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Lily Chen November 5, 2020

編輯:Jennifer Wu

所謂的 3 步驟答題法,口訣是 A-E-C,分別代表

A- Answer 回答
E- Explanation/Example 解釋或例子
C- Concession/Conclusion 讓步或結論
所有的問題基本上都可以依照這 3 步驟回答喔!來看看下面的例子吧!

Question 1
Do you think it’s okay for men or women to date someone who’s half their age?


A-Answer 回答 (可以)

Of course, yes.

E-Explanation 解釋 (只要合法,可以跟任何人結婚)

Because people could date whoever they want as long as it’s legal.

E-Example 例子 (小鄭 and 莉莉 / 爺孫戀 )

C-Concession 讓步 (小心性獵食者)
Even though it’s fine to date someone who is younger, we still need to be very aware of sexual

Question 2
On a date, should the men or the women pay for the bill?


A-Answer 回答 (不喜歡算錢,會輪流請客)

I don’t like splitting the bill. I would pay for one meal, and the guy would pay for another.

So back and forth, we would treat each other. 

If I insist on splitting the bill, that means I wouldn’t want to see you ever again. 


E-Example 例子
For example, if I go out on a date, the guy would maybe buy dinner and then I would buy the
drinks. And I think that’s perfect.
舉例來說,如果我去約會,男生可能會付晚餐錢然後我付酒錢. 我覺得這樣很完美

E-Explanation 解釋 (算錢很尷尬,人們也都希望有能力付錢)

I hate it when we’re splitting the bill.
And I am okay with the guy paying, but I’ll make sure that I’ll pay for the next round.
I think I like the feeling of being able to pay for the bill.
It’s not a gender thing. I think people generally like being seen as a capable person. So I would
still give the chance to the man to pay, but I’ll make sure that I do my part, too.
C-Concession 讓步 (視雙方年齡與經濟能力而定)
If you’re dating someone who is very young or doesn’t really have a stable job, it really goes
back to the age groups, and it depends on how old you are and how stable your income is.
If I were to date a 23-year-old, which I might actually, I would probably pay for most of the
If we were gonna go on a trip, I think the younger guy could plan for the trip and I could pay for
In a relationship, each person needs to put in some efforts, time, energy, and services. It doesn’t
have to be money.

Question 3
Who should pay for science projects and research, governments or private


A-Answer 回答 (私人企業)

I think private businesses should pay for the research.


E-Explanation 解釋 (有利潤才有資源,政治不應干預研究)

Because when there is capitalism, there is progression.
If there is competition, people would try to go above and beyond what they’re required to do.
And science is what defines human in the future, so I think there should be some momentum
Private companies make profits, and they bring resources and momentum to the research.
And also you can’t let politics seep into research.

E-Example 例子 (馬斯克&貝佐斯)
For example, entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, they’re sending spaceships to the
outer space to find habitats for people to live in.
舉例例來來說,企業家像是Jeff Bezos (傑佛瑞·⾙貝佐斯) 跟 Elon Musk (伊隆隆·⾺馬斯克),他們在送太空船到外


C-Concession 讓步 (企業可能無人規範)
I think it’s quite worrying to think about what they can actually do.
They don’t take government’s funding, they do need money from the government, so they
literally don’t take orders from anyone.
So who is gonna tell them what to do? Who regulates them?

-Answer + explanation
-Answer + example
-Answer + explanation + example + concession + conclusion
-Answer + example + conclusion
-Answer + example + concession
( …更多變化型!可像樂高玩具一般任意組合AEC )

問題範例(來自Cambridge IELTS 15 Speaking Questions)


Staying in hotels
1.What things are important when people are choosing a hotel?
Well it really depends on the individual. Location is one important factor to consider. You
wouldn’t want to stay in a hotel that is too far from public transport if you don’t have a car.
Another important thing most people care about is the price. Wealthy travellers might not even
look at the price, but for the majority of people, it’s important to find a hotel that’s good value.
Then there are other considerations, like the reputation of the hotel, the décor and the services
and facilities that they provide.

2.Why do some people not like staying in hotels?

Honestly, I really don’t know! I love staying in hotels! I guess some people probably can’t fall
asleep when they’re not in their own beds. My sister is like that. She says it’s something to do
with the pillows. Other than that, I just can’t think of any other reasons why people do not like
staying in hotels!

3.Do you think staying in a luxury hotel is a waste of money?

Not at all! I love luxury hotels and like to stay at them several times a year. I understand some
people may think it’s just a place to spend the night, but I think the whole experience can create
many fun memories. It can be a totally refreshing experience for a person. And of course, if
you’re there for a conference, or even if it’s just a work trip and the company is paying, that’s
another great reason to stay at a 5-star hotel.

Science and the public
1.What do you think are the most important scientific discoveries in the last 100 years?
Wow… it’s such a broad question… I don’t even know where to start! Hmm… I was going to say
painkillers, but then I remembered that all kinds of painkillers like opiates must’ve already been
used for thousands of years for both recreational and medicinal purposes. So, I guess I’d say the
use of penicillin as an antibiotic then. I’ve just read an article about how antibiotics were
discovered and became popular, and without antibiotics, many people would still die from all
kinds of infections.

2.Do you agree or disagree that there are no more major scientific discoveries left to make?
To tell you the truth, I’m someone who got really bad grades in science at school, so I don’t
think I can provide a good answer to this question, but I certainly believe human beings have
astounding potential, and we can still make new progress in all kinds of scientific fields. All
these billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are planning to send spaceships to outer space
to find new habitats for humans to live in. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to say that there are
no more discoveries to be made.

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