Personal Best Work Book

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Personal | Pre-intermediate British Eien Workbook ARBRE Personal Best Series Editor Jim Scrivener Authors Elizabeth Walter and Kate Woodford All about me Stories and pictures Keep on travelling The working world Mind and body Risks and experiences City living Food for thought Money and shopping Sport and fitness At home People and relationships WRITING PRACTICE LQ Richmond p68 p74 Lic. Siivia Machado. TUT KinG's COLL oR Bt Pre-intermediate Le. sivia Maer atte sro KY ISTITUTO MNS NTs i ple and GRAMMAR: Present adverbs of frequency 1 Order the words to complete the sentences, 1 meets / her fiend Petra / sometimes Gloria for coffee, 2 hardly ever / the bus / catches Daniel towork, 3 cycle/ you / often Do to the office? 4 never / any / does Miguel housework. 5 listen/to/ often We____ the radio. 6 visit / always / my friend 1 at the weekend. 7 see / she / does / often How Mehmet? 8 study / usually / don't ‘They inthe moming, 9 to/ sometimes / goes Silvia the theatre. 10 usually / eat / doesn't Ayesha, breakfast. 2) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Greta 2 Paul (wash) 3 My friend Enrico (work) 4 Marta and Luis in Buenos Aires ~ they live in Brasilia. (not tive) 5 you Portuguese? (speak) 6 Ben to America every summer to visit his family. (fly) 7 We ‘swimming, (not lke) they. t seme school as you? (go) a two brothers, (have) his hair every day. ina factory. vot 8) All about me CABULARY: Personality adjectives Match descriptions 1-8 with adjectives a~h. 4 Anna often says things that upset 3 serious other people —— bt hard-working 2. Ed's always buying presents for © shy bis (tends. — @ dishonest 3 Pablo hardly ever laughs. aes 4 Terri doesnt like meeting new people. unkind 5 The children always remember to ere say please and thank you. Oh onerous 6 George tells lies and tricks people 7 Dad goes to the office at weekends! 8 My Maths teacher explains things carefully and never gets angry. ‘Complete the adjectives. 1. My brotheris a really im. person - he hates queueing in shops. 2 Lolais so se 3. You can believe everything that Julia tells you - she's a very ho___person, 4. Ricardo never says hello to my parents when he comes to our house. They think he's 5 Marc is very so. has parties at his flat. 6 Hannah is sof with her 7 Dan often helps me with jobs | need to do. He’s very k_. 8 Maria's so ~ she stays in bed most of the day at weekends! ~ she only thinks about herself. — he has lots of friends and often =I never stop laughing when I'm PRONUNCIATION: Final -s/-es sound 5 ia) Listen to the verb endings in these sentences. Tick (¥) the correct column. tst | tat | hel He wants to be a doctor. Silvia goes to college. Aisha likes chocolate, ‘Ana watches TV in the evening, Paulo changes clothes twice a day. ‘Adam knows my brother, Lela thinks football is boring. Mr Jones teaches us French, 4 ©22 uisten to Daniel and Laura's conversation ‘Are the sentences about Daniel true (T) or false (FI? 1. He wants to stop using his mobile phone for a few weeks. 2 He wants to use his free time differently. 3 He wants to spend less time with other people. 4 He goes to the cinema a lot. — 5 He wants to go out more 6 He doesn't want to spend any time inthe kitchen. ©12 Complete the sentences with the correct contractions then listen again and check. 1. So, Daniel, Ihear you __ using your phone this month 2 Atleast, when _ 3 realized that | these days, 4 We never go out together these days. | mean, crazy. 81 live my tf tke tis! 6 I watch films at home on my laptop instead. It good. rot at work, actually do anything 7 Oh, and my staying with me at the ‘moment. really good at baking 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs. keep collect play goon shop bake do goout spend meet up with ‘more time with his family. He wants to__ 2. She goes running three times a week to fit Do you often__ Some of the kids. In our spare time we like to Do your parents don't ‘They don't go to the supermarket. They prefer to online. your friends after work? chess at lunchtime, cakes. much exercise? social media much. GRAMMAR: Present continuous and present simple v hose the correct options to ‘complete the sentences, 1. Kati can't go out today. her essay. fa She's finishing She finishes 2. This soup is very salty, _it almnotliing —b idor't ike 3 ___alot inyour country? alsitsnowing —_b Does it snow 4 __for our exams at the moment. a We're studying b We study 5 Isthat Emir? __ his brother. altmknowing— b I know 6 Sophia is busy.__ dinner. She's cooking b She cooks 7 Luis works as a journalist. __ articles about sport aHe’swriting —-b He writes 8 Ican go with you. __anything at the moment. amnotdoing —b Idon'tdo 9 ___his daughter to school every morning. a Samistaking b Sam takes 10 ___tothe gym with you very often? a lsRaulgoing —b Does Raul go 2 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. think not play walk do come from work weer have 1 Mr Silva every morning, 2 Mum and Dad lunch at the moment. past our house their 3 Laura ina café for three ‘months this summer. 4 Luca football very often, 5 Olga and Sergei Russia, 6 Helen usually her homework in the evenings? 7 Maria that our new teacher Is great 8 Jorge a jacket today, VOCABULARY: Useful verbs @ Proose the correct verbs to complete the sentences. 1 | often —_ my keys ~ it's so annoying! miss 2 Pablo usually our swimming races. wins 3 Susie really happy, doesn't she? looks like 4 im cold! Let's home. go back 5 Emma's a blue coat today. wearing 6 Can you me to call Ali later? remember 7 mor Francesca to arrive. hoping @ Are you your holiday? looking forward to 9 Emma often___me about her friends. says 10 Ineedto___some documents to Mr take. Smith's office, lose earns looks come back carrying remind waiting expecting tells bring 4 Complete the conversation with verbs from exercise 3 in the correct tense, ‘Ana Are you going to Jorge and Sara's wedding? I'm really 1 it. Laura Yes, Tam! But can only buy them a small resent, because I'm not? very much money at the moment. ‘Ana Never mind! Do you have something to wear to the wedding? Laura No, but my sister? she has so many amazing dresses, Ana 14 she has something suitable then! from holiday tomorrow and Laura Yes, definitely. Every week she 5__ home something new from the shops! Ana By the way, do you 6 Carlos, Jorge's best friend? Laura Yes, Ido. He's the tall guy that 7 2ac Efron, isn't he? He's great ~ I really & he'll be at the wedding. Ana Ofcourse he will, Jorge ° that he's like a brother to him. He works in France in the winter, and Jorge really #0 hhim when he's away. PRONUNCIATION: -ng sound 5 ©i3) Practise saying the sentences. Listen, check and repeat. 1. mbringing Julio to the meeting, 2 He's studying French at university, 3 She's carrying a young chil 4 Are they running in the park? 5 They‘ singing my favourite song, 6 I'm taking a strong box for the heavy books. 7 She's wearing a long dress. WRITING: Making notes 1 Read Cristina’s blog about three important people in 3 Think of three important people in your life. Write her life. Number the information for each person in the notes about them, ‘order it appears. Bianc: Person 2 personality _ — bb relationship to Cristina a © age = relationship to Clara Fuentes: you | a howshe helped Cristina, = _ rues Bi here) = where they lve, € elationship to Cristina = bi Sei _ theepesonaty | | b ‘elationship to Cristina’ father why they are } ae a important to you — brothers and sisters are name ‘annoying, but | love being | j with my sister, Bianca. That's relationship to probably + 1 don't | you live with her al the time! I'm ners | away at university, but she's Sree tioie only six,2___our relationship is abit fa different from most sisters. Bianca's really funny, | ‘and she makes me laugh a lot. When we go out, their personality | people sometimes think I'm her mum. | hope | : 7 have a daughter like her one day ~ but not yetl vty they are | The second person who is - ———— very important to me is my Person neighbour, Clara Fuentes. She - has quite an unusual job for a name _ woman 3______she’s relationship to | ‘an airline pilot. Clara told me ra conce that women can do any ae job in the world! 4_'m studying their ite: job, engineering. There are only three women on my where they ve, | course, but | love it and I'm good at it. ete L | Person number three is my their personality | : ‘grandad, who is my dad's | father, My dad has five | fee brothers. ou | ac hol family is so big! Granddad lives alone, but we all | 4. write a biog about three important people in him,6______he's never || your life. lonelyl He i interested in all of us, and always || + Use some oral of your notes from exereise 3. wants to know about our Ives. He's vary Kind) | + Write @s many ideas as you can about the main ‘and generous and everyone loves him. | oe ) + Choose the best ideas and organize them into paragraphs. 2 Complete 1-6 in the blog with because, so or That's *+ Include atleast three sentences with because, so why and decide if each one is a reason or result (or Thats why. aT WEIR ai BLOG PODCASTS —AUOUT contact He o2 5 ACen eerie at Paolo and Adam LISTENING 1 ©14 Listen to the podcast. Tick (¥) the things. Paolo talks about. a Adam's hobbies b how he met Adam © Adam's personality 4 what he has in common with Adam. Adam's children 1 where Paolo lives 2 O14 Listen again. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1. Paolo regularly sees Adam ‘a most evenings. b when they go running e at work, 2 Paoto says that Adam 2 enjoys going out b has a lot of fiends ¢ isntt very sociable 3. Adam spends some of his free time «2 playing with his sons. b doing sport with his sons. ¢ teaching his sons Spanish 4 Paolo and Adarn 2 often go to concerts with each other. » belong to the same gym. € like different types of music. 5 Paolo says that Adam ‘8 never talks about his friends, does the same job as Paolo. « helps Paolo with his problems. 6 Adam a is usually very serious bb makes Paolo laugh. e can sometimes be selfish. READING 1 Read the blog about friendship. Tick (¥) the correct sentences, Teresa and Livia are about the same age. bb Teresa and Livia have different jobs. Teresa and Livia both have chiléren. 4 Teresa isnt married. © Livia is Teresa's only friend, 2 Ate the sentences true (7), false (F) or is there not enough information to decide (N)? 1. According to the writer, nobody ¢an be friends with someone who is 25 years older. 2 Teresa and Livia work in the same place. 3. They often spend time together. 4 Teresa thinks that Livia gets tired more often than her, — 5 Teresa has a lot of problems with her chitdren, —_ 6 Teresa discusses all her problems with her mother, too. 7 Teresa and Livia always like the same books. 8 Teresa learns more from Livia than Livia leams from Teresa. 9. Livia always likes the clothes that Teresa suggests for her. 10 Livia enjoys g ‘out with Teresa, HOME — BLOG PODCASTS ABOUT coNTACT Son But does it have to be like that? Teresa Fuentes, 28 and Teresa Livia and | work together in a large secondary school, She works in the school office, and I'm a History teacher. We Usually have lunch together, and sometimes we go out in the evening, too. Livia may be 25 years older than me, but she's 0 much fun, and sometimes | think she has more energy than me! That's probably because I'm looking after three small children, and her children are grown up. Hove having an older friend, because Livia is always patient ‘and she has a lot of lfe experience. She's interested in my life ‘and gives me lots of good advice, especially about the kids. She's not afraid to be honest if she thinks I'm doing something wrong. | often talk to her about things I can’t discuss with my ‘mum because I don't want to worry her. But to me, Livia isn’t like another mother ~ she's just Livia, my friend! Livia I think it's really good thing to have friends of all ages. Talking to people with different lives and different experiences makes you think about things in a new way. Teresa and | often discuss books we're reading and it’s interesting how different our opinions can be! Teresa says she learns from me, but | learn a lot from her, t00 ~ about things like cooking and gardening. She and her husband grow all their own vegetables! She loves fashion too, and often suggests things for me that | wouldn't choose ‘myself. This pink Jacket 'm wearing now, for example, ‘And having a friend in her twenties means that | can go out ‘and have fun, She even takes me to clubs sometimes! Being with Teresa and her friends reminds me of being young, and anyway, there's a lot more to life than housework and Watching TV! We a | What’s 25 years between friends? Ww: do you think of when you hear or use the phrase ‘best friend’? Probably two people of ‘round the same age. When we think of relationships between older and younger people, we may feel more negative about them. How often do we hear old people complaining that the young are lazy, selfish and rude? Or young people saying that the old don't understand them? aT Ec ivia Robles, 53 say that it doesn’t! LUNs y GRAMMAR: Past simple and time expressions 1 Order the letters to make the past simple form of the verbs. 1. Anna usually cycles to work, but today she kedlaw 2 Daniel okot atrain to college yesterday. 3 Last night Marta newt toaconcert 4 Didyougrinb. ‘any money with you? 5 We ederbmerem to send Tima birthday card 6 trite to open the door, but it was locked, 7 Beatriz retow. hima letter to explain the problem. 8 Idretsta my new job in January. 9 We beldime. to the top of the ‘mountain, 10 Sara tens. me an email with the details. (2 ‘Complete Ratael’s postcard with the past simple _A the verbs in brackets. Se Hiffum and Dad Wes Get) here safely yesterday, 2___ (be) fine. Daniels dad 3 sat the 4 ioe carat (drive) 0 their howe, °____(g0) toa movia, On the top) ot acafiand? (come) ame afer The journey Inthe evening we wag, we 6 (have) ome pisza. We ® midnight - I'm o tied today! Love from (afel ee SS Stories and pictures :-ed/-ing adjectives VOCABULAR' 3 Complete 1-6 with an adjective from each pai in the box. amazed / amazing annoyed / annoying excited / exciting confused / confusing interested / interesting tired / tring 1 Im by these instructions. They're not very clear, 2. Myneighbours are. 3. Esra’s brother is very = theyte so noisy cars. 4 She's so about her holiday. She's really looking forward to it 5 Paolo felt after running ten kilometres. 6 We went to a fantastic restaurant last night ~ the food was ! Jomplete the sentences with -ed or ing adjectives. “1. Loften fall asleep in my Maths lessons. They're so. b : 2 Bruna was di test, ‘when she failed her driving 3 Imsu come here, 4 Cristina’ realy fr. not scared of them, to see Manuel, He doesn't usually of snakes, but her sister's 5 It'ssoem, someone's name! 6 We love spending the day at the beach — it’s very re when you can't remember PRONUNCIATIO! ed endings 5 O24) Listen and circle the sound that you hear at the end of the underlined verb. Listen, check and repeat. + Weectimbedo the tp ofthe aa ae 2 I decided to go to Murio’s house ‘Al [nav] dar 3 Eduardo looked at the photograph. Atl | dl | ial 4 The cook expanmented wih new T7 [nay| jay § | travelled to Rome by train. Wt |hay| sar 6 In the evening, we watched TV. Att | ind | da 7 We opened our presents together. Ath | Ads | fat ‘8 She worked all day yesterday, Al | hdl] fat READING: Approaching an article 1 Read the title and the first three lines of the 2 text. What do you think itis about? 3 ‘a Aman who doesn't say much, b_ Aman who isnt as quiet as people think © Aman who shouts a lot, Robyn Jones thought her grandfather was a quiet, shy man. Then she read her grandmother's diary and learned about the one time he wasn't. A AMLn black and white Granny's diary was for the year 1950. Every day she wrote about he it. Before June. it was mostly about herb in ‘a jewellery shop and the lives of the other young women who worked there. But after June, she started to mention a regular customer ~ a nice young man who came into buy ‘necklace for his mother, and then came the next day, and the next, and the next 8 Will he, won't ne? Each time, he asked Granny to help him, but he never bought anything else. Eventually, one ofthe other assistants sald to Granny, know why he comes, It's to see ‘you!’ They all expected Granddad to ask her out, but he never did ¢ The mouse becomes a tion Then one day, everything changed. Granddad was in the shop when aman ranin with a gun. He pointed it at Granry and told her to give him a diamond ring. In an instant, that shy young man changed. ‘Drop the gun he shouted, and pushed the man tothe floor. '‘Don't you dare frighten that ‘young woman! She's going to be my wife one day! Look at the photograph. Who do you think the people are? Match topics 1~4 with paragraph headings A-D. 1. Ashy person doing something brave. 2 Acouple getting married, 3 Something that is written down. 4 People wondering what someone wil do. ~~ The quiet man? -». Wedding belts Alter that, the police came and arrested the robber, and ‘everyone said that Granddad was a hero, But there was something Granny stil wasn't sure about. Did you just ‘ask me to marry you?’ she asked Granddad. Granddad just smiled, but two months later they got married! Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. Granny wrote about Granddad before June 2. Granddad bought lots of jewellery from the shop. 3 The other assistants thought Granddad liked Granny, 4. The robber tried to steal a necklace from the shop. 5 Granddad was very angry with the robber, 6 The police took the robber away. 7 The people in the shop thought Granddad was brave. 8 Granny already knew that Granddad wanted tomarry her. 5 Complete the sentences about the text with then, ater or later. 1 Robyn Jones read her grandmother's, diary, she had a different idea about her grandfather. 2 One day, Granddad came to the shop to buy a necklace. A day he came into the shop again. 3 __that, Granny started to write about him inher diay. 4 ‘awhile, another shop assistant realized that Granddad was coming to see Granny. 5 Aman pointed a gun at Granny. tried to steal a ring, 6 Afew minutes he the police arrived, a GRAMMAR: Question forms 1 Order the words to make questions. | 1 did / do / what /on holiday / they 2 need / we / to buy / do /aticket 3 did / the movie / who / with / go to / Bruna 4 is / apartment / where / new / Susie's 5 do/ how /to/ the station / get / you 6 do/ dinner / you / want / what / for 7 the milk /in / is / the fridge 8 play / does sister / the violin / your 2 ‘one or two words in each space. 1 areyou___? 'm from Peru. 2 ____is your English teacher? (Mrs Smith is my English teacher. 3_______you No, I didn't see Max today. 4 you move to New York? Imoved to New York in 2015. 5 ___his name? His name is Luca. Max today? | 2 complete the questions to match the answers ite | | 6 ___ Maria a teacher? Yes, she is. 7 Larry very angry? No, Larry wasn't very angry. 8 ___you travel to Lima? We travelled to Lima by plane. VOCABULARY: Life stages 3 Read about Kazuo's life. Order the phrases. Write 1-6. engaged to Eriko children (two boys) ¢ ‘retired 1990 4 born Kyoto, 1930 ' married Eriko primary and secondary school, Tokyo 4. Complete the text about Kazu0's life. Write one word in each space. Kazuo born in Kyoto, in Japan, in 1930. His family moved when he was still a baby and he grew 2 in Tokyo, where he 5 to primary and p/secondary school. After Kazuo 4 “school, he © to university to study medicine. At university, he met a girl , illed Eriko. They © engaged, but they waited until after university before Tthey?_— married. They two children. Kazuo worked + as a doctor for 30 years. In 1990, after a successful career, he 8s and spent the next twenty years doing what he loved * painting, Sadly, Kazuo 20 in 2015, aged 85 PRONUNCIATION: Question intonation 5 ©22 tisten to the questions. Does the intonation 90 up (U) or down (D) at the end? 1. How do you spell your name? 2 Doyou lke cheese? 3 Istheir house very big? 4 When is her birthday? 5 Where do you lve? 6 Did you see Peter? 7 Was Anna very angry? 8 Who did you go on holiday with? ‘SPEAKING: Telling a personal story 1 ©23 Listen to Emma tell Dominic a personat story. Tick (¥) the phrases you hear. What happened? Did | ever tell you about the time ..? That's amazing! Realy? What did you do then? Ohno! You're joking! That's awful That reminds me of i Lucky you! k Poor you! 1 Youl never guess m [felt realy ©23 Listen again. Which of a~m in exercise 1 do Emma and Dominic use to do these things? 1. Emma tells Dominic something surprising. 2. Dominic shows sympathy. a. Emma describes her emotions after the accident happened. 4 Dominic shows that he is interested. — 5 Dominic says that something similar happened to him, 3 O24 Listen to six people talking. Choose the best way of showing interest and say it aloud, Poor you! / What did he do then? | That's amazing! What happened? / Oh no! / Lucky you! Great! | That's awfull/ You're joking! What did he do then? | Poor you! / Great! What happened? / Lucky you! / Oh no! That's amazing! | That's awful! / What happened? ©25 sten and check your answers to exercise 3, ©26 Match the sentence halves. Say ther aloud Then listen and check 4 Something similar __a realy nervous about 2 That reminds meeting her. 23 You never quess ___® tellyou about my fight flee — § wToige, — ¢ youabout the time | met 5 Canyou — _ ac Efron? 6 I felt —— 4 soamazing to discover 7 Didlevertell ____ we have the same name! 8 was «imagine how scared | was? happened to me when | was a student. ‘9. what happened to Ratfie yesterday, hme of the time I lost my passport. HOME @LOG PODCASTS ABOUT CONTACT AeiN-ae ental) Gules ineucns curt LISTENING 1 ©27 Listen to the podcast. Choose the best summary. 2 Maria made friends with an old lady. b Maria dropped someone's bag on the train, © Maria upset a complete stranger. 2 ©27 Listen again. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1. Maria was surprised by 2 how old the lady was. b how smart the lady looked. © how interesting the lady was. 2. Maria and the lady had 2 nothing to talk about. b little to talk about, € alotto talk about 3 When she stood up, the lady appeared a shorter. b younger. ¢ older 4 Maria tried to help the lady by {2 supporting her with her arm. 'b supporting her with her arm and holding her bag. ¢ holding her bag, 5 Maria dropped the lady's a sweets, » bag. e stick. 6 The bag fell on a the track b the platform. © aman, 7 The old lady was a very angry. quite calm. © too upset to talk, 8 The man helped them by a mending the bag, b picking up the medicine bottle, getting the bag back. REAI DING 1 Read the blog about games that use pictures, Cc ‘omplete 16 with the adjectives in the box. annoyed disappointing confusing surprised interesting boring 2 Ave the sentences true (7), false (F) or is there not enough information to decide (N)? 1 10 ‘The writer's family play games together every Christmas, ‘The writer's sister got more correct answers than their father. ‘The writer's mother couldn't name any of the famous people. The Spot the Ball competition started in the 1976s. ‘The writer's mother played Spot the Ball more than once, ‘The writer's father was angry when his wife won a prize, The writer's parents didn't earn much money, Spot the Ballis less popular today than in the past. Spot the Ballis a more difficult competition today than in the 1970s, The writer prefers games that use pictures of animals, <<" SPOT THE BALL =o ia Tae al HOME — BLOG I'm an amateur photographer, so it's probably not surprising that | love games which are based around images. Last Christmas | organized a quiz for my family. | selected images of different people in the news that year and everyone got one point for each person they could name correctly. My sister thought it was1_ so she didn’t really try. | was quite @__ when my dad won - he even managed to recognize Taylor Swift! Then my parents told me about a game that was very popular in the 1970s called ‘Spot the Ball: It was a simple game in lots of newspapers. You looked at an action shot of a football match, but the ball was removed from the photo and you had to say where you thought it should be. Apparently, my dad found it really > and played it every week, but Mum got quite*__with him, because he wanted to discuss exactly where all the players were looking. Mum used to guess ~ and one week she won! She only got £100, but that was a lot of money in those days. Later, read an article about the game and | was amazed that the last time anyone won the jackpot prize was 2004! About three million people used to play it every week in the 1970s but now there are only about 14,000 players. | think that's a bit ©, because it's great fun. There's another game that | really enjoy which uses images ~ you see a very small part of something in detail and you have to work out what itis. There are whole blogs for these kinds of pictures; one of my favourites is . Some of the images are really ©_ , but to me, that's what makes them even more interesting. | love asking myself questions about them: ‘What does it look lke?; ‘Is it an animal?’ is that part of a machine?; ‘How big is it really?: Do you want to have a go at ‘guessing? Look at these three images and try to work out what they are. Sao TE GRAMMAR: Comparatives, superlatives, (not) as... as 1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1. The weather here's hotter __itis in Germany. a most b than as 2 My sister isn't ___ tall as me. aas b than © more 3. This sofais___ comfortable than the other one, 2 most bas © more 4 Yusufis the __boy in our class! a funniest b morefunny funnier 5 For me, Science is___lesson of all! athemostbad —b worst © theworst 6 Isyour house ___Rafael's? aasbigthan _b asbigas more big than 7 Osman makes __ best cakes in the world! 2 most ib the © as 8 This is the ___ expensive restaurant in the city. 2 most bas © more 2 Complete the conversation with comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box. far cheap early important lazy close crowded interesting A HiDaniel. [heard you moved toa new apartment. B Yes, Imoved to the city centre because I wanted tobe! to work. Catching the train was so expensive. Ican walk everywhere now, which isa lo 2, A Tknow! Hive even 3 away than you did. It costs so much, and I think I gee twain in the country ~ ‘always completely fll in the morning. B Pethaps you should move as well! I find living in the city alot 5 than living inthe countryside, too there's so much to do here. A Leould never live inthe cy. My horses are the things in my life. I couldn't live ‘without thet B Perhaps you should ty geting an train? ‘A Probably, but I hate getting up in the morning, person in my family! Ram Keep on travelling VOCABULARY: Useful adjectives 3 order the letters to make adjectives. 4 Ididr't sleep well because the hotel bed was so FRONTBAUMCELO. 2. I need to pack my suitcase again because i's too SYSEM. 3 | didn’t think the beach would be so TIQUE at the weekend. 4, Athens is very NICETAN. People have lived there for over 7,000 years. 5 The Eiffel Tower is the most SOMAFU building in Paris. 6 His shop sells LUNUSUA souvenirs that you won't find anywhere els. 4 Complete the text about Tokyo. Some letters are given, With nearty 40 million people living there, Tokyo is one ofthemost#¢___ cities in the world. And it has more cars than anywhere else in Japan, almost 70 miion of them, s0 I's extremely a ‘as well. But Tokyo Is also one of the top places for foreign tourists to visit. Its very safe and, although it’s extremely 3b_______ many people love the fact that isrealy4t___ and that there's plenty to see and do, Some visitors may think that 5m buildings lke the Sugamo- Shinkin bank, builtin 2011, are u___ but ‘others find them quite beautiful and love the fact that they use some of the best 21st century technology. PRONUNCIATION: Sentence stress 5 ©3i) circle the underlined word which is most stressed, Listen, check and repeat. Als the best student in his class My soup doesr't taste as good as Yasmin's, Tokyo is nearer to Mumbai than So Paulo 's Lady Gaga more famous than Taylor Switt? ‘My cars the most expensive thing | own, Sophia's essay was a lot better than Helena's, ts quieter in the countryside than inthe city. "rm feeting a litte happier than | was before LISTENING: Identifying key points 3 1 ©BB Listen to Joe and Sara talking about holidays Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Saravists alot of ies, 2 Joe and Sara don't enjoy the same types of holiday. 3. Sara doesnt tke travelling alone. ©B2 Listen again and choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Sara really kes cities / beaches / hotels. 2. Joe doesn't enjoy going to the beach / going hiking / ‘going abroad. 3 Sara doesn't lke museums / sunbathing / churches. 4 Aweek before Sara leaves, she books @ room / packs hier suitcase / buys her plane ticket. 5 The night before Sara leaves, she plans her sightseeing / eats out / packs a suitcase. 6 Sara spends most of her holiday alone / with other people | on guided tours. 7 Sara likes travelling alone because she can choose what to do | read more / go sightseeing. 8 Sara takes @ book when she goes sightseeing / eats ‘out alone / goes on guided tours. 4 ©33) Underline the key words that are most likely tobe stressed by the speaker in these sentences. Listen and check 1 The museums are crowded in summer 2. Didyou book a seat? 3. We could hite a ca at the arport 4d love to go abroad. 5 The barbecue atthe hotet was fantastic. 6 They stay ina beautiful house by the sea Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box book buy eatout oo have hire visit. stay 1 Weboth ove to__ in the local restaurants, 2 Could you 2 double room for my parents, please? 3 Lets car to drive around the island 4 My ite sister likes to afew souvenirs to take home. 5 My aunt and uncle usualy ‘camping in the summer. 6 Lucy and James are ina seaside resort. 7 Today we the local attractions. 8 Peter always a barbecue when he's on holiday. El GRAMMAR: Past continuous and past simple 1 Order the words to make sentences. Add commas where necessary. 0 ‘Alba was / café when / waiting /| arrived /in the working when / Nehir / was /1/ her / left having / called / Sara / when Lara / a shower / was the was / Elf lived / at home while / studying / law {looked / was smiling / that he / at Dad / and saw stil waiting / were / to get in / when the show / started we her homework / book while / Marian was /| read a/ finishing into the / we were / house while / the thieves / got / sleeping watching TV / cooking while / were / Mum was / the kids shopping her friend / while Paola was / went to / the museum 2 complete each sentence with the verbs in brackets, Write one past continuous and one past simple form, 1 When we. Carlos, he___his car. (see, clean) 2 Marta _ for the train when she (run, fal) 3 Anna Julia white she. to class. (meet, walk) 4 Hugo his leg when he tennis. (hurt, play) 5 Myphone____while (ring, drive) 6 While Rick his hair, he shampoo in his eyes. (wash, get) 7 Emma late for her lesson because she with Luiza. (be, chat) 8 The plane above the sea when the storm fly, start) 8 Mysister my phone while | (take, not took) 10 When Yasmin her shopping, someone her bag. (do, steal) PRONUNCIATION: was/were 3 ©34 Practise saying the sentences. Pay attention to the pronunciation of was Awaz! and were /wal. Listen, check and repeat, 1 What were you doing at five o'clock yesterday? | was expecting Monica to call, Rafael was talking to his friend, We were playing outside, but it started to rain, ‘Adam was watching TV while | worked. While you were sleeping, I made a cake. | was doing my homework all morning, Clara was running when the accident happened, WRITING: Writing a narrative 1 Read two paragraphs from different parts of a story about a holiday disaster. Choose the correct verbs. A They went up to the check-in desk, where a woman ‘checked / was checking everyone's tickets and, passports. Simon 2gave / was giving her thelr passports. The woman took them, then looked at Simon strangely. ‘Why did you give me this?’ she asked. Then Simon and Gabrielle $got / were getting a terrible shock. They didn't have Gabrielle's passport ‘They had Simon's passport and Simon's old passport! B__ Simon and Gabriele satin the car. They felt happy and were chatting. Simon's brother, Toby, #drove / was driving them to the airport for their skiing trip. ‘They had to be there by 5.30 am. and there weren't any trains that early. They were tired but excited. They had a good journey and Toby Sleft / was leaving them outside the airport. They thanked him and 6went / were going to get their flight. 2 Read two more paragraphs from different parts of the story. Choose the correct adjectives or adverbs. © However, when she got back, the airline staff were very thelpful / helpfully. They ®kind / kindly found her ‘a seat ona later flight and she didn't have to pay extra, When she arrived in Switzerland, the coach to the ski resort had gone, but it was easy to catch a bus there. She arrived in time for a Sdelicious / deliciously dinner, ‘and she quickly forgave Simon. After all, anyone can make a mistake and everything was fine in the endl 1D The woman told them rather “rude / rudely that Gabrielle couldn't travel. She said that Simon should get on the plane. ‘But he's the one who made the mistake!’ said Gabrielle. She was realy angry. However, there was nothing they could do. Gabrielle had to hire ‘acar and drive back home for her passport. It was @ fast journey, but she still missed the plane. She felt very worried and Smiserable / miserably. SKILLS (3D 3 Look at these sentences from the text. Rewrite them using adverbs instead of adjectives, 1. They felthappy and were chatting, They chatted - 2 They had a good journey. The journey went ____. 3 But he’s the one who made the mistake!” said Gabrielle. She was realy angry But he's the one who made the mistake!" said Gabrielle 4. Itwas a fast journey, but she still missed the plane. She drove. but she still missed the plane. 4 Match 1-4 with paragraphs A-D. 1. The background (who, when, where) 2 Aproblem (what happened) 3. Aresolution how she solved the problem) 4 ‘The ending (what happened in the end, hhow she felt) Write a different last paragraph for the story. + Use the ideas below or your own ideas. + White atleast five sentences, + Use the past continuous and the past simple correctly. + Use adjectives and adverbs to make your paragraph more interesting, no plane until next day went to wrong ski resort Simon was waiting for her at the airport in Switzerland decided to stay at home and not go skiing had a big argument with Simon had to pay for a new ticket mea ea pic eI HOME BLOG PODCASTS ABOUT CONTACT Oyo: a LISTENING 1 @s5 tisten to the podcast. Circle True or False. 1 Mara worked with elephants Tue False in Thailand. 2 She found the work quite easy, True False 3 Thelocalpeoplewerentvery Tue ‘False friendly 4 Mara went to Thailand on True False her own. 5 Oneofthe animals becameill True False 2 © a5 sen again, Complete the sentences with aaximum of three words 1. Mara saysit was the animals. 2. Mara enjoyed being part of a 3 The made the work difficult for Mara, 4 Mara really enjoyed eating the. 5 Some of the people Mara worked with went to Thailand ina 6 Mara made around the world 7 Mara says it's important to. alot there because of the heat, 8 Mara felt better after someone gave her a large tobe so close to with people from READING 1. Read the blog about four hotels, What do you think the word ‘quirkiest’ in the heading means? most expensive ‘most comfortable most unusual most famous Tomiend Sam talk about Wolnrs| sic 2. Match the descriptions to hotels A-D. 1 Itisa very unusual shape, _ 2 tis difficult to get into. —_ 3. Ithas no walls or roof. = 4 It is made of a substance not normally Used for buildings. — 3 choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1. The Palacio de Salis in an area a where sat is produced. bb where many tourists want to go. without normal building materials, 2 According to the blog, the restaurant at the Palacio de Sal ‘a makes the best food in Bolivia, b makes food that is too salty © makes a popular dish with salt. 3 Jules’ Undersea Lodgt a in deep water, b only reached by taxi € in shallow water, 4 People with heart problems can't stay at Jules! Undersea Lodge because a doctors can't reach the hotel. b it’s not comfortable enough. ¢ itis not safe for them, 5 In Dog Bark Park Inn, the beds are 2 ln rooms in the dog. b shaped lke dogs. © allin one big room, 6 At Dog Bark Park Inn, real dogs {8 must always be kept inside. b are allowed to stay. € are not welcome. 7 According to the blog, itis good to stay in a treehouse because 8 you can stay outside all night, 'b you can see unusual animals, ¢ itis cheaper than a hotel, According to the blog, sleeping outside means that you can experience being with other people, b other aspects of nature, © waking up very early HOME BLOG PODCASTS ABOUT CONTACT Eee tc The world's best places to stay Four of the world’s quirkiest hotels What do you want from a hotel? Something clean and comfortable for sure, but do you sometimes find your hotel room a little dull? Do you want your nights to be as much a part of your holiday adventure as your days? Here are four recommendations for a stay you'll never forget! 6 Palacio de Sal Most of us know about the ice hotels in countries ike Sweden, where everything ~ even your bed ~ is made from ice, But this hotel in Bolivia is even ‘more unusual ~ it is made from salt! 350 km south of the city of La Paz, this hotel Is on the edge of the Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt plain, and was built Using around a million blocks of salt. Visitors report that the food in the restaurant is ‘excellent ~ especially their famous ‘salt chicken’. There's even a swimming pool - filed with salt water, of course! © ox vecerson tse Usually you can get a taxi to your hotel, but not here! To stay inthis hotel in Key Largo, you need to scuba dive to reach the entrance. Once you're there, you can watch fish through the windows of your room, Amazingly, there are hot showers, and you can even get pizza delivered! Because you have to dive to get to the lodge, you need to be quite it f you have heart problems, or ae pregnant, this, isn't the place for you! husband and wife team in Idaho, USA, the entire hotel looks lke a large wooden dog! Four people can sleep inside the dog — there is even @ room ints head, Rooms are filed with doggy decorations, and pets are of course welcome to stay a with you! tp) Chalkley’s Treehouse {A safari ig all about being outdoors, right? All about the animals and the wide open spaces. So why go into a building or a tent at night when you could stay under the stars in this treehouse on the Lion Sands Game Reserve in South ‘Africa? You can lie in bed and look up at the stars, watch the sun come up in the morning, and lsten to the sound of animals and birds all around you. What could bbe more romantic? GRAMMAR: will, may and might for predictions 1 Read the statements, How likely is it that these things will happen? Write 1-8 in the correct columns. 1 Atletico will win the Champions League. 2. She might lose the tennis match, 3 don't think | wll ever travel into space. 4 We might not finish the project on time. 5 They won't complete the work by Friday. 6 We may be able to go camping. 7 Ofcourse, | may not get the job. 8 Hell get there before lunchtime. 2 Complete the sentences with wil, won't, might, think cor dontt think. 1. know for sure that Fatma ‘come to the barbecue — she promised she would, 2 Gabriel be home by six o'clock = it depends how much work he has to do. 3 |___ that Berat will come to the cinema, He's too busy. 4 He defintely ‘come with us on Tuesday. He only goes out at the weekend. 51 that Vitor will pass his exam. He's so. clever and he’s been studying so hard, 6 We 90 to the park for a picnic, although it depends on the weather. 7. | may visit Femanda this evening, so | probably ‘come to the concert alter al. 8 Don't worry, we definitely get to the restaurant on time! 9 The sky looks fairy blue today. 40 Our project is going quite well, so we itil be a success. that tt ain 10 Could you ask the w. The working world VOCABULARY: Jobs 3 order the letters to complete the jobs. shop TSSAISNTA football OCCAH = fashion SEDGINRE —______ film RIDECROT police FOFCIER = —____ tour UGIED —— security UDARG travel TEGAN ‘Complete the jobs. Some letters are given. 1 Lasked an ac. for some advice about my money. 2 Luckily, the f_ s stopped the fire within minutes. 3 Weneeded aL to help us understand the contract. 4 Areall the fruit and vegetables at the market grown bylocalf__? 5. She got her h shorter. 6 He's a well-known national newspapers. 7 My cousin's a fashion m, ; she works for allthe big designers 8 We were given our room keys by the r at the hotel 9. Tomorrow Ill meet the s ‘operate on my knee, to cut her hair alot ___ and writes for the who's going to sto bring us some water with our meal? PRONUNCIATION: want/won't 5 ©Ai) Look at the undertined letters and listen to the sentences. Write 1 if the sound is /o/ and 2 if the Sound is /ou/. Listen, check and repeat. They use robots in the factory. | really want to see that film. \ don't like cheese at all, Do you know where he lives? My boss will be at the party tonight, |saac is looking for a job. Manuela’s mother used to be a madel. How old is your sister? TVav ttt READING: Skimming a text 1. Read topic sentences A-€E in the article. Match each one with the most likely summary 1-5, 1. Evidence from a piece of research 2 The value of time away from work. 2 How toreduce our use of handheld devices. __ 4 How technology affects our behaviour. 5 Tips to help you concentrate. aS - Sow Sees : multitasking ‘A. Were.all multitaskers now, performing two or more tal at the same time, Whether it's emailing a colleague while checking our smartphones, or writing an essay while catching up on the latest online celebrity gossip, we're all doing it. But should we? Well, recent research suggests it’s time to stop demanding so much of our brain and go back to focusing on one thing at a time. B_ Gpiisider the results of a study of workers ata software) ‘company. When they stopped working on a major task to answer an email or message, it took ten minutes to be able to fully concentrate again on the original task. Clearly this {s not an efficient way of working. Training ourselves to concentrate isn’t easy, but psychologist Maria Sylva has some tips: C ‘Let your mind focus on one thing at atime, Whatever task ‘you're doing, make sure you give it your full attention. Giving 100% to the task in hand will help you to work more quickly and more accurately. To begin with this might be tough, so start with short periods - say ten minutes ~ and ‘work upwards. D. 4tfyour smartphone is the main source of distraction, leave itathhome. If you really believe that the next message ‘you receive will be more interesting or important than ‘your current activity, ask yourself why you are doing that activity. E. ‘Give your brain a rest. You'll achieve more if, several times a day, you walk away from tasks that require concentration. ‘And T mean ‘walk away’, Don't ust look away from your screen or stare out of the window. Get up and leave your desk. If possible, get some fresh air. Taking a complete break will help your brain to come up with new ideas. c-) 2. Read the whole article, then choose the best ending for each sentence. 1 Maria Sylva wants us to consider whether a technology is a good thing in our lives. b we should be doing so many things at once. ¢ we should use smartphones. 2 The study that she refers to shows that we lose time when we ‘a change the task that we are working on. b only use email to communicate at work. ‘¢ do not concentrate properly at work She claims we make fewer mistakes when we ‘a work quickly, b work for ten minutes at a time. concentrate fully on a task 4 She tells us not to take a smartphone with us if fa the messages we get on itare not interesting bb it prevents us from giving attention to what we are doing. we leave the house. 5 She recommends 2 putting off tasks that need us to concentrate. bb taking regular short periods of rest from. work, «© looking away from our screens occasionally. Complete the text with the correct pronouns and possessive adjectives. Mara Sylvais aie coach. advises people on how to manage 2 time. Most of 5 work is done within ‘companies where she coaches people atalllevels, helping $__ to perform to the best oftheir ability white 5 are working, Maria thoroughly enjoys her job and finds 6 very satisfying. Her aim is tohelp?_____toachieve the most that we possibly can in ® ‘working day. GRAMMAR: be going to and Present continuous 1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1 Pablo going to study /is going to study / studying medicine next year. 2 What do you do / you doing / are you doing this weekend? 3. I going to /'m going to / go to finish my book tonight. 4 We're visiting / visit /to visit my parents at the weekend. 5 I'm meeting / meet / to meet Daniel and Sula this evening if you'd lke to join us. 6 We going to / re going to / re going book our tickets tomorrow. 7 1.90 to/ ‘m going to / going to go running in half an hour. 8 My brother is going to /is going to be / is being at the festival 9 Where do you stay / are you staying / ‘you stay in Italy this summer? 10.1 90 to/ ‘m going to / going to ask Nehir it she wants to come to the theatre 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the future form in brackets. paint bake speak start see rent 1 Ian give Azra that book for you. | her next week, (present continuous) 2 I think | to Livia about the problem. (be going tol 3 [vedecided!__a picture of ‘my grandma's garden for her birthday. (be going to) 4 ile in Portugal for six months. | ‘an apartment in Lisbon. (present continuous) 51 ‘a cake for Maria's birthday. {be going to) 6 Ismal (present continuous) a new job in July. VOCABULARY: Phrases about work 3 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 want to accept the job, but fist a herjob, we need to agree — Bb aninterview, 2. She's so unhappy at work. | think on she's going to leave — dasalary 3 The interview went well, so | really es hope | get ee 4 Think about the questions they ye right ask before you have h rise. 5 The first step in applying for a jobis to send in the application = _ 6 Hasan is hoping that he's going to geta pay — 7 Lucas is going to advise me on how to write — 8 You must be looking forward to starting — 4. Complete the text about Lucas's job. Some letters are given, Lucas started atc, in nursing five years ago. for a job at the In January, he saw an? a, local hospital and decided to a for it. They invited him to an 4 j which went very well, ‘Two weeks later, they made him a job § o. Before he started work, he had to ona training course to improve his skills. Lucas is obviously reat at his job. He has already got a p. and he now has more responsibility and a big 8s = he earns much more than | do! PRONUNCIATION: going to and want to 5 ©42 Listen to the sentences, Pay attention to the Bronunciation of going o and want to Listen again and repeat 1m going to apply for that position. 2 want to leave this jb. 3 don't want to work in an office 4. She's going to ask for a pay rise 5 Theyre going to offer itto her. 6 He's going to write a Cy. SPEAKING: Telephone language DI G5 06 censors conaton wth prasstor Sening win fetes Trenton an croc A Good morning, Hobson's department store, Helen speaking. How can Ihelp you? B Hello, could I speak to someone in the electrical department, please? A Sorry, could you!__up? This. line's really bad.?________ speak more slowly, please? B Yes, 14 like to speak to someone in the electrical department, please. A Of course. Il put you through to Simon Jones. He's in charge of electrical goods. «Oh, im sory. fa he's no avaiable athe 1 ©4a uisten to telephone conversation between memes elo srtlomacdea. Anne, who runs a dsco company, and Ryan, a hotel 5 2 receptionist. Number the phrases in the order that 8 Sorry, did °_______ eleven? you hear them. A That's right. Shall I ask him to call you? Could you ask him to call me back, please? _ B Yes, please. My number is 0755 511817. Hello, .. speaking. —_ 1A could you + please? I'mafraid he's not available at the moment, _ B Yes, i's 0755 511817. Oh, and could you tel him How can |help you? » 0 that it needs to be as small as possible because I Thanks for cating. f 9 h don’t have much shelf space in my bedroom? Could | speak to ..? A Tmafraid 18, that. Can | take a message? : Can you tell him that ..2 8 Don't worry, I'l tell him when he calls. ‘A OK, And can take your name, please? 2 Complete the table with a-h from exercise 1 "Robert Feu, A Can? that, please? BPAUX. ay, AU or EU? BAU. ‘A Great, thank you, Simon will call you later, Goodbye. HOME BLOG PODCASTS ABOUT = CONTACT iene aces | LISTENING READING oe 1 ©4s5 Listen to the podcast. Choose the correct. 1 Read the blog about seven different careers, Match (eq statement. descriptions A-G with these jobs. 4 Larissa had problems at work and was extremely 4 accountant } unhappy. b Larissa didn't want to do the same thing forever. © Larissa hated being an accountant and prefers being She's definitely going to use her teaching skills in her next job. 3 fashion designer, hairdresser 2 3 i 4 journalist. = | a teacher. 5 lawyer 2 ©45 Listen again. are the sentences true (7) or 8 receptionist, = __ SR fase (77? 7 sales person _ {Larissa eamed alot of money as an accountant. 2. atch each person with the job (A-G) that would 2 The people she worked with were much be most suitable, younger than her. — te eT ae sti in vie is a patient and hardworking person. She d sre found er insresting job advert enjoys talking to people and she always rewspaps — dresses well ~ her appearance is realy : 4. She was very surprised when she got the job. important to her! 5 She loved her time on the istand. —_ 2 Jamie has a great imagination. He has always 6 She does not have definite plans for the future. been good at Art and is quite good at Maths. 7 She might work as an accountant again, He's not at ll shy and is confident about | ; learning new skils Hannah loves everything to do with fashion. She knows what makes people look great - ‘and what doesn't ~ and isn't afraid to tell them! She enjoys learning, too. Marcus is very sociable; he's good at talking ‘and gets on well with all sorts of people. He's ‘also very honest and can usually tell if someone is lying Raj has excellent speaking and writing skils. He always did well at school and is keen to Study hard at university. He hates making mistakes! , i : Ceara ea tac HOME BLOG. DCASTS ABOUT CONTAC a AC Me Tees Find the right career for you Tobe successful, you must be passionate about the truth. You'l need the confidence to ask people difficult questions. You may need to make yourself unpopular with important people. And of course, you'l need excellent written skills, as well as being able to communicate clearly B ‘Thisisa very creative job, so you need strong drawing skills. However, you should be able to see your clothes in your head before you put your pencil to paper. But loving clothes and being good at art isnt enough ~ it's a competitive business and you need to understand your markets and be able to calculate the cost of materials, etc c This will only suit you if you're someone who pays attention to detail - your work must be completely accurate. You also need good time-management skills: financial information is extremely important for 2 business and must be available at the right time. Many top people in this job are senior managers, so if you do well, you might get promoted quickly. votre oten ta pon acutoner nec en theytaconpon orto ut ak D ersrsticonmunteins ent potesina ny ouniets el wih toe en radio tncaimanotte oud hers! letestui ond vr cmpot on paren E If you think you'l be good at this, dont doit! You need to be great, not good! The best people are extremely confident and excellent communicators, bt that doesn’t mean talking all the time ~ you need to listen, too. Above all, you need to know when it's worth pushing, and when to walk away. rersuch compte cate ued excelent vm ests tdon dees co. Ys eds Ferry an acute anding ngage clive eel deo ooo ne aomnesigih lens Ad er ube secre yore Gen tea GRAMMAR: should/shouldn't 1 natch problems 1-8 withthe best advice and circle should or shouldnt ina-h. My carkeps breaking down eel s0 tired all the time Im extremely stressed at work Inever have enough money 10 goon old Ihave alot of problems with my teeth Im bored of going tthe same club | sometimes get quite lonely I never get good grades for my homework HILL tNt You should / shouldn't spend so much on clothes. You should / shouldn't ask your teacher's advice. You should / shouldn't stay up late. You should / shouldn't try the one that's just opened, You should / shouldn't make some new friends. You should / shouldn't buy a better one. You should / shouldn't eat sweets every day. You should / shouldn't speak to your boss. 2 Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't and the verbs in the box. pay let feel giveup ask visit apologize do 1 I couldn't believe how rude Paul was - you hhim speak to you tke that! 2 I can't afford to pay my rent. What do you think | ? 3. We didn't do anything wrong, so we guilty. 4 It wasn't your fault, so I don't think you 5 Boris broke the chair, so| think he new one, 6 Your piano lessons are going well ~ you definitely 1 fora 7. My friend Beatriz is in hospital. | her later. 8 Do you think Ryan Helen to go out with him? Mind and body VOCABULARY: Health and medicine 3 > Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1. He had to carry a heavy box and now he has. afw b backache —¢ ascie throat 2 I cant play tennis for weeks because my arm is__ a stressed b sore © broken 3. Feet Mila’s face to seeif she has __ a atemperature b acold © earache, 4 have a painful __ so I can only eat soup! aheadache Bb earache sore throat, 5 Felipe has a bad __- we could hear iti the night a headache cough © toothache 6 Charlie is __ because he has too much work to do. a stressed b sore © broken 4. Complete the words. 1 I touched the hot oven and b, my hand 2 Ihave so I'm going to see the dentist. 3 Dont play with that knife, Enzo, or youll <___yourseitl 4 Davi's daughter ate too much ice cream and got stomach a 5 The ball hit Luiza in the face and gave her a nose b. 6 Heh his leg badly and couldn't walk for days, PRONUNCIATION: should/shouldn’t 5 ©Bi) Listen to the sentences and write should or shouldn't, Listen, check and repeat 1 Doyou think tell Rob the news? 2 Gloria spend so much money on clothes, 3 You____ chat during lessons. 4 agree that David. get a new job. 5 Perhaps Maria spend more time studying, 6 Youreally exercise! ‘eat so much before you 7 don't believe you 8 He worry about that. have less sugar in his cotfee. (a [snus pef56] 3 ©53 Read these sentences from Rebecca's phone call. Mark the links between consonants and vowels. Listen again and check. 1 Im just cling for a chat 2... you're not feeling so well again, 3. She sald you have a bad cough and a sore throat 4 musta bit worried about your health 5 You seemad a bit stressed about work when we met in London. 6 I don't think that job is good for you. Choose the correct verb collocations. 1. When do you usually make / do / take your homework? 2 Make | Have / Take a deep breath and try to relax. 3. Ifyou make / do / have a mistake, put a line through it. 4 When we make / have / do an argument, Sophie always wins! 1 GIBB user to nebecca mating a phone calito 5 Its a dificult exam, sojust make / do I take your best, Seen hee the centencesttue {Tl ise i? 5 Wemust make /do nave cecson bout where to ; 0 on holiday 1 doey is Rebecca's brother. _ 7 Ityou'e tired, why don't you take / have da title 2 Joeyis at work, rest? 3 Joey wasn't feeling well in June. — 8 Let's make / take / have a chat over a cup of coffee. 4 Rebecca tells Joey to see a doctor. —_ 5 Joey doesn't have a job at the moment. — 6 Rebecca wants to see Joey. = 2 ©s52 Listen again. Choose the best options to complete the sentences. 1. Rebecca thinks Joey is, a at the doctors. b inbed. with his mother. 2 Rebecca's mother said that Joey had 2 a cough. b asore throat ¢ a cough and a sore throat. 3 In London, Rebecca tried to persuade Joey to a see a doctor. b geta different job © work fewer hours, 4 Rebecca has a a cold b cough, sore throat 5 Rebecca talks about a visiting Joey. b cooking a meal for Joey, ¢ taking Joey to the doctor's. GRAMMAR: First conditional 1 Order the words to make first conditional sentences. Add commas where necessary. 1 the party /if/have / rains we'll/ inside fit 2 miss / the / you dont / hurry / train if / youll 3 Luiz /can give /if|/ the message / him / see 4 have / problems just /if you / any / call me 5 the cinema / tired | /if/ might not /'m/ come to 6 be disappointed / ihe / get the / there / job hell / doesn't 7 Ihave / from / phone you / the airport if / enough time / 8 if Ezgi / her IIL be home / soon / l/ calls tel 2 Complete the first conditional sentences with, the verbs in brackets in the correct form, 1 IF Mirac (agree), we (gol onthe tain. 2 We {not have) a picnic if the weather (not be) good. 3 Mum (be) cross if we (get) home tate. 4 Ifyou {not take) any medicine, you (not feet better. 5 If the machine (stop), (press) this button, 61 (cal) yout! (need) a lift home. 7 Leonardo (be) upset it we — (forget his birthday. 8 You (hurt) yourself if you (not be) carefull VOCABULARY: Emotions and feelings 3 Match definitions 1-6 with adjectives a-f feeling worried about something __ unhappy or sad extremely happy about something not worried or anxious sad because you're alone sure of your own abilities, delighted b confident © calm nervous e upset £ lonely 4 Complete the adjectives. 1 Her husband was very j speaking to other men, and didn't lke her Vitor was p. of his new trainers and showed them to all his friends, You're very c this morning! What's making you smile so much? When | realized how badly Id upset her, I felt all the time and was extremely of your beautiful coat! | wish | had one. PRONUNCIATION: ‘!/ contraction 5 O54 cistento the sentences. | 12 Cir the correct answer Is will contracted? Circle 1 contracted / not contracted contracted / not contracted contracted / not contracted contracted / not contracted Contracted / not contracted contracted / not contracted contracted / not contracted ar WRITING: Writing an informal email 1 Read Izzie's email asking for advice about making friends. Number ai in the order they appear, The first answer is given. asking about the person you are writing to mentioning a completely diferent subject the ending the reason for writing the greeting making an arrangement the request for a response the subject of the email i the details of the problem To: RE: Advice, please! Hi Bellal How it going? Hope you're enjoying your new job! Did tell you ! eft home last month? I'm living in an amazing apartment in Antofagasta now. ‘That's why I'm writing. I'm having a really bad time, and! wanted to ask you for some advice, My new apartment's big, and its quite nice, but I'm so lonely! I'm a bit shy (as you know!) so 'm finding it very hard to make new friends. | miss my family so much now that | don’t see them very often — especially my mum (! know — I'm such a baby!). What do you think | should do? How did you make friends when you left home? And when will | stop feeling so bad?! ‘Anyway, there's some good news, which is that my brother's getting married in June! I'm realy looking forward to the wedding Do you fancy going out for a pizza next time I'm home, if you aren't too busy? There's a new pizza restaurant — its abit expensive, but not too bad. Let me know! See you later, lzzie, x 2. Write the contracted forms of these verbs. Which sixare in izzie's email? 1 you are 2 she has 3 lam 4 itis 5 they have 6 there is 7 donot 8 didnot 9 are not 3 Complete the sentences with extremely, not very, quite or bit. Use each one once. 1 I want to take more exercise but 'm a ‘nervous about going to @ gym. 2 Ws. healthy to eat so much junk food. 3. My fiend goes running every day so she's fit. 4 These dance classes are___ easy ~ they're suitable for most people. 4. Read the problem below, then write an em: a friend, asking for their advice Your doctor says you are quite unhealthy, You need to get fit and improve your diet, but you don’t know how to. You don’t do sport and you love pizza and ice cream. + Structure the email with a subject. greeting, reason for writing, details, request for response and an ending. + Use contractions lke m and don't + Use informal words like Hl, How's it going? and anyway. + Use modifiers lke extremely and a bit to make adjectives and adverbs stronger or weaker. ats e HOME BLOG PODCASTS ABOUT CONTACT Tom and sam talk about) dealing with headaches, LISTENING 1 ©BS5 Listen to the podcast. Does the speaker say these things? Circle Yes or No. 1 Headaches are the most common Yes NO. hhealth problem in the UK. 2 Tension headaches are ones that Yes. «No most people get occasionally. 3 Many headaches are causedby Yes. ~=—=-No people's lifestyles. 4 Sleeping too much can cause Yes No headaches, 5 Yoga may help to prevent Yes No headaches, 2 O55 Listen again. Complete the sentences with a maximum of three words, 1 Inthe UK, more than people have headaches regularly 2 Bad headaches can make work or ite itfcutt 3 You should see a doctor it you have other symptoms such as a high 4 Tension headaches last for about 5 You can treat most headaches with from the pharmacy. 6 The doctor advises drinking glasses of water dally. 7 It's a good idea to sleep hours every night. 8 Work or studying can cause which leads to headaches. READING 1. Read the blog about how to live to be 100, Match, headings A-D with paragraphs 14. A Aifficult choice B Don't forget to clean your teeth! © Look at the data D Healthy mind, healthy body 2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 1. Most / Few / Hardly any people bor after 2000 will live to 100, 2 From 1900-2000 life expectancy increased more than / less than / the same amount as in previous centuries, 3 People bom before 2000 can / can't / are likely to live to be 100. 4 All/ Some | None of the men who took part in the Swedish study were slim and active. 5 Tolivea tong life, i's important to take medicine / have children | enjoy yourself. 6 If your father lives to 100, you are more likely / less likely / about as likely to lve to 100 yourself For a tong life, itis better /is worse / makes no difference if you have a young mother. ‘Awoman who has a child after 44 has more chance Hess chance / about the same chance of dying young compared to a woman who has children ‘when she's younger. ‘olive to 100, what's best for the child is the same 2s / different from | more important than what's best for the mother. 10 People with poor teeth ae likely to die before / later {han / at the same time as people with healthy teeth eer a ago ee CCM CS ann MT MLN TT: at great news for anyone born after the year 2000 is that they're likely to live to 100. In fact, life expectancy went up by 30 years between 1900 and 2000 - the fastest increase ever! But people born before 2000 shouldn't be too jealous - many scientists say it's possible for them to live longer, too. But health advice seems to change from. year to year, so how do we know what we should do if we want to live to 100? 1] Scientists in Sweden followed the lives of 855 men, all born before 1931, Ten of them lived to 100, and they all had certain things in common: they were slim and active, they did exercise, they didn't smoke, and they kept themselves busy and cheerful 2D Itseems that if we want to live a long lite, we should make sure we have a good time! Research shows that having interests and a feeling of purpose in life often does more to keep us young than tablets and medicines. And } numerous studies have proved how important i} itis to have a strong circle of friends, so you definitely shouldn't I spend too much time on your own I 3 The Swedish study showed that men whose mums lived into | their 80s or 90s were much more likely to live to an old age themselves. But interestingly, the age of their dads had little effect. Scientists from the University of Chicago found that having Kees ‘a young mum increases your chances of a long life - because | her eggs were still strong and healthy when she had you. On Bea the other hand, getting pregnant naturally over the age of 44 is a good sign for a woman, According to research from the | University of Utah, if you do that. you'll be significantly less likely pea to die young than a woman who has children at @ | younger age. If you're a woman, that's a tough | decision to make! That's what your parents always told you when you were a child, and it turns out to be very ‘good advice! Scientists have discovered that the bacteria that grow in a dirty mouth can cause heart problems, which may even lead to early death. So, strange as it may seem, if you brush carefully, you can prevent heart attacks as well as toothache!

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