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The Expert System Application For

Diagnosing Human Vitamin Deficiency

Through Forward Chaining Method
Dony Novaliendry* Cheng-Hong Yang** Denno Guara Labukti A.Y
Departement of Electronic Departement of Electronic Departement of Electrical
Engineering, National Kaohsiung Engineering, National Engineering, Technical Faculty,
University of Applied Sciences Kaohsiung University of State University of Padang
Kaohsiung, Taiwan Applied Sciences Padang, Indonesia Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Abstract — Vitamins are organic foods that are every day and other nutrition that comes from
indispensable for the growth and health of the body. In sunlight.
case of health problems, especially lack of vitamins, II. METHODS
people are more trusting doctor and nutritionist to find Vitamin is an organic component which is
out whether the treatment is still low-level disorder or
required by human’s body in a limited amount and it
chronic. With the use of technology applications such
as expert systems, the needs of society in diagnosing must be supplied from diet because body cannot
early vitamin deficiency can be realized. An expert synthesize the vitamin itself [1].
system is one branch of artificial intelligence to learn Vitamin is a complex chemical compound
how to “adopt” an expert way of thinking and which is needed by our body to help any process of
reasoning in solving a problem, and contains a decision body’s movement. Vitamin plays role as catalyst in
and draw conclusions from a number of facts. bio-chemistry reaction at human’s body. Vitamin is
Application of expert system diagnosis of vitamin divided into two category, fat soluble vitamin
deficiency in humans is in the form of desktop-based (vitamin A, D, E, K) and water soluble vitamin
application. This application uses forward chaining
(vitamin C and B complex). Vitamin has many
method and technique of depth first search engines.
Forward Chaining method is a a method that is driven advantages for body’s health and it will be dangerous
by the data where the tracking starts from the if human’s body is lack of vitamin.
observation of the input information and then try to The best way that must be done if our bodies
describe the conclusions. Application of expert system are lacks of vitamin is through having consultation to
is able to facilitate community in diagnosing early doctor and nutritionist. Unfortunately, the
vitamin deficiencies that can save time, costs, and consultation cannot be done every time due to the
makes it easy for the user. limited amount of working hours. It seems that
society as the service users need more a nutritionist
Keywords: Vitamins, Expert System, Forward Chaining,
who can easily diagnose the problem earlier in order
to do the prevention.
I. INTRODUCTION Based on the employee data of Health
The rapid growth of technology nowadays has Department of Padang city, Indonesia, [2], it reveals
spread into many sectors. In line with this that Puskemas (Public Health Center) doesn’t have
phenomenon, we are obliged to take advantage of medical specialist doctor, only 35 general practice
this development such as using computer in health doctors, 53 dentistry, 240 midwifery, and 207 nurses.
sector. While, the amount of nutritionist is 39 people and
Health is the most precious priority for every only 3 people working in the county. It seems that
human because humans cannot fulfill their living if the health service nowadays is lack of doctor and
they suffer a disease. There are many aspects which nutritionist to take care of any nutrition problem
can affect human’s health condition, started from the including vitamin deficiency. This can be solved
external factor into the internal one. One example of through using the technological application to solve
external factor is the unhealthy living environment. the problem nutrition problem especially vitamin.
This living environment may cause many harmful Expert system is a smart computer program that
germs or bacteria attack human’s immune system. use knowledge and inferential procedure to solve
While, the example of internal factor is the nutrition difficult problem that needs expert to solve it [3].
especially any nutrition which are being consumed An expert is a person who has capability in
particular domain, has knowledge or special skill
which doesn’t have and know by anybody else. In
general, expert system is a system which adopted domain, even it can be used to help experts’ activity
human’s knowledge into computer so computer can as an experienced assistant.
solve any problems like what the expert does. This The design of this expert system will be built
expert technological system is consists of expert by using the following systemic ware model like
system language, program and hardware which are context diagram, even list, data flow diagram leveled
designed to help the development and production of and some UML diagram such as class diagram, use
expert system [4]. case diagram, sequence diagram, and activity
The time problem and cost are the major diagram. UML (unified modeling language) is a
problem in designing the application in this expert general syntax to make a logical model of a
system. The design of application in this expert particular system and used for figuring the system.
system is a “desktop based” which runs in one Thus, it will be easily to be understood in the
computer. The expert system application is built with analysis and design phase. UML is a kind of visual
programming language JAVA and DBMS language for modeling and communication about a
implementation (Database Management System) system by using diagram and supporting texts [6].
using MySQL. UML is usually served in a form of diagram or figure
The approach that is used to control the including inheritance, association, and composition.
inferential of this expert system is forward chaining Every complex system will be better if it is
method. Forward chaining is a group of inferential represented in a simple model which describes the
multiple which undertake searching of one problem whole system.
into its solution. This method is motorized by data- III. ANALYSIS AND SYSTEM DESIGN
driven where the searching system is started from the A. Application Design Concept
observation result of input information then the The design of expert system application to
conclusion or hypothesis is figured and searched diagnose human vitamin deficiency can be done in
through the current information. some steps;
The developed forward chaining method will Creating a knowledge basis by collecting data
be implemented in inference engine of expert about the vitamin names, vitamin deficiency
system. Inference engine of expert system is symptoms, vitamin deficiency dosage which based
computer program that answers questiens from user. on the daily value percentage (AKG) and others. The
It processes all information from the knowledge base knowledge basis discuss method which experts may
by firing rules and facts [5] be done in getting and arranging data into production
Observa Concluti “rule” in the basic rule.
Rule Fact C Rule R3 After getting the data from knowledge basis
tion A on 1
R1 process, the next step is arranging those data into
Observa Rule Fact D Rule Concluti basic data in a form relational table.
tion B R2 R2 on 2 Creating inference machine is also a part of
Fact E
expert system. It is used to do an analysis by using
previous settled rules and display how experts update
Figure 1. Forward Chaining Process [3]
saved data or the new one.
Arranging user interface which becomes a
The next technique is the method of inference
media for having communication between user and
depth first-search engine. Depth-first search engine
expert system.
to surf the rules in depth of the root node to move
1) User Analysis
down to the level in the sequence.
A system may run well and suitable with our
Start expectation if we can provide an analysis about
everyone who accesses the system. Here is the user
1 who can access the system;
Admin is the system administrator who has
authority to do the data management of vitamin,
2 5 7 symptoms, rule and user.
Expert (doctor and nutritionist) is a person who
experts in nutrition aspect which has authority to do
Goal the data management of vitamin, symptoms, rule and
3 4 6 8 9 10 (End) patient medical record.
Patients are the users who have role to inform
Figure 2. Flowchart of the dept-first search their vitamin deficiency diagnosis through entering
their personal data and vitamin deficiency
Expert system is not classified into a system symptoms.
which will replace the role of human expert in 2) Vitamin Analysis
finding a solution of particular problem, while it is Vitamin A, known as retinol, is a vitamin for
used to help the expert. The expert system can be creating good vision especially in the evening.
used to deepen and widen knowledge in particular
Vitamin A is also needed by the retina of the eye in calcium metabolism and bones mineralization. Skin
the form of retinal. This vitamin also plays important cell will directly produce vitamin D after affected by
role to protect skin and immune system. Vitamin A sun light (ultraviolet).
is easy to break in heat, sun and air attack. Vitamin E plays important role in caring many
Vitamin B1, known as tiamin, is a one kind of cells in human body, started from skin cell, eyes, red
vitamin which contributes important role to keep the blood cell, to liver. This vitamin also can protect
skin health and helpful in converting carbohydrates humans’ lungs from air pollution. This health value
into energy for our daily routines. Besides that, this deals with the work of vitamin E in human’s body as
vitamin is also beneficial to help protein and fat an essential antioxidant composition.
metabolism process. Vitamin K plays role in creating better blood
Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin, act as one circulation and wound covering. Any deficiency of
component of coenzyme flavin mononucleotide and this vitamin will cause bleeding inside the body and
flavin adenine di-nucleotide. These two enzymes are difficulties in blood coagulating when injury
important in energy regeneration for body through happens.
respiration. This vitamin is also beneficial in creating 3) Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms Analysis
steroid molecule, red blood cell, and glycogen. It is To diagnose vitamin deficiency, it is better to
also used to support the growth of some organs, like know the symptoms of the problem. Although it is
skin, hair and nails. only a usual symptom, doctor and nutritionist should
Vitamin B3 or Niacin, plays role in take a decision.
carbohydrates metabolism to produce energy. It also Some symptoms that deal with vitamin
has role in fat and protein metabolism. This vitamin deficiency in human as follow [7][8][9][10]:
has a great contribution to control the blood glucose,
high blood pressure, migraine healing and vertigo. Tabel 1. Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin B5, also known as Pantotenat Acid, No Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms
has a great role in many types of body metabolisms, 1 Decreased endurance
like in the reaction of breaking the food nutrition, 2 Weight loss
especially fat. Another advantage of this vitamin is 3 Digestive system problem
controlling communication between central nervous 4 Loosing appetite
system and brain, producing fatty acid compound, 5 Queasy
sterol, neurotransmitter, and body hormone. 6 Spewing out
Vitamin B6, known as pyridoxine, is an 7 Stomach cramps
essential vitamin for body growth. This vitamin 8 Diarrhea
plays important role in nutrition metabolism. It also
9 Infected easily
produces antibody as a protection from harmful
10 Scurvy
antigen or unknown composition.
11 Back bones anomaly
Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin or vitamin
12 Anemia
H. Vitamin B7 helps body to process glucose so our
body can produce energy. This vitamin may decrease 13 Bleeding inside the body
the blood glucose, and help to build and defend the 14 Difficulties in blood coagulation
muscular fabric, bone marrow, and nervous. 15 Cram
Vitamin B9 is also known as folic acid. It is 16 Muscle weakness
beneficial to help body in growing the new cell. This 17 Over tiring
vitamin can help baby growth, prevent cervix cancer, 18 Muscle ache
and also prevent osteoporosis for woman. For man, 19 Decreasing in muscle
this vitamin is functioned to cure lever, anemia coordination and reflection
medication, and hemoglobin construction. 20 Sense of needles in hands
Vitamin B12 or sianokalabamin, is a type of 21 Sense of needles on feet
vitamin which is only produced by animal. This 22 Tingling in hands
vitamin plays role in caring the nervous cell, creating 23 Tingling on feet
RNA and DNA molecule, and then creating blood 24 Burning sensation in the feet
platelet. 25 Difficult to walk
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid plays important role 26 Rachitic
in creating collagen composition. This composition 27 Osteomalasia
is an important protein in structuring skin fabric, 28 Bleeding under the skin
joint, bone, and other supporting fabrics. This 29 Dermatitis
vitamin is the essential antioxidant composition to 30 Dry skin
protect body from free radicals and pollution. 31 Scaly skin
Vitamin D is usually found in fish, eggs, milk
32 Decreased vision
and cheese. This vitamin plays important in role in
33 Cataract
the growth human’s bones. Vitamin D helps in
34 Xeropthalmia
35 Eyes cannot stand the light The decision tree in this expert system uses
36 Feels hot and itchy eyes forward chaining searching method. This is related to
37 Inflammation of the lips the diagnosis of vitamin deficiency problem in
38 Cracked corners of the mouth humans. This method is seen helpful in recognizing
39 Inflammation of the tongue the symptoms of vitamin deficiency in patients. This
40 Wound redness of the tongue tree diagram consists of 13 vitamins and 50
41 Thrush symptoms of deficiency. To diagnose a vitamin
42 Rapid tooth loose deficiency which is felt by the patients, they are
43 Bleeding gums given the facility to choose the existing symptoms.
Based on this decision tree diagram, it can be seen
44 Depressed
that every symptom can be directly input into the
45 Insomnia
decision. In fact, the result of this decision can detect
46 Hallucinations
more than one sign of vitamin deficiency.
47 Senility
5) System Production Rule
48 Arising acne Tabel 2. System Production Rule
49 Baldness Rule 1 : Rule 2 :
50 Rapid hair graying If symptom: If symptom: muscular
4) Diagnosis Decision Tree Vitamin xeropthalmia weakness
Deficiency in Humans or cataract or decreased appetite
Decision tree diagram is a design that is used to or dry skin or insomnia
build an expert system. Decision tree diagram will or dermatitis or scurvy
make it easier to draw up the knowledge base and or easily infected or impaired memory
rules of the diagnosis of vitamin deficiency. or decreasing in or weight loss
immunity or digestive system
Then Vitamin A problem
deficiency Then Vitamin B1
Rule 3 : Rule 4 :
If symptom: cataract If symptom: Diarrhea
or decreased vision or muscular weakness
or feeling hot and or insomnia
itchy eyes or indigestion
or eyes cannot stand or decreased appetite
the light or dermatitis
or dermatitis or tongue
or inflamed lips inflammation
or glossitis or hallucinated
or depressed Then Vitamin B3
Then Vitamin B2 deficiency
Rule 5 : Rule 6 :
If symptoms: muscle If symptoms: anemia
spasms or wound redness of
or foot numbness the tongue
or burning sensation or muscle spasms
in the feet or sense of needles in
or tingling hands the legs
or digestive problem or sense of needles in
or vomiting the hand
or diarrhea or depressed
or acne arising or dermatitis
or rapid hair graying or cracked corners of
Then Vitamin B5 the mouth
deficiency or insomnia
Then Vitamin B6
Rule 7 : Rule 8 :
If symptoms: nausea If symptoms: tongue
or decreased inflammation
Figure 3. Diagnosis Decision Tree Vitamin endurance or diarrhea
or foot numbness or depressed a) Patients enter any data of vitamin
or tingling hands or digestive problem deficiency problems that they’re suffered
or decreased appetite or tiredness into list of symptoms.
or vomiting or anemia b) The application does the analysis based on
or baldness or arising acne the patients’ data. The results of analysis
Then Vitamin B7 Then Vitamin B9 will determine the problems list and
deficiency deficiency solution which are suitable with the
Rule 9 : Rule 10 : deficiency.
If symptoms: If symptoms: thrush c) The data of diagnosis and solution are
depressed or bleeding under the given to the patients.
or anemia skin d) Admin will cultivate the data on the
or impaired memory or muscle weakness system
or rapid hair graying or depressed e) Admin obtains information from the data
Then Vitamin B12 or tired at the system
deficiency or anemia f) The experts take over management
or gum problems of the system
or failed in wound g) The experts get information from data
healing management at the system
or frequent infections
Then Vitamin C 2) Use Case Diagram
deficiency Use Case Diagram is a modeling for
Rule 11 : Rule 12 : information system behavior. It is made to identify
If symptoms: muscle If symptoms: any functions which exist in an information system
spasms decreased vision and person who is eligible to use the function.
or insomnia or anemia
or fast restless or muscle spasms
or brittle bones or muscle weakness Tambah Vitamin Edit Vitamin Hapus Vitamin

or spinal or difficult to walk Tambah Gejala Edit Gejala

Data Vitamin
abnormalities Then Vitamin E Data Gejala
Hapus Gejala

or rachitic and deficiency ADMIN

Data Rules Edit Rules

osteomalasia <<include>>
<<include>> Username Hapus Delete

Then Vitamin D <<include>>
<<include>> Password

deficiency PAKAR
<<include>> Data User
Tambah User

Rule 13 : Rekam Medis Cetak Data Hapus User

Edit User

If symptoms: Pasien Rekam Medis

difficulties in blood <<include>>

Proses Diagnosa Entry Data

coagulation <<include>>

or bleeding inside the PASIEN

Hasil Diagnosa <<include>> Input Gejala

or bleeding under the Figure 4. Use Case Diagram
Then vitamin K C. Database Designing
deficiency 1) Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
These rules are based on tree decision and ERD is a part of Vitamin Deficiency Diagnosis
forward chaining method which has been discussed Expert System in Human which consists of five
before. Through the rules, other form can be entities such as vitamin, symptoms, rules, user, and
designed to create expert system for human vitamin history. The ERD has 3 relationships.
deficiency diagnosis. Username
solusi_vit dosis_vit Password

B. System Modeling Devices nama_vit

Vitamin mempunyai Level user

There are some types of devises which used by idVitamin
the system. However, it is not absolute that every idVitamin
modeling device is integrated into the system. This mempunyai Rules
means that we can use a half of the devices. idKonsul
1) Event List pasien
Gejala mempunyai
The first matter that we should do in designing Nama_gej
Jenis kelamin

History tmp_lahir
the system is making a list of every existing event. tgl_lahir
The events are: tgl_konsul


Figure 5. ERD
IV. RESULT [2] Dinas Kesehatan Kota Padang, Profil
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Form Consultation Results dialog will appear [6] Rossa A.S. & Shalahuddin, Modul
after the button (√) done on the consultation form at Pembelajaran Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak.
a click. Here's the view of the results of the Bandung: Modula, 2011.
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Figure 5. Form Dialogue Consultation Results

Vitamin Deficiency
On the form dialog consultation results will be
displayed along with the diagnosis and solution
dosage form based on input data from the

Ultimately, the conclusions which can be drawn
in the “design of expert system application to
diagnosis human vitamin deficiency” are : Through
this vitamin deficiency diagnosis expert system
application; it will help the society to diagnosis their
vitamin deficiency problem. This is used to do the
early prevention in order to save more time, and
fund. In addition, it will be helpful for its users. This
application can also be used as comparator or an
alternative for decision making (second opinion)

I Would like to express my gratitude to all
those who gave me the possibility to complete this
paper. The special thank goes to DIKTI.


[1] Muchtadi, Deddy, Pengantar Ilmu Gizi.

Bandung : Alfabeta, 2009.

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