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Launch Schedule and Checklist

Week 1:
• Write 2-3 articles

• Register your domain and sign up for hosting

• Install WordPress and start getting your design in place (depending on what
you decide, this might mean hiring a designer or using a free/premium theme
and customizing things yourself. More on the various design options later)

Week 2:
• Write 2-3 articles

• Create an About page

• Continue getting your design ready (or let your designer work their magic)

Week 3:
• Write 2-3 articles

• Optional: Create a list of blog post ideas

• Sign up for Twitter and create a Facebook page

• Sign up for Google Analytics and Feedburner and install them on your site

Renaissance Business: Make Your Multipotentiality Your Day Job 1

Week 4:
• Write 2-3 articles

• Assuming your design is good to go, place the essentials on your sidebar or
header: a way to subscribe, social media links and a photo or video of you
along with some info about your vision for the community.

• Install a plugin that will add sharing/social media links to the end of your

Week 5:
• Write 2-3 articles

• Finish the final touches on your design/sidebar

• Publish 3-5 of your posts with the strongest at the top

• Optional, but highly recommended: Sign up for an email newsletter service and
place an opt-in form at the top of your sidebar

End of Week 5: Launcheroo!

If you get to the end of week five and are very close to being ready to launch, but for
some reason, haven’t managed to complete everything on the check list, then push
your deadline one week. That’s perfectly fine.

Renaissance Business: Make Your Multipotentiality Your Day Job 2

The Launch Checklist

1. Register your domain and sign up for hosting

2. Install WordPress and get your theme/design set up

3. Create an About page

4. Optional: Create a list of blog post ideas

5. Sign up for Twitter and create a Facebook page

6. Install Google Analytics and Feedburner

7. Place the essentials on your sidebar or header:

a way to subscribe, social media links and a photo or video of you

8. Install a plugin that will add sharing/social media links to the end of your posts

9. Optional, but highly recommended: Sign up for an email newsletter service and
place an opt-in form at the top of your sidebar

10. Write some initial content (6-10 articles: 3-5 to be published prior to your launch
and 3-5 banked articles)

Renaissance Business: Make Your Multipotentiality Your Day Job 3

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