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Soal Pilihan Ganda Materi Future Continuous Tense

1. Hary and susi …… in love each other.

a. Falling
b. Fall
c. Will falling
d. Will be falling

2. I together with my friend …on Carita beach tomorrow.

a. To walk
b. Walk
c. Walking
d. Will be walking

3. They will …running away the next week.

a. Keep
b. Be keeping
c. Keeping
d. Keep to

4. He … many books next day

a. Is bring
b. Bring
c. Will be bringing
d. Will be bring

5. I will …soto when my mom will come tomorrow.

a. Eat
b. Be eat
c. Eating
d. Be eating

6. You will be … this computer when I will come.

a. Repair to
b. Repairing
c. Have repair
d. Repair

7. She … the food for her husband next morning.

a. Will cooking
b. Cook
c. Cooking
d. Will be cooking
8. My parents will be . . . . . a movie tonight.
a. Watching
b. Watch
c. Watched
d. Watches

9. They . . . . . at nine tomorrow morning.

a. Are fishing
b. Will be fishing
c. Go fishing
d. Will fishing

10. Manda and Kiki will not . . . . . the meal when you arrive at home.
a. Cook
b. Cooking
c. Be cooking
d. Cooked 

11. Reny …. at the office when you arrive.

a. Have working
b. Has working
c. Will work
d. Will be working

12. My father . . . . . teaching at 10 a.m tomorrow.

a. Will
b. Will be
c. Is
d. Will

13. My sister will not ... at holiday.

a. Studies
b. Studying
c. Be studying
d. Studied

14. I will …football with my friends tomorrow.

a. Watching
b. Watch
c. Be watching
d. Be watch

15. Kiki . . . . . Nita tomorrow.

a. Will helps
b. Am helping
c. Will be helping
d. Help
16. My mother will be . . . . . when I arrive.
a. Sleeping
b. Sleeps
c. Sleep
d. Slept

17. Will you be . . the candles and the cake for Tari’s birthday?
a. Bringing
b. Bring
c. Brought
d. Brings

18. George will be . . . Indonesia at 9 a.m tomorrow.

a. Leaving
b. Leave
c. Left
d. Live

19. They will be ... dinner at Mr.Crab restaurant tonight.

a. Have
b. Having
c. Had
d. Has

20. Mia … going to the school tomorrow.

a. is
b. Would
c. Will
d. Will be


1. Jelaskan rumus kalimat positif beserta contohnya!

2. Jelaskan rumus kalimat negatif beserta contohnya!

3. Jelaskan rumus kalimat interogatif beserta contohnya!

4. Jelaskan penggunaan keterangan waktu beserta contohnya!

5. Tuliskan fungsi future continuous tense! 


1. d. Will be falling
2. d. Will be walking
3. b. Be keeping
4. c. Will be bringing
5. d. Be eating
6. b. Repairing
7. d. Will be cooking
8. a. Watching
9. b. Will be fishing
10. c. Be cooking
11. d. Will be working
12. b. Will be
13. c. Be studying
14. c. Be watching
15. c. Will be helping
16. a. Sleeping
17. a. Bringing
18. a. Leaving
19. b. Having
20. d. Will be

5. What is the helping verb of future continuous tense?

6. When future continuous tense is used?

7. What is the future continuous tense?

8. When should we use future continuous tense?

9. What are the rules of future continuous tense?

10. Tuliskan definisi future continuous tense!

11. Tuliskan fungsi future continuous tense!  


1. Rumus yang digunakan dalam kalimat future continuous tense adalah: subject + will/shall +
be +verb-ing. Penggunaan will digunakan untk objek seperti I, you, they, we, he, she, it.
Sedangkan penggunaan shall digunakan untuk objek I dan we. Contoh kalimatnya, antara lain:
1. Mikaela will be running in a marathon race this Sunday morning.
2. I will be staying with my sister for a week.
3. I will be eating at 7 o’clock tonight.
4. I shall be returning the book to the library this evening.
5. He will be coming to my birthday party tomorrow.

2. Selain kalimat positif, ada juga kalimat negatif yang digunakan dalam kalimat future
continuous tense. Pembedanya hanyalah tambahan not atau tidak setelah will atau shall.
Rumus yang digunakan adalah: subject + will/shall + not + be + verb ing + complement. Adapun
contoh kalimatnya adalah:
1. I will not be staying with my sister for a week.
2. Erika will not be competing against Mikaela in the race when the race starts.
3. Due to the new regulations of our office, we shall not be eating in our room starts from
tomorrow morning.
4. She will not be coming to your farewell party next week.
5.He will not be playing games for a month.
3. Tidak hanya berlaku untuk kalimat pernyataan, ada juga rumus future continuous tense untuk
kalimat tanya atau yang bersifat interogatif. Rumus yang digunakan adalah will /shall+ subject +
be + verb-ing + complement. Jika dalam kalimat pernyataan will dan shall diletakkan setelah
objek, dalam kalimat tanya will dan shall diletakkan di paling depan. Contoh kalimatnya adalah:
1. Will Sunny and Rain be watching Mikaela race this Sunday evening?
2. Will I be sleeping in this room?
3. Will you be coming to Susi’s farewell party?
4. Shall you be returning this tray to that counter, please?
5. Will James be exercising at the gym?

4. Dalam menggunakan future continuous tense, ada keterangan waktu yang perlu ditulis untuk
menjelaskan masa depan. Maka dari itu, kamu bisa menggunakan keterangan waktu di bawah
ini sebagai referensi.
1. Tomorrow night: Besok malam
2. Next year on April: Tahun depan pada bulan April
3. Tonight at seven o’clock: Nanti malam jam 07.00
4. At this time tomorrow: Pada waktu ini besok
5. At six o’clock tomorrow morning: Pada jam 6 besok pagi
6. At this time next year: Pada saat ini tahun depan

5. Helping verbs "will be" or "shall be" are used in sentence. 1st form of verb + ing is used as
main verb in sentence. Helping verb "will" is used with subject (He, She, It, You, They and
names) whereas helping verb "shall" is used with subject (I and We).

6. The future continuous tense is used to talk about future events that will be in progress at a
specific time in the future. We often use this structure to make a contrast between a present
event and a future event. This time tomorrow I will be lying on the beach. This time tomorrow I
will be celebrating my birthday.

7. The future continuous refers to an unfinished action or event that will be in progress at a time
later than now. The future continuous is used for quite a few different purposes.
8. We use the future continuous to talk about an action in the future that overlaps another,
shorter action or a time. The action in the future continuous usually starts before and might
continue after the second action or time. This is very similar to how we use the past continuous
in the past.

9. The Future Continuous tense is a verb tense that indicates that something will occur in the
future and continue for an expected length of time. It is formed using the construction will + be +
V-ing (present participle). Example: I will be singing in the concert tomorrow.

10. Future continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk tense dalam bahasa Inggris yang biasanya
disebut juga dengan future progressive tense. Penggunaaan tense ini menunjukkan bahwa
suatu kejadian akan terjadi di masa depan dan terus berlanjut untuk beberapa waktu. Hal yang
penting untuk diingat adalah bahwa suatu kejadian yang digambarkan dengan tense ini memiliki
durasi waktu

11. Adapun fungsi Future Continuous Tense adalah:

1. Menyatakan sebuah kegiatan yang akan atau sedang dilakukan pada suatu waktu di masa
yang akan datang atau di masa depan dengan keterangan waktu yang spesifik. Contoh: Henry
will call you at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.
2. Menunjukkan kejadian mana yang sedang berlangsung di masa depan ketika ada kejadian
lain yang juga terjadi di masa depan. Contoh: I will be playing games when you come tonight
3. Mengajukan sebuah pertanyaan dengan sopan dan formal yang bertujuan untuk
menyampaikan niat seseorang. Contoh: Will you be coming home?

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