Vyacheslav Molotov Presentation

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Jason Henderson

Luke Mcmeans

Jayden Farley

Vyacheslav Script

● (Jayden): Before the war Molotov joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour

Party and was a supporter of Vladimir Lenin. Molotov then helped to plan the

October Revolution and brought the Bolsheviks to power which he later worked

for as the Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars and Minister of

Foreign Affairs.

● (Luke): Molotov worked closely under Joseph Stalin after the revolution being

appointed First Secretary of the Moscow Communist Party. During the Great

Purge in the 1930s he signed 373 execution lists which was more than even

Stalin had signed throughout the Purge.

● (Jason): In the beginning of World War 2 Molotov worked to sign the

Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in 1939 which was a non aggression pact between the

Russians and the Germans in return that Russia gets control of the bordering

Baltic states.

● (Jayden): In November 1940 Molotov was sent to Berlin to meet with Rippentrop

and Hitler, at the same time the British were pushing for Turkey to join the allies

in war. Molotov saw the British action as Anti-Soviet instead of Anti-Germany and

then worried of invasion of Crimea, at this point in the war it still seemed that the

main enemy for the Soviets was Britain and not Germany.
● (Luke): When Germany backed on the Molotov-Ribbentrop and invaded Russia

Molotov was responsible for telling the Army of the attack and gave a speech

painting the Soviet Union in a similar light as Winston Churchill did earlier in the


● (Jason): After Germany’s invasion Molotov worked on wartime alliances with

America and Britain and even flew to Scotland where more alliance talks were

had. Molotov worked to sign the Anglo Soviet Treaty of 1942 for an alliance with

the British and then worked out a Lend-Lease plan with President Roosevelt.

● (Jayden): Once Russia had learned about the Manhattan Project, Stalin placed

Molotov to be in charge of the Soviet atomic research team but had progressed

quite slowly and he was later replaced.

● (Luke): At the end of the war and following it Molotov accompanied Stalin to

multiple treaties including the Teheran Conference, the Yalta Conference and the

Potsdam Conference.

● (Jason): Molotov took part in and was noted as uncooperative with the allies for

all of the conferences of foreign ministers after the defeat of Germany and the

end of World War 2.

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