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Nur Jihan Adzini


PBI 3b ( Critical Reading)

The Miracle Worker

The Miracle Worker is a film that is a remake, but this is still epic like the previous version. the
film tells of Anne Sullivan, a teacher who struggled to teach Hellen Keller a child who was
blind, mute and deaf to communicate well. He did not want to give up teaching Hellen who had
temper tantrums and was raised in an unwise family. however, with full sincerity despite being
given a time limit if it is unsuccessful he will be fired as Hellen's teacher, finally he managed to
teach Hellen to communicate well and be able to process his emotions.

This film is very suitable to watch when gathering with family and relatives. storyline that is
very inspiring and easily understood by all ages. but, if the children watch this film must be
accompanied by parents so that the essence of the story of this film is able to be understood. This
is able to build our respect for the teacher figure and appreciate his struggle to educate us, there
is no dream of the highest teacher but wants his students to succeed. this film is also able to bring
emotions up and down that it is not easy to deal with children who are blind, mute, and deaf,
especially having temper tantrums. we are able to understand that patience is very important
especially for a teacher generally for all people in this world.

Then, from this film we can learn to never give up on working hard and we must believe that the
results will not replace the process. we also learn that there is nothing impossible in this world,
we are able to turn weakness into strength. That, every person was created but there are some
things that are not appropriate in the example of this film, which is being rude to children and
being selfish when panicking. if the film is watched by children where they see a scene where
Anne drags Hellen or Hellen destroys things in fear that they will be imitated by children. instead
a good message is even the bad one that is absorbed by children.
Then from this film there are a few irregularities that we find for example, when Hellen's father
told me when Hellen was two years old he was still able to carry him into the air. this causes us
to wonder whether Hellen's condition is inherited at birth or something happens after two years
of age. and also the end of this story seems hasty and unsatisfactory, just because Hellen pumped
and held water all changed? maybe you need to draw a little continuation about the relationship
between Anne and Hellen as a teacher and student going forward, maybe with a more epic and
emotional ending the audience will feel satisfaction after watching instead of grimacing in
confusion. filmmakers must be more observant about returning to the duration of the film so that
the end of the story doesn't hang. It is unfortunate that the film as good as this ending is a little

behind the shortcomings of the film, it's still highly recommended to watch it. because it inspires
all ages to not give up on anything.

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