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IB Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches AA_HL_Test1_seq_series_bin_thm_v1

HL Test1 Sequences / Series and Binomial Theorem

calculator allowed on all questions 9 questions > total marks on test: 50

1. Find the sum of the multiples of 3 between 100 and 500. [5 marks]

2. Consider the following series: 13 5 3 83

(a) Express the series in sigma notation. [4 marks]
(b) Find the sum of the series. [2 marks]

3. For a particular arithmetic series, the sum of the first five terms is 25 and the sum of the first 15
terms is 375. Find the first term and the common difference of the series. [6 marks]

4. Find the term independent of x in the expansion 3x 4 . [6 marks]

5. The first four terms of an arithmetic sequence are 2, a b, 2a b 7 and a 3b , where a and b
are constants. Find a and b. [5 marks]

6. A geometric series has a negative common ratio. The sum of the first two terms is 6, and the
sum to infinity is 8. Find the common ratio and the first two terms. [6 marks]

7. The first three terms of an arithmetic sequence have a sum of 24. The first, second and sixth
terms of this arithmetic sequence are also consecutive terms of a geometric sequence. Find the
first six terms of the arithmetic sequence. [6 marks]

8. Find n if the coefficient of x 2 in the expansion of 1 2 x is 112. [5 marks]

2 5
9. Given that 1 2 x 3 2x 243 ax bx 2 ... find the value of a and the value of b. [5 marks]

© InThinking IB Maths: Analysis 1

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