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The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte

(SPEC 104 – S)

Norma I. Cabornay



Norma I. Cabornay
This is a Gender Sensitive
Instructional Material Norma I. Cabornay
Unit 1- Introduction to Analytical Chemistry

This unit presents the overview of the common concepts, methods and analysis
used in Analytical Chemistry

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

 Differentiate the major divisions of Analytical Chemistry and identify its application;

 Design analytical procedure by applying the different methods used in Analytical Chemistry and

 Evaluate the impact(s) of the methods applied to the economy and environment


Direction: Answer as required.


Your friend has bought a gold ring. As a laboratory analyst you were asked you to help find out if the ring is really gold or
a fake one. What are you going to do?

 Once in a while, one of the only way to help find out if the ring is really gold or a fake one, is through knowledge
and experience. So, as a laboratory analyst the first thing that I must do is, to do diamond reflection test,
diamond's reflection says a lot. A real diamond appears gray and white inside (brilliance) when held to the light
and can reflect rainbow colors (fire) onto other surfaces. A fake diamond will display rainbow colors within the
stone when held up to light. Then next, I will use a loupe a special magnifying glass used for diamonds,
gemstones and jewelry to inspect the diamond. Mined diamonds usually have occurring imperfection, which
called “inclusions” that can be seen with a loupe, while fake diamonds is flawless and can be perfectly
constructed. But it is necessary to note that there are flawless real diamond out there, but they are either lab-
created or pretty pricey. Then I will also use the thermal conductivity test, if the stone disperse heat at a slower
rate, it is a sign that the stone is probably a fake one. Diamonds are very effective heat conductor, which means
that they will disperse heat quite rapidly after being warmed. The newspaper test, turn the stone upside down
and place it on a piece of newspaper. If you can read print through the stone, or even see distorted smudges,
then it probably isn’t a diamond. A real diamond would bend the light so sharply that you wouldn’t be able to
see the print. (There are exceptions: it its cut is disproportionate, the print can still be visible through a real
diamond.). The water test, due to its high density, a real diamond will sink. A fake one will float at the top of the
surface or in the middle of the glass. An x-ray examination, diamonds have a radiolucent molecular structure,
which means that they don’t appear in x-ray images. Glass, cubic zirconium and crystals all have slightly
radiopaque qualities that make them show up clearly on an x-ray.

Make a schematic diagram for you analysis steps and list the necessary material, apparatus, instruments and equipment.
From your designed procedure identify the positive economic impacts and the hazards to the environment your analysis
procedure might generate.

 From the design procedure, the positive economic impact is to create a new vision, were lead to people help
find out where the real is and the fake one. By the design procedure above, it helps to predict the real one
between a fake, as it will guide and lead the people not to put into dangerous situation.
 The procedure designed don’t have any risk or threat to the environment, because there is no chemical that is
involved in making the procedure, only necessary materials, equipment, and instrument are used in the
procedure and the said necessary materials cannot harm to the environment nor to anybody at all.


Analytical Chemistry – is a science of chemical measurements (Powers, 2017) and application of methods used in
specimen sample analysis (Hamilton & Simpson, 1972).

Figure 1.1. Major divisions and methods of analysis used in Analytical Chemistry.

1.1. Divisions of Analytical Chemistry:

1. Qualitative Chemical Analysis – this method determines the nature of the sample or specimen to be

2. Quantitative Chemical Analysis – this method determines how much of a certain constituent is present in a

1.2. Division of Quantitative Chemical Analysis:

A. Gravimetric methods

1. Chemical precipitation methods

2. Electrolytic deposition methods

B. Volumetric methods

1. Chemical indicator methods

2. Electrometric methods

a. Potentiometric methods

b. Conductometric methods

c. Amperometric methods

d. coulometric methods

C. Colorimetric methods

D. Other physicochemical methods

E. Gas-Volumetric method


A. Gravimetric method – the constituent to be determined is isolated as an element or a compound, weighed and
from its weight and known chemical composition, the amount of the constituent is determined.

-separation processes are being employed such as precipitation using chemical reagent, filtration, dilution, heating,
evaporation or drying and etc.

Figure 1.2. Sample Gravimetric Steps

B. Volumetric method- In a volumetric analysis, a chemical reaction is cause to take place using a certain indicator
to determine chemical equilibrium (Hamilton & Simpson, 1971). The process is called titration.

- The accurate volume and concentration of a certain chemical used to react with another chemical with
known volume is accurately measured.

- more rapid test

- Requires less apparatus

- With greater accuracy

The figure below shows the different types of titration.

Figure 1. 3. Types of Titration as Volumetric Analysis method retrieved from

Figure 1.4. Simple acid-base titration setup from

Figure 5 shows type of titration using electrode to detect the change in potential of the analyte instead of using chemical
indicator. The change in pH as titrant added is monitored by pH electrode (Di & Kerns, 2016)

Figure 1.5. Sample set up of potentiometric titration analysis. The image was retrieved from

Importance of Quantitative Analysis

 Its application in control laboratories of any manufacturing plants

 Important in any field of scientific researches

 Quantitative analysis is an important tool of chemical research

The objective of the students in quantitative analysis should be:

1. To develop competency with the analytical method in common use and to understand the theoretical principles
in which they are based;

2. To identify the limitations of each method and the magnitude of the possible errors involved;

3. To acquire skills in the use of the tools of quantitative analysis with speed and accuracy;

4. To develop ability in recording data in an understandable and systematic way;

5. To be able to search for a reference literature that could be used as supplemental material in the discussion of
any analytical procedure and

6. To make calculations from analytical data with speed and accuracy.

Learning Activities

1. Download or read the reference books from Google classroom assigned for Analytical Chemistry like
Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 7th Edition by Daniel Harris, Fundamentals of Analytic Chemistry, 9 th Edition by
Skoog et al. or any reference book in quantitative chemistry. Take note of important terms used and detailed
elaboration on the topics.

Useful links are:

1. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry by Skoog et al.:

2. Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Daniel Harris:

2. View power point presentation on Introduction to Analytical Chemistry in the Google classroom assigned to your
course. Acquire class code from your teacher.

3. You may search for any supplemental materials for additional references.

4. You can drop your questions in our facebook group chat or Google class room.


Direction: Read the problem and list down the required answers. For every correct answer, you will be given a score of

An analyst was given an ore to be analysed for available components. Assuming that the single ore was taken directly
from mine site, what will be the best thing the analyst should do first?

Design procedure on how to identify the ore components using the different methods presented.

Identify economic impact(s) of the chosen method (as to electrical power consumption, savings on man hours in doing
the analysis)


Di, L. and Kerns, E. (2016). Drug-like properties, 2 nd Edition

Hamilton, L. and Simpson, S. (1971). Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 12th Edition. The Mcmillan Company. Collier-
Mcmilllan Canada Ltd. Toronto, Ontario

Powers, R. (2017). Elementary Quantitative Analysis. Power point presentation.



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