The Making of The Ultimate Maria Sharapova

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The Making of the Ultimate Maria Sharapova

Tennis is a very famous sport which has been played years before it gained its popularity in
today’s time. And throughout the years, there are many successful tennis players who have shown
that this sport can change your like in a minute. And that is the same thing that had happened to the
life of Maria Sharapova.

Sharapova is known for her undeniable great career in the tennis field. There is no doubt that
the woman she is today is primarily because of the things she has done for herself and for her family.
I relation to this, it could be recognized that when she was only 6 years old, she and her father
decided to move in the United States in order to continue her dream living her mom in Russia.
Apparently, Sharapova’s disposition back then was complex as they do not have the sufficient
amount of money to support all of her undertakings. But as she goes along, the world came to
acknowledged her great potential as she was able to beat the famous Serena Williams in the
Wimbledon Championship in 2004 when she was only 17.

With all of these being said, it could be realized that Maria Sharapova possesses principles
which enabled her to be successful in her chosen field. To begin with, she clearly displayed mental
toughness on her endeavors. Considering the fact that she had faced financial issues while starting
her career, she insisted to bear in mind that everything will fall on its place on the right time. Given
that, she was able to meet people and organizations that helped her along the way. In addition to
this, it can also be understood that her strong personality became one of the factors for her thriving
career. In accordance to Social Learning Theory, Maria Sharapova’s behavior depicts a woman who
adapts and learn to challenger her environment.

As of the moment, Maria Sharapova has ender her tennis career for almost 3o years of being
in the field. Beyond that, she was named to be one of the highest paid sportswoman by Forbes. After
all, she will be remembered as one of the goats of tennis who possesses mental toughness,
polarizing personality, determination, and impactful behavior for her inspiring story.
Tonya Harding’s Obstructed Future

Appearing on American television today as a personality, Tonya Harding is unquestionably

known for being one of the skaters who tried to become successful in the field. However, her urge to
be on top of the mountain as she is the one to blame herself. Harding’s disposition to succeed made
her to be a catastrophe in the sports of women skating.

At first, Tonya Harding’s career is going well. She was recognized for her jumping techniques
and astonishing styles on skating. And in year 1990, she then managed to won the Skate America
and the Nations Cup that served to be the strong foundation for her thriving success back then. Until
one day, Tonya Harding was involved on one of the most infamous controversies in the history of
sports. The 1990 champion was proven to hire a man who stabbed Nancy Kerrigan- her greatest
competition that time. Because of that, Nancy Kerrigan was disabled and cannot continue to
compete. After that incident, it was found out that the incident is because of Tonya Harding.

Given the scandalous past of Tonya Harding, it can be concluded that her principle mainly
adheres the sense of anxiety and arousal. Being afraid of getting the spotlight away from her,
Harding destroyed someone else’s future which is definitely unacceptable. Her arousal of too much
competitiveness affected her character and mental state. In relation to this, another pertinent idea
that can be associated to her is the Social Learning Theory. Appearing to be nice and fair, Harding’s
behavior has changed because of her sense of gluttony. Even though she has commendable skills
when it comes to skating, her goal setting was truly unacceptable. After that happened, life has been
hard for her as she was sued and limited for entering the US National Skating Team again. Her desire
to continue and find success along the way was destructed by herself.

Considering Tonya Harding’s sport career, it can be fathomed that cheating will always bring a
bad effect to you – instantly or along the way. Besides, winning and succeeding will not be gratifying
if you will break your own principles to get your desired fame. Most importantly, principles and
character plays a very important role in the world of sports.

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