Ox/03 ~ - 1(0 &00 { H]

I 51/>Jwtl:

f0) (-1) IP; I

-120 oov (ti] I

I PUltl!F S/f!L. V/J!il! ,Slh'-


o i{V.G!5f- ~) .---·· .

51 ~ € = Ve, ç- r) } Ì"éJICE G.
!{~ il
0.1000E+02 0.9000E+02 0.5631E+oq. 0.68t,,6E+04-
l!ssvHé J': 0.3000E+02 0.9000E+02 0.6699E+Ot;; 0.6904E+oi.,

G = j yç( fl s-,/ J 1-11/>> FLi/x /K lf«P

J{ilqV!/ Cl!(C/F / 1s J{!ioi/d. 0.4500E+02 O. 9000E+02 0.6980E+Qt;, O. 6982E+Ot,i.

O. 6000E+02 0.9000E+02 0.6785E+Ot,, 0.7083E+04

YsR ~ V,,,z G!Vé j Vs~"' v,R {-tCJ-so<-Jf-") ) c(o- ?-/-€-! I

O. 7500E+02 0.9000E+02 0.6116E+04- O. 7200E+01'.i-

F :: Q {Y,R
Jf1 V:,>'~,,-. f~i,;, s(f -v,s+r.,~0..-
cj' L'lv,GY.>J ,1 ,; ) I C


O. 5005E+04-



+ J(-v., f:< t +V.,~ ç., ~J ~ t;; + / ';.

I 0.1500E+03


O .1800E+03







. g to Problem 4.26. show that a sailboat can sail upwind, l.e., wm:;u
4.27 Ref emn · • d th the boat may
" /? F 0 r a .nven wind, show that the greatest spee at
a+p<1!:-· ,,. . . a+ a=x
. . ~mes not directly downwind, i.e., not far · P ' ·
achieve ~ some.,_ _.

F :: Q (,,~ g-.J', f" F (t fo e( -J C;->C()
F,, = F;..,°' "J B (.R
~/g-,ff-10::.. FdR t >')O'·

iioTE TJfttT !F df'/E "Fo~GETS,, TJ/E ;:;.:,f !ti 6( )

T!KN .sif'!/ ·nM·r JJd•llil!Ni!
Fx - ;!Ji/,,~ g..,cfç , lfiflclf S!t{cE c<+[:coN'STll«7
l/TT!ltliS I) "18X'!MUH Fdi1. f =e< . :r~c c"1tG.-rC EJ:'Pi/E>Sto,y
Lé!TJJ TO (,C, )_..,, ;) T ta.,f :zh.,.r . CrnJ'r/TéD v/J<-vés ITtE'
----------------- WINU SAIL A..'IBA (M*"'2]
VELOCITIES [~/SJ B01tT WIN""D SAIL AREA [M**2] I g.OCITIES-------------------------------
(M/S] BOAT ------------------------------

----------- ------------~~:~~~~~~~-----~~::~~~~~:-----~~:~~~~~~~-----
0.SOOOE+OO 0.l500E+02 0.2000E+02

-------------- ---------------------- -------------- ----------------

--------------------- ------------------ -----------------
0.1000E+02 Q.8700E+02 0.4'7BBE+04 o. i..azsE+04 ----------- o. 9000'+02 O. 4,836E+04 O. 6839E+oi:i,
O. OOOOE+OO .....
--------------------- ------------- -----------------
0.300QE+02 O. 79QOE+02 0.41z21E+04 O. i,i. 704E+04 --------------- 0.9000E+02 O. 5253E+04 0.68/,;,lE+Ot,,.
----------------- ------------- ------------------ -----------------




----~~~~~~=~~~-----~~~~~~==~:-----~~=~~===~~-----~~~~~~~~~: _________ _
0.7500E+02 0.610DE+02 O. 26l3E+04 0.3895E+04

0.9000E+02 0.5400E+02 0.1901E+04- 0.339lE+04

0.1200E+03 0.3700E+02 O. 7066E+03 0 • .1939E+Ot;,

0.1.500E+03 0.1900E+OZ O .1016E+03 0.5B08E+03

-----------------------~~;; WIND SAIL A.."R.Ell. [M**2]
0.l700E+03 0.6000E+01 0.3870E+01 0.6032E+02 VELOCITIES (~~=~------------------------------------------------------
------------ Q.SOOOE+OO O.l500E+02 0.2000E+02
0.l800E+03 O. 6000E+Ol 0.3870E+Ol 0.6032E+02
------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
o.ooooE+Oo o·. 9000E+02
0.8000E+Ol o.B700E+02 0. q,sOSE+~~-----~~~~~~~~~: _________ _

124 125
dia.meter at the entrance flange. point A, is
0.5 m, and that at the outlet, point B, is 0.25 m.
The mean velocicy of the water ac poinc A is 4.29 For the dimensions, pressures and velocities gjven i? Problem 4.28 find the angle a
5.0rn/s. The manotnetric pressure in r.he water for which the horizontal farce in the bolts of flange A becomes the largest. Is there
at poinr A is 187,500 Pa, and the annospheric Figure P4.28 an angle a far which this horizontal farce vanishes ? Is there an angle far which the
pressure, whìch is also the pressure a~ polnt B, i:s 100,000 Pa. Tue mass of the pipe bend section pushes to the left againsr the water supply pipe ?

section between points A and B is estir.nated as 10% of thar of the body of water
inside the pipe. For bend angles of a=rc/6 and a=;r/4, find r.he mass of water in fo!(owin! f/,e ;roÙem / 4.2if /
the bend secrion which maices the farce in the boits of the flange at A just horizon-
tal, i.e., th.ere is no vertical componenr. Does this mean that iliere are no moments at 71e free CO!hf'one!lt on .X axes /s .'

!Dr ihe fhox/mum {orce

-J (f-,l'o) n cls j Pjv!Y fm J -j.P,r{,ç; /i)ds
f 0 I ~Fx.
--- =::-Q

Jo V J;,
where :

af/orned ai o<~ 90 °

I tkrv; vonr.rhin/f !;_ J

i .f~ dY cosce =
(/'4-/Jo) 4A
--Pcf! vB
/r!oJ- = - cJ./;nJ I
>I !H.Possri3J.E
On (/ a>'es

.Pi{'~ sh"' = /,/' mt


4.31 Figure P4.3 l shows a water sprinkler wiili dissimilar arms. The inlet pipe has the
4.30 The pipe which supplies the water tO the bend diamerer of 0,02 m, and !:he mean velocity of !:he water there, point A, is 15 mJs.
in problems 4.28 and 4.29 is made from some Tue outlets are nozzles with d.ìameters of 0.003 rr,._ Tue length of the longer arm,
flexible material, and looks as ìn Fig. P4.30. A AB, is 0.3 m, and that of the shon:er one, AC, is 0.2 m. Tue sprinkler is designed
Tue bend angle is a = O, i.e., no bend, just a to run at 120 rpm. Tue water is assumed to divide equally between the two anns,
eone. Now the bend and the flexible supply and the power obt.ained from rhe rotor is used to drive the sprinkler over the field.
pipe must be held to prevent their morion. Find Figure P4.28 Fmd the angles a 1 and a 2 by which the nozzles must be setto maximize the power
the force necessary to hold them in piace. obtained. Calculate this power.

Ej. (4.44) ;ives

Fx: 0
S'c( (l/,f-/18)[ + (jJA-{Jo)A,-1[ A

7he jo(Ce YJeecied lo ho/e/. (he !end 1s.'

fHx= fi = - (<o 3~~.'iS><t.lfg/:JOO:<ìf,:rJ~-Jt!?<ff(ÌI] j·
)'3· -A
F9ffowin (f- examjJ!c 4. !S

""1 = m2 = j x ;/,:o2 " y J.:;- ,10 3 : o.23s{!J-J

7he C/n(/v{ar ve/ocil:f of /ke Sj'ria!<-fer IS

Ì/. 120
1 ~faadj
:::"'"f";c/I --
30 s
T/,e refof!ve veloci!ies are

'\/<t,.,' f .fc: -2.z'i o[, C1

.:i. !J
.fc 1 ~ w <1 ~ .2-S( [tf! J 1
sin jJ;

,.fa,,~ '\/cZ'r2"fR0 2 -'.lf f! C•J(ìf-oe2 )

,2 T<C.2 .Z /

w~ere .Z::,,. w r;,_ • J.7c;[ !J] J SinJ2 •

fir. (!r. fC) rfleldr
H= - j (<x,JI,) (y>cF,. fi) cls (rif.) m

128 129
1~.J/} CMf.

.'1 " I1 rt- H.2. /#64


11 -
'<I ~13,-12_ J °"2. 0
p,r1f Figure P4.31 Asymmetric sprinkler.

4.32 A propeller has a dia.meter of LO m, and when ìt rotates it spans a disk, sometimes
VJ/nf ('<) CIY!c(, (>f >f) / O.JfUMe (',- /Je ft';f/ lkrc<'/fon
referred to as an acruating disk. It is designed for a nominal operati.on where a
lliaf srream of air at annospheric pressure enters the actuating disk at 400 km/h, and
leaves it at 750 km/h, still at a!mospheric pressure.
a. Find the thrust of the propeller operating on an airplane flying at400 bn/h.
b. Fmd tbe powerdelivered by it to the airplane.
c. V.
il /!era lrOri :

fr r

/Jof l?e ccesary
" .115 f ['fj


I tr
I I,
.J ii
:.J ,Ì'..
I 130
-- .. -.
4.34 A cheap blower has the vanes in irs rotor made of flat
strips of, Fig. P4.34_ Tne air enrers cenrn.lly
4.33 A ventilation scoop, Fig. P4.33, ìs used to ventilate com- and comes out at the circumference, with irs velociry
pamnents in ships. One such scoop has an opening with the relative to the rotor tangent to the vanes. The angle
diameter of l m. The winds the ship is expec1ed ro encounter berween the tangent ro the vane ar the circumference
are not fasrer !han 100 rn/s. Find the upward force for which and the radius is a =;r/6. The inlet conduir has a di-
the scoop rnust be designed. ameter ofr=0.04ni, and the velociry ofrhe air there
Figure P4.33 is 20 m/s. The outer diameter of the rotor is 0.10 m,
and the width of the rotor at the outlet is 0.01 m. The
4ssvmi'1(j ofmosJY4enè ;res;ure. wer:JW'here 1 ancf d 1 =cf, ro•or rotates at 3000 rpm. The densicy of the air may Figure P4.34
be taken as constant, at 1.1 kgjm3. Find the power
IJ'. (l,L14) rf ;ves : need.ed 10 run the blower.

l/J (cf ,,) ~SI/

Jhe /}7QIS /lv X is:

- 12
2 11 I
417 ,;oo ~ = 9129 JI]

+ 00276

ve/oc/~ is .
7/,e (,w,Mf/o (

Jc ~ wr ~
,(iJ01;; I 0 (o 314 (11']
?ie Cosi11e f/,eorem /iveJ {Jee pf t)
fa = \j ,,!,- 'r .V/- 2cft:j'c coS(j -cx) = J()3 [ fl]
Ed lie Sri?e f/,eorem fff I)
Sr~ {<>'tj3)
7he ior;zue iS ( fz. ,;.L, 6)
t1 = j J>r ><J,, (J;. r?) ds =
JO "
aotr7 [~;m]
M = (}_r'J21{>{)(x3Q3

l'ower 11eedeof :
Jfre ~
= 11ts [w]
p, t-frN = a a)<f-1 "100 "''

A round jet of water comes scraight up from a nozzle in a 4.36 A light airplane is used to spray cotton fields. The spray
water fountl!in. The jet diameter as it comes out of the nozzle nozz1es are directed mwards the of the airplane and the
is 0.002 m, and its velociry there is 20 m/s. A little boy spray comes out at a rate of 100 kg/s, and at a speed of
places a small glass sphere in the jet and enjoys seeing ir bal~ 20 m/s relative to the airplarie.
ance there, Fig. P435. The glass sphere has a mass of
O.O 1 kg. Find the diameter of the water jet just before it hits a. Draw the velocicy Vectors of the spray relative to the airplane and as seen by an
the glass sphere. observer on the ground.
b. Find the thrust added to the airplane by the spray.
c. Fmd the velocity and the thrust when the nozzles are directed downward.

Figure P4.35

5MA'f tlf:LOCtJy Sf'f?A Y Ai!iJO!.VT

I REiATtl.IE 70 4tRPL4tlJ?
{ .Jt'frt dy PIL OT)

i (SEEN f"ROtf /d.F 6ROr.JflJ))


I!_: YV1

v. (}02
1 l,

e) Jet diredec(

7/,e veloci!:;


?'. coT.2 [m]

134 135
5.1 Find ihe rwo-dimensional flow field described by
5.2 Check ex:plìcitly if ali rhe flows in problem 5.1 sarisfy ilie conrinuity equarion. Su.p-
a. oose one flow not sarisfy rhe continuity equation, is this possible?
'/f=U(y-x) (Parallel flow)
b. lf/= U r3. (Rigid bcxiy rotation) ~éé é)(f'/1.ESS/0#.S F•J<. Vtil0071f:s IN ..S·!
c. '/!= (-Q8)1(2;r:) (Sink flow)
d. '/!" (Q8)1(2;r:) (Source flow) ". ?C<. + ?e/= rJ rii =o
e. lfl=UyZ {Shear flow)
(}X .1J-
{: ~{-:Vr)=o;h_=o ·
Find the x and y componenrs of the veloci!)' field and draw, free-hand, lines of
flow . these streamlines? pathlines? streaklines?
.b. 5ff E&_-(.r-1t}: J.:=rJ J
C. 1J;..=-ft JJ~{IJ,;)=o JJ~%-""'Jh=o.
TlfE UNES Or Fldi.I 19/U s TM&-ilf;Vt:S ,,
{)-Ec/JVSE Tl/-13' FlOWS lfk Tif1!0 J;Vj}i;--,Oè;<!JJétlT
TlfE L/N/05 J'}-!IE !}Lso f'/lfTl1L1N•s /JNLJ .s-n?EJ9l<U!Vé:S. e. J._ U + '}_ U- =O+(} -"O
:i)); ?éf
a. et= U(3--<)
;Ju... TtfEO:f: f'LoW S !{"Vé STtUilJ.H ri/llCTfo/i.s.,
lf= u -fl: u f"" V(ì'+J)
Jéf / V=-
.) I COl./.>G-;(vf/rfotr' <tF µ/fS.S /;.,e.

J~ I

c. r= -a&/-z.iì I
9, -
l'.r -
-t'JG -
'J1 =-lf=o

7;/E s;7.-ie- /J.S. c.

e- u = r
{/ UT il.4/?.LJ •

= ,_ Va

136 137
5.3 Do all :he flows in prublem 5.1 S2.tisfy the N2vier~St0kes equations? How do you 5.4 A function F = F(;:,y) is continuous and has at leasr three pa.rtial derivatives. Can
che::k Are the:e].( bounàary conditions? Jino[ - add rhe missing ones. such a f~nction always be considered a stteam function? Does it necessarily satisfy
the equation of continuiry? The Navier-Stokes equations? Try some polynomials
5é<r Exf'Rés:>r•1'1S FvR vl!:c..ocrrY 1J1 I·/.
of various orders.
'(1:,; rlf€Y f!o .::fl./l.s.F'r N-> é<f:>.

ClfEO{ &Y s-vJSsrrrur/o,;f 14 t:cxs. (r· 38) ·;,.,, {s.1-,.)

4~P IN Eé!.s ·{~ 1tt) T• {r·so).

4ullfYs s!lnF1Es Col'IT!Ni/1 T Y.
"'. f/r (X, j ::f,)
e.q. J F = X~J"' u =,,.,,,(,,,'I __ , V :-4'/ x"'-'"1""
(x,_JJ,) I d I } (j ) <:J

.b . I 'dli.
;J,( + fJ- =
M1 ,,,, )<
éJ .,,,-1- , ., , , y ,,,., "L ...,-1
CJ =o

t x"J.

MT ;Jo r iJoMYS t/·S. i:&s. / ed./ F=

u_ = x'- J v~= - zx;:i €&s. {:;o'ti) y1e-GO

d. S:IJH€ !fs c. &ur VIT!f fo.f!TIVt fa . J (x'-,z.x - z.x~vo)" -?! r {z. +o)
e. !lriJ-=o ll=o IJrtp=h·· . U=zv/i.
~ +J (O +o)
) (x", Zd + ZXJ <Z;() = -

z;< J 1/ = - :l/

f tXiJ r y,vJ)J , - ~ = z.Y'-Jf ·

~w ?J;J = (f{) o ,c!WM 1 $<1r

P f,,M1§, ; !/c;1o;;· e" '/l.lf- 1e r r """ · N JJ

138 139
5.6 Consider superposirion of parallel flow ami the source-SLik combinarion of problem
5,5 A two-dimensional sa uree of in1ensiry Q is locared at (0, 0). A sink of the sarne
5.5. How does the flow look? Can the flow field so obt.ained be considered a flow
intensiry is locaied at (5, 0). Find the velocity field and sketch rhe srrearnlines. Whar
around a rigid oval body? Ex:plaìn .
are the shapes of the so:eamlines?


-r.,_ ·-

z.Jf . .,.
r f,+ </(= -$(e,-&,_)= z.~ {-f)
u.f "'V A
Cò!ISr/J}'lr f ~ C!/fCc/(.J?if &;fC.
+ &
zF(x,_- :<,)

Xn" ~[x.
T!f~ t7 VfJI.. 15

fOt!ITS ·

~: f::r ~~('~drf is pven by 5.8 For the flow in the round pipe, given in problem 5.7:
a. Find the shear stress at the wall, and the shear force at the ci.rcumference.
Compure the pressure gradienr necessary to balance this farce.
Check if flow sarisfies the continuiry equation and finè the pressure disuibuàon.
b. Subsritute the velocity vector in the Navier - Stokes equacions and obtain the

ftxO J,: =~ = o 1
pressure grad.ient. Compare with a. above.

k~..r. !Z€&Clr!Us

~~ <j W-) = S 9~ lv~ ~o J !l!/fc!I IS S<'fT!s:FléJJ.
;;;;-;, f)oi:s !IPT VffN/,;if.

Ti/€ f'/l.E.>Sv/Ui PISTR//J,{/T/Jf/ !S CJ/3Tli-!!JED FùH

&;a =>jt[?/;/+ ?/f1yiJj =;«-~~ {-zf)
E&s. ('1) 1 (s-.~1)ri-•o {s:~o). l;lr; !l~svH€ J"J * /!fE Si!EIM. ,;r!f.E,;5 Nv rlfE 4'4ll ~ = - 1) JS

éaul/r10.v (>- ~t): 7(1 ;;. = ;J1 ~A j rlf!/ r IJ c11H e (}/./ r#"

Eav11r1a11 (s.'f9j: Fc..Ull> IS f,. "'y Lr)< ·

* 0: 1 d ~lrY fo€ !NC.LUOE.D !rl f IN I
~r- MOOlr-leD ft.EssrH.. é
p,~ S!fO'IN lN I
5. 9 An ellipcical pipe has the ìnner conrour 5.10 A circularpi9e, problems 5.7 and 5.8, ar1d an pipe, problem 5.9,
x-::. Y'.?. che sarne Wm~- FL.1à relations berween a, b ;o.."1.d R sud; that ù:.e :ongirndi<a:.l pre.s-
a- b sure drops are tlie same.
The ve!oci[y in the pipe is suggested as q:::: kw, wìth

FJ1,"1 S'. 7 J .{'. ~ ftflIJ ..\-'] ) w1-rfl -rf/€ v'1sus1T1éc

GEt/E/!.fJL :
Does it sarisfy the conti.nuity equarion?, the Navier - Stokes equarion?, tlle viscous
boundary conditions? Find the pressure disrributi.on in the flow. 2. /t (-'-- .;. _!_ ì
/ o a' b'/
J- =f'" . Ci =o r;J- =o éJ ~o {se<' /t1;tf.S:7)

]!i+ ?cf_. J__V=O ~ J!~

edNTi/!rJrr, v
: ;;ix J(f ·a;: cz ·

N.'·: EQ>:·(r.~s): a~"'=oJaJ::o i Wlf/CH OM /Jé ScJL Véf)

' o= - d/? + }i {. i 'J+ a +o) == I

dz. / Jx• '(f · I
= _ do
+ z/ /! lf.. -L - -
a~ h.
} il•<IX
!}.<;. €&$. Sl!TISFIC:D WtTI{ t=c-y{f;+f)r:. I+ o(Z

v'1>cao> B .c. : cJ;1 Tf/1' Et..L1f'sé n.f :.-o; !719Tt5FttF.fl. J

= ,\

-/f/€ f1l€S>c!~1' !S .4 l///€41\ DF!Cf?.€1/ Fil;ICT111N o(~ z. - a=c.7';1 !<. 1

-·•O I - ,· "7
o{= )O_.,,.. a= O. ;,.,,\) D: ,.;; 'i
dF ;:_ . :;1:,;: !ff,oVe .
e<= So - a.:: o.707!<..; b =JS-36 /(.

144 145
5. il .1>. c;m of rcii..k:, completely full wiò milk such rhar t.he:'e is no alr bubble in it, is set 5.12 A square can. half filled with water, is set oii a tumtable and rotated with w. Once
on a ttl!i'lt2i::le 2.Ild rotared with w. Afrer sorr:e time rhe milk rot2tes tike a solid it reaches solid body romtion, does the velcciry ~eld 5-ltisfy continuiry, momenmm.
boèy. \\.irite the velocity vecror in the mille 2.nd check whetiler .it sariSfies the and boundary conditions?
condnuity equation, the Navie:- - Stokes equaùon. the viscous boundary conditions.
F!nd the pressure distribution..

cJ I TI/E Sf/-/ll'E é!F IHE C!}r.! f)olis No T INFL.Clt:;lc;:


C11IT!NVITY = (7

rf. 5. é'& S· I Eé2. · (t.'ft):

J (o - !-&)=-/:
E~.(~.'t'i): f(=o

V1$C•V.S 13.C.: S:AT1SF!t:i!. /!/€ Mfl.l{ MoVt:S !YtTi.f


p (i.E,;~i!/l.é:
ilfkLS OF THf: Cl}rt.

// :sv'1

-9 f = fJ"7't- 2
1-((E) I
?f "'_{
?= I
cr J f =-J;j. e +e

d! 146
I 147
5.14 A two-01mens1onai :sourcè or SG"èngm !.<". = ...- "r'~"'-' •~ ,..,.;;,,.,c;;u "'' '-'•"' v"5"" <"''--'•'
· k f ilie same strenath is located at poinr (5;0). - _. Also
(0;0), an d a sm o -· "'__ --
5.13 Does any veJociry field which looks sracionary to any observer {nor necessari\)' in an given are p~in~-s.A(-3;1), B(-3~-l) and C(0;4). · .
inertial coordinates system) sarisfy conrinuity, rnomenrum and bounèary conditions? metric flow [m3/ s·m] betweeii. points A and B, berween pornts
a. Calcuate
l th evou
A and e, and between points Band C.
T/fé' FIELO (.oot{< L./KE /j Sot..10 • Sot..lf)S
b. A parallel flow,

has been added ro the flow field. Find rhe sta.gnation points. Fmd rhe ve!odty at
the point (2.5; 2.5).
/ 10 L.f! T'c·ii :::= Ti/€ ilts Co(.! s !3. •C · lf !:r$!V11f&-:;
1ZEl/f TIVE MOT/t!fl w;fJcff /} STl9Tf()Allfl{Y

F1-r::-1..o /}()€5. tlt!T .S:lfcJ41. 7'1fi: F/€L0 r;fs;;t:Fd!f.; 5

S/iì!SF!E5. i/IS.CC!r!S. 8· c. ~ c

11 DoEs 1JOTJ /fow<0Vr-:;\ l/€cc:.ssl]/(,!<-y s!lr15FIES

rii-ii il· s» E!RS. E-G.


fR-Of'I Q [c;S): J' 0 ; {e, - 8z J~~o

01? thg-1 7- trJ -1
T3 -- O 10 '.l
-''_;7 ra J.
_,uzo t"éi_, f-0'2!
,. L,_-17T-- o. /"':i. r.J. JJ

-s= tnif' ~ =o.o':ib ravl

148 149
5. 14 coi..f:jJ I 5'-!Lr
I cPi,t/,,_
8ef w.ef!h ;1 a.hl 5
- Il~ fr -11- e:
-!!- o -11- e,

I~ 11J 17
)fj - 2 éT ' \Il' - -
) fé().)
if 19
) if/
-'lJ ( f(•W.
éxoi.p/e:{J. 6))

~r;;"',i_(0;_z '9 -o
l~a) r ù& -nr -> r&flJ)-

i,rn>:: ~r' _) 1@[-0-)~o j r'~r+s op rhr-s-

lC - a
(f) J '

For t),e >f-•3n~t(o;, poi'hf: ,;:y z

,, - T?[r-rs) +5~0/rrr{r+sl

snr +~snr+ do =ù

G"= -o,ar1 _;
[n•t Va/ii))
2 2
r', r-s-: llY- n(r-5)-tj=O/ flY{Y-1-5)
5nr 2"" 45 nr- Jo =o

150 151
5.15 The stream function in a cer..ain region of a flow i:nay be approximated by

a. Find the velocity vector and the pressure disaiburion in this region.
b. The flow is viewed by an observer who moves with the vèlocity V"" 3ì. Flnd
50: P= -:szyx ., c.

the velocicy vector of the field, ihe pressure distribution, and rhe stream function
as seen by this observ~. /'J !ID : P ::- -32-.J{X + //')+e
Note thac the moving system of che observer is also an inenial one.


a. FIZOM éQ. ( 5'.73) :

{ET x'Y' BE TfiE oBsr:R. VEr<'->

u=- V= -s~ {o op_ DINA TES, <;o:

èJx ~-sx
V= -21: .
/- 'i= x- 3t
,AJvD V'"" gy ~ g ( ><'+- 3 t)
t:R.o/11 IV. 5. FQ. ( 5.GI):

J( ~ "u ~ i-v $f tw$ )j~- ~ /~

i J(-gx){-3)= jf

(1.) 64 Xj =- -ÙP
/ JX
li 141
I SA~ Wl1 (: [2.J
64.J '() =-2!.
I{ C?y
!I f: -32] (j 2+Ftx)

I Sll&STJTllTIO!/ IN N)·
6lf]X" -F'!X)

11 153
5.17. Thevelocityfieldinacen.ainregion 0 f f1 .
q=iy-jx a ~wtsapproximaredby

5.16 Find the sheu s;:;ess distribution in the ~"'

' r-·cion d esc:i..b_ed 1n
. Problem 5.15. Find the pressui"e
-- distrib lltion and the srream f unct1on
. in- th1s
. reg1on.

fm1t-i EO.. [56 3).' i: iy-j,Y :;;> fA=+!J) Lt:-,K

't'xx~ 2/ ~'=O d~ -&'§- =/ f: -:f +fvo

'( "2j"' JV =O
00 D~ x= ?y;_ ~
rfv=j'i {BfJ +JxJll) 1{-t-J) 0
-d6 f-,
'd / ·

i ) 2
X= f cx) =/ f{1)= L
z +t
l 'f=f(l+J2)+t

I 1/J Tl!E S/i/1E

d 154 I 155

: -
5.18 Find the shear stress disuibution in che region described in Problem 5.17.

5.19 . . ~ the sides 0.05 m by 0.025 m. ;u;d is orieri::;ri &.~ti~

A rcc=gu\ar conau\l h..s . Fì DS la Wa:er Ilows through lhe condm: wuh a
i;ides are p:;,ral\e\ m the z a:<is, lg. • · ,. whìch w.ay b<': approxir..;;:ed by
nx . -:ry
q ,,, kw==3ksin O.OSsm(l025

- . e flow one, two, ar (hree-dimensional? •· . .

lxC!~/(~ +ff)~/( d+f-1~ = éJ.

a. Are
b. lS tn the viscous bmmdary condinons
.. sati.sfied
b" this .apCto:G:ma.C.Cn.
, • .?

e Is !he c.onrinuity equadon ;atisfied by this app~Jllmanon.

d. Fwd t.11.e she:i.r ~!l:e.sses oc n '

· \"e s·-des ofL.'lc conou1t.
. . . lh ., ,,, Note rhat the she:u-
e. Find the approximate prcssure dismbotion ln e i. 0 . •

?:xx~ 2) jf = 0
. h sidr;s..r:lU5t·b<': balançed by ihe p=ure force:;.

.. -·- _
-- .

ly()-c y }f =- () I I
Figure PS.19 Flow in a r~tansciar

The f/01,J is


I C.
(éQ. s:2.f).

! .

·--- --
L L<nit

~ li
.P - - - - ~ -~
~À --rx? f;~~JJ(f:. f ~ -yi-yJ -1-y1-,r7l = -37'}
Tle J;,.,/q11ce:
(r,-e)- o.o;c; 0,05~ -3a/'.f
lP= -24oo°IJ
Th.e f/o\-/ }<;> f4f/v~ Joev./op.rr;/ ~ (. e.: DP = cov.sf
w J so:

f =~ 2 ~00/M?.

158 159
5.20 Tue side ofthe conduit in Fig. P5.l9 located atx=0.05 m now slides in the d.irec-

tion of the z axis with the velocity 2 rn/s. The velocicy field is now .approximated by

.7'X."J X."J)
q = kw = k( 2sm 0.05 xs1n 0.025 +2 0.05 xsm 0.025

a. Find the shear stress distribÙt:ion_on the sides of the.conduit., and the appro_xi-
ma[e pressure distribut:ion: _
b. Is the continuiry equacion satisfied by this approxirnation?
c. Are the viscous boundary condirions sii.t:isfied? 1.
1 · o.~v2ç{v 17.ao2s- 17. ]
eos - - - eos-0
/ 77 o.cnç o. o;,;

o.o> I
j I ~t J1)z: ·
~ 0.0S/~
O 1)2c' - - Co 5
- [oS ~
fl·O )
X>' Z:o 0., . / T7 . o. 05 o. 05

~ °! Jn (0,05/ ~ -Fj'I+ ()o217 ) .

o.o5 e
( ( - r ~xJ2: -.?_IJ,L . 0· 051 {-1) (eo5 ~ - (?5
J ) '(Jìl 0.025 ri 0.05
._fl·d ) -
x~o Ì~" J'o.025

I {A~· Zii}/{ 0,05)2 ~ -3)1.f0.02!1/.

F0 ( -2jt1-fi/1 )·2 +2 {-Y,!+o.02n!)
f7.o,02s rro ) f: 71 {20 + ~ - o. o lf[/)
0.02> - eos o-:O:iS-
TT·O J _
. P.
+ lto 1· o.02511r_
~ lcos
0 025
-cos o:ozs. - p=v-f &ooor .,_ :,;oo - $2T1 )i?

160 161
~ . &hf. "}[. 5.21 Tue vçlocity in a region of a flow field is approxlrnated by


b. EO. (<;. 21) a. Is the flow there two-dimensional'?

b. Find the stream function there, the pressure distribution, and the shear stress
c. Draw the streamlines and the velocity distributìon.

Ffìo)! érJ, { t;, 71).

4sr'hd =à
:f:: -yc;o5~ +f.

T~ì5 ls "' "'ff roXirvofioi, J a11cl ,,_,.e se.e tl,é tk

bo(,, ~Jr(/ [o/.. Jtfròi,.5 C{Ye h• t f,)~ S'!. f ;5 /;-,,c/

(! ~!l/t!ir ur-~ fil'P'~ ·

, '~k!H.1'1710// ~y g; =J{-q71h ~) ~/ %: ~ ~rysrh if-
r r""""
'"' J-11/Y BE dlv/}1/icO
owro'"G TliG' 2
6Y L , ;....,fl J,
d• .,zs(t-_
J. p-o -y ';(r;,!hi} 4:- . .L.

162 163
pp_ofa FIJ {';.z;g)
6.1 The space berween two long pé!allel plates (Figf6.I) is filled with a fluid of

'Lrx= ~ jt~o viscosity µ = 9xlQ-3 d,yne·s/cm2. Tue upper plate moves with a velocity of3 m/s
and the lowerplate is stationary. Wliat is the shear stress distriburion in the fluid?

~~~7 }f =O
U = 3tn/s

re;; ~/ 7xz ooC)

Figure P6.l

'Cxd/ {~; +Y,) ~ycos!J

~\ ..



164 165
6 - 2 6 • 3

6.2 Coating of electric wire with insulating materiai is done by the v.'ire 6.3 A laminar layer of glycerin slides down
through a tubolar die as shown in Fig. P6.2. Tue viscosity of the coating material is on a semi-infinite vertical wall, Fig. P6.3.
100 poise. Simplify the flow equations far thls case and calcu1ate the force F re- a. Calcu1ate the shear stress on the wall,
quired to draw the v;ire. and the flow rate of the glycerin.
b. What will be the answers to parta. if
the wall leans at an angle e(!

Figure P6.3

Figure P6.2 Wire coating

lYITH .P Tlf€ HoOIF/Eo ftl.éSSUtl.E fii?

r/{Y Il so1..11r10N llsscJHIN6- Il Fi/lL.Y

J)El/ELOPl/J FLO;/: SEE EQ-~·21) 1

IS S'/Hl"llFJ!iO To Il FUIT d.P - ,sp - d'l{'TEil1 131i71VEEi4'7WO f'LATliS. Fof(M!iLL'TJ G"~.{f.tu)1 dx - -"X" - /'dg•
iJ- = V _t,,(r</ 4/11""/f r = !Z,,.--;J- · , J -<• fl. U= o tir ;r=o
fa,{t1./!1,) ~=o Rr (j-=if &:oli/&€ rf/€ s!IE,PI/
JG ;; T/l.E55 Tl/8eE i/t9tf!.9{e5 ·
flNO 1/11"11 R.; = R, - b I
'l/f /JOT€ r14r Tifi~ Sy'511<M 15 SOLVEO 6Y
ti(/R,) 0 /,.,(/-/, )z-/, ,i,(fij?,)=t(-/;)'"-:. 1 JI/€ FloW (j,/[7ù/éE/'/ TO sr.<1710;11f!ì.Y Flllr PLt9"ffS
WtT1i nfé' G/IP 1.f/ /3éT//ffN T/f€11 · TlfE FU///
iii nfé R_€GioN o ->cr-~t f!En/l!!E/'/ T/fii PU/T€$
13)(//CTLY 5llT15FY Tifé" éé&VfiT/ol<'.5 P•tZ rlf€ ,cuti ctF rJ/'7
Li!YE/I.. Ttfilr; I
ftNO Til< po/ICE
ll= (- "'P)l_'[
""" )'!
t- f(f)J f'
a. l:j=uJu.J
~X J(.j- :'
=(-•f')t'[i-o]= -5xS
4X J O

' s :i- ., r f[s ~-L!:J.fl1 =(-~r)l

a = { u":J = {~)I' ), J' '"li" J a «>* r
h. ri/e SMé Il> Jd f'll//.J a.. tor il!Tlf (- ~: )U;Soc) PJIJtlIP€0
rl/S UJY€~ 15 11EoVE T!f€ 11/JlL. 0T!l€!(;/IS€ T!fé-- u9YEI<.
MIGl/T U9/Vé Tilt: ;/l/.U.. : ~LL

166 167
6 • 4 6 . 5

6.4 An instrument far measuring viscosity 6.5 A long pipe bend, Fig.P6.5, has the inner
consists 'of a rotating inner cyli.nder and diameter of 0.025 m, and is 2 m long. A
stationary outer cylinder as shown in Fig. solution of sugar in water, wbich has the ·
P6.4. The innei cylìnder rotates at 3600 sarne density as water but whose viscosity
r.p.m. and the viscosiry of the fluid is: is ten times rhat of water, flows through
1) IO poise, 2) 100 poise. IOOmm rhe bend. lvfeasurements show that the
a. Wbat ìs the moment acting on the outer pressure distribution along the pipe is the
Figure P6.5 Pipe bend.
cylinder in the cases? same as that in a straight pipe of the same
b. What is the efficiency of tlris insou- dìmensions. At point B the pressure is the
ment as a hydraulic transmission of outside pressure, i.e., atmospheric. Tue fl.owrate is 6 kg/s. Neglect gravity and cal-
momenr? Find the moment as a fune- Figure P6.4 Viscometer. culare the forves transrnined through flange A.
tion of the r.p.m. of the11vfercylinder, 4..,,; f~t pGwe; i~lfl.$.,,.ittli. ;t= )ù· §·b•lo-4 :§.6•1a-'~.,.s. !ls5uµ1'16 lffHIN:R FUW,
1" 0 ('I')
a· TJf€ !7V71?l?


CYllt/OEI( /S. $'T/9 T/dt/Jl.t_ Y J}tlj)

ttEG-LIG-/t.JU: E#O t;FFf'iCT.S.

:lé /9s.!VH€"
E01-(b.s6): 6?= tjtil'(-~oP) =
'71' { ·= -l\
c-(o.otS" I
TJ . f.G C:;i1

_ ""-f ,,nez. / D =o +nt2 ..-2 "or 107&it=p ,,.,,7/y !',,.,.

~ ~ {-[o·trS2,-Q,]1 +{Q,· -Q,)~LJfa-7S .o~ r11 rt3 ls !"
l tt = ;z.zz.-1;;;
FoLLoWlfo/G €1<1!HPLG f./o ~N/) é&..(~·'tf), ;,,~,, I;

6'.telri,= /'" .t { 7:'){=~;=./< (Q,.-Q, )o.;J" "z ·""j'~,-Q.) 11

l'!A =
f/I),• f, . . •·d'ZS' 1.


FaLLO>lai~ G'><:!jH/'lE {S- ;J.,p é61·(Y·H),

'1=1(.21i'R;6;a{·!<.; =o./•Zfi'•o.00>'.2.,;"J't (.Q,-Q,)
= ?t x10-6./'' {Q,-Q.) J 71/é S>frl< OJI /?,oTif CYl!Ji1'Et\S· F = t <(PA-P,)!1, ttsìJ'4A -rJsV-'!fs =
FoP. ji,= IO fOISli= 1~/..,,,.s ;/•=)"" /%1.>E=IO ~/,,.,·s.J 4?•10"" { [ {Jo7Gy +)M&x JZ.2Z ')t-,j(l"ox1i.zz') j

ltl'ID Q 0 : = 360~ :< 'l~";;:; I Zd 'i' ·!(tHJ/.s.;

o ,; Qi =- ?f·S'C t 'I z;.::,d :,i_
/11,/= trz~10-•,1.izotr= o.Cli: A',f/ ;fH,j:o./6KRI. T>ll'f FoR<t: "" THE /'I t,;
T!fl/181-11 rréO !JY rif< Fu/HGt JJ.
.b. f'o>IE!A, IN p. = H tJ·' ,·
/o..;,;11, ovr f' = /'1.J,
'1= !}, :
51 Tiff! '1 '11éllr T1Ut/isJ11Tréf! !lsst.1111;16' E;9-0i
6 ' '
PI=- 4z•;o~ji{S2,-Q, 2 1 A>1 L. 011G, f/::: 73·3 "' =- 73·3 /.,,.

168 169
6 . 6 6 . 7

6.6 A very wide, shallow layer ofwater is approximately two-d.imensional. Tue bottom 6. 7 A two dimensional aIT bearing consists of an upper plate A, 2L m wide, and a lower
is a rigid plate whh a small inclination angle, y, Fig. P6.6, and the constant water plate B of the same w:idth, but with a slot in its middle, Fig. P6.7. Air is forced
depth, measured vertically, is h. The flow is assumed fully developed. into the slot through a series of pìpes C, and comes out at tb.e edges. As a result the
upper plate, which canìes a load F, is raise.d to the height h.
Assuming laminar flow find the supply pressure of the air necessary to support F,
and find the supply rare necessary to maintain the height h. BoÙl depend on L, of

'li Figure P6.6 Shallow water layer.

··d Write the simpiified form the Navier~Stokes equations assume in this case. Write
the boundary conditions at the bottom and the top of the layer. Sol ve rhe equation
and obtain the velocity pro file and the mean velodcy. Find the shear stress at rhe
Figure P6.7 Air bearing.
f/{.€ssd1U Cl/!/t1G€s ils I! L/Ne'lf{ FV/ICT/df'I ~F X
Pc_ ro ~ = t;:; EQ.(6.zo ). Tl/Us f= P,, •(L-xJ{;::),

~ fr-r,)dx~ Fj = L~{-1{), (- ,;•:): f,t ·

sv;l't.Y f/léssUM: ~= Pt=/' f, + L{-t{)=f.+!p

-JI 170 171
6 . 8

6 . 9

6.8 The distance between two parallel plates in a rwo-dimensional flow, Fig. P6.8 is
d = 0.05 m. Tue gap between the plares extends to infinity and is filled with a fluid
whose densiry is p = 1000 kgfm3, and whose viscosity is µ = 500 poise. The lower
plate :is stariooary and the upper one moves in the x-direcrion with the veloci!)' of


- F

Figure P6.8 Stationary and moving plates..

a. If (}p!òx =O find the mass flux between the plates.

b. What ùp!òx is necessary 10 make the net mass flow vanish?
c. What ()piiJx is necessary to have the same mass flu:x as in a., but in the other
Figure P6.9 Servomechanism.
d. Find ()p!()x needed to double the mass flux of a.·
6.9 Tue servomechanism in Fig. P6.9 consists of a piston, A, equipped whh rods, B,

I'= s" NJ<é = ro ~ ·s . Nit<. tJN1 r f)éP rii:

moving inside a cylinà.riCal sleeve., C. Tue se.rvomechanism is filled with oil and a
gear purnp maintains a pressure difference tip berween the rwo sides of the piston.
,._ f<ll\é $J/€1ìil, FLOb/
éQ. (G.<6): Once started, the pisron motion is approximately at a constant speed V and it moves

u =V o.s!1 j & =
o G
= Vd =J, ~·=o.,.,...,'{..,
2.. z. - j>·
unril its side is flush with the sleeve edge, Le., the total length of its travel from one
edge to fue other is (L 2 ~ L 1). Tue time required far this morion is Lll""' (Lz - Li)/V

,,;, = Q ç = '2-S' ~s . .., and the farce which the seivomechanism mustput out ìs F.
All the dimensions shown in Fìg. P6.9 are given, and so are .6.t, F, and the viscos-
'b. il.> S€€1' Fl{OJ'1 €Q.(6·«t)) rf/€ Flo;/ IS C'orlJ31t/<ifJ oF lf ity of the oil, µ. Find the pressure difference .dp the pump must maintain, and
s uPGRPOstT/dN oF SfkF.<IR. PU1rh: Coi/G'rrE Ft.oi.J '9-NJJ also Q, the volumetrie flux of oil it must supply.
PO!,;EiUIU..é Fl..o/V. T'ill> 'rrvsr
Fo//. NISéiJ/Lt..f /"'Ld.,; You may assume fully developed flow in the gap between the piston and its cylin-
drical sleeve, and also that (d2 - d 1)/d1 << l, i.e., the gap need not be considered
§IJ..(6~-ir)) u.~ r-~: Jj.,~[f-{!)~ as an annulus but may ~ taken as that berween rwo plates.

(Q"' ( q,/~ ;;'_<IP) d 3 = /- :!f) ,.,,r =Z·I x/0-7/: .,p) ·

Noce that the farce applied to the piston by Ùle oil consists of two paru; pressu:re on
r Jo rr ( Li-t lìZJi L -AK ''".fV L 4~ ; the flat surface and shear on the curved surface. Tue shear farce is to the right for

p.,~ <S!=
small V butto the left far large V.
11s+l}P =/1 {-![)= - •·•LS'/ "'-IZ00<10/a
fa., '</d- 7 ===-=
C. ~:: J. x /ZOç(/'(j = 2. 9o ~ ~\ SEié' b • I


6 - 10

Eo_/6·zU, u =(.- ~ y«ft-(t)'J+ Y t 6.10 Repeat problem 6.9 without the assumption (d2 - d1)/d1 << l. The gap must now
be considered an annulus.

{& 15 Ht:!fsv/l.ED F~PH T!fr; StSEV't: ;;lill!Ji.D). rlf• .<"1GW(

çTJi.€5S O/{ Tif€ !'(S"/otl w'!flL 15 Ch ·,,, f(J.-J,), l~"- ,;.p)

;ç, :, ~:i ~ (- ~":Jf.-1- r
i4Np <llE Fofi.ct: ot1 rtfé ?!srotl:

~,P. /'_
r: ' éK

Tlf1: PcJJ-fP Pussuli.é J) 1rre1.Dtc€:

. ,j p= {.f
t!t V d, L
/ h J//
)//"~./L d1h ;'
e 4 rz:-

TJ!J; VOWt1€ FL!/X I/i ·nrr: Gf}P:

Q =
o <f
L )-1-..LV,L.J
L /·11.. z... ll1
Tife Tor!/-r.. FLUX

/!fE Td tlJL O/L FL r/X :


174 175

6 • 11

6.11 Wìthreferencetoproblems 6.9 and 6.10:

d1 = 60 mm, di= 63 mm, d3 = 10 mm,

L1 ::: 80 rnrn, L1=120 mm, F =2000 N.
µ =20 poìse, Lit :: 5 s.
d, '-_J,'
Llf [ 4 Compute 1.ip [Pa] and Q[m3/s] for the gear pump, using, once the simpler
analysis of problem 6.9, and once the more elaborcie one of problem 6.10.
Compare the results and decide whether the approximarion of Problern 6.9 ìs suffi-
cient far (di· d1)/d1 = 0.05.

6·/ :
.Ll p= (~
+ :'=!'.,
~O , 10-
, Go ,gox/o-') /
l·S' )/

(63..';ra' + 60;__1S-)xlO-C ~ {"j1-•IO,-I?,

lo]<x I-'
- 0

176 177
6.12 The viscosity of a given fluid is µ = 2xl0 kg/m·s. The fluid flows in a pipe which
has the diarneter of 0.025 m and is 20 m long. The àverage flow vdoc:ìty is 1 m/s.
The pipe opens ro the atmosphere. Calcolate the flowrate and the pressure at the
entrance to the pìpe.
. -- ·-·- ---·--
The ffowrcde
f rom EJ. (0. 5?)
4 ~ 2
QzA <:X.I =
\X) ~
/1 . 0.025
i o 4 '] ;)o'
To /ind 61' f{z· (05!?)

L1p R:z. 6/4

w ~-
~ - L1p
•·i L) 2
r>/€ ;YP/ld'é/Hl/TIM &F /!4PtJ· !.< ,,f'fiC/oNr F&J(' l
.,-!ftç fk-ssvU "'I'
/!Hf! CJlf)S!:--S /}.,; ,ç/{;UJf """

("-M - is8)/zr.r~ tJ·~'-' , 2.:; ; ( Jlf Q ·

178 179
It is suggested to change the pipe described ìn Problem 6.12 and use two smaller
6.14 The same amoum of fluid as in Problem 6.12 must no'rl be supplied through a
6.13 0.0125 m diameter pipe.
pipes, such that the flowrate and 1he average velodty of the flow remains the same,
i.e., l m/s. Calculate 1he required pressure drop in 1hese pipes. Far a pressure drop
a. rhe pressure drop in rhis pipe and compare your result v.-ith that of

aJong the pipes which is only th:n used in Problem 6.12, find the average velocity Problem 6.12.
b. Note that fora const~nt f1ow1ate, the pressure drop is proponion2.l to the
and rhe f1owrate in 1he cwo pipes.
dia!neter of the pipe raiseà to the power n. Find n.
c. Also note that far a constane pressure drop the flowrate is proporùonal to rhe
àiffileter of the pipe raised to the power s. Find s.
o.) For eme o( -lhe -/:'XIO f''fES,
Cl} The fleSSuit? drop is (sec /'rob/em ~ r2)
QI " Q4_ 2<?1= Q
v.!1 =- iXJ J ~>

:! [J 1 = lj
<. .6p =-12e -
From EJ ( 0.c:R) l) For C( = C1 cue
I !Jpi/ fSLc w, 3.2 L,r lY/ G4Lf'
= ~
= -2 /;!,p] IO /J2: Cj_ => c1
I Llk b' [I]J) IV=
lJ :i.
b) t?J 02>< 204g
0 i
04. 2· lo- 3 J.0 [j<
C2. Cl
b 'I )
and e<- are condcwts
Thvs n = -'t
e) F1Pr Llp = c1
0 and L are
l.J' = CJ. =>
on e{_ J

I Thus
i{ c.,. . w. bz = C1 0 fJ ~

180 181
6.16 The pipe and the plates of Problern 6.15 now used such that the flowrate in the
6.15 A fluid flows in a pipe which has the diarneter D. The sarne fluid Oows in the gap
pipe is the same as thac between the plates, per width D. Calculate the ratio between
berween rwo paralle! flat plares. The size of the gap is also D. Tue same pressure
the power needed to pump the fluid through the pipe a!ld that needed to purnp
gradient ex.ìsts in both systems. Calculate rhe rario between rhe flowrate of the fluid
in lhe pipe and the flowrate be:ween the plates, per width of D . between 1he plates.

Nafes-(.2) The pipe /!owra.fe : Js lhe Sam"'

E~ (?25)
0.5 -!he ;iaies //owraie ( - Llp_,) Àvf
(-~) 1>2[1-(1.)2] !:!~ )
.t!~ r D D
Llp, 7" L1 p.,

The ;iorx,er needed io ;ump ihe jlvid lhr&u//" ihe ;i;e


f-!en ce
ihe f/ow ra1e rafia is Q
and ihr&"Jh the f'!aies _·
C!r ìié (-~:) '-
= 12&é'. !.2 //
= -- = 02g p : Llp2 . 2
IJ -
Q,_ /J4 -.z = _L} {'2 - C(
fJ< (- ~~)
f-len ce / ihe fOWer ratio
pi df1 J2µ fJt
-_p, =
'.'. = 12iì = 3.35
LI/i // 1/1
J ?,q = ~2q 1 see frohlem (b.1s/)

182 183
6. 17 Tue velocity distribution in a fully developed flow through a rectanguJar square duct
/0.a/ Con?
with tl1e sides D is, approximately
q = kw = kCsin m: sìn rcy 7/ie relatiot? 6etweeri fhe /fowmies /s
where C is a constant.
a. Calculate the flow chrough rhìs ducr and compare with rhose in che pipe and the
plates as in Problem 6.15; ~., ft,e,, 5;."'1,t p,-f!5Sv<e j.,.,,_J,.·e.,T
b. Catculace ihe power needed to pump the fluid and compare wirh the pipe and the b) wdh o rf/ven L1p lhe l'ower is
plaies as in Problem 6.16.

a) From ri- S 'fl'ua!tons (f.5)

_p = Q, Ll?
ond /or llie JaMe Lf;o ; lhe refa/ion

-f!t<flw1"J- /looorcdés ore olialnec{ :

Recfcu1J'ulare -{j'uare dvtf _.

Two (Jaraf/e{ plafes ~:


184 185
6.18 A concenw:ic cylinCer vi.sco!7leter is shown in Fig. P6.18. {!!!!] cod.
The he:gh: of :he inner cyl!nder is 0.15 rn, ar.d itS diameter
is D; = 0.10 m. The inne:- diameter ofthe 01.1,er cylindér is
Da"" 0.11 m. Tne v.iscome!e;- is used to me:isure viscosities
0.15 ;:'!
e) H=
I ~

<'tytlfe~ n. I
. 2rì
. R.b 2. · l i t - - eue
denoie lhiJ
wilh :X:

in the range of µ=2xJQ·3 kg/m·s. The outer cylinder is

stationary and the ìrrner or.e turns at rhe nte of 3000r.p.m. l R.2-
RI <e '
a.Fi.nd ;~e range of the momer.;.s measured. =.:> M R·"-
O. It is necessary m measure v!scosides in the range of
Figure P6.18
R "- "·'
D "'
µ. == 0.2 kgim·s but to have the range of moments
"'easureci unch~nged. One possibility is to decrease the number of revolmions
of the inne:- cyli:1der. Calculate 1his new nur.i',ber. R; = ~ q.1-10-• o.o;; 2
~ 0.009 [m]
'"· Another possibi!ity is 10 keep frie tuming raie bur to decrease the diameter of rhe V.42G +'f·t· (a-3
L-iner cytinèer. Caicuiate :his new diameier.

a.swrne Cweifc {fow; ond wifh .sfcdion ar(f

cuier we vse Ej (i N)

_ -D., { it) 2
[ r- B;-j
1- (R./Ro)2
rr.rirr; exam,Ple 6. (O and !f;F. (:;:s-9) fhc .shear -Jlress is:

<Sç 9 ~/ rd~ (1:Jj = -r (0m,J~ .. )

l'o/?0 I- (R/Po)ci
and. ihe momenf
{?/< D.1 R/R/H
P."-R/ J

(ò . J. l/r -- 10 [ r~t]
2 iì "''n

:.:J 186 187

6.19 The viscometer described in Prob!em 6.18, before the suggested modificacions are·
made, is used m me:i.sure 1he viscosity of y<ater at room temperature. The inner 6.20 The pressure gradiem in a !a.'ilinar flow in a pipe is given by Eq. (6.58). An engi-
cylinder of the viscometer is suddenly setto rotate at 3000 r.p.rri. Assume rhat even
neer wanrs 10 express tbe modilied pressure differeòce between two poinrs alo;;g a

at the transienc siage of ihe fiow there exist velocities in the angular direcrion only pipe by an equation of the forrn
and that far very shon: cimes ihe flow fleld berween the two cylinders resembles the
soturion of the Rayleigh flow. Find the time at which the velocicy at r=0.0501 m is P1 -P = cr%(P ~')

9090 of Ihac of the surface of the ìnner cylinder. Now, withour using again thi errar where L is the distance between the two points, D is the pipe diameter, W is the

function, but rarher using the similarity propenies of rhe f1ow, find times
mean velocity, and c1 is a "friction coefficient". Using Eq.(6.58), find an

at which this velocity appears ai r =0.0502m, atr =0.0503 m, and at r =0.0504m. expression far Cr

To treat i h1s 1ro6/em as Raij!erJh ffotV we rnust th-e 6[fua fior; /r; lhe frobhm rs P, -f!. -
I J-f!J
e 1= (ri:i/)

{irrol fhc tan:rnfia! velo cd (es VT anci

VT J v6.rt1 fu iior? of LIP /rom ()(-) /11 ff- (6'..>d') (jield::,
V1 = S2 I R< = 3000
-o_o5 ;
15.i-[p] cf
' Go Go __p I!(!< t}
= w
At R" o_ 05'0 ./ [m] i.he velocil:y rs fj -2
IT 5'o
v'T,·I .!{ (~ [ ' ; ]
CL{ y <4
From [;J
cr=- 04 L!_
.f'itl ò
y = =
(b.39) L>(; - 6 Re
VT = VT, [I- er( (a/)]

where :;.
The time 15

j =
(o. 05-of-&.o>} .:Z.
&, I -
4--lo-• -
v;here _t,!, is __, 1 t _, /
w •11e \ine17;a le vrscos1c'ç' 0 1X:,Ja"éer
.Sìmi!cv(';f ; we f'nd ihc -!rmes /or
/!, O_os-oe [m] ~> t 1 = f (Rr-Rr/
1. [s]
(R-R.,) < =
=e> t,. = t - (12,_ -12,f
(R- R.,)~ .:
O. os-04 [rn] =e>f,:Lfs7

V=2m/s 6.22 A long cylinder with its !ower side closed ìs shown in Fig.
6.21 Twc f:ar plates se: as shown in F1g.
P6.22. The cylinder contains a fluid wìth the viscos~ty of
P6.2 L The Jower pL:ue is starionary anà
rhe uppe~ plate r:mves to ihe righ[ ac the µ""" 3x!0·3 kg/m-s. A piston in the form of a long cylinder
velocity of 2 IT'}S. The pressure at poin[ l moves imo rhe fluid at the rare of l m/s. Tue flow between
is PI= 100000 Pa, anà the pressure at the cylinder and the pismn is assumed fully developed.

point 2, which is 1 m funher along the Figure P6.21 When flow stans the length of the inserted pan of the
pla<es, is p 2 , as shown. The viscosity of pistoni~ 0.60m, and rhe lengr.h it can still trave! is 0.40 m.
the fluid between the plates is µ = 2xl0·2 kglm·s. a. Find the velociry profile in the gap between the piston
a. Find p 2 for which ihe ne I flow between the. plates is ~il.~ and cy!inder.
b. Fimi p-,.for which the flow per unir width 1s 0.10 m-'/m.s. b. Find alt the poims where che ve!ocity of 1he fluid is zero Figure P6.22
3 e, Find the shear stress and shear rate at the cylinder wa!L
c. Fi.nd p for which the flow per unit width is (-0. l 0) m /m.s.
d. Find the farce pushing the piston.

a) 74e rfaf' ù "''7/ sma/( {

Ji <é<
i) an
d tna<.f

comiclc:red !.&e J"f! 6etween fwa. (iof r/a.tes

,a=(_ l1p) _c!_2[1-(}J-!1 (~) -'·' t ., (. · , (r:e t.2f)
\ LJ::x. y d. dj fu d/ J
i ous r1ou ron r 5 · c.t·
Jhe ve/oci'J-

,li. • (- !!?) l!_' [J:h - (ilJ

Lix y h/
- Vl 1
Jee /J i
b.) Conservafìo11 of mass grèlds:

Q = 7TA/,if = Ì:b, f /f. d<f , ifo:l ~

___.z_ = 2400[f'C(1 4 o f'J 1

00( /JeYJO!i"/f W = {- ~);: } ùife:/roi 1 6ccomcs
=) i] = 0 -f2ioo = /ò2 400 f !°a]
~ - dp . d
Lix. ? '
~ Ud
f !rt-rt/]w-v~J dci'
h -

LJp = 0U4x;« = JA[w(1-1)-vi]= hf'[-Jj


P, = +!.1 - 1 floo = 7.f-?oo [ .PQ J

Q~ _ Llp d3 + Uoi
LJx. 1y T ~ - o. i
=) ..dp -- 2<,oo f24ooo = .20400 [Pc,] -J
.2x:3>!/0 .:f'SO><-V'=

d 191
@22 / cont
/m;osit1ff, 6.23 A Yiscometer
. is d.esic-neà
:::.' -.:long ··me generai
-' forrn of me
· cor.figun.iion of Fig. P6.22,
and 1s used to rne2sure viscosities in the range 0.001 _ Q.02kg/m·S.

W[: - { f)j - t " V

0 a. As u first step in the design use t:he dimensions of Fig. P6.22 2-nd calculate the
time needed for the piston to trave! 0.1 rn, provided it is pushed down with a

V i 3:+h6h f f - (f t] - t J=o
force of 10.0N.
b. It is de~ired the times to be measured are of the oròer of 10.0 s. Suggest
conven1ent we1ghts lo be used to push tb.e piston down, for òe ra:.•se of viscosi-
ties measured. -
/he Jccot1d order ~uafrc)(} in (t) IJ:
(/;e ex~res.s/oYJ (x-*:) 1/i fio61etn (6":22/
a) Coasicler
lhe. /orrn F= _/ (V;ilx) 1
le 1

l>"Ouclt ;peld.o. one soMìon (~~o >

~=D 14a.f is af fhe

cefù'vider's wa/I eme/. (!re Jecond .rolut loa .'

3, o.oqUfr,0.001 = o.2'78 = o.'i''i'J

31)+ Gh 3,. tJ..oqg+b.,.-0.001 a~

:J 2 C!f'i'3>o0o/= 0.000?'13 [mJ

ivhich is on a cé!!rncler who.r" c;.ba1>1e-fer !J ~ Dir (h-:J)= aoft(JJ{ h

f/owever (bere ore 101/ifs ir; ihe fVk/ (ar in /roat of /JGe ;rston 7he lime 1s:
!hai have. a!so i'ero ve!oci1J. J __ GV:?x(o.;;r!or/1-- []
' - - - - - - · / • 4S 5
2:t: IO
b) !'Or fhe range:. /r = o.oo{::.;J

d) 76e: (orce p;rhi"J- (ke jJisfon /s f;ui/f v/' o( fw.o ;uds. Tke re.s:rvr<:
J./2 = IP. •2 [ !:.!-]

fi = b'i'2f,i/x!f.::c ;' F;_ = 0i33"11"Lfx...

oa ihe /la f sor/o'f ancl //,e s/,ear 1PH !fte cvrved s<J~fòce . Bofk vari
L<i'dh t1'ive f= fO [S} (herc forc-c-s. bccome
duriaJ //,e ;rS!on \ fr/Ove;neat /
{q21 {&.7~ 0.1,')
F =
;- 2
$ !J; dp -
. /
br Lix ?y.x. 1!J=h = -
ìì~ .<
7f ', f~o' 10\ v»Llx.
1- ii bi'1x fr" "'°' 5h y t} Fr =
2 X (O

- {'!2f/ , V' ll.x. [i-t] (!•) where

·> F
o. G e{ Ax

192 193
6.25 Water flows at the rate of 0.05 m3/s through ihe annular gap with
A shock absorber is shown in Fig. P6.24. The-viscosity of the an inner radius of OJOm and an ourer fadius of 0.12m. The
6.:2.4 lv
fluid is /.0-.J__:~g/m.s. Assume the flow is laminar and fully de- T length of the annult1s is 100 m. Assume the flow laminar and
vel~ped. Find the charac:eristic behavior of this shock absorber, fully developed.
i.e., rhe farce which resists the moti on of the piston as a functìon a. Find rhe pressure drop along the annulus.

of the speed of the piston. b. Find the magnìrnde and location of the maximum velocity in
rhe annular gap.

( "&'· (Ji) (@)

lj. (6. tt)

!- ilp) =
xi/ Figure P6.24
o) U.s'°"rf
l Lix
Q ~ (- ;:) Ìì
R/; ) ;f-(2) ~ [1- {R1K )°)

.!n ( Ro/R,)
'j )
i»here R;" or [J>?]
=) _LJp ::;:; _ jfff_t(O ~ ' v'.:tL!.z.. R, ~ o. r~ [1>1]

7hE (ore-e is => (- ~:) = /OJ' 45" f -f#.J

F" { <l/ tip + Ì:<lt tl.x. i:jce. lyoh
{-!fHx/OxVdo0 ~ ,
( 'vh
·{'f4/<Jo 2
locaiion o/ max/m()/J? ve!ocifot.
Su6.sUvf,ag. dx. ~ a 2. [»i] cood;/io/J :
= o
[H] dr

~>( Sz· b.64} (;~,;0)2_"

.2 (r; ( ~;)
=) r : o fO:Ji? [m]
CMd. w;/h fj (G.63)

/ Wma, = S. i.z [h/s]

6.26 Ca;·eful measurements show that there is a 0.003 m eccentricity in the annulus 6.27 The vertical concenrric ahr;i.:Jus ir. Fig. P6.27 has an
de.scribed in Probìem 6.25, i.e., there is a dis[ance of 0.003 m between the centers ùmer radius of 0.100 m and an ourer radius of 0.141
of the inner cylinder and 1he outer one. The flow-in this eccentric annulus is still m. The outer cylinder is sutionary and che flow in it is
0.05 m/s, and is siill assumed fu!ly deve!oped. An e;i:;:perienced engin~er suggests upward. Tue wall of rhe ìnner cylinder is very thin and
that calculadons far 2. concenaic annulus having an inner radius of (O.Cl +0.003)m there is a downward flow inside the inner cylinder.
and a.n outer radius of 0.12 m, or an iflner radius of 0.10 m and an outer radius of The sarne fluid flows in the inner cylinder and in rhe
(0.12 ~ 0.003) m, both yield upper bounds to che pressure drop. He also suggests annulus. Neglect the weight of the thin walled inner
thai calculations fora concentric annu!us having an ìnner,radius of (0.01 - 0.003)m cylinder, and find the ratio between the rwo flow rates

and an outer r2.dius of 0.12 m, or an inner radius of 0.01 m and an outer radius of necessary to keep the inner cylinde• floating, Le., such

(0. l 2 + 0.003) m, both yield lower bounds to the pressure drop. Find the better that the shear farce on the inside of its wal!s is just
Figure P6.27
upper and lower bounds to rhe pressure drop. balanced by thai on the omsicie.

Frorn ihe iwo Uffer bowici. ccdculafioYIS / ihe hetfeir Tlie vdscrt:J d/sùi !Jufion in flie 1/?t?er
___ ,,,.,,,. 2.
cJ!tncfer is

1s i/,e lor»er Me ancf. (or lhe /01Per hounds fai;- 1 llie

tt-;· e:( .dp) Pi[!- f-Cj2)
aetfer /J fhe l/ff°& Of!e rLld R; _, ~

Ci) Uffa' ii&u!?cl_

!hin(/ {f (6.6C) / fhe f're.uure drofl is


1ìR/' /i- f ~) - 2
f 1- (Ri/R,f] 'j
In (RofRr)
T/;e dioice . tJ /;elweeri
1 /? °0. (;z j /,!/o O.(-f 0. Oo7,
/ _
2. Po ~&.f2-0.oo?, 'R,·o O.i t r.=R.; -
tl<;jlec/,~ ihe i1Jjluence o/ k'~" ratio_, ~

4 1' "'-' R4 j
Thv5 ; caJe d._, wr'IJ, (Jrealer Ro 1.s- choJen b
Tlre Jhear Jiress &r lhe a>vfer sr;r fa ce .·
6) Ji1n;!ar 6\'sidera(/ons leod fo (!,e choiff': /of'
Ko, o. f< j Ri 0
&.1- 0.003 oJ lire 6effer j,,wer 6ovnc{.

196 197
/~ 27/ colli
6.28 A gas turbine can operate using severa\ dif-

or, IVilh ~ (I. (1) ferent fuels. It is desirab\e to measure the 3

density of the fuel whilé ìt is flowing in a

0., o Irop; -- - (-1- Ll?

~) 1rf<r"
1 pipe to the cornbusrion chamber. A scheme
to do this is shown in Fig. P6.28. The fue! L'

These stresse.r musi .6e ;yual

has the viscosity J1 and the density p. Find
expressions far the pressure drop between
points 1 and 2, and between points 3 and 4.
Gr?r = ~?o Show that indeed,
Figure P6.28
. (p 1 -p2 )+(p4 -p3 )=2pgL
=> - LYJ.
I i.e., the density p may be thus obtained form pressure drop measurements, though
the visc.osity and the velocìty of the fluid llre not k.nown.

/ç' /!ow 1J aJsvmec( tom/rior/ and {!- {&S-té)

vtre!d s
ìiPi; - 4
_f;~ij) =
y (A-P;J
q_ :
( 11R

011d 0
IA//IJ, i? ifie mo cC/t'e e{


d ì/ow; /rom lùodJ(ìed f'reJJure deji/Jt'll<!J/1
2 + R ,"- 12/ f
_f; = I ( ~ = f'2 + S'JL
7/,e /!o!Nrote rczlro ~ = f'.z f{fL 4 = fL;
~· = J!i lJYj /J
Q, Aowo =
=> f J -f2 - .;)iL = f'.J -fJJ!L-f!.;

or (f!rf~) + (f+-{J3) =25jL

198 199
6.30 A very long pencil of J cr.i in diameter is cenually located-ìn a pipe, Fig. P6.30.
Water flows i:-i the pipe at t\"".e :-:i.ce of 0.005 n-j>/s. Tne ?encil Gensiry is the sarne as
6.29 The pipe shown in Fig. P6.:?.8 has a dia~eter of U.025 m; the lengths between that of wacer. The pene!! is ac first held in place, 2.0d rben it is re!eéSed.
poinis l and 2, and between poinis 3 and 4 are 2 m each. Tue pipe canies fuel with
a vìscosity o~ 2x JQ·3 kg/m·s and a densi1y of 900 kg/m3 ar 2. velochy of 3 m/s. a. Ne.glect the effects of the ends of rhe pe!1cil and find !ts accelerarion 2.t the
Assuming fully_developçd laminar f1ow, find the pressure drops between i:.oint.s 1 momem of rele2se.
and 2, and between poin(S 3 arid 4. b. Find ihe velocity of the "pencil once il has reacheè ste::i.òy mcd.on. Esòmate the
errar =de by not taking imo account the effect of the edges in the cal.culation of
The /!owraie
- 1Ì(o.02sf . 1
Q ~ V Tjj/',' = 3 . -4-- = '/·141 ,,o

Assurning. futr c!e vefop:d ffow; fJ (6.s-c) /s uJed ,,../ Figure P6.30

fo fi(l et (-i;) 4) The veloci~ dis ir !hv Ùon i.s :

Pr-fi. 2 · 2 ·{o-3· /41 -3

{O w_- (if) J... [rRo2-r"J- {Ro"-R') f1 (f/R,)]
- - - - - - = 3c;G [~] )"
' d jJ.l · 1
k (Rr/!2 )
L 1f. {0.0125)1.i 0

l;!;dh [' ihe w.oJ.if'ecJ. pre:s.sure 1 ìhe shear ofress O(J ihe penci!

P,-.f2 = .P1 --4 ~ &12 [PC(]

1-2 'O· (O

t!é!fS2[ff (a"":)- I- (•oo:J"J
.&,_ (C.ors-)

:o 'lJG. f(, [ f;]

= :> 0r;i j
= C/31S.f(,. i [-2·0.00~- -
4 Q
r 0 {o. mv )
J~ b.2/j,}
.oo~ ...t.u. ff?.&.('S

'The s6ear force O(! i6e fencrl 1s:

F'G = &r, jr=f?.1 2.1/R, L

200 201
COfì(, .

I -I·
o.ccereraffon :
6.31 Figure P6.3I shows three f1:H plates. The upper and lower ones are statiOnary, and
the middle one can move in ics own p!ane. The x-wise pressure ~dìent

above the moving plate is ( 300) Pa/m. and Ehat in 1he fluid below is (-300) Pa/m.
in the fluid

Find the velociry of che mid plate.

b) The Jfeoc{y .sfa?é ve/oci1<f IS

~; < v{oencil < V,:na>'.

Figure P6.31

Ihe fressure (o n:e T!ie vefocdif distrdwiion E;z (6.2'r) 1 is


- o2 - LI f = il R.,·2 {- L!Li(°)L
~= ~) ~~ [ ; ft) l
r 2
rpc=/!1,,· <)
(- - +u { f)
arie/_ the The s/iear sfresJ 011 f/,e "'id ;ilatc.. !JJ' ihe (!uid a6ove:

7/ie Jheca- sfress &r> ihe rnic{ pfafe bel !he (!urd 6r?foou:
0, = ,o :oicz./ ~( r?Jp,) c!.2 +u /0[µ
if:X:2 / :i~ ;j =os - L1 oe _.z. 2 >

ixl1ere O -S:;:j s O.">-

Fvr i he .sfeac!;j siede :
C:;,pcr ~ 'i:'~otz_
L de;) dr -uii
(_ Lix j 2 dr
= {LI?<! ) d2
· d)cJ 2
-J v /4.

=) u =

202 203
7 .1 Ademist uses a sucrion device as shown in Fig. P7.1. Warerfrom the li..•e flows in
the larger pipe, which changes its diameter from D to d anà back to D; evenru-
ally the water tlows out to the sink. The pressure in the rnaiu water line, before rhe
water enters the devìce, ìs p 1 = l.5xl05 Pa. Find the suctior::. pressurefor dJD = 0.8.

-- .3

74Ei FLo<V IN €40! ~6 CTIPN I~ I} Sr!!'E/(/of{Tldf( oF

Po/5€UILLE FlPU/ /ftiO {/ s!l;;-,4f/ f'U)/I;;- FLP41, .411JJ nlE

Figure P7 .1 Denrist's sucrion devi ce.

7 !f<l5

Cvt1T1t1v1Ty' LI.,= u_3 (f:) 4=- 10 /,.; < = 1 J-&zs'".,,.,,fa ·
f/110 r~E STA Tld!ll/~Y /1.1 tJ PifiTé IS fJ/5/tEù TP 71/é /(Jtf!(T ,-
(!,EP.t/0'1ll.f ~Q. JfGt91JI:
3''{,.,--,.>) =
T 30 ~-
+ IU. I
Ntl/ lii"T 7H€" HtJJfuJff Mo VE 70 7/K 1ù61fT SY U,
l//Tif 7HE" USVi71N6 2/E!lR FP/(CE" /t {/ (-/.r ;/, )~s.syu
Ftlllill_Y ~Jk WOf'lllTE S</FFE/€5 NO NET ~ Fl/,,,-
S· ::Y< il= 3 o / U= S-.tf3ff J


204 205
7 1 7 . 3

7 .2 Before installing the warer pipes ir:. his new house, a man measured the pressure in 7.3 A pump is used to raise water into a reservoir, Fìg. P7.3. Both the water source
the main water line ne:rr the house ond found iL to be p = IO" Pa.. He ·men installed and the reservoir have free surfnces, i.e., are open to the nrmosphere. Vlater is
pipes with an inne:r diameter of 1 cm. Find the maximll.Gl rate of water supply he raìsed at the rate Q ""'3 m3/min, to the height h = 10 m. The average velocity of
1 the water in the pipe is 8 rn/s. Find the power required te run the pump and the
...-1 may expect.
u value of the various tenns of the Bernoulli polynorni::ù at the entrance and the exit of
the pipe and also at points in the water source and in the reservoir far away from the
ftri oPG/'l!tl&. To pipe.

p,_ '
- - )

({ 2..
' J ()(//)
/ z (
IO ' -/O;

~ ~ 4 l{, =
.., ""

::: /3- 33 Li f /s. Figure P7 .3 Pump raising water.

Ff!.ICT!Oj/ 1$ J./€~€CT€P. FllR FtfoH rlfG' f>i?é:

J!I ·NG Lowéll fù;s€P,Vd!/{.

f/ T rlfé €X'IT:
D = ~ + j, + Ll' , T//G f'c/MP SCIPf'LléS .BE-l' - .le h~~
..o..-x- f 7-J. - o
Po,;Efi. " Q•{tgh+ !v.'):-(3;{,,)·(i-11•1c,.fJ·fMdO'i9.5/i-
-ts kw'-

206 207
7 . 4 7 . 5

7. 4 A Pi tot rube, Fig. 7.4, is used to me:i.sure the speed relative ro a moving fluid. Tue 7.5 A water ntrbine consists of an ourer cover, propeller and diffuser as shown in
details of the Pitot tube are described in Example 7.4. For P2 = l.5xH)5 Pa and Fig. P7.5. At point 1 the ciiamerer is l m, the veloci.ry of the water is 30 rn/s, anà
p 1 -=- 105 Pa, find the flow velocicy when tlle moving fluid ìs the pressure is 250 k.Pa. At point 2 the diamernr is 2 m, while ar poìru 3 it is 3 m.
a. Water, b. Air. The flow losses in rhe tu:rbine are about 25% of the power of an idea.1 mrbine.
No re that far air it is not enough to know the dynarnic pressure Po ""'Pi - PI· a. What is ilie power of m ideal nrrbine ?
b. What is the acrual power?
c. What is the ideal and acrual power wi!hout the diffuser?
d. If the propeller rotates ar 900 r.p.m., what is the rnomenr acring on the outer
cover and what is the direction of this moment relative to that of rhe propeller


Figure P7.5 Water turbine.

~­ ,,_, ' ,.,,. t.- ~ t. fe_
o.. 1'!1€ MAs~ F'f..UX $/ ~ -"-d, ~ '.ì- =...!!..,; xJ'tfiJ=' gtJ,-.z3,SèJ-
~ ..J / I '°5' fb
f, = s8.rh,q(j +J..'9,'= ~- + ,,_·rq.'//+ -j_xJ.c,_= 7!J-6 w.i:
I 2. /'1 /4dÒ I fl<:

T>f<i lfl'PM.:artt9TION o/!, TIJ!!llf_b) 6Y ,çssc/.Hil'ltf /!; = b+ o+

.. s J. ~f!,)~7\::
:z. h\J~ J
~·+f,{so•(f)}z= !oS--6 e
,., •.
INCN1/'f{,€,;; FLr!I;/.
= .!!.._ =
rZ -r,
'Z-i?7 .-Jd{}
/ ( Pow<itl..) 1 1) :: ~ (G,-83 ) = z..>S-SD•(;1r {-1os-·iJ"'
S' L/1- j I
..r-1)~1r1r '=z7J·.J,,.,/s
I .. ) 4(o x IO Gi/1rr : 1~46o kù/
"' I~.

I S CJFF f!, Y (z jl·S-- z.7z)jz-1z=c.oll =- f·l /{_. b . { P~,.;~ri.) 4 ~,,."'-91.. = (} 1 ,-N(PtJwG"x)iJ) =/il t<t.Skv
" 9.
=/,. 2
_K f<T;
(/P~ ) ~:I _j7
LV,j 'J
FhH e· B,_" ;,_ +CJ+ t[;'-{j~)J~ ~~~ -'f•{Jo•f11J';1zt'·/
(f<!Wli~ IP=

T!fiF E:ofuP Lo) P.i!T ,<In«: T!f<: O/FF6"/U'!(C€ INGIPE:

z.3s-rc1{1tj-G- /'l..f·I) =13. /ZJ•io"'4rr
.:: IJ,JZ? kit/
TIW S:&UtJ!li:: BR./IC/{lirTS .
~t1)11crv'7L = /Clt/-y7 klV
208~ 209
7 . 6

ì.6 A two-dimensiona.1 hoUow body in the shape of :m "igloo" resrs on rhe ground,
Fig.P7.6. Tue curved pan has a diameter D and a length L = W/2. There is a
IO;fYS-'to"._ wind of speed V-=:: 40km/h. Assuming thar ilie average wind velociry along the
'11·~ - curved partis. given by

VL = VL!D = VJ!/2.
Calculate the lift on the igloo.

Mi:.v1u11) 4t10 E>:-1rs k/1 Ttf ,,vo,vG" {r!ft:
TU/i. t3tN€ I.> 11.f?Ll. fléS'!GNG'O) f/F!{CE
(!.;f OM€1'1T)
' C!JStNt;.

Figure P7.6 Igloo in cross wind.

ftr rf/€ oPl!i'//!NG- IJ.NO Jft:,VC,ç l!IS!O"' rJfG' ;&LC'CJ

Tif-€' Pt<EssvM r s '°". !$i:!(r./IJVU.. f E&. ,:Je,"'Té'IE';V

po111r 2. ffNO TifiF cJ<.ITsftlE CJF r,<frç SlféU.:.:

Po +

= ~ IJ. ç3 f
f'tssu!'frNG .f-z ;.3,5 {-r.r~, 1r;..:..oc?J.1 P.-;z~1uf%.

i. IF T = .fJ •(P. -Pc_)~ /Z.Z.J)


210 211
7 - 7
7 - 8

7. 7 A Jarge tank of water has a hole ar its

7.8 Find the correcrion facrors,

side, h ""4 m below the water level. The
hole diameter is d=0.05 m, Fig. P7.7. f3M for the use of che average velocicy in the mor.ne1rum theorem,
~E for rhe use of the average velocity in the Bernoulli Equation,
Neglect fricrion and find the rate of the h
for the fl~w in a rectangular duct of sìdes a. and b. Assume the velocity to be

water flow out of the tank.
approximated by
Note: The answer is nor A{iih; the
shape of the stream-tube coming out of
the tank is nor cylinàrical, but rather
w=w0 sm·("")·'"Y'
- sml-J
\ a ~b
curved. This consrrictìon of the cross-
section is called vena conttacta..
Figure P7.7 Vena contracta -
Water flowing from a ho le.
CQ-$ 1ì;( &:>
I" I
j, I I

~=a Id~

tJa T T//.JiND-1!/ Fo!f<:t:s T<l rii<: T;/-N/{ /,IN(}

r!fEt:.EF&/?. rlfr:f1_E IS 1111 c/11'8;1/UJ-NCEO F<1-fe-,;-

To rtfE LEF"0 tJr :: :- -t /;fJ-ll.

éJtl Tif€ oT!fd. lf!Jf{J) Tlfr: f/lfUét'/Tt.IH

______ -.( T!fF:d//.éH h/I. IJ 6JtlT!fOl. V<Jt..r/t-11'


é.G-; étJ..(]t·H) 1 STllTéS

f : .rt-9_'-!l<..
k . )
>l!f!F/!.I? /},,_ 15 T!fé CoNT/ff!CTéO C//.d$S-
5éCT/oN lf/..fiff (IF Tif& w''9TI?//. ::rie-'9H rv'd€" d(.I[,

ijl 5 O J /J,e;f;./dc/f..L / E<Yi/JTlotJ! F//.ul'f rt!G' T&f' oF

Tifr: if/}TE/1.. T<J Tlf<=- :TéT '(léL05

htJ_:___f Sfcz
Ile :- }: I}

7 - 9 7 - 10

7.9 Waterat 2ooc isflowingrhroughal0cmpipearl5rn/s. Aronepo·m· '" .

res · 13- .., "1e sraac
P• sure is ) k.Pa gauge, and the friction head berweon this pom· ' --,a. a secon d
• y ...
7.10 Oil c2ooc, viscosity 900 cp, specific gravity 0.95) is to flow by gravity through a
pomr 10 m below the firsr is 3..5 m Fmd the static pressure at tlle second point. one mile _long pipeline, from a large reservoir to a lower station. The difference in
Now suppose the second poinr ìs 10 m above the first poin•- can ..... fl ak levels berweeil the tanks is 14 m. Tue discharge rate required is 1.6 m3/u:rin. Calcu-
place? . _, uie owr e
late the diarnerer of the steel pipe necessary far these conditi.ons.

k =- 'k. f;:; 9 fd1$€ = 0 . 'J . l/s5cJ,.iitlG c.l}!-IJ/V411 Fl-'W 1

.. Q " J.:j_ " '7 J1 '(- f' )
A "'1 3 {;
€&.(• ·S-6) '
l! -r h, d- &-+hf~
lfo . AX /S
2. s s h,~s. P. • hrJJ + ts v'+P, J hf 3S = L {- 1t)
L = ! .,,-!,_ = 1607,,,
€0. (6 n) ' iJ- = {- ~) ~'

P,_ = P, - h, SJ- -h_ç fJ-=

= 13~drJcJ- IO x-((l(ft?rj-f/-3·S-K/"'7dxJ-!f= z.s&,çPq

I f4 [ 7;. 3sS- • ,.,.3? j = 1Jo1tJ3 _, !\ = ,-111 :_

I Yo-rlf rJMT Tlilf €f'f'€CT dF

l. - .

Plff CE-

( ~
214 215

7 - 11
7 ,~ 12

7.12 A fluid flows in a pipe which has a sudden increase in its cross-secrion, as
7.11 A tank conrains water 10 a depth of
shown in Fig. P7 .12. Assume thar the pressure in t.he wider secrion right after tbe
1.25 m, Fig;,·7.11. The inlet end of
jum13p2, r_emins hs old value, p 1. Then choose a contrai volwne containing sides l
the siphon is 1 m below the suriace.
Fricòon losses amount to 10 kPa.
How far below the surface must the
T b
and 3 of the jump point, Fig. P7 .12, and use conservarion of mass and the momen-
rum !heorem to find the new average velocity. Fmd the head loss acmss the jump.

outlet end be placed to give a velocity

of 0.75m/s? l
Figure P7.11 Tank with siphon.

8-o~r/Ot!LLI €&iJ!IT/ON: Figur.e P7.12 Sudden increase in flow. Cross-secrion and contro! volume.

f, f,, h + ili_ < li, '), = Il, 'f.

+ 3"'1, f +a f f.l•Hé/JTV/.f f:li/.{;->f) {Pcsmv'é J!I rlfE i' Ot~ECTfo!'I):
z )

jo tH}{J = IO ,,h"' Cl.!!. + '-Ld- c]s

r, fil -p3 ~. • 1 Pi 'ii, -si' 1!3 =r<.
Jhf = f )

- ;. os 4'1
-r. (//3- //,)
f/'t, - f, lt3 -1- J 'i; l Il, - J e'}, t) c/)3 =

i )

216 217
7 - 13

?I~ l/»ro~ FUW.S IN A f/.€CT1fri<;<JGt?;\ c-IYJ)l/IT l!r fOINT 1

7 .13 _'\;1 invem:or who ciid nol study fluid mechanics suggests to put a conica.i funnel in a
fast-fJowing tiver and ro pl::i.ce a turbine rotor at the funnel's apex, Fig. P7.13. rlf€ Cc1NiJtJ17 lii).::.* THr: i}/Mt:JJ.Sidr/5 b,:J) h1=I) ~o
Bec2use of continuiry, he claims, Lì.erario of theriver flow speed to the speed at the AT fd!f/T 1. j,~ = o]SJ hL~ ;.s,,.,,_ TifE 0/5T;ft/C€
rotor is the inverse of the funnel cross-se<:.tional areas. Thus, in principle, any speed
can be anained at the apex. "Nor so fast", says a srudent of fluid mechanics, "the
"'- -
=fO "~'l,)
"~ /J!fO
A : o,/
S "° /ddO. F1#0 !;-P,_ 1•

mmdmum aru.:inabìe speed is qui te finite". Find this finire speed ·and explain what /)tl NC1T J/G'Gt....éc-r Cot?.KGCT!<JN Ff'1Crd!?S · TI/€ CCJq.00!/
happens when Ùle area ratio becomes largerthan thai: corresponding to the highest CifffrlG€S GJl.f!Ov!,!a y F/(,H S:EcrMN ./ ro SG'CT/o# 21
~= VFGOCITY IA' €'1'<:/f s6crfo-" ('{f7.r
t' (ly/
possible veJocicy ratio.
F1G· I ftl'{J ''" ,,
g 0 f}f!'Jl.ox111!/rEfl 8-Y 4{" J x:;..., !i:'f;; i;...,tì-Jt
{ .
Figure P7.13 Turbine wirh guide funneI. ì h,

Figure P7.14
Sections of a rectangular channel.

J "b-~ J [ if. b h
[--> r;f ~rr! ./fri>: ~ uJ; ;,

x=r:i d-""

OF rHE ~.-(CGS:S

/ .1![) =

/ (::),:

218 219
7 • 15

7 .15 A stationary noZ2le ejecrs a jet of water with the mass-flux of 200 kg/s, and with
the velocity u 1 = 20 m/s, F:ig. P7.15. Tne warer jet hìts a vane with rhe angle
a:= 300 between the jet axis and the plane surfo.ce. Tue vane recedes in the dir-ecrion
of irs nonnal with the speed v = 6 rn/s. Tue environment pressure is constant and
gravir.ation and viscosity effects are negligìble.
a. Choose a conrrol volu,.-ne and define it carefully.

f, - f,_ = .J 1~E (1<{:_41,) 'J~f = /~'",z1(111;':..:')f'.,.N<''1rJ"f I b. Find the division of the jet mass-flux on ili.e vane: the flux
flux to the right, i.e., how thick are Di and °-3}
to the left and the
a.SS~1"J l;;c-Ji ... e..isÙ~tif {bli/·

1S-G1{ <(f,-f,_ )< 1S-t1;f

I c. Find the force applied by the jet to the vane.

L t

irlE cof'IT;?..01_ VOL r.lt1é !$ CffoSEJI !h s~i/;V BY

TI/€ OfJ sl/€fJ Liti<: f}/1,co_,;. !TS St(J<:S' /Jfl..E FIXED
i I ti SIZ.€ e vr !T HoilES Se/Cl/ Tf/l/'T f}.lJ IS
i fiLw'AY5 tJr>/ Tf{lé V!ltlE Jf;vD 17' SUOCS TrJ 71/C:
fZIGlfT Silo/ T!/l/T /!fE' :TE7 !fL/J/lfYS Ei;VT€!\S !ti
I -nfE S4fv1E Pl.4CE I-€. 1

I fl/l_E F!XD> //EllfTIVI<

rfl<r MdTIV!I (IP r;/€ CdtlTl/dl-


I VOlt/f1 € 15 r!ft:!V

) {; t
I.I n....i..c
- - tf
') =,. .", ,c..y" l _,_,,__j.f- -"'t IT-

220 221
- ... , .
b. 7 - 16
llfe FLoW /// /lf€ c. v'. Is St'3,~;Y f}tlO rH<: f'(U.:;S..>UR..é-
1=1 T PrLL cJP€#tNG IS f<) . /(.5c.../ii!V€ /cJ rHe: C· V: /.:/€
7 .16 An upper water reservoir is connected ro a lower one with a pipe intercepted by a
turbine, Fii;. P7 .16. Tue pressures on the water surfaces are annospheric. Ali fric-
ti.on losses are negligìble, except ar the turbine exit outler pipe. Where this pipe
...... r'--1
= u, -
9. . ,ço11,(t&>o:.-J:;-,"-)=.!!:.!..
f~vJ,.. f-1"'- Li.;.,.~
r..L-JJ: ..i
enters the lower reservoir there is a sudden enlargement of the cross-secti.on and the
total velocity head there, i. e., V,;?f1, is lost. Find the maximum power obrainable
'i'o (11>zt -J) by this turbine,

f.t, = (ro-6 J(1. 73< t-J) = >G (r 732i-J )= 72{o.;&c•t- os,j) I T

! l2m

IJr, I= 72 I I

I l

I 80m

co,1 >E~Vf!r1ot1 <JF t-w!SE" t1<Jf1EJ/Tr!!f: I

;t i
'_.,U'.r xo.fGJO

fl-€/J.é:.f I!
=;; - ,Y~'L..,.

SrJ!TIMf!!\Y Vl!tiG· Il
i.J '~/1 =
Vlf /u,ç[fS~ J

110V111G VI/#<' //.€cDVt:S

;/Q<léD !

!fh,,,. =&t, (; ·t, J/(;1_._1, J. uo· :: = 1&HJ ~IP.

Figure Pj.16

-J-h" = fò~J- ±'}"- Q= fl'f J/ = !'!fil cJf.oss-5ECTl-'1

·i P•woP,. =!Ì=j4J'J-h.,. = J'1'}{1o~J·-f:J')

I (j~)= O=J fJ [
lofJ - f ~ J}} ,/o~x} =J ~J ;=26.!"fa
t - J

{N')"'4.X = 17. 7 :<fO 'Il lv'l/rr =- 17 7'34 Il kw'

222 I 223

7.17 The pressure in a main water Jine is
4xl0 5 Pa, its diamerer is0.150m
7.18 The water leve! in a reservoir is 20 m above grounà leveL The top of the tank is
and Ùle mean velociiy of rhe water is
c~en m rhe atmosphere. Water is supplied w a field ai gTound kvel uslng a pipe
IO mis. The atrriospheric pressure is
5 ~th a diameter of Q.012 m. Neglecting friction. find the maximum flowrate !ha
10 Pa. The main iìne is 1 m below
can be su"pplied. To incre3se rhe supply the pipe is changed w another havlng a
ground leve!. An industrial washing machine which is locateci 3 m above ground
diameter of 0.019 m. Flnd ù:e new
level has a peak water demand of 0.020 m/s.
Find the diameter of ihe pipe Jeading from Ihe Jine to the machine.

-2 _,
s; f
+ JiJ
2;0 -rh2 fii;

!f'iJ/edif!J hf) {ReJervoir}

- f-
Vi" +
Jh -;:
f• 2! 2J- The {/owrafe •
So( vin; (or ~ 1
Q ~ !,'., r'i~'-- .2 o (o
s J
V'.z : Yzct(~ + Ji ;-Llh) 2i'. 2 [m/s]
Fòr ilie !7eco diameter
~ !J ~
'roo; oo - Qrlew = ,1
_ r?leLt<
r 1/. O.or9 ~ -1 fm" ]·
\J G2 = . '"'3 [m] 4
~:?o· - )' ~ S6T!o

Assurn;ng laminar {lo w /

224 225
7 .19 A small lengch of lhe o!d pipe, that of the 0.012m diamerer in problem 7.18, is laid
under z wall. In changing the old pìpe for rhe new one wirh the larger diameter it 7 .20 Tue mean velocity of water in a main line is 10 m/s, and rhe water pressure there is
has bee~ sugges•ed !O change the pipe section berween the reservoir and up to the 3xl05Pa. The water 1hen passes rhrough a buster pump, and is distributed into
wal!, to chang~ the pipe sta..-ring on ihe other side of the WaJJ, but to leave the old
pipe secrion unde; Liie wall. Ir has been argued that since ttiìs old pìece is very short houses located lOOm above the main line. \Vhen a tapis opened in a house the
irs effecr is negligible. Find this effecr is indeed negligible. water comes out ar the speed of 20 m/s. The aimospheric pressure is 105 Pa.
Friction -head losses between the mainline and the houses are esrimated as 5. dmes
the velocity head at the houses. The buster pump overall efficiency is 0.8. Find the

T6e r;oes are short and power needed to run the busrer pump.

{rt"ction !osses ore r"i!leded

7he (osses caused b/f iJ,e

ore a/so idli or-ec:( '

nc<rrt)(X/ ~/,?e ; j
fJernov!(; {Y (? G) (j)-@ (fJ J,)
The sl'ecifrc eoeri if J J e./ ener;j'i !'er 1 m co.der

YJeeded lo run ik 6v.ster /'vm;o

t~ = \J2Jh =.?o [m/JJ (see 1r0Mem T.!if)
F = So hp
- o Qd

U'/;fh hp /roJYJ L} (723)

f/,,5 is 1m;0osue!.t:.I
How/ ihe veloci~ af l'oìnì 3
{ 4s.suvning. p3 ~o)

vj = \)2gh +~ ;1 = \f+ooaoo = 21r ç [m/s]

7.22 Water comes our of a 25.m high
water rower, open at the top, and
7.21 A rwo-dimensional f1uld jet hìts a i flows through a 0.15 m diamerer,
curved vane, which recedes from
the jet, Fìg. P7.21. Show thai rhe
ID'!··J Vone
600.m long pipe. The water is then dis;rib:.ited through 0.025m diame:er pipes, or.e
of which ls 100.m lcng, Fig. P7.22. Me.::suremenrs of pressure dmps along rhe
thickness of the water layer, as ìt Je1 jb! horizonral pipes yield P.4. · P e= 1000 Pa, and Po - PE = 2000 Pa. The mean veloc-
follows rhe contour of rhe vane H ì1y of the fiow in rhe 0.150m pipe yield V= 0.15 rn/s.
surface, is constant. Assume that at a given velodry the f;iction losses in a pipe are proponional m the
pipe's Jength, and fi:id the pressure at point F.

Figure P7.21

Co/Jsider iwo caJes:

Ci) 7he 1-}'vre P1..?f ?es In a 6or/?oofa{ /'lane . 25 m

I 20m
I d=o.o25m
Bernoulli fiy. oefween d Qod .z (1::::,;Nre /l? '21 )/ ":1/efi"J fridion,
'J[ ,_,_.~~..,...~~'-=_{_·15~rn-._c~--!1'-r-'l~0-~
·- r-to m-j "\

>------ 600 m----t"----- 100 ;;i---'.

Figure P7.22

~:> Vr~vz BemovCi Ej. 1- e

and (ra:;m -2
f'o -f .f'g-h =' ,Pc -f Lf-c Lfp
J 5'-tt
J..4-l5 ' .!.
6) The f~;yure P 1..? I !/es In vertica! I' teme Hf{-C
f'c ~ 1'rrf (0 4 2S- - {;20 (Oò
/3ern<9vf(i {f. !--! (ne;/et;,,I (ridr'on)
The ;;res.rure of F


,,.. ~ • "',_m,..~s s .. ow th::1
- . . (
rzicuon losses in srraight pipes are prooonional to rhe
L/d Lf~,Ye_ L I~ J
7.24 pipe of 0.025m diameter, identica) that_along DEF in Fig.P7.22, is
...,~! ~ :;~es Je_ngth and :::.pprox1mately proporrional to pVl, where Vis rh~ mean velocirv
". IJ,
;t J.1d.~e 1 dameter
~ rhe pipe. I;i the system of Fig. P7.22 al! pipes are closed excepr the 0.150~
pip"' and th .. O 0?5 · d ·
opened, such that the water coming out at point C is equally divided between the
rwo parallel 0.025 m pipes, both of which are open lO rhe atmosphere. Find the
f1 . -.. ,.. . - m pipe es1gnated by rhe leners DE F. Thus rhe whole floVflate.
'. ow is now rhrough these rwo pipes alona th"' path ABCDEF A . F . .
• ,, ., . tpomt thep1pe
is open to the armosphere. Find the flowraie.

Pipe fi
1 t j p F

r-c_---1 F

l [lì

Bernou!fr i;r. (T.1;) 1-r ,f?lves

h1r1 = 4 ~ 4<!J0 [kpa]

" - 7.23

Afii ~ )!;,,_, = A1-!! 7.23. = 1s1 3 {!i1"]; (;,f!J cv

Lite 1/J
L-.1 - LI;;,,.13
. -2
Lr( /A_
- / l.J_!/ - .2

( ~) A11 = 4511 [flpa.] )

71,e ffo1.Vrafe

07- = V:ì-2 / liencc: et CO C:2§ f <f.@ : ;:

IÌ/ (O 025/ O..]

230 231
7 .25 It is necessary 10 double the flowrate of the water under 1he conditions ofproblem 7.26 Tue. buster pump designed in Probkm 7.25 is used under the conditions of Problem
7.23. To do this a buster pump is inst::tlled at poi~t B in Fig. P7.22. The busrer 7 .24_ hs mO!or dr.:ws the same powe:" as obtained in problem 7 .25. Find the
pump overaU efficiency is 80%. Find the power neeòed to run the busrer pump. fiowrare under these operating cor;ditions.

To douMe ifte /fo((Kafe. fV!eans To doo6fe -/he

B-er1100((; V. (r<Vrn frol!effl (J:s)
t?xif vefocif;r J
~h -f fe/ hp
~ ._Pr/u,t
1"" f-' ftl. fh (.
i -r!ew <f
7!_f r/rrx.:"' O
(u Ì

~ì- Hcw = .2 01-

=> V-.f.f/er.;v ~ 2 v;_r In //,e oc1ua (
'µ;fefl-1 ..
P u;,-
1fterefore ----

Mfìi tlew =- 4 h/fi

13er11ouffi Ej f-F rflves , lh l.2'r - ÌS

Q12~ - /s 14e /lowra!e in

fJ o f S'J h -f .f'J j,;J = fo f ..P0J"rre,,,
T + fafTHe•ffJ' fh/iitlewS'/f is fke UJ'J/p/'?!JJIJ'Jr'}

.?V: 2 losf ff'&a.!ion 6ecomes

"'> 4Y h -f .f'J hfJ 4 [ . -.f! + kI/ ?rfl f ;,!tl {!]
d i(} - Q Pnr or
- -7h
Thus .' /
<P'f.2~ h 1.2f
..Pcf h/l = 5 y/Jf1 J /,p ~] h -f = o
q3 - i( - !f -{0 )
7he f'ocver needed_ /s

.f = Qrlerx, - .Pgrhp =
o. i?

232 233
7.27 Gìve:i a !arni.'lEr '"iscous flow in a circuir pipe. Find·the fricrion head. expressed as 7.28 Water is prn.ired fom1 a jar into a boule. The water stream is assumed to have a
l~ngti:, as a :""unction of the fiuld pmpe:ries and of the velocity. circular cross-.section, and its flo\vrate is 0.0005 m 3/s. The diameter of the neck of
the. hottle. is 0.02 m. Find how high must the jJ.r be held above the bottle to have the
water jeI enter the bott.le.
ror (cuninor (f; . .s-;g)
VI J COG/.5 f!ow / Fof'
.J 2. ;Z-
Ap --
ò' V/L II 8erriov(/i
g1'elcù -
befween fanc!z

The heacf_ loss

V, ~ \j 2gth
ii/' Lfp
T /" =- L /_
The /hwrate
<'l " .?(f
Q ~ ~ ~62- = (2jh ~"-,_
rrom frohk:m (0.20) //,e fricfioa coef// cieof

cr ~ (~!J)
-!F.l =- Re
7he hei(Jht
of ihe J"r /J
b ,z j, //!; I{ 1 = O 12 Fin]
C117o( -/he hea e{ (oss Ì72/j4 21

cJ 234
7.29 Figure P7.29 shows a conical nozzle
connected ai the end of a pipe. The mean
velocity in the pipe is JO mls. The wide
opening of the nozzle has a 0.150 mdi-
ameter and the narrow opening is of
0.050 m diameter. Ar the exir ro ihe at-
_ __,_
j O.l5 m
.- ... 0.05m

Figure P7.29
7.30 A production process consisis of lowering a cera,nl.ic form into a bath of hot mollen
plastic, and then taking the form, now coated with a plastic layer, out to cooL The
plastic solidifies as i; coo!s. Finally the plastìc is cut along predetermi;ied lines,
while sc:ill on the form, using a high-speed thin w2ter je:. A surface sr:ress, i.e.,
pressure of lOOOkPa is required in order w cut the plastic, whlle a pressure of

rnosphere the water pressure is a1mospheric. I 10,000 kPa results in pining on the ceramic surface.

a· Find the mean velocìry of rhe water ar the exit. Find the dìstribmion of the pres- a. Find rhe·necessary velocity of the water jet.
sure inside the eone. b. Find the pressure needed to produce lhe jet.
c. Find the maximal pressure and jet velocity which stil! do not harm the cerarnic
b. Find ihe dìstribution of the axial farce along rhe walls of the eone.

a) i3er;Jou/(; (Ili/es .
Ci) ('Of1.Je/Vafi Op v{ rnoss r-z: vd r::--;::
= fr => v~ y53 = ~ 2 ro• =44 7 f 71]
v1 /J 1 "
- 2. - 2.
v.:; 62 1 .21 J s !o 3

6/'- (&. rs-;-'

L ; I li) 7/ie f're.;su1e J?et>ded fo f'roduce ihejet
(o. o,))< - fio [m/s]
fj = /ooo [ kf'a J ~ f J
/3ernoulf/ !fr. · ./-_.;;
e) lhe maxim cz,I ;oressure which sir/( do /?IPl horm
lhe cero mie jorrn rs

: ./tJ l!JOo [ Kf« J
6ei<0een d anc( 2 velocdff is
m1 o( ili e Uraxr'mu(

v)o/lax = vdr,<_ ~ ~ 2 ·tor"

141. 4 [ l>l/s]

fi) 7he arxt'a( (orce ot an(J' /'0!0T JC. rs:

Fx_ 0
f'-"' tÌ ( !€',_:- f?_/) oc !°-" Ì( [ ( R_, f x ~<></· R_/)

~ ?~ { 2x ~ 1:"- -!Jc'i/«)

236 237
8 - 2

8.2 Complete similarity between a ship model and a full-size ship requires the same
Problems Reynolds and Froude numbers. Suppose that

Re=LVJ\t:llxI02 and Fr~2=gL!V2 =33.25.

8.1 A model of a car is !/4 of the length of the car icself. The carruns between 50 and Assuming a model 1/100 the size of the ship, can you design an experiment having
100 km/h_ It is suggested to test a!r resistance to the morion of the car by running full similarity? If not, why? Could you design a full-similarir:y experiment far a
the model (a) in an a:ir tunnel, (b) in a water tunnel. Find the running speed in submarine?
each tunnel and the imerpreration of the rneasured resistance fo:rces.
I/• v51' TYPIO}~ nofoJI. TIES f! i Jp ~ {lffl'Ei/J)IX tJ)'
i!>/= O·f x/o-t ..,'/> J f.;= /Mil) )~ =/.rf x/o-'-;,,js Jµ= /./f ~J.
Ttfe f-frOEl ll:i/GrlfJ l"I = -f;L J L IS TIN7 Clf~ lfFNGTlf·
Foao4'1NG- EX!fHPLIO f.';: =-/ y

/J _ /J = VL _ t/,,L,,
lìe- - 'leH -'
y - - .,,,,

a.. I& !11R TUAINEl : E )('f.5TS

J;'.,, = Vxo/ .J ~ = SOx~··./'1/Jx? =Z-<tk..), ... f,,.,k,4 Fut..L s1Hrt..lf!(rry 1s 1Mf'ossrt3Lif"" ·

(f sveH4fl.ti"IE f)ot:s N<'T IU:&c/11(,é s'1M€" F;..

FvlL .s1Mti.Jlf{1TY UefcJ1!<.1<s {: ~ cwt..Y

: V!::.
= /<tt? v' .)
M#Y f3F f'i;ss1!3Ui';

PEll.Jf4Ps Fol<. l.19({Gef_ J.faOt:ls .


~e = ~e,.,

F=- F. _f..
M F.

238 239
f.J CMr.fa
8 - 3
Cff!/l/l/CT"'!/.IS: Tf e 6!U!f/l/r1r1r:s::
8.3 Find conditions for similariry for time independent flows between parallel plates:
Shear flows, plane Poiseuille flows, :md combinations of rhe two. Find rules for LENGrff: /.i J X*=J; X /:J;c=f.iJ·
rbe interpretation of rhe results.
VELoc1ry: { / ) U.* = Ull J ;/1r!f [/

Sl/Elifi. PLOV) PlìESs (./fU : 1P = (f V t .) f = rt

d '-()_"
=o /3. c. IJ.1f=o <E.J.*:o
clrJ- * 2.

U"'=l{ IE J-""= ,4
Ci/l!~l!CrEJl.IS:TIC 6/i//JNT!TIES: J 8. c.: U=o
LE!JGT/f: ); J éf "" /;.;f-
VELOCITY: [.{) (..{ *' ~ l[l{ . Coilf>IT!OllS: F•il. s1HIU/lfiTY:
o = J, V
'\e y
1'/.i11-JJ1M . .S:yJ:TtD'J:

/J.c: (.{:o <2J= 0

U=,( @rj."'1.
I Il FLow (j) :
(o;;J)JTfoNS Fol{ S/H{L/J/(ITY: 1/-ll .S:C/CI( /"t.Nv'.>

Po1sc:U1LLr= FLow

tJ.c ... u-;i(=" @a"=" "/ITH

U*:=O @::;."=h

240 241
8 . 4
BorH U /JH()

8.4 Find conditions far sin1ilariry between Rayleigh flows. Find rules far the inter-
preration of che results.

C/fliJ/JICTé:f/JST!c 6{()/fNTI 111:s.· E&-{6·<7) : ; B.c.: u(,,_~o)= o, li(•yl:)=o;

U.*(o; t") = V.
l</i " 1 0':l- *= l. a;
"i i *= 6 t J u * =U u ;
VE1._oc1ry: l{
Pl/Es5vA ~ :
"-"" 71' P" 1
~Gs5UJ1.t: 0/(.oP OVéL L&-NGT!f ,.,
ff i= (fi) ;;u.. ; tl .c. • ll{J; o}= ~{oa, f )=o, 11.{-1 t}=J
CoN/J!TIPl>f Eol/ 51H/Llilìr TY : S'efHE { {.j));
= ~

) e.e . .- u=o é:
o~ l j TI/E Fl04' IS S/"1tuM To irsot..F.


J:l}ME u llr s4,;° '1

\f j
SliHo #.

u 15 NOT clfoSEN F!f.E°ELY Lit!T SE°T.




\ I

I 243

8 . 5 8 . 6

8.5 Find condi[ions for simìiarity between annulus flows where the inside cylinder does 8.6 Find condirions far similarity between Couette fìows, for two rotating cylìnders.
not have the same e enter as rhe oLHer one. Flnd rules for rhe inierpreration of the Find rules far the inrerpret:uion of rhe results. Repeat for non-concennic cylinders.


!féoMET/{IC!fL SIH!Uill.I TY J

!(,, 7
F;~ OVTEfl. C YUNf)E?;<

= off!Jl./lc-n~i?.ISTIC. Vi'éuCJrY
l!VTEJ{ffiET!IT!Otl .· sl91'1o u !lr s1H1u9lf.

Cc1f(J)ITliJtlS : 6€cH<f"rl.1c&L S YH!Ul!fiTY,

a),· ~,.2

I lr!TE"fl. (J/?.ETIJT/d~: S.4ME

-- /~

+ S !THE" #'11- fJIH · f1o'1€//rS.

244 245
8 - 7

8.7 For the flow becwee~ parnllel pla1es, using the differential equation (6.21) and the
boundary condidons, Eq. (6.23), find condirions under which the shear flow pan
ca'1 be neglected, and conditìons for which ihe Poiseuille flow pan can be neglecied.
Check yourresu!ts usìng Eq. (6.24).
J C{,_= o &r /j-=o
{)_,_=/ JfT 1=f
?( ;\'
) /!-C-: 1.-1_=0 /Jr(}- =O (,.(,_ = (f-
(j- *'~h
l{"; l{

u: ~ VuL = l{ t"
tJd1-1 li. "= () 1 *' -1- {),_ -t .::-


Fd!i. h'I?
yv;, >>-! {./_ z. * IS ,.;i:-,çt_!P 6 L F .

h 11' <<,; (.,{ I * /S t/E"G UG-16 L <=-

5'vt35:Ttii/Tfd"' oF 77'=- h 4~; IH Ea ·(6--zç,) Yl<'LtJS

T/-fé O:lfm: /léSVLTS.

246 247
8• 8
8 . 9

8.8 A plane s~ear flow. hns been demonstr:tred by rhe insnuctor setring the upper plate
8.9 For the Couette tlow becween concentric rorai:ing cylinders find conditions far into monon ar its full velociry. Find times far which_the flow field is
which th. e rotation of ihe inner cvlinder
• may be icrnored
,, . Do the smeoreouter
a f th
approx1mate_d by. rhe R;iyleigh tlow, and times for which the piane shear flow is a
good approx1mat1on.

h"' = !?, <), $;· 1:r<.,

u"(J ~o)= o f; = /(, tJ, lìr /'=!<.,
U"(ooJ t}=o
U"(o) t)=U
f&"' =#,"' i-JG,_*

L EJJGT!f 'L•h Til<é:



ii~ {,.'* j~x ( f' "~ *d = 0
J d; .,[f.- j;.,(r ìl')}= 0

Jl/srfl,UC.T<Jii. i/SE.


VELOOTY: V"' u )

Jl I
?: u(oa)t )=o
lt. {o; -t ) = I

) ~' =I 4r f=/
J(f L
flT y' =R_,
Fofl, & >> :;--
hL Ttf€ ilf'f'!<.o.Xl/"lif J"/?'/t' l.S Gif,,j),

248 249
8 " IO

8.10 A cylindrical drum full of fluid ìs suddenly set into rotat::ion at the angular velocity
w. Find times and regions of flow where the phenomenon is approximated by the
Rayleigh flow. Fìnd tlmes for which rigid body rotarion is a good approximation.
W! 71/ UFlfMi'1C& ro T#é stéC-rfo!ls: Cli MYLrFl6il FL•V
l},;JJ FLov tk1"EEN R.or4-r1t1& CtJNC<:JJr/(/c CyUM!Jcf"/IS /


//HE : 6 rl/€ TIJ'lé S/,vc;,.- rlf€

I $ T#!IT !Jr rlf€ !(o 71/TldN.
u:111J.T/f: t TlfE L.l/Yi:fl. F!?oJ'I r!IE sv!IFIJc< rJF nfté
f)~t/H /#/y'!f~D !ti ;/lf/C/f J"l(tF rL"I I S
) I

VéLoCtTY' V•
C ut./.S/.OEl(E.0.

t.;f<. • mì
iJ,,,_p,,.,. [ef!s.' 1V
/{;~o ilr f =o
T##T """ r/fE é'VTErc cYC.,,;<1~19( "h oj Jr (?o
J.1.dv A'...c- /19-KoA',t::"'/?.

250 I 251

8 - 11

8.11 It has been sugges1ed 10 cor.$rrw.:r :i cylinde~ with a Dtt!ler head on one side and witll
a thin soft plastic fish-tail on the Q[her. A top vìew of the cylinder is shown in
Fig.P8.ll. The cylinder is m:ièe of sofr iron and when placed in a perioàic mag-
neti.e field ir wiggles irs taii ~md moves forward. By ma..'<ing it hollow it can have
neutra! buoyancy. The idea was to Jet it sv;im inside blood vessels, for medical pur-
poses. Find the simibiìry p::.rarnerers for ;his magneric fish. l!Mlf C'1Ns1()e~l9 iJ~tYt
r~ PLrlfO Mét'Jf/1Nf.:.s.

Figure P8.l I Cylinder wirh 1ail fin.

W!f!CI/ 15 C't;fl.TIJIAILY SIJTISFl€0 IF ;?:Y>>I;

,,.., >> g.
b y . corJ~tOG'l.llTldt(S OVTS!f)E T;fE Fll;'lJ} iJF Fli/10

- - .::<f
MoCHff!i!CS e wjGllETIC noPEkr!ES OF 1/lvr.I; S1'1Fr,v,;-55

R. - ~o ' Or THI f..) w'>f/c.!f ,qU J lfovév'E/{' f/.('PJl.ésE/(TJIU,;- /3Y

oli.) f << .f { J. /f, oF o/1i?éK 4) ) . TO éL!Hf(f/}Té

rlfr: / { 1Mo rlf€ }- /él{Hs. tvr l} f,_vz1 Ci/· &t//fr!Tt T!é5:

LE!v6TH Or FISH : L '

1$ N€Cé>SIJll.Y To 81/LlftfCt:' T/fé fl}/?.T i?F rl/IF
EQ 1.1/J /tot/ ùP!<.EiSEN r1NG r!/0:- tf!J '{'l,çllf!f FlotV.
(6'Y) '/.,. zJ'

) R. .
r!fi:,.; rrv)'lz., 6 :5- o. /?.
ooz.5 Y ' .
rZ "" ""'"} -

Hf'rGNéTIC FolfcEs.

252 253
8 - 12

8.12 Assume you no[ seen the >olurion of che RJ.yìdgh pr-oblem: rhe suddenly
accelerared flat plate. F\nd it~ sirnilartty p:l.r.lmerers, using Buckingham's 1t thec-
C:c.195T!C t=o!fCES: _!i.,;.= fi_ "° tf(.lr rem. Check the simibrity par:.i.me1ers \virh those obrn:ined from rhe differential equa·
/ ' .Y, /'• l{ ~ tion, and note the c!ue chey gìve you towaràs che exact analytical soluti on.

Tlfr:sE Mi/sT cl9Ust: rlf,;- JJt:FU:CT/dN

C..-i/sl J

t Cs]

s C~/4>1_, l .
r) Fu/rf) i/i.scosrr Y) sfJY Y l,w1~j
6 rJClfttlgif/tM t:iJI. ( t. 9~)
=o (i)
Fdi. lOIGTJf 111 i- 'I) 1. - 3 11.y -f l. "';:-

- '1z. + '13 - 11, =o (ii)

11,, =o
Fofl. Hft5$
(i) !lt!P fii): '1 1 f'1,r l. 7/

{tL) lffVO {iv} ff/<€ f'/O éifV/!Tldff.S WfT!f FOl!/I. f/Hf(JIOWJ(S ·

Sf!VCI: #1 = .S- ( F Fl/CT't'.5) iftlO 'f'= 3 ( ""J S) ~};

(\'( rlfe rlfeo!lE/'f "11-f=C-3~2-
= 4-2- J

irlDGfENPEllT No//- J!tHél'1510N;rL G/7.oUP> Mft Y 13é

i W( Fl!fI:t' cf(otJSC {Mr!IE/( !JA./J!l"/(IJ/f!LY)

I '1'1, = 11, = 1
!Hfo ot.3 r&J!Y F l<.N1 ( ò) Jl.//iJ (cv)

254 255

8.13 In Example 8.3 the phyS'lc;iJ quanc.ues mat :uree;: cooung r-.;.l::; ui. L.ll<:: ._,u,_,._c., =e

D[m] its size

p[kgj83] its density
e [ kJJkg"C] its spe:::ific :-:eai:
k [w/r::l"C]
h [ w/rr.2 cc) the he:!t ccnvectior; coeff:ci.ent
(assu.raed infinite i..'1 Ex.:.cpie 8.3 ber r:oE here)
(f- V, t
I I O )! -I = (~V,) < [' J me li.--ne it srnys in the run:ie:.
Find the ~a,.-iry ?ar'"...Ir.e:ers of the probk:n, us:r.g BuckinghL'D·s ;-.: :..11.eon::::i.

Tif<tl Wé cif,osé (IJGll!IY ff!<B1Ti1.f!/1./LY) n," n,~ I J The fJvmber cf f'hYsicaf J?uon1dies 11 m= 6 c:md

il-rio 0Er1t1t1 rz,.._. :co )

I/ [
=-Z. •
rtl€ J:ff•l>'o 1kl>'-fl1M. ihe mm/;er 07 invo!ved dimem/ons 1s 1'=4 · f*,t/"1 s, °e):
J r m ]
i) [J [m] J 2) g fJ<;/ml] { 3) e [~'e]""' CL s''c. /

<j .
O t y':; (ii)
(f L 4) k [ rn·oc]
= k
[ kq-rn ]
,?1i_ 't ' ç) n
L f
t:U ] - I
m~ c
f !5b_]
-() L s~ ~c. ;
. (I'/ 6 [s]

Gll..oufS MAf oF OcJ!l.5€ /3€ F 0 f1Mi;'iJ; gvJ" Buck1Jli"m ~- (f.+11} 11ves

lenrft!, (1)
f)/i.E tlor l!l.Dé7PE!.Ji>E!IT oF r!fESE F/i?ST r!Vo.

TIYP Mlf"( &: Hf/L T!PLiGJJ ro lime

{ Fol( E)(/}Nf'Li=/ rl/€
mass f!,_ -r !l4 f !?s- = 0
i)· ùmr:rature : _ n3 _ /7
4 -a,- =,,,,
Gti.oul' JS. -/-:-- , (i; Cind {!r) xcome
.., z1..
w'lf<tlé l IS TI/€ S/Mil. f!l/.trY
VlfA I tl-!3LE IN r!/t: ) fi{ - 2n3 - 17,-= O => fwo 'tfUa(io'75 ()P/(/, -fvr M4aouvnS
(.x) l n3 + fiG =e>

fJ:; 1Ju:l<1n(jham iheore,n

we 7e t lwo 1ncl9"'"'/lcf!Yl1 ;iWVI- d;,7'ensimd
~rovfS _ 1. Cfioosc /?nt /ii= f?.J = {I C?nd cbicuo /rom ( -'f)
7/e y!/.f.rf t~11-dl1n c;rov;i:
rt,= J. / fl7 =O J !7ç=- J. J i1G= - 1. J " (/

f'il·c =1"-li
z:;. fJ
&6-fca'n fro"" (!f)
=-" 7ke Second rlo~-dim f'°"f

256 257
A submerged body is design ed to move in oil at the speed of 2 m/s. A model 1/8 the
)J 13 / Co!?l 8.14
size of the body is run in water and yields a drag farce of F d = 300 N.
7he .s/m rlar-/ f'-i para11Jeiers
u i For oil
For water
p 1 = 880 kgfm3 ,
p 2 = 998 kg!m3 ,
µ 1 = 0.082 Pa·s
µ. 2 = 0.082 Pa·s
are - lhe llvs.Ie(t //vmùr a. At what speed must the model be run?
b. What is the drag farce on the submerged body?

and =F 7/,e


-.PVL = Jf.r ~ jH
/ /H
<i) 7fe mode( -Sf'Pecl
Vr = /!_rr · Y
/ s;, · v = 4 i?f'o · :E
'19'J' 1
2 = 1ç I (!'tJ
6/ J 7le cond'!ior, on tlie dr""'
o coel/icie17T

258 259
8.15 In fighting forest fires specialiy equipped airplanes release a body of water above
the fire. As it falls dO'W'Tl the warer is broken ìnto smaller and sm3ller ckops. Once
lfiiJ co111
these drops reach a cenain size, they do not break any more. The de:ails of this f(ore careju{ conJicle raf/011 s s'(Jye.s! i4e oddif/"" a(
phenomenon are m be i..nvestìgaled experimentally. Using Buckingham Pi theorem,
find the similariry parameters of this phenomenon.
j1Jdors ~ (air def'ls17dJ / JAL /C{ (lfie wscostf/es

Foc1ors whidi see,m -fo o(fecf ihe dro/'s /af o{ /lurd 011d oir) .
l#hen illchcled (f.;ese (j/e!c( llie odd'/!!wa( ,wr/lber:J
1) !Jiamekr of //;e dro/ / ll{m]
2) F/u!cl demitj J J7 [ 1//m3]
j) Gravdalio"a( accefEP(Jf/011 J <f [ "'i.J2] /

1) Veloci/( &/flie drop / v[ml_s]

t;) 7/,e .Surfoce tenslt!l7 J C-J"'"Jfs2J
Buchr'v!Jhom % (J'.44)
Le1JZ~ e flrJo2 ir7J t!74 ~o
-2Y13 -1!.ç -2r;!,- =o


cl) ancl {1~) erre !'wo 'if. wd'1 jbvr v11h11or;:,m /~?%e
!Jvc,fi!'lJ/,arn Ì7 flreorem 1 m-r =S"-3=2 / iwo intfrndenf
no1'1-oWtnm.s1'oo(t!( rJ'(iJlfS
c•ooJc f /rs,+ /7r=//12 -/
mofj /Je EYl°c-cìéd

- =
> I ti3fJ74=2
.2173 fllt, =2

7he /ir.rf /Jofl-dim ;Jrocp :

ll s. v2 ~ W [ LVè.6er 11vm ler J
7k '"ccmd ckoice : /13 ~fl1 =i 71efd.r
!And ihe Jccond. Mf'l-dt0 rJ'&"f!
(M )
(J/·(jV ~
Fr ;5 fhc ffMde

8.!.5 An zi-pfar.e is tested. in a wir:d 8.17 One way to drill ho!es in sand, in arder to set·
tunnei, Fi-g. P8.16. TD.e purpose of poscs, is to push a Water hose, with the water
the test is ro obttln drag forces a.nd liù ninning, into the sand, Fig. P8.17. Find the
forc~s acri;i.g on the wing at v:u-ious sirnilariry parameters of this method.
Dighe SFeeàs. Dr:=.g forces ue rhose
acring; on the wing in the àirecòon of -~-~'-c_..-'"'"'-""'--'--­ Factor.s
the velocity of the on-coming air, Figure PS.16
are ..
while lift fo:rces act in the direcrion
1) fJ!amelér @/f/,e hC(fe lr !m_]
pe:::pendicular m that velocity. These for-:es are measured on the model. Tr211sla1e
u'iem into the forces which 'W-ill act on Llie lull size
?) =fer vefoc!f(/ Figure P8.17
7/e s/r,-;i/arr'!( dim&J/éJr!f,,.JT rfl'o'f"S ore J) flvid ckYJ.S!lj y[krff113]
LP - f;) rfra11da/r'ona( ocrda-cdtm !1 [mg<]
l?e ~ ~ and E ~ S-
/' " J>v"- ;;) jluid v1scos11/J y [m"/J J
f(f}//o1V/r1J proo&/11 / <fJ!r j f'v1=Evd = 1(2- r;j /Jiamekr /j/ ff;e Jtmci f'orlicle ds f 111 ]
l?e :R,,.H '!ielc!s i/L _-et: @ 7) 7Ù: Jtmd <-.fhear J'fress ?'s [tVm' J ~[ 1:s"]
:f) 7he drr1h af- whic-0 '!lie tuakr /;o_se /r ;ou.rlted
&cr:wse "f J/!J7il<Prilff) ife COl7d/f!ol7J ctY1 Ife dm1- oP?d
13(/ ike !3udi1t;jliam (heife1r1 ffJere ore: /?-:5 =:'?
ftft C'oe/(icimts are

cL, c,_rr nMdrlnemto/JcJJ( (/rou/J.S, Fof?7tt fir/ (Ieee 011~ S- gyua!/ms

Sì = C~H and
fo /Je so(r1ed _ /!l.Jfeod we ir(j ID ress ffie cf' o/'s/

F,i li
and q_ =
cvt1ere c<l =- -1 fV A
__I JV'A
2 vsl~ somf ::rsr<d;~ff:~)ri: (<l )/ (G":p-)
~f'<l --LY/ ) fi, - (j 1 / (;;I .f//2- I

on~ {Y:?) (t) or

ride i4e f/oe<s &'7 6oi4 f/,e mode( a11d il?e °'5'1nJ
are os:sç,1med 1/JC6J!l?f/t:ssf'3h

8.19 A model of ship's propeller is f"mr 1es1ed in a water tunnel, and then it is assembled
8.18 While a fue! tank in a shlp is used i[ must have ;i.
on a ships model and tes1ed again. Find the sìG:Ularity parameters for the propelle-:
~e~ surface. As the ship rolls di.e fuel morion
2:1one and for the assembled prope.!.ier. Formulare tl-ie rrrnsl2.tion of the model exr:e:--
ins1de the tank is tather complex. The fuel ap-
irnerrtal results ì.nto the retl propeller performance. -
plies forces !o the ship and these forces are ro be
Similori~ foramele-s. fr
rneasured experimentally, using a model. Find
the sirnilarirv
·.1 pmun e.el"3
, f or th ese expenmencal
. f/;e l''"/'el/:or ofooe ote
forces anà che way to rranslate tllem inro the full size ship forces. ,., Ll _s>.//,- ~
o') "e =- 1
o0 d _f!_ci. : f2
Ev =.f't/_, =
7/,e p:rramefers (lw-f /ojlvem:e fle ;orocess. "'°' /
{Jce prohfem !? !t)
I) !J - ?bnl( "ndflj [ mJ
2} h- fai?/?. défPl/i /11é1JSufè"d (rom (ree Jl»;Gce {;n]
1 l'.I - 1S f/;e /'rc;rlkr dl"me!er
J) J - rf!rav/fa/(0111{ cxrekro(;M [ f'l/fz]
i;- ~ w 1 1J 1;,e for'!;a(
1J ;- ///rd V!SCoS/11 [ ;Ji{s] f/;e f'r°l'elkr

5 ) J'- /!urd c/e'7-Jllçt !~m3 ] =:> lf Ll =cf

C) /- /rfft've«(! of Jnrj-> jf./;;c] =.!Ys]
7) A - 'am;:ilrr(/de of J4'fo Jf!'/] li) Tor ik ?'"J°Ctf« / we hoi/e f/;e
assem/i(ed -Jhjo
m odit'T!cm i o ?%e oh":'e ;v""' fY/efers
B(/ f/ie 8uck1d/;0 m fheorem ffi«e ore 7-5 = .( ;KW-dt/rl.
= fVL and Ev ~J/72 = j = cf
grors For/11dlrt- f/,ere ore y gpvo.fltJas fo 6e .rofC/ed.
fosf[?otK i»e (éf free ;f""',µ5/e/77 (f. f.;;;} TO f'c/CS.J 7/,e ~*;P wloci{f
v- i.s
rJO!''f'S i/Jinrf some /'1J'.y'ca{ //J;{_,!l/o// :
L - (/;e .s»y; lé>Jcff/;

( /; ///./- ·.s') ;(_((/j11/

A)_2-) 11 J
J J (7}/
ond (j-Ll)~.JiG,P -- (;_L!),
L fJ1afe(

8.20 A weacher- bù!oon tas a· àiame:er cf 2 r.i, and is to be used in air at 200C. To find · 8-.2l A glider model is 1/10 of the fuII size glider. The model is connected to a car by a
òe drag farce on fr:e balloon an experi:went was conàucied in which a 0.02m wire, andata speed of 140 km/h the farce in the wire is 1000 N. Find the speed of
Ciameter sphere was held in water moving with ;:he velocicy of 10 m/s. The drag the full sit:e g!ider corresponding to that of the model, and the power expenàeà by
fc:-ce on the sphere was measured as 6.5 N. Find the speed of Llie wind past the an ai.11Jlane pulling the glider at rhat speed.
bclloon which corresponds to the experirr.ent. Fìnd the drag farce on the balloon at veìoclry. Fbr si/11( fortf:/ '
~:-~H =>
Tlie speeo( o/ llie (u!( Ji:?e J/,der

7he w/rid_ -jìDeed

V= VH =ti = 4''10 /;; ,14 f A:,,.(/J]
C!.02 (O
V-=LIH LlH _!Jt
/- =4'.o. .2
;:2,tueMl.icn'/l/f l1af /'r? o ùm//"",- faco
Ll /11 /.!11
71ie dro'i' coeyfl;c/e!if Cj= ~H )
'T 2 ~
7!5e dr(f
Cfi d CJt1 ::e:;, Yv2LJ"

C/!id f/,e

lo 3

266 267
8.12 A soning machine far olives is shown in
} L
8.23 Electrical wlres are subject to stresses
Fig. 8.21. Olives drop down in front of an
e!ectronic eye. _Black olives just proceed I caused by winds. The effecr of rhe wind
rnay look lL"ice a farce discibuted along the
down. \Vhen a green olive passes rhe eye,
an air is released from a nozzle det1ectina W..:re, pulling it in the down~wind direction,
the green olive lO another bin. It is neces~ Electron.ic
eye :
or. ù may ra1<e rhe fonn of oscill2tions. A 1/50 model is ·o
• b•,.. ,.,.,...;
.............. ;,,. · d ninne.1
sa:ry to consITTJct a similar system for oliYes ~-------@--------- Fmd the necessir1 similarity parame:ers.
which are twice the lìnear size of those
treated now. Fi.nd relatìons berween the radil
.~'--- ;:-,., ~;:-) i \. . ~~j~tO~ve 7/,e {odors i/Joi 0(J'/, t /nf/ueare i.f"' ;No·ce.rr ore
of rhe old and new air jets, berween their
\/ /) i/- wind veloci(';/ [l"ts]
velociries, and berween the disrances lhe re- \ 2) j- wire /e"Jt fr ["-<}
jected green olives I.rave!. Black
: Green J) fJ- wire dtawdf'r l'"'-]
J al
\ olives
4)/ - c;Ur i/ISCoJt7:f
.sr;n1lar!(j f01amefeic,
s) F- vr/;raiion (;;yven«f [ f] defr:ntt1n& o;;
a0d Eu Figure 8.21 A mach.ine for
olives. ?) .f' -
oir denI17/1 fv,f,.;3] . J
/) A - am;o!r'fvclc [<»- ') - &{lite uihraf/erH
.lJ .J/ ? ) (/ fJrcwrfal!fJf10( ocrekrd<1'f1 f"'42J
rJ diàm-eler of Ile .;et"
CJ) lj- - .rei( /nyve11c// é>f #e IX!ire [ }J]
(1! --jY// 2 1:S ffc damc?érh 7tc7reJrrHe)

il ( li,
13(/ The /}ochiyliom fheorem ~ b 17&nc4twm,J<Ò!'la(
fhere ore 7'-3
d;ofi11e:;:; ~ .;;l;i,oe glo'fs fo /1iid _ !'ònuo!?f (here ore 6 ~vai?~flS fo be .Jo(//d
,,,,,d Hr H2 {;(/e fr:j / /17sfr:od / fo dveH 14e éJ'o')"S 1 vJr11(f .Jo-"'e ;PlfJH'ca{
dt.;I/ve ~&I/ve
111 fuifio11,

~ {Fu)= 1 2J~J (Jf)) 3) (1)} 4J {;) 1s-J (!J)

where :

C) (~!iJ
F2 =:i
Fz H lìz LI tv !J H1~2
dis!ance irovef/eol L2 (V
-rn.,_ " _; m1

/lJ.2 ~zJ /12 o.2 1/2 cmd

l!e11ee } 1
rn I /11
1-2 j_
= 23

268 269
~.:?.~ A ne·.;• huH design fora ship is te be 100 m lcng. A :node1 is 3 m long. Tue model
is tested L< a mw t.a,."L'<, which c;:;,n 2cccmmcdate towing speeds of up to 2 m/s. Only
Frot.:de m.imbe.:- is conserved for siIT'i1E.rizy, because it is LTTipractical to conserve··
Rey;Jolds number tao. A corr::ction is l.ater made far the different Reynolds num- 7/ie /o e fors fl10f offect (&e rorno!Ì"of'S -joff .
bers. Find to v;rbat ships speeà corresponds th.e 2 rn/s speed. of ihe model, and what
are the ship and the mcèel Reynolds numbers at these speeds. i) L) - roraclrofls, S,;i'e [;«]
f(oucle riuméer IS
1-r~ - ti
2) V- roi,,drors i"'"'e,,( ["'!s j
(ji- J) L - frvectord /enJih CL4 J
lr) !/- Jur(oce k'1srOJ1 ef twf,,.r[~j
<,) f' - woler densr7:/ [ KJ/ù{3]
&) /j- /Jrcrurlatrono( cxcefrafion[';f2J

!3u:k/1J/,"'"' ({. 44)
y /~O =(fçç [mfs] L t1rf'72ft71 -J/J_ç-f/Jr; ~o

T - 112 -2/J+ -211:; ~o

t1 . 11,,1 /Jç =o

(j) ond (ir) are lrvo '/IYuo/r'ons c»r'i4 /ve v11k'1owns J 1>1-r~t;-3"3
~ > //,ree nMdÙ>JfflJr'ona( é/'oc;fS (o 6c f;,d

1) 7/e f"st doke dr o I =/Jç / "'2 ° 2.

•) ( ]fr73 -3fr7G •O /Jç ~o
-2 f2-2/J(. o 113 • o
and llie firsi d/tuenJirPnlerJ rJ'@'f' rS

(!v IJ) ~ 2

(Xl ( lC!e6cr r;e1m1'cr)
2.) ?le J'e:coml. chot'ce
I j !lr fJ/14 •o
i 111., • v
I )
(c,3f o/ifMé>JJfç/7/ess Cff"&Uj'

/eoJ'orl ·( f;)
rs I

l3' 270
I 271
8.26 Some crude oil comes out of wells mixed with pebbles, gravel 2.Ild sand. It is sug-
gesred t0 let the oil flow 1hrough setding ranks. in which most of these solids sink 8,2 f A turbopump which re;is at 2000 r.p.m takes in v..;:o.ter at -atmospte:ic pressu=e at the
down. Tne ·experimenrai ìnvesligation of these tanks uiiliz:s water inscead of oil, race of O.O 1Orr.3/s, wè disch2:rges it a! 200CC0 Pa a bo ve atrnospheric press~:e.
because waler is clear and the seuling prncess may be vìewed, ·and because crude cil a. If the pump r.p.m. is inc:-eased 10 3000, finci rhe fiow n.•e anC r.he dischc.rge
entails conrinuous cleaning of inscrumentation. Find simil2.rity paiamerers. Assume pressure a which rhe new oper:aing condirions corepletely sircila: to ±e firsc
that satisfactory senling h.s.s been achieved in wacer and give the major design ones. ~eglect viscous riissipacion
parameters far the oil in cerms of those far rhe water. b. Finè the :ràrio of rhe powers necessary ·to run the pl!mp ln ilie rw·o cases.

7/ie fadors /4o-f in//ue,ice fhe frocess

1) J,_ - for'd densrl'J fk//m3]

2) jJ - /!viol //tJCo.Jrt!f [ m}s]
J) (} rfrawfa f/0110( occeh-at{0t1 {'flz}
!f) V ihe enfroore /!uid t/e/ocr'fJ [ ~ J ond c:?2
1?1 =k /!1 :kfl2.

5) ds - f11e Jo(id s;?e ["< J

C?.1 112 J!/00 ,-ir ·7
!7.i r: = 00(0 · - -- o.or~ L.T J
_f wuss fadr'oa «>{ .S@licl - vt-lirclt rs !Je => et, n2
Y'.2 =Q.111I -20CPo

(irsf d;Ì17<"'7Jt'ot7/ess ,Jrour
-IJ_v_ck-ill_ij_h_am- {,r. (!'. /.rif)

L: -JrJ t211d fr73 t11;, fl1s-

=o 2112 ;rr3 tn+tn6-=o
T· - r?2 -2r?3 - rJ;, =O { '72 f:2!13 T/14 =O 0.01.l \ ~
.::: 100 000 (
ti,' r71 =o O! Ofo/

7/erc are m-r = ç-3 =.2 aiMo.rphet'lc ;>fe.JJore..

h) ,) rr·I 1;Y.
l'.)é'rliOVI• r (1.23>)
;.; bduvee/7 !wo l'oinfs A Je{<ve f1e f""'P

Seco11C{ f? M -di un:w l!O a a( ,J"'9 "/' : a11cJ B a/!er l/;e r"m?
doo fJoo
Vo!, ~Re E! f h = f 1e
"-i /&· (&JOO
_)/ 211.;,f/Jç i' f i
2. c?ioose n4 =2 J rJ3 =-1 => { 11:;. ~o, f!r=-l
ef rower.r 11eecled ,-

OIAd f4e j'!rr/A. 11&n_,,l;meNiot10( rJ'o"f' r 200 ()/!}{!} . 0.0(0

_!1_2 ~ Fr-2
L1r1 cY.1 = G?S- &OO. O.M:,-
L1f12 <{z

272 273
S.23 A C)'lnG"ic~
.. è.rum comc!e~elv
· · W2.'.er i s set or. e Tne ,..:.ITTJ -b· .
iillei wiL'1
, ··
~ Cont.
suac.-::nly set i;n.o rotarion ar ?000
._, ~ . '- . .' -
A. . " 'ra re is
r.p.m. ner 30 seconds rhe water inside lhe tfow 1/ S'olic/ 6o1J roZafio!7 /r ole/i,,e?{ far
c; ... :n nu,,s wiu, the cru.'il ma soiid body rorarion.
a.. F:.ild.
- • how
- •loncr
'=' will
• ;t' ·2.k · ;:o reach solid bodv rotation 1·r th .
' e me .
succe:uy seE 10 3000 r.p.m. • e arum lS
b. F'..nd how
.. !ong
_ ic will t2...!;;:e ihe
· W;>:t"r · a art:!m
- ... in • , t'.V".ce
• tne. hnear
. size of rhe old
one, s ... t to .::noo,..
" ··-0 ·"m· ' md setto.)-ooo r.p.m., to rotate IL\e a solid body.

focfcr:;, Tuoi wjht iry1uence -/he ,rro cess

") 0)- cmJvfor vefocdd [ ~s J
2) (j -
-.1: d
uuacu.-1er OfI I
(!le dr(/m ["-']
3) f - /lurd der_s1-/y [kJ'f;,,3]
lr) .LJ _ Jvid [NA]
5) I - lime ['s]

i/se l3uèhr'r;aham Fo (F. ?t1)

(/ e>
!_ . !(, -3!?3 -f 2114 ~o

T -!?1 -/J47-!7:,-o O

C?;ooJ/!?q ~> /J,;=- 112 I' f'lç-= 1/'4
=:> W ll {{) 1/d or ( u./'!J'~) f4e- /rsf fJ&nd/,,,enJiona[
-" rJ'pOUf'
f;r /!{~17:;~ d =') 17,i~-.; _,;J,~o

<' /~) il?e Jecond 11or1-cit'm ,Jroul'

(_ . { w'~fl
ò_,, of //,e /ir.s t rfroup iJI lite Jeconcf ;jlefv{_s _,,,,,//or
( ~<l) cd 0 neC(I ;10/l- dlme"-1/ooal rfl""up 1 =;j l?'V/Jo!ds
/Jv'!'h6er T!te l"ro-facf e/ f/,e !wo N/j'tnct! rf'O!JU/5 Jie!ds
(w 2 t 2) or (wf) os (/,e o:ecMd rJ"'°I°
o) Ass"ml(f
6of/, /A?ws /u1J /ut/;i//Mf / ihe se:c"d cfr&VjJ

11/e(dr (,_ !!!.i

<:! - ti u!z

274 275
S.30 Two fluids flow into a cylindrical
8.28 Tne water in Problem 8.!fi_'~ changed to glycerin, Finci the rimes for the oi<l and the r::cixing chambe-r 'i'lhe-re they a:-e raixd

new drums, "1'ith 2000 and 3000 r.p.m. at Steady sr.ate by a pc.dàle wheel that
rmares at 50 revolurions per secor:d,
U,;ill(f ile frst tJM- càm rf'or.!fJ ( ~""lcl.r- 1Nm6éY)· Fig. P8.29. I• is suggesred to scale up
the process to twice òe amountS of
- Jee f'r"ohlem f).2g\ - liquids mìxed. Because the origincl
mixi..-:ig is qulre sarisfa.c:ory complete
~.. g = 25' [ms] sirniiarity is favorable. One design
suggesrion was to ìnc•ease cil pipin.g
Yt.29 to rwice their c::-oss sectioris, and to Figure PS.29 Paàdle--,_,,·heel mixe;-.
keep Ùle cylindrical mixing chamCer
wifh fhe J'leiV oliarv;e-ferr
height butto increase its diameter A;-.other s11ggesdon 'Wf:.S to kee;;: &,e old
. ·- " 'inc:e~sed
bllt to have ili.e flow ra.;:es b the pi;:iinC"" . • ~ b··
J- i · --.:j r;. 0· irtnesesug-
·- :
gesnons can sarisfy similarity, and if they ca1, find the size a.'1è u":e nurdx: of revo-
lutions of ùie padòle wheeL

T!ie .srmlforr'fJ ;zrramei'fr fs kle

l/ssvme f},czf !J;1 =Zis =,;) J io dou6/e f/,e flowraie

l-1'.tfew =2 F.J
-- ""
" ·2 ] ~ V Il~ ·i'.]~"
tA) Jhe frst JVJfé'.(/Ì0/7
/rom /Je/ )
( Vthcl. /

(of ihe J'ame keyk!)

fltù<V = 2 .- ·/} = f)
. 2LJ2
/,) 7ie J1milord:;- is /?ot
/leOLd T l?et!ew

276 277
8.31 Find the sim11::c,-i7
-- • pc...."'2r!ler~..- - .•. ne
-...s !or w~ter ha.:.-ri..mer desC::bed in Ex:amole 4 10 9.1 A spherical balloon fill~d wirh bydrogen ilies away offa child's hands. Tue n.dius
-I /, .J - • -
of the ba!loon ìs 0.2 m, the densiry of the air is, and its viscosity is
loe 70C1or I i,d,rc?i of7ect !&e j%io aie: - 2x 10-s kg/m.s. Find the terminal velociry of the billoon. Find the Reynolds num-

r/) !/- water vefocif;: !Je(ore flte vo&[Je is iaJertèd [m/s] ber at this tennìn2.l. velocity.

2) i- /1/'e /enJlh [ m7 Usin! {i ( 9-Ltg)

3) .f'- //uìc( dem11J' ff;/;j,,3] i/; __ ~ a 2 j (f-S') 2
4)/ - /kM i/1Icos1!,y f :,~] -e 1 / =g

/ r] - rfrovda/rO/Ja(
\ I
oc1eleral1or1 f »;J-2]
/3vc!eirz:,t(ham (<!' 44)
I - !7;f!12-Jl73-i1.(,f/J_r =O

T · - //i 1 - 111; - 211s- ~e;

!f.- 11rf 111; ~o

(i) and {ti)

1Jrt2 /!4 ~2
2_ =>
11,+n~ ~2

278 279
9.2 A copper b2.ll radius of 5 mm and the densi.ty of 8700 kglrn3. Tne ball is Crop-dusring is done from an airpia.-ie flying at the alcimde of 5 m. Tue solid dust
pa.rticles ofinse::ricide are 2pproxim~tely spherical wiu.'1 a d..iar:i.e::er of d== i0-2c2
dropped imo a tank fu11 of a fluid whose densiry is 833 kg!ra3, Tne ball descends at
and a density of 2-000 kg!m3. Estimate Ùle time requi..~ for the dusc pa.-cicles \O fall
a constant velocity of 10 cm/s. Find the value of Reynolds number at thìs renninal
velociry. Find the viscosicy of the fluid. to the ground.
Tue nearest popuiacion center is ìocateà 1 km frorn r.,';e dus;:ed fielè. At w:'la~ w;mi
velocicy. directed from i.Ce field towards lhe 1own, must the dusting oper:i.ticn be
Tbe /Je/jn8!dr
o/ & (f.4!); is
7he vr.rcosd/f o/ lt!e flvic(/ 5'· (f:4t,; /5

21- / (f-fiJ/ oc 3::? 7/,e /ime r7v1'red jòr fke ,,hsi rar/ìckoI 1~ f&uch
~ ~ 238 [s]
2. /

7/ie ,,, axirnvm w1'7d veloc!lr

Vo 0 : /Ooo ""' .f2o [ J>/s]

t 23!?

7/,e ertp-dv.r(i0 rf doe.r aot r"'/vt:: f/,e air

of -lite iow/l.

'I 280 281
9.4 Dust ps-cides have a;.iproximate:y the densicy of water. Fi.'1d the èianerer of the
9.5 Apply the bound.2r1 condirions Eq, (9.53) ar r = R = 300, and then the bounè.ary
dusc pan:icle.s 1J1at have a 1e.'1Tinal veloci.ty in air of
candirions Eq. (9.52) and compiere the soluti.on far the Stokes rwo-dimensional
a. 1 rn/s, b. O.I rris, c. 0.01 m/s, d. 0.001 rn/s. creeping flow around a cylinder. Obtain an expression far the pressure field and far
C:alculc.te the approxir.:tate Reynolds far each case. Does Ll:ie simple Stokes the ~g farce on the cylinder.

formula apply in each of L' cases? Fof/orx.;/11;f eitofLl;fes 9.4 011d 9.S-/ (~e (or
{4e di,,,,msi01/ess v'eloci1f comf'°/lerits ore :
From {f. (Y'. {-g) R2 cos<;;
Jr --j ~ "[j r 2r 2
(R t1)(/,.,r-!-2 )-1i-fJ;2] w)
a= \il .f /' D,;
1 2 /I (Y-J")I

?') 7he ,:;[/ameTer /s ..

C!R) o (f/.;i)fl.<R -{R~i)" 423 34!>
and r
9:S9'x{O- x{x/03 _ / ,_ "O
li'e ==-
-'777_) >/ .S-
2 ></0-::;

7he Jloi?t'S frmda_ doeM'(- '71?!'(/ //,; #1/.:r cose

l) 7Je dtzMe~r /J
Ci= :J fO-j- [m]
~ __ ;;.-.::(o-s~ CJ. I x(o 3
.2 :< 10-:s
7he St<YHe Conc!&.I1'tJJY7 os af

o= /.s9x!O -& [m]


1.s9 x;o-'xo.of K 103

= .Y. il
foo 6lf
.JYohes jPrMdci_
w!t 1di /J Jé!(
-/o °/'f'/'/- I


I 283
qj cont II
/nfeJra tin!J ihe .second. '6/'uaiion .9.6 Use the resulr.s ofP:roblerrc. 9.5 and com?u:e the dn.g farce or:. a cylinèe:<when r...i-ie
_ j_ 2
cose {- r _ {/kr(p$1) 4 JP') / bou.nda..ry ccnciition E.t large r, i_e., Eq. (9.33) is appi.ied ar r = ò == 4.:z, a;: ò =Sa, ar
f - - ile Eu GIR) r - i - (3 + /rJ ò = 7a., ar b = 10 a. Draw schemacically so;:r.;.e s-crearolines for the fotE" czse.s. \Yillcb.

fJ1//ermtat1y wi!h rerpecf to r do you conside:r a bene: approxir:-2rio<J?

i' ~ =- L cose (-2 + l,/l,,r (R'it) - l;{R~t) + ~ + tJR') .1}/[ )

::ir PeEu &!R) 12 ---;:;- r" rLr) '1 r
~I JR':2)
= > j1fr) = J. core [ fll 2_ L/ (f?;t)]
2 2 Il: E., G(R)
. I fJ?Eu GfR) r4 (
j_ COJ9 [- 41?2+ /r(f!~i)7 1) Rt 4 => G(4) =
I (r) = lé;,Eu G!R) 03 - - _ J + C.
Choosi"t ilte referenre ;Ye.fJV(e e= o F~ i =
Re f.J

f = [
+Re~ e;:~ 2 r + j {1R'fvLur+Rj- ~Rj 2-) R, = ') ~>

G- cc;J =


d'!'e1?J!oales:1,.. drCf free rer vnit tvidt/, <>( ile ~'nder Ft2 = Re ·fu
Il 1
1 Z) R 3 =1 =' G Cl}=

F; =
Jdfj ~ f {S sin& - ;JCose]
Fb 3 = li. 02
0 Re· Eu
where =1 COSI? (- 3 +3 R2+ 1 ì {;.{10) = {!0~1) Éi,to - {la'-!) = IJ 3.6
/j,E,; GfR) /

tÌ (2-3R 2 ) d.002

45 7 IO

284 285
9.i Tne sEde be::._,_-ing in Exa:-npk 9.1 is nù"'l at tbe linearvelociry of 100 m/s. As a result 9.8 A wide slide bearing is consi:-ucteà of a steel shaft with a diameter of 0.1 manda
fue te:nperarure of t.h~ nitrogen is raiseci to 350 K (u = 19.9xlQ-6 kg/rn:s). Find h 1, bronze sleeve with a diameter of 0.1008 rn. The gap berween shaft and sleeve is
h 2 a:id the drag for:::e. filled with oil, p = 880 kg!rn3, µ = 2 x 10-2 kg/m·s. Tue shaft turns at 3000 r.p.m.
To avoìd conmct berween the suriaces of the sh3.ft and the sleeve they must be sepa-
r2ted by at least 0.0001 m. Flnd the transverse load, in N/m (per meter- widti.1) that
FO!fowir1:J <?Xam;;fe 91 , 7Je f(f JOire lr ile .Same
roay be applied to the shafc at the bearing.

i"' Lf. 9't'J- ! fil] iion (k ,rod/;;,J o( cun/alrHec

FC7uof/o'7 (f /'() i.i/e ossvme ,resotls j&r (i01 /'lo/es a11oiyJ;j
y/eld.r h2

L -- I;i.2 ?,µo~z r&k -2 +-r J

or '2 /<:-( !. I Xf/

/f.S] .x (O
- ;z

I,-(]~ fJ/~1}
,,fi -

o( /his /r(f force ore direcfe>d

f/&1iu?ver ihe f~c"{ /'Jd S
lke j,,fo( verl'!ca{ f"e.rc.Lfonf is
f•fX/olds ihe c<?nler / ond
Smo lfer So(/

Lv =Lx f-~) '= Gooo [f/;]

L Il .2.

286 287
9.9 A plasric cup 0.12 m long and 0.08 m in diarne-.:er is manufacrnred by injecting
molten plastic into a flat gzp insiàe a rnold. Tne mold looks Ii.'<.e a."l. annulus between 9.iO GlycIT~n flows at a creeping ilowin a recr.angular channel having the siàes 0.05 m

rwo cylinders, and may be approximateà as a 0.0005 m wide gap between two by 0.02 m. The max:in:um velocity i,, the channel is 0.2 m/s . Find the press<!re
parallel plates. The mohen plastic has rhe apparent viscosiry µ = 8~ kgtm·s. gr<>Òient along cha.i.:..-ieL
a. Find the pressure necesse..; to have the liquià pia.stie fronr advance in the mold
at a rate of at least 0.1 m/s. fz (i 7) ;r'r!es (ke t1elrxi1J

-ju (:1 :J ij-4)

b. What :is lhe flow rare of the molten plasric at these conditions?

7ie fj f'7 7) wi!h .;/f;_ ,r O /,01 /he Jo/utitH} ,a =

=ft (f/l_)J(y-h)= ,?{ fr'OX = (!_ .2 ! /Y/s]

/hé' /!NxHaie
fs 01 f; 43 ILÌo) -1,
q = oj _u7 7 ( J/= fl-~ =

k/here L,/ tj avf'rc;;e velbcit:f

;z), L C!./xé!.f2
=> d;i = --- ,f~ =
/J/' ( &.NJos)2.


288 289
9_ -1 1- .
A r,;:o-_dii::r:ensional re;;:zzi.gula:r cav"i:-y is
shown in Fìg. ??.11. TI.ree s!Ces of the 9.12 A simple hydraulic transrnission is
cavity are endcsed by srariona,.-y "'tlìs, ,, shown in Fig.P9.12. The rransmission
and a piane sli<les along òe fot.:.rth side.
I fluid has a viscosiry of µ=LO kg/m·s.
Tue flow in the gap is a creeuin« flow
i and is assumetl to be approxi~at~ by ;
shear flow between rwo flat plates. The
.f- cirive disk rurns at 3000 r.p.m.
Figure P9.ll ·1 a. Find the mornent transmitted to the
- .1:
tt'irite, in terms of. 'che 5 -
-::rea'U _
r:u..>ction, the C..ifferential equation follower disk, as a function of the
number of tums per IT1Jnute of tbe
~!è the bc-i:.ndary co!'!r.iitio:-:s tll·"""
-~ gover~ t~is flow.
fol!ower disk.
b · Find rhe efiiciency of the transrnìs~
As-s:1tni"d Oe,,,, M 'l ..I/or:u
7 (f j / si:on at the various speeds. Figure P9.12

vo.f/on .·
b' fl. (f. 8) rJivt:S: ile 11e!oci7J d/s(ri6dion

fi~ ~ (ffj_) if(j-h)jU !

C&"'c!dioHS -/kere 01-e 110 ..rlc'p
As !3ounda'(f .) lkfe i/Jocf i4e Co&rdùiafe Srf ·sfem ;.s a.ltorhed
cor;difiof?S &n 1/re wa(f; cMd
no l°e"efi-a.f;on f o ihe /oilor.ver dl!Je.
; =b (.ree /1rJ'iJ1'e:) et/,11 dp
~ c(.x
- .- o => ~" = u 1ief-,.1
lf=-;~·0 y=~ Q ;j=b 7ie J,{ea;- dre ss i s :

~~ =/' ;;
iJ) 7~e rnomeat , , 2

H = F R,., = /!-hU ( !Jo~ ~') ;"J ( /Ji:6J

where I/ rJ ilre driver vefocr'f::J refafi"e fo f/,e folto 1X1er clik

./io ore • u -- ..!!.. ·R,,, ( 11t -J1F)

J ~

=) H= ~ .JO
li rfl;-r?pJ ( ~~nv., 1.J.~Jf) {
where }1F !s ihe ""!;/ //oknO{;(}r?.

io) 7he Pj'/icren(f /s

' .fe t1F. Wr: 4.JF

ii t16 . w!l w~
I (f1F !1D)

9.14 :me ~ydraulic oscill_ariof'. àamper shown
.9.13 A shock absorber is shown in Fig. ln~rg. P9.14 consisrs of a benr rube
P9.13. IL ìs cornmon engineering practice s~cuon of0:06 m in dia::.nerer f"liled with
w designate shock absorbers by a
. C in the fonn F =e y, where F

. the force the absorber r:ransmits, and V

L= Mm
oil of viscosicy 0.01 kg/m·s , 1.n .,.,,·
tube oFOQ5
~ · mm ·- ruar::iete::-
.. a
... n1cn
rnoves con-
centrical!y ar an are of 0.4m rad.ius. The
lS the veiocity of the piston. Find C for flow
. o-~p is -
in the annul.::r "'""· · .
"'""-prng. Firno.
this absorber. Figure P9.13 rne braJing mom.enc as a funcrion of the

1he fft~u(e drop J {17 ihe s/zocf a6sor/Jei I iS bafar;ced .6y angu.larvelocity.

-//,e over•f( shear jorce 1 o~d joflow1i1,j ?robhm [llil 1 0 6fain ~

l as a /v"d,on ,;f )isfon velocit;f..

L= f>°'- =o.,; ,;,o_!l_
/d'O o.-o{t
. .<o MJ7

7/,e /;,ree t»hic4 dc7i"jJS ìf!e osc;!(a(;0 ,.,s.

lhe .rfJeo r dras orJ!w

'.A = 0.0025 [m]
b = o 075" [m]

"~ /~) = a~~P(':"t a~')/ V= 112•li1>yuv {:!,)

The {orce ;vshio!f fl?e j'istot? is 6urlt i;,o o/ fwo l'ads ..
ihe !'ressure on fhe /!at .rvr(oce ond ihe Jhea> on Yhe cvrved
Svr(oce . F;,//owri?d- Yhe ?ro/Jhm s L"- 22/ ancl Ie 21 J ike /o~e /s
and lhe /orce 15

F = ;;
(iJ·~ J2)
I -q / 4f + rr~ L!1 . Lf.x. 7= wkere d = &. o! .[ou]
F,;;;,~i'L"b.'j'"- = /,- '/Ji' l (14 ?oo V .z(, 'l' h)
V = 1?7" v [lfm]

/F/= i (J/-c/ZJ{ft) Àx + 1/<l11Lc { ~ j i/t) H= FR. = lGi' 'o.4 KV= C.O;V [tlm]
ÌÌ f ') S- ,.._. bqt:t:- (/t/2,,10S:. tJ.oc.Z:l ( _ \J
= ;; tOO'/f-tlO(2 <!'12•/0;{).{;+li<OG<iJ.OfJ ;z, + 0--;;;Jf' V 15. -/Je !ineor vefaodJ'.

LU=~ ; H~ 02l<Lu [rim]

=) 1F/ 8>121 ' / "v1 [N]

292 293
r- o_ f --!

_6 A pipe ends v.ith a noz:z:1e shaped li.Ice a m

9.15 Qeeping flow is associateci wiili so.all Reynolds r,umbers. Isa fi.illy developed 91
eone, Fig. P9.16 _Tue flow in the eone
flow in a pipe different for creeping flows and far flows where the Reyno!ds num-
is creeping, and is approx:irnared by a
ber :is nor ve;y small?
fully developed pipe flow, Le.• at each

/011g;- as
Ùmr°;;ar fotV cross-section the flow is like in a pipe •
of that cross-secrion. Tue pipe feeds fluid to the eone with a ~aximum velocirj of

-L '
/c;/(L! devehf'ed /,laiks contarn /10 occe/er-a tion f<;'rms. 1.0 mfs _Tue fluid viscosicy is OJ kg/m·s, Find the pressure drop in the eone.

I {

7j,ese (kws reior'I) l4eir form os Re 6ecomes t/erd .shta/(

Poi..revrlle {[ (&sr;) rf,/ves '.!- ,e" Ì
ie J tn cree;:i1/![f /!ow s. !'.( = ìJr;A (-op)
~ Clx/ 1
i,._ 01 .-.J

-L -i !
RrR,, 3 [ p 1- f. (R,-R,J]'

~22 [1,J



ì I
Ll 294 I

"l ··''
Three spheres are cOnciecred by a, as snown . . Fia
in . P9 18 Th ffi
. 9.17 The flow
. in problem 9.16 is reven;ed ' r.e.,
- me ~
. eone 1eeds fluid to th .
dragged .
a fluid ara const~nt velocicy ' illd 0e •
- . . .. e t -ee are
IS c::ee:n.;;c- Tt is suo-
ve Ioc1ry field is exactlv
· reversed_ Find
' th e pressure drop in the eone. e pipe. Tue
f, to esoma•e
• . the roré..l dr-ac-
_ "' farce on t...'1""
- òre .. ,
- ~P as three •.
h • ·"'· - the CTac-
cr:ses ,,,·

Fd(owi~~ fhe ?r,e;/Jfem / C/!G { orce on "" s1ngle sphere rn Smkes flow · Find th.e CJ:Stance
.. benYe~n 2..."'lY tw '"

sphen:s, expressed in sphere diarr:ei:ers, necessa:"")' to k . . - . ' ' oi i% errar. rn2l e u:e appro;omaaon of lhe

fj (bSG)

Q,;*(-t) o:a[J-
Figure P9.18

(/,e ,/{, erro,- i!"1 it!e cfr°çf jorce rs <[Yv1"""/ent ,,,/!~ (},; 1?rrcr

l!J;1 ve!ocrt';f ) 6ecouJe !i)~ j1

/fl llce emyot't1rf //ow so/ofiofl J iwo forn i/re l_/,c;r 15. e.

lo 6e salc;f;ed
cd 12-> °"' l (:!f)

llli cd f?-> =
(flf) ond fj (719)



296 297
g_ lf Co<'!f.
9.19 Can Lfie Rayleigh proble.:n be solved fora creeping flow? Are rhe resultS the same
as those_ obtained for non-creeping flows?

yfe f?a:Jkr;h f'rt:>Nem CoH 6e sdved ;fer a cr"71'o(f

j4ti! 1 fr&vic!ed z/,o f /!1e rfle,,metf-(f 011cl. B C. o/e //,e Some

(i) l!ields Tk 1esC1tfs ore (he Some os a,.re f r /JOH- crer/nf


~> R,,, 1 = 14CJ"a.. //ows

'-2) tJìefds c~*l-3 (~)/é!O~= o

=:> R,; 1 ~ 17 xct
more '(/,011 I% ovi dr"{ f,-ce (or iJ"focif_J)


298 299
9.20 Ir can be sbown that in a creeping flow the velocity field is such that the total v!s-
cous dissiparion aver the whole field is minimi.zed.. Show that when the fluid con-
ta.ins solid pan:ides, which are moving f:redy with rhe flow, the mt2l àissiparion
inweases- In other words, the apparent viscosity of the seeded fluid is higher thau
that of rhe pure fluid. 10.1 Suppose that in Fig. 10.11 we bave t-.vo line sources perpendicular ro the plane of
the paper.
Find the srream function.
Assvme a /low tvrl/i f/,e !ofo( cMsjJ a!r'on c;f Fmd the pocentiai function.
Find the velocity components.
Ci ;n/111/JJv!Yl . 7/,(s /f;w u.°/ hai/e réfr'o/Js LVhic/1 beh" ve Are the strearnlines and equipotential lines orrhogonal?
Sketch che srrearn lines and equipotenrial lines (sun'aces).
es /I -.f'o{ic( . h .Juoh o Ct.?Je //,e '}6/crren/-';f

IS (je Some os /( lùre '(f f(y;s O/e: .J'o(icl (C?rlic/es.

fhPJever) JoftC( /'arfic/es O/('; Co0J/1"ail?S IXJ/,lch rrce

/ec;/ons (o !idave frf.i.e s"tiò(s k0ce /);! §enera! lkec.-1
ç / / ç ~' luj4er 'JP/ ore/?f V!scoJ'/~.


/ I

I 301
IO - 2

. .
10.2 A two-dimens1onal source of Stren,,oth Q =lOOn: (m3/s)/m is located at . A(-2,3). A
sink of the same strength is locateci at B(2,3). Alllengths are measured ID m. f
Adda flow para.Ilei to the x-axis and find a streamline that may represent a body o

VElOCIT'(. ;=f({tJif

-:-·"·afà P q+ I 1f

Po T€Nrrf!L ' U. = ?d ! 17= '?} · ÙnG!&:}T!llG i{:

Jx ?çf
q," s- rz " t t. r(:c+[f)"+ J:l +ti {(,,~)"-tJY r{{JJJ

f/.= ()- ~ { 0JJ =O) (~ CQJl>n/#7 =O slfY. ~

é?/{Tf/N;~,v,f(_ I

302 303
i /O.J Cc//T·
10 - 3 ' c. Ftill 11Psrfl>PH

10.3 A flow is given in Fìg. 10.11 consisting of a superposi1ion of a source-sink and B= P,+J~ '
unifonn flow.
a. Find the sragnarion poinr !h-JJG Tfit: su!?.Fl}cE
b. Sketch to scale the streamline thar represenrs therig:id body.
e. Derermine the pressure distribmion along the surface of thìs body.
d. Is there a drag force?


o(. f 1> s'frtHG"r!Vc v1r1f !<.&sfGCI 10 "

d - /IKI S j {fErJCé ;/o flf{IJ.~ .

a. '
?0111r, M nfé X /iXIS: J.: =(}

- 2
r= o<I'1 o lì[~ _;_:i-_ - Ja., J__]
.b. j +. j
Ti x+1.s' y-1..r'

4r a-= j, ) ){:o (>o!: SKE'Tc/I)

1- _Ja.i):_
JoJ, + s(J,,.., ;.ç -/.J
-!ì}= 0
j, +,d;.,,/.~: f } J,~ O•?'fM1 . >'€€' sr{G"7C!/·

.i 305
10 - 4
10 - 5

10.4 Instead of the sink in Fig. 10.11 rhere are rwo sinks at x =O and x = 1.5. The
10.5 In two dimensional incornpressible flow the velocit)1 vector is given as:
inrensity ofthe sinks is Q == - 5 :;r m2 / s each. Repeat problem 10.3 for this case.
i q=iu+jv

O) 7/e -rfream fundi<YJ i1 where
u == 3y m/s v=-3xm/s

(.ree f ',J"'-eJ a) Wbat is the equation ofthe strearn function ?

u b) Sketch a few streamlines and calculate their values.
-> IO 1{

i(= 4'tJ<t f ç ala.n ( _.),_ l-2sabn (jf)_2saf;,"/$ ì
~T --o/
I .
(Xj (ef- '·JI
-> }D·J ~,
U=3J = l{ ~ f~ -f J~+fi")
ili « =1fJ' =!o + 5(.rf!S) _ 2ç"' _ 2s{x-1s)
-lf~-f1=(/:-3X "'{=~x'-.,.c
J (j (:ms) f y<
:x<-1 ;;4 (;r-1.s/+ /:/2
lr: -~~ = ç '3-2 - 25 ~ - 2 s _'i:.,__~- f =- -f:(x'+;:()+ e
f-Y11s1r~i.. -X~j<. - {.x-1.s;r~1-~2

cd J'' 0 -> 0-:0o j aF <lì'o,J//KU?a" 1 a(Jo ,,(.{...:::.o

~ > o~ /o f .>fXft.S) _ 2.Soe 2.~-(cc-1.,-;

(1-11.::,72 ..;,::<- - C-x-/.j/<
=-') :x 3 - 3.31..'i-.x ..;. o_ s-G ?.)-.::-o ,, lhrJ S'.Z"va..44-1

&/ IX.lf..t"c/i .::.;, ,:; rlì.srde -lie /r;rre

V=o X
-f·S- o
-1.rN:s- iN1

Frem /JeF/;O(//(/ fr.
u< ,(ooY p2.;cr2.
I° t "
!..{L!!_ ? s : f'· i Y- => j'=f'oi - ?3
2 2 z
wdli -« cmd V /C?m ~ (<) OP7d(2)

d) There ;J a
d.'Yf /c>'ce

306 307
10 - 6
10 - 7

In rwo dimensionai incompressible flow the velocity vector is:
q == er11,.. + eeqe 10.7 A solid wall is added to the field in Problem 10.2 along rhe x-axis, Fìg. PI0.7.
where Find the velocit)' at poim C (0,1), ;::,ith wirhouc the parallel flow.
Q Find the volumeuic flux betv.teen the origin (0,0) and point C(0,1), with and with-
qr = 2,tT
out the parallel flow.
Derive an expressìon for the srreamlines.
Hint Consider the x-axis to be an axis of symmetry, or a rnL.-ror.

o o
A(-2~) B(2,3)


r O ; ùlY. Figure Pl0.7 Source, sink and wall.



Q · j/ =CO 2,A -2c1-A ~ ;z."(f'-J )
2- ,; •
tf r Ac
- !le z.1.+2.1. () &11 = s: 3•• ç
~e = 12 .>(t'+J) t= o.

f!IA~Ll liL
fir e:
l =L J,,c


-s-o &.

} tI'
= -~o&.F

i,.ifTf/ ~ESl'Ecr TO C .'

&8 = dw-1),) &,; =: 1j' ; G/; = ~(!) J 8e =fii'

t = J2.17.<1

310 311
10 - 9
10 - 8

10.9 Same as 10.8, for q)(z) = z3 , rj!(z) = z4.

10.8 Considera two-dimensionaJ flow field with the potential ip and the srream function
l/f, formulated in the cornplex form ef;(.z) = <fJ + i !/f. For example <fJ(z) = z = x +
iy =- efì+ Ì'\jf. Draw some streamlines and interpret rhe flow (e.g., flow around a
Repeat far l/1(z) = z1 =x1 - y2 +i 2xy =-1/1 + iVf. Do 1f1 and 1ff satisfy Laplace equa- /f iò a f low /!? C<



Lo/'lace ~- /j Ja"lrs//ec( 6i! 6.7~ rf ctMd r.

v 2(::C 1-hif2) 0x- b:x =o

v" (Jx':j -y3J , C";j - "''J = o

t l) ~{i'): ;t<f = {.x1ì:;J 1 : :r.4f4fxl'J- -{x«J'- 4x:J'i-i';j4

I'i = :x "-Cx''J"+:J4 n· (!, :r: 3:J -f"iJV

/ !/ V
t Flow 1/J o Cof'na @/ f an<Jfe


L4f'L11Cé é&- O:Jlr1sFléJ), &lo ,o/c;,;-p TO CHEo(. CT/U..

I 313
10 ~ 10

10.10 Repear
100nm3/s. ·- f or al hree-dimens1onaJ
P:roblem IO? . . source and sink of intensity

'' tfofe
From & (9'.3/)
L- ~
rt'.r rntp
~ 1>

-~ ti'.Jrflr/J =o
..ree /'! 9.;)
t(l)/e'r af I! J3ecouJe

q!Je .o.!ulio,i Cf ~ _ "~ (cosp}- f)

I '(//

B:; Jvf'er!'o.Jdiol'l


=·i cL r 2Jin 2&
2 «::>

rcr,&} = jl{,r'..rrn"'e -
if_ {coJ€9,-I) + ,f!r!'( (cOf&_-rl'/
"Tir 7

'it (caJ&,-cos&_) (ke /(f.!)


!'Dr tì:~ fan 6J ~

. 2 ; R =h
I f .zfL (s~e /j.f) ..
g,2~(2v cve know i4af h=IS/f"et"
'Wf2' I
·.._ /
2 ii rJ""

u°" =
.2/?h:J. ~4
.?O 4 = 3S: r: ["'ls] I

314 315

10.11 Repeat part a. Òf 10 - 12
. and _s~nk. Problem~~_!::_~ ~=~~~imensional source

Jhc: <f}'urèl<Ph/?f /!c<>o rS 10.12 Figure Pl0.12 shows the cylinder of Example 10.10, with the flow around it. The
A {-,l,a) ,< 'if ocher curves and the arrows were drawn by someone who wanted ro show the
B (2,1,oJ rotarionalj_ry (or irrorationality) of the field, the same as in Fig. 10.4. Tue curves
represent srreamlines. Draw the arrows as they look in other locations in the fiele.i


t t t 1
t t

4,7 I r.x-:r;J'i-r:;-:;,J"t &-?if] Figure Pl0.12 Flow around a rotating cylinder.

C(~{o) 1
ihc velcd"l;J cof"/'oamts ore:

- J_ ,

A(lcr Jf/6sfdvCo/l fhe ve!cd1 af i'"1nt e {01t,o) 15 .'

Mc = 5.54 i, -1oj1-ok
s::i-4 [WfS]
&1 := µ:X. ~

316 317
10.13 Given a po;_e;>ciaì f"1~c::ion !.01 sphe::-ical coord.lnates:

6==-A I R

show th:::.t it is har.monic

- · cam~one:ns. Sketch this flow. Does this
.F.m d ·.i,s ve 1occty
flow ha ve a strea..u. function? If yes _ find ìt.

Figure PI0.14 Two-dìmensional flow in a bend.

10.14 Figme Pl0.14 shows a two-dimen.sional flow in.side a sha.rp bend A· f

/ tion is suggested: . . . stre;am une-

(-A) =o vr=Ar-;; sin( 8: )
C?re: Show. .that ìnde;ed r.his is a fu ncnon,
. 1.uat
.1. • sansfies
1r • L< Equation. Sh
c •.on o f th"is flow, that its velocity satisfies the b
thatltlS thesrre2!Il f u n,..; d ow
.l.ép = ~cP = _ A conditions. find the poiential of the flow. oun ary ·
-;:,f<. R2.
/,/ ç'· -_{R od>
- =o
74e ; //oiv iS fhree d/Men.JrO»a{ ,Joorce or &r'rJ/- /loco
( dP(.R//cfÙ!f &// Ife A .Jio11 ì
r/ './
lf =A r
er !/ = A(j
J utJhich is

t!e(oci/cJ COl"-(lO//é'lifS reta ied.

are :
J. ~ -) 'f=ilr 2 sin2& = Ar 2 2-IrnB cos& ~ 2Ax!f
R' P2sr'ne :O,fl €Y('131)
_j_ ~
(Jj4ich is ;ndél?d f~e c~r,,er /= lfa>
~ - -,,({
Lathre fr,;a;lo,r1 .'
vY =I ffr (r"!J)-1/t,
-> Cf ='fce)
di)) = -A;;ca& d& ~>
C( = Aeo.Ji9 fB

w/lh fJle CcncUl!M r(=o G e=o 8wndar(j COYJd)f..{OVIS:

~) i3 =-A ond Jr=J'e

r= A(toS9-0

IJ-,o r

~ =-:'.

=o iJ& .fu>'O


318 319
10 - 15 10 - 16

10.15 a. A rhree-dimensional poinr source ofinrensiry Q = 5 rn.3/s is locared at z= 1. 10.16 a. A three-dimer.sional point source of intensity Q = 5 r:n3/s is lccared at L1'1e

Find the s1ream function of the flow. Sketch the flow. Are there stag- ori gin. A sink. of the sa.'T.le strengrh is locared at z = 1. Find the srre2.m fur.ctior,
nation poìnrs ? of the resultìng flow. Sketch the flow ..tue there sIBgnatior: poinrs?

b. Superimpose a parallel flow of the speed w = 2 m/s in the z-direction. Repeat b. Super'.unpose a parallel flow of the speed w = 2 m/s iii. the z-direcrion. Repea'
pan a. part a.

~1 7fe r oxe.s CM Je Jli,ylec! !/:.e I// >{(e ;:-;are ci/ TJe Jfreom 10/lcft011 1.s

r A
_, A r'
R 71e VG'fo,i(J ai Ife --.rf°c!aa'k0f1 rxa t
</ > 2
1j ièro (J.e =o)
ç.s1n '/ _ s" 1~1/ o
7/e .sfream ju11clt'or1
L///;(jr/Jf .t;r71?1~17f
§" I,)
!(a' -- - <€ (coJ/l_r) ~ - -::: (coJ f- !,;
111 111

/;) 74e J/1ea0 fY1cf/oa 15:

b) fj, =)'À f % ~ - jf (coJf!r}-fj CLIP };,/JY,1~ 1~!(coJf'!tJ11i''J,ay1

(}/ = - f{ (cardé. COJif!j/f IL R~-,;.,<y
911 I f (2 "' ./

!lf JhJlµa/;:011 r/;?f For l~o

-12 ~o
4'"7R 2 {ii (R-1) 2

3tìfr!J, --16 rìt? 3i 8 ÙR '-_ (IJf!i S- =o _,

'f= iì J7,, =o
J (":?' . f' ~id 5
5 _ 5 -2 ~o
4ìiR 2 ,fù(Ri!f i
/?= o.42"'"--1-
~ ., -8r7R4 - 1r;1! t?!_ ;? r7!C f fORf S-=o

I ~r


I3 I
320 I 321
10 - 17 10 - 18

10.17 A circularrod v.'ith rounded tips has a lengrh of 1 m from tip totip. The rod is fixed 10.18 A two-dimensional source of intensity Q1= 100 m3/m.s is located at x =-l, y= 1.
in a parallel flow of rhe speed of 3 m/s, with the rod axis in the direction of the A similar source is located at x = I, y = 1. A two-dirnensional sink of intensity
fJow. Using one source and one sink fL;d the "best fit" to the rod and the flow Q3 = -200. m3/m·s. is locateci at x =O, y = - L The field is two-dlmensional, and from iL contains the twopoints: A (-0.5; 0.5) and B(-0.5; -0.5).
A 'best fit' is àefined here as a closed srream surface wich stagnation points at the a. Find the velociry vector ar point A.
tips of the rod and with a girdle that does not bulge out of the cylinderprescribed by b. Find the volume flux between poinr A and poìnt B.
the rod, yet touches thls 'cylinder. 7/e cv//y1.fer r«"0(.Jr R: o.o§"["}<-(]
.r, A :J-. s, JL,
13 •
SirJ/<:; 3 .n17k

I ·1 !far/ -firiq ile vdocif,J af /"oird A bd J'fPer(?aJi/io,-r of

'"" vefoc;lfes .z"ve io .J;/Jd al'JC( J1·-"-Jf .
j (mJ

J1if11a/r'ori f'"'-,,f 'J'x •O l?r rr-4 jOO

~>7-0.s{ /oo r-
-:::- 1-j-)
2qr,_àf = lì "
I fr-A/ .2 >< CJ.52. Jr
g_ - _Q_ ~ Q __Q__
2fì r;. .2r((_ 2i'ìr 2r;(r-J2q) Q( >--~ , -f.>i-osr
-'i7a. I ~36ìfa 2 11.:>1~Q cf2-A =
2iifG-A/ I(;., I
= -/OO
= -10015-lj)
- ,(-
=> 0o-r(r;.?,,), 2c< ql i7 2S Ì/
=> r;-r"'f
-26?r ryA -21!!0 -&.si f rs-;f 1-)
(!--C --j
\]s0i7a'ff21;;, li' d [m] (I) J3-A =2i7/ij-A/ I r.-A/ ìT
"{;' .s s

ofker Aaod rr ..x::o / :J=R o/=o

C(/fr-,,cfev- J'4 =2,z- "'

5< - s j
"1here R 15

b) vo!u111e fkx 4-13
•) )'-' (01 R) =
~ ) .JR -f lJ! x 2-< afa,-, _B - q =O (2)
.21ì a. 2

{[ (!) Ct/1d {2} havc fie fu;ro vnknowYlS

<{ and q_

c</h/ck çr've
l/J_ I '!
2 t- 371 a
'f = '1>f2S- I /,, -!!te Jame maMe~
( (f!_J(f)

74,j -S(;1Jfem
<i' al""'
(jte!ds ·
!!OF_ 05
i{ • -ci D
II '(i; = yf1 e(, i'!',
, v. C.202
= 2/ 1}13

a~ 0216 fm] J;;;;:s]
Q: QJS( fs~l %-A

322 323
10.19 Tue angle between two diverging walls is 36", ,,,,,
Flg.Pl0.19. A two-dimensional source of strength ,
Q=2 m3/s·mis ìocated at x= 1 m.
a. Find the velociry fie!d berween the walls.
[ !:! 7

b. Find rhe volumetrie flux between the walls

f-' - f!
tbrough ap!ane;r:::d5m.
c. Find the flux lh.rough a piane arx = l6m. Tie forre iJ
Figure Pl0.19 -3
d. Find rhe force acting on the pan of one wall ,{ 03 2 o<IO 5'
- LJD,_1__
berwee11x"" 15 m andx ::=. J6m. j- I CoS 18° f OS!S-
a) /I f11J f}'vt'uaka t I""" hc
;:;lo ced o/l a ,/.!m] rudt-.v.s c/i'cfe
!/.e c!YIJ'ir/Jo( ...foulce

7he cc:ior~;.;a}f; ef Il;- .. !fy Joorci:-J ore:

41 (d.f091 C's<f?) ; 4, (d30Cf; O 1.f!); '3 (-&.301;am)

4f f o..foq &.<;{<) /
1 4s- (-101 o); Ac /'1;-tf!S-~ --"''----~F-'-'-----
A1 (-11df; -of-'!); 4s (0.105-&.r.rf) J 4r f#.f1J1,,-&.srj
The ...r1re-aM (onclroo 1.J .' f

i( o /f [ af,,,, Ji -1aicM (f-:~v+-n+a:hn(f':._:s~J J f

7/e veloe1t; Ct;;~,fNJmfs ore t
.i/_ ~ :<!!t'. - Q r.::x::J_ + :::.:- o. fio 'I :J:- o >oc; ] i
""'j - Jfi i(__X-J)'l';j"- (x-aSb9/1 (<j-o.;;V{)"- -r (.r-aJo~(:y-o.'J'j) +--- l
(To -~o -Q {_'i_ + 'j-O.Sf;(f '1-o_qr-I )Ì !

JJ'. :?rr j_{f-l);'j"- (::c-afi/!1/-1{:J-OS8ff -f ro::aJOCtj~('j-~1~;_-- Il.

1') f e) 74e /!u:xes are /Ù .Jl:'1»c a,,c( ,:;J?ua( '!%e vkwf"h

oj /4e Jowce ' {( = 2 f ,.~] f
d) t
7ie avem,Je velrx:tftes {~ @ond(!)

-- - :df33f"!J-]
i'> ib ?"-

A2 Q 2 O 120 [m.§J
/ç =

324 325
i 0.2D · Put a r,:;o-Cirnensionfil source z.t th.e origl.n such that the volume flux tl>.rough a s~­
10.21 Tue wtlLs in Fig.PI0.21 2.te two-dimensiona.!. A;e
. to.- of 36° is 2 m°'/s·T::>..
a. Is r.his a possible solution of ù:e E!!ler ec;uation for- the flow between two - dimensionai source of strength Q = 4 m3/s is located

àivergi_,'1g walls? atx = 4 m,y= 1, z =O. Find the vdocìty atx= 8m,
b. Fmd for this fiow ali quanédes sought in Problem 10.19. y=l, z =0. Find ihe velocity at x=y =z = l.

q/ J/e '?Juiv'alenf fdxv {o<-j piane)/

s0 urc-es of 41 6/C1 /J
.6) 7/e vofr-,me (lux /.! .' Figure Pl0.21
ò (-4,1,~)
A (4.1,0)
('{ 3<"o
:::. 2 X 20

V= Q cdan ii
! ..2r/ X
y • & {4,-1,0)
e (-4,-r,o)
-li.~ "lf = Q ::X
::,d 2iì ;x::?.;:J2 /{e f'oferrlrà/ <Jf ,;ne
0--:~ - ""lf ~ - Q .l1:_
'.J->e .2rl
</!1 = - J/~R,

,;;; [à:-x,ffflf-;/i) 2 i(l-i';f J
/!f l/,e r1at tf(J, r,o) /!~e vdvci;}' '""'l'o/Jff'is
/J~ = 4~ {~A
/k vdca'tes oT
o;a(() . 7ie
' + -
ej overo;;e
.! _g [ ,r-;}A 1-tfe
R' Atf
+ -R2

10.23 A tw~-dimensional wing is schematically shown
J0.22 Find the toral farce on the wall x =O and on the wall in Fig. PI0.23. The length of tb.e underside are of
y=O, in Flg. PI0.21, under the flow conditions of the >Ving is i m, &.nci the ler:gd1 of rt:e ~onvex a..-c B
Probkm 10.21. Use analytic or numerical inregration. is 1. 2 m. The velociry of Ehe 2.Ìr srreaming
Figure Pl0.22
towards the wing is 50 m/s. Assuming r:ne air
velociries on (be wing 10 be propor-ional :o tJie
arcs Jengitis. esrimate the lift farce generated by the wing.

~{I/ ;{O

328 329
10.24 A porential flow is obt2ìned by the superposi[;on of a two-dirnens.ional sink of
10.25 Tue flow field around a sha.1J rod stick.ìng in front of an airplane rnay be obraine<l
strength -Q = - 2 m / s·rz;, and of a poc!:i~ic..l vonex of cin::ulation i= 3 m'2/s, both by the superposirion of three flows: a p2rallel flow at 45 m/s in the x d.irection, a
loca;:ed at L~e origin. three-dime!lSÌonal source (Q,,"" 10m3/s) located at the origin, and a source
a. Fi.D.d the flow velocity :u r = i m, a r = 0.5 m. (Qb =I m3/s) located on the x axis at x = - 0.2 m. Find the st2gnarion point and
b. Fmd the p-ressure difference be[ween these points ancia point at r"" 20 m. draw the streamline representing the rod.

7he sfrea m /un e fior? r:S :

-Q J ur ,S!/J. zfJ
r= r/rr'ah: f </erre. -e
= 2tì
AC j>
f? r
and ì'.iie vefoc/f'é/ C'o1>1,?t91?mis .· wt.:re U='6 ["'lsj R

Q6= 1 ~~..<'.)lf-.jL-'-~~~~?-Z

At 1 -;,, I/ -Q
r (>EJ .21i r tto. = ,to( UAJs] @1

-;;r; rr
/J~ = -- - Z,f'

/nrfose /Ùp_=o

f';r cl=

!Or r= J [m] Qb
,l/ = ~ A/+Ae< - ~~'
<,ff 2
= o~-11 ! "!] 3
QÌf 2
/f/OÌ!R 4 -121ÌR f ?.21'fP -ftP'f.fR-tJ.1 =O
fDr r= as1m]
~> R=0.2§"


r= 2o[iu.J

,« ~ '-.j "'"!'' = 2.81 y(0-

fO f/

(j) 1->20 ilf! ~-f Lf,<1' ~f [{/<;/4 2- (287,fo-'-)']= /J.f(? 7 $

os- -)20 LII'_,, -{ d ,/ , f /ì.11tJ 2 - (2Sh10-'Y] = cJ6S-'J,s

j 331
10.26 A parallel f1ow is superimposed on a .
two-d1men~io al r
resulring with a l fl - n source-sink pair flow .. tb.e. results of Proble
10.27 Use • m_ IO ·-? 0, to torm'llh'
~ .. te t..'le potential fiow field in a r-wo--
how far fornì the'e
than 1o/o · '·
e ava
ow. The Ra'Llcine oval. .
··- . 1s aenoted an obsracle. Find
e mocuncanon of th e p;u<1.Uel
A_,1 "'
,iow by the obs'~c' · l

dìmensmnal c."12nneJ with 2..:1. obs:.ac1e in ìt.. I
/]sJ orne a
Ne /'°fa1iia( /.s
rP d/P coie f ~ i!vfl - .21/
~ .a,a1
'\ 'J u -?
u -,)
p_ R'
[} &'
ò> X

-o> "'' ;:;) (/re

To (ofarofafe. //,e f"o6!éw- {Kfo (/.t!.2G( !'oinf '{ 111cw/ wwf
be sure //,a.f J ile iJ.C (a,.. o""'{ (m«< /4c ,,bshck -!Xc;e /J
i,e/oci1f vec1or ;s
afCA<o.rt e !""'a(fe( {!&cv {u:.ifl O'? nror /es.i- (!,on //o)
U.t- i g_
.:r Ti {01-x)X - !f_ 2 fj j
To &b!a1;, /ft,1J ltu.foJ<:: /h coc..dr'f'O"S (ro~ v:c 1''"6(t"L<
j =(<!
2. o (ti)

.:C: O. o I

332 333
10.29 A 10 m high circular cylinàer has the diamete:- of 1 m, 2nd rotates at 800 r-p.m. A

10.28 Re:iez.rProP,.,..,.., wi.nd blows i:.c1oss the cylinder with <he vdocity of 10 m/s. Fìnd the sideways lift
· -·-·-'-' 10 -'6 W'lk
. : ;, a Ll'.:ee-Qlr;;eru;iond
. .. source. _ sirJ:: peir.
·farce qn the c:ylind~.
_, J ~- I .
;ne fot-t"fìifa• 1S.:

Jg ~ - .2U .JinG = -2t?J/n &

'!hw J w1!h c/lcufa/;011 .'

rfg = 2
çr -2vJrnG

. f1
!Je"'oi111! .?tir =ci&,, 1

11 = n lì R. = ,foo {, ~ = 41 q [ ~]
ol 8p ]O

=ò cfe = -{( q - 20S/1119

{P~R) (R'~Ri2 +R~ ,_., 1
- !3ernoui/i E,,.. (ldf?)
h'om o'
R1 Ril


(t) o o
ano{ where w =(O [rn]
f ,(tJO t;? .x'
-u 32 2Ìi
L = J,,!'lx/O,cfO ,f' j 0
l-: J
& cfg =

334 335
10.30 A three dimensiona! source of sm:ngth 20 m3 /s i.S located on thex axis at x = 5 m.
Anather source of strength IO m3/s is also locateci on the .r, ar..::: = 10 m. Draw
l' lLl Assume a velocicy discibucion in t.'1e bounda..>y laye~ in. the fo..rn:.i. u = U:>i.r1 ~
apply r...1-ie van K2.r.ns..:"l - Pohlhauser: method !O fmd the she2.r cn a fiacplate-

L'1e flow field at the.r - y piane. ·

f/ow .j;efd rt (whi"{ tlee h IA~ /Jure ·

,1 ~

I{, o 20 fi'-1
Q2 , ./O [-f'J
1 ~ sfo,Jnofion f"inf
- :::: o


336 337
11.2 A flat plate 1 m by 0.5 m is ser jn a stream of air flowing at 1 rrJs para.llel to the 11.3 A thin tube, as shown in Fig. Pl I.3, is put in a parallel flow. The fluid velodty is
plate. \Yn2.t is the rnir.i..""Dal cLo:g farce on the place? 0.1 m/s, the kinematic viscosicy is L5xl Q-5 m 1/s and its densiry is 1.3 kg!m3. Find
··------ the farce required to hold the tube in pio.ce if its lengr.h is
a. 1 m, b. 3 m.

7f = o./fç;U',fe,.-i
Fcfè 1}11!, ( 31'.7 ~ /;11-1osPH€AIC. fJÙ;'s.>Vfèé) :._r . . 1-!&Y _,1 Y: !-Gxfo~~
u_ IT
2Ccm 21cm
Figure Pll.3
L = ,/ '
ile, = ./ x/ /1. { x/o-' =b.t.J,/o f ) .
I!.'= u:o

lie, = o.ç,1/!.G·fd-s- = J·fZS-xlo-f /(,,± =177
J "
_.,.. f= o{{~ Up{' = ,rJç •13 xo%'e,/,
T.lfE S"li4l!..E/(. f)/?..JiG !S F<7/?. /:} FlçfY jfLPEG 7f!.~ <:.~Rkl(
51/Jé-: ~ = 71.[ (.o, +f)0 j T=
-3 i~ .:: 0.011 L/;? /z
]. I x/o "'r' e,

a. F,, = 0 • of/ < /n. t = 3

•·/3s- •lo- !I

.b. F,, = O·ol/xJ/!i;;.i; = o.ZJc; x/o-'J


.:~- •• _::cc.··-'-'----~.,_~,,
11.4 Is the infonnacion

... ·"·
the boundary !ayer flow admìrs a similariiy solution usedin
the van Ka..-man ~ PonJhausen Imegral merho<l? If yes - where?
. .· ·---_.:.__ ·---!
i' I
A flat plate of dìrnensions O.l m by 0.05 m is ìnserted. into a flow such that a
boundary layer is beìieved. 10 develop a,long ìts 0.1_ ra side. The shetl fo~e on the
· o 1 N Fmd the farce ~;i;;c:ected 10 acé on a similar plate of dirne:-.s:ons 0.2 m
1 • -.
by Q.1 IIL

r>fé (Dé/1
IS rJSEJ) I# T/lrç l)s:sv11PTfc;.1/ T!f/JT T4.ç

EQU1T[od (;.~3) SETS

S/!HE V'EL.OCJTY f/loFIUé HJl.Y 8r: i/SO) F•l1

STRèss fROfcì/(lld/l;k, To
Vf!f for1s x V/!lVés. sPéaF/oJlcr -1/z
! Tu l .
{,/_ =

Tl/é f!SSC/lif'T(od oF SIH!l/J/f!T)".

I T!I< J)fl/}G F ,;/(CIO IS f!lof'oK Tio//!fL

l ~.b ~l
S TtC..L J

4fPll.o4of 11/IY /J€ i/5El> ; é· C.; 1d r;f,ç- Fo~rl

~F E{!. (t;. ;s-) I fa// TI/ fi/OFJL.é!, iff,L/C!f

X O·f K z" ~ 2. ;::


340 341
11.6 The srreru.n funcrion ìn a pocential

11.7 A rwo-d.imènsional flow field is given
flow a 90> come:-- shown in
approximarely by
Fig.Pll.6 is
Estir!:!ate tb.e shear stress on the L
1ong par. of thc s:rucrure along the .:e

Figure Pll.6 Fiow into a

~O> corner•. \

A smill met.2.l flag with. the climensions
and b is irise·ned into the flow field,
where it 2.ITanges icself such tbat rhe fl2.t
plane lies (<ipproximate!y) tangent to a

-------- l,, stream sheet, as shown in Fig. P 11.7.

?r/r --
Tne farce with which the flag must be
held in place ìs theÌ1 me2sured.. a flow field.
J The v:iscosity of the fluid is µ = 10 kg/rn·s, and its densiry is p = 1000 kg!rn3.
lit: 11SSUM€ Tf/-€ Cd/?tl~R. BEG!tl~ ~-r X=l. Negle<;;t rhe chang;e of the flow fiel.d velocity c.long the flag, 2..Ssume iarni:iar flow
and compÙ.te the farce :i.e ring on the flag when ir.s !eading edge is Jocated at: ,
Vff-ç/(rç Tlfe? i/6'( OC/ I / /;:; [{. Tff"ll JiC.<:1P6
a.(1;2), b.(2;3) c.(10;!).

T!fE W/J.ll : The flow along the flag is a boundary layer flow, with v.r representing the
potential flow outside the boundary layer.

. I
' )

U = .!.. u !f j(_r1oç;J é.STJl147F

' o

Jf>O (0,.(11.v) 'f;['é/)5'

'G = o. i//?' !!o'!( - i

..J 'i' et...

7/,e /orce 15

;:: ;2io~C<·b - 'O" (xZ, ::/)a < { \j

g~~J')) .b
/t?ti24 y. d a 1'12 .6
\i if(a:';f)
·1 For i4e ;ooints a. I lo.) c.
I 1=-o_ 4 22. 4 " c/12 «'>
Fi, = JJ2. ,. a lb , 6
II ~ =
199. J ,, c/12" ;,


11.8 Consider
ihe flow. alono-
. along the
.,, ihe ffaa.,, in Problem l l -7 · Assume me
, . Jencrth
"' of th e f1 ag. O btain
. velocny
- the dirferemial
bounaary layer tmckness resulting frorn rhe integral approa::h.
. to chan o-e
equation for the I
11.9 Two wide, parallel f1at plares are
shown in Fig. Pl L9. The flow
sueaming 1owards the pìates is ar
U=0.25m/s, anr.i the flow is as-
/!35 sumed two-dirnensional. Tue den-
Figure Pll.9
sity of th~ fluid is p= 1000 kgjm3,
d dm)
(u 2 1 (uc{,,) d!/
and its viscosity is µ=: lO'.ò kg/m·s.
Tue two ph.tes are pa.c-r of a sm:cmre, and a = l rr:, b =0.5 ro.. F!r.d the farce
n:ar:sfe."Ted from the plares 10 the srruc:ure.

I 6wnda1'/ {oy<'rJ

wì-lh J h



Assvmtn:f 7/;e veloci!;} rr'f!e a -lhirc/ ,prdt>r ,PO~nomicd ! t ~>_.:t.m = 0 25 Fm]

(.Jee {i'. ,r(Jq)
l 7/ierefoie
fhe /lo0 1S 11ot jolfy e/e ve6;ed
'/) = fi1-i1V
7ie sheCi!r /ora? w i/,e l'/a'!ÉJ' ìs
and ~--1/) F = 4 Q iffo = {o. o.a,; yu<.. ~ ,ç,,
Sohst, Tv fia";j {li 3~")
1 /; ~
z;;, ~ Jf d / 2 ( )
.? .280 d.:,: i() (} / + U J.! J cf-<.
dU" P è>M. ;
"'°'::J 'j=o
Assv"'ft<i 7J ( j&r e,-w11f'f") uo4.x-!8



344 345
11.l l Figcre Pll.9 now represenrs a cross secrion of a rhin-walled cyiinder. Is tbe small-

est dìameter whìch stili admits a bounda.ry Jayer approxìmation smaller or greater
&J-e Ij (1r2,,-J than the value of b obtained in Problem 11.10. Explain.

f 5:0 IJ'.lilh -fhe rod.ivJ of cvruature s<-{ficré,if(";f hlg (J>>1)J

one con °/'?roxlmaie 14e /louu ihr&ugh o ffre wdh a.

7/;e co0cJdléWJ /J -/o avole{ -/ke !"<"èl'"ff "'f u;f'er cMc{

!&ver iou"dc"'[f la:J ers i f',

-lwo ,rora!le{ f/at f'(afes f!ow.
rl < 6/,;: ]here(ore !!te vawe of 6 h /,t;e Jome.

b So ,,.a_ §,o Horoever J ;,, a r'J>e J /vll:j dtvelo!'ed #iv I~ <f5'6ioiHec(

-'- ? r- ~ O. o I [w.J
\iPe~ ' \ } &..25' :<(0 3_,, -,
o(/er o Jhoder e17 f,-a,,,.e fet:f'h /h0'1 IÀ fo<V 6etwePn

-> b > 0_02 [m] tuvo ;oro/le( p!afes.

So ;n reali!::/; li m!JJf .6e rfreczfe,,-,

I 347
;;) fi I
§:e-::·• C,CC'Cc,;c ;~-·-- _ - ' T ; - • , , ..
11.12 Consider the boundary layer ~ow shown in coni.

Fig. Pl 1.12. Use the Kannan-Pohlhausen ff· (!f26)
1 -
int_eg:ral wethod, with a third oràer polyno-
Il'iaL ~
=rf j (!- ~) df : tlj (i- fi1 f [ yJ) dj =
a. Obr.ain the velocicy profile and r.he bound- x=lm X=Jm o o
ary layer thickness at Figure Pll.2
x=lm, andx=3m.
b. Calculate the mean velociry inside the boundary layer, atx= I m. Now use this
mean velocìry as Uie free scre:im velocity and ilie velocity proti.le and the
boundary layer thlckness fora fiaL plate ac x = 2 m. Compare these_ results wirh
Ùlose obtained in pan a. far x = ~ m.

a; 7ie (/i;rd order !'"'1Jr101>ua( /refi/e /S .-

t}, a1671c7 2rdyJ

lf11jJOSe- !3. e fo ,,Yar'n ?!Ge co,,.sTo0'TS a1 !'/c,d
,{,( = o
u /
~o al r" o (ke WtiM;1f'2 112) => 12 -
fj cc j )
=o a:/ r=r
"'t l!f!er /// k;ral/on
':) = ( l f - 113) J L( i?<i'J
::-) .:>e :::-

=> I=,;. ct21? ~


6) 7/,e rnean vdocd(/ is

1 -
4 =},.uc1"f=~[)
ir l'Jof a Y::nctrOPJ
i/re COf?.sloY1iS l/Je

u /

f:rom (i) ) a=c =o

(Jn =>
bf]d =o
I b+" = 5<f

348 349
l 1-1.J Uil with rhe kinematic viscosity of 0.05 m2/s enter~_, , O. I m d.1ameterp1pe.
· · u Slll"'
11.14 Repeat Problem 11.13 fora flow in an annulus with the diameters 0.2 m, and
bour.da..ry layer 2.pproxìrri.ation, fir.à how far downsrream wrn the boundary layer:
mee:. O.lm-

Atpro.:i f>?ctf;~ g {he fol(J wit'li /kp jlo<V befween

tf. r;!/ por o!IP [ tla fe 5 (f i) ;C." {see !'roMm (7! o!)

\! !?e.X :::{.,

Al'!' roximoiif'!g ihe jfow r:uilh fftp -(lo VY .6efuoce?J

7'/vo fa raffe{ ?!aie s { { « 1_) Cl"' e( c'e'1oll'1(j Ae

c(!)r/?f o{ rr1eet'r?g -Xrn j(->r) becomes ·


= 1. 01/

350 351
11.15 Calculate the roca! she:u farce on the
em:rance section of the pipe in Prob-
lern 11.13, ber-,.,.een the entrance and
up w the poinr where the boundary
11.16 Letthe oil in proble:n 11.15 enter the pipe, as shown in Fìg. Pl 1.15. Tue entrance
secrion, from point A to point B, approximates the boundary layerflow, with B the
locarion where the èounda..-y layer~ mee~. TrLe se-::tion frorn B co C, which is lengrh as tl":at :rorn A to B, r-e;.:resents :he fully de".elope.::i flow. Tnree
~f the

layers meer, Fig.PJ Ll5. Compare

the result wùh the shear force on the manometer.s òe pressi.:res at poirHs A, 3, and C. The pipe is horizontal.
E e
same pipe secrion far a fully devel- Boundary Fully the readings· of the ma.nometers in rerms cf rhe s;-iea: forces-calcula!ed in
layer Ce.vcloped
oped laminar flow of the same mass problem 11.15, and of the pipe geometry.
flux. Figure PlI.15

lit foìnT A1 fA fo 0

= c(2. ,f 2 A+ f'olnT [1,/

:r fJ1 7f (4rYr) 2 )/
iJ. ??!; ..PU'
7;ti 1:-,2 il PA-13 = Fsheo'4-!3 li IJ l
Ej. (fr 2 3) ,gives \} f2e,_
éJ: Ml; _p Jb.J/ 1.Q
L //2
i/ o<
~ O.Ol/6
(Jee i'rob!R;ri /lf'.!S-])
71;è tofa( J/,e&r forre in !4e e11ltabce r'(!1ow 1·s
(///2 ù
r . .,___ ~ ...._ (/36 I'~ /,2 F &. 22~ b 5' J;il!
r é'r" ~ /J /j L {;0 = !1 xrJ. ~64 S' L J/ I)
shea~ ..
fO,. f/;t> jv(izl afove(o;rd fa~ (Jt? PxOMj'(e b.7) 7/re i'resJ vre dmp I..
&, = ~lf. _ <(µ(/ _ ~p§' () I /J p,A-BI ~ o. 22(; S'U 2.
fd F! - rp - ~

7lte fare,,. /5 : At ;w1é e

F;0 = Ììli L Gu = Ìì/J L i!J
= fjhear13-c c=ÌÌM

32 yf l/Ls-c where:
7he jbrre raf/t! :
Fer ~ OGC4.FU3/.?J/12L-'l2
3 2 :YXU• tJ. Jtt6 •Cl/;
= C!.3712 S'U 2
I/o 2 .YS' u /J -; !Yx
7/ie f'resrvre.s are
Fè,- I ilp4_,,) = fJo-tJ.28{, .f'U L
ao33 _j_ ~ = o. 71 13 : fe = /!A
F;o \)&oJ/6 ~ t9. e:il s cr'
fc f8 - I !Jph-c/ = f!, -
~> F;,, = Q 71> J:fb Co ~


352 353
11.17 Express òe fr:ccio:1 head losses be:'.veen pcints A and B, and B a.'1d C, in problem 11.18 C?nsider the boundary layer flow over a porous flat plate, with constant sucjon
11.16. epplied along the plate. Tue boundary conditions in this case are u = U aty ---t °"',
and u =O, u = -S o:=oconstant at y =O. Try aJdx =O, and obtain an ex2.ct solution of
!osses ore. thi.s boundary lEyer eqUEtions.

(lf 4) ond fil>)

µ "è>'( f V <l4 J) "''« ),Lo u z;J J ->oo

r "";)L(
, ;,u-

+ B. c.
1 .u.::.
u-o- s
o b)'.:f =o

-,,,u- /u=-51 J<

""0.X."- =-o =>
=O 011d. J o<'.: <><:'::>


-;/iis ;s
corJJfanf coe/t;c/ents
7/c rc,,ts o/ (/,e darocfer/sfic ;yua!for; o;-e .'

Jolu!ion is
-5 (f 1-c
b. c.
I µ =u


0 .,, _.,,,,,, (i )

;;J ;t=o(ii)

eiJ => C2 =U

e,+ u =O ; Cr= -U
(!iJ ~>

/I. = u (f- e-y~

354 355

·----·,,,,.._.,,-,,..w""""''- F- ... --~"~>""'-'"'""'-·~-
11. 19 An airplane flies at 1000 km/1'1. An aìr scoop is designed ill the belly of the airplane
to take in air ro cool elecrronic equipmenl Aìr is to be raken from the ootentiaJ flow
avoiding the boundary layer region. Cornpure b, Fig. Pll.19. - '
lI 11.20
An old way to determine the sçieed of a ship was IO drop into the water a log of
wooci cied with a rooe. Tne !engtD of 1he rope u\i..( :.he lcg d..'"2.gged off the ship per
some -preriererrrined time was frien, e.g., by knots natle in the
rope. Tite force !O èrEg a roç:e of: a ship !s ff(N. Tr:;:: log is a wooèerr

cylinder L2 ·rn long and 0.12 m in dia..--::ie:er. Neg!ect the co:icibucion of ti.:.e pres-
sure fie!d, anci compute the speed wich w hich lhe lag rr::L'.S< be d:"agged te begiu
measuring, Le.., rhe log dri.ft correction.

I 7he forre ne-ecled

fe; droq elf i he

hd /o rn?
Figure Pll.19
I J;olonced i/,e ...rkeor o;i ihe

o.6MPu"- ~ 2 [r/]
y T/z \i PeL

r/1" 2 ..7~

(af /=Joof:)
~) () = (.f'1Ì Ll 1- 0 J/6. atif) ~
= 27.S {!;']
,(o- x a 112 !m]
,fs-_i;O;((J-{, i'
71tc aoHdlfr'o"' 7\, !oh<? or/- /om :4e )'"'let7/;b( /;bw

356 357
11.21 _.&.,., estimate of ili e fcrc:::s of v.~nd on a t2.ll recrangular is obl2.ined as fol-
lows: The fron>: of the buiicling is assumed to be a 20 m v.ide by 50 m high flar plate
,., (_;o rv!1'1hers cot"pùted ;,, }hìs 6é"rcise
· r-(oie 7he /Xt::'(f t"JO e;.;_,
perpendic'..!.iar to the flow, sub_iecred to the sl'.2.gnadon pressure of the wiud. The
back S:àe is at thc stati.e pressure. The sides of the building flat plates 50 mhigh 1o -furbo/eflt n
b.L. r;
7,owS · Hore rea {stie
correspcm d.
uo?ien ihe fr<hém 15
by 60 m long in the direction of the wind, which suffe! shear forces as in a be o6fained
bounda.ry layer- flow. The top is a Dar p!ate 20 m wide by 60 m long, also subjecred
to shezr forces. Compute the roca! farce on 1he building for w:ìnò.s of 10, 20 and re co11:,ìdered o/ler dwpfe r f:2 ·

on !ke front
4'000 2
]f,é' jorce 6vi/din!}

~:: 2,,,-15* ~ 2x~xA2. ;:> -2

7fte ;forre oo 14c i-op is .'
,- a 0 G<f .Pu2
: T3 = x (~Ot)
\J PeL..

0. {c;(,4 X {.:]X). lff 2

+ 1200
\11063 xro"

~ i ( I( fsl;
F = 1,Y 4?3 f H]

358 359
1 L23 An arrow is d..rawn in Fig. Pl 1.13, 10 scE.le. Find the disrribu-
11.22 A glass sinker has the tear-drop shape shown in Fig. p 11.22, tion of the drag farce along the a,.,-ow. Find the corre:::Ei;:ig is drawn to scale. Tue density of glas_s is 2000 kg/m3. ~oment far small deviation angle.s, i.e., r:iat momem which
Tne d..-ag farce on the sinke:r is caused by viscous· fricrion keeps tbe· arrow tip poìnting forward, for a:.>ow spe.eds of 10

only. Measu:re the figu:re and compute rhe terminal speed of
and 30rn/s.
the sinker in water.

6m.'Il t

Figure Pll.22 I
Figure Pll.23
o..r t/7


2 - {rvstv/YI 3. - eone i/e /~we f

ef Co.rJe

011d ihe draéf /of"ce is

r;~ b.; 111 = f
tJ.3J2S'"V.z Vi 1/f)

L oL 11L 2 fLJ .:: (/, IJ~O/ + {o.o3 tc>o04s-2 + ~= ao368[~


7/,e fota( _sftea,- /orce ,pn f/,e Jia!e-r /S "//-°'·oxima(ec-( tJ 0 ,;' 2 ,; O. I

Fz: : 6-" 4 = O 66!; SU 2
c/"2 L r12
: O. 0022.S- U /2

/J .'
312 fhe c;(;-aJ forre 2
~if5i=G ~-" Vf'wJt~VYJ-
O/? ( )
cf.&o22SU ,,_ -3 2 \ )p
Of -J -f/2 I J0 IO 1J'U \Ju
2.o?Jo< lo" ,(o>_}
o. Ooc?d'S"
3 21J
F;, 0
J~ ]] 2 .JU
% 4/?x IO 2: «if = x

/ o

cont. l l.24 A sleeve of cloch is towed behind a ship. The s!eeve is 2 m long. and 0.5 m in

I ff.
diameter. Tue ship sails at Urn/s. Find rl!t drag force on the sleeve.



F; l'°Ìlit "?? liea I/e»-? is

o/ •r rhe draJ jorce is'
l'fF2 o
JF,, :? d?
'-lix 2" OS- x 0.46q,u
o 2.'IS-xuh [N]
Xr:; , ~ ()S+
~ &.5" f- = a5J4'fmJ fj, :2fiL '-' 0
A - __
_, ceYJfer (Pf draJ
Jne IS .'

XJ; ~
r; :L F,. -f fi :xF; r;;. 'i{.( x {O -3
~ ~ O. 3G2 [,,,,]
r; f !"., fil. te:« lo-3
:The cenfer o(rfmwfd (S:

(!!? ,
:ZG CJ3oo [m]

Fvr Sma!/ devJi//OJ7 o"/Jles f/,e dr(J f <Prces ocf <PI?

Ife ar/'(J'!.U OS il? /{jvre .2.

ctirrecfr"nJ mon-:ent is -'

t1c : { r, 1 !.,) cos 19 , ( :X:r.Xc-) J/n e

For .smo!I G ·

l1c , {Fitf2) (X,-ZG) e= -.3 • r:v

J.17 x!O .Pc/ Vi; 'i9

362 363
A buUet fired into a pond enrers the water u the speed of 300 m/s. Th e bu11eri.i.=
11.25 di "-- a 11.26 An amphibian cu flo2.t.s on the ""ate!" wilh iLS :re::r wheeis ~in.ning. Tue out::=radius
of the tires is 0.8 m, 2.nd they are 0.3 m wide; rhe wheels are jus<: hali s::t:me:-ged..
amet~r of 0.009 rn, and is 0.015 m Iong. Its mass is 0.008 kg. AssWile jusl vis-

cous friction asina boundary layer f1ow and esr:imate the bullet's deceleracion in the Tue speedome:er shows that on Jand the speed would be 80 b1:i. Esri.G::i:.:.e the

water. farce d..-iving the c:rr for,.,,·2.rà in che water.

-;-· \S_)1
M a ~ l{f
Ne -Jliear faro?
(Y-?w) - ~


6e comf vfec( /roM liovav(ar'J

lo:ier cons1#rofions
7/e .SC16mt:rJed /e11gfh !S


lhe vekt:t\J is
()~ ;fO ~ 22.2 JmlsJ
fhe car fS
7/Je /orce c;/riv11J
& 6rf4'J'U''-
F~ Lx Wx bo = L w


11.28 A srremilined boa! has most of its àrag derived from viscous friction on its wet
11.27 ~ ja~elin~ ha-s an av~rage àiame:er cf 0.03 m, and is 2 m long, with an apparent
skin. It is suggested !O use results known far an old well designed boat to construct
aenS1ty or 800 kgfm~. A man !hrows rhat jave!in at a...;. elevarion ane:le of 450 and
~a vacuU6.
a new double-hulled boar, that h<:.s ilie same total carrying capacity as the o!d onc.
reaches a distance of SO m. Find rhe distance he cou!d ha ve reached
Using boundary layer considerat:ions, estimate by how much must the power d...-iv~
AssvnH? / /irs7; f/,af fhe Javefr-,, reo dies jhe c!iston•e ing the new beat be increased relative to that driving the old boat.

o.! 5() ,,, 1!7 i/ocwm. 7hen ·

Af -Ile Some 1otai Corr;/a!f co_po-crfJ (/wc 1s iAe
2//,, St!7&
s <Wf v~/vme ! lku.s f/,C' refaliofl hdwEefl R (ofd fwQf)
) sa me
Cifld r { o{wble--fiuifeof. h6af) !S

r (j) ts
t-- J.2 fs]
7/,e /orce is

F = tJ Ml, ~ /J L FI/,/ ~
~ 7h· force rat/o
7/,e Javdifl ,,.,oss is !

h1 ~7ì1J2LS' = /ìx ~03 ~2,«Yuo ~ f ..r [*Jl

74e decder<Z//on ,0- f/,e {aree

1te re-a{ ve(ocl*J (or vocu(Jtr7 is'

(/R =Uo + I at/ = 22.IJ-+ '1./>'f0 ,,J.2"'22f<l ['-'/s]

d/s(ance lltaf coufd /,ave't-;,,oched 1/1 VaCudm IS

s ~ S&_f!) fm]

366 367
11 ·29 A rope which has a diameter of0.05 m
~nd is 20 m long dangles in 1he w:iier
behind a boat si!iling ai 5 m/s. Find the
d.rag cau.sed by !he rope.
1L30 A 0.014 m diameter pipe, 3 r.; long is
set in the side of a 10 rn Hgh wa,er
tank:, Fig. 1 !.30. Fi;;d th.e. mass flow
rate of rhe water, includìng boundarv
layer effectS in the pipe. -

ti.te 7Ù i!o(}/!da1d (o:er heiarJ- i11rb(}let?t /s ÌJf!Oft?d.

/or -/hl" €'xtYciS<:. 7/ie YJ?N?nj ;ooiat of ,/;ooM{"r;f 1°(j"IS is

~) = \){~~

= lj
L~ r&/
(~ So
BeiO!!een @ and QJ fhere is f'JO fo//';f cfer1e/o;x·d /iow
lk Jheor /orrp In Pie J'ljJe @-@ is
f;b =Ìi!JL iJ.Gtfr,.,S'U 2 - cJ. 01-f ,;j X eì.t6!1d!Ì,-tf
\ r:n:: = //X CC 2 {;S-[!'f.J,-,
Yl'<f'L ~
' \.-)
/s bala11c-ec( héf fhe l'g.Jsurc drop
4,!f 4x-2{,S-
;; 62

7/ie /;eod !oss 15 :

tir - LJ,o
,,_ =
,fJ 2 (j- = J.1~-1m1
o ç'.J(x/03
7/ie .y//- Sl"n-j
I "l
1.S ;r
v3 o
'I\j cr2 I.

n--ass /!owra!e is
- ~
f' : /J (/:j

368 369
12.l Use the universal veloc:ity profile to conso-uct a plot ofùie velocicy a.s afuncòon of
raciial position when air a de.'lsiry of L2 kgjm3 flows at an""age velocity of
20 rnJ.s th..'"Dugh a smooth 0.6 m d!ameterpipe. The viscosicy of airis q.02 ;:p. W"'nat
is-t4e tbickness of the laminar sublayer for this case.

Vi' (j =7 2 ,,;o"
f?e = = 2~10-S
/-' 7he fio"-' j.s
~,I= 0.0(23
Frort7 /J.oo1J di'lfrom (f/


, !00123
vi . 7.2> 4o \}e- 47oç3 /j-
"f?t ")I -
u'"'" 75es-
:f =
( see G'l'amjYe 42. t and 42 2 )

7/,e /h;ck 17ess o/ !J,e (om1oar Jub kJ'er is ( // = S-)

The vebci{f f'ro/i!e is • (


~ ll.00!0
• /
• ()J)))j

2 - !Julfer .!&ne MJOJ

,u = 5V {f ,A, [ f i;Je V{}-3 os- v{{ ROC<l2

,u = 3. 4'21 fu (1;ro->3éf) - 2 3'12 ,

-r < O. 637!:° [mm] :f 31Sx1D [m]
,/f!{;IO {m]< :/-

10{ f-]+5svV t = t'76 ,fu (41o'JJ ~)+'fii!

3 - /vrbv!e.nt core o
µ =2sv fl--' [ [

iJ >0&31) [mm]

370 371
12.3 A major pipeline canying crude oil (density 860 kglm:l ami viscosii:y 5 cp) drops
12.2 Use the universal velociry clistribution to c.a1cu1ate the local velocity at a poinr siru- 600 m in elevation over the last 5 rniles, as shown schem.."lically in Fig.P12.3. Tne
ated mid-way between the pipe axis and the pipe wall in a 0.5 m àiarneter smooth. main pan of the Jine is 0.75 m in diameter in which lhe av::::age velocity ofthe oil is
pipe canying air ar an.average velocity of30 m/s and a pressrue of200 kPa gauge. 2 m/s. Tne oil arrives at point A at a pressure of 300 kPa gauge, and flows down-
Viscosity of air is 0.02 cp.
hill ro point B where the pressure is desired to be no more than 100 kPa gauge.
What diameter of line would you recocnmend far the section AB? Assume the pipe
to be hydrodynamically smoorh.

11ain line

2.!;;30xaS; ,ft;{O>

74e w(ocif;; ;ro/i!e -(or tw!w/e,,,Z- core is

(Jee t;<o"}""e 12. t) B

- ·"'-v Vg-I A, [J- ,e, V-ff

,/,( -2
,,- [ 'j- rTJ +5S-V\,_
Figure P12.3 Oil pipe.

/ ;/ves:
For ike A-B t'ie. ,; BerDoulf/ §". (7.23)

from /iJ' ((24) &.tUtJ.!; f.-t h -r

...':± 11.z ilB <,
=;;> / ,
: h. -t
2J 11( ( !)
;f T

A, 2 -;zo.!; .fu [129':f0 <f] f 59S-

/j > ti 00221 [m]
7he io1'iit o/ Mferest /s i/~ &.2ç;- !111]

14e veloci1:f cd 16/s .f'O/!lT /s

,u, 2 7<'/lt .fu {f2'1J'O xa2s) i5:'7f", 27S [m/s]


9C72 lik IJ 8 ,- ,/IJ.2{, ,o

i)A2 Q 7 ,-2
G.53 f"'ls]
12J, ~ LA ~l , 2 " c>ts< ~
R _ 6. fi3-;f{Go x o.1rtS-
e2 - çy. 10 -3

372 373
fir 124 / 2 = aof33 12 4 Repear .~Pro blem 12.3 for PA = 1500 kPa.
7'> 12 bd, - D8 -101 =o we uN ile reso!ts •/ Pr0 blem f./2. 3(
O. 7J- 2 As a /irsf Of'!'roximofiM Re, = Re, 1@ = 4. 14 '10"
2 < - - = 6.'lb
G_ tb ,<]&0 A 0 408
/t = O. 0/33

~3 = Sx /O -3
= fj (2),=· hecomes
Anoiker lftrofron /s; /lOf tJecce.sar(/ / ìlrus:

lJJJ = O. 4-oS [ m]

_, /, = t?.011 z
=> D8 = 0.39 [rn]

374 375
12.6 A pump is connecred to the end of the pipe, point 2 in Fig. 12.5, and is used to
12. 5 Oil (2(}:lC, viscosity 3 cp, specific graviry 0.95) is to flow by graviry throagh a one recharge the reservoir. The warer level in ili.e rese..~oir is h = 35 m. The pressure a:.
mile long pipe linc, from a large reservoir to a lower station, the avetage diffen:nce poìnc 2, justoutslde the pump is 500 k:Pa. \Vhat is the warerfiow i"":1m t.'ie res_e.ryoir?
in levels being 14 m. Discharge rate required 1.6 m3/mirt. C.alculate lhe cfiametei- of
steel pipe necessary far: these condicions. Compan: your solurion 211d answer ro
those of Problem 7.10.

&rnovff1 ff. (123) rf1·ves

fA +h '
v/ =
fe 7
VB7hr hr Jf !(


7 2g T r t b 2ff-
,,,:;here fA = ft, " fo ~ ~o

VA r:; O ( L4 'Je rerervoìr)

~z(/!,-1) }
23 b /
~= 0.014

~ 1(3.J f'!S]
o; "°&(}{4-,t(;,1~--1
= 3.C:&
' S' tT21 D ,((}tJO -;: 5.66 ~ 0. Z = f5( /b3
Re f = -atif4bxfo- 1
r { ç//J =a&. w23) t =o-é). (){Sf
Frol'Y' fir
U,2 '° ["'ls]

~· ({}:

O "bB : O. 17["1)
} B "
7/,e - z
f("" cJ.2
3.S-o< - - =

12.7 Frnd tlie water:t111x a.sin Prob!em 12.6 when the circularpipe ìs changedinto atti- . J2.8 A car travels at 80 km/h. The driver puts his hand out of the window, to cool off.
angular pipe with al1 sìdes equal, baving the same cross-sestional area as the circu- Assuming the hand resembles a flat strip perpendicular to the flow, 0.1 m by 0.Sm,
lar pipe. find the addìtional power expanded by the car.

lire fj. (/232) q, = /<?b {(rom Table (2 2)

xs (r-u}(S-/,)f-c)
cor /S

/r, &.ol)

3 o?G x O.I>> 7-c;1 ?i'-2

é!tXJ!G .x/o-4'

From lr i2.1t (E,J, =000023) I;., =t!.Ol:JS"

- = J.02 L
V2 2

Pez :- 70:; 218

74e jiowrcde is
Q~ ~ ;:. Ao<-r;:,,, ;.02

378 379
12.9 Repeat 12.8 when the "soip" is parallel to the flow.

,...___ _ _ _ L =20 m - - - - - . ;

Figure Pl2.10

From {j {lf23) 12.10 Figure P12.10 is a scheme of a pipe connecred lo a water tower open to t..'J.e atroo-
sphere. The a0:n0spheric pressu..--e is 100 kPa. The bend in the pipe present..s a resls-
tance 10 the flow equivalent to 2 m of pipe. The pipe diameter i.s 0.1 m, and it ìs a
srUoom pipe. Tbe water densizy is 998 kg/mJ, a.'ld its viscosity is µ=0.GOl Pa·s.
The pressure at pointA, shown in the figure, is measured to be P 1=160 kPa, abso--
lute pressure.
2 = {Jfos [11] a. Fmd the volumetrie flow rare in the pipe.
b. Find the dimensions of a square pipe thai gives the same volumetrie flow ra:eas
the ci:tcular pipe.

J3er/lov!Li Ej (~23) 0/~@I rft'ves:

À1 f j,, f !_o v,,2 fA ".4,

+ - + hf 1 hò
I' 2j 't (/
', .
éX!T l S_'

2,J [ 17rh_,_- h6 f 1f;]

Ft·rst !/uesJ ir (! =O..Of!J-

\'.4, = ~ ~: °S.2S [ 11
Re 1 = SJ/,ef1 D !J.25' <O.I = 82 , ooo
h-om fJ (24 •) 1z· = 0.012

V;;,= {W 903 fm/s]

Pe2 = .? /14, D = 9'.03 X O.I

9'03 ooo
)'- IO G

13· O. O{-f3S ! ~3 = 9'.07 Jo/s]

Jhe /!owrate is.-'
q= iìb",
0f jf, ar",, 1.01 =
o. oh /ç"J
380 381
12..11 To case maintcnance it was suggested to use two 0.1 m diameter pipes instead of
(1210 I cont one 0.1414 m diameter pipe. For the same volume flw:; of ware:r, find the ratios of
the prcssure drops:
- 4-a'
6) !J# = e{A
- - - ='/.
a. \Vhen the flows are laminar.
Frrs t Offrox //Yl?lir'O/'/ b. \Vhen theflows are turbulenl

a 1 o ~ ~ \)act1l854 = ao~l?G [Yn]

Cl) [ amr/>ar //ow
lr = ool.2 D ~ o.1414 fm]
i/Al=~ ~ 8.G [m/s] e/ • {!I [tnJ

;]/, xO ogf(, = 761 </Go 64 L y_2

Jo-G Ll p1 h/1 Rer d 2ff'
o =
_, I~ o.0122 !Jp2 1'/, f!t. L 2g
Re2 15
lf _ \j' 37' = 21.54 [m/s] /f;i where
42 - 4t33!f:.<0.0f22

For ilre Same /lcx.vrale:

O o9( f'm J j_ .r:
__!!.- = /fff = <2
lke error is .sma/( .. 1
;a 1-a,J (&.alf/!6 -ao91/

l cod.
12.12 Measurements show that the flow between the two plates in Problem 6.7 is rurbu~
lent.. The pressure between the plates is assumed to depend on the radiai coordinare
only; tbe pressure drop is approximated by using relations for pipe flow i.vith the
2, ooM dr«r = 1'!3 [mjs J
same hydraulic diamerer as the radius-dependent circular woss section available to
the flow between the plates. The p!ates are very smooth. With reference to Fig.
I 11714 x &.02ofro.1
P6.7, F := 5 N, h ""0.002 m, L == O.l m, find the air supply pressure and rate.
4{ ls3 ; /,, = t!o2!/
Tlie /'ressorc dro,P (roM /'(!o fo is

l !7 2
: p,·~_ __,_Jh P, ,, o.ooJr ,81r'1 = ,(70 [m/s]
Lit, • fh1. s'/ -
T b;,
(1! 1..11?4-,... 0.02(/ F-0.f
{A , 4 <2-,;rh , 2 h
e 4#r
V ci vero;e ,,e/oai'if ''<

= gqqq [ Pa]
rl (0.102)

lhe averoJ'e ve/oct'1:f is (/rom (j.(l)j

y = ~2 b, "J'L ArN,-t'<J', (irs1,i />
201 [ m;s] ;

12.14 It is suggested to change the pipe described in Problem 12.13 and use two smaller
12.13 Warer flows in a 100 m long pipe with a dia.-neter of0.025 m. Tue average velocicy
pipes, such thar the average velocicy of the flow n::rnains tbe, Le. 5 m/s. The
ir1 the pipe h 5 m/s and the pipe discharges to the attnosphere. Compute L'1e
flow rate remains that of Problem 12.13. Calculate the required pressure drop in
Reynoìds number.
these pipes. For apressure drop along the pipes which is only ~at used in Problem
a. Is the fiow rurbulent?
12..13, find r.he ave.rage velocity and the flowrate in these two pfpes.
b. D.!.culate the pressure at the entrance to the pipe.

7/,e f.!.e(jnofd s 11umber e ti) ifJ= d. J v'= d.

V !J ooo
Pe ~ -)/ = =12)

74e frt'Ssure drop is .'

Lfp = tfaf =YJ'/ d 2 ,j
À) 8er/!Oulfi v (726) /

p2 b) ,ç 2 ["'ls]
y =-
r f h; where f2=Pc

h; =I JJ 2ff

;, fru. (2., .' /~ 00!73

Jmoolh f;/if': ; 7ro1« l'cJ "'


.J 386
12.l.5 The saro.e amount of fluid as in Problem 12.1:3 must now be supplied uslng a
2.16 A fluid flows _in a pipe whìch has t:he diameter D. The same flcid flows in tbe gap
between rwo par.Jlel flat plates. Tne size of the gap is also D. The pressure
O.O 125 ro <liameter pipe. · gra&C:rtt e:dsci in botb ·syStans. Calculate the ratio beNle~n the fiow rate of the fluid
a. Calculate the pressure drop in this pipe and compare your result -with rhar of in the pipe and tbc flow rate ber.ween i:he plates, pe:rwidth ofD.
Problem 12.13.
b . Note that for a constartt f1ow rate, rbe pressure drop iS proportional to the
diameter of rhe pipe raised to the pawer n. Fmd 11. ./Jp ~ c-t
c. Also noie tha! far a const:ant pressure drop the flow rate ls ptoponiooal to the
d.iameter of ùie pipe raiscd to the power s, Find s.
j,I -_ T! .b r :et )
b;; 2:f
bt{ew 1.
r:1) Dtie~ Ò/.i. [j 2-
b 'f/6'; ooo, 2 ~ f'F16 [Kpa J
llp ~ t'lP!l!!IJ " D,.1ew
For ihe fl,Pe
ìi~2 J For ik"' ;!ates
b) Q=d = -
V o> V ~
2 112
li• L1 prvG-s-
/Jf = l -L
=> Llp ,V
f', "' Il

n= -'.) ( Tvr6v(mf flow) 74e /loÌ,r, ;aie
"' -f'JS-/2

b 92 G

12.18 Water flows rhrough a rectangular square duct wiili the sides D ""O.I m. The aver-
12.17 Tne pipe aI1d tbe p!ates of P:roblem 12.16 are now usci such that the flow rare in the
age velociry is 8 m/s. The duct is 100 m long. Calculaie the power needed to pump
pipe is the as that betv.:een the plates, per width D. Ctlculate the rari.o between
the water. Compare yourresults with those obtained far the same flow rare through
the power needed to purnp the fluid t.hrough the pipe and that needed to pump t_he
a drcular pipe.
fluid berween the plates.

- - {I
Vp1a1, ~ Vpipe it
n 2-
u:.. fLafc =: D lfplo:fe
V l),, px O. i = foo 006
7he f'-":!Iofe- drop Re =

Llp =Y/ f. V - - 21
!rom /rj 124 (Jmooth !'foc) =) /:0.012

7/,e /lo!</ mie ì.s

6( " h V = I)~ V = o_ 12,, i = O. od' f 1>1JsJ
7he 1ower i1rt'cled co f' 0 mf'
J ike rxxri<>r /s

=Q_;!l/'1 = O.Oix Jt4xfo = 30]2/!v]

/or //,e JO me /lowrate :4e d/c;me!er &/ yl{e ,1-/'c

/j = ~4:_4 -' ~ = (J/13 fm]

2 11 VT
. A
-= ,_,p, li
o= 33;x /OJ x !U_
= 3{ox(0 (kp]

7ke /'" wer ls

p = Q" !Jr~ ~ o. o!?x J4o "ro 3 ~ 212 (!t(r.J <- Pr

390 391
12.20 Repeat Problern 12.J3 far a pipe of Ihe same cross·section. whic;i is:
12.19 Water flows through an annulus with an innerradius of 0.10 m and an outerrad.ius a. Square.
of0.12 rn, at an average velociry of 6 m/s. The lengrh ofthe annulus is 100 m. Find b. Rectangular, wirh sides racio of 1: 2.
the pressure drop along the annulus. c. Ellipric, wirh sides ratio of 1 : 2.

lhe /z(jdraolrc cbameter is

L( ,4
/)il = = ~ f os' = ti022
18 = v/'w - ç, 0022 = ((O tXJO
V .611 ,;;'I) Otf = 2-fo ooo e ~ - {O- 6
l<e =
)/ lo-• Fro m /f- {2-!r /= aof?G
f :r 1'2.4' (J#fooll, Jl1"c) . / = & O(!)

7he /Ye-Ssure


6" = j a = .j, o.01S'b = o.02m [m}

He = Vilu = _ç,-&.0201 ={O~ Oro /= ;;J.0{7;f'

) T
),! /0-C f'lrbukat
Llp =si!::
= f0 r oOiil x &.o2o!
/OD " ?E
= 1010 { k;oa I

e) 4ab { J<e "'""'"Y'* ,;;1)

EI9 /)H = 0:-fb jJ"J'é' /2. 2/;

Sa.' = ga
wkere A = iìab) an"- u=U ~$iij - 21{

= /17 soo Nrb11le;;.f
0.0235' Pe = Vbu 1

/jH ) y

392 393
12.22 A truck ls designed 10 trave! at a cruising speed
12.2~ A municipal water has the diamete of0.1 IIL The velo:ity in the tn:ain is of 110 lan/h. A preliminary design is shown in
10 m/s. Tue !ine has a tee connecrion every 50 m, and a bend eve::y iOO m. Calcu- Fig. P12.22. The width of the truck is 4 tn,
]ate the pressure drop expected per lCXXl rri of pipe. and to estimate t.he air drag farce on the truck
one may use the frontal projection, Le., the
= ,;,. y_2.
7ie iee /,ead (oss ìs hT T 2:f same drag as far a flat plare 4mx4m perpen- Figure Pll.22 A truck.
.dicular to the flow. It has been suggested t~
V'- srreamline the geometry such that the drag coefficient becomes 0.6. Estimate the
1he 6end. head !oss is hb :
k;, .2:J power saved at cruising speed.s.

Frofn Tab(e !.!. I

=O (b :{q'O
From 7a6ie !2. 2.
7he dra,J fora~ is
ff (12. 3g)
where /,!p f:>ohrfloU/,
2 ( lfO/J )
l> due io ffÌ:;i/n'if' g V =11S-"1Gx,./.f7Nx __!!_ = 2S-: il [le 1f]
2 .2.
0eJo ooo becoMé'S

.J4e l'o()(;er SCi ved is

_f ~ !JF"V = ,f}C/OOSS=S-41 fkw]

'lJ2.1 fm]

7he .fressure

'-' '

12.23 A car has the mass of iOO kg. In normai driving the car ti:res are not expected to
12.24 A p!umber had to connecr a 0.025 m diarneter pipe ta a hose. Nat having the ne:::-
skid as long as rhe nannal farce between a tire and the road is at least 700 N. Tue
essary pans he insen:e::i a connection of 0.013 m diame:er in the line, and then con-
maximum vdocity rechnica.lly safe for ilie car is 140 km/h. The projecu:d ~ of the
tinued wìth the 0.025 m diamerer. Far a rne.a.'1 flow veloci•! of 5 m/s, estimate t.'1e
extra drop caused by the pìumber's impmvisation.
car is 6m 2, Find the maximum allowable lift coefficient of the car geome.rrv. Note
that this coefficie.nt is de.fined for the projecred area. Find the ma::<.imum all~wable
driving speed with wind velocities of 80 km/h, of30 km{b..

Jhe w..0:<1 mum a!lo(;oOl:.fc L/{t force. /5

7he (orr coe(ficimis ore ( (ro;n 7a6/e -12. r)

af ;oinT A

7he sotfahle lift (oe(ficìe~i Ì$

rkA - cu4g
( (114 X (~"; /4
7~e (..uO;</u-ivJYJ ve!0cf~ ( re{af/ve io ihc> Ca.r) t"s

140 -fo = Go [/w,/fr]


= /~& -30 : !{O [ku,//r]

F"or 2o [km/h]

12.25 .A,.n airmrbi.1e used !O meastL""e wind velocities is Hemì.spherical
show:i in Fig.Pl225. Tne turbine is conneci:ed ìì;\ 'heU 12.26 The airplane considered in E::c:arnple in 12.9 is
· to an elec=::c genera.::or, and the encrgy ge..'l.erated Wmd CA_,~ now using takeoff strips thac pennit ground
is measured and wasted. For wind velocity of
___,,_ speeds of 200 km/h. Find the dimensions of the
0.08 m
30tr'Js the turbine rurns 2t 12 turns per 5i:~Sia. ~ airplane wings necessary under these new
Estimate the energy wa.sred. conditions.

Figure 12.25 Fo!(ol{;t'1g &om;ie 12 9,

(vP) v; )<
= bo "z.Jf )t'(J.J:::: a.19 ,.,fa (OM) ~ • - '·>R~/:r, C~ o;,sc CL ~ f.o eme{ yom fJ . 12 IO

e;, = /. 33 ) l'.ò, = o. JY -r11µ.t: IZ • Z.

_, 2-<Joooo
I! = '?'f
" l
: S-Kf(J ~ ' !Jf k11,A..:! .F1. ç (m'J
I f.411
11 "(so.çf,10
f x /. !/? {-s»(Jo -tl-3i) <_ 1?.3'f •('o~tl·Ji)J
FJ), - F,,, = S" <10· •

"z.9J"y1J-'{11ff·? 313·f}=z.s-z !I

q} =
..,,zff"'1 = I· L~7 ko/5

398 399
12.27 Tue meac. vel~ciry of a .fluid having properties Jike warer is bern.-een 1 m/s and 12.28 RepeatProblem 12.f.7 far an ai.-1.i.\:e flu:id. witb the limit mean velocities 10 m/s to
6rn/s. The. flu1d flows in a pipe wirh a diameterofO· 1 m. Esnmare
· ·'- - of
1..ue reading 60 ro/s.
the followmgflowrate measuring devices at ilie exm:me velocities
a. Venruri meter. '
74e /11vesircta-f(orfl
o is {or d
~ o.5"
b. F1ow nozzle. r t i4of ike .f(uid /s /1'7COf7lr"ri:-ss/é(e_
c. Thln plate orifice. rirs .foffore 7'

Ej . (12 fo) .·
L-:Y (f2J,o) if!ves For dD =QS- J
.M = f 0..?3

Q =A v = t1 4 ~ :# Ap [/ <'. ? ,/!.:;</Or r ka -
= - - · · =174/.r!
.f where. !? =
!?r m'J
!1' .2 -?f; x Joo

i/,; L ,(o 2
1<.p,,,, =
i.u.i'/l :? -- , !rtr
= J'(.S- ( PaJ
H' 2 /.o33 2.

V/,Uo2;._ Co2 1.14 = 24'5S- {!al

/Jpwox = X '
H'- 2 1.011' 2

tlu.i;rJ :? = :L {03
= 487 {PQJ f(o,,v /or " co"';orc:crr6fe /!uid / {F. !2.4 / cf;'ues:
LlpJm/11 -=-
/.013' 2
H'I 2 1

ç2 i/ 2. .f'
Vu.t.. i:
= H <;{{ [ P« J
H'I 2 = {.Of!.2 2

ApJ.mill =
A. -210' ~
L,61 [Pa)
= J/S = §:<{,cfrJ"'r 7a6fe 12.4: '/,.,;~ =&. f"i'/.
6' ro' = ;6 f!Gg [Pa]
I ,(..>:x roi:
{OlJ 2 2
10 3 lr3) [Pa] For a wefl ole<(J"ed venfuri e =(
flp J . ~1111 '
74ere{orc Lll',,,;• e:: 8rs[Pa]
1'6 0.2 = ft7b63 [Pa]
L1f1 w.o.,:. 2'1J:J
));< 10~-

,c !:.!.'! ~ 300{, [f'tJ
{PJJ'>O.f'K!'- .z

400 401
j l
E?zzl ~
12.29 Consider water in a smooth pipe of 03 m diameier, at the mean velocity of
Conl. I C Miri ~ 0. '1{,J
10 rn/s. Calculate the pressure drop along 100 m of pipe. Now assume the flow to

Fro111 70hle 12.c,-
( C~o, = a Jf? be a boundary layer flow along the pipe walls and calculate the pressure drop ex-
tlle pipe up to a point of a 100 m downstream.
pei;ted frorn the.entrance ta

,/o 2 Pey110Cds /lut116er 15

- S?. ,- (?a1
!.tJJJ2)! C'.'?t'J2:<'0. ~{f 2 " 2
/,?, _ Vò _ /OxrJ.3
e - J! - ,;o·6
:=3i<ID '
tJ p,,,,, " ( 7lt =- ]oSo [P«}
!01; 2, af!t".< o.ftf' 2 Fro111 /i.J· 12.!r / / = OOO'f'1-

(owo' = &.W~ keoc( (ors . l j (

Ta61e D.ç fu.V•.: (.O /
e) 7fir'1 tfoie orrf'ce /

I .Re ~·" = ,, 000 => C(,L(.r11
= Jf4 000
= o.Go"!

C~ox = t) {loS- T4e
'/ = 19.00C!f' foo" {o'

f'resswe drop
- &3 2rtfo-gf
=16S [mJ

///a. 12 .r!,) l Re UJ.a;(

iJp ·-th{ /6/2 {kpaJ
-' ~'
= =
,(02. (.ttf 220 {?a]
tJpwiri =
/O..J,32. ~ O. 60'?2.
" 2 o:amp!e fJ. !2. ; u-e ma(/- divide ihe p ';oe

8.L &n
/jf=o; =
" (i'fr = 7'170 {lh] hoonda r:J fa/je1· info (amr'nor
I OJJ',: Mfor', 0014 2 .2.
and. fwhvlent
a nel F°tf J t I fin d. Xc )

YRec Jo 5 .r .fo-G
t>f ro':Je of readl(f s , "
o. 0{ [!11]
V /o
U<Od Consr'de.r f4ai fhere ìs
co rreclr'on or ;tera(ior? iS du.ft'i(iec(. Beccxuse Xc<(<- L )

furhv/enf B.L. Q('> L

u)/)1;.-.x -ffs-d~
S/reor /('}1-re L

F. ~ iì b J0o i"rb.
d:x:. ~ Ìlb j ()03 .PU
2 (

402 403
12.30 Consider the turb.ulent velocity profile in a pipe to be apprnxiroated by a mid regi.on
~f consrant velocity and a boundary region, near tbe wa.U, whf:re the velociry change
is .streng. Use the integral approach ro the boundary Iayer soluiion and find the 12-.31 Consider Fig. 12.6 and Exarnple 12.6. We are now told rhat point A, where the
th1ckness of this region of strong vdocii:y change, such that the conect pressure pressure PA = 600 kPa has been measured is located inside a water tank, and the
drop is obtained. exit to the pipe is a perpendicular square entrance, far which Table 12-1 yieJds k =
0.50. Point Bis followed by a tee connection, far which Table 12.1 suggestS Le=
60, far the directi.on BC and for ilie direction BD. Between B and C there is an
additional bend 1vith L,, = 20, and another bend of the same kind berween B and D.

fff. (1246)
We now look far rhe fiow raes.


11?1<.B = (5000{ +k) x-!pVJ8 = (2500{ + 0.25)x IOOOV~

Af'BC =(4000+60+20)f x!pV1c =2040x 1000- f ·Vla
BPBD = (l2000+60+20)jx!pVi0 = 6040 xlOOOfV~

The iterative solution fo!lows:

u% Assume V BD = 1.65 m/s Reno =41166 f = 0.027

Af'BD = 444 kPa.

Assume V_ac = 3.00 m/s Rese= 150000 f = 0.0245

7/,e (t,ick'7é'S5 o/ (45 ff'ffO" I S:
/J.P BC = 450 kPa.

V'f Assume = 1.66 rn/S Reno =41415 f= 0.027


CJf/i {-t:) X
2 2
V AB= 0.5 x 3.00+ 0.25 x 1.66 = 0.8538m I s.
_tjp = 450 k:Pa.

Re AB =85380 f =0.02225 DPAB =46 kPa

DPAB+ DPBC = 496 kPa = 500 k.Pa
V.AB =0.85m/s BBc=3.00m/s BBD =1.66 m/s.

404 What is the speed of sound in air at 300 K, 1 bar? In helium ac the sarne state? In f
r,;,)I' coflf.
hydrogen? 111a1:1 moiarrnixmre of he!ium and hyd..-ogen?
b. Equation (I3A) '"'as obr.ained by Newton, wbo fi.:.--sr assumed the process to be
isothermal, railier than isentropic. Use
Frror, = 15 0 [/, J
~~ =(~)T z

in Eq. (13.4) and recalculate the speed of sound c. What are the errors?



11!7- ["'A]
6) lsolfterma{ ca.Se:

Frroreti' -= 34-7 -m >< ioo


C He = \j207V,Joo = 110 f"1 /5]

70!'1- 1'10 "·loo = 22. 4L/,

( • IJ
Error He = /Nf'

406 407
13.2a. The isencropic compressibility of wa1er at I bar, 90oC is

~(~)s =4.4x10-1om2 IN.

. .3
Belium at stagnation, at 2xl OS Pa, 300 K, expands isentropically •
a. to P1 = 105 Pa, and then cominues
b. to P2""' 0.5xl05 Pa, and then conrinues
I Find the speed of sound in water. c. top3-0.
I 1 Frnd Mach nurnbers, speeds, sonic speeds and stagnacion pressures far a., b., c.,
b. Tue isenrropic comp:ressibiliry of steel-iike solids is
I and far the pressure at which the son.ic speed appear.;. Assume ideal gas behavior.
_!_(Jp) = 3(1-v2 )
p Jp E
;<bere vis ili e Poisson ratio, and E is the Young modu!us. Find the sp ed -
I (Ej 13f7)
m sreeL e or SOLin
a) <IO
- IO
- I

'frvm Tabfe
J'owd vdocd;j al /h;.s femrra1vre 1s;

I l)
Cslee( --~ (!-.Y'.}'i(
E e,= {kR"'- \)(66h-zoJo,2<i7!, ~ ff'I? f";sj
1; 3
7fr veloci!;J ar a)
'fa~ tfaCa. = Rgil; O.'li''?~ S69 [ 1']

74e ;oress:ure af rxliicti //,e Sonic. s;oeed w1/( qpeM· 1::

{/o/;le f,-2)

f* = 0.481( ,_{°o = t!.4U( ,2,10> = O.'?f ,c/Os- [Pa]

7<fe lem;erafvre af- l41s r~ial.-

7!1- = OJS:; I;, = 22s-[1']
7/c v&focl i.'j
u*= e* = \[kRT"' = \{{u1 ,-zow,22r <?n [l'IP-]
( H"'~ I)
/Je !foch ,,umher is {Tohle ~ -2)
t11, = f.49 - su;ersonic. f!ow

lb = Q')f3>300 = -t12[k]

408 409
ASsurne one-ru.mens1ona1 ao1aoaoc rncuoruess r1ow mrougn <ne noZZl e shown rn
• In Section 1: u = 20 mJs • p = 8xlQ6Pa • T -- .:i
Fig. Pl3.4. "00 K Calculate the
@7] co4. . •

vdOCloes m Sections 2 and 3, for the fluids:

a. Water, b. Molten lead, c. Air. d. Hydrogen.

C;, = \j f.Gbl ,-2oRO> 172 = 772 [»t/s J

" = n/, CJ,
(),}, .,/ = f.49',. 772 = p;o (117/s]

e) ror •> 11>>1 Figure P13.4 Nozzie.

o<:. T<< !" !fo!len /t>ad /

Y= d.
e ;é o From COllSeruafr'on o/ f110S:.S :
74e vefocify af e) ;r ( {7. €Jl3)}
=Ar d1'
µ3 = fl1 c1,2
Ili off j'o/ats lhe stvnaiion f're.rson: /J 14e ..Jaf"C
ti, 2

f; = 2> los [1J,,.] c.) 4ir

!loc4 17vmb~r is
,/) A.I. µ
111 = =
e ~{ç>Rr \f f.4 >' <f?>]DO

Frorn Tabie ò-(

,.j 114,,_ !0-21

A2 A1 A., .(o. 21 " 352 ~

A" = A*" -,4 I =

Table d-1
Ai !1 = &.on? , 7,7-o =o '?9''7r
f',;? 0
= O 'lf/)

1'2 ,;f> a>''11 => P2 = 7'1.r- ,,10~ [?a]


72;- = ti. 9"li' => 7;, = 2 '19' {AJ


{13. 'L1 cont. 13.5 Design, i.e., find rhe dimensions at t.he throat and at the exfr, and draw a scheme of
a convergent--divergent no=le which ttansfen 1 kg/s air from vessel A, where Po=
e) conf. {i;!(owinJ ihe Some vuo;ç. 106 Pa,. T = 300 K, to vessel B, Whe:e p., = L5x 105 Pa..

A;/A;= o.1G
ff · (/J.23) rJiVe5
1/3 _ A1 A3 • r:::::
li" . A* X J/1 ~ A*= U<.x\JRTo
N!41 ,,- fo
7ahle <l·! : H3 : C. JiS-
b* = \J77
· 4A"' = 23.3 [mm]
7)ffo o- {! fl/ -> 7j = 2<?! [k]

d) f1drotfer?:
ti . ...!:!.... Ta6 le /J-/
I - \fMT
Table A-2 At/,,r~ =

A.,4/J1 = Ar x ~
""Lf);0.49= 22 )
A* At
t12 = O. o 2G
To = Joo(kJ
At 11; =·> 7/To = .i.Ooo / P/p 0 = (.ooo =~
1fo •b IO' (Po.]
Ce = \] /;> RT = \j f.+, 2g;z" 1i4 = 2? !, ["-'/s]
At !{,_ = 0.02,; / 0 = T;, =Joo[lr]
7/,e exif -fj'ee<'{
= t1.;z '\\ ~ RT.;;. = O. 02G \J l4 '469 •SOo - .Sf.t ["'lsJ
,/)e = Me Ce = 4. 'lx 204 ='?O(,; [Jn!r]
A A3 / _ A1 A;/ ..,
314 =o.I& => /A* - /A"x/lf; = 7.2
7aMe '1-2

13.6 In Problem 13.5 rhe pressure at the exit. p~ is changed to 13.7. The throat crossectional area in Problem 13.5 is A e' and that ofthe exit isA_... Let
a. 105 Pa; b. 9.5xll)5 Pa. A 1 =(A•+ A~)/2. With the same stagnation condìtions as in Problem 13.~, the
Find the new mass flowrate, in. and the pressure at the throat, far the same nozzle. so.nic speed is reached at A"; bue then there is a shock wave at A 1. Find the Mach
numbe:r and the pressure at che throac, atA 1 just before the shock. and at the exir..
rubsonic so(ui/o/J /or 4'07;f = f 5)3 1S H ~rJ.4/

/}f fhir Hoch numh<"r

= i2 f!f/ =>
7-efvs / ouer

O < p < S.'N xfo" /4e Hotde is chohed. !3efore !le shoch
eme! d.
o) w w"'"" = I[~!:) shock:
Af fke /Ùoaf
t{, ~ o.•r; f'-' : 2. p.ç X P1

7òble /J-1 => Ah.

b) For f'e = 95-, 10° [?o] /ke jlocv /s ..fu6.rof/J?c 0. fl x!Or = f?.S'f' x[O:s- !Po]
lltt(NrJk ovf fee noide c;;;rn
?t:17 = !. .?17
f!c = f!JC
7ahle i'.!-/ => ti= 0.26 9 1
!e , iJ '1[6 / Te ~ .?'1(; {k] x Ae = /.13G x f. 2!'7 = /.Jf?3 ; 706/e J-r :
To A" A2
7/e fkiwrafe is He =O.l,79 (le= O.;fSTxp0 "- = ?s4fur(OS- [Pa]
VJ; '

M = .?,,- Ae i{: = (Je /le f1è

, 414 41~
13.8 A compressor r.akes in ai:r at che atmospheric pressure,p'"" 105 Pa, and discbarges
the campressed air inta_ a high pressure setrling tank. An engineer who has to mea-
sure the performance curve of the compressor, Le., the mass flux of the com·
pressed air as a function of the compression pressure, connects to the setrlipg tank a
f!e3 : os2g 3 "f'o3
thermometer and a convergem nozzle with a minimal crossecri.onal area of20x !D-4
m1. In all his measurements the temperarures were berween 350K and 355K.. Tue
measured gauge pressures were:
1'1e3 d / %Y. ~ i

2Sx 10'" <ox {o- : {. 0 g
1.lxIQ5 Pa. L6x1os Pa, 2.sx1os Pa, 4.0xl05 Pa and 6.0xlOS Pa.
\-.( 2-f'f x5~"7)
Fìnd the corÌesponding mass fluxes.
é.oxros- [Pa.J 7.&e
/i;r /''4 = 4.ox lo'fPa] a,,d j>,,- =

ai (/,e EX(f
fo ;:S .Soo/c
fOr /loiv
f'4 = 4x: 1o'Ii'a) - _,
r>t+ = i2Gg47
4 "(0 j fi

\J 2 fhJ:lO
20 X (Q
and f/,e /0w is .rv6sc,.,ic . ll'.k -rf/!(
fo f•s:: 6no' [Pa]
A" os
tfe 1
0 com/vtafiona( aie(
~o.J;z. , 1:r"=t•'1t m, = a cg~7
6,(f{) ;120 Y(0

\]Jgt dS"ò
2 5'} !ti
Tof;fe 11- i ·>
f 11/To, 0.'113 •> 7t ~34/[/c]
71e //owrafe. i.s (fy (/3.'L~)
. .r .?o
/+;1 A* {(x{O ; 16i6 y(O-f

m, ;:' cui11 = IJ.Gt41

= o.2R/J]
XRTo \J ~Ji' x3rn

Fbr foz {(, "co' [t'a 1 / f'e2 ~ /'6 ~ /Or [PaJ

fe-2 = > tke pow is .dii( .svùonic..
j 7ahle A-I

416 417
13.10 A Pitot tub e IS
· use d to measure the svetti of an a. 1 • . -·
pressure of 105 p · . · rrp ane. Assuming am:iospheric
13.9 A second engineer,
. who saw wha.t the one in'~Problem 1 ,suggested th ata
· 13 . 8 d"d a and 1senrropic processes except tltrou"h sh k
---. . __ . "' oc waves, find the
convergent--<l1vergent nozzle be used, such tha[ only one equario·n had to be used to
corn~ure .~e massfluxes in the five measu:rements tak:en iliere. Design such a pressures read on the Pitot differenti-al maDOrneter and the speeds ot the ru.rpiam::,
nome, wmch has the same minimal crossection as in Problem 13.8. com:sponding to Mach nurnbers of 0.1. 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 .

H= &. f

fo f' (TC'bfe !J-/)

/!f (/;,s ;res.rurc raf/o (To61e .LJ-f) o. 9''1J
H=o J"'l' ,; A/A,,_ =IP?& = / oo? ,,fo'- /Po]

7hc des{f17 J,<-t!I Je 7/ie ;xessure reod

Ap = fo- p = ì7oo [Pa},
; H"'=f.oo
7Ae flone s;oeed
Ae =,/.tt/b;20/I0- 4= ?3_'r2,cfo- 4 [r~2J J He=0-37-
!)= CH= 0.( YRRT =0..1 YkL
s =
?le kfvc,_f;o,, fo be uted 1s {&- 13.?3)
fo = fJ,1.~;r = I o•~" lo:;- f Pa]
/Jp = fo -{1 = (:Ooo [Pa J

U = CH = O.J,c 34~- = loJ 5" liJ-J

!loie l!iof f/;e moss /!vx far dis ~ose /S Jlreofer
fa= P/J.121 = {.3'1x"f0° [Pa]
!/;cm in ;ordilem /!J-i/
4P = {Jo -p = J. '1' 1é [Pa.},
u~ CH = O.l-Y34~-=d4!s(J']
fo = f,{,2 ,3 = I gq x" /o 0 [ f«]
Ap = gq, fo4 [?a]
u = e = p,;:: I"'ls]
!Or H >{O J/ioch. will ocwr 1fi /f-onf &/ !4e ,4'18 t tolx:

Frorµ_ 7a6fe /J- I

""'1t I

JI I 419
!1 _I
[f70} conf.
1.39y10'-- {Os- = 3.9 Y{O" [R.}
I 1;3.11 Helium atp ~ 3xlO:'i Pa, T 0 =400 K enrers a pipe ofan inner dìamerer 0.015m.
/l,p = Tne f:riction CO"'..ificie;tt isf= 0.023. Find tb.e pipe length at which sonic
r SPeed
·- is
5ZY .::.:_.,: ;:~
"' 1s" 34~-= s-11. s- [ ç1]

M=2.o Jlie Hoch ;?ufY/her

_J____. l
'JO o. 042
Af = 2.s3 "104 [ f'a J H JL = =
WT "11.G6Tx?01tf.fxf00
u = IS'lo f/sJ
fì-om 70hle b-.> I
tlote f4af /or N:>( ffte f/(of (w1J hir ùdrumeAs)
R(l~IOS -lhat (he jhcu iJ s7erson1'c 1J
&bservi/JJ P.rtuitc >fo°'-
f&lnf lf= I / IS

= 310
!I b C!.01'-
,,li = 370 = 370 ~ " 241 [!>1]
T !2023


i•l l


ti 421

:.3.12 Design a nozzle wiùch ciischarges lkg/s air fratti a vessel at stagnaci.on condirions, 13.13 Both nozzles, the designed and the rruncared one, of Problern 13.12 are tested
Po""' 8.0xlOS Pa., T., ""400 K, to ilie aanosphere.atp =105 Pa. Find A•. A~ and the under t.he conditians of Problem 13.12. Howe1fer, i.nstead of using air ~ hydrogen
tota! thrust farce which acts on the vessel. For reasons of rnaterial availabiliry the is being used. Fi.nd the thrust forces acdng on the vessel now.
nozzle designed above has been manufacrured wìth its divergent part opening only
up m the crossection area of A 1= (A• + A.: )!2. This tn.!ncated nozzle is used instead 4 s ee ro61em 1l!J!j
A*= 6.18 > I0- [m 2 ]
of the desigr:ed one. Find the tota! thrust farce applied 10 the vessel now.

!le = ,/0.5Y ro ' 4 [m']

fJ (!323) [Jlefds
11? = He Ce~ Ne \j {'!> 41S9 x22f ~ 22gif M/s]
A* = ,;, \jRTò = \j~
i) 68Lr'f fo fhrust forre is•
f C2fJI•le
!ò-1 / (or f''J1', =0125" ,, tfe=2.0f lo s- ;aò-, 10-t 2
221{1 = ;-91; [H]
/,(S"// 22(

7he new 01·ea. 41 , 2. 34x 10- [m 2J
!lt H,=f.11; f',;J, ~ 0.2 => f'1 = {b ></O ePa]
/Ad G";.(/f ve!ocr'f:J .'
7i;T;, = rJ. b3 ,,, T 1 =252[;.,]
Ve :o=- CeHe·=20f~
7he -Jhrwf /ore-e r·s
( j'e-P,) Ae -1_f'eAe Ve~= f!e Ae v/
~=f'= J/ ,;2 4 -4 /6yfQO -'f 2
0x 10-4,, ,;-cr'/= 57'3 [H]
JOs- fO. i...J1 1V1 .::;-6/!0xf.3'iY(0 1 - - - xf.34xt0 Y.?O?t
415'1/J 2ç2
7Àe 11ew area_ /s
Ai= A*,.Ae

new !/:rw forre is:

Fr, =

~ 7'f(, [rt]
;:::_ resrJLf s fiere are
t!&te : , '• > F71 cmd.. ihe nuMer/ca{

to 70</;Je oirroximafrons Jlill Frc N F71 /5 correct.

13.14 The four tests of Problems 13.12 and 13.13 an:: repeaced in space, Find the new 13.15 A narmal shock wave moves 1hrou~h a quiescent air atp"" 105 Pa,. T ==300K.. The
four thrust forces. spe~ of rhe shock is u.; :::. 694 m/s. Find rhe pressun: left immediate1y behind ili.e

shock. Is the 2ir immedfa.reiy behind the shock quiescem? If not - what is irs veloC-
iry and in Which ciirection? ·

Ci) fo!Jdher
2 .2( ,M_
5 ~0q4
l) Fr, -f!vre i

/he rta oh !70r"1her

f/y droc;evi JJ5
V lì
1'1, = = 2.o
\j kRTt \j ,f.4,2f1dOO

Ftom Toh/e (J-(: 0/7/ ~ f?SlJ- ~> T2 =>-o6jk]

(19 {H] P2;/'
= {:,- ~:> f 2 =4.S-/ID' faa]
--@/ .:f{ e -«,/'::z = 2 {, {; 7 {,'1~/fa 2.
71,e vefocil!f of //,e o/r /Jeh!nd tke wave 1s

re.s;:iecf lo
o ;//ec;(
.J i ,,p,,-
(f),()Jer . . .,v /
! /s- /rJ ihe ..rame

424 425
.ifEJ co"f.
13.16 Tne shock wave of Problei:i 13.1"5 hits a wall in a direct frontal coliis:ìon. It is then ( /1j 2)
!Or /iy-ec{ shock
back.. Find the" hìghesr Pressure suffeted by the wall. Find the speed of the
n:!lee•e:iwave. ( ft/_11re .{a._ anc:{ ,//.,) .f.;;c
,/) f , f 434 = 7tf = 22ç=
hl.z /.Àsr 341- :s,

Tahle ll- I => f'.o;;; = 5 .;

Froin fJ1

whcrc f = f'2f!us-( => f2 d'.3 x 4.~-, tvs-= 14. g,-, ro' {Pa.]
,1)5 1

etnd i~is is fhe lujhest pressurc sv((ered b:J lhe waf(.

.. A?e/.kcle?(

fiJ f,V,., Aisr

U.siv {f. (fl.44)
{kit) H/ where
/12 (k-1) H/12

11/!er JObscifufiol? 'J?. (IJ.44) 6ecoM<>S

a ofvO-dra/;c f.ffualloP? /or 4r :
wdl, /he Sofuiion
A.12 - 520. g ,u1 - 2o3 310. g" o

j 426
13.17 A Jarge pressure vessel concains gas at the sragnation propernes: p 0 = 4uvua,
T.,=420 K. The gas is approxima[ely idea!. with R = 287JJkgK, and k = 1.4. The
ourside ao:nosphaic pressure is. PtJ. = 100 kPa. A convergent-divergent no:ale is 1;5.18 The noz:tle of problem 13.17 is cut after the crirical seccion at point 'l', where
A1=(A + Ae-)11. Il sòll connects the pressure vessel to the outside. Find:
designed to passa mass flux ofl kgis from the vessel to the ourside. Fi.nd
a. The spe:::d of tbc gas at the exit from the nozzle, Vc- e. Thepn:ssure,p 1,atsec:ionA 1.
b. Tue e::cit Mach number, Me-. · f. Tne speed ofthe air, V1 , atA 1.
g. TheMachnurober,M 1,atA 1•
c. The critlcal cross-seccion area, A·.
h. ct:1~.~as~-~u~.z~ 1 , at A1.
d. The exit cross-section area, Ae-.

Froyvi To.Me 6-1 (/o,- P/f'a = 1t)

~::) [1e ={ 5b
( ie;T, = o.6i'3
;fclA' = 1.22 7ahle Il- ( :
,/. (f )
Te = o~ 73 ;ftzo =2-5'3 [kJ
f )i.; "0.3142. •> f'r= {2)fdo

7Àe sou11d velocif'iJ ,.f lic Hif 15:
O.?t2fr => T,:&.11t4;f2003V.?[kJ
Ce = ~ RRTe ~ '-) / {; <Sr' 283 = 39[ P.]
7he exif veloci/J ir ! 7/,e swnd vefocifJ af Jecft'on i is:

>k= Hece =1.0G ;3s;z=521.,{p] C1; ~RRfì = "1uo2J?x302 = y,g[JJ

r::t @23) .· Vf =f11 xC 1 ~ 1.1.; ,3,L;i = /ti7[f!J
A*= m{RTo
O. 6847" fo 7/,e f>toJS f!vx lU 1 = ""effI!JJ = f [?]
{A"' e<f'd f10 do fiof chm'ge)

13.19 Tr:.e nozzle ofproble::n 13.18 is furr.her cur, before the crirical seccion
whc:r-e A 1 ""A 1. It srill conneccs the pressure vessel to ihe outside. Fmd:
at point '2', 13.10 Tue pressure vessel of problem 13.17 is conneci:ed to the ourside by a pipe of a
constane cross-secrion area of A 3 ""A 1. At the exi:t of the pipe the speed of the gas

e. Tne pressure, p 1 , ac se:::tion A 2 • is V3, and the mass fl ux through the pipe is in 3.
f. Tne speed of the air, V 2, at A 2. i. Is V 3 smaller, equal toor greater-than V2 ?
g. The Mach number, M2 , arA 2 . j, Is m3 smaller, equaJ to or greacer tban tlz2 ?
h. the mass flux rii 1 , ar A 2.

15 =0.0S-
( Jee Tahfe 1'.1-1) --_, -fke /fotù af Jr?cl'r'on <
St)!1/c //6!u:_, r'.e. lf2=i.
fCOr lon,rr MNle ar1d f"pe ; 6ut 6o1h o( i4e -Fame
_, I
;1;ere1 ore. !engfI, t/z" V3 m2 > m3

Tz = 0
_i?JJJ => :;:;, = o_ R33JX '120 ~ :;;,-o[k]

/ 11e waJS (lux ev- 1s 23)
Aìle'X.J :::"A2

f' 105; 14.06,</0-·~ i.i [?1

'1287< {20

1 :'
j! 431
13.21 A_rockec, sh~wn in Fig. Pl3.21, has a cylindric_al ex:hausr pipe of Ùle diameter
d-0.025 m, lnStead of a nozzle. The racket mov es w1r. h a constant speed and ex
hausts gas ar the rare of 0.5 kg/s. The gas is approx:imarely ideal with k- 1 4 ~ Ajet~propelled aJzpìane flies at 900 knvh. Tne air intake into the eng'.ne is designed
stagnat~on rocke~ :4~·:;
R =28_7 J/kgK. Tne propenies of the gas in the are p as a àiffuser, i.e., as pan of a nozzle that take in the outsid.e air and brings it to the
Ta""-3000 K. The outside pressure is 100 kPa. Findrhe farce on the roc:er.. a, speed oftlle airp~e while increasing its pressure. The outside a.iris at 105 Pa, 300
K. Fmd rhe m!Dimum 2.nainable pressure and tlle ratio berween tb.e area of the
dìffuser at the intake and that where the higher pressure is obra.ined..

u 9&Jf_6
Figure Pl3.21 Racket.
M e = \) 1.4 '"'2f.;J oo = 0.72

From Tahle D-! [ f'/'po =

o. 708
Ti/To O. C/Ob

Al/A* = {O[{{
7/ws: Te= t!. 8333, 3ooo=20'oo [k] ;s {f/,eoreticoO
l4e c.uox/m(!tn fre.rsure
f!e = Ò.77S-;<i,OO = 3/0 {!:('~] s- fra]
(' -
= 14/x IO
= fo ~

~ = K:Cè =Ce =~e =\)f4x2111x:2s-oo =1oo2[1JJ f!"'"" . a10S t!Jot

Cl/ea rollo is:
At fh;s _fr-essure //,e
74e /orce on lhe roche!'- is,
r/0/* =1.ogi; A.,/4 r = 2 ;
J} X !J.QJ')<_
F= f {002 ,, 0.)-
Tahle ~-i
2. ! 62. )

1i =

432 433
13.23 Tue ai..--plane of P:obler:i 13.22, whh the diffuser designed in that problern. flies 13.24 At takèoffthe ai..-pfane of Prob!e..."TI 1322 must bave the same m45s rare of air supply
now at a higher altitude, where the ourside air is at 5xlQ4 Fa., T = 280 K. Fmd the as inProblem 13...22. Now, however, the airplane fa at zero speed. To achieve this
bighest pressure which can be obtained now at the e:dt of the di:ffuser. Assuming the engine compresso; must set a lower pressure jusr at the exit from the diffuser.
the ti.rplane operates at that new highest pressure, fmd the ratio berween the mass Frnd this pressure.
rate of int2ke under the condirions of thìs problem and that ofproblern 13.22.

Jf.e e/ìiro.nce f1ach is .'

2'JO ,4 I
t1= e!:'.' ="AS- A*
" Jo&S'
{'1 = O.Gf2
fo / V =OC/
Ha:ti"mum fhe()refica( pressurc ìs:
f't Sx!0
(!mo"= f'o = 0{'12 {!b'i'2

A 4. 2 (;'/or desiqnecf Y?Oi'lle) ;

r<ssumln(f 2/,./ 1 = T' o

A, 2 X ;or;s:-~ 2. no / h-oM 7à61e i!-(:

fo 2JJ. 34 X A,;,
The mas:. (fvx ral/o
is !

(t;,k'" (~~
= x = o.51
m[G. 2z.. / ;:/1}22) {'ti"/"'~

434 435
li 13.25 Relaring [0 the airplane in Problem 13.22, lhe air coming out of rhe diffuser passes !~ Colìt.
/'1 /he fvrb/ne
through a compressor where ìr is compressed by a compression rario of 1 : 20. Tue
air then flows to a combusrion chamber where itS temperarure is raised by 1000 K.
Then the air expands in a rurbine where energy ìs exrractedjust enough to run the
compressor, and rhen the aìr expands in a nozzle. Assume isentropic compression
and expansion. Far 1 kg/s air, design the nozzìe far operating under the conditions
of Problem 13.22, i.e., find rhe criticai diameter and t.he exir dia.meter. Find the
thrust of the engine. (ombrai~ (iJ ond ( 2)
- T ~ (000
Jhe re he ;noi/e o/..tO(jram 101.:=/03'
" r -
i! .sliown ;n }j!/re i = 1119 L kj
,I Com6ustior'I
i 3S
/ [i;r6i11e,
[1 l!f-JJ/J
o. 36
"I 6- 1)
noi:<le re;fofl {

3 ~5
031. ,< 20 X 14/
/:j rJre i.
= > He = 2Jf i ~*
Sedions 6/ 1aferot ore t!eaofec( /r@M d fo 1.

From To/,le IJ-1 (For f-/=o.?z)

P. 2JS"i
;:;:,, (121:) = 1329 {kJ
- = l'J. '10(, I
Sdwee11 2 a n d 3 there is on isea7ro,PiC com11re.s:rlof'"J
f>oz =p,=
where T 02 = To~ I~
{ =20
Uf41 > p.r,,
f'oz ~ ·4 -4 ~ 33.6 [mni]
0.2$1 Criflcoi cfiameier' d* = \jf A" = \Jil d.~> IO
=> To3 = 33{ " {20) 719 [r]
Exif ofj~meier_· de= ol" x ~1.1.l = f{ 9 [mm]
Since ihe com1ressor work is .sc;olr'ed
thu1 fhe f'n«J;J- 'ffl/alori hecomes E<if- ve!ocdd: Ve= f'1eCè =211 ~{')>A7xf329 = j'7g(, f;;'J
A 12 • 3 ·= 4 i 4 _:;- =? To, -T,,2 = T,,4 - I;,, (1)
7!e 7hrost

436 437
:~ cont.
Ì 13.26 The turbine in Proble:.n l 3.25 is ch2nged to a cbeaper one, wiili an ailiabaric
l effi.ciency of 70 pe::i:enL This means thar rhe expansion in the turbine i.s stili {rifica{ cliamefer: d*= ~tA* = ~j·x/4/x/o-4 = 423 [,,,m]
uiiabaric, bur thar the powe: extrao:ed from the gas is on1y70 ~"lt of whatcou!d
be extraeted by isenrropic expEnsioa. Te obtain the power necessary toron the
From Ta61e ~-( {For P1;p, 6 = Yç.q2) ~> He =UN;
cotllprl:sSOr, the gas must eJ:it from the rurbine at a lower pressure. Fmd the crirical
dia:l:De:cr and rhe cit diameter of the jet nozrle now. Firu:l the thrust of the engiile. , = I4'>
Exif ve!0cd:j:

( -f/,e work ìs Ve= Ife Ce= /g( ~{fo<2il7< 1131 1227' [f]

~ 7Ae ihmst
F, = M, Ve ~ f2 21r f fJ!j
w4ere (Jee f;r I)
&,;f cil'amefer
fos = fks

'l 11

fi-om fy. (ff.21)

A"= w '{i?'G, = 1x\J2~,,,11sr ~ r4. J;fo-"rm']
Qo!k1;fH O.?i'rf; fv<
wh,,e p0, = 0.21" 2o• {.41 ;1cF= ç:q2;/0°fihJ

438 439
13.27 ne compres:sor in Pt-oblem 13.25 is changed to a cheaper ooe, with an adiabaric 13.28 A canti.nuous of air at 105 Pa, R fluwd
efficiency of70 pai:ent. This means that the compress:ìan in the compressor is srill 300 K, flows with the speed of k
adiabaric. but that the power needed 10 compress the gas is L0/0.7 times that 450m/s perpendicular to a walL It Quiesce:nt
needed in an isencropic compression. The, which remains che as in
Problem 1325, must now supply rhe incrcased power necessary to run the
hìts the wall and a norma! shock
wave is reflected from the wall and "' orningai.r
compressor, and the gas exits from the rurbine at a Jower pre.ssure. Fmd tl!e critical propagates against tlie stream of the
diameter and the exit diameterofthe jet noz:z.le now. Fmd the thrust of tbe engine.. air, Fig. Pl3.28. Now rhe Figure Pl3.28
stremu of air passes through che re~
flectcd shock, .:ind behind the shock, on the wall side, the air ìs st.ationuy with
respect tot he wall because ir must satisfy this bounda..-y condition. Fmd tÌl.e pres~
sure near the wall and the speed of the refle:::ted shock.

f(;f/owing robfem /.f3J6/ J

& , (1:!;1)1'1/
,U,z ( 12- r) 11/, 2
To1 = n;+ (11'1-J1rjf1 = '(11 [rr]
( ke robfeMS (lnS-J ; P,3.2'])
k-r ,I, _
{;Po;-) TJ = - R{7;,-loz)
?·~ k-1
k-r s.s-
-- (ll>j)
= ( 331 - '111 + 1) = 0.2é>
e lf1(
f32b fk] = 7o,;

(fee p6km @2SI )

a'i47"' 7-o~-xtoS' 7he re//eded s !, ock Sj'eed i5

flsr = fir.lAJ = 710 -45-0
C-;!/ca { cf,{a me fer : d ,;- = "11 A" = 40.J [mm]
shock fot>1 fJ I
7a61e IJ-( { F&r f'74'o' : ~o>) : f1e= f.'13 J

.Exd vekx:il(j- :
Ve= tfeCe
. 7ie .//,rosi:

Cf -'·ameJi~ r-,. d*'r,;c-= f'f[Mm]

J, __
k")(r t;..f.I
u._ \11..IO

, @21J coat i ·'
1-: ?9 r..• d:•atnOn d shaped supe:;:sonic wing moves in alr t .
From (n) => Hin = ,/.44, sin &0°: 12!> 1 lo61e b·i _.
Fig.Pl3-29. Find the lift and the --',...,, . d a lOS Pa, 300 !(. ac 500 m/s,
o.u .. g1n uci=dby!beshocks d!b
e....-pansion, for cases a. and b. an e Pra.ndrl-Maye:-
lf2n = 0 g{ I lii :
7; {.(2 ) f'; /;Pi : .( {C

Shock Tab!e J-/ .- H 2 = ,/.15""

Sv!i:d/fvl;,,1- H, ;,, (,n
ArsumÌflJ now /3 2 = 02° -> Hrn =i4f<Jr.,,&2 = f.27

Tahfe ti-/ H2n= O..fo3 , 7_,/r,. /!7tf 1 f'<,jo 1 =f.717'

7.2 0.7o7..cdl7tf= 0.22;? => t12 =-f.02

Subs{i!vli"(f H2 in(?r) =::>Sin C13,-e)=r!i.i'H-->p 1 =09:0!(,2°
7here(ore ~ f'2. ,
Figur_e Pl3..2: Dlamond-sho.ped wings in supersonic flow. p~ fJr = 'f· 7!7'
a) t1och /'Jvrn/;er 1S
7ke /!ofX/ ex/'oncU forther -lhrovJh o fon
11 = e V

Upper Sor/ac-e
From Ta6!e !J-1 {rf~s,f-44); .J/,i8 :t?.flkad] fobie tJ-1 => H~c d.45""

Thvs •1 11 o r1 _
. .v,zc = ....,Ail +lo Uo = tU~ fac
Tab!e ~-I 1 Hsc = 1.8 1 /"AB= fi,., J

L ower s1.1r/oce
7 ie /lo/.(/ is /ir.rt comrreSJed '//;ro<Jh a/'J o.61ifve .r-iock
.:e'(/ jt'nd fhe obf/pe .r/, •ck. anJ!e
Ji a fria{-error mefhad.
Assume f'rrt f1, =(o'
{!J-1{2:"" sin {pr9) !. H2 n=rt,sin (p,-e)
fiJ I &!*)- ,/..(t-= ~ Sln/31 j Hrn = H, J"in 13 I
where ri1n ari ih. M2 tl are iJie ?>orma( compo11ertis of t1vcti fJurnhers. J
and. ,t,t.' /A4 ; W,;;,; iXJ1 are define</. in Jrj- .(

442 443
Q3 2q / coni. 2 r
b) /17 {he .recorid cose /he Lift "'il/ be <!No (rom
13.30 A stream of air at 105 Pa, 300 K. moving· at
(IyrnMefry "Nh resfecf (o oc O;</s) J r;oom1s, meets with another strerun at L3xl05
.J'/ mm-clr/co L r:o11s/clerai/of7. [
Pa. 300 K, moving at-' 0 o m/s. Tne meeting

anc/. fAB = PA6 ; P& = f6c

takes piace at an angle of 20°, Fig. Pl3.30. l
Tbe resultin'g flow must have the same
press:rre and the same direction everywhere.
11= I l,L;
Find che new pressure anà direction.
Figure P13 ..30
13y flte same
jrrid 13 =Sf
I we'I/ appl'(f " iria/- error l'tefhod. -/o /;~e{

/ab/e /J-( ' I 0,, =

a gq g
= J.3
/ 72 !r1 = 1 071 and lhe ?reJsvre.

/1y. I
Tohle JJ - I /{2. =f.;;:,-.= t11113 )

f'A8 f/46
= = /.3 ;
fJ11;; = 0.3;t:f
fb f'= !20 A.ssrJrn/11 JI /lt.rt) c.:!-= s"') l4i.s m&af'I s :
0/1 Be /or lfA8 = ,(.2S- => YAS 0 C.tJ!IT /jo.dJ
Oa Ufft'r side e(/ ~ 20-c<.. '°" ;fç 0
011 Lower side.
Jee /f I

?10 cecc:b7f tr·he

. /3v = 5'S 0
/lL = 40.
7Ae /(och comto11e11f< ore,
Hvn = t1"1npv ~f. 13 •Sin5S-= /~2
l11n f1 sinj3L = {. 13 , si114o = J I/


lab/e J-1 P2'/p11 = j.212- => f~1 = /.3</o',,;.ç:j'2 =

p""/p1.u = 2. l;f;l. (!,,, = 2. IJ 7 x to 5-

13u f f.!L muJ f .6e Yke .fwMe o.s f-24
7ùre/ore lke Jec"'1d.. o;o/'rw/fYlaf/or> 1S oe=2'
o=) ~ f« = 4'10

444 445
14.1 Show tha.I far the laminar flow ofa Bingham plastic fluid the vdociiy disrribution in .
a circular pipe ìs giv~ by

Hu.n =t1 .sin p"" = 113 1 Sin 49 : 13o!J

HJ.. 11 = ,f.73 -,J/r;o/4:: /20.z.

where r" is the pipe radius corresponding 10 't'". Funher, show that this may be
imegrated to give
For e<: =
= - - !----+-
8 LT, I (2LT,
- -)']
3 4PR 3 PR

Hun = 113 ;.J1',,Sf = /J{l; 7he shear sfre ss /-s:

H,n = 1 lJ x Jir113 = 1.fS

'?-' ,,, , I 9't Fro M f.r (b.{1}

/J2L = I '1
Q =-
+ ,4
{r '.',,';:l
Il /.J rv ///ci~,,//'{ Jmaf(
tind 1ne Prror ~· 77' •· O-
~::> ~ ~ ( ( 0)
'1r <>r

Upon irde ,,,f;o,-,

f [{~)~'+e]:
Since at r=O :;,';::o (G:=o)
=> e ::::-o ) a,,cl.
1 1

,.,. _ _4>.L
0 - Lii! "

For /3in(jham f foi;; 1 {f. (I{ ?)

~ r
b= (;',+,!-'-or r><d

~ :O I 0=6o I
rr :;. ç
r ro (14. t) /;e comes
For ;f

G, = 4e G.
Li< 2
or der>afinJ

446 447

far r" ro

= 41-: 12 tJp [ J
)AL f
= Ìi p•.6p [ g
µ-,tto = - _i !!e. (r-r,) 2 (,\')
jd L ~L
lilifh f>e Co'1dilio'1 ,t;=O cd r: R 1 -/rom(;r)
Q< o j ,a 21':'r dr


.{). ~ Ao - ~ !1t (1-r;,) <

,u. = 1_ [ !}/: R2 f 6c.Rt &o< -

j" 4L o ~
4J: ,
L I -
Z'o z]
Go r - Lir'a

<A= ; [ ~~ (R'!_1<) f {;0 (R-r)]

7~e /fowrote is.

142 Consider film flow of a Bingha..rn pìasric materia! on the vertical wall, described in
Example 14.2. Derive expressions for the velocity ptofile, average velociry and
volll.C"lettic flo\lin.te for :his c.ase.


dn =O

for· f S d"'"' :> A=4 = cfJ :O

f'or (;(/;-- /...,_,11,: / ltJx ~ d~ r

f:r I
Ej. (1,;, 31) ;rves .·
-f'J (j-J:,ux)=/ j CjJ.JOv7

IJ1 ; (er


450 451
14.3 Tue following dara relate the flow rate Q tO rhe pressure drop ti? for the flow of a t 4.4 It is conventional to represent the momenrum asscciated wirh fluid passing through
non-Newtanian fluìd through a capillary rnbe of dia.meter 2 mm and of length a given cross-secdon of a rube as mv, where m is the mass flowrate and Vis the r
25cm. average fluid velociry. In realìry a velocity distribm::ion exists, and a factor p should l
be intrOO.uced to tak:e thìs ìnto account, i.e., M = {3ril.V. Detennine the numerical
ti.P, (N/cm 2 ) 24 27 29 value of J3for the laminar flow of a power-law fluid in a cin::ularpipe.
12 16 20 30

Q, (cm 3 /s) 0.02 0.055 0.107 0.193 0.306 0.490 0.70

7/e Correcfion fador OS<;oc/afec( wi/h the fV!Oi>'enfum
· Use the datato pn:dicr the pressure drop required to cause the same fluid to flow at
t[Juafion ;S ci=-/r"riec;( as:
u«>'., = 0.1 m/s through a pipe with a diamerer of3 cm and a !ength of lCO m.

Frc-m -Ile 7ahle u;e ma(j C<!P/C/te -#e aoeroJc n p = Y;2A JJ'v'dA -- -'A
__{ jv"d4
V A r
Yhe a rs umec( !i?1Ver- I aw /!vie( L
({7 - e!li) fin
CiJ1 Ap;

A,_ { ~)
{§ r{2g -1 {j. rflo) l
-) n
,&, (!!il)

?te ///e/X/ (kou rate ;s

G. ~ Ua,e "A = IJ./ " i
*· (fl,2(;)

452 453
i!i.:J co11T

14.5 A power-law fluid flows in a pipe whic'.:l has tbe diatneter D. The same fluld flows
M =
li rI
il/; L k (-~)]
'111 [
i..'1 the gap èerwee:i two parai.le! flat plaies. The si:e. of the gap is also D. The s.ame
presso:n: gradìent exists in botli systems. Calculate the ratio becween tbe flowrate of
the fluici. in the pipe and tbe flo-wrate hetween dte places, pet width of D. Pm'orm
your cclculations for /1 ==0.2. 0-4, and 0.8. Coo::pare your resulcs with those of
Problem 6.1.5.



fffssorc: d.rof' Ile /fotoro'lé. rafio /s

d1 ///?/N/

Li _:Rj_f_lj.-/J,---"'->c (-1&)]\I; ~

iuJ_ [ I
J/,e shecrr stress 2'1f/ k

O. 02 /
{). (I{ 3 !) rflves '

1t: : ~ :;:t ~ ~~ [ [k I~ J a-J(~)j floO.f

ç, e?. ((J

~dd [k 2 !~/Il] l)'!Uerc

n- !. g
Q, &. 2 )

(~ nj ( .;.,- /1 -1)
621 ~02'1

r 455
14.7 A power-Jaw fluid wirh n =O 5 and K- .
0.05m3/s throuc-h the l . . -0.0?1 (in SI units) flows at the rate of
14.6 The pipe and the plares of Problem 14.5 are now used such that the flo-wrate in the "' annu ar gap vnth an 1nner raè.ius 0 ; O 10 4
raà.iusof0.12m. Theie:-ic-rho". . • · mana a..'1 outer
pipe is the same as Ùlat between the plates, per width D. Calculate the ratio between •o rmeannulus1slOOm A fi
fully developed. •.. ssume r. e rlow larci.."' anci
the poyver needed to pump the t1uid through ihe pipe and that needed to pump
becween the plates. a. Find the pressure drop along the annulus.
b. Ftnd the rnagnirude a.'1 d 1OC-4:lon
· or- the maximum vela<::;", in,..., _ .
e Comp . · . ",} • ... e .:s1nw~ gan.
Foffowrnd fke ;rohhm [14 :>/ J -/Ire (rGwraic (or fwo · are your results wuh those of Probl:::m 6.2j. - •
foraffe{ pfa fes rs : a. qo.p
. /, ll::le mau con:::Jder fie 0'
V' ,
Q, e: 4!1
{1k (- K;)
LI ] 'In
fwo ;rzraffe{ ;J!ofes

rxnc{ f<,r //,e f>tf" /s ( ~· f4.2•)
Q( ~ b ì]f/n RJ"n'r
[ 21\{ { LhcJ
]flf( x

(- tlx~) I =
Q _ 2r7"r-i { {
- 2;f/ k


J>r 4' n n
= I X ctJr
, e\',
o ~
= 2 J< ( 3jT f
, <:o)
dm! 2= 17 (dati)


t/=0. <- ="> 2 [t(3x02i!) J02.
2. rsi;
.E; "' li ( ~

.P, foca1r"<Jt7 o( f)?ox/1J?um

n =0.4 ~:>
-= 2.31$7 o(q
-4 c~na&'//on


f1=118 =>
~~a~: t (-t)} /n [ R~ :J 1
1:) (ié)

!3ccauJc o( /arafle{ /'!aks 'Jf''o'dma-//0'1 (1ec ;r-o/Jie"' {j}Jj)

:J ~ O /e_ t;_=•" ~ {! (/ [m]
( fVm-< ~ O lo'f~ ["' J 1> /'roble m CfISJ)
456 457
\ 14.8 Measurements ofpressure drop along a fully developed flow in a pipe of the diame-

I ter-of0.05 m gave the foUowing readings:

0.001 0.002
(3~)] "' [ 0.0{3 - C!&oS"3 J lil'il. [Pa/rnj 104

Assuming a power-Jaw fluid, find K and n.

L5 X 104

ffj. (ll.r.2c) (jfe!d.r:

= Ì((I
Jj_ (- !fa),J7 1'f1/? J'J/
2/r. LI?

Fro111 !/,e /o6!e "'E 4ave lwo ffvafr'eflS

.fu (0?0G)
/lM (OS) = /'I.l .&, (o ç;ç;ç;) ~> no
fu (&.J-)
CJ. <;-!((

!"rom (rJ
404 [ .(;}3, ( 1~~)
-( (&o.?S)

2 o.s>iì;
[.(O 3 " j' 3< a..r;f'6t-I
{J,O.Sf{ f/
tl.SfG tì7
{ 002-s) a rgb
J fJ!/1

458 459
14.10 In a piane shear flow the uppe plate is O.i m above the lower plare,anC. moves at
14.9 For the _power-!aw fluìd of problem 14.8 find the ·volumetrie flow rare in a pipe of
LO m/s. The fluid 1s thar ofproblem l<L8. Find the shear stress on d1e plates.
0.1 m dia.meter fora pressure drop of 0.5xl04 Pa/m, and of2.0x104 Pa/m.
(1t, 2b} (jiefds k= z 74Li ;r t V
n: a ,-gr;
[i (- t)] l/fl I<
Q- frfl
- ](lt/ 2A. 6:0.l[trl]
V= fo [P] IL_/T/7/7/7/..,.-/~/-/,-/-,--;/7/~> _:e

{:'l·~ I
I ---,

i__ c = e (/)
2 I

I 7ke .s!?ear stress is ( {j- f4.3)

460 461
14.11 Tne layer a of power-law iluid in a piane shear flow betwe~n rwo paralle! plates is
0.01 m thick. K = 10, n = L2. The shear stress on the plates ìs 100 N/m2. Find
how fase does the upper pi are move.
14.12 The lower plate in the shear flow system ofproblem 14.11 is cooled, while the
upper plare is insulared. As a result the power-law fluid changes itS n value from

Ej. (t'i s) 0.8 at the upperplate w I.O ac the lowerplate, linearly.

I i d.t.t
( { ) ((17
a. Fmd the velÒcity profile between the pla~es.
b. Fmd the spee.d ofthe upperplare.

cl~ From ff· (1if.3)

I => ,li = ''d f e
b.t( ( -j) /;n wk:re 11= n1 - 5 (n_,-rir)
J=O / ,(<=() a.±
! :J=ò / M-= V
= (f)
17= {-
,0_2 = 1-<'0'-I

62( <oot = co&RI [t;;] ,f- 0.2(

.Jenoi/(f Y= Z => n=
,f da
1-a2y (f) {+0.2('
TS cr::; = "--'

/=o J => e
'/=! I ,(,{ =V

ç [(f )0.2(]
~ = (f)y + fu(~) " -(

1: O<]
= (~) f
t., (f)
( kc) -!
V s- [~o.) 0.2_ ( ] ~ ,(( 21
= lo 1
D P-<rro)
I d2;z,o.01 = O. ((3 {jJ
I V = i(. 2 l- x 0 =


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