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Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

3. I'd like a boss _who___ is generous and optimistic!
I know I'm being _pessimistic___, but I don't think my exam results will
A) who
be very good. B) whose
A) dull C) which
B) passive
C) pessimistic 4. That's the quiet woman _whose___ office is next to mine! I never
hear her talking to anyone.
Please don't point at everyone. It's so _impolite___. A) that
A) charming B) whose
B) impolite C) who
C) talkative 5. Melissa has a few qualities __that__ I find very annoying, but I still
like her.
A) that
Julia is extremely _charming___. She's so pleasant and attractive.
B) whose
A) insecure C) who
B) pessimistic 6. This is the book __that__ helped me improve my personality.
C) charming A) who
B) whose
Jack is so __self-centered__. He's only interested in himself and his C) that
own feelings. Choose the correct relative pronoun (who, which,whose):
A) self-centered
B) optimistic 1. He is the man _____who_________ saved the kid.
C) generous
2. The camera ____which________ you bought yesterday is
on sale today.
1. Being generous is a personality trait _that___ I admire.
A) that 3. I won't eat in a restaurant _____whose___chefs smoke.
B) who
C) whose 4. He bought a car ____which_________ is 10 years old.
2. Will is a person __that__ never has anything nice to say about
others. 5. The farmer, _____whose___________ name was Fred, sold
A) what
B) which us 10 kilos of potatoes.
C) that
6. She drank the juice ____which_______ she made. A lion is an animal. It is very strong.
__ A lion is an animal who is very strong._______
7. To calm his angry wife, Joey offered an apology

_________whose______________ Francine did not accept.

8. Brian said goodnight to his roommate Justin,

______who___________ continued to play video games.

9. Do you know the boy __whose____mother is a nurse?

10. Kerry Ann, ___who_______ hates spiders, wears bug-

stomping boots wherever she goes.

Re write the sentences using the relative clauses:

He drank the juice. He made it.

______He drank the juice which made it. _________

Wolves are animals. They live in packs.

_____Wolves are animals who live in packs. ___________________

A detective is someone. He discovers the truth about crimes.

_ A detective is someone who discovers the truth about crimes. ______

The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday.

____ The sweets that I bought them yesterday are delicious

The football match was very exciting. My friend played in it.

___ The football match whose friend played in it was very exciting. _______

The letter hasn't arrived yet. I posted it three days ago.

____ The letter hasn't arrived yet that I posted it three days ago.

My mother lives in Edinburg. She visited me last week.

_______ My mother who lives in Edinburg visited me last week. _____

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