2011 Virtusa Placement Paper: Chennai

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2011 Virtusa Placement Paper, Chennai
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2011 Virtusa Placement Paper:-

Directions (1-8): Each of the following questions is based on a set of facts. Choose the
correct answer in each case.

1. The workers union of Grain Corp, a grain-processing plant, is attempting to obtain a pay
raise from Grian Corp management. To pressurize the Graincorp management into accepting
the union's proposal, the president of the union has proposed a boycott against Square Mart
food stores, which are owned by Mega Food, the parent company of the GrainCorp.
The answer to which of the following is LEAST directly relevant to the union president's
consideration of whether a boycott of Square Mart will lead to acceptance of their pay rate

(1) Are the staple food products purchased by the consumers at Square Mart stores readily
available at other stores not owned by Mega Food?
(2) Would the loss of business at Square Mart stores materially affect Mega Food?
(3) How many Square Marts are within the region of the GrainCorp plant?
(4) Is Mega Food the only corporation that operates both grain-processing plants and Stores?

2. The owner of a four-story commercial building discovered termites in the building's first
and second floors and called an exterminator. The exterminator pumped gar into the walls on
both the first and second floors. Due to the exterminator's work the termites on those floors
were killed quickly.
Which of the following if true, most seriously undermines the validity of the explanation for
the speed with which the termites were killed?

(1) Even though the exterminator did not pump gas into the walls of the fourth storey, the
termites there died as quickly as they did on the first and second storeys.
(2) The third floor had on termite infestation.
(3) The speed at which termites are killed increase as the concentration of an exterminator's
gas increases.
(4) The speed with which the exterminator's gas kills termites drops off sharply as the gas
dissipates throughout the building's walls.

3. A chemical company recently introduced a new type of foam spray that it claims will
reduce the rate of erosion from walls of road cuts. A study by the company showed that the
rate of erosion was low on a road cut where the from was applied.
Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the company's conclusion?

(1) Because the foam itself weathers, the foam would have to be reapplied every four years
in order to maintain protection against erosion.
(2) Road cuts similar to the one studied typically show low rates of erosion without the foam.
(3) Studies by the company that produces the material are sometimes unreliable because of
conflicts of interest.
(4) The rate of erosion from the road cut in the study was greater then expected based on
computer simulation models.

4. The Laysan Rail, an insectivore bird once present on several of the Hawaiian Islands, can
no longer be found and is thought to be extinct. Scientist originally thought that a decrease in
the amount of ground vegetation available for nesting was responsible for the decline of the
bird. However, for the decline that increased competition for food was ultimately responsible
for the Latsan Rail's inability to survive.
When of the following would best help to account for the change in the accepted explanation
for the Laysan Rail's extinctions?

(1) When attempts were made to relocate the Laysan Rail to other islands, the birds lost the
geographical cues that they relied on for finding mating sites.
(2) The vegetation on the Laysan Rail's home island was decimated when rabbits were
introduced to the island in the 1910s.
(3) The Laysan Rail builds nests under dense ground cover to protect the eggs.
(4) An increase in the use of pesticide resulted in a decrease in the numbers of flies and
moths present in the Laysan Rail's territory.

5. Retail clothing stores hold “one day only” sales to clear merchandise that has been
returned because it is defective in some way. The stores should sell this merchandise for up
to 70 percent less then the original retail price. Stores will find these sales to be an effective
way of getting rid of defective merchandise as long as they inform customers that the
discounted merchandise is non-returnable.
The author assumes which of the following about the “one-day only” sale merchandise in
predicting the effectiveness
of these sale?

(1) The rate of returns when merchandise is new makes this “one day only” sale key to a
store profitably.
(2) The defects in the merchandise are not so significant that customers will be unwilling to
pay even the sale price.
(3) Too few shoppers purchase merchandise at full retail price.
(4) If these sales become popular, then stores will have to have them more after.

6. “Some me are certainly intelligent, others are certainly not intelligent, but of intermediate
men, we should say, 'intelligent'? Yes. I think so, or no, I shouldn't be inclined to call him
Which of the following most accurately reflects the intention of writer of the above?

(1) Every empirical concept has a degree of vagueness.

(2) To call men intelligent who are not strikingly so much be to use the concept with undue
(3) Calling someone intelligent or not depends upon one's whim.
(4) There is no need to be as indecisive as the writer of the above.

7. A highly cohesive work group is a prerequisite for high team performance. Sociologists
point that the association between groups cohesion and success is owing to the support
individual team members give to one another and their acceptance of the group’s goals and
Each of the following, if true, either providers support for or cannot weaken the sociologists'
assumption about the relationship between cohesion and success EXCEPT

(1) University researchers found that there was a significant correlation between team
productivity and the extent to which team members understood and complied with the
group's objectives.
(2) A group of Japanese researchers found that successful work teams were headed by
dominant leaders.
(3) American researchers found that successful team member tended to rate their fellow
members more favorable.
(4) Industrial Psychologists in the UK found that work groups who tended to participate in
after hours social activities were more productive.

8. Many business offices are located in buildings having two to eight floors. If a building has
more than three floors, then it has a lift if the statements above are true, then which of
following must also be true?
(1) Seventh floors have lifts.
(2) Second floors do not have lifts.
(3) Only floors above the third floors have lifts.
(4) All floors may be reached by lifts.

Directions (9-12): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given
below them:

After months of talent searching for an Administrative Assistant to the President of the
college, the field of applicants has been narrowed down to five (A, B, C, D, and E,). It was
announced that the finalist would be chosen after holding a series of all day group personal
interviews. The examining committee agreed upon the following procedure:
(I) The interviews will be held once a week.
(II) Not more then three candidates will appear at any all-day interview session.
(III) Each candidate will appear at least once.
(IV) If it becomes necessary to call applicants for additional interview, then not more than
one such applicant should be asked to appear the next week.
(V) Because of a detail in the written application, it was agreed that whenever Candidate B
appears, A should also present.
(VI) Because of the travel difficulties, it was agreed that C will appear for only one

9. At the first interview, the following candidates appear: A,B and D. Which of the following
combinations can be called for the interview to be held the next week?
1) CDE
2) BCD
3) ABE
4) ABC

10. Which of the following is a possible sequence of combinations for interviews in two

successive weeks?

11. If A, B and D appear at the interviews and D is called for an additional interview the
following week, then which two candidates may be asked to appear with D?
I. A
1) I and III only
2) I and II only
3) II and III only
4) III and IV only

12. Which of the following correctly states the procedure followed by the search committee?
I. After the second interview, all the applicants have appeared at least once.
II. The committee sees at least one applicant a second time.
III. If a third session is held, then it is possible for all the applicants to appear at least twice.

1) II only
2) I only
3) I and II only
4) III only

13. There are seven persons up on the ladder. 'A' is further up than 'E' but is lower than ‘C’,
'B' is in the middle. 'G' is between 'A' and ‘B’. 'E' is between 'B' and ‘F’. If 'F' is between 'B'
and ‘D’, then the person on the top of the ladder will be

1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D

14. I am proceeding towards North. I take a turn to my right. After some time I take a turn to
my left and again to my left. Then I go to my right. After some distance I again turn towards
my right. The direction in which I am moving now

1) East
(2) West
(3) North
(4) South

15. A student scores 55% marks in 8 papers of 100 marks each. He scores 15% of his total
marks in English. How much does he score in English?

1) 55
2) 66
3) 77
4) 44
5) None of these

16. In a class, 6 students can speak gujarati, 15 can speak Hindi and 6 can speak Marathi. If
two students can speak two languages and one student can speak all the three languages, then
how many students are there in the class?

1) 21
(3) 23
(4) 24



printf(I=%d i=%d",++i,++i) 
} Ans) vary compiler to compiler 
{ unsigned char i=0x80; 
} Ans)256 

~B ; 

Ans) 0xFFFF 

Func(int a, intb) 

int a; 
return a; 
} will there be any error and some other options are there.

Ans) No error. 

19. Find the sum 72, 70, 68,66,......................40?

20.The layer in the OST model handles terminal emulation

a) session
b) application
c) presentation
d) transport
Category IT

SubCategory Placement Papers

Location Chennai

Company Virtusa

About Virtusa India:-

Virtusa Corporation (NASDAQ: VRTU) is a global information technology (IT) services

company providing IT consulting, technology and outsourcing services. 

Virtusa Corporation serve Global 2000 companies and the leading software vendors in
Communications & Technology, Banking & Financial Services, Insurance,
Telecommunications, and Media, Information & Entertainment industries. We build and
sustain application platforms for our clients that create competitive advantage.

Why Virtusa - Why should i join Virtusa?:-

One of the fastest growing companies. Virtusa has been ranked in the 2008 CRN Fast
Growth 100 list. With over 3600 vibrant associates, 56 global clients, office locations in
US, UK, India & SL, and a dynamic leadership team, Virtusa is a rising star in the
Information Technology and software services space.
Focus on Innovation. Innovation isn’t just a buzz word at Virtusa; it’s one of the pillars on
which we operate and differentiate ourselves from competitors. Virtusa’s dedicated Centers
of Excellence, training programs in emerging technology, leading edge forums and blogs
drives innovation and constantly ensure that we stay at the cutting edge of technology.
Pioneer and best practitioner of GDM. All our projects are delivered through an enhanced
global delivery model with a best-in-class 20/80 on-site/offshore ratio.
Contact Details Address of Virtusa India:-

Virtusa (India) Pvt. Ltd. 

Block B, 2nd Floor, Cyber Gateway, 
Madhapur, Hyderabad – 500018. 
Telephone: +91 402 341 4200. 
Facsimile: +91 402 341 2310
Apply Now http://www.virtusa.com/careers/our-values.asp
Posted date Tuesday, February 01, 2011

2010 Virtusa Placement Paper, Chennai

About 2010 Virtusa Placement Paper Add to ShortList

Welcome to Virtusa Placement Papers 2010. Here you will find Virtusa Placement Papers
Pattern and Download questions of Virtusa Placement Papers 2010 with Answers &

2010 Virtusa Placement Paper:-

Directions (1 - 3): Study the following in formation carefully and answer the question given
below them:

I. There is a family of five persons A,B,C,D and E.

II. They are working as a doctor a teacher, a trader, a lawyer and a farmer.
III. B, an unmarried teacher, is the daughter of A.
IV. E, a lawyer, is the brother of C.
V. C is the husband of the only married couple in the family.
VI. A, a farmer, is a farther of two sons and an unmarried daughter.
VII. Daughter-in-law of A is a doctor.

1. Which of the following is a group of female members in the family?

1) D and E
2) B and D
3) A,C and E
4) B and C

2. which of the following is the married couple?

1) C and D
2) A and B
3) A and D
4) B and D

3. Which of the following is a group of male members in the family?

1) B and D
2) A, B and C
3) A, C and E
4) A, C and D

Directions (4 - 6): Read the following information to answer these questions:

For getting selected as a Marketing Manager in a company, the candidate must:

I. Be a graduate with at least 50% marks.
II. Have secured at least 40% marks in the Written Test.
III. Not be less than 24 years and more then 29 years as on October 10, 1997.
IV. Should have work experience of at least two years as an officer.
However, if a candidate:
V. Fulfills all other criteria except at (IV) above but has a diploma in Marketing
Management, his/her case is to be referred to the General Manager, Marketing.
VI. Fulfills all other criteria except at (III) above but has worked as Marketing Officer at
least for three years, his/her case is to be referred to the Director, Marketing.
Based on the above criteria and the information given each of the questions 16 to18, you
have to take the decision with regard to each case. You are not to assume anything. These
cases are given to you as on October 10, 1997.

Mark your answer as

(1) If the candidate is not to be appointed
(2) If the candidate is to be referred to the Director, Marketing.
(3) If the data given are not sufficient to take the decision
(4) If the candidate is be referred to the General Manager, Marketing

4. Amit Khanna, born on June 5, 1973, has done his post-graduation in Marketing
Management with first class. He has secured 50% marks in the written Test. He has been
working in an organisation as a Marketing Officer for the last four years.

5. Rohit verma has been working in as organisation as Officer for the least ten years. His date
of birth is February 17, 1964, He has secured 60% marks in the Degree Examination And
40% marks in the Written Test.
6. Manju Sharma is a first class graduate and has done a diploma in Marketing Management.
She has secured 50% marks in the written Test. She was 23 years old as on September 5,

Directions (7 - 8): Find the set which is most similar to the given set:

7. Given Set : (6, 15, 28)

1) (46, 56, 66)

2) (50, 59, 71)
3) (60, 69, 72)
4) (60, 69, 82)

8. Given Set : (81, 77, 69)

1) (64, 61, 53)

2) (56, 52, 44)
3) (92, 88, 79)
4) (75, 71, 60)

Directions (9- 11): Study the information given below to answer these questions:

(i) A certain city is served by six subway lines, designated by the letters A, B and C, and the
numbers 1,2 and 3.
(ii) When it snows, morning service on the B line is delayed.
(iii) When it rains or snows, service on the A, 2 and 3 lines is delayed both in the morning as
well as in the afternoon.
(iv) When the temperature drops below 30o F, afternoon service if cancelled on either the A
line or the 3 line, but not both.
(v) When the temperature rises above 90o F, afternoon service is cancelled on either the C
line or the 3 line, but not both.
(vi) When service on the A line is cancelled, service on the C line, which connects the A line,
is delayed
(vii) When service on the 3 line is cancelled, service on the B line which connects the 3 line,
is delayed.

9. On January 10, with the temperature at 15o F, it snows all day. On how many lines will
the service be affected, both in the morning as well as in the afternoon?

1) 3
2) 2
3) 4
4) 5

10. On August 15, with the temperature at 97o F, it begins to rain at 1 p.m. What is the
minimum number of lines on which the service will be affected?
1) 3
2) 2
3) 4
4) 5

11. On which of the following occasions would service on the least number of lines be
1) A snowy morning with temperature 45o F
2) A snowy afternoon with temperature 45o F
3) A rainy morning with temperature 45o F
4) A snowy afternoon with temperature 20o F

Directions (12- 13): Six products U,V,W, X,Y, and Z are to be placed in display windows of
a shop. There are six display windows 1,2,3,4,5,6, and one product is to be displayed in one
window. Moreover, U cannot be displayed immediately to the left or immediately to the right
of V. W must be displayed immediately to the left of X. Z cannot be displayed in window
number 6.

12. Which of the following products cannot be displayed in window number 1?

1) V
2) U
3) W
4) X

13. If X is displayed in window number 3, then W must be displayed in which window?

1) 2
2) 1
3) 4
4) 5

14 . I was born on August 11. Mohan is younger to me by 11 days. This year Independence
Day falls on Monday. The day on which Mohan's birthday will fall this year will be

(1) Monday
(2) Tuesday
(3) Sunday
(4) Thursday

15. The flowers in a basket become double after every minute. In one hour, the basket
becomes full. After how many minutes, the basket would be half-filled?

1) 30
(2) 45
(3) 59
(4) 58

16.  Which of the following will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following
letter series?

1) JPL
(2) KPL
(3) JOL
(4) None of these

17. If 'A' runs faster than ‘E’ but not as fast as 'D' and 'D' runs faster than 'C' but not as fast
as' ‘B’, then the person who runs the fastest is

1) A
(2) B
(3) C

18. A person is to go up a tree 60ft high. In every second, he climbs 5ft but slips 4ft. After
how many seconds, will he be able to touch the top of the tree?

(1) 60
(2) 59
(3) 56
(4) 58

19. enum day { 
int x=monday; 
value of x? 

20. #define ADD(X,Y) X+Y 


#undef ADD(X,Y) 


int y=ADD(3,2); 

Category IT

SubCategory Placement Papers

Location Chennai

Company Virtusa

About Virtusa India:-

Virtusa Corporation (NASDAQ: VRTU) is a global information technology (IT) services

company providing IT consulting, technology and outsourcing services. 

Virtusa Corporation serve Global 2000 companies and the leading software vendors in
Communications & Technology, Banking & Financial Services, Insurance,
Telecommunications, and Media, Information & Entertainment industries. We build and
sustain application platforms for our clients that create competitive advantage.

Why Virtusa - Why should i join Virtusa?:-

One of the fastest growing companies. Virtusa has been ranked in the 2008 CRN Fast
Growth 100 list. With over 3600 vibrant associates, 56 global clients, office locations in
US, UK, India & SL, and a dynamic leadership team, Virtusa is a rising star in the
Information Technology and software services space.
Focus on Innovation. Innovation isn’t just a buzz word at Virtusa; it’s one of the pillars on
which we operate and differentiate ourselves from competitors. Virtusa’s dedicated Centers
of Excellence, training programs in emerging technology, leading edge forums and blogs
drives innovation and constantly ensure that we stay at the cutting edge of technology.
Pioneer and best practitioner of GDM. All our projects are delivered through an enhanced
global delivery model with a best-in-class 20/80 on-site/offshore ratio.
Contact Details Address of Virtusa India:-

Virtusa (India) Pvt. Ltd. 

Block B, 2nd Floor, Cyber Gateway, 
Madhapur, Hyderabad – 500018. 
Telephone: +91 402 341 4200. 
Facsimile: +91 402 341 2310
Apply Now http://www.virtusa.com/careers/our-values.asp
Posted date Tuesday, February 01, 2011
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Latest Virtusa Fresher Job Interview Paper Pattern 27, December 2010
Company Name: Virtusa
Type: Fresher, Job Interview
Hi friends, On Dec, 27th 2010 Virtusa visited our campus and it was the third company coming to our
campus. I didn't get selected even in written in either of the exams. so I prepared very well for virtusa.
We went to college at 10 A.M. Exam started at 11A.M.
The written exam was 2.5hrs duration..
It consists of 6 sections.
3. programming ability
4.domain knowledge (C or Java)
5.learning ability
6.English test

Verbal Section consists of questions like Articles, prepositions, correction of sentences etc.

Analytical Section consists of some reasoning questions like coding and decoding series, reading
comprehensions and some aptitude questions.
Programming ability and domain knowledge questions consists of questions like find out the output
and some questions on data structures like.
Question: Which is the worst case complexity of quick sort? 
Questions are bit easy but time taking .Programming ability questions consists of questions like finding
the output of program which consist of some 24 loops etc
Learning ability Section in this section they will give a passage we have to read in 10 minutes. we have
see main points of the passage and remember them .they will take off the paper and will give paper
consisting of 10 questions on paper .they wont even allow us to write on a paper while reading the
passage. so guys. be careful while reading. I got a passage on "usage of plastic bags" .
English test .We have given a situation like
Digi comp company gives a printer cartridge free for every PC.One customer got a complaint with
cartridge and reported it to company. imagine you are the company manager and write a letter to the
customer indicating that you will replace the cartridge if necessary and also send their technician. we
have completed the exam and waited for nearly 5 hrs for results. finally we got results at about 8 p.m. and
i got short listed for technical interview. The next day we had technical interview.
Technical Interview was a stress interview for me. The interviewer criticized me on my resume. and i
kept smiling at him whatever he speak guys .they will test our patience. be cool and confident while
answering your questions. that's it you can crack the interview be prepared for data structures and C. I
was short listed for HR round .it was very cool .he asked me some general hr questions like ..why
virtusa?. tell me about yourself, hobbies, strengths, weaknesses. and at last our results were announced
at morning 3.30 AM. and finally I got placed in virtusa.I think my experience would help you to get through
virtusa placement.. 
God Bless You..
Exam/Interview Date: 27-Dec-2010
No of Rounds: Screening Test, Aptitude Test, Technical Round-1

Virtusa Job Interview For Fresher (Written, Technical, HR)

Type: Fresher, Job Interview

VIRTUSA PAPER July 2008 to everyone.This is G.V.Rajesh Pursuing my final year BTech E.C.E in
sree vidyanikethan college,Tirupati. I had my interview recently i.e. on 19/07/2008. Totally 138
members had attened the written test, only 38 of them had selected for the technical round. Out
of which only 13 are selected and i am one of them. The process of interview is :

1.Written Test 
2.Technical Interview 
3.HR interview 

The written test is organised and conducted by Merit Track People The written test consists of :
1.English grammar 
2.Analytical Reasoning 
3.learning and thinking ability 
4.C and DataStructures 
5.Document Reading 

1English Grammar: It consists of English grammar part,Correction of sentences,paragraph reading eg:

1.He ran ____ the road. ans: across Be thorough with prepositions,correction of sentences.The
grammar part is very easy.No need to worry of it. 

2.Analytical Reasoning: It includes puzzle test, apptitude and others better to follow Verbal and
Nonverbal by R.S.Agarwal this section is also very easy,pay attention to it in the exam its enough The
puzzle given to me is about venn diagram eg:There are 49 persons who had to travel by
train,bus,plane. 15 of them go by train and bus 12 of them go by all of the three.just simply the venn
diagram of three circles intersecting each other. 

3.Learning and Thinking ability: It is very Logical and just concentrate very carefully.the process will
be like this eg: * stands for +, / stands for - ,+ stands for        *,- stands for / etc; others are also

4. C and DataStructures : Mainly this is very typical section. I think this is the elemination round.the
total section deals with C with 20 questions, data structures with 20 questions and programs are small,
medium and long. Don't start with long programs.they are very difficult.leave them and try the small
one..... Just be thorough with Basics of C and Data Structures you can attempt nearly 15 questions.

5.Document Reading : This section consisting of giving three pages of document of recent
technologies. I got the topic of about security about internet.just pick out the some of interesting
names and note it. after 10 min they take the papers and will give 10 questions about the document. 

6. Technical Interview : The questions mainly include about the c and datastructures. 

1.Programs about linkedlist, sorting, trees.

2.About the computer networks i.e
 On OSI reference model. I am in ECE student and was asked about my subjects alsoIt is very quite
cool,just know about the latest trends.

HR Interview : The HR interview has also been good.just be confident about yourself,your goals.
Always be confident and positive have lost Written test in Tcs, Infosys but i am very lucky to be placed
in Virtusa. 

No of Rounds : Aptitude Test

Contributer Name : G V Rajesh

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