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Please see page two
for important information
about today’s service and
how to get the most out of
your visit with us.

Don’t Break the Chain

TODAY! By Joe Lightfoot, Pastor of Adult Ministries
Following 40 faith-filled years, Moses arrives at
the door to the promised land. Deuteronomy 34 tells
the story, as God allows the heroic leader to see but
not enter the land. Fortunately, Moses had invested
much time, effort, and counsel in preparing Joshua
to take Israel on the last leg of their journey.
Although the entry into the “land of milk and honey” was
difficult, Moses prepared Joshua well for the challenge and
equipped him to succeed. Although it took years, the Israelites
entered and began to settle the land.
All Church Picnic & Fellowship at the Park Unfortunately, Joshua didn’t have a “Joshua,” someone he was
Sunday, September 7 | 4:00-7:00PM equipping and preparing for leadership.
Raccoon River Park, 2500 Grand Ave, in West Des Moines
Joshua never duplicated the gift Moses
Bring your own picnic, lawn chairs, swim suits, and outdoor
had given him. When Joshua died,
games. Ice cream sundaes and beverages will be provided.
God’s people entered a world where
Come for a great time with our church family!
“there was no king in Israel and
everyone did what was right in
his own eyes,” (Judges 17:6 &
exit 1B exit 3 exit 4

Joshua broke the chain of

S. 1ST ST. / SW. 63RD ST.

leadership development and

All Church Picnic sent Israel into a spiral of
Today | 4–7PM AV
E . devastation and decay. Men’s Retreat Details
Raccoon River Park This lack of equipping is

Date: 6PM Friday, Sept. 26–


happening throughout our Noon on Sunday, Sept. 28

culture today as young men
RAILROAD AVE. Location: Twin Lakes Christian
¨35 miss out on gaining wisdom
and insight from those who
Manson, Iowa

have experienced more of life.


Cost: $75 (limited financial


Here is an opportunity for


assistance available)


exit 70 you to share some of your Transportation:

experience with another Car pool from FFC
man—sign up today for the Focus: Come with a desire to
PARK 2008 FFC Men’s Retreat! grow spiritually; leave
In contrast to Joshua, in the with a practical plan to

New Testament (Acts 9:26–27) pour your life into the life
Barnabas picks up Paul when of another man and have
exit 69A
the believers were afraid and another man invest himself
R a c c o on R iv e r
untrusting. Through the sup- in you.
0 0.25 0.5
port of Barnabas, Paul’s impact Registration:
Begins Today
reaches the entire world.
KZ Church for K-4th Graders Your investment in the life of just one other man can have
unknown impact for the kingdom of God. Sign up for the men’s
Begins today in a new location—Room 240 retreat and leave with a specific strategy to invest your life in
another man to further God’s plan for the world…and for you!

Volume 10 Number 16 First Federated Church 1 Sunday, September 7, 2008

Thank you for choosing to worship with us this morning!
Have Questions?
If you have any questions, simply ask someone wearing a Guest Welcome Children’s
name tag with “Here to Help” on it or visit the Welcome Center
in the auditorium foyer.
Reception Center Registration
Guest Reception North Parking Lot Station
If you are visiting with us for the first time or have just
recently started attending First Federated Church, we cordially
invite you to a reception in the foyer immediately following the M

service. We would love to have the opportunity to meet you, get Resource 115
Men’s Locker
& Shower

119 117

to know you better, and answer any questions you may have. WEST GYM EAST GYM

Fill Out the Care & Communication Card


If you have never completed a Care and Communication Card,
please take a moment to do so. This allows us, as a church family,
to better know your needs and how we can serve you. The Care 111C

and Communication Card is located inside this newspaper. Just fill PARISH ➤ L AR G


out the card completely and leave at the end of your pew, give to an NURSE➤ 111A


usher, or hand it in at the Guests’ Table located in the foyer. 1125


Thank you for taking the time to visit First Federated Church.
If you are not presently a member of a Bible teaching church, we
invite you to join our church family.

If You Have Children Visit the Children’s

Ministry Registration Station DOCK

Trust your children to the care of our dedicated, loving

SW Entrance


Children’s Ministry staff. Our children’s programs provide qual- M Men Restroom
W Women Restroom
South Parking Lot

ity care and learning for kids of all ages.

If your child has not already been enrolled in our Children’s
Cellular Phones & Pagers
Ministry, a quick visit to the Children’s Ministry Registration
Station will provide you with temporary security tags and give us Thank you for turning off, or muting, your cell phone, pager and other electronic
the information we need to effectively minister to your child. devices during this morning’s worship service.
Infants & Preschool Children Assistive Listening Devices
Childcare and teaching are available during the 9:15 hour and 10:45 worship service in ALS devices are available for check-out at the Resource Center in the foyer.
the Nursery and Preschool Departments. AED (Automated External Defibrillator)/First-aid
Kindergarten–4th Grade Facilities for guests needing first aid, health counseling, and blood
During the 9:15 hour, K–4th graders meet in graded classroom groups for Bible pressure checks are provided by our Parish Nurses located in the west
learning and fun. hallway in Room 1117, Sundays, 10:30AM–Noon.
K–4th graders attend the first part of the 10:45 worship service with their families Please contact an usher if you need immediate assistance.
and then are dismissed through the large black doors at the front of the auditorium Lost and Found
to attend their own age-appropriate children’s church, called KZ Church. Parents, we Lost items may be reported or claimed at the main office of the church during
encourage you to go with your children the first time they visit KZ Church. regular M-F office hours. Lost and found items are kept for 30 days.
Xtreme AM (5th & 6th Grade) First Federated Church regards your safety as our highest priority. If you have any
Our preteens meet in their own Xtreme spot, Room 205, at 9:15 for a time of Xtreme concerns, please inform one of our ushers or staff. If a building emergency arises,
learning, Xtreme prayer and Xtreme relationship-building, then join their families for directions will be provided over the public address system.
the 10:45 worship service.
Recordings of Today’s Message
Youth (Grade 7–12) & Adults CD recordings of the morning message can be picked up immediately following the
Groups for ADULTS and activities for YOUTH begin at 9:15AM. Stop by service at the Resource Center in the foyer for $3.
the Welcome Center to find out about each of the groups and how to get there. You can also listen to the message for free at
Prayer Team Up Front
If you would like to pray with someone today, please come to the center com-
munion table at the front of the auditorium following this morning’s service.
Members of our church leadership stand ready to serve you.

First Federated Church 2 Sunday, September 7, 2008

It’s a faith thing… NOTES
By Sherri Stufflebeem, Director of Children’s Ministries
Sunday, September 7, 2008
In the children’s ministry there are a
8:00AM & 10:45AM | Pastor Mike Rose
couple times a year that we find ourselves Renew Our Passion for Jesus: Turning Up the Heat, Lam. 5:21
a wee bit busier than others. This is one of
those times. (Ok, so it’s completely zooey
here!!) Starting mid-July we begin making
phone calls and contacting potential team
members for fall classes. Finding almost 200
staff is no small task. We know that God has
a plan and we are just fitting the puzzle pieces
together. But it’s a big puzzle!
Where am I going with this?? First, I want to say thanks to
those who have committed to serve this next school year. You are
an answer to prayer. Second, I want to share some of our strate-
gies and perspectives as we undertake this task.
Of course, we consider parents as our first resource. We take
a look at class rosters and brainstorm who we think God might
be calling to serve where. Then we start calling. (Serving in
children’s ministry is not and never has been mandatory, BUT we
do NEED parents to serve a certain amount of time in any given
year.) The blessing beyond
that are some of our grand-
parents who are faithful
team members each week
AND those without
children or grandchildren
in our ministry who just
love to love kids! They are icing on the cake!
So for those who think, “I’ve been there, done
that” – we still need you and God may well be calling you. For
those who think, “I’m with kids all day long, I just need one day
a week off. . .” We still need you and God may well be calling
you. Maybe a no-prep helper position would be just the right fit!
As I write this, it’s Tuesday before the fall season begins,
and we still have openings for 9 volunteers on Sunday morning
and 7 for our Wednesday evening programming. So, this is
where faith comes in. We are confident that He has a plan for a
GREAT CHILDREN’S MINISTRY!!. . .well staffed and kids
loving to come! We just need all those puzzle pieces to jump in
and fit together.
If you’re feeling the nudge, give the Children’s Ministry a call,
255.2122! Don’t be the missing last piece!

First Federated Church 3 Sunday, September 7, 2008

Upcoming Groups
Fall Courses Fit Discipleship Model Alpha
During the beginning of 2008, Pastor Mike outlined our Mondays | September 8–November 10 | 6:00–8:30PM | Back Door
model for discipleship illustrated below. Discipleship is a Facilitator: Couples & Staff
recognizable process of life transformation based on these 7 key In Alpha you can meet others at a wonderful
characteristics: meal, view an engaging video, and ask questions,
• Passionately Committed to Jesus Christ—Wholeheartedly both simple and complex, about the faith we
abandoning my heart and will to Him as Lord and to His have. Alpha is a wonderful way to experience the
will as my command freshness of God as you investigate foundational
issues about what you believe. During the course
• Biblically Measured—Letting God guide my life through a number of questions are offered and discussed.
His Word and the Spirit’s use of the Word in my everyday These include questions such as: Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus
choices die? How can I be sure of my faith? What about the Holy Spirit?
• Morally Pure—Making ethical choices that are consistent Does God heal today? This is an ideal environment in which to
with the new life I have in Christ bring a friend.
• Family Centered—Making choices in my life that are con-
sistent with my design to live and grow in vital relationships,
including marriage, family, and biblical community TUESDAY
• Financially Faithful—Making financial choices in my life Women in the Word
that are consistent with the gracious heart of God Life Principles from the New Testament Men of Faith
• Socially Responsible—Reaching out to others in my sphere Tuesdays | September 9–May | 9–11:00AM | Rm 100 & 131 (Library)
of opportunity with works of service in His name Facilitators: Cheryn Huber and Ramona Gibbons
Study Guide $10
• Evangelistically Bold—Reaching out to others in my sphere
This book is designed to provide a personal
of opportunity with words of hope in His name
look at the lives of key characters found in
the Bible. The theme Following God is one
that emphasizes the importance of building a
Discipleship Model relationship with God and living a life totally
surrendered to His leading.
Quest for Authentic
y Responsib MOPS—Mothers of Pre-Schoolers
Parenting Is ciall le Manhood
So Tuesdays | September 9–May 2009 | 9:00–11:00AM | Fellowship Hall
Heart Work $6 per meeting | Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month
Fin Facilitators: Miriam Hager, 251.6964, & Lisa Rhodes, 274.0832
ed an
er c Prayer
MOPS is unique in its focus on mothers of preschoolers and




Measured understanding the needs of these critical years. MOPS offers


encouragement, relationships, and programs to meet the needs of

Passionately mothers. Child care provided.

Moms’ Committed Vision of

His Glory

r a ll y P u r e Falling in Love
Ev with Jesus Beth Moore Study
ang ld
elistically Bo Beloved Disciple: The Life and Ministry of John
Winning at Thursdays | September 11–November 20 | 9:10–11:10AM | Rm 108
The Way of
Work and at Home Thursdays | September 11–November 20 | 6:30–8:00PM | Rm 108
the Master
Facilitators: Catherine Erickson (morning) & Vickie Blair (evening)
Study Guide $15
Each of our Wednesday evening elective groups are designed As the other disciples were martyred one by
to focus on a specific area of our discipleship model as indicated. one, John remained to write his sublime Gospel
This information should help you make the right choice for proclaiming Jesus’ identity as the eternal Word of
yourself as you decide which group to attend on Wednesdays this God. In his three letters, John left a legacy of divine
fall. Check page five for a full description of each group. love to ignite the passion of future believers. And
while exiled on Patmos, John recorded his risen
Lord’s glorious revelation of victory and hope.
First Federated Church 4 Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sign-up in the foyer today to join a group!

For Parents/Grandparents— For Men—Quest for Authentic Manhood
Parenting Is Heart Work Wednesdays | September 10 – December 3 | 6:30–8PM | Rm 1250-51
Study Guide $10 | Facilitator: Allen Peterson
Wednesdays | September 10–October 29 | 6:30–8PM | Rm 1238-39
Facilitators: Hunsbergers & Stufflebeems | No Charge Men—join this exciting, uplifting study and
Learn how to give day-to-day instructions in a way that builds discover the adventure that God intends for
cooperation and responsibility. Hear practical ideas for connect- you. The Quest for Authentic Manhood is more
ing with your kids emotionally so that their hearts will be soft than just a title. It describes the very hopes and
and teachable. When parents change, children change. You’ll love challenges we face as Christian men. Today,
the difference! more than ever, we need to be connected with
other men who can help us become all that God
The Way of the Master made us to be. We need to be encouraged, held accountable, and
Wednesdays | September 10–October 29 | 6:30–8PM | Rm 1254-55 challenged. This study focuses on your core identity and gives an
Study Guide $5 | Facilitator: Terry Stark overview of basic manhood issues.
A participant said: “The Way of the Master
teaches you how to ask a few simple questions For Men—Winning at Work and at Home
that get to the person’s heart and conscience. You Wednesdays | September 10 – October 29 | 6:30–8PM | Rm 1252-53
also see it demonstrated by real people in actual Study Guide $10 | Facilitator: Aaron Baugher
situations—over and over, until you feel like you If you’ve experienced The Quest for Authentic
can do this yourself.” Tami Rondeau Manhood study, this study is the next step for
you! For most men, happiness and satisfaction
For Women—Vision of His Glory are locked up in two words—work and home.
Wednesdays | September 10–October 22 | 6:30–8PM | Rm 1240-41 This study gives you a game plan for winning
Facilitators: Deb Crivaro & Jane Lanz | Study Guide $7 in both areas. You’ll get the tools to build (or
Much more than a study of prophecy, Anne rebuild) your confidence, expand your vision,
Graham Lotz’s passionate study of the Book of develop successful life strategies, and improve your performance
Revelation looks into its awesome imagery to in your relationships at home and in your job.
reveal a majestic picture of Jesus in all His glory.
You will discover that Jesus is your only source For All—Prayer Community
of true hope, comfort, and courage for the future. Wednesdays | September 10—On-going | 6:30–8PM | Rm 108
This video-based study presents rich biblical Facilitator: Pastor Mike Rose
lessons that are both practical and encouraging Spiritual revival begins one heart at a time.
for believers facing the challenges of life. As we seek God’s working in our individual
lives, community and world, join with others for
For Women—Falling in Love with Jesus a rich time of praising God through prayer and
Wednesdays | Beginning October 29 | 6:30–8PM | Rm 1240-41 seeking His leadership as we move to impact our world for His
Study Guide $12 | Facilitator: Sharon Johnson glory.
If you are not in a deep love relationship and
feel like flipping the switch when the topics For Moms—Moms’ Prayer Group
of romance, weddings, and marriage come Wednesdays | September 10–Ongoing | 5:30–6:15PM | Rm 131 (Library)
up—don’t! Though love songs will be sung Facilitators: Lori Blake & Julie Harper
and romantic stories told, we are using these If you are a mother of a senior/junior high youth, this is a
as parables to help you understand the best wonderful opportunity for you to get together with other moms
romance, which is your relationship with Jesus, for encouragement and to pray for our youth. You can pick up a
the ultimate bridegroom for all believing women, whether you meal in Fellowship Hall and join us in prayer.
are single or married.
Card Ministry
The card ministry begins on Wednesday, Sept. 17 | 1:00-3:00PM | Rm 139
Facilitator: Carol Fugere at 274.6333
Learn how to provide biblical encouragement and support
with a creative touch through the design and creation of hand-
made greeting cards.

First Federated Church 5 Sunday, September 7, 2008

Upcoming Groups Sign-up in the foyer today to join a group!

For Men—Men’s ABF For Young Adults—The Channel
Sundays | Begins September 14 | 9:15AM Sundays | Begins September 21 | 9:15AM
Facilitator: Dan Kennedy Facilitator: Pastor Curt De Graaff & Team
Mark your calendars, Palm Pilots, whatever for September 14! Along with the kick off of The River at FFC on September 14,
This is the date for the Fall Tailgate Kick-Off for the Men’s ABF the following Sunday, September 21, we will be establishing a
group. Look for the tent in the northeast parking lot! new group—The Channel, for those aged 25–35.
Come for breakfast starting at 9AM! This ABF Group will meet at 9:15AM, initially in Fellowship
This fall we will begin John Ortberg’s If You Want to Walk on Hall. The Channel is designed primarily for those attending The
Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat. Contact Dan Kennedy, River service, but will be a great gathering and learning environ-, for additional information. ment for all young adults, whether single, engaged or married,
regardless of the worship service attended.
With the addition of Pastor Curt to our staff, we are confident
in establishing this ministry targeted to spiritually support an
important segment of the greater-Des Moines area population.
The Channel will offer an inviting time of fellowship com-
bined with teaching and discussion allowing people to establish
and deepen relationships as a part of the spiritual growth process.
Mark your calendar to check out this new group Sunday
Adult Bible Fellowship (ABFs) morning, September 21, at 9:15AM in Fellowship Hall.
Once you’ve joined us in worship, our Adult Bible Fellowships
are a great next step to connect with others and grow in your faith.
We have a variety of opportunities available that include:
Sundays | 9:15–10:30AM
The HUB (ages 18-23) | Room 244
STUDY: Life applications from God’s Word
The Channel (ages 25–35) | Fellowship Hall
Starting Sunday, September 21
Connections (born in the 1970s) | Room 1224–1226
Homebuilders (born in the 1960s) | Room 1250–1251
STUDY: Way of the Master: Learn how to impact the eternity of others
Cornerstone (born in the 1950s) | Room 1240–1241
STUDY: Revelation: The Apocalypse--book of blessing & cursing
Koinonia (all ages) | Room 1252–1253
STUDY: Philippians: Experiencing joy in all circumstances
Ezra (All ages) | Room 1118
STUDY: Verse by verse study of the Bible
Galilean (born in the 1930s) | Room 1244–1247
STUDY: Philippians: Experiencing joy in all circumstances Deacon of the Month
Jim Fealey, 255.2122 ext 139
Immanuel (born in the 1930s) | Room 1105
Our Deacons stand ready to help with the physical needs of the
Friendly Fellowship (born in the 1920s) | Room 1254–1255
STUDY: One anothers members and attenders of this fellowship. Should you have a
W.H.O. (born before the 1920s) | Room 1116 short-term, emergency need, do not hesitate to call the church
STUDY: II Chronicles & Daniel: Develop Solomon’s wisdom and Daniel’s faith office and leave a message for the “Deacon of the Month.” This
Women (all ages) | Room 208 ministry is made possible by your gifts to the Deacons’ Fund.
Worship Team | Room 1125
STUDY: James: Endurance through trials develops a mature faith
Deaconess of the Month
Cheryl Griffin | 953.5390
Prayer (all ages) | Room 100
Our Deaconesses are available to the women of the church in
Ecclesiastes | Room 1238–1239 | Biblically Measured
areas of encouragement and spiritual support. If you need a
STUDY: Learn about life and faith from the wisest man who ever lived.
listening ear and someone to pray with you, please call Cheryl.

First Federated Church 6 Sunday, September 7, 2008

This is already Day 7 of Ramadan!
Are you remembering to pray for our “cousins,” the spiritual
descendants of Ishmael?
Every day of the year, Muslims
pray five times, and the times are
based on the local times of sunrise
and sunset. In Indonesia, the first is
around 5AM, then again around noon,
4PM, 7PM and 8PM.
During Ramadan, they wake up
to eat a meal before the first prayer
time. Then they go without food and
water until the sunset prayer time.
After they eat and pray at home, they
are expected to go to the mosque for
prayers for about an hour. In the evening, they do extra reading
of the Quran. It is a challenging time, intended to help Muslims
identify with the poor and heighten their spirituality.
Pray for the Muslims around the world to develop a deep
hunger and thirst to have their sins completely forgiven. Pray they
will desire to know the full story of Isa Al Masih, Jesus Christ,
who is the perfect and complete sacrifice for their sins. Pray that
Christ will reveal this truth to their spirits! Alpha Olympic Winners
As part of the Alpha Appreciation & Celebration dinner on
July 28, Olympic sports were enjoyed by all the Alpha staff,
ADULT GROUPS including the kitchen staff. After a BBQ dinner from Famous
Dave’s, all members competed in basketball (at the children’s
Sunday Mornings | 9:15AM level), Frisbee toss (through a hula hoop on the coat rack), hole-
in-one golf putting, bean bag throwing, clothespin dropping and
Groups for All Ages
See the Adult Sunday brochure for complete listing or see page six..
ring toss. These all had assigned points, and after a hard fought
battle, the totals were added (while the participants enjoyed a
Prayer Community special ice cream bar dessert and watermelon). Then the Olympic
Wednesday Evenings | 6:30–8:00PM | Room 108 medals were handed out. Winning the bronze medal was Jeff
Maples (right side), the silver went to Eric Stromer (left side) and
The HUB (18–30 years old)
Sundays at 9:15AM— Fellowship and
worship in the HUB
Monday at 7:00PM—Ladies’ Bible study
Tuesday at 7:00PM—Men’s Bible study in the HUB
Randy Maurer (middle) walked off with the gold! A wonderful
time was had by all and now the staff is looking forward to the
next Alpha session starting tomorrow, Sept. 8.

Wednesday at 7:00PM—HUB band practice - Come and play!

Tuesday, Sept. 9 | 9-11:15AM
Guest Speaker: Sue Holcomb

September Circle Meetings Locations


Visitors are always welcome. Come and join us as we study,

fellowship, pray and learn about our missionaries.
DEBORAH ..............................................................Thursday, September 11 | 7PM
Penny Murphy, 2001 47th St., Des Moines, 277.2040
ELIZABETH .....................................................Thursday, September 11 | 9:30AM
Carol Taylor, 12535 Douglas Pkwy., Urbandale, 251.6893
ESTHER ........................................................... Thursday, September 11| 12:30PM
Christina Mitchell, 5105 Brookview Dr., West Des Moines, 224.6340
HANNAH ....................................................... Thursday, September 11 | 12:30PM
Cheryn Huber, 3824 29th St., Des Moines, 285.9235.
MARTHA ............................................................... Friday, September 12 | 9:30AM
Marian Trader, 3205 Brookview Dr., West Des Moines, 222.4439.
RUTH .............................................................. Thursday, September 11 | 12:30PM
Irene Collins, 516 13th St., West Des Moines, 274.0354 Starts next Sunday!
SARAH ..................................................................Tuesday, September 9 | 7:00PM
Debra Pedrick, 7016 Oakbrook, Urbandale, 278.8464
10:45AM | Chapel

First Federated Church 7 Sunday, September 7, 2008

ONE The contents of this page have been removed to protect the
ANOTHER privacy of those in our congregation.

Printed copies of this page can be obtained at the church.

Items found on this page include:

Pray for Those Who Grieve
Happy Birthday!
(Birthdays are listed for Federated members & missionaries)
Pray for those with Physical Needs
(In the Hospital, Upcoming Surgery/Procedures, Partial List of the Ongoing Needs of Our Members &
Our Encouragement Regular Attenders)
“Don’t just pretend to love Pray for Those Who Serve our Church
others. Really love them. Hate
what is wrong. Hold tightly to
what is good. Love each other
with genuine affection, and take
delight in honoring each other.”
Romans 12:9-10

First Federated Church 8 Sunday, September 7, 2008

MISSION ONE Reaching others for Jesus Christ
Bill & Jenni Hunt Kurt & Kathy Ritz
Mission Board: Campus Mission Board: Campus Crusade
Crusade for Christ for Christ
Location: Location: Pearland, Texas
Little Rock, Arkansas What do they do? The Ritzes
What do they do? Having utilize their gifts and training
served with FamilyLife in Nairobi for more than 18 years, in evangelism and discipleship
the Hunts have transitioned to Little Rock, Arkansas, to mas- leading students and ministry at Rice University in Houston.
sively reproduce what they were doing in Kenya. Bill’s con- Students there are highly intellectual as almost half were
tinuing health issues were a major factor in the move. He is either the valedictorian or salutatorian of their respective
International Representative for southern and eastern Africa, senior class in high school. Ritzes’ ministry seeks to engage
focused on training, mentoring and equipping national staff their intellect in the areas of apologetics and in-depth Bible
to build FamilyLife movements in 21 African countries. study. Kathy is the daughter of Daryl and Darlene Adams.
Praises: Praises:
• For a rental house until November. • They are ready to embark on another school year.
• God is opening doors for cross cultural ministry—what their Prayer Requests:
hearts are yearning for. • That they will be able to help a host of students love God
Prayer Requests: with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.
• For Bill as he is heavily involved in raising funds for a down • For the new things they are trying to work out.
payment on a house. • For the almost 40 student leaders in their ministry.
• They report for duty mid-September. • For the few professors, administrators, students and minis-
• For their four kids in home school academy. ters of the Gospel who seek to exalt Christ and make Him
“At this time, more than any other in our career as missionar- known to students.
ies, you can’t know how much it means to us that you are praying • For the Lord’s wisdom in raising four children.
for us, that you are our friends, that you like us, that you are
behind us… We are thankful for the great cloud of witnesses.” Dr. Bill Becknell
Mission Board: Agape
Rita Ibbotson Location: Moscow, Russia
Mission Board: TEAM What does he do? As a physician, Dr. Bill serves
Location: Zimbabwe/Iowa with medical and lay people, forming expedi-
What does she do? Rita is the senior tutor-in- tion teams that travel north to the arctic tundra
charge at the Karanda School of Nursing and Siberia. Teams supply and distribute
associated with the Karanda Mission Hospital. Agape health kits to the very poor and share Christ with
The hospital, in a rural area, serves the Shona people. Rita’s many who have never heard. Dr. Bill is the first American to
goal is to train nurses that are prepared to meet both physical receive a Family Practice diploma from Russia. Forty-four
and spiritual needs of their patients—also to prepare students churches have been planted.
to be active members of their churches when they finish the Praises:
program. Bible classes are included in the curriculum. • For seven teams going to Siberia and into western and north-
Praises: ern parts of Russia Sept. 6–Oct. 12.
• For all she learned through her online classes here in the Prayer Requests:
States. • For all details to fall into place, good weather, God’s protec-
Prayer Requests: tion. For God to prepare hearts of those they will encounter
• For visits to supporters, purchasing and packing. to receive Christ.
• For plans to return September 18th to take a language re- • For packing of medicines, eyeglasses, health kits—all they
fresher course; begin work at the school November 15th. can carry.
• For the people of Zimbabwe: a poor harvest means many are • For host churches as they provide Russian Bibles and Chris-
hungry, shortages of electricity, water; political run-off elec- tian literature to give to those who come for medical aid.
tion was not at all satisfactory; inflation still high. • For Donna Stanger (FFC) as she goes Sept. 2–23.
• For Marabel Kersey (FFC) as she teaches Spiritual Care to
student nurses and helps with parish nursing at Karanda,
October 6–7.

First Federated Church 9 Sunday, September 7, 2008

Revolve Tour | October 3–4 | Deposit Due!
Teen girls are invited to
Hangtimes join us for this year’s Revolve
Sept 7—Church Picnic
Sept 14—SMT Auditions 7th–12th Grades Tour (The teen version of
Sept 21—The Gathering Women of Faith). We have
Sept 28—Youth Family Potluck pre-purchased 20 tickets
and are now looking for
TODAY: Church Picnic teens that would like to
secure their spot. To do so,
In September please submit a $20 deposit
Dodge Ball | Sept. 15 | 6:00-7:30PM (nonrefundable) to Pastor Howie by Sept. 13. Total cost is $90,
Yep! We’re bringing it back! We will be having weekly match- including hotel, a lunch, and registration. The actual conference
ups on Monday nights, 6:00-7:30PM. Parents and youth leaders is Oct. 3rd and 4th, in Minneapolis, MN. Moms, we need you as
are welcome too! (basically anyone who loves dodge ball). Look chaperones/drivers – see Howie ASAP if you can help!
for Heirborn vs. Hub match-ups during the school year! September
SMT Auditions/interviews | Sept 14 Church Picnic ...............................................................................................................7
Be sure to fill out an application by Sunday, Sept. 7 (today), SMT auditions/interviews .....................................................................................14
then pray about how God would have you serve in the 2008–2009 Beaverdale Parade .................................................................................................. 20
school year. You can serve on Worship Team, Greeting, Prayer, The Gathering (Backdoor).....................................................................................21
See You At the Pole ................................................................................................ 24
Follow-up, Events, Media, and Drama Teams. Let God lead as
Youth Family Potluck ............................................................................................. 28
you commit to serve.
Beaverdale Parade | Sept 20 Revolve Tour (Minneapolis, MN)......................................................................3–4
Join us on this day for the Beaverdale parade as we work SMT meeting ................................................................................................................5
together as a church to run our float. This year’s theme is “Going Bonfire at Stufflebeems’ ........................................................................................12
Green.” We will need help decorating the float as well—see Todd Family Fun Night ..................................................................................................... 24
Pierce to help. Report at 8AM. Paintball ...................................................................................................................... 26
Youth Family Potluck | Sept 28 November
Join us in Fellowship Hall and bring a covered dish to share. Movie Night | Madagascar 2 ...................................................................................2
We will meet briefly to discuss the upcoming ministry year at JH Blitz ............................................................................................................................7
Heirborn and also get updates on your family’s contact info. SH Turkey Trek (Retreat) ................................................................................. 14–16
Turkey Fest ..................................................................................................................16
Prayer card photos will be taken that day to help our church pray
Howland Home—Football .................................................................................. 30
for each student.

Financial Report
Attendance 08/31/08
8:00AM .........................................260
General Fund Offering
Last Week
10:45AM ....................................... 582 Weekly Need ........................$34,889 Regular Submission Deadline: Tuesdays by noon
Budgeted Missions: Offering ............................... $29,802 We prefer that items be submitted electronically!
Year to Date: 9/1/07-present Shortage.............................. ($5,086) E-Mail:
Need ................................... $278,537 Year to Date: 9/1/07-present All submitted items are subject to submission guidelines and editorial review by
Offering .............................. $277,893 Need ................................. $1,849,117 the church staff. FFC reserves the right to edit submissions for length.
Shortage................................. ($644) Offering .......................... $1,726,703 Disclaimer:
Mortgage Shortage......................... ..($122,414) First Federated Church does not claim to own any copyright privileges on items
Current Balance .................. $663,611 printed in this newspaper, unless otherwise stated. All items published are
Next Payment September 25 quoted in good faith and believed to be free for circulation or public domain.

First Federated Church 10 Sunday, September 7, 2008


It’s a NEW KZ Have you registered for Wednesday nights?

Church with a NEW Wednesday night clubs and classes for everyone start this
Wednesday, September 10 at 6:30PM. If you haven’t pre-regis-
location! tered, registration forms are available in the Children’s Ministry
KZ Church is expanding
office for Puggles, Bible Buddies and AWANA. You may also
to include K-4th grade and
register at the door; however, please allow a few extra minutes
it all begins TODAY! That’s
to complete the process before 6:30. We’re looking forward to a
right, the 3rd and 4th graders
great year with the kids!
are invited to come on back
to KZ Church. We’re excited Puggles—Ages 2 and young 3s
to have the whole gang to- The evening is full of Bible stories, snacks,
gether again! crafts, music and play and uses great new cur-
We are in a NEW LOCA- riculum from AWANA.
TION, too. You’ll find us in
Room 240--on the 2nd floor, midway down the south hallway. (If Bible Buddies—Ages 3 (by
you don’t know the way, follow the colored footprints.) Sept. 15) or 4 and not yet in kindergarten.
Come join your friends and make some new friends, too! The preschoolers are learning Bible
stories and memorizing Bible verses as well
Candy, Candy, Candy! as enjoying crafts, games and music.
It’s almost time for two favorite fall
events, the Beaverdale Parade (Sept. 20) and AWANA Sparks—K-2nd Grade
Federated Fall Fun Night (Oct. 24). That
means we need LOTS of candy! Please bring AWANA T and T—3rd and 4th
bags of individually wrapped candies to the
The evening consists of
buckets you’ll find all around the building
large group council times with
during the next few weeks. Thank You!
Bible lessons and applications (and
some crazy characters, too), small
group time to work on handbooks
and memory verses and game time
in the gym. Special theme nights like
“Hawaiian Night” and “Pie in the
Face Night” and seasonal parties make for extra fun throughout
the year.

Xteme PM—5th and

6th graders
Get ready for fun and
learning preteen-style! The
games are crazy. The food is plentiful and the studies are geared
to meet the interests and needs of kids who are growing in their
faith and have plenty of great questions.

Don’t miss Wednesday nights as a family this fall!

Prayer Community
Wednesday Evenings | 6:30–8:00PM | Room 108

Starts next Sunday!

10:45AM | Chapel

First Federated Church 11 Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wednesday Night Meal Sympathy
Fellowship Hall | 5-6:30PM Our sympathy is extended to those in our church family who
Children (age 2-12) $2 | Adults $3 | Family $10 | Make reservations on have lost loved ones recently:
the Care & Communication Card before noon on Mondays.
Sept 10: Grilled Hamburgers, Baked Beans, Macaroni Salad, Cookies
Pat Harker at the death of her sister-in-law, Patty Merritt.
Please come for dinner! The Wednesday Night Meals Women Alone Serving
Ministry Team will be cooking and serving dinner beginning Because the Women Alone Serving group has diminished in
September 10. Dinner is served from 5:00 to 6:30PM. Whether size, we will no longer be meeting on the fourth Thursday of each
you’re bringing your kids to activities, participating in an adult month. Thank you for your support through the years. We hope
class or just hungry, FFC’s Wednesday night meal is a great place you will continue to serve the Lord in different areas of the church.
to meet new friends, get reacquainted and enjoy a meal together!
Each week’s menu is posted on the Care & Communication
Card where you can make your reservation for that week. Reser- VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
vations are appreciated as it helps us to plan and prepare the right
quantities of food—we want to have plenty for everyone yet not Wednesday Night Meals
be wasteful. Looking for a place to serve at FFC this fall? Join the
Make plans to join your FFC family for dinner beginning Wednesday Night Meals Ministry Team! Many volunteers are
Wednesday, September 10. We look forward to seeing you! needed to help shop, cook, serve or clean up. This is a great
service opportunity for individuals as well as any small group.
Iowa Right to Life Book Sale Contact Harriet Labertew at 276.1980 or Tammy Claiborne at
September 9-13 | 7 Flags Event Center 282.8505 for information.
Thanks for all your donations to this great cause.
Beaverdale Parade
60 Plus Saturday Morning, September 20
Tuesday, September 16 | 11:00AM Would you like to be a good neighbor to the community
Fellowship Hall
around FFC? We are entering two floats this year, one general
For the program Marlin Docter
FFC and the other featuring the worship band from The River.
will be presenting his magic show. He
might even tell you how he does the Candy! Candy! Candy!
tricks. In addition, he’ll tell you about We need all kinds of wrapped candy to
some of his past work in building hand out at the parade. Buckets will be set up
churches in foreign countries. There for collection on Sunday, September 7 and 14
is a bit of magic in that also. A light-hearted presentation that (and then throughout the rest of September and
you’ll enjoy. October for Fall Fun Night candy donations).
The meal will be chicken-rice casserole, green beans, salad, Help with Assembly
rolls.... and yes, pie! To drink, your choice of coffee or iced tea. We need help assembling the floats, give-aways and painting
Cost: $3 per person. To make your reservation, check the signs. We will meet next Saturday, September 13, at 9:00AM in
appropriate box on the Care & Communication Card or call room 118 (across from the gyms).
Colleen at the church office, 255.2122, no later than noon on Day of Parade
Friday, September 12. The day of the parade, September 20, we need people to be
hosts at our refreshment table outside, and inside directing visi-
September tors to the bathrooms (8:00AM). We also want about 90 people, of
Meals from the Heartland (Hy-Vee Hall) ...............................................................1–9
All Church Picnic .........................................................................................................7
all ages, to walk alongside the floats handing out candy and flyers
Alpha Begins (Backdoor | 6:00PM) .....................................................................................8 promoting FFC and our current 3-service format (9AM-Noon).
Iowa Right to Life Book Sale (7 Flags Event Center) ..............................................9–13 Please call John Porter at the church office with any questions.
Women in the Word Begins.................................................................................... 9
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) First Meeting (Fellowship Hall | 9:00AM)...........9
Wednesday Night Meals Begin ...........................................................................10
Wednesday Night Activities Begin ....................................................................10
Beth Moore Study Begins .....................................................................................11
For Men—Men’s ABF Begins (Tailgate NE Parking Lot | 9:15AM) ..................................14
The River Kick-Off (Chapel | Sundays | 10:45AM) ...............................................................14
60 Plus (Fellowship Hall | 11:00AM) ......................................................................................16
Beaverdale Parade .................................................................................................. 20
For Young Adults—The Channel Begins (Fellowship Hall | 9:15AM) .......................21
Men’s Retreat (Twin Lakes Christian Center) .............................................................26–28

October Starts next Sunday!

Life Chain (Merle Hay Road | 2–3:30PM) ..............................................................5 10:45AM | Chapel

First Federated Church 12 Sunday, September 7, 2008

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