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Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
G. H. PAULINO, Z.-H. JIN, and R. H. DODDS, Jr.
University of Illinois, Urbana, USA

2.13.1 INTRODUCTION 608 Background 608 Processing and Manufacturing of FGMs 609
2.13.2 MECHANICS MODELS OF FGMs 610 Continuum Model 610 Micromechanics Models 610 Self-consistent model 611 Mori–Tanaka model 611 Tamura–Tomota–Ozawa model 612 Hashin–Shtrikman bounds 612
2.13.3 FRACTURE OF FGMs 613 Crack-tip Fields 613 Stress Intensity Factors 613 Mechanical loads 613 Thermal loads 615 Contact loads 617 Crack Growth 619 Crack deflection 619 Fracture toughness and the R-curve 620 Dynamic Fracture 620 Crack-tip fields for a propagating crack 620 Dynamic SIFs 622 Viscoelastic Fracture 623 Basic equations 624 Correspondence principle, revisited 624 Viscoelastic models 625 A crack in a viscoelastic FGM strip 625 Je -integral 627
2.13.4 FINITE ELEMENT MODELING 627 Graded Finite Elements 627 SIF Computation 628 Displacement correlation technique 628 Modified crack-closure integral method 629 J-integral formulation 630 Examples 631 Cohesive Zone Modeling 632 A cohesive zone model 633 Cohesive element 635 Cohesive fracture simulation 636
2.13.5 SOME EXPERIMENTAL ASPECTS 638 Metal/Ceramic FGM Fracture Specimen 638 Precracking of Metal/Ceramic FGMs 639 Precracking by Reverse Four-point Bending 639 Test Results 640

608 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials


2.13.7 REFERENCES 641

2.13.1 INTRODUCTION quirements employed layered structures, e.g.,

coatings (Kaczmarek et al., 1984; Suganuma
Many future advancements in science and et al., 1984). However, under severe stress
technology will rely heavily upon the develop- gradients, such structures proved susceptible to
ment of new material systems that safely failure from spalling triggered by high inter-
withstand the ever-increasing performance facial stresses. In contrast, FGMs make
demands imposed upon them. Functionally possible stress relaxation under the imposed
graded materials (FGMs) hold promise for thermomechanical loads. This is accomplished
applications requiring ultrahigh material per- by providing a compositional distribution
formance such as thermal barrier coatings, function, C(x), consistent with these condi-
bone and dental implants, piezoelectric and tions. For instance, such a function can be
thermoelectric devices, optical materials with expressed as (Hirano et al., 1990)
graded reflective indices, and high-performance  n
spaceflight structures (including engines). New x  x1
applications are continuously being discovered. CðxÞ ¼ ðC2  C1 Þ ð1Þ
x2  x1
FGMs are characterized by spatially varied
microstructures created by nonuniform distri- where C1 and C2 denote composition values at
butions of the reinforcement phase with differ- opposite ends of the FGM layer corresponding
ent properties, sizes and shapes, as well as by to the distances x1 and x2, respectively. Figure
interchanging the role of reinforcement and 2 illustrates this function. The exponent n in
matrix (base) materials in a continuous manner Equation (1) dictates the nature of the desired
as illustrated by Figure 1. This new concept of distribution function based on stress analyses.
engineering the microstructure of the material For example, in FGMs of TiC/Ni, Ma et al.
marks the beginning of a paradigm shift in the (1992) report that the optimum value for n lies
way we think about materials and structures as in the range 0.5–0.7. Thus, to accommodate the
it allows one, due to recent advances in material desired distribution function, the method of
processing, to fully integrate material and FGM manufacturing must have the capability
structural design considerations. to provide the predetermined (desired) expo-
nent n (see Equation (1) and Figure 2).
FGMs possess the distinguishing feature of Background nonhomogeneity with regard to their thermo-
mechanical and strength-related properties
The initial response to provide materials that including yield strength, fracture toughness,
accommodate nonhomogeneous service re- fatigue, and creep behavior (see, e.g., Erdogan,

Figure 1 Transition in a CrNi/PSZ FGM from CrNi alloy to zirconia (PSZ) (after Ilschner, 1996).
Introduction 609
1.0 Table 1 Some fabrication methods and examples
of FGMs.
0.8 n = 0.2 Methods Examples
Vapor phase methods
C(x) / (C2_ C1)

0.6 0.5 CVD SiC/C, SiC/TiC

0.4 Liquid phase methods
Electro-depositing Cu/CuZn, Cu/CuNi
Electro-plating CoNiReP(f.c.c)/
5.0 Plasma spraying PSZ/SS, PSZ/NiCrAl
0.0 Centrifugal casting SiC/Al
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
x − x1 Solid phase methods
(a) Powder stacking
Figure 2 Plot of the normalized composition
function C(x) versus xx1 for selected values of n
Centrifugal ZrO2/NiCr
with x1 ¼ 1.0 and x2 ¼ 2.0—see Equation (1).
Spraying PSZ/SS
Filtration Al2O3/Ni
1995; Paulino and Jin, 2001a). Numerous Sedimentation Al2O3/NiAl, A12O3/W
investigators have developed theoretical and (b) Sintering methods
numerical fracture mechanics models for Sintering, HP and PSZ/SS, Al2O3/Ni
FGMs (Noda and Jin, 1993; Bao and Wang, HIP AlN/Ni, Si3N4/Mo
1995; Giannakopoulos et al., 1995; Lee and Plasma activated PSZ/SS, PSZ/Ti
Erdogan, 1995; Choi, 1996a, 1996b; Jin and FACS MoSi2/SiC, Nb5Si3/Nb
Batra, 1996c; Bao and Cai, 1997; Ozturk and SHS TiB2/Cu, TiB2/Ni
Erdogan, 1997; Gu and Asaro, 1997a; Chan
Diffusion and PZT/NiNb
et al., 2001). Yang and Shih (1994) have reaction Al2O3/Sn/Nb/Sn/Al2O3
studied the fracture process along a nonhomo-
geneous interlayer between two dissimilar
materials. Jin and Batra (1996a) have presented
a micromechanics-based model of fracture
toughness. Erdogan (1995) and Markworth technologies can be found, e.g., in Hirai (1996),
et al. (1995) have presented complementary and Suresh and Mortensen (1998). The fabri-
reviews of modeling techniques applied to cation of FGMs include, e.g., vapor phase
FGMs. Noda (1999) has written an extensive (e.g., chemical vapor deposition: CVD, physi-
review on thermal stresses in FGMs. Pindera cal vapor deposition: PVD), liquid phase (e.g.,
et al. (1998) have presented a thermomechani- sol–gel, plasma, spraying), and solid phase
cal analysis of functionally graded thermal (e.g., self-propagating high-temperature synth-
barrier coatings with different microstructural esis: SHS, powder stacking) methods (Hirai,
scales. Jin et al. (2002) presented a cohesive 1996). In the SHS method, a variety of
zone model to simulate progressive material modifications have been used to obtain dense
failure and crack extension in FGMs coupled products (Miyamoto et al., 1992; Sata, 1993).
with some experimental validation. An important advantage of the SHS method
This work presents a comprehensive review relative to other powder processing methods
on fracture/failure of FGMs. Several relevant lies in its short duration. A developed ap-
aspects of the above mentioned papers are proach, known as field activated combustion
discussed in detail. Moreover, the presentation synthesis (FACS) (Munir et al., 1995; Feng and
that follows integrates aspects such as proces- Munir, 1994, 1995a, 1995b; Xue and Munir,
sing, experiments, theory/analysis, and model- 1995, 1997; Munir, 1996, 1997), has been
ing/simulation. shown to improve the performance of previous
SHS methods. In FACS, an electric field is
applied during combustion to synthesize ma- Processing and Manufacturing of terials which cannot be prepared by SHS, e.g.,
FGMs SiC, B4C, MoSi2–SiC, etc. (Carrillo-Heian
et al., 2001a, 2001b). Xue and Munir (1995)
Modeling and design of FGMs should be showed that FACS can extend the composi-
considered in conjunction with synthesis tech- tional limit in composites. Table 1 provides a
niques—thus a few remarks about materials summary of fabrication methods and examples
processing are in order. Details of processing of FGMs fabricated by these methods.
610 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
2.13.2 MECHANICS MODELS OF FGMs material with the following properties: Continuum Model m  mðx; yÞ ¼ m0 expðbx þ gyÞ; n  n0 ð6Þ
From the continuum mechanics point of
view, FGMs are nonhomogeneous materials, where m is the space-dependent shear modulus
i.e., the material properties of an FGM, e.g.,
Young’s modulus (E), Poisson’s ratio (n), mass Eðx; yÞ
mðx; yÞ ¼ ð7Þ
density (r), yield stress (s0), and tangent 2ð1 þ nÞ
modulus (ET), are functions of spatial position.
This work focuses on FGMs undergoing elastic and m0, n0, b, and g are material constants. The
deformations governed by the equations of inverse of the parameters b and g defines the
nonhomogeneous elastic materials (Fung, length scale of material nonhomogeneity in the
1965). Those basic equations include the x- and y-directions, respectively. The Navier–
equation of motion Cauchy equations for the material with the
properties Equation (6) are
@ 2 ui
sij; j ¼ rðxÞ 2 ð2Þ
@t @2u @2u @2v
ðk þ 1Þ 2
þ ðk  1Þ 2 þ 2
@x @y @x@y
the strain–displacement relation @u @u @v
þ bðk þ 1Þ þ gðk  1Þ þ gðk  1Þ
@x @y @x
eij ¼ 12ðui;j þ uj;i Þ ð3Þ
þ bð3  kÞ ¼ 0
and the constitutive law @y
@2v @2v @2u
ðk  1Þ 2 þ ðk þ 1Þ 2 þ 2
eij ¼ Sijkl ðxÞskl ð4Þ @x @y @x@y
@u @u @v
þ gð3  kÞ þ bðk  1Þ þ bðk  1Þ
in which sij are stresses, eij are strains, ui are @x @y @x
displacements, x ¼ (x1, x2, x3) ¼ (x, y, z), @v
Sijkl(x) are the compliance coefficients, r(x) is þ gðk þ 1Þ ¼ 0
the mass density, the Latin indices have the
range 1, 2, 3, and repeated indices imply the where u ¼ u1, v ¼ u2, and k ¼ 34n0 for plane
summation convention. Under isotropic con- strain, and k ¼ (3n0)/(1 þ n0) for plane stress.
ditions, Equation (4) reduces to Notice that when b-0 and g-0, the above
equations reduce to the standard equations of
1 þ nðxÞ nðxÞ
eij ¼ sij  skk dij ð5Þ homogeneous elasticity (Timoshenko and
EðxÞ EðxÞ Goodier, 1973). Once the displacement solu-
tion is available, stresses are found simply by
where E(x) is Young’s modulus, n(x) is using Hooke’s law
Poisson’s ratio, and dij is the Kronecker delta.
In the continuum analysis, E, n, and other  
m0 expðbx þ gyÞ @u @v
material properties (e.g., shear modulus) are sxx ¼ ðk þ 1Þ þ ð3  kÞ
k1 @x @y
continuous functions of the spatial coordinate  
m expðbx þ gyÞ @v @u
x. They can be calculated from a micromecha- syy ¼ 0 ðk þ 1Þ þ ð3  kÞ ð9Þ
nics model (see Section or can be k1 @y @x
assumed to follow some elementary functions. @u @v
sxy ¼ m0 expðbx þ gyÞ þ
An exponentially varying Young’s modulus @y @x
and a constant Poisson’s ratio find frequent use
in quasistatic crack problems (e.g., Konda and
Erdogan, 1994). The benefit of using an Micromechanics Models
exponential function for Young’s modulus is
that the final governing equations (e.g., Na- The material properties of an FGM, such as
vier–Cauchy equations) for FGMs reduce to Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, most
constant coefficient, partial differential equa- often are evaluated from properties of the
tions that may be solved either analytically or constituent materials using micromechanics
semianalytically. Other commonly used func- models. Conventional composite models (Ne-
tions include linear (e.g., Marur and Tippur, mat-Nasser and Hori, 1993) generally apply
1998; Kim and Paulino, 2002) and hyperbolic– when the volume fraction of one constituent in
tangent (e.g., Eischen, 1987a). the FGM remains much smaller than that of
Now consider quasistatic, two-dimensional the other. However, the validity of such models
(2D) deformations of a nonhomogeneous cannot be assured over the entire range of
Mechanics Models of FGMs 611
material volume fractions; they rely on the tion average of the stress or strain in the
spatial uniformity of constituent distributions inclusion is set equal to the corresponding
and microstructure of the composite. The main applied value of the remote stress or strain.
feature of FGMs lies in the nonuniform Thus the name ‘‘self-consistent’’ comes from
microstructure with continuous change in this procedure.
volume fractions. In fact, micromechanics When applying the self-consistent method to
models widely applicable to FGMs remain a two-phase composite, the shear and bulk
largely unavailable (Zuiker, 1995). Dvorak and moduli m and K of the composite have the
Zuiker (1994), Reiter et al. (1997), and Reiter following forms (Hill, 1965):
and Dvorak (1998) have indicated that, among
various micromechanics models for conven- 1 V1 V2
¼ þ ð10Þ
tional composite materials, Mori–Tanaka and K þ ð4=3Þm K1 þ ð4=3Þm K2 þ ð4=3Þm
self-consistent models may be used to estimate
the effective properties of graded materials V1 K1 V2 K2
with reasonable accuracy. However, a theore- þ
K1 þ ð4=3Þm K2 þ ð4=3Þm
tical basis for such applications remains  
V1 m2 V2 m1
unclear because the concept of a representative þ5 þ þ2¼0 ð11Þ
m  m2 m  m1
volume element cannot be unique for FGMs in
the presence of continuously graded properties. where V1 and V2 are the volume fractions of
To overcome this limitation of standard phase 1 and phase 2, respectively, m1 and m2 are
micromechanics models in FGM applications, the shear moduli of phase 1 and phase 2,
Aboudi et al. (1999) developed a higher-order respectively, and K1 and K2 are the bulk
micromechanical theory. The fundamental moduli of phase 1 and phase 2, respectively.
framework of the higher-order theory relies Once the above nonlinear equations are solved
upon volumetric averaging of the various for m and K, Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s
quantities, satisfaction of the field equations ratio n of the composite are then determined
in a volumetric sense, and imposition in an from the following elasticity relations:
average sense of boundary and interfacial
conditions between the subvolumes to char- 9mK 3K  2m
E¼ ; n¼ ð12Þ
acterize the graded microstructures. A detailed m þ 3K 2ðm þ 3KÞ
description and discussion of the higher-order
theory can be found in the review paper by
Aboudi et al. (1999). Moreover, Section 2.13.2 Mori–Tanaka model
of their paper provides insights on the applica-
tion of micromechanics models (originally Like the self-consistent method, the Mori–
developed for conventional composites) to Tanaka method also uses the average local
FGMs. Motivated by the above exposition, stress and strain fields in the constituents of a
this section first reviews the self-consistent and composite to estimate the effective material
Mori–Tanaka models. Then, a modified rule of properties of the composite. The Mori–Tanaka
mixture model proposed by Tamura et al. method (Mori and Tanaka, 1973), however,
(1973) is discussed. Finally, the popular involves rather complicated manipulations of
Hashin–Shtrikman bounds (Hashin and the field variables along with the concepts of
Shtrikman, 1963) are introduced. eigenstrain, backstress, etc. Later, Benveniste
(1987) provided a more direct and simplified Self-consistent model derivation of the Mori–Tanaka method.
The Mori–Tanaka estimates of the effective
The self-consistent method was first pro- shear and bulk moduli m and K of a two-phase
posed to estimate the elastic properties of composite with spherical inclusion were de-
polycrystalline materials which, in fact, are rived by Benveniste (1987) as follows:
just one phase media. Due to the random or
partially random distribution of crystal orien- m ¼ m1 þ V2 ðm2  m1 Þ
(   )
tation, discontinuities in properties exist across m ð9K1 þ 8m1 Þ 1
crystal interfaces. In the application to poly-  1 þ V1 ðm2  m1 Þ m1 þ 1
6ðK1 þ 2m1 Þ
crystalline aggregates, a single anisotropic
crystal is viewed as a spherical or ellipsoidal ð13Þ
inclusion embedded in an infinite medium of
the unknown isotropic properties of the   1
K2  K1
aggregate. Then the system is subjected to K ¼ K1 þ V2 ðK2  K1 Þ 1 þ V1
K1 þ ð4=3Þm1
uniform stress or strain conditions at large
distances from the inclusion. Next the orienta- ð14Þ
612 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
Once the above equations are evaluated for m σ
and K, Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio
n are given by Equation (12). Phase 1 (brittle) Composite
H Tamura–Tomota–Ozawa model E1 Phase 2 (ductile)
Based on a rule of mixtures, Tamura et al.
(1973) proposed a simple model (Tamura– H2
Tomota–Ozawa (TTO) model) to describe the
stress–strain curves of composite materials.
E q
Their model has been employed to study
FGMs by Williamson et al. (1993), Giannako-
poulos et al. (1995), and Carpenter et al.
(1999). The TTO model couples the uniaxial
stress (s) and strain (e) of the composite to the
corresponding average uniaxial stresses and
strains of the two constituent materials by Figure 3 Schematic of the stress–strain curve for
the TTO model.
s ¼ V1 s1 þ V2 s2 ; e ¼ V 1 e1 þ V 2 e2 ð15Þ
Figure 3 shows the schematic of the stress–
where si and ei (i ¼ 1, 2) are the average stresses strain curve of the composite described by the
and strains of the constituent phases, respec- TTO model.
tively, and Vi (i ¼ 1, 2) are volume fractions. When the metal follows a power-law relation
The TTO model introduces an additional with an exponent n2, the following nonlinear
parameter, q, to represent the ratio of stress- equations determine the stress–strain curve for
to-strain transfer the composite
s1  s2  
q¼ ; 0oqoN ð16Þ e V1 E s2 ðq þ V2 E1 ÞE sY2 s2 n2
e1  e2 ¼ þ
eY q þ E1 sY ðq þ E1 ÞE2 sY sY2
It is clear that q ¼ 0 and q-N correspond to s V2 q þ E1 s2 V1 qE1 sY2 s2 n2
¼ þ
property averaging with equal stress and equal sY q þ E1 sY2 ðq þ E1 ÞE2 sY sY2
strain, respectively. Young’s modulus of the
composite may be obtained from Equations where eY2 ¼ sY2/E2 and eY ¼ sY/E denote the
(15) and (16) as yield strains of the metal and the composite,
  respectively. The constant q in the TTO model
q þ E1 governs the interaction of the constituents in
E ¼ V2 E2 þ ð1  V2 ÞE1
q þ E2 an FGM. In applications, q may be approxi-
 1 mately determined by experimental calibration.
q þ E1
 V2 þ ð1  V2 Þ ð17Þ
q þ E2 Hashin–Shtrikman bounds
where Ei (i ¼ 1, 2) are Young’s moduli of the
basic constituent phases. Because effective properties of a composite
For applications of the TTO model to material are estimated from micromechanics
ceramic/metal (brittle/ductile) composites, the models such as the self-consistent and Mori–
yield stress of the composite, sY, is given by Tanaka models discussed above, it is important
  to provide bounds for those material properties.
q þ E2 E1 For a two-phase composite material, Hashin
sY ðV2 Þ ¼ sY2 V2 þ ð1  V2 Þ ð18Þ
q þ E1 E2 and Shtrikman (1963) derived the following
bounds for the effective shear and bulk moduli
where sY2 is the yield stress of the metal (phase  
2). Idealization of the metal as a bilinear 1 6ðK1 þ 2m1 ÞV1 1
m1 ¼ m1 þ V2 þ
material with a tangent modulus H2 leads to m2  m1 5m1 ð3K1 þ 4m1 Þ
a bilinear composite with the following tangent  
1 6ðK2 þ 2m2 ÞV2 1
modulus H m2 ¼ m2 þ V1 þ
m1  m2 5m2 ð3K2 þ 4m2 Þ
   1 ð21Þ
q þ E1  1 3V1
H ¼ V2 H2 þ ð1  V2 ÞE1 K1 ¼ K1 þ V2 þ
q þ H2 K2  K1 ð3K1 þ 4m1 Þ
 1  1
q þ E1 1 3V2
 V2 þ ð1  V2 Þ ð19Þ K2 ¼ K2 þ V1 þ
q þ H2 K1  K2 ð3K2 þ 4m2 Þ
Fracture of FGMs 613
where m1 and K1 are the lower bounds, and m2 angular distribution functions of stresses, ũa ðyÞ
and K2 are the upper bounds of the shear and and ũa ðyÞ are standard angular distribution
bulk moduli, respectively, when K24K1, functions of displacements, and mtip is the shear
m24m1. modulus at the crack tip. Many textbooks on
fracture list the standard angular functions, e.g.,
Anderson (1995). The singular parts of the
crack-tip stresses in a material with the proper-
ties in Equation (6), as used by Erdogan (1995), Crack-tip Fields are also given by Equation (22). Under plane-
stress conditions, the crack-tip energy release
As discussed in Section, FGMs are rate, G, is related to the SIFs by
nonhomogeneous materials from the viewpoint
of continuum mechanics, i.e., Young’s mod- 1
G¼ ðK 2 þ KII2 Þ ð24Þ
ulus, E, and Poisson’s ratio, n, of an FGM vary Etip I
with spatial position. Eischen (1987a) studied
the asymptotic crack-tip fields in general where 1/Etip is replaced by ð1  n2tip Þ=Etip in the
nonhomogeneous materials by using the tradi- above equation for plane-strain conditions. In
tional eigenfunction expansion technique as Equation (24), Etip and ntip denote Young’s
employed by Williams (1957). He has shown modulus and Poisson’s ratio at the crack tip,
that the stress field angular functions asso- respectively.
ciated with the first two terms (i.e., r–1/2 and r0)
are not affected by the material property
variation, and the effect of nonhomogeneity Stress Intensity Factors
is reflected in higher order terms (i.e., r1/2 and
higher). However, explicit forms of the higher- The assessment of crack-like defects and
order terms were not given. Parameswaran and damage in FGMs requires SIF solutions for
Shukla (2002) have provided the first six terms various crack problems. Extensive efforts have
of the stress field for a stationary crack, aligned been made in recent years to obtain SIF
along the gradient, in a material with exponen- solutions. This section reviews and discusses
tially graded E and constant n. They used an some available SIF solutions for cracks in
asymptotic analysis coupled with Wester- nonhomogeneous materials. Emphasis is
gaard’s stress function approach. placed on analytical/semianalytical techniques
When E and n are sufficiently smooth for solving crack problems of nonhomoge-
functions, Eischen (1987a) showed that the neous materials. Section 2.13.4 discusses the
2D crack-tip elastic fields remain identical to computation of SIF solutions via numerical
those in homogeneous materials. When E and n methods, e.g., finite element methods (FEMs).
are not sufficiently smooth functions, i.e., they
are continuous but only piecewise continuously
differentiable (e.g., for a graded layer bonded Mechanical loads
to a homogeneous substrate), Jin and Noda The singular integral equation technique is a
(1994a) obtained the same result and further powerful analytical/semianalytical method to
pointed out that the result can be extended to solve crack problems of nonhomogeneous
3D, anisotropic, and elastic–plastic cases. materials (Chan et al., 2003). A number of
Therefore, the asymptotic crack-tip stress and crack problems in FGMs have been studied
displacement fields in FGMs can be written as using this method. For example, Delale and
(Eischen, 1987a; Jin and Noda, 1994a) Erdogan (1983) studied a crack in an infinite
1 n ð1Þ ð2Þ
o FGM plate with a shear modulus that varies
sab ðr; yÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi KI s* ab ðyÞ þ KII s* ab ðyÞ ; r-0 exponentially in the crack direction, which is a
special case (y ¼ 0) of the problem discussed
below. For radial multiple-crack problems,
rffiffiffiffiffiffin o Shbeeb et al. (1999a, 1999b) proposed a
1 r fundamental solution and performed a para-
ua ðr; yÞ ¼ KI ũð1Þ ð2Þ
a ðyÞ þ KII ũa ðyÞ ; r-0
mtip 2p metric study of SIFs. Delale and Erdogan
ð23Þ (1988) have also considered a crack in an
FGM layer between two dissimilar homoge-
where a, b ¼ 1, 2, sab are stresses, ua are neous half planes. Erdogan et al. (1991) studied
displacements, (r, y) are the polar coordinates a crack problem in bonded nonhomogeneous
centered at the crack tip, KI and KII are mode I materials. Choi et al. (1998a) considered colli-
and mode II stress intensity factors (SIFs), near cracks in a layered half plane with an
ð1Þ ð2Þ
respectively, s* ab ðyÞ and s* ab ðyÞ are standard FGM interlayer. Choi (2001a) studied an
614 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
inclined crack in an FGM layer between two system, the shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio
dissimilar homogeneous half planes. Erdogan have the form given by Equation (6)
and Wu (1997) considered a crack in a finite-
width FGM plate under tension, bending and m  mðx; yÞ ¼ m0 expðbx þ gyÞ; n  n0
fixed-grip displacement loads, respectively. Gu
and Asaro (1997a) calculated SIFs for a semi- where b and g are related to d and y by
infinite crack in an FGM strip. Kadioglu et al. b ¼ d sin y; g ¼ d cos y ð26Þ
(1998) studied a crack problem for an FGM
layer on an elastic foundation. Erdogan and The Navier–Cauchy equations for the ma-
Ozturk (1995), Chen and Erdogan (1996), and terial with the properties of Equation (25) are
Jin and Batra (1996c) investigated cracks in given in Equation (8). The boundary condi-
FGM coatings. Ozturk and Erdogan (1997, tions of the crack problem can be formu-
1999) investigated both mode I and mixed- lated as
mode crack problems in a nonhomogeneous
orthotropic medium. Wang et a1. (1997) studied syy ðx; þ 0Þ ¼ p1 ðxÞ; jxjoa
a penny-shaped crack in a nonhomogeneous vðx; þ 0Þ ¼ vðx;  0Þ; jxj4a
layer between dissimilar materials. Chan et al.
(2001) investigated the crack problem for
FGMs under antiplane shear loading by means sxy ðx; þ0Þ ¼ p2 ðxÞ; jxjoa
of a displacement-based formulation leading to uðx; þ0Þ ¼ uðx; 0Þ; jxj4a
a hypersingular integral equation formulation.
Besides the integral-equation technique, Fett
syy ðx; þ0Þ ¼ syy ðx; 0Þ
et al. (2000) used a weight function method to ð29Þ
calculate SIFs for FGMs. sxy ðx; þ0Þ ¼ sxy ðx; 0Þ; jxjoN
We now describe a singular integral equation
approach to obtain the SIFs for a crack in an By means of a Fourier transform, the bound-
infinite nonhomogeneous medium as shown in ary value problem, Equation (8) and Equa-
Figure 4. The shear modulus and Poisson’s tions (27)–(29), reduces to the following
ratio follow the functional form system of singular integral equations
Z 1" #
f2 ðsÞ X2
m  mðx1 Þ ¼ m0 expðdx1 Þ; n  n0 ð25Þ þ L1j ðr; sÞfj ðsÞ ds
1 s  r j¼1
where m0, n0, and d are material constants. The 1þk
¼ p1 ðrÞ; jrjo1
above expression shows that the shear modulus 2mðr; 0Þ
Z 1 " # ð30Þ
varies exponentially along an arbitrary x1- f1 ðsÞ X 2
direction. A crack of length 2a exists along þ L2j ðr; sÞfj ðsÞ ds
1 s  r
the x-direction, which is inclined by angle y j¼1

from the x1-direction (see Figure 4). This is a 1þk

¼ p2 ðrÞ; jrjo1
mixed-mode crack problem studied by Konda 2mðr; 0Þ
and Erdogan (1994). In the (x, y) coordinate
where the unknown density functions f1(r) and
f2(r) are the slopes of the crack displacement
y profile defined by
y1 µ(x1) f1 ðxÞ ¼ ½uðx; þ0Þ  uðx; 0Þ
@x ð31Þ
x1 f2 ðxÞ ¼ ½vðx; þ0Þ  vðx; 0Þ

θ respectively, the nondimensional coordinate r

-a a
r ¼ x=a ð32Þ

and the Fredholm kernels Lij (r, s) (i, j ¼ 1, 2)

can be found in Konda and Erdogan (1994). In
addition, the functions f1(r) and f2(r) satisfy
the uniqueness conditions
Z 1 Z 1
Figure 4 Crack geometry in nonhomogeneous f1 ðrÞ dr ¼ 0; f2 ðrÞ dr ¼ 0 ð33Þ
medium (free space). 1 1
Fracture of FGMs 615
To obtain the numerical solution of the SIFs at the crack tip x ¼ a are calculated from
system of governing integral Equation (30),
the density functions, f1(r) and f2(r), are pffiffiffiffiffiffi 2mða; 0Þ X

expanded into series of Chebyshev polyno- KI ðaÞ ¼  pa Bn

1 þ k n¼1
mials as follows: ð38Þ
pffiffiffiffiffiffi 2mða; 0Þ X

N KII ðaÞ ¼  pa An
1 1 þ k n¼1
f1 ðrÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi An Tn ðrÞ; jrjr1
1  r2 n¼1
1 X
N and the SIFs at the crack tip x ¼ –a are
f2 ðrÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Bn Tn ðrÞ; jrjr1
1  r n¼1 2
pffiffiffiffiffiffi 2mða; 0Þ X
KI ðaÞ ¼ pa ð1Þn Bn
where Tn(r) are Chebyshev polynomials of the 1 þ k n¼1
first kind, and An and Bn are unknown pffiffiffiffiffiffi 2mða; 0Þ X
constants. The functions f1(r) and f2(r) given KII ðaÞ ¼ pa ð1Þn An
1 þ k n¼1
by Equations (34) already satisfy the condition
of Equations (33). By substituting Equation
(34) into integral Equations (30), we have Table
p ffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 shows the SIFs (normalized by
s0 pa) for various values of ad (nonhomo-
geneity parameter) and two crack orientations,
fUn1 ðrÞBn þ Hn11 ðrÞAn þ Hn12 ðrÞBn g y ¼ 0 and y ¼ p/2, under uniform crack surface
pressure s0. The angle y ¼ 0 corresponds to a
¼ p1 ðrÞ; jrjr1 crack aligned with the material gradation
2mðr; 0Þ direction. The problem becomes symmetric
about the crack line and thus KII ¼ 0. When
fUn1 ðrÞAn þ Hn21 ðrÞAn þ Hn22 ðrÞBn g
y ¼ p/2, the crack is perpendicular to the
1þk material gradation direction and the problem
¼ p2 ðrÞ; jrjr1 is symmetric about x ¼ 0; hence, KI(–a) ¼ KI(a)
2mðr; 0Þ
and KII(–a) ¼ –KII(a). Table 3 shows the
where Un(r) are Chebyshev polynomials of the normalized SIFs for various values of ad and
second kind and Hnij ðrÞ ði; j ¼ 1; 2Þ are given various crack orientations under uniform
by crack surface pressure s0. These results war-
rant careful examination in applications for
1 Tn ðsÞ defect assessment. For example, one surprising
Hnij ðrÞ ¼ Lij ðr; sÞpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ds; i; j ¼ 1; 2 ð36Þ
p 1 1  s2 result shown in Table 3 is that the maximum
values of KI and KII do not generally
To solve the functional Equations (35), the correspond to the limiting crack orientations
series on the left-hand side are first truncated y ¼ 0 and y ¼ p/2. Also, the values of y
at the Nth term. A collocation technique corresponding to the maximum SIFs depend
(Erdogan et al., 1973; Erdogan, 1978) is then on the nonhomogeneity parameter ad. More
used and the collocation points, ri, are chosen detailed SIF results for a single crack under
as the roots of the Chebyshev polynomials of various loading conditions can be found in
the first kind Konda and Erdogan (1994).
ð2i  1Þp
ri ¼ cos ; i ¼ 1; 2; y; N ð37Þ
2N Thermal loads
which are strategically selected such that more Thermal loads often have a pronounced role
points are located closer to the crack tips than in industrial applications of FGMs. The
on the midregion of the crack surface. The theoretical treatment of cracks under thermal

Table 2 Normalized SIFs under uniform crack surface pressure.

Normalized SIFs 0.1 0.25 0.5 1.0 2.5
y ¼ 0 KI(a) 1.023 1.055 1.103 1.189 1.382
KI(a) 0.975 0.936 0.871 0.757 0.536
y ¼ p/2 KI(a) 1.008 1.036 1.101 1.258 1.808
KII(a) 0.026 0.065 0.129 0.263 0.697
After Konda and Erdogan (1994).
616 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
Table 3 Effects of the nonhomogeneity parameter ad and the crack orientation y on the normalized SIFs
under uniform crack surface pressure.
Normalized SIFs 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
ad ¼ 0.1 KI(a) 1.023 1.023 1.022 1.020 1.015 1.008
KI(a) 0.975 0.977 0.983 0.991 1.003 1.008
KII(a) 0.000 0.010 0.019 0.024 0.027 0.026
KII(a) 0.000 0.006 0.012 0.018 0.023 0.026
ad ¼ 0.25 KI(a) 1.055 1.057 1.061 1.061 1.053 1.036
KI(a) 0.936 0.943 0.962 0.987 1.014 1.036
KII(a) 0.000 0.030 0.054 0.067 0.070 0.065
KII(a) 0.000 0.011 0.024 0.039 0.054 0.065
ad ¼ 0.5 KI(a) 1.103 1.113 1.133 1.145 1.135 1.101
KI(a) 0.871 0.887 0.931 0.990 1.050 1.101
KII(a) 0.000 0.073 0.126 0.149 0.148 0.129
KII(a) 0.000 0.013 0.034 0.064 0.099 0.129
ad ¼ 1.0 KI(a) 1.189 1.222 1.294 1.348 1.336 1.258
KI(a) 0.757 0.788 0.878 1.004 0.139 1.258
KII(a) 0.000 0.179 0.306 0.352 0.327 0.263
KII(a) 0.000 0.010 0.039 0.099 0.181 0.263
After Konda and Erdogan (1994)

loads is similar to that for cracks under 0 1 2 N

y y 0 1 2 N
mechanical loads. Under steady-state thermal
loading conditions, Noda and Jin (1993)
studied a crack parallel to the boundaries of
an infinite strip. Jin and Noda (1994b) con-
sidered an edge crack in a nonhomogeneous
half plane. Erdogan and Wu (1996) investi-
gated a crack perpendicular to the boundaries
-T0 -Tb -T0 -Tb
of an infinite strip. Nemat-Alla and Noda
(2000) considered an edge crack problem in a
semi-infinite FGM plate with a bidirectional x x
gradation in the coefficient of thermal expan-
sion. Under transient thermal loading condi-
tions, Jin and Noda (1994c) studied a crack
parallel to the boundary of a nonhomogeneous
half plane. Jin and Batra (1996b) investigated
an edge crack in an FGM strip. Kokini and
Case (1997) considered both edge and interface
cracks in functionally graded ceramic coatings. b
(a) (b) b
Choi et al. (1998b) investigated collinear cracks
in a layered half plane with a graded homo- Figure 5 An FGM strip occupying the region
geneous interfacial zone. Wang et al. (2000) 0rXrb and |y|oN. The bounding surfaces of
developed a multilayered material model to the strip are subjected to uniform thermal loads T0
study various crack problems in FGMs under and Tb: (a) a layered material and (b) an edge crack
thermal loads. For a comprehensive review on in the layered material.
thermal stresses in FGMs and related topics,
see the review paper by Noda (1999). form and an asymptotic analysis, they obtained
By using a multilayered material model, Jin an analytical first-order temperature solution
and Paulino (2001) studied an edge crack in an for short times and calculated thermal stress
elastic homogeneous but thermally nonhomo- intensity
pffiffiffiffiffiffi factors (TSIF) (normalized by
geneous strip subjected to transient tempera- Ea0 T0 pb=ð1  nÞ; where E and n are Young’s
ture boundary conditions as shown in Figure 5. modulus and Poisson’s ratio, respectively, and
Here a is the crack length, b is the strip a0 is the thermal expansion coefficient of the
thickness, N þ 1 is the total number of homo- first homogeneous layer). Figure 6(a) shows the
geneous layers, and T0 and Tb are boundary normalized TSIFs for edge cracks with lengths
thermal loads. By means of the Laplace trans- a/b ¼ 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 in a homogeneous strip
Fracture of FGMs 617
0.15 0.15
complete a/b = 0.1 homogeneous
asymptotic n = 0.2
n = 1.0
n = 2.0

0.10 a/b = 0.10

Normalized TSIF
Normalized TSIF


0.05 0.05

0.00 0.00
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
(a) Nondimensional time (b) Nondimensional time

Figure 6 (a) Normalized TSIFs for a homogeneous strip: asymptotic solution versus complete solution and
(b) TSIFs for the FGM strip for various material nonhomogeneity parameter n (after Jin and Paulino, 2001).

Ec x1 δ δ h1
E(x2 ) x2 h2 h

2c e

Figure 7 Schematic of a coating/substrate system with an FGM interlayer and a crack under Hertzian
contact with friction.

based on the asymptotic solution and the Contact loads

complete solution. The TSIFs based on the
asymptotic solution show good agreement with The application of FGMs as wear-resistant
those based on the complete solution for times coatings introduces contact loads in the frac-
up to approximately t ¼ 0.1, where t is the ture analysis. Some crack problems of FGMs
nondimensional time given by t ¼ tk0/b2 in subjected to contact loads have been studied by
which t is time and k0 is the thermal diffusivity Choi (2001b) and Dag and Erdogan (2002).
of the first homogeneous layer. Figure 6(b) Choi (2001b) studied a crack in a semi-
shows the normalized TSIFs versus nondimen- infinite homogeneous substrate coated by a
sional time t for cracks in both homogeneous two-layer material system with an FGM
and TiC/SiC FGM strips for the volume interlayer and a homogeneous top layer, as
fraction profiles n ¼ 0.2, 1.0, and 2.0, where n shown in Figure 7. The top and the FGM
is the power index in the SiC volume fraction layers have thicknesses of h1 and h2, respec-
function given by (see Figure 2) tively. The substrate contains a crack of length
2c which is perpendicular to the coating surface
and d is the distance between the center of the
VSiC ðX Þ ¼ ðX =bÞn ð40Þ
crack and the interface of the substrate with the
FGM layer. The surface of the top layer is
The peak TSIFs for the FGM are lower than loaded by a moving contact pressure with
that for the homogeneous strip. friction, which can be approximately described
618 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials

0.8 0.1
E /E = 0.2 Ec/Es = 0.2
c s 0

-0.4 -0.3

-0.8 -0.4


-2 -0.8
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
(a) e/δ (b) e/δ

Figure 8 Mixed-mode SIFs for Ec/Es ¼ 0.2, d/c ¼ h/c ¼ 1.0, d/c ¼ 5.0, and f ¼ 0.7: (a) normalized mode I SIF
at crack tip x3 ¼ a and (b) normalized mode II SIF at crack-tip x3 ¼ a. See Figure 7 to identify the crack-tip
location (after Choi, 2001b).

by the Hertzian contact load P

y  e 2ffi
NðyÞ ¼ p0 1 
d ð41Þ a b
TðyÞ ¼ fNðyÞ; jy  ejod
µ(x ) d
where N(y) is the normal contact pressure, T(y) FGM
the tangential traction, p0 the peak pressure, d
the contact half-width, e the distance between x
the contact center and the crack, and f the
friction coefficient. The Poisson’s ratio is
assumed constant throughout the medium Figure 9 A surface crack in a semi-infinite FGM
and Young’s modulus is medium under a sliding stamp.

E ¼ Ec ; 0rx1 rh1 ð42Þ same time, KII remains negative but |KII|
decreases and reaches a peak near e/d ¼ 1.0.
When f ¼ 0, i.e., frictionless contact, KI is
E ¼ Ec expðbx2 Þ; 0rx2 rh2 ð43Þ
symmetric about the crack line and is negative
for all contact locations, while KII is antisym-
E ¼ Es ; 0rx3 rN ð44Þ metric. The negative KI values in Figure 8(a)
simply indicate crack closure at those loca-
where xi (i ¼ 1, 2, 3) is the local x-coordinate in tions, and are shown just to illustrate this
each layer. By using a singular integral effect. The absolute values of KI and KII
equation approach, Choi (2001b) solved the increase with increasing f when e/do0. When
crack problem of Figure 7 and studied effects e/d40, the maximum values of positive KI and
of the material nonhomogeneity and contact KII increase with increasing f. As to the effect
parameters on SIFs. Figure pffiffiffi 8 shows the SIFs of material nonhomogeneity on the SIFs, a
(normalized by K0 ¼ p0 c) for Ec/Es ¼ 0.2, general observation by Choi (2001b) is that
d/c ¼ h/c ¼ 1.0, d/c ¼ 5.0, and f ¼ 0.7. The increasing the thickness of the FGM layer
thickness ratio is chosen as h2/h ¼ 0.1. causes some increase in the magnitude of the
When the contact moves from the left side of SIFs, especially for KI. A thinner FGM
the crack (e/do0) toward the crack (e/do0), interlayer, to some extent, becomes more
the absolute value of the mode I SIF, KI effective in shielding the crack tip.
increases first, reaches a maximum, and then Dag and Erdogan (2002) investigated a
decreases. KI remains negative for e/dr0. The surface crack in a nonhomogeneous half plane
absolute mode II SIF, KII, follows a similar loaded by a sliding rigid stamp. Figure 9 shows
pattern. When the contact moves from the the contact crack problem, where P is the
crack to its right side (e/d40), KI increases and contact load, f is the friction coefficient, d is the
becomes positive near e/d ¼ 0.5 or greater, crack length, and a and b are the y-coordinates
depending on the friction coefficient f. At the of the left and right ends of the stamp,
Fracture of FGMs 619
respectively. The shear modulus and the sented a crack deflection model for small-kink
Poisson ratio of the graded medium are conditions. The model postulates the idea of a
assumed as local homogeneous core near the main crack
tip characterized by the near-tip fields, Equa-
m ¼ m0 expðgxÞ; n ¼ const: ð45Þ tions (22) and (23). In this core region, Young’s
modulus and the Poisson ratio are Etip and ntip,
Dag and Erdogan (2002) also used a singular respectively, as shown in Figure 10. Under
integral equation approach to solve the con- those assumptions, the small crack kinking
tact crack problem of Figure 9 and calculated model presented by Cotterell and Rice (1980)
SIFs versus a/d for various values of the may be applied to FGMs. Cotterell and Rice
material nonhomogeneous parameter gd and (1980) assumed that the SIFs at the kinked
friction coefficient f. Detailed results and crack tip could be expressed as (see also
discussions can be found in Dag and Erdogan Karihaloo, 1982)
KI ¼ C11 ðfÞKI þ C12 ðfÞKII
ð47Þ Crack Growth KII ¼ C21 ðfÞKI þ C22 ðfÞKII

Crack extension in FGMs may follow one of where KI and KII are the SIFs at the kinked
two scenarios. In the first case, the crack lies in crack tip, KI and KII are the SIFs at the main
the direction perpendicular to the material crack tip, f is the kink angle (see Figure 10),
gradation. Clearly, the crack growth mode is and Cij (i, j ¼ 1, 2) are coefficients depending on
mixed and the crack deflects from the original f. For small kink angle, using the first order
orientation. In the second case, the crack approximation, Cotterell and Rice (1980)
propagation occurs in the material gradation obtained
direction under mode I loading conditions.  
This section first discusses the crack deflection 1 f 3f
C11 ¼ 3 cos þ cos
problem, i.e., the determination of crack 4 2 2
propagation direction. The section concludes  
3 f 3f
with an initial discussion of fracture toughness C12 ¼  sin þ sin
4 2 2
under stable extension (R-curve).   ð48Þ
1 f 3f
C21 ¼ sin þ sin
4 2 2 Crack deflection 1 f 3f
C22 ¼ cos þ cos
SIFs at a kinked crack tip determine the 4 2 2
crack deflection direction at the load when the
crack starts to propagate. Several crack-kink- They showed that, for homogeneous materials,
ing theories exist to predict the kink direction, SIFs calculated using Equations (47) and (48)
e.g., the maximum energy release rate criterion, are in good agreement with exact solutions for
the maximum circumferential stress theory, f up to 401 (the error is less than 5%).
and so on. The maximum energy release rate With the SIFs at the kinked crack tip given
criterion states that the crack growth occurs by Equation (47), the crack growth direction
along the direction which provides the max- can be obtained by fracture criteria such as the
imum energy release rate. The maximum
circumferential stress theory assumes that the
crack propagation direction corresponds to the
one at which the circumferential stress reaches
the maximum. The maximum circumferential
stress theory is often used for the study of (Etip,νtip)
crack growth direction in FGMs. According to
this theory, the crack deflection angle relative
to the original crack (tangent) line, f, is φ
KI sin f  KII ð3 cos f  1Þ ¼ 0 ð46Þ

In general, numerical methods are used to

calculate the SIFs at the tip of a finite kinked
crack (Becker et al., 2001). For small-kink Kinked crack
cracks, however, the SIFs at the kinked crack
Main crack
tip may be calculated based on the SIFs for the
main crack tip. Gu and Asaro (1997b) pre- Figure 10 Crack-tip kinking.
620 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
maximum energy release rate criterion or the crack grows from the ceramic-rich region into
maximum circumferential stress criterion. Gu the metal-rich region, the toughness of the
and Asaro (1997b) calculated the crack growth FGM increases significantly since the fracture
angles for a double cantilever beam and a four- toughness of the metal greatly exceeds that of
point bending specimen by using the above the ceramic. However, Equation (51) probably
model. The material properties were assumed overestimates the fracture toughness of the
to vary exponentially in the specimen width FGM given the imperfections that exist be-
direction. They observed a strong effect of tween the ceramic and metal particles in a
material gradient on the kink angle when the ceramic/metal FGM which are not considered
crack tip is at the middle of the FGM, but the in such a simple mixture relationship. To
effect becomes small when the crack tip lies improve the rule of mixture estimates of
near the boundaries of the FGM. fracture toughness for FGMs, Jin and Batra
(1996a, 1998) proposed a crack-bridging mod-
el. In the crack-bridging model, a bridging Fracture toughness and the
zone exists ahead of the original main crack
with the following constitutive law that relates
For FGMs, the fracture toughness generally the bridging traction, s, to the relative opening
varies with spatial position. For example, a displacement of the bridging surfaces
strong fracture toughness gradation exists in
ceramic/metal FGMs because the toughness of s ¼ s0 ð1  d=d0 Þn ð52Þ
the metal greatly exceeds that of the ceramic. A
very simple approach to determine the fracture where s0 is the maximum bridging traction, d0
toughness of ceramic/metal FGMs adopts a is a critical opening displacement at which the
rule of mixtures. For example, Jin and Batra bridging traction vanishes, and n is a softening
(1996a) assumed that the critical energy release index. By using both the rule of mixture
rate for the FGM, GIC(X), may be expressed as estimate and the crack-bridging model, Jin
follows: and Batra (1996a) calculated the fracture
met cer
toughness and R-curve for an edge cracked
GIC ðX Þ ¼ Vmet ðX ÞGIC þ ½1  Vmet ðX ÞGIC ð49Þ infinite strip made of an Al2O3/Ni FGM. Their
met cer result shows that the fracture toughness
where GIC and GIC are the critical energy significantly increases when the crack grows
release rates of the metal and ceramic, respec- from the ceramic-rich region towards the
tively, Vmet (X) is the metal volume fraction, metal-rich region. The rule of mixture estimate
and X is the material gradation direction. Note of the fracture toughness exceeds that pre-
that dicted from the crack-bridging model. Cai and
1  n2 ðX Þ 2 Bao (1998) also studied crack growth in a
GIC ðX Þ ¼ KIC ceramic/metal graded coating using a more
simplified bridging model with constant brid-
met 1  n2met met 2 ging traction. However, the simple crack-
GIC ¼ ðKIC Þ ð50Þ
Emet bridging models may not be applicable to the
cer 1  ncer cer 2 ceramic–metal interconnected region (percola-
Ecer tion region) in an FGM (see midportion of
Figure 1). A phenomenological cohesive mod-
met cer
where KIC(X), KIC ; and KIC are the fracture el, proposed by Jin et al. (2002), may be used
toughnesses of the FGM, metal and ceramic, for the whole range of an FGM component—
respectively, E(X), Emet, and Ecer are Young’s see discussion in Section
moduli of the FGM, metal and ceramic,
respectively, and n(X), nmet, and ncer are the
Poisson ratios of the FGM, metal and ceramic, Dynamic Fracture
respectively. The fracture toughness of the
FGM is then obtained as follows (Jin and Crack-tip fields for a propagating
Batra, 1996a):
  Parameswaran and Shukla (1999) have
EðX Þ ð1  n2met ÞVmet ðX Þ met 2
KIC ðX Þ ¼ ðKIC Þ studied crack-tip stress and deformation fields
1  n2 ðX Þ Emet for cracks propagating in FGMs with either a
ð1  n2cer Þð1  Vmet ðX ÞÞ cer 2 linearly varying or an exponentially varying
þ ðKIC Þ ð51Þ shear modulus. In the case of a linearly
varying modulus, the mass density remains
The above equation indicates that the fracture constant, while in the case of an exponentially
toughness of the FGM varies with X. When the varying modulus, the mass density follows the
Fracture of FGMs 621

Y y The equations of motion can then be expressed

by D and o as follows:

c @D 2m0 a @o
m0 ð1 þ aX Þr2 D þ 2m0 a 
X x @X l0 =m0 þ 2 @Y
crack r @2D
¼ ð59Þ
Figure 11 A propagating crack with constant l0 =m0 þ 2 @t2
velocity c. @o @D @2o
m0 ð1 þ aX Þr2 o þ 2m0 a þ 2l0 a ¼r 2
@X @Y @t
same exponential function. While such as- The above equations reduce to the corres-
sumptions do not reflect real engineering ponding wave equations of dilatation and
materials, they enable analytical solutions rotation for homogeneous materials by setting
and thus allow one to gain insight into the a equal to zero. However, due to the non-
nature of the dynamic crack-tip fields. This homogeneous nature of the material, the
section begins with an introduction of those equations remain coupled in the two fields D
crack-tip field results. and o, through the nonhomogeneity parameter
a. When Equations (59) are written in a
(i) Crack-tip fields for linear variation of shear moving rectangular coordinate system (x, y)
modulus and constant mass density centered at the crack tip as shown in Figure 11,
we have
Consider a semi-infinite crack propagating
at a constant velocity c in the positive X- @2D @2D @D 2b @o
a21 þ þ bxr2 D þ 2b  ¼0
direction in an FGM as shown in Figure 11. @x2 @y2 @x l0 =m0 þ 2 @y
The shear modulus of the FGM follows the @2o @2o @o @d ð60Þ
form a22 2 þ 2 þ bxr2 o þ 2b þ 2b ¼ 0
@x @y @x @y
m ¼ m0 ð1 þ aX Þ ð53Þ
where m0 and a are material constants. The " #1=2
Poisson ratio (n) and the mass density (r) rc2
a1 ¼ 1 
remain constant. The Lame constant l is then mtip ðl0 =m0 þ 2Þ
given by " #1=2
rc2 ð61Þ
a2 ¼ 1 
l ¼ l0 ð1 þ aX Þ ð54Þ mtip

where l0 is a constant. Under these assump- b ¼ m0 a=mtip

tions, the governing equations of the dynamic
problem under plane-strain conditions are the in which mtip is the shear modulus at the crack
equations of motion tip.
By using an asymptotic analysis, Parames-
@sXX @sXY @2u @sXY @sYY @2v waran and Shukla (1999) obtained the crack-
þ ¼ r 2; þ ¼ r 2 ð55Þ tip solutions for D and o, and found that the
@X @Y @t @X @Y @t
crack-tip stress and velocity fields have the
the strain–displacement relations following form:
@u @v 1 @u @v 1
sab ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffifKI ðtÞS* ab ðy; cÞ þ KII ðtÞS
* ð2Þ ðy; cÞg
eXX ¼ ; eYY ¼ ; eXY ¼ þ ab
@X @Y 2 @Y @X 2pr
ð56Þ r-0 ð62Þ

and Hooke’s law

u’ a ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffifKI ðtÞṼð1Þ ð2Þ
a ðy; cÞ þ KII ðtÞṼa ðy; cÞg
sXX ¼ ð1 þ aX Þ½ðl0 þ 2m0 ÞeXX þ l0 eYY  mtip 2pr
sXX ¼ ð1 þ aX Þ½ðl0 þ 2m0 ÞeXX þ l0 eYY  ð57Þ r-0 ð63Þ
sXY ¼ 2ð1 þ aX Þm0 eXY
which are identical to the fields for homo-
We introduce the dilatation (D) and rotation geneous materials. Note that Equations (62)
(o) by and (63) have a similar form to those reported
in Equations (22) and (23) for the quasistatic
@u @v @v @u case, but with displacements replaced by
D¼ þ ; o¼  ð58Þ
@X @Y @X @Y velocities including the time dependence of
622 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
SIFs. In the above expressions, sab are SIFs by
stresses, u’ a are velocities, (r, y) are the polar
coordinates centered at the crack tip, KI(t) ð1 þ a22 Þð1  a21 Þ KI
A0 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi
and KII(t) are mode I and mode II dynamic 4a1 a2  ð1 þ a22 Þ2 mtip 2p
SIFs, respectively, S* ab ðy; cÞ and S* ab ðy; cÞ are
ð1Þ ð2Þ
2a1 ð1  a22 Þ
standard angular distribution functions of B0 ¼ A0
1 þ a22 ð1  a21 Þ
stresses for propagating cracks, and ð67Þ
ð1Þ ð2Þ
Ṽa ðy; cÞ and Ṽa ðy; cÞ are standard angular 2a2 ð1  a21 Þ KII
C0 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi
distribution functions of velocities, which can 4a1 a2  ð1 þ a22 Þ2 mtip 2p
be found in dynamic fracture mechanics 1 þ a22 ð1  a22 Þ
books, e.g., Freund (1990). Besides the singu- D0 ¼  C0
2a2 ð1  a21 Þ
lar term of the crack-tip asymptotic fields,
Parameswaran and Shukla (1999) also ob- and A1, A2, B2, C2, D1, and D2 are unknown
tained higher order terms of the D and o fields constants. Note that the first and second-order
with the solutions up to the third order term terms are identical to those for homogeneous
given by materials but the third-order term differs from
that for homogeneous materials.
1=2 y1 1=2 y1
D ¼ A0 r1 cos þ A1 þ A2 r1 cos
2 2
(ii) Crack-tip fields for exponential variation of
b 1=2 3y1
 2 A0 r1 cos both shear modulus and mass density
2a1 2
4ba2 1=2 y2 Parameswaran and Shukla (1999) also con-
þ 2 B0 r cos sidered crack-tip fields for a crack propagating
ða1  a22 Þðl0 =m0 þ 2Þ 2 2
  in an FGM with the following spatial variation
3ð1  a21 Þb 1=2 1 7y 1 3y1
þ A 0 r 1 cos þ cos of shear modulus and mass density
16a21 6 2 2
1=2 y 1 1=2 y 1 m ¼ m0 expðaX Þ; r ¼ r0 expðaX Þ ð68Þ
þ C0 r1 sin þ C2 r1 sin
2 2
b 1=2 3y1 where m0, r0, and a are material constants.
þ 2 C0 r1 sin Poisson’s ratio (n) is again assumed constant.
2a1 2
Under these assumptions, the equations for the
4ba2 1=2 y2
 2 D0 r2 sin dilatation D and rotation o in the moving
ða1  a22 Þðl0 =m0 þ 2Þ 2 rectangular coordinates (x, y) are
3ð1  a1 Þb 1=2 1 7y1 3y1
 C r
0 1 sin þ sin ð64Þ @2D @2D @D a @o
16a21 6 2 2 a21 þ þa  ¼0
@x2 @y2 @x l0 =m0 þ 2 @y
@2o @2o @o l0 @d
a22 2 þ 2 þ a a ¼0
@x @y @x m0 @y
1=2 y2 1=2 y2
o ¼  B 0 r2 sin þ B2 r2 sin
2 2 where
b 1=2 3y2 4ba1 1=2 y1
 2 B0 r2 sin þ 2 2
A0 r1 sin  1=2  1=2
2a2 2 ða2  a1 Þ 2 r0 c2 r c2
  a1 ¼ 1  ; a2 ¼ 1  0 ð70Þ
3ð1  a22 Þb 1=2 1 7y2 3y2 l0 þ 2m0 Þ m0
 B0 r2 sin þ sin
16a22 6 2 2
The leading terms of the asymptotic crack-tip
1=2 y2 1=2 y 2
þ D0 r2 cos þ D1 þ D2 r2 cos stress and velocity fields are again found
2 2 identical to those for homogeneous materials.
b 1=2 3y2 4ba1 1=2 y1
 2 D0 r2 cos  2 C0 r1 cos Parameswaran and Shukla (1999) also ob-
2a2 2 ða2  a21 Þ 2 tained the crack-tip D and o solutions up to
3ð1  a22 Þb 1=2 1 7y 2 3y 2 the third-order term.
þ D 0 r2 cos þ cos ð65Þ
16a22 6 2 2 Dynamic SIFs
Due to difficulties of analytical modeling,
ai y only limited solutions for dynamic stress
ri ¼ ðx2 þ a2i y2 Þ1=2 ; yi ¼ arctan ; i ¼ 1; 2 intensity factors (DSIFs) are available. Babaei
and Lukasiewicz (1998) considered a crack in
an FGM layer between two dissimilar half
planes under anti-plane shear impact load. Itou
A0, B0, C0, and D0 are related to the dynamic (2001) studied DSIFs for a crack in a
Fracture of FGMs 623
2.5 3

V/c2=0.0 V/c2=0.0
V/c2=0.2 V/c2=0.2
V/c2=0.4 V/c2=0.4
V/c2=0.6 V/c2=0.6
2 2
V/c2=0.7 V/c2=0.7
V/c2=0.8 V/c2=0.8


1.5 1

1 0
0 1 2 0 1 2
(a) αa (b) αa
Figure 12 (a) Normalized mode I DSIF versus nonhomogeneity parameter, aa and (b) normalized mode II
DSIF versus nonhomogeneity parameter, aa (after Meguid et al., 2002).

nonhomogeneous layer sandwiched between s0, and shear load, t0, by using an integral
two dissimilar homogeneous materials under equation method. Figure 12(a) shows pffiffiffiffiffiffi the
in-plane stress wave loading. Li et al. (2001) mode I DSIF (normalized by s0 pa), kI,
investigated a cylindrical crack in an FGM versus the nonhomogeneous parameter aa
layer under torsional dynamic loading. for different crack propagation speeds.
Meguid et al. (2002) considered a crack of kI increases with increasing aa; and with
finite length (2a) propagating at a constant increasing crack propagation speed, the effect
velocity c along the x-direction (see Figure 11) of a increases. Figure 12(b) shows the normal-
in an infinite FGM medium with the following ized mode II DSIF, kII, versus the nonhomo-
Young’s modulus and mass density geneity parameter aa for different crack
propagation speeds. A significant effect of aa
E ¼ E0 expðayÞ; r ¼ r0 expðayÞ ð71Þ upon kII is observed. More detailed DSIF
results can be found in the paper of Meguid
where E0, r0, and a are material constants, and et al. (2002).
Poisson’s ratio remains constant. Again,
although the above assumptions do not reflect
real materials, they are valuable to gain insight
into the nature of DSIFs. Under the above Viscoelastic Fracture
assumptions, the Navier–Cauchy equations in To date, FGMs have found primary poten-
the moving coordinates (x, y) become tial application in high-temperature technolo-
  gies. In general, materials exhibit creep
@2u @2u @2v @u @v
b1 þ þ b2 þ b þ ¼0 and stress relaxation behavior at high tem-
@x2 @y2 @x@y @y @x
  ð72Þ peratures. Viscoelasticity offers a basis to
@2v @2v @2u @u @v study the phenomenological behavior of creep
b3 2 þ 2 þ b4 þ b3 b n þ ¼0
@y @x @x@y @x @y and stress relaxation of polymers and
polymer-based FGMs fabricated by, e.g.,
where Parameswaran and Shukla (1998), Lambros
  et al. (1999), and Marur and Tippur (2000b);
2 c2 1þn
b1 ¼ 1 2 ; b2 ¼ however, those papers are not concerned with
1n c1 1n
The elastic–viscoelastic correspondence prin-
 1  1 ciple (or elastic–viscoelastic analogy) repre-
2 c2 1þn c2
b3 ¼ 1 2 ; b4 ¼ 1 2 sents one of the most useful tools in
1n c2 1n c2
viscoelasticity because the Laplace transform
of the viscoelastic solution can be directly
 1=2  1=2
E0 E0 obtained from the corresponding elastic solu-
c1 ¼ ; c2 ¼ ð73Þ tion. However, the correspondence principle
ð1  n2 Þr0 2ð1 þ nÞr0
does not in general hold for FGMs. To avoid
Meguid et al. (2002) solved these governing this problem, Paulino and Jin (2001a) have
equations under both normal crack face load, shown that the correspondence principle can
624 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
still be used to obtain the viscoelastic solution functions of time, i.e., m  m(t) and K  K(t)
for a class of FGMs exhibiting relaxation or (Christensen, 1971).
creep functions with separable kernels in space The boundary conditions are given by
and time. In the development below, the sij nj ¼ Si ; on Bs ð78Þ
revisited correspondence principle is presented
and the solution of a crack problem is given to ui ¼ Di ; on Bu ð79Þ
illustrate application of the correspondence
principle to viscoelastic FGMs. where nj are the components of the unit
Other studies on crack problems of outward normal to the boundary of the body,
nonhomogeneous viscoelastic materials di- Si are the tractions prescribed on Bs, and Di are
rectly solve the viscoelastic governing equa- the prescribed displacements on Bu. Notice that
tions. For example, Alex and Schovanec (1996) Bs and Bu are required to remain constant with
have considered stationary cracks subjected to time.
antiplane shear loading. Herrmann and Scho-
vanec (1990, 1994) have studied quasistatic and Correspondence principle, revisited
dynamic crack propagation in nonhomoge-
neous viscoelastic media under antiplane shear In general, the standard correspondence
conditions. Schovanec and Walton (1987a, principle of homogeneous viscoelasticity does
1987b) have also considered quasistatic propa- not hold for FGMs. To circumvent this
gation of a plane-strain mode I crack in a problem, consider a special class of FGMs in
power-law nonhomogeneous linearly viscoelas- which the relaxation functions have the follow-
tic body and calculated the corresponding ing general form (separable in space and time):
energy release rate. Although these investiga-
mðx; tÞ ¼ m0 mðxÞf ðtÞ
tions employed a separable form for the ð80Þ
relaxation functions, they did not make use Kðx; tÞ ¼ K0 K̃ðxÞgðtÞ
of the correspondence principle. When applic-
able, use of the correspondence principle The constitutive law Equation (76) then
substantially simplifies solution of viscoelastic reduces to
problems (see Paulino and Jin, 2001a; 2001b). Z t
sij ¼ 2m0 mðxÞ f ðt  tÞ
0 dt
Z t ð81Þ Basic equations dekk
skk ¼ 3K0 K̃ðxÞ gðt  tÞ dt
The basic equations of quasi-static visco- 0 dt
elasticity of FGMs are By assuming that the material is initially at
sij; j ¼ 0; ðequilibrium equationÞ ð74Þ rest, the Laplace transforms of the basic
Equations (74), (75), (81), and the boundary
conditions Equations (78) and (79) are ob-
eij ¼ ðui; j þ uj; i Þ=2; ðstrain2displacement relationÞ tained as
ð75Þ s% ij; j ¼ 0 ð82Þ

9 e%ij ¼ ðu% i; j þ u% j; i Þ=2 ð83Þ

Rt deij >
sij ¼ 2 0 mðx; t  tÞ dt > = *
s%ij ¼ 2m0 mðxÞp % e%ij ;
dt fðpÞ % ekk ð84Þ
s% kk ¼ 3K0 K̃ðxÞpgðpÞ%
ðconstitutive lawÞ
Rt dekk >
skk ¼ 3 0 Kðx; t  tÞ dt >
; s% ij nj ¼ S% i ; on Bs ð85Þ
% i;
u% i ¼ D on Bu ð86Þ

sij ¼ sij  skk dij =3; eij ¼ eij  ekk dij =3 ð77Þ where a bar over a variable represents its
Laplace transform, and p is the transform
in which sij are stresses, eij are strains, sij and eij variable. The set of Equations (82)–(84), and
are deviatoric components of stress and strain conditions Equations (85) and (86) have a
tensors, ui are displacements, dij is the Kro- form identical to those of nonhomogeneous
necker delta, x ¼ (x1, x2, x3), m(x, t), and K(x, t) *
elasticity with shear modulus m ¼ m0 mðxÞ and
are the appropriate relaxation functions, t is bulk modulus K ¼ K0 K̃ðxÞ provided that the
the time, the Latin indices have the range 1, 2, transformed viscoelastic variables are asso-
3, and repeated indices imply the summation ciated with the corresponding elastic variables,
convention. Note that the relaxation functions % and K0 pgðpÞ
and m0 pfðpÞ % are associated with m0
also depend on spatial positions, whereas in and K0, respectively. Therefore, the correspon-
homogeneous viscoelasticity, they are only dence principle of homogeneous viscoelasticity
Fracture of FGMs 625
still holds for the FGM with the material A crack in a viscoelastic FGM strip
properties given in Equation (80), i.e., the
Laplace transformed nonhomogeneous visco- Paulino and Jin (2001b, 2001c) have applied
elastic solution can be obtained directly from the revisited correspondence principle to some
the solution of the corresponding nonhomoge- antiplane shear crack problems. They also
neous elastic problem by replacing m0 and K0 considered (Jin and Paulino, 2002) an infinite
with m0 pfðpÞ %
and K0 pgðpÞ; respectively. The nonhomogeneous viscoelastic strip containing
final solution is realized upon inverting the a crack of length 2a, as shown in Figure 13.
transformed solution. The FGM strip is subjected to a uniform
tension s0S(t) in the y-direction along both the
lower boundary (y ¼ h1) and the upper Viscoelastic models boundary (y ¼ h2), where s0 is a constant and
S(t) is a nondimensional function of time t.
Among the various models for graded The crack lies on the x-axis, from –a to a, and
viscoelastic materials, we introduce the stan- the crack surfaces remain traction free.
dard linear solid defined by The extensional relaxation function of the
material is given by
mðx; tÞ ¼ mN ðxÞ þ ½me ðxÞ  mN ðxÞ exp½t=tm ðxÞ
E ¼ E0 expðby=hÞf ðtÞ ð91Þ
Kðx; tÞ ¼ KN ðxÞ þ ½Ke ðxÞ  KN ðxÞ exp½t=tK ðxÞ
where h is a scale length and f(t) is a
nondimensional function of time t, e.g.,
the power-law model given by
f ðtÞ ¼ EN =E0 þ ð1  EN =E0 Þ expðt=t0 Þ
mðx; tÞ ¼ me ðxÞ½tm ðxÞ=tq ; Kðx; tÞ ðlinear standard solidÞ ð92Þ
¼ Ke ðxÞ½tK ðxÞ=tq ; 0oqo1 ð88Þ

and the Maxwell material model expressed by f ðtÞ ¼ ðt0 =tÞq ðpower-law materialÞ ð93Þ

mðx; tÞ ¼ me ðxÞ exp½t=tm ðxÞ; The following form, which is a generalization

Kðx; tÞ ¼ Ke ðxÞ exp½t=tK ðxÞ of the power-law material model is also
where tm(x) and tK(x) are the relaxation times
in shear and bulk moduli, respectively, and q is E ¼ E0 expðby=hÞ½t0 expðdy=hÞ=tq ð94Þ
a material constant.
The discussion below indicates the revisions in which the relaxation time depends on y
needed in the general models so that the exponentially. In the above expressions, the
correspondence principle holds. parameters E0, EN, b, t0; d, q are material
(i) Standard linear solid (Equation (87)). If constants. Poisson’s ratio takes on the form
the relaxation times tm and tK are constant, if (also separable in space and time)
me(x) and mN(x) have the same functional
form, and if Ke(x) and KN(x) have the same n ¼ n0 ð1 þ gy=hÞ expðby=hÞgðtÞ ð95Þ
functional form, then the standard linear solid
satisfies assumption Equation (80). where n0 and g are material constants, and g(t)
(ii) Power-law model (Equation (88)). If the is a nondimensional function of time t.
relaxation times tm and tK are independent of
spatial position, then the assumption Equation y
(80) is readily satisfied. Moreover, even if the σ=σ0 Σ(t)
relaxation times do depend on the spatial
position in Equation (88), the correspondence
principle may still be applied with some h2
revision, which consists of taking the corre- h x
-a a
sponding nonhomogeneous elastic material h1
with the following properties:
m ¼ me ðxÞ½tm ðxÞq ; K ¼ Ke ðxÞ½tK ðxÞq ð90Þ
σ=σ0 Σ(t)
instead of m ¼ me(x) and K ¼ Ke(x). Figure 13 A viscoelastic FGM strip occupies the
(iii) Maxwell material (Equation (89)). If the region |x|oN and –h1ryrh2 with a crack at |x|ra
relaxation times tm and tK are independent of and y ¼ 0. The boundaries of the strip (y ¼ –h1, h2)
spatial position, then Equation (80) is satisfied. are subjected to uniform traction s0S(t).
626 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
It can be clearly seen from Equations (91)– for the linear standard solid and the power-
(95) that the relaxation moduli and Poisson’s law model with constant relaxation time (see
ratio are separable functions in space and time. Equations (92) and (93)). The SIFs are
This is a necessary condition for applying the identical for both models. The crack is located
revisited correspondence principle of Paulino in the middle of the strip, i.e., h2 ¼ 0.5h.
and Jin (2001a). This kind of relaxation Figure 14(a) shows the results for mode I
function may be appropriate for an FGM with SIFs. The mode I SIF increases with increas-
its constituent materials having different ing ratio 2a/h for all b values considered here.
Young’s moduli and Poisson’s ratios, but The SIF is higher than that of the correspond-
having approximately the same viscoelastic ing homogeneous material (b ¼ 0) and is an
relaxation behavior. Since the FGM is a special even function of b. However, this symmetry
composite of its constituents, the viscoelastic remains valid only for the crack located in the
relaxation behavior may remain unchanged if center of the strip. Figure 14(b) shows the
its constitutents have the same relaxation results for mode II SIFs. The mode II SIF is
behavior. Thus, the relaxation moduli of the asymmetric about b ¼ 0 (again, this antisym-
FGM would have separable forms in space and metry is valid only for the crack located in the
time. Further, the material constants b and g center of the strip). The absolute value of the
describe the spatial gradation in Young’s mode II SIF increases with increasing 2a/h. As
modulus and the Poisson ratio. Potentially, expected, the mode II SIF is zero for this
this kind of FGM may include some poly- crack geometry in a homogeneous strip
meric/polymeric materials such as Propylene (b ¼ 0).
homopolymer/Acetal copolymer. The relaxa- Figure 15 shows normalized SIFs versus the
tion behavior of Propylene homopolymer and nondimensional crack length 2a/h for b ¼ 2 and
Acetal copolymer are found to be similar—see various values of d for the power-law material
figures 7.5 and 10.3, respectively, of Ogorkie- with position-dependent relaxation time (see
wicz (1970). Equation (94)). The crack is located in the
According to the correspondence principle, a middle of the strip. The effect of spatial
crack in an elastic strip of an FGM with the position dependence of the relaxation time on
following properties, the SIFs is reflected through the dimensionless
parameter d (the parameter q is taken as 0.4 in
E ¼ E0 expðby=hÞ; n ¼ n0 ð1 þ gy=hÞ expðby=hÞ all calculations). Thus the curves for d ¼ 71
ð96Þ may be obtained from the curve d ¼ 0 by
shifting this curve by b ¼ 80.4. Figure 15
may be considered. The Laplace transform of makes clear that, with respect to the corre-
the viscoelastic solution is directly obtained sponding model for constant relaxation time
from the elastic solution. (i.e., d ¼ 0), a positive d increases the SIFs
Figure 14 shows SIFs,
ffi KI and KII (normal- when b40. When |b| becomes relatively small
ized by s0 SðtÞ pa), versus nondimensio- compared with |qd|, the variation of SIFs with
nal crack length 2a/h considering various d follows different paths depending on the
dimensionless nonhomogeneity parameter b value of b þ qd.

4.0 1.0
h_2 / h = 0.5
h_2 / h = 0.5
|β| = 2.0 β = 2.0
Normalized Mode II SIF
Normalized Mode I SIF

|β| = 1.0
3.0 β = 1.0
|β| = 0.0
β = 0.0
β = −1.0
-0.5 β = −2.0

1.0 -1.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
(a) Nondimensional crack length 2a/h (b) Nondimensional crack length 2a/h
Figure 14 Normalized SIFs versus nondimensional crack length, 2a/h, for various material nonhomogeneity
parameter b considering the linear standard solid and the power-law material with constant relaxation time
(h2 ¼ 0.5h): (a) mode I SIF and (b) mode II SIF (after Jin and Paulino, 2002).
Finite Element Modeling 627
4.0 1.0
h_2 / h = 0.5 h_2 / h = 0.5
β = 2.0 0.8 β = 2.0

Normalized Mode II SIF

Normalized Mode I SIF

δ = 1.0
3.0 δ = 0.0
δ = −1.0

δ = 1.0
0.2 δ = 0.0
δ = −1.0

1.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
(a) Nondimensional crack length 2a/h (b) Nondimensional crack length 2a/h
Figure 15 Normalized SIFs versus nondimensional crack length, 2a/h, for various material nonhomogeneity
parameter d considering the power-law material with position-dependent relaxation time (b ¼ 2.0, q ¼ 0.4,
h2 ¼ 0.5h): (a) mode I SIF and (b) mode II SIF (after Jin and Paulino, 2002). Je -integral shear modulus

Path independent integrals, especially the
J-integral (Eshelby, 1951; Cherepanov, 1967, mðx1 Þ ¼ m0 ðbx1 þ 1Þa ð99Þ
1968; Rice, 1968), play an important role in
predicting fracture of materials. In general, the where b and a are material constants. The
J-integral becomes path-dependent for nonho- path-independent integral, derived by Honein
mogeneous materials. Honein and Herrmann and Herrmann (1997), for this nonhomoge-
(1997) extended the J-integral to certain classes neous material is
of nonhomogeneous elastic materials with
varying Young’s modulus in the crack-line Z 
direction. For instance, consider a nonhomo- Je ¼ Wn1  sij nj
G @x 1
geneous material with Poisson’s ratio inde-  
@ui a
pendent of x1 (crack-line direction) and the þb Wxj nj  sij nj xk  sij nj ui ds ð100Þ
shear modulus varying exponentially in the x1 @xk 2
Again, note the extra term within parentheses
mðx1 ; x2 Þ ¼ m0 ðx2 Þ expðbx1 Þ ð97Þ is due to the material nonhomogeneity. Final-
ly, Honein and Herrmann (1997) showed that
where m0(x2) is an arbitrary function of x2 and the Je-integral is related to SIFs by
b is a material constant. The path-independent
integral for this nonhomogeneous material is 1 2 2
(Honein and Herrmann, 1997) Je ¼ 0 ðKI þ KII Þ ð101Þ
@ui b
Je ¼ Wn1  sij nj  sij nj ui ds ð98Þ
@x1 2 0 0
G where Etip ¼ Etip for plane stress and Etip ¼
Etip =ð1  ntip Þ for plane strain.
where G is a contour enclosing the crack tip, n1
is the first component of the unit outward
normal to G, sijnj ¼ Si are the components of
tractions along G, ds is an infinitesimal length
element along the contour G, and W is the 2.13.4 FINITE ELEMENT MODELING
strain energy density. The extra term in Graded Finite Elements
Equation (98), which appears outside the inner
parentheses, arises from the material nonho- The standard parametric finite element (FE)
mogeneity. This extra term maintains the path formulation interpolates displacements and
independence of the Je-integral for the non- coordinates from the element nodal values.
homogeneous material, Equation (97). Similarly, material properties can also be
Next consider a nonhomogeneous material interpolated from the element nodal values
with constant Poisson ratio and the following using shape functions. The general approach is
628 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials



Figure 16 Graded element: (a) generalized isoparametric formulation and (b) direct Gaussian integration
formulation. P denotes a generic material property.

illustrated as follows: where ue is the nodal displacement vector, Be

X is the strain–displacement matrix which con-
Displacements ðu; v; wÞ: e:g:; u¼ Ni ui ð102Þ tains gradients of the interpolating functions,
i De(x) is the constitutive matrix, and Oe is the
X domain of element (e). The elasticity matrix
Coordinates ðx; y; zÞ: e:g:; x¼ Ñi xi ð103Þ De(x) ¼ De(x, y) becomes a function of spatial
The integral in Equation (106) is evaluated
Material properties (E, n): e.g., by Gaussian quadrature with the matrix De(x)
X X specified at each Gaussian integration point.
E¼ N% i Ei ; n¼ N̂i ni ð104Þ Thus, for 2D problems, the resulting integral
i i
where Ni, Ñi ; N% i ; and N̂i are shape functions n X
X n
corresponding to node i, and the summation is ke ¼ Beij Deij Beij Jij wi wj ð107Þ
done over the element nodal points. Kim and i¼1 j¼1
Paulino (2002) have proposed a fully isopara-
metric element formulation, i.e., where the subscripts i and j refer to the
Gaussian integration points, Jij is the determi-
% ¼ N̂
N ¼ Ñ ¼ N ð105Þ nant of the Jacobian matrix, and wi are the
Gaussian weights. The performance of the
This approach interpolates material properties graded elements has been investigated by
at each Gaussian integration point from the Paulino and Kim (2003) within the context of
nodal material properties of the element using the weak patch test. The remainder of Section
isoparametric shape functions, which are the 2.13.4 focuses on 2D problems.
same for spatial coordinates and displacements
(see Figure 16(a)). An alternative approach is
also shown in Figure 16(b) where the material SIF Computation
properties are evaluated directly at the Gauss
points (Santare and Lambros, 2000). The dis- Displacement correlation technique
cussion here presents the generalized isopara- The displacement correlation technique
metric formulation by Kim and Paulino (2002). (DCT) represents one of the simplest methods
The element stiffness matrix is given by to evaluate SIFs. It consists of correlating
(Cook et al., 1989) numerical results for displacement at specific
Z locations on the crack with available analytical
ke ¼ Be De ðxÞBe dOe ð106Þ solutions. For quarter-point singular elements,
Oe the crack opening displacement (COD) profile
Finite Element Modeling 629
at x ¼ r is given by (Shih et al., 1976) consistent with Equation (23). This approach
rffiffiffiffiffiffi was presented by Kim and Paulino (2002).
CODðrÞ ¼ ð4u2;i1  u2;i2 Þ ð108Þ
Da Modified crack-closure integral
where u2,i1 and u2,i2 are the displacements method
relative to the crack tip in the x2-direction at
locations (i1) and (i2), r is the distance from The modified crack-closure integral method
the crack tip along the x1-direction, and Da is a (MCC) was proposed by Rybicki and Kanni-
characteristic length associated with the crack- nen (1977) based on Irwin’s virtual crack-
tip elements (see Figure 17). closure method (Irwin, 1957) using the stresses
For FGMs, material properties need to be ahead of the crack tip and the displacements
considered at the crack-tip location. Thus, behind the crack tip. The energy release rates
consistent with Equation (23), the analytical can be obtained for modes I and II separately
expression for COD(r), neglecting higher by this method, which utilizes only a single FE
order terms, can be written as analysis. No assumption of isotropy or homo-
geneity around the crack is necessary. Thus the
kþ1 r method is ideally suited for FGMs. The energy
CODðrÞ ¼ KI ð109Þ release rate is estimated only in terms of the
m tip 2p
work done by the stresses (or equivalent nodal
where ktip ¼ 34ntip for plane strain, forces) over the displacements produced by the
ktip ¼ (3ntip)/(1 þ ntip) for plane stress, and ntip introduction of a virtual crack extension. The
denotes Poisson’s ratio at the crack-tip loca- expression for GI (strain energy release rate for
tion. By correlating Equations (108) and (109), mode I) and GII (strain energy release rate for
the SIF for mode I can be evaluated by mode II) may be obtained according to Irwin
rffiffiffiffiffiffi"  # (1957) as
2p m m Z
KI ¼ 4 u2;i1  u2;i2 2 x1 ¼da
Da k þ 1 tip k þ 1 tip GI ¼ lim s22 ðr ¼ x1 ; y ¼ 0; aÞ
da-0 da x1 ¼0 2
 u2 ðr ¼ da  x1 ; y ¼ p; a þ daÞ dx1 ð112Þ
For mode II, the crack sliding displacement
(CSD) replaces the COD and the following Z x1 ¼da
2 1
expression is readily obtained GII ¼ lim s12 ðr ¼ x1 ; y ¼ 0; aÞ
da-0 da x1 ¼0 2
rffiffiffiffiffiffi"     #
2p m m  u1 ðr ¼ da  x1 ; y ¼ p; a þ daÞ dx1 ð113Þ
KII ¼ 4 u1;i1  u1;i2
Da k þ 1 tip k þ 1 tip
where s12  sxy and s22  syy are shear and
ð111Þ normal stresses ahead of the crack tip, and
u1  ux and u2  uy are the displacements
Note that in the above expressions for SIFs,
relative to the crack tip coordinates, respec-
the material properties (m  m(x) and k  k(x))
tively. Figure 18 illustrates a self-similar virtual
have been taken at the crack-tip location
crack extension da and the distribution of
normal stress ahead of the crack-tip.
For FGMs, SIFs can be related to the values
of the potential energy release rates through
the following expressions (Jin and Batra,
kþ1 kþ1
GI ¼ K2 and GII ¼ K2
8m tip I 8m tip II

Ramamurthy et al. (1986) and Raju (1987)

have shown that the values of GI and GII can be
written in terms of the equivalent nodal forces
F2  Fy and F1  Fx, and the relative nodal
displacements u2 and u1 when employing
quarter-point singular elements around the
Figure 17 Crack-tip rosette of singular quarter- crack tip (see Figure 17). They provided initial
point (1st ring) and regular (2nd ring) FEs. expressions for GI and GII valid only for pure
630 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials

σ22 , x2 y

σ22 ( r = x 1, θ =0, a )

u 2 ( r = δa - x1 , θ=π , a+ δ a )

x1 x
x 1 δa - x1

a δa

Figure 18 Self-similar crack extension and normal stress distribution.

mode, homogeneous problems. In general, for Γ

mixed-mode problems, the deformation is
neither symmetric nor antisymmetric about
the local x1 axis. Thus Raju (1987) proposed
the corrected formulae, later employed by Kim x2 x1
and Paulino (2002). r θ
Ωε Γε
Γc+ J-integral formulation x2 Ω
Consider 2D deformation cases. The follow-
ing path-independent Jk -integral for general crack Γ = Γ0 + Γc + Γε + Γc

nonhomogeneous materials is established as Ω0 = Ω + Ωε

(Eischen, 1987a; Eischen, 1987b; Kim and Γu
Paulino, 2002)
Z Figure 19 Schematic of a cracked body.

Jk ¼ lim Wnk  sij nj ui:k dG
Ge -0
G0 density across the crack opening. Notice that
 ðW; k Þexpl dO the material nonhomogeneity affects the stan-
O0 dard J-integral (Rice, 1968) by adding an area
integral term involving the derivative of the
þ ð½W þ  W  nþ þ þ  
k  ½Si ui;k  Si ui;k Þ dG strain energy density. This term must be
included to allow computation over relatively
large regions to evaluate the J-integral using
where W ¼ W(eij, xi) is the strain energy density the FEM.
By introducing the equivalent domain inte-
Z eij gral (EDI) (Raju and Shivakumar, 1990; Gu
W¼ sij deij ð116Þ et al., 1999), Kim and Paulino (2002) converted
the closed contour integral of Equation (115)
(W,k)expl is the ‘‘explicit’’ derivative of W to the following expression if the crack surfaces
respective to xk remain traction free:
ðW ;k Þexpl ¼ W ðeij ; xi Þjeij ¼const:; xm ¼const: for mak Jk ¼ ½sij ui;k  W dkj q;j dA  ðW ; k Þexpl q dA
@xk A A
ð117Þ þ ½W þ  W  qnþ ð118Þ
k dG
Si ¼ sijnj, G0 ; Gc ¼ þ Gþ
c G
and O0 are illu-
c ;
strated in Figure 19, superscripts ( þ ) and () where q is a smooth function which has the
refer to the upper and lower crack faces, and value of unity on Ge and zero on G0. The two
k ¼ nk is the outwardþunit normal vector to often-used shapes of the q function are the
Gc : The notation [W W] denotes the
pyramid function and the plateau function,
discontinuity (or jump) in the strain energy the latter being illustrated by Figure 20. All the
Finite Element Modeling 631
details about the computational implementa- For plane strain, the Young modulus at the
tion of Jk -integral can be found in the paper by crack-tip Etip must be divided by ð1  n2tip Þ;
Kim and Paulino (2002). where ntip denotes Poisson’s ratio at the
The relation among the two components ;of crack tip.
the Jk -integral and the mode I and II SIFs is
established for plane stress as (Eischen, 1987a) Examples
þ KII2 The FEM has been used to calculate SIFs
J1 ¼ ð119Þ
Etip for FGMs in a number of publications by, for
example, Anlas et al. (2000), Bao and Wang
(1995), Marur and Tippur (2000a, 2000b), and
2KI KII Rousseau and Tippur (2000, 2001). Here we
J2 ¼ ð120Þ
Etip only describe a few examples by Kim and
Paulino (2002).

q ( x1, x2)
(i) Three-point bending specimen with crack
x2 perpendicular to material gradation
Marur and Tippur (1998) have fabricated
FGM specimens using a gravity assisted
casting technique with two-part slow curing
epoxy and uncoated solid glass sphere fillers.
x1 They have also analyzed a three-point bending
specimen with a crack normal to the elastic
gradient using both experimental (static frac-
ture tests) and numerical (FEM) techniques
(Marur and Tippur, 2000b). Figure 21(a)
shows the specimen geometry and boundary
conditions (BCs). Figure 21(b) shows linear
variation of Young’s modulus in the material
Figure 20 Plateau weight function (q function) gradient region from 10.79 GPa to 3.49 GPa,
used in the EDI implementation of Jk : and the linear variation of Poisson’s ratio from

100 N
epoxy glass-rich

x 5.8
38 21 17



11 0.36

10 0.35

9 0.34

8 0.33

7 0.32

6 0.31

5 0.30

4 E ν 0.29

3 0.28
−15 −5 5 15 25 35
(b) x (mm)
Figure 21 Three-point bending specimen with crack perpendicular to the material gradation: (a) specimen
geometry (length in mm) and (b) variation of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio (all dimensions in mm).
632 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
0.348 on the epoxy side to 0.282 on the glass- applied load corresponds to s22(x1,
rich side. Figure 22 shows the detail of the 10) ¼ s0 ¼ 1.0. This stress distribution was
mesh using 16 sectors (S16) and 4 rings (R4) obtained by applying nodal forces along the
around the crack tip. Marur and Tippur top edge of the mesh. The displacement
(2000b) used the experimental strain data to boundary condition is prescribed such that
compute jKj ¼ 0:65 MPa m1=2 and c ¼ 3.451, u2 ¼ 0 along the lower edge and, in addition,
while their FEM results are jKj ¼ u1 ¼ 0 for the node at the left-hand side.
0:59 MPa m1=2 and c ¼ –3.241, where c ¼ Young’s modulus is an exponential function
tan–1(KII/KI) is the mode-mixity parameter. of x2, while Poisson’s ratio remains constant
Table 4 lists these numerical results together equal to zero in this numerical analysis. The
with the present ones obtained using MCC, paper by Shbeeb et al. (1999b) did not specify
DCT, and Jk -integral, which are in reasonable the actual value of Poisson’s ratio. Eight-node
agreement with each other. serendipity elements (Q8) are used over most of
the mesh, while at each crack tip, quarter-point
six-node triangles (T6qp) were used. The mesh
(ii) Multiple interacting cracks in a plate has 2287 Q8 and 214 T6 with a total of 2501
Figure 23(a) shows two cracks each of length elements and 7517 nodes. The following data
2a located with the angle yI (y1 ¼ 301, y2 ¼ 601) are used for the FE analysis: 2a ¼ 2; L/W ¼ 1.0;
Eðx2 Þ ¼ Ee% bx2 ; E% ¼ 1:0; ba ¼ (0.0, 0.25, 0.5,
in a finite 2D plate. Figure 23(b) shows the
complete FEM mesh, and Figures 23(c) and 0.75, 1.0); n ¼ 0.0; generalized plane stress; and
23(d) show details of the center region and 2  2 Gauss quadrature. With this geometrical
around crack tips, respectively. The distance configuration, the material property E grows
from the origin to the two crack tips is 1.0. quite large as the plate size increases. However,
Shbeeb et al. (1999a, 1999b) have provided this is just an artifact of the modeling, which
semianalytical solutions for this example ob- occurs because the nonhomogeneity parameter
tained with the integral equation method. b introduces a geometrical length scale (1/b)
However, the graphical results given in their into the problem. The relevant material varia-
paper makes accurate verification difficult. The tion is that around the crack region
The geometrical configuration for this pro-
blem approximates the infinite plate as origin-
ally conceived by Shbeeb et al. (1999b). Table 5
shows a comparison of the normalized SIFs at
the two crack tips for the lower crack with the
angle y ¼ 301 computed by using the DCT,
MCC, and the Jk -integral with those reported
by Shbeeb et al. (1999b). In this table KI(a–) and
KI(a þ ) refer to the SIFs at the left and right
crack tips, respectively. Similar notation is
adopted for KII. Both the DCT and Jk -integral
based values agree reasonably well with the
results by Shbeeb et al. (1999b), and the MCC
provides the best estimates for the SIFs. Cohesive Zone Modeling

Figure 22 FE mesh for three-point bending speci- Cohesive fracture models have been widely
men with crack perpendicular to the material used to simulate and analyze crack growth in
gradation: detail around the crack tip showing 16 ductile and quasibrittle materials. In a cohesive
sectors and 4 rings of elements. fracture model, a narrow band termed a

Table 4 FEM SIFs for three-point bending specimen with crack perpendicular to material gradation.
Kim and Paulino (2002)
Parameters MCC Jk -integral DCT Marur and Tippur (2000b)
KI 0.557 0.557 0.558 0.589
KII –0.028 –0.026 –0.026 –0.033
|K| 0.5575 0.5576 0.5580 0.59
c 2.871 –2.671 –2.641 –3.241
Finite Element Modeling 633

σ ( x1 , L ) = 1.0

2L x2


E (x2)= E e
− βx2
υ = 0.0

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 23 Two interacting cracks in a plate: (a) geometry and BCs; (b) FE mesh; (c) mesh detail of center
region and (d) mesh detail around crack tips showing 16 sectors (S16) and four rings (R4) of elements around
each tip.

cohesive zone, or process zone, exists ahead of may be adopted to study the fracture processes
the crack front. Material behavior in the in the ceramic-rich or metal-rich region, the
cohesive zone follows a cohesive constitutive failure mechanisms operative in the intercon-
law which relates the cohesive traction to the necting region which has no distinct matrix and
relative displacements of the adjacent surfaces. inclusion phases remain unknown. This section
Crack growth then occurs by progressive describes a new volume-fraction-based, phe-
decohesion of the cohesive surfaces. Though nomenological cohesive fracture model (Jin
cohesive fracture models have been successfully et al., 2002) and crack-growth analysis results
employed to simulate failure processes in obtained using the model.
homogeneous materials and conventional com-
posites, few studies have extended the concept
to FGMs. Generalization of the cohesive zone A cohesive zone model
concept to model fracture in FGMs represents Consider general 3D mixed-mode fracture
a challenging task in view of the different problems. In a 3D setting, Camacho and Ortiz
failure mechanisms present in an FGM. In a (1996) have introduced an effective displace-
typical ceramic/metal FGM, the ceramic-rich ment jump across the cohesive surfaces, deff, and
region may be regarded as a metal-particle- an effective cohesive traction, seff, as follows:
reinforced ceramic-matrix composite, whereas qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
the metal-rich region may be treated as a deff ¼ d2n þ Z2 d2s ð121Þ
ceramic-particle-reinforced metal-matrix com-
posite (see discussion on micromechanics mod-
els in Section Though models for the qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
failure mechanisms of conventional composites seff ¼ s2n þ Z2 s2s ð122Þ
634 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
Table 5 Normalized SIFs for lower crack ðK0 ¼ s22 paÞ:
Method b KI(a)/K0 KII(a)/K0 KI(a þ )/K0 KII(a þ )/K0
Shbeeb et al. (1999b) 0.00 0.59 0.43 0.78 0.42
(approximate) 0.25 0.62 0.39 0.82 0.48
0.50 0.66 0.36 0.88 0.57
0.75 0.69 0.34 0.98 0.685
MCC 0.00 0.589 0.423 0.804 0.408
0.25 0.626 0.385 0.816 0.474
0.50 0.662 0.346 0.842 0.546
0.75 0.696 0.312 0.880 0.625
Jk -integral 0.00 0.603 0.431 0.801 0.431
0.25 0.627 0.401 0.811 0.495
0.50 0.662 0.363 0.841 0.558
0.75 0.692 0.347 0.895 0.617
DCT 0.00 0.598 0.413 0.812 0.399
0.25 0.632 0.375 0.818 0.463
0.50 0.672 0.336 0.838 0.533
0.75 0.712 0.302 0.869 0.610
After Kim and Paulino (2002).

where dn and ds are the normal and tangential given by

displacement jumps across the cohesive sur-
faces, sn and ss are the normal and shear fmet ðdeff ; qÞ ¼
cohesive tractions, and the parameter Z assigns deff deff
different weights to the opening and escmet dcmet 1  1 þ c exp  c ð126Þ
pffiffiffi sliding dmet dmet
displacements (Z is usually taken as 2). Here
we assume that resistance of the cohesive
surfaces to relative sliding is isotropic in the fcer ðdeff ; qÞ ¼
cohesive (tangent) plane so that     
deff deff
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi esccer dccer 1  1 þ c exp  c ð127Þ
dcer dcer
ds ¼ d2s1 þ d2s2 ð123Þ
where e ¼ exp(1), scmet is the maximum cohesive
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi traction of the metal phase, dcmet the value
ss ¼ s2s1 þ s2s2 ð124Þ of deff at seff ¼ scmet ; sccer the maximum cohe-
sive traction of the ceramic phase, and dccer the
in which ds1 and ds2 are the two relative sliding value of deff at seff ¼ sccer ; as illustrated by
displacements across the cohesive surfaces, Figure 24.
and ss1 and ss2 are the two shear cohesive The effective cohesive traction is then
tractions. obtained from the above potential as follows:
With the introduction of the above effective
traction and displacement, a free energy @f
seff ¼
potential is assumed to exist in the following @deff
volume-fraction-based form (Jin et al., 2002) Vmet ðxÞ deff
¼ escmet c
Vmet ðxÞ þ bmet ½1  Vmet ðxÞ dmet
Vmet ðxÞ  
fðx; deff ; qÞ ¼ f ðdeff ; qÞ deff
Vmet ðxÞ þ bmet ½1  Vmet ðxÞ met  exp  c
1  Vmet ðxÞ  
þ f ðdeff ; qÞ 1  Vmet ðxÞ deff
1  Vmet ðxÞ þ bcer Vmet ðxÞ cer þ esccer c
1  Vmet ðxÞ þ bcer Vmet ðxÞ dcer
 exp  c
where Vmet(x) denotes the volume fraction of
the metal, bmet (Z1) and bcer (Z1) represent if deff ¼ dmax
eff and d’ eff Z0 ð128Þ
the two cohesive gradation parameters, x ¼ (x1,
x2, x3), q is an internal variable describing the for the loading case, and
irreversible processes of decohesion, and fmet  max 
and fcer are the free energy potentials for seff ¼ deff ; if deff odmax or d’ eff o0 ð129Þ
the metal and ceramic phases, respectively, dmax
Finite Element Modeling 635

1.0 1.0

Nondimensional cohesive traction

Nondimensional cohesive traction

/ δmet
= 0.06
0.8 0.8 δcer
/ δmet
= 0.15
/ δmet
= 0.24
0.6 0.6
( δcer = separation at peak
(δmax , σ max )
traction for ceramic,
= separation at peak
0.4 0.4 traction for metal )

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(a) Nondimensional separation (b) Nondimensional separation
Figure 24 Normalized cohesive traction versus nondimensional separation displacement: (a) for metal,
smet =scmet versus d=dcmet and (b) for ceramic, scer =scmet versus d=dcmet (where metal/ceramic strength ratio,
scmet =sccer ; is taken to be 3).

for the unloading case, where smaxeff is the value the potential to calibrate bmet for each volume
of seff at deff ¼ dmax
eff calculated from Equation fraction level of metal and ceramic, which
(128). Here, the internal variable q is chosen as comprise the FGM specimens, i.e., bmet can
eff ; the maximum value of deff attained. The become a function of Vmet in the present
cohesive law for general 3D deformations is model.
then formulated as follows:
@f @f @deff seff Cohesive element
sn ¼ ¼ ¼ dn
@dn @deff @dn deff Figure 25 illustrates the 3D interface cohe-
@f @f @deff seff sive element where (x1, x2, x3) are the global
ss ¼ ¼ ¼ Z2 ds
@ds @deff @ds deff cartesian coordinates, (s1, s2, n) are the
element-specific, local Cartesian coordinates,
Compared with the formulation for homoge- and (Z, z) are the parametric coordinates. The
neous materials, the FGM cohesive fracture interface-cohesive element consists of two
model, given by Equations (128)–(130), in- four-node bilinear isoparametric surfaces.
creases the number of material-dependent Nodes 1–4 lie on one surface of the element
parameters by two (bmet, bcer). Values for the with nodes 5–8 on the opposite surface. The
local separation energies and peak cohesive two surfaces initially occupy the same location.
tractions related to the pure ductile and brittle When the whole body deforms, the two
phases are obtained using standard procedures surfaces undergo both normal and tangential
for homogeneous materials (see Roy and displacements relative to each other. The
Dodds (2001) for example). The material- cohesive tractions corresponding to the relative
dependent parameters bmet and bcer describe displacements follow the constitutive relations
approximately the overall effect of cohesive Equations (128)–(130), and thus maintain the
traction reduction (from the level predicted by two surfaces in a ‘‘cohesive’’ state.
the rule of mixtures) and the transition between The tangent stiffness matrix of the cohesive
the fracture mechanisms of the metal and element is given by (Roy and Dodds, 2001)
ceramic phases. The preliminary analyses of
Z 1 Z 1
crack growth in ceramic/metal FGMs by Jin
et al. (2002) indicate that bmet plays a far more KT ¼ BTcoh Dcoh Bcoh J0 dZ dz ð131Þ
1 1
significant role than bcer, which can be simply
set to unity. It is anticipated that the parameter where Bcoh extracts the relative displacement
bmet may be experimentally calibrated by two jumps within the cohesive element from the
different procedures. The first procedure de- nodal displacements, J0 is the Jacobian of the
termines bmet by matching the predicted and transformation between parametric (Z, z) and
measured crack growth responses in standard Cartesian coordinates (s1, s2) in the tangent
fracture mechanics specimens of FGMs. In- plane of the cohesive element, and Dcoh is the
stead of using FGM specimens, the second tangent modulus matrix of the cohesive law
procedure employs fracture specimens made of Equations (128)–(130) (Jin et al., 2002). For
a monolithic composite each with a fixed FGMs, the Dcoh matrix depends on spatial
volume fraction of the constituents. This opens position through the graded volume fraction of
636 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials

Figure 25 Eight-node bilinear interface element.

Table 6 Material properties of Ti and TiB.

E Jc scmet dcmet sccer dccer
Materials (GPa) n (KJ/m2) (MPa) (mm) (MPa) (mm)
Ti 107 0.34 150 620 0.089
TiB 375 0.14 0.11 4.0 0.01

the metal phase, Vmet, in a ceramic/metal P, ∆

FGM. Vmet is approximated by the standard L/2 L/2
4 b0
i a0
Vmet ¼ Ni Vmet ð132Þ
where Vmet ði
¼ 1; 2; 3; 4Þ are the values of
Vmet at the nodal points of the interface- R
cohesive elements and Ni(x, Z, z) (i ¼ 1,
Figure 26 SE(B) specimen geometry.
2,y,n) the standard shape functions. The
present formulation is fully isoparametric
(Kim and Paulino, 2002). Table 7 Geometric parameters of SE(B) specimen.
L W B R Cohesive fracture simulation Specimen (mm) (mm) (mm) a0/W (mm)

Numerical analyses of crack growth for both SE(B) 79.4 14.7 7.4 0.3 10.2
compact tension, C(T), and single-edge notch
bend, SE(B), specimens of a titanium/titanium
monoboride (Ti/TiB) FGM have been per- tested in Carpenter et al. (1999). From a
formed in Jin et al. (2002). The material modeling point of view, the FGM composition
properties for the Ti and TiB are summarized varies from 100% TiB at the cracked surface to
in Table 6. The Young’s modulus and Pois- 100% Ti at the uncracked surface. Thus the
son’s ratio of the Ti/TiB FGM are estimated by volume fraction of Ti varies from zero at the
the self-consistent method (Hill, 1965). cracked surface to one at the uncracked
Figure 26 illustrates the SE(B) specimen surface.
geometry and Table 7 provides the geometric The finite element models consist of eight-
parameters for the SE(B) specimen. A layered node isoparametric solid elements and the
FGM version of the SE(B) specimen has been eight-node interface-cohesive elements. Due to
Finite Element Modeling 637
symmetry considerations, only one-quarter of fraction of Ti in this TiB/Ti specimen. The
the specimen is considered. Interface-cohesive dotted (stepped) line shows the property
elements are placed only over the initial gradation in the tested specimen. A least-
uncracked ligament and have a uniform length squares approximation yields the power ex-
of 0.1 mm for the SE(B) specimen. The finite ponent n ¼ 0.84 in the metal volume fraction
element model has 10 uniform layers of function used in the analysis
elements over the half thickness for the
SE(B) specimen. Figure 27 shows the front Vmet ðY Þ ¼ ðY =W Þn ð133Þ
view of the finite element mesh for the SE(B)
specimen. Figure 28(b) shows the numerical results of the
The SE(B) specimen is loaded by opening load versus crack extension responses for the
displacements applied uniformly through the SE(B) specimen with bmet ¼ 16 and n ¼ 0.84.
thickness at the specimen center plane. In the For the bmet selected, the crack initiation load
layered FGM SE(B) specimen tested (Carpen- agrees quite closely with the experimentally
ter et al., 1999), the first layer of the specimen measured value. Compared with the experi-
consists of 15% Ti and 85% TiB, while the last mental observations after the crack initiation
layer (7th layer) consists of 100% Ti. Crack (Carpenter et al., 1999), the discrepancy in the
initiation occurred at a measured load of 920 trend of load versus crack extension response
Newtons (N). The experimental results show arises because the finite element analysis does
that load increases with crack extension during not consider plasticity in the background
the initial growth and then decreases with material. When the plasticity effect is taken
further crack extension. The measured load into account, it is expected that the trend of
corresponding to a crack growth of 5 mm is the load versus crack extension will be more
B1200 N. Figure 28(a) shows the volume consistent with the experimental observations

P, ∆


symmetry plane

Figure 27 Typical mesh for analyses of SE(B) specimen (longitudinal center plane of the quarter-symmetric
3D model).

1.2 3
1.0 continuously graded n = 0.84
Volume fraction of Ti

(n = 0.84) βmet = 16
0.8 2
Load (kN)

plane stress
0.6 3d
plane strain
0.4 1

crack initiation load [25]

0.0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 1 2 3 4 5
(a) Y/W (b) Crack extension (mm)
Figure 28 (a) Volume fraction of Ti in the TiB/Ti FGM and (b) load-crack extension response for the SE(B)
Ti/TiB specimen with a0/W ¼ 0.3, B ¼ 7.4 mm, n ¼ 0.84 (after Jin et al., 2002).
638 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
6 6
n = 1.0
βmet = 1
βmet = 3
βmet = 5
4 4

Load (kN)
Load (kN)

2 n = 0.5 2
βmet = 1
βmet = 3
βmet = 5
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
(a) Crack extension (mm) (b) Crack extension (mm)
Figure 29 Load-crack extension response for the SE(B) Ti/TiB specimen with a0/W ¼ 0.3, B ¼ 7.4 mm: (a)
n ¼ 0.5 and (b) n ¼ 1.0 (after Jin et al., 2002).

(the calibrated value of bmet may be larger emphasis on an effective technique to generate
than 16). Figure 28(b) also shows the numer- a sharp precrack in those materials.
ical results of the load versus crack extension
for plane-stress and plane-stress models. Metal/Ceramic FGM Fracture
Although there are no differences between Specimen
the 2D and 3D responses, it is expected that
significant differences may develop with plas- A functionally graded Ti/TiB material was
ticity in the background material due to prepared by Cercom Incorporated, Vista, CA,
variations in crack front constraint and crack using a commercially pure (CP) titanium plate
front tunneling. and six tape-cast mixtures of titanium (Ti) and
Figure 29 shows the effect of bmet and n on titanium diboride (TiB2) powders (Nelson and
the load versus crack extension responses for Ezis, 1996). The assembled green material was
the SE(B) specimen. The power exponent n placed in a graphite die in an induction furnace
(shape index of the metal volume fraction) is and heated to 5001C in vacuum to remove
0.5 in Figure 29(a) and 1.0 in Figure 29(b). For organic tape materials. The material was then
a given bmet, the load decreases steadily with heated further to 1,1001C to remove surface-
crack extension. For a given crack extension, a absorbed gases from TiB2 and then heated to
larger bmet reduces the load. This is expected 1,3051C under a pressure of 13.8 MPa. Sub-
because a larger bmet corresponds to a lower sequent X-ray diffraction revealed that reac-
cohesive traction. Finally, the load becomes tions between Ti and TiB2 during the 36 h
lower for larger n. This is because a larger n pressing and cooling time resulted in the
means a lower metal volume fraction, and formation of titanium monoboride (TiB) with
therefore, a lower cohesive traction. Because less than 1% of residual TiB2. The composi-
bmet has a pronounced effect on the load versus tions of the layers in the FGM varied from
crack extension responses, one may expect to 15%Ti/85%TiB on the brittle side to pure Ti
calibrate the values of bmet from experimental on the ductile side. The intermediate composi-
observations. tions of the FGM were chosen to reduce the
thermal residual stress during cooling from the
sintering temperature as described by Gooch
2.13.5 SOME EXPERIMENTAL et al. (1999). Single-edged-notched bend speci-
ASPECTS mens (SE(B)) of the FGM were cut using
electro-discharge machining (EDM) with the
Fracture experiments play a critical role to machined notch on the side containing the
develop an understanding of the influence of highest concentration of TiB. The notch was
property gradients on the mechanisms of crack oriented for crack propagation through the
growth and on the fracture toughness of these layers toward the CP–Ti. The specimens were
materials. In addition, carefully designed frac- machined to a width of 14.73 mm, a thickness
ture experiments are needed to calibrate the of 7.37 mm and a length of 82.55 mm, with a
parameters used in numerical methods (see, notch 5.08 mm deep (initial a/W ¼ 0.345) with
e.g., Section The presentation integral clip gage knife-edges in accordance
below focuses on fracture testing of engineer- with ASTM E1820-96 (ASTM, 1996), as
ing FGMs (e.g., metal/ceramic) with particular illustrated by Figure 30.
Some Experimental Aspects 639
39.69 39.69

0 .0 Layer 7

Ti 14.73
Layer 1 1.52 1.27
10.22 60 deg 30 deg 10.22
TiB rich
4.00 Graded Layers 79.38
(a) (b)

Figure 30 Seven-layer Ti/TiB FGM: (a) plate provided by CERCOM Inc. and (b) fracture specimen
(7.37 mm thick) cut from the plate for three-point bending test.

P/2 P/2


15% Ti/85% TiB


10.22 10.22

Figure 31 Seven-layer Ti/TiB reverse four-point bending specimen. The composition for each layer is (1) 15/
85, (2) 21/79. (3) 38/62, (4) 53/47, (5) 68/32, (6) 85/15, and (7) 100/0 where the number in parentheses indicates
the layer number (all dimensions in mm, after Carpenter et al., 2000). Precracking of Metal/Ceramic edge precracked beam (SEPB) method, based

FGMs on standard four-point bending with the notch
tip in tension, can lead to longer than desired
In metal/ceramic FGMs, cracks originating popped-in precracks in multilayered FGMs
in the brittle, ceramic side are prevented from (Carpenter et al., 2000) even when a rigid
catastrophic propagation through the increase testing machine limits displacement. Long
in fracture toughness as the metal content precracks can also give values of fracture
increases. Fracture toughness testing of me- toughness that are too high due to crack wake
tallic/ceramic FGM SE(B), with the starting effects. The method of axial compression
notch in the ceramic-rich side, requires the precracking developed by Ewart and Suresh
initiation of a sharp, short precrack at a (1986) for ceramic materials can lead to
specific desired location in a brittle material. extensive microstructural damage in metallic/
A review of fracture toughness testing of ceramic FGMs and can give low values of
brittle materials by Sakai and Bradt (1993) fracture toughness (Carpenter, 1999). Below
notes that creation of a starter crack of proper we describe a method for generating a short,
sharpness and length is critical for accurate sharp precrack at the root of a machined notch
fracture toughness measurements. The stan- in the brittle side of an FGM due to Carpenter
dard for fracture toughness testing of ad- et al. (2000), and the technique is illustrated
vanced ceramic materials describes the with a Ti/TiB FGM.
requirement of a sharp, well-characterized
precrack as well as the difficulty in obtaining Precracking by Reverse Four-point
one (ASTM, 1997). Use of machined notches Bending
or blunt cracks can lead to fracture toughness
values much larger than those obtained from The SE(B) specimens were cyclically loaded
specimens with sharp precracks. The single in reverse four-point bending using a 6,800 N
640 Failure of Functionally Graded Materials
load, resulting in initiation of a controlled, measured before and after the precracking
short, sharp crack at the machine notch. The were 145 GPa, indicating that the overall
loading configuration of the specimens is microstructure of the FGM was undamaged
shown in Figure 31. The load was applied with by reverse four-point bending. After heat
a compressive load ratio (R ¼ 10) at a cyclic tinting at 4001C, the specimens were cooled
frequency of 5 Hz. The load was chosen to overnight to room temperature and fracture
develop the precrack in B5,000 cycles. The tested in three-point bending according to
target crack length was 0.2 mm from the ASTM E1820-96 (ASTM, 1996).
starting notch which gave the desired a/
W ¼ 0.358 for the fracture experiments. The
starting notch and resulting precrack devel-
oped by reverse four-point bending fatigue are Test Results
shown by optical micrographs, Figures 32(a)
and (b), respectively. Average modulus values, The load versus CMOD data for J–R tests of
the beams precracked by uniform axial com-
pression, reverse four-point bending and an
uncracked specimen are shown in Figure 33.
(a) The beam without a precrack exhibited rapid,
unstable growth when loads were increased to
the point of crack initiation and gave no useful
data for the FGM layers near the machined
The specimen precracked by uniform axial
compression showed stable crack growth with
50µm no pop-in during the J–R test indicating that a
sharp crack was initiated during compressive
(b) loading. The load values and the resultant J
values, however, were only 70% of those
obtained by the specimen that was precracked
with reverse four-point bending. The lower
values for that specimen are due to extensive
microcracking during application of the axial
compressive loads. Figure 34 shows the J
50µm versus crack extension result for the reverse
four-point bend precracked specimen (Carpen-
Figure 32 Face of FGM SE(B) specimen: (a) before ter et al., 2000). The result demonstrates a
precracking and (b) precracked in reverse four-point rising R-curve behavior as the metal content
bending fatigue (after Carpenter et al., 2000). increases in successive layers of the FGM.


Load (N)


Axial Compression
Reverse 4-point Bending

Not Pre-cracked

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
CMOD (mm)
Figure 33 Load versus CMOD plot for Ti/TiB J–R tests (after Carpenter et al., 2000).
References 641


J-integral (N/mm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Crack extension (mm)
Figure 34 J versus crack extension plot for the Ti/TiB FGM (after Carpenter et al., 2000).

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aspects. The present work suggests a balanced calculation of stress intensity factors in functionally
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R. Babaei and S. A. Lukasiewicz, 1998, Dynamic response
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on failure of FGMs is increasingly clear, dissimilar half planes under anti-plane shear impact
however, it also indicates areas for future load. Eng. Fract. Mech., 60, 479–487.
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(Dr. Tina Panontin) through grant NAG 2- analysis of a layered functionally graded Ti/TiB beam in
3-point bending. Mater. Sci. Forum, 308–311, 837–842.
1424. Additional support for this work was R. D. Carpenter, G. H. Paulino, Z. A. Munir and J. C.
provided by the National Science Foundation Gibeling, 2000, A novel technique to generate sharp
(NSF) under grant CMS-0115954 (Mechanics cracks in metallic/ceramic functionally graded materials
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