Speech of Corazon Aquino - Canono

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I wasn’t born yet when the Philippines was under dictatorship

but I heard that it was terrible, and things changed when
president Corazon reigned the Philippines, despite the fact that
I didn’t witness how Philippines turned from dictatorship into
democracy. I was able to uncover history because of the
primary sources that are mostly available in the Internet. I was
able to know how the Philippines achieve democracy, through
the video of president Corazon Aquino I watched. The video
plays a significant role in the history of the Philippines, it
shows who strive so hard to free the Filipinos from what they
believe horrible governance and how democracy was attained
in the Philippines. I believe that learning the important
historical documents like watching the speech of president
Corazon, gives us idea how we came into this present way of
governing the country.

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