FP1 Instructors: Johara P. Fragata - BSBA (G1-G5) Juluis O. Patrolla - BSBA (G8 - G11)

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Initao College Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Jampason, Initao Misamis Oriental A.Y 2021- 2022/ First Semester


FP1 Instructors:
Johara P. Fragata – BSBA (G1-G5) Juluis O. Patrolla – BSBA (G8 – G11)
Anne Pauline C. Panoril – BSBA (G6-G7)

NAME: ________________________________________ DATE: __________________________

COURSE/YEAR/GROUP:_________________________ LOCALIZED LEARNING HUB: _______________
INSTRUCTOR: _________________________________ SCORE: ___ /50

General Direction: This is a 50-item test, read each questions carefully. Select and shade the best letter among the
choices on this answer sheet. Use only ballpen in shading. Alteration or changing of answer is considered as wrong. Do
not forget to write the information needed on your answer sheet. (5 points deduction if not following instruction.)



1. [A] [B] [C] [D] 26. [A] [B] [C] [D]

2. [A] [B] [C] [D] 27. [A] [B] [C] [D]
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Initao College Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Jampason, Initao Misamis Oriental A.Y 2021- 2022/ First Semester

General Direction: This is a 50-item test, read each questions carefully. Alteration or changing of answer is considered as wrong.
Do not forget to write the information needed on your answer sheet. (5 points deduction if not following instruction.)


Directions: Read the statements/questions carefully. Select and shade the best letter among the choices in the answer sheet
attached on this pre -final exam. (1 pt. each)

1. The energy-conserving system- takes over and returns the organism to its normal state when the emotional state subsides.
a. Parasympathetic system c. Limbic System
b. Sympathetic system d. Autonomic nervous system

2. Which of the following is the identified three components of love according to Robert Sternberg (1986)?
a. symbiotic-dependent-confidential c. intimacy-passion-commitment
b. romantic-constructive-caring d. compassionate-consummated-commitment

3. What are the three major emotions?

a. Love-Fear-Happiness c. Love-Anger-Happiness
b. Fear-Love-Exhausted d. Love-Fear-Anger
4. Emotions can be classified into ________and ___________.
a. pleasant, unpleasant b. sadness, grief c. joy, love d. anger, fear

5. The milder affective states of emotion is _____.

a. feeling b. intensity c. commitment d. dependent

6. This is a type of self-control strategies that involve changing one’s thoughts or beliefs about a particular behavior.
a. environmental strategies c. cognitive strategies
b. behavioral strategies d. emotional strategies

7. This is called as a “good stress” because it helps you rise to a challenge and can be an antidote to boredom.
a. Eustress b. Distress c. Stresses d. Unstress

8. What are the three general interrelated categories symptoms of stress?

a. physical – mental – emotional c. Physiological – mental – emotional
b. Psychological – mental – emotional d. Physical – mental – psychological

9. This is a one of the sources of stress which is a result from too much stimulation.
a. Hunger b. Overload c. Threat d. Crises

10. The source of our strengths and weaknesses that give us a sense of rootedness and security.
a. Faith in God c. Flexibility and adaptability
b. Sense of Humor d. Family orientation

11. If we are equipped with sufficient knowledge and sure of what we are doing and try to act decisively then we have this what we
called ________.
a. sense of humor b. self-confidence c. self-awareness d. self – monitoring

12. This are often taught in treatment centers, group or individual therapies, schools, or vocational settings.
a. environmental strategies b. behavioral strategies c. cognitive strategies d. self-control strategies

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13. This is a self-control strategy that can be done informally by making notes on an index card or formally by using pre-designed
data sheets
a. self – esteem b. self-confidence c. self-awareness d. self – monitoring

14. This can have a severe effect of your eating habits, your relationships, your ability to work and study.
a. Stress b. Depression c. Anxiety d. Fear

15. Madeline always feels like she is never included in group activities or social events. She has become depressed and lonely.
According to Maslow, which category of needs has not been fulfilled?
a. Social (love/belonging) needs c. Physiological needs
b. Self – actualization needs d. Safety needs

16. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, when all of the physiological needs are met, people tend to become concerned with
which of the following?
a. Social (love/belonging) needs b. Self – actualization needs c. Physiological needs d. Safety needs

17. A student who completes learning tasks in order to ear stars on her paper is motivated by:
a. intrinsic factor b. extrinsic factor c. knowing needs d. mastery goals

18. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, if a person’s esteem needs have been satisfied, then it is safe to assume that all
satisfied EXCEPT:
a. belonging b. knowing c. psychological d. safety

19. Motivation that is due to factors within students or inherent to the task is called: _______
a. intrinsic motivation b. a motivation c. extrinsic motivation d. behavioral motivation

20. The term used to describe humans’ desire for life-sustaining support such as food and water is: _____
a. motivation b. secondary need c. primary need d. esteem need

21. According to Maslow, some needs grow stronger when unsatisfied. Maslow called these: ________
a. being needs b. deficiency needs c. growth needs d. primary needs

22. The more Devon learns about geometry the more questions he has and the stronger his desire to learn about this subject.
According to Maslow, what kind of need is Devon demonstrating?
a. aesthetic b. belonging c. esteem d. knowing

23. Emotional intelligence is different from other intelligences in that …

a. it is a set of skills c. the focus is on emotional reasoning, ability and knowledge
b. it can be measured using tests easily d. it is a new type of intelligence

24.  Emotional intelligence is linked to romantic relationship satisfaction because EI may be linked to ____.
a. having better understanding of the partner’s emotions
b. giving the person higher self-esteem
c. agreeing with the partner all the time
d. getting what one wants out of the relationship

25. Lower Emotional intelligence is likely linked to more aggressive behavior because _____.
a. taking action is more important than expressing emotions
b. people with lower EI often think of themselves as victims
c. that is the only way the person know how to express their displeasure
d. other’s emotions and behaviors are misinterpreted as hostile and an aggressive response is therefore exhibited

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26. Having high EI may not always be adaptive. Why?
a. Others will likely ignore them c. These people are more sensitive to mood manipulation
b. They will have high opinion of themselves d. All of above

27. What characterizes the James-Lange view of emotion?

a. Our physiological responses cause emotions
b. Our emotions cause physiological responses
c. Our physiological activity strengthens our emotions
d. Our physiological activity weakens our emotions

28. When you ask someone how they feel right now, which is an unlikely response?
a. Content and happy c. Quiet and still
b. Blue and grouchy d. Surprised and quiet

29. Who founded the first scientific institute named the Lyceum?
A. Aristotle B. Plato C. Aristophanes D. Goleman

30. Friendship is one of the most important virtues in achieving the goal of ____.
A. Eudaimonia B. Philautia C. Lypimenos D. Ischyros

31. What is the example of The Cannon-Bard theory?

A. When you see a venomous scorpion, you feel fear at exactly the same time that your body mounts its fight or flight response
B. If you run into a snake, your heart rate increases
C. Fear of the snake
D. a person has come to know that if he or she eats when hungry.

32. A theory of intelligence that refers to the ability to use all or part one's body
A. Spatial Intelligence C. Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence
B. Musical Intelligence D. Existential Intelligence

33. What is the example of emotional self-awareness?

A. Understands implications of our emotions
B. Is aware of his own feelings
C. Pays attention to the physical signs that are aroused in stressful situations.
D. All of the Above

34. _____ is the idea of being friendly and considerate to other people and is especially important even if you don't share their
views or standpoint.
A. Empathy B. Motivation C. Kindness D. Cooperation

35. What is the example of Cognitive Strategy?

A. Imagining oneself successfully achieving a goal or using imagery to distract oneself from engaging in an undesirable behavior
B. Changing the group of people with whom one socializes
C. Increasing social support by asking others to work towards the same or a similar goal
D. Scheduling a specific time to engage in a desirable behavior

36. Aristotle states that if we ask what the highest good of human action is..
a. there is no agreement about the answer c. nearly everyone agrees that it is happiness.
b. most people agree that it is pleasure. d. there is no objective answer to this question.

37. According to Aristotle, happiness is

a. a state of mind. c. a craft.
b. a feeling or sensation. d. activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.
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38. Many psychologists have consistently presented __________ as a concept illusive to define.
a. Beauty b. Human c. Emotion d. Intelligence

39. Which neurotransmitter is most associated with depression?

a. serotonin b. dopamine c. septomin d. glutamate

40. Which of the following are NOT TRUE of motivation?

a. it is the drive, incentive or interest to initiate, perform or maintain a behavior
b. it is independent of emotion or cognition
c. it is a preparatory phase prior to action
d. it may be influenced by rewards and punishments

41. Which of the following best describes the concept of an emotion?

a. a response to an external or internal stimulus with the purpose of motivating an action or behaviors
b. an enduring or recurrent state with no specific causes
c. the mental representation of general feelings within an individual
d. a highly illogical concept, captain

42. Melissa is a good role model for her teammates. She wants to make sure her team does well and wins the conference
championship. Her desire to attain this goal is described as:
A. intrinsic motivation B. extrinsic motivation C. a drive D. a need

43. The ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
a. Social Awareness b. Emotional Intelligence c. Self-Awareness d. Self-Regulation

44. Picture of himself- his views of himself as distinct from other persons and things.
a. Self-Evaluation b. Self-Ideal c. Self-Concept d. Self-Direction

45. What is the art of controlling the response to emotions - anticipating outcomes in an effort to avoid being emotionally reactive in
personal and social situations?
a. Empathy b. Self-regulation c. Kindness d. Respect

46. A body’s response to pressure and is often triggered when we experience something new, unexpected or that threatens our
sense of self, or when we feel we have little control over a situation.
a. Self-Control b. Stress c. Self-Confidence d. Stress Management

47. A term used to describe a breakdown in behavior resulting from danger experiences which rapidly produce stress.
a. Overload b. Combat Exhaustion c. Biological Deprivation d. Stress

48. This helps reduce stress by making us confident that we have handled a situation well.
a. Direct Action b. Avoidance c. Use of defense mechanisms d. Prediction

49. Supposed you are walking in the forest, and you see a snake. You begin to tremble, and your heart begins to race. Which
theory of emotion described this kind of situation?
A. Cannon-Bard Theory C. James-Lange Theory
B. Schachter-Singer two-factor theory D. Lazarus Cognitive- Mediational theory

50. The following are strategies to motivate people towards positive behavior, except:
a. Motivation by Goal Setting c. Motivation by Focus
b. Motivation by Love d. Motivation by Enticement

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