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Measurement of Stresses in Fixed-Bridge Restorations

Using a Brittle Coating Technique

School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Three principal methods used to study bridge was prepared using pin-ledge prepa-
stresses in materials are photoelastic stress rations* on the cuspid abutments; (2) a
analysis, brittle lacquer-coating techniques, six-unit mandibular bridge was constructed
and electronic strain gauges. A number of with 4-crown preparations on the cuspid
studies have been conducted using models abutments; and (3) a four-unit right maxil-
and the photoelastic method' to examine lary bridge was prepared using a full-crown
stress patterns in one- and two-surface in- preparation on the second molar and a 4-
lays, complete dentures, teeth and support- crown on the first bicuspid.
ing bone, and rests used in partial dentures. The three appropriate models of the up-
Strain gauges4 9-13 have been used in the per and lower arch were prepared in acrylic
evaluations of stresses of mastication, but plastic using a rubber mold.t The appropri-
brittle lacquer coatings have not been used ate teeth were blocked out by filling the
to any extent in the measurement of stresses space with wax prior to preparation of the
in dental restorations.4 Brittle lacquers have plastic model. The Ivorinet abutment teeth
been used in the study of stresses in the were placed in the mold and properly lubri-
human mandible and other bones under cated to assure their removal after preparing
static and dynamic loading.14- ' The brittle the model. The preparations were cut in the
lacquer coatings are particularly useful in Ivorine teeth, and the preparations were
detecting and measuring strains at the sur- formed in wax and cast in gold.§ The pon-
face of the structure as well as indicating tics for each bridge then were formed in
the direction and sequence of the tensile wax and cast as a single unit. The pon-
strains. Although the method is not as ac- tics and the two abutments were soldered
curate as strain gauges, it is an excellent together with a 650-fineness solder.|| The
means of obtaining an over-all picture of the bridges were cemented to the prepared
pattern of the stress distribution." The teeth with zinc phosphate cement, thus
information obtained using brittle lacquers completing the assembly of the restorations.
may be used, therefore, as a basis for more It was found on loading the maxillary an-
detailed studies with strain gauges. It was terior bridge that the Ivorine abutment
the purpose of this investigation to study teeth were not sufficiently strong to survive
the general stress patterns in typical fixed- the test procedure. As a result the two
bridge restorations using various static load- maxillary cuspids were cast in brass, the
ing conditions and a brittle lacquer-coating preparations were cut in these teeth, and
technique. the bridge constructed as previously de-
scribed. The labial and lingual views of the
Materials and Methods six-unit maxillary anterior bridge are shown
Three bridges were selected as typical in Figure 1, and those of the six-unit man-
restorations used in crown and bridge pros- dibular bridge are pictured in Figure 2. The
thesis: (1) a six-unit maxillary anterior * Three tapered pins, 3 mm. long, were used which were cut
with a #700 fissure bur; 2 incisal pins and one singulum pin were
Presented at the 42d General Meeting of the International used.
Association for Dental Research, Los Angeles, California,
March, 1964. t Columbia Dentoform mold was used to prepare the plastic
This investigation was supported in whole by Public Health model.
Service Research Grant DE-01817 from the National Institute T Columbia Dentoform Corp., New York, N.Y.
for Dental Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, § Ney-Oro B-2, with no heat treatment other than slow
Md. cooling in the investment and heating during soldering.
Received for publication May 26, 1964. 1 Ney 650 solder.
buccal rand lingial views of the four-Lunit pends on the humidity, temperature, and
maxillary posterior bridge are shown in sensitivity, and the method is describedd by
Figure 3. deForest, Ellis, and Stern.18 The lacquer is
The bridges were cleaned with carbon sprayed so that a uniform coating of 0.005-
disulfide and sprayed with the desired brittle * Stress oat, f or ty picalxe father of(nlitiofls Iai(Iuer ST- 1206
lacquer. * TIhe selection of the lacquer de- was satisfac tory. \lagnallux Corporation, ( hicago, 11.

FIG. 1. Labial and lingual view of the maxillary anterior bridge cementeti in position on the model

Fic. 2. --Labial ant lingual view of the mantlilbular anterior bridge with three-quarter croxs na used as the
sup)porting restorations.

FiG. 3.---Buccal and lingual view of the maxillary )osterior bridge cemented in position on the model
758 CRAIG A ND PEY TON July-A list 1965
.T. dent. Res.
0.006 inches is applied to the bridge. For ever the lacquer cracks under a tensile load,
purposes of calibration, aluminum bars j X the strain at this position has exceeded 800
1 X 12 inches were sprayed with the same micro inches/inch. The stress may be calcu-
lacquer under identical conditions. An air lated by multiplying the sensitivity of the
pressure of 20-psi gauge was adequate, and lacquer by the modulus of elasticity of the
3-4 passes of the lacquer spray at a distance material which is coated. For example, if a
of 2.5 inches produced the proper coatings. crack is observed in the lacquer coating on
The bridges, cemented to the abutment one of the gold-alloy bridges during loading,
teeth, were generally removed from the the strain at this position is 800 micro
model during the spraying procedure, and inches/inch and the stress is 0.0008 X 14 X
the roots of teeth were protected with mask- 106 = 11,200 lb /sq inch. In this instance
ing tape. Immediately after spraying, the 14 X 106 is the value of the modulus of
mIIasking tape was removed, and the roots elasticity of the alloy.
of the ,abutment teeth were placed in the The models containing the lacquer-coalted
appropriate sockets of the plastic model. bridges were placed on the platform of a
compression-tension testing machine having
a maximum loading capacity of 60 pounds.*
The load was applied by a 3-mm. strip of
tool steel to the incisal edge of the desired
central or lateral incisors of the maxillary or
mandibular bridges and to the buccal cusp
of the posterior bridge. The load was ap-
plied to the central fossa of the right first
molatr by a 3-inch diameter ball bearing. The
load xvas applied in increments of 2 pounds
and the lacquer coating was examined for
cracks. The load and the position of the
cracks were recorded on sketches of the
The time required to load the bridges to
Fim.. 4. Lingual view of the upper anterior 60 pounds was about 30 minutes. The sensi-
lbridige has been lacquere(l, stressed, and etched with
a (dye to show the cracks ofn the lingual aspect of the tivity of the lacquer, however, is accurate
left cuspid. only if the loading is carried out in 1 second,
since the lacquer has a tendency to creep
The models and test bars were allowed to dry under load. As a result the calibration value
in air for 2 hour and then were dried over- of the lacquer must be corrected based on
night in an air oven at 90-O1000 F. The the time elapsed during the test. For exam-
models and test bars were removed from the ple, a typical lacquer having a sensitivity of
oven and allowed to stand at room tem- 800 micro inches/inch when loaded for 30
perature I hotr before starting the test minutes would have a sensitivity of 820
procedu re. micro inches /inch. The corresponding stress
The test bars used for calibrating the at the first of the test is 11,200 psi, while
lacquer were placed in a device for loading at the termination of the test the stress in
the beam as a cantilever.'5 One end of the the area of cracks was 11,480 psi.
beam. is fixed while the other end is deflected
in downward direction by a cam loading
mechanism. The calibration bar is placed in In order to simplify the presentation, the
the device with a lacquer-coated surface loads used have been divided into four
positioned upward so the deflection produces ranges: 015, 16-30, 31-45, and 46-60
a tensile stress in the lacquer. The calibra- pounds. Cracks in the lacquer in these ranges
tion of the lacquer is determined by rapidly are indicated in the figures by different
deflecting the bar and measuring what por- types of dotted and dashed lines. An exam-
tion of the length of the lacquer-coating ple of the cracks in the lacquer in the prepa-
cracked. In most instances the calibration ration of the upper left cuspid is shown in
resulted in value of 800 micro inches1/inch
a Figure 4. The cracks have been emphasized
for the sensitivity. This means that when- * Baldwin- Southwork Corp., Philadelphia, Pa.
by painting the surface with a dye etchant. to produce stresses of 11,200 lb/sq inch on
The stress pattern of the labial and lin- the more incisal portions of the abutments
gual aspect of the maxillary anterior bridge and on the labial aspect of the left central
loaded on the left central incisor is illus- and lateral incisor pontics.
trated in Figure 5. On the labial aspect the The corresponding stress patterns on the
cracks in the lacquer were generally vertical, maxillary anterior bridge with the load ap-
showing that the strain in tension was in a plied to the left lateral incisor are shown in
horizontal direction since the direction of Figure 6. In general, higher loads were
the cracks are at right angles to the strain in required to produce cracks in the lacquer,
tension. The cracks appeared first at the with most of the cracks appearing at loads
gingival area and proceeded toward the of 31-60 pounds. This is understandable
incisal direction. The cracks also generally considering the load was applied to the
started at a sharp edge or corner and pro- lateral incisor which is adjacent to the
gressed toward the flat areas. The stress abutment. Again the cracks were more near-
pattern was quite different on the lingual ly horizontal on the lingual than on the
aspect of this bridge and the cracks were labial aspect of the bridge, indicating a
more nearly horizontal both on the pontics tipping action. Likewise, the cracks were
and the abutments. The tensile strain was, formed at sharp lines and angles, and, as
therefore, in the vertical direction. This oc- expected, higher strains occurred in the
curred because not only was the bridge pontic directly under the load and the adja-
being deflected in a downward direction but cent abutment than in the opposite pontic
it was being tipped forward. As a result, the and abutment.
tensile strain was practically in a vertical Typical stress patterns for the mandibu-
direction on the pontic. The restraint of the lar anterior bridge with the load applied to
pin-ledge abutment preparation and the the left central incisor are pictured in Figure
abutment tooth modified the direction of the 7. Considerably less load was required to
strain so that it was directed more in a produce cracks on the lingual than on the
mesial direction. It should be noted that labial aspect of the bridge, and the cracks on
low loads of 0-15 pounds produced more the former again were more nearly horizon-
nearly horizontal cracks than the higher tal. The tipping of the bridge in a labial
loads of 16-30 pounds. The stress occurring direction may not be typical of conditions
on the gingival portion of the abutment in the mouth where a load in a lingual
preparations and the central incisor pontics direction might occur. The tipping of the
at a load of 0-15 pounds was 11,200 lb/sq bridge and the reasonably rigid supporting
inch. Loads of 16-30 pounds were required tooth resulted in a tensile strain on the



FIG. 5.-Stress pattern observed in the maxillary anterior bridge when the load is applied to the incisa 1
edge of the pontic of the left central incisor: 0-15 lb., ---; 16-30 lb.,-.--; 31-45 lb., - - -; 46-60 lb.,......



FIG. 6.-Stress pattern in the maxillary anterior bridge with the load applied to the incisal edge of the
pontic of the left lateral incisor: 0-15 lb., ---; 16-30 lbs., - I-; 31-45 lb., - - --; 46-60 lb.,. - - .



FIG. 7. Stress pattern in the mandibular anterior bridge with the load applied to the incisal edge of the
pontic of the left central incisor: 0- 15 lb., ---; 16-30 lb., - -; 31-45 lb., - ----; 46-60 lb.,. I---


FIG. 8. Stress pattern in the mandibular anterior bridge with the load applied to the incisal edge of the
pontic of the left lateral incisor: 0-15 lb., ---; 16-30 lb., -- - -; 31-45 lb., -.---; 46-60 lb.,
lingual aspect of the right lateral pontic and ward motion of the molar pontic and the
the 3-crown preparation on the right cuspid rigid support of the second molar abutment
in the direction of the load application. tooth. This force is also responsible for the
Similar cracks did not appear on the left strain crack on the buccal surface of the full
lateral incisor until 46-60 pounds as a result crown which started near the buccal groove.
of differences in the length of the span and The maxillary posterior bridge was also
the bulk of the preparations. Cracks on the loaded on the buccal cusp of the second bi-
labial aspect of the mandibular bridge were cuspid, as shown in Figure 10. Again very
nearly vertical in the gingival area of the few cracks were observed while loading the
left central pontic, showing that the tension bridge to 60 pounds. Cracks were formed at
strain is in a horizontal direction at this the junction of the molar and bicuspid pon-
position. The strains in tension in the ad-
joining pontics are in the direction of the MAXILLARY POSTERIOR
incisal portion of the cuspid abutments from
the gingival area of the left central pontic.
The 3 -crown preparations appeared to func-
tion well and remained cemented and the
margins closed at the highest load of 60
The stress patterns for the mandibular OCCWSAL
anterior bridge loaded on the left lateral
incisor are shown in Figure 8. Similar trends
were observed in the strain cracks, but o N0
fewer cracks appeared in the gingival areas
of the pontics at the higher loads as a result
of the support of the adjacent abutment.
The cracks again formed at sharp lines and
angles and in some instances the holes for LINGUAL
retaining the facings. As usual, the lacquer
was strained more severely in the area
adjacent to the load.
The maxillary posterior bridge was loaded
by means of '-inch diameter ball bearing
positioned in the central fossa of the left
first molar. The stress pattern is shown in
Figure 9, and this bridge is distinguished by BUCCAL
the scarcity of cracks in the lacquer even at
the highest load of 60 pounds. Cracks did FIG. 9. Stress pattern in the right maxillary
appear at the junctions of the pontics and posterior bridge with the load applied through a
in the area of the soldered joints between ball positioned at the central fossa of the pontic of
the right first molar: 0-15 lb., -- 16-30 lb., - . -;
the pontics and the abutment preparation. 31-45 lb., ------; 46-60 lb., --
Cracks appeared in these areas sooner when
the bulk of metal at the joint was smaller. tics along the sharp line angles, with the
One crack was observed on the buccal aspect direction of the strain in tension being gen-
of the first molar pontic which started at one erally vertical. The gingival area of the
of the holes for the pin used to retain the
facing. Another crack formed on the buccal buccal surface of the full crown was placed
surface of the full-crown preparation, while in compression as a result of this loading
the lingual aspect of the bridge was devoid position. Strain cracks were observed in the
of cracks. Flaking of the lacquer coating was interproximal spaces, with the first crack
observed at the gingival margin of the forming at 31-45 pounds between the pon-
full crown, and this indicated compressive tics and at 46-60 pounds between the
stresses in this area. The compressive stress pontics and the abutment preparations on
in the lacquer probably resulted from down- the lingual aspect.
762 CRAIG AND PEYTON J. dent. Res. July-August 1965
Summary since often the cement failed at the abut-
The magnitude and direction of strains tion during loading.
ments The '-crown prepara-
appeared to be more suitable, since the
and stresses were determined on fixed-bridge mandibular
restorations, using a brittle lacquer-coating tions withstoodbridge having these prepara-
technique. A maxillary anterior six-unit loading up to 60 pounds.
The posterior
bridge having pin-ledge preparations on in a typical transversebridge when loaded deflected
the cuspids, a mandibular anterior six-unit manner, since little
bridge having 3-crowns on the cuspids and a if any tipping occurred. The stress and direc-
tion of the strain were found to be a func-
tion of load, position of the force applica-
tion, and mass and shape of the restoration.
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