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nent OF Typ se OFFICIAL ma SRELEASED? e & Signature 2 = & 4) @ noe sscrion «® Repu of te Pines 1 we DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Cony: DILG-NAPOLCON Cente, EDSA comer Quezon Avenue, West Tange, Quezon Cy tp: Pci 00h MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR Ante No. 2019-151 10 SEP 2019 TO : ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS, PUNONG BARANGAYS, SANGGUNIANG —_ KABATAAN CHAIRPERSONS, MEMBERS, SECRETARIES, TREASURERS AND PEDERASYON OFFICERS, PROVINCIAL, CITY AND MUNICIPAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICERS, LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT COUNCILS AT ALL LEVELS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS AND FIELD OFFICERS, BARMM MINISTER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT = GUIDELINES ON LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, COMPREHENSIVE BARANGAY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, AND ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAMMING OF THE NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION ee Republic Act 10742, otherwise known as the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Reform Act of 2015, provides for the formulation of the Local Youth Development Plan (LYDP), the Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Plan (CBYDP), and the preparation of the Annual Barangay Youth Investment Program (ABYIP) by the concerned SK and Local Officials. This Department, together with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the National Youth Commission (NYC) issued DBM-DILG-NYC Joint Memorandum. Circular (JMC) No. 01, Series of 2019 dated 23 January 2019 re: Guidelines on the Preparation, Release, Planning and Budgeting Process for the SK Funds. Item of the cited JMC mandates the National Youth Commission to formulate Policies and guidelines in the preparation of the CBYDP and ABYIP, which shall be observed by the SK. On the bases of the above-mentioned law and JMC, the National Youth Commission approved on the 1* day of August 2019, the Guidelines on Local Youth Development Planning, Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Planning, and Annual Barangay Youth Investment Programming in NYC Resolution No. 46, Administrative Series of 2019. In this regard, all concerned SK Officials, Provincial, City and Municipal Officers of the Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan and Youth Development Councils at al levels, are enjoined to observe the guidelines, processes, and indicative timelines in the preparation of their respective LYDP, CBYDP and ABYIP. ‘Templates and sample resolution are attached for the ease in the preparation of the above-mentioned plans and other SK documents. Likewise, all Provincial, City and Municipal Youth Development Officers are directed to perform their mandated functions pursuant to Section 26(4) of RA 10742, DILG Memorandum Circular No, 2017-36 dated 24 February 201, and NYC Resolution No. 46, Series of 2019, All DILG Regional Directors, Field Officers and BARMM Minister of Local Government are directed to cause the immediate and widest dissemination of this Circular within their respective areas of jurisdiction. For inquiries and clarifications on the matter, all concerned are directed to contact the National Youth Commission at telephone numbers (02) 426-8760 or (0943) 731-0244 or at e-mail address: For the guidance and compliance of all concerned. ident of the Phiippines TH COMMISSION EDUARDO M. ARO. Secretary Deportment of the Interior and Local Government DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA Cor. Quezon Ave. West Tangle, Quezon City ‘Aifention: KARL CAESAR R. RIMANDO, CESO V Director National Barangay Operations Office Dear Secretary Ajo, Greetings from the National Youth Commission! The National Youth Commission, in its thrust to lead the full implementation of the RA No. 10742 oF Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015, is consistently coordinating with concemed agencies to address the Issues surrounding the operations of the ‘Sangguniang Kabataan (Sk). In this regard, may we humbly request the support of your office through the issuance of a Memorandum Circular of the ottached Guidelines on Local Youth Development Planning, Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Planning, and Annual Barangay Youth Investment Programming. For more details, your office may coordinate with Ms. Gillan Sagadal or Mr. Marion Perla of the Regional Youth Development Division through {02) 426 8760 or (0943) 731 ‘0244 or email us at sk@nyc.c0v.0h. We look forward to your positive response on this matter. Thank you very much! For the: meh [3° Fi West insula ulding, Fas West Avenue cor EDSA, Quezon Oly, Plippines rece tes: (62) 4487440 (02) 4835 (02) 454901 |(0) 44873062) 487669 (2) 463570 ‘rank nes (62) 6345/2) 35503 Ema nfogryegaioh Webster mirage mee Office of the President of the Philippines NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION a “The Voice and Advocate of the Youth” “omer RESOLUTION NO. 48 ‘Adinistrative Series of 2018 11° Commission "A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE GUIDELINES ON LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANING, COMPREHENSIVE BARANGAY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, AND ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAMMING. "SPONSORED BY: COMMISSIONER JAMES CEASAR A VENTURA ‘CO-SPONSORED BY: COMMISSIONER VICTOR DEL ROSARIO WHEREAS, Secon 20 of Repubic Act No. 10742 provides that tn percent (10%) of the general fund of the barangay shal be set aside forthe Sangguniang Kabataan utich shall be disbursed by the SK solely for you development and enpowemen purposes; WHEREAS, the same secfon futher proves thatthe SK shal have fhandal Independence in ts operations, Gsbursemenis, and encashmento thei fund, income ard expenditures; WHEREAS, DBM-DILG-NYC Joint Memorandum Grout No, 1, s. 2019 presrbed the guidtnes on the ‘appropation and release of the SK Fund, provided forthe planning ant budgeting process forthe SK, and ‘emphasized the concomitant posting requtements to enhance transparency and acount, WHEREAS, consistant with Seoton 33.14 of the aforementioned JMC mandating thet pertinent plies and guidelines issued by the NYC shall be observed In the preparaton of te Comprehensive Barangay Youh Development Plan (CBYDP} and the Annual Barangay Youth Investment Program (AYP), fhe Commisslo, In cansutaton with relevant agencies and Sangguniang Kabetaan off, crafed the Guldelines on Local Youth Development Planning, Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Planning, and Annual Barangay Youth Investment Programming; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, o approve and adopt the Guidlines on Local Youth Development Planting, Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Planning, and Annual Barangay Youth Ivesiment Programing, 0 wit ‘GUIDELINES ON LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, COMPREHENSIVE [BARANGAY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, AND ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAMMING PART |. GENERAL PROVISIONS ‘0 RATIONALE 1.4 Republic Ack 10742, otrerise known as the “SK Reform Act of 2018, encourages the invoWement ofthe youth in public and cv atlas trough the etabishment of etlecive, responsive and enabing mechanisms Ininststonalzng youth paripation in koa govemaree, 4.2 Special, Secon 8 (a) of Republic Act 10742 state that he Sangguniang Kabetzan, in consultation and with the coneurence ofthe Katpunan ng Kabataen, and win tee (3) months fom assumption to ofc, fomulate @ tree (3}yea"raling pan, which shal be known as the Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Pian (CBYDP]. The CBYDP shal serve as bassin the preparation of he Annual Barangay ‘Youth Investment Program (ABY'P) This plan shall be aged wth the Pipgne Youth Development Plan {PYDP} and other Local Youth Development Plans in every muncpalty, ct ae province. [FFF Was isl Walang 795 West Avenue car EDS, By. BURRS, Quezon Oly, PIPING Dict es (62) 4268475 (a) ag | (0) 4268735 (02) 4288760 / (02 268676 | (C2) 268865. “Tr es: (0) 28536 (2) 268479 nat Webster yam geo “The Voice and Advocate of the Youth” ~” Office of the President of the Philippines“ 4 . NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION —— 13 Specialy, Section & (t of Repub Act 10742 provides that he Sangguring Kabalaan shal parner wih the Local Youth Development Counc in planing and exectng projects and programs of specific _advoacis lk good governance, cima change adaptation, disaster sk reduction and resllency, youth ‘employment and Ielhood, heath and antedru abuse, gender sensi, and spot development. 4.4 Fal, Section 24 (ri) of Republc Act 10742 proves thatthe Local Youth Development Counc shat finalize the 3-year Local Youth Development Pan, anchored inthe PYDP and the local development plans ‘ofthe LGU, whic salle nity raed by the Sk Pederasjen. ‘20PURPOSE To presrbe poles and guidelines on the contents and formation of local youth development plans, (CBYDP ane ABYIP. ‘30 DEFINITION OF TERMS. ‘34 Philippine Youth Development ian (PYDP) “The PYOP shal eer othe comprehensive natona plan expressing the convergence efor ofthe diferent _youth-senng agecies, cv society organization and you ergnizatos, designed to promote the general ‘wafare, development and empowerment ofthe yout, n reparation fr tor vial ae nani. ‘32 Local Youth Development Pan (LYDP) ‘The LYDP shal eer othe tree-yearstragic youth development plan fouled a the provincia cy, or ‘municipal, italy dated by the especive SK Pederayon and fnalzod by the LYDC. Ths shal be submited to the local chief executive for lnlsion in the Local Development Plan and subsequently ‘endorsed tothe Sanggunan ofthe local goverment unit conoeed for approval. 32:1. Annual Youth Development Acton Pen (AYDAP) ‘The AYDAP is an organizatoal pan that ais to adress capaity bung concerns ad oer PPAS wih coresponding venus, costs and timeframe, subject ote discretion of the SK Pederasyon and Local Youth Dovlopment Counel (Annex 4) $33 Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Pian (CBYOP) ‘The CBYDP fs 2 three-year ong pan, algned withthe PYDP andthe LYDP. it shal be the basis forthe ‘rtiog ofthe ABYIP or the annual program coisring spectc programs, projects and acts wth ‘comesponding costs including the necessary fund flows to approximate the reascnable nig in the release offunds, ‘34 Annual Barangay Youth Investment Program (ABYIP) ‘The ABVIP shall refer tothe yeaty program based on the Comprehensive Sarangay Youth Development Plan, I shall contain he specie programs, projects and aces wih coresponding projec oss incuding the necessary fund flows to apprcvimate the reasonable rig inthe release of finds 35 SK Annual Budget ‘Tha SK Annual Budget retest the fancal plan embodying the etinates of th income and expentures ofthe Sk or one (1 cal year shall be prepredin accordance with he approved ABYIP. nga, Quezon Cy, PHppInes Con S867 (0) e885 “rk nes (0) 4268596 (63) 2368479 a info@egoe.nh Webster myc gop Office of the’President of the Philippines NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION “The Voice and Advocate of the Youth” oa 5368 Local Development Pian (LDP) The Local Development Plan refers tothe thee (3) year comprehensive mul-secoral cal govemment development plan that ses the lcal government visor, sectoral goals, objectives, development strteies and poly pies. 87 Elecon Year The Elston Year refers tothe year when the Barangay and Sangguniang Kabalaan Elections (BSKE) is he. ‘40 THE PHILIPPINE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PYDP) AND THE NINE (9) CENTERS OF MEANINGFUL, ‘YOUTH PARTICIPATION 41 The PYDP sees as a famewerk for unified acto among the youth and youth-sening groups, agencies ‘and nstutons to promole hose yout paripaton in ou socal. I daines the dute, obligations end _acountablis of the naonal and local goverment to adres the economic, soc, cutua, el ard poltcal hts of the you, ‘42 The PYDP has the folowing ine (8) centers of youth partipaton: 1) Heal; 2) Edveton; 3) Eoonemic Empowerment; 4) Social Insion and Equiy;§) Peace Bulting and Seourty, 8) Governance 7) Actve Citizenship; 8) Environment; and $) Grobal Mobily. These cenors have speci agenda statements 10 promote yout participation (Amex 1): PART 2. THE LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (LYDP) ‘5.0 NATURE OF THE LYDP 51, Pursuant fo Secon 24 (m2) of RA 10742 IRR, the Plan shall he pot to programs, projects ent ‘actives tat wl promote and ensure the flowing: 1) meaningful youth pariipaton in nafor-buldng: 2) sustainable youn development and empowerment: 3) equtable cess to quay education, 4) erircamenia protection; 5) climate change adaptation; 6) disaster risk reduction and rastincy, 7) youth ‘employment and ivethod; 8) heath and an-cruq abuse; 9} gender sensivy; 10) social potion; and 11) capably buling and sports development. {80 CONTENTS OF THE LYDP 81 The LYDP is @3year stage cretion for yout development a the provi cty and muna lvls. It shal be anchored on the PYDP and Local Development Plans, 82 The LYDP shall have the folowing elements inthe plan (see Annex 3) 822 Canter of Partinaion— refers tote pry Centrs of Patipaton. The LYDP may carta all centr, o they may choose Ceres apleabl tothe lca stuaton, 623 Agenda Statement ~ defines the LYDP’ outcomelalor gol statement per Carter This may be ‘adapted fom the PYDP Agenda Statement, or a siaiement that may be crated by the SK Pderasyon and LYDC tat adresses the local nee; Youth Development Concems ~ contains the Isuestoncers ofthe yout in tei respective iccaltyeommunty, whch need inmetiate acton. These may be program, poly, or acton gaps; (Obecives ~ proves the speci result aimed to be achloved to adress the youth dovelopment cancers within three years as detained by the SK Pederesyon Presidents and aporovad by be Lye; EE 7 Fe West ius Balding Figg West Avenue cor EDSR Brgy Bangad, Quezon Cy, PHlippner ict ies (02) Siangihen youth paridpalion |» Inorease aubacripion fo Tarly Inresponsibe sexuel and plamning reproductive ‘+ Increase safe motherhood practices Lower the incidence of “early exual "ninlonded pregnancy.” and matemal mortality > Rares and ritiga youth |» Lower the incdenes of asa sax, participation in sexual rik: 'STUHIVIAIDS, and abortion taking behavior = Address and mifigala youth |» —Deorease cgarete snoking Partspation In nor-senualrisk- | Decrease underage and exosssive faking behavior inking ‘Address psycnosocalconcemis | » Increase mortal heal woliess practices ‘+ Incresse postive mental health- | seeking practices + Lower suicidal oation > Prevent sulldes + Expand service delivery network to _adeross menial heath esues aeation Tr accessible, developmental, quay, and rlovant formal, nan | Wnorease and improve youth = Decrease youth rot in employment, {ermal and informal lifelong learning and raring that prepares | participation in education ‘education or vaining (NET) (radu fo be globally competiive but responsive to rational + Increase efficiency rate needs and fo prepare them forthe workplace and the emergence of | miprove educational qualiy and |» — Increase functional iteracy rate ew media and eer technologies performance + Improve academic performance ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 10 tracy Eee Tne oconony, we enowere onplvees aio rweproneus | Opinize yah pariapalon whos Decabaeinemlovmert smeworment | who are prodctvelyongagodin gant and socentwercender | lara nderemplommrt. anos mismach ‘Scomiaton undenpoyron ania sotto —— ont onde conection + Ierease partie employment ‘cupola hazan oe a bor cope orgy Bf ya opty *Inerease produ and empl inte agroaual octor ‘Sip aun pation > Decrease chi ator vulnerable employment Decrage eran of youn Less the mbar of yout) who work Urpad andor wood Senos + Leteen the abuse of WY Decrease work rlledharards anc inesaee ora yout paral Tease ts ba’ ot Vor rirprenula ios epreears, ‘Stonathen youd parkpalanty |" inaae har of soho jmploymentenicarert suppor |” resi ooe Syaene + Increase urate youn egarng ‘nor carer tons | Seer and na pease a a seit ae tan wih equ and | Pramcia is pesca paaaton |= Bers ho onter youe Wap enuty gill onpruniy, socal sary ard pacon ral enpect ot | ef yum wih aeanc reece Inpovery evelopment opardoss of ter gender, dasblty, spectcnaede, | shined, reget ar emloted |. eee.” re rber of abused, Bota bets, etait, el andaococutaeconome "| aswel oe seat yah neglected, and opotd (ANE) youn ‘Status + _Decrease the number of street yout axiize partcpation of youth with | insease the facies and services forthe Asai in society {oliowing youth wih disabilities (YWD) ‘© Communication asabity ‘+ Disablity due to chronic’ ness Learning disabilty + _Intolietual dsabiity ‘ANNEX OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION NO. 46, SERIES OF 2019 n Promaie te parispaton of indlgerous people (P) youth in society Decrease violence again! women (VAW) and children Increase awareness among youth and the community about diferent sexual ‘orientation and gender identity (SOG) Push forthe enactment of law on ‘ant-

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