Sugar School Trip With Teddy

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Genre: fantasy
This is a story about a happy, normal high school girl named Alexandra. Today she is going on a field
trip to a village through a forest on the other side of the town. She doesn’t really like going to rural
areas, but Teddy likes them, so she felt obliged to go. If you’re wondering who Teddy is, he is Alex’s
best friend in the whole world, though no one can actually see him. But Teddy’s real. He tells Alex
that she can see him because she’s special. Hm? How does Teddy look like? I don’t want Alexandra
to lose her uniqueness so you just have to rely on your imagination for this.
It’s a beautiful morning with Alex and her friends and teachers in a bus traveling through a forest. The
density of the trees covered the bus from the sunlight, which was already not much to begin with.
“Ugh…so nauseous. I seriously can’t wait to get there,” says Jane, a good friend of Alex.
The bus moves in a jiggly way because of the uneven road, but Alex is not bothered by it. She is
“Yeah, me too Jane. What about you Teddy?”
“You betcha!” answers Teddy
“I’ve always wondered what Teddy looked like, hehe, is he cute like a teddy bear? Does he sound
cute too?” Alex’s friends had never shunned her in her entire lifetime. They truly respect and accept
Alex’s unique condition. They are good friends indeed.
“Mmm not answering.” Alex says playfully.
“Oh you!” Jane said while hitting Alex’s head. It hurt.
Alex dismisses it quickly and looks at other seats. She sees Brandon on the front most seat of the bus.
Brandon is Alex’s childhood friend and current neighbor. Alex has a bit of a crush on him. Brandon
used to be a cheerful goofy boy, but now he always looks so gloomy and paranoid.
“Why don’t you go talk to him, cheer him up a bit?” Teddy asks with his naturally huge, but still
beautiful, mouth. Whoops, hahaha… I might accidentally slip some descriptive comments about
Teddy here and there, so I hope you wouldn’t mind. Bearing the sense of guilt from the fact that you
have just taken away Alexandra’s specialness, that is. Haha, anyways, let us go back to the story.
Alexandra’s face reddens, and she silently curses at Teddy. Just as Teddy covers his face and sulks, -
“Oh my, where had the bridge gone?” the teacher says. Alex goes outside and looks at the rigid stone
bridge, perplexed by the fact that the huge portion of the bridge, leading to the village, is no longer in
its supposed place. Everyone is panicking, breathing heavily. Brandon and the teachers are walking
fast and discussing about what the next plan is. Then, Teddy stomps one full circle around Alex
before whispering to her right ear, “I know a place to go. A fun wonderland near this village.”
Alex tells everyone of this great news. As hesitant and doubtful as they are, they don’t want this trip
to go to waste, and mindlessly hopped on the bus again. Oh, what a wonderful journey they’re going
to have.
“Everyone, put your seatbelts on! Alex, tell us where to go.”
“Yep, we should go back first, we’re going to turn right at the very first crossro-" then they all
blacked out.

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Alex wakes up. Her eyes show a land of fantasy, just waiting to be explored. A pink sky surrounds the
entire landscape. There is pink grass everywhere on the ground, and pink bushes are arranged, aligned
to form pathways, as if leading Alex to the wonderful places this land has to offer. Among the bushes,
trees, surprisingly looking normal, stand firm, but old. There are faces on the trees. They’re smiling,
and they are happy to see Alex. They seem…familiar.
She looks around her, and sees no one. Her classmates and teachers are nowhere to be found. “Where
are they,” she thought. Then suddenly, Teddy jumps into Alex’s vision, trying to surprise her. But
Alex smiles and squeals in excitement instead, hugging Teddy, saying nothing. It is cute that Alex can
only hug him at his waist, given his tall stature.
Worried for her classmates, Alex starts skipping down the path in search of her friends, holding and
swinging Teddy’s humongous hand. Alex has always loved Teddy’s long, seemingly fragile but
reliable fingers. She stops for a while to force Teddy’s fingers around her hand and continues
A few moments later, Alex sees a figure down the path. It is Jane. Jane is laughing as she is playing
doctor with several stuffed animals, performing CPR to one of the lions to be specific.
“Alex? Oh no, I couldn’t save [REDACTED] in time…Who is-”
“Alex, why don’t you ask your friend there for a dance?” Teddy interrupted.
“Oh, ok.” Alex grabs her hands and looks into Jane’s eyes. They look lifeless for a split second there
but it came back to life again immediately. Yes, it was just her imagination. They dance delightfully
before hearing someone step on the bushes behind them.
“How delightful! Your friend Brandon has arrived, Alex.” Teddy smirked.
Before Alex can get mad at Teddy, Brandon starts laughing and shouts, “Come catch me, Alexandra!”
He starts running. Powered by emotions, from seeing Brandon smile again, from seeing Brandon
smile at her and only her, Alex happily cries and runs to him as fast as she can.
Alex crashes onto Brandon, and they lie on the grassy field, gasping for air. Alex climbs onto
Brandon’s body, and lies her face on his chest. She starts playfully tickling his abdomen, and Brandon
laughs until he cries.
“Stop! Stop! Ah…”
Brandon fights back and pins Alex to the ground now, and pinches her cheeks, yet there is no pain.
She can’t breathe from happiness. Teddy joins in the game, and launches himself to Brandon.
And that was the last thing she remembered, before she collapsed from exhaustion.



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Brandon’s spirit has invaded you

I woke up on the filthy floor, in a corridor of an unknown abandoned school. Dirty, dim, disgusting. I
didn’t even know how I got here. I shouldn’t have gotten on the bus and followed Alex.
Confused, panicked, hopeless, and desperate, I got up weakly and walked through the school corridor.
It looked as if a mass murder happened in this school. There were blood splatters everywhere. On the
walls, on the floor, even up the ceiling. I touched one that was on a wall. The blood had dried out and
was colored like rust. My knees started trembling, and I couldn’t feel my hands. I looked for any signs
of exit. All the doors, leading to classes and the library, were locked. The windows only showed dense
rain and a hopeless grey-blue sky. I couldn’t open them. I tried the lockers. I couldn’t open them. I
couldn’t open them all…
I desperately collected myself and continued walking down the path. At the end of the corridor, there
was a turn to the next corridor. A bit of hope came to me for a mere second, before it escaped, as a
horrible sight burned into my mind. Ms. Johnson, Taylor, Eddy, everyone. They all looked so gray.
Oh God. I puked out of disgust. My classmates and teachers had their necks pierced by huge nails,
which also pierced through the walls, holding them in place, about 6 inches above the ground and
hanging on the walls. Their blue veins were not bulging, but they were so visible through their skin.
Peter’s stomach had been slashed open, and I could see his intestine, excessively covered in mucus
and rotting, but there were no flies. There was a big hole in Chris’s chest, as if a monster pierced him
through. Everyone on the wall had similar conditions. Mason had his eyes gouged out, or rather
stabbed. I could see the white wall through his eye sockets. Hannah had her limbs ripped off her body.
Her arms and legs placed right below her. Someone had their face smashed beyond recognition.
Another had their body crushed, just like crumpled paper. Even though their eyes were half-open and
lifeless, I could feel their cold stares.
I ran. As fast as I could. I knew, that even if I escaped, my life had already ended in that sickly
corridor. Another turn appeared, I ran and escaped the dead hallway. But there was another row of
dead friends, teachers, all hung the same way on the walls. I ran to the next turn without thinking, the
next corridor showed the same thing. However, I saw Alex, not hung, uninjured. But…she was
dancing. My friend Clark was lying on the ground, bled out, but she was dancing with a corpse. The
corpse was Jane. It was at this moment that I had made a grave mistake.
I stepped on a pair of glasses, making a loud noise.
Alex turned her head around and notices me. Her creepy smile sent chills through my back. I didn’t
know what to do except that I ran the opposite way. I went through all those dead bodies again. I
choked back my sobs. Then suddenly, a huge force slammed me from behind and made my fall on my
back. As I was lying on the floor, Alex was lying on me. She’s still smiling. Then she laughed and
started to rip out portions of my shirt with her bare hands. Once my abdomen was exposed, she
grabbed my belly button with two fingers, and she ripped the flesh out. It hurt. It hurt. I kept on
screaming, kept on telling her to stop, but she continued laughing and carved my flesh out with her

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I searched for help, anyone, anything, but the place was bare, desolate of people. Under the now
deafening roar of rain outside, I suffered the excruciating pain with the bodies of my dead friends
hanging beside me. My body started to lose its sense of touch, my face limped to face one side, and
that’s when I saw it, in the corner of the corridor. A horrendous creature not meant to be seen by the
eyes of a human.

A hairless wrinkly body curled up like an elderly taking shelter

A hairless wrinkly body curled up like an elderly taking shelter. Its mouth was humongous, and its
lower jaw was long enough to hang in front of its chest, teeth bare. It seemed extremely tall, yet
extremely thin and severely malnourished. Its pale translucent skin showed the outline of his muscles
underneath his skin. Its eyes, completely white, lifeless but fervent with an endless desire to see
blood. Every second gives you the increasing anxiety of being pounced on. Its eye sockets sagged,
and its eyes were incredibly sunken, as if someone had pushed it in. Its huge hands with long fingers
and nails partially covered its face, as if to protect itself. No. Its behavior was not of fear, but of
restraint. It was drooling, trembling with excitement. It wanted to kill me.
A sudden surge of energy entered me, and I pushed Alex back and pinned her to the ground. I put one
hand on her neck, then another. I started to choke her, with all my might. It was all her fault that
everyone died. It was all her fault everyone had to suffer. And even so, she was still smiling.
Then suddenly, the monster let out a heart-wrenching shriek and…oh God. OH GOD. MY HEAD,
I couldn’t talk anymore, as my head was already detached.

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You know now…

You know now…

You know now…

Now that you know how I look like, you are special too.

You are special.

You are special.

You are special.

Change the font to decipher


Added genres: thriller

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