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[ME 504]


(Multiple Choice Type Questions)

Choose the correct alternatives for the following :

i. A null type of instrument as compared to a deflection type instrument has

a) a higher accuracy
b) a lower sensitivity
c) a faster response
d) all of these

ii. Gauge blocks are used to measure of length

a) greater than 200 mm;
b) greater than 1 m;
c) less than 200 mm;
d) less than 1 m;

iii. Sine bar should not be

a) Used for measurement of an angle greater than 45°;
b) Used for measurement of an angle less than 45°;
c) Used for measurement of an angle greater than 45° and if at all they have to be used, the
sine bar should measure the complement of the angle
d) None of these;

iv. Mechanical comparator have a magnification factor greater than

a) 10:1;
b) 100:1;
c) 1000:1;
d) 10,000:1.

v. Length standards in the form of blocks or bars, with two faces or ends which are at a
defined distance apart are called:
a) End standards;
b) Line standards;
c) Comparators;
d) Gauges.
vi. Two slip gauges in precision measurement are joined by:
a) Assembling;
b) Sliding;
c) Adhesion;
d) Wringing.

vii. The maximum amount by which the result differs from the true value is called:
a) Correction;
b) Error;
c) Discrepancy
d) Accuracy.

viii. In limits and fits, the term ‘Allowance’ usually refers to

a) Difference between maximum size and minimum size of the shaft;
b) Difference between maximum size and minimum size of the hole;
c) Maximum clearance between shaft and hole;
d) Minimum clearance between shaft and hole;
e) None of them.

ix. Superfine resolution devices for measurement of length include:

a) Telescopic gauges;
b) Interferometers used with special light sources;
c) Vernier caliper;
d) Pneumatic comparator

x. Bevel protector is used for

a) Angular measurement;
b) Linear measurement;
c) Height Measurement;
d) Flatness measurement.

(Short Answer Type Questions)

1. Define Metrology and its objectives.

2. What are the various modes of classifying measuring instruments? Give examples in each

3. Explain different types of errors in measurement with examples.

4. Define any two of the following:

a) Accuracy, b) Precision, c) Repeatability, d) Optical flat
5. Define Metrology and its objectives.

6. Compute the slip gauge block combinations to build the following dimensions:

i) 23.09, ii) 153.375

The slip gauge set M 38 consists of the following:

Range (mm) Steps (mm) Pieces

1.005 01
1.01 - 1.09 0.01 09
1.1 - 1.9 0.1 09
1.0 - 9.0 1.0 09
10.0 – 100.0 10.0 10

7. Explain the terms metrology and measurement and highlight their importance.
1. Discuss about static error, loading error and dynamic error.
2. State about systematic/controllable error and random error.
3. State about environmental error and calibration error.
4. What are the different types of drift?

8. In a schematic diagram show the fundamental elements of an instrument/ measuring system

and explain the purpose of each element.
9. What is a transducer? State about active and passive transducers.
10. What are meant by line standard and end standard of length? Give example for each.
11. What is wavelength standard? How is meter defined as per this standard? State about the
advantages of wavelength standard.
5. What are meant by primary standard, secondary standard and tertiary standard of length?
11. What is meant by material standard of length? Give the idea about imperial standard yard,
prototype meter. What are the limitations of material standard
12. What is meant by wringing of slip gauges? How is it done and what is the mechanism
behind this?
13. State about different grades/classification of slip gauges.
14. What are the basic SI units? Name them, write their symbols. ( also know about derived
units, supplementary units and prefixes of units)
15. A calibrated meter bar has an actual length of 1000.0006 mm. It is used in the calibration of
two bars A and B each having a length of 500 mm. When compared with the meter bar, LA + LB
was found to be shorter by 0.0003 mm. In comparing A with B, it was found that A was 0.0005
mm longer than B. Find the actual lengths of A and B.
16. A vernier scale consists of 25 divisions on 12 mm spacing and the main scale has 24
divisions on 12 mm. What is the vernier constant?
17. The following 10 observations in degree Celsius were recorded when measuring a
temperature; 41.7, 42.0, 41.8, 42.0, 42.1, 41.9, 42.0, 41.9, 42.5 and 41.8. Calculate a) arithmetic
mean, b) standard deviation, c) probable error of one reading d) probable error of the mean, e)
18. What is meant by interchangeability ?
19. Explain selective assembly with an example.
20. Define tolerance. Why is tolerance needed? Explain clearly.
21. What are meant by hole basis system and shaft basis system? Why is hole basis system
generally preferred? Give one example in which shaft basis system is utilized.
22. Explain clearance, interference and transition fits. Show in sketch these three types of fit in
hole basis system. ( Also study presenting these fits in shaft basis system)
23. Explain all the terms in 50H7/g6
24. What are meant by MML and LML? Also bring about the concepts of maximum metal
condition and minimum metal condition.
25. Differentiate between a measuring instrument and gauge.
26. State about different types of gauge (or, give classification of gauges)
27. What are go – no-go plug and ring gauges? How are they used? Show simples sketches for
the both. How is go end of plug gauge is distinguished from the no go end?
28. State about caliper type gauge and snap gauge with relevant sketches.
29. State Taylor’s principle in connection with gauge design.
30. What are meant by GMT ( gauge maker’s tolerance) and WA ( wear allowance)?
31. Give one example, in sketch, each for unilateral tolerance and bilateral tolerance.
32. Give one example of no-limit/standard gauge.
33. Show labeled sketches of vernier calipers, outside micrometer, micrometer depth gauge,
bevel protractor, universal bevel protractor, optical bevel protractor, vernier height gauge.
Mention about various uses of vernier height gauge. What are angle gauge blocks? Show
how addition and subtraction of angles can be done with angle gauge blocks.
34. What are meant by surface roughness (primary texture), surface waviness (secondary
texture)? Differentiate between them. What are meant by flaw and lay? Show all of them in
a suitable figure as well.
35. Name and define the various parameters used to evaluate surface finish/ surface roughness:
Ra value (roughness average/CLA value), Rz (ten point average value), RMS value. What is
meant by sampling length?
36. State about various methods of measurement/evaluation of surface finish. Name different
instruments used for measurement of surface finish.
37. State about the advantages of pneumatic comparators.
38. What are the advantages of electrical comparators over the mechanical comparators?
39. Explain the work principle of bourdon tube pressure gauge.
40. With necessary sketch explain the working principle of Solex Pneumatic Comparator. How
may this comparator be used to check size, ovality and taper of a bore?
41. State about various uses/applications of comparators.
42. Explain how a dial gauge indicator can be used as a comparator.
43. What is a dial indicator? Give constructional features of a dial gauge. State about various
uses of dial gauge with examples.
44. Write short notes on: feeler gauges, radius gauges, spirit level, straight edge, contour gauge.
45. With sketches describe and state uses of bevel protractor (or, vernier bevel protractor),
universal bevel protractor, optical bevel protractor.
46. Explain the construction and working of gear tooth vernier calliper. Give a sketch.
47. Describe a dynamical method of determining the radius of curvature of a concave surface.
48. What is a roller type micrometer? Describe how the radii of concave and convex surfaces
can be determined by using it. Show necessary sketches and the deductions.
49. Explain the principle of interference of light and how this principle is used in optical flat for
50. What are the different light sources that are used in optical flat/interferometer?
51. Show the patterns of fringes that are generally observed for i) absolutely perfect flat surface
ii) flat surface iii) concave surface, iv) convex surface, spherical surface, v) surface with
ridges or valleys.
52. State how the number of fringes, angle of contact (or gap between optical flat and the tested
surface), wave length of light are related in the context of use of optical flat. Show relevant
53. With necessary sketches, explain how internal taper can be measured by use of two balls of
different diameters and other instruments. Deduce the necessary formula.
54. Give examples of primary and secondary transducers with sketches.
55. Name various types of flow meters.
1. What is a pitot tube? State about its uses. How is this used to measure flow velocity?
2. State about various methods of temperature measurement and name the relevant
temperature measuring instruments/transducers.
3. What is meant by pyrometer? Describe optical pyrometer with a neat sketch.
4. Write a short note on radiation pyrometer.
5. Describe the principle of liquid in glass thermometer. Write short notes on liquid filled
systems and gas field systems of temperature measurement.


(Long Answer Type Questions)

(9+6)/(8+7) MARKS Q’S

1. i) State the principles of interference of light. Also describe how this principle has been
adopted for checking flatness of any object. What are the specifications of an optical flat?

ii) Explain briefly a) Hole Basis System and b) Shaft Basis System

2. i) Explain Taylor’s principle of “design of gauges”.

ii) Determine the GO and NOGO dimensions of plug and ring gauges to control the
production of 90 mm shaft and hole pairs of H8/e9 fit as per I.S. Given that:
a) 90 mm falls in the diameter step of 80 and 100 mm.
b) Fundamental deviation of ‘e’ type shaft = - 1.1D0.45 microns, where D is the geometric
mean of diameter steps in mm.
c) IT 6 =10i
d) Above IT6 grade the tolerance magnitude is multiplied by 10 at each 5th step.
e) Wear allowance on gauge = 10% of gauge tolerance.

3. i) Explain Taylor’s principle of “design of gauges”.

ii) Determine the GO and NOGO dimensions of plug and ring gauges to control the
production of 90 mm shaft and hole pairs of H8f9 fit as per I.S. Given that:
a) 90 mm falls in the diameter step of 80 and 100 mm.
b) Fundamental deviation of ‘f’ type shaft is – 5.5D0.41 microns, where D is the geometric
mean of diameter steps in mm.
c) IT 6 =10i
d) Above IT6 grade the tolerance magnitude is multiplied by 10 at each 5th step.
e) Wear allowance on gauge = 10% of gauge tolerance.
4. (a) Determine the actual dimensions to be provided for shaft of 90 mm size for H8/e9 type of
fit. Size 90 mm falls in the diameter steps of 80 and 100 mm. With usual notations, take i = 0.45
(D) 1/3 + 0.001D microns, IT 8 =25i, IT9 = 40i, fundamental deviation for ‘e’ type shaft = -
1.1D0.45 microns.

(b) Design ring and snap gauge for checking the above shaft as per new British system of

5. a) What is the difference between primary texture and secondary texture?

b) Describe the various methods of measuring surface roughness.
c) In the measurement of surface roughness heights of 25 successive peaks and troughs were
measured from the datum and were 35, 25, 35, 35, 40, 22, 35, 18, 42, 25, 35, 22, 36, 18,
42, 22, 32, 21, 37, 18, 35, 20, 32, 18 and 40. If the sampling length is 25 mm determine
C.L.A. and R.M.S. value.

6. Design “Plug gauge” and “Ring gauge” for a component having 25 H7f6 fit.

Following details may be used

a) Diameter step [1,3,6,10,18,30,50,80,120,180,250,315,400,500];

b) i (micron)=0.45 3√D + 0.001D where D is in mm;
c) Upper deviation of ‘f’ shaft = -5.5D0.41;
d) IT 6 =10i
e) Above IT6 grade the tolerance magnitude is multiplied by 10 at each 5th step.
f) Wear allowance on gauge = 10% of gauge tolerance.

7. a) What is comparator? How they are classified? Enumerate the various use of comparator.
b) Describe briefly the working principle of back pressure Bourdon gauge pneumatic

8. Write short notes on: (any three)

a) Measurement of level using “spirit level”;

b) Flatness using “straight edge”;
c) Taylor-Hobbson Talysurf;
d) Orifice meter;
e) Working principle of back pressure Bourdon gauge pneumatic comparator;

8. Explain three types of FIT with neat sketches.

Differentiate between (any three):

a) Tolerance and allowance;

b) “Hole Basis System” and “Shaft Basis System”;
c) “Upper Deviation” and “Lower deviation”;
d) Precision and Accuracy.

1. Explain briefly a) Hole Basis System and b) Shaft Basis System

2. Explain three types of FIT with neat sketches.

3. Design “Plug gauge” and “Ring gauge” for a component having 25 H7f6 fit.

Following details may be used

A) Diameter step [1,3,6,10,18,30,50,80,120,180,250,315,400,500];

B) i (micron)=0.45 3√D + 0.001D where D is in mm;
C) Upper deviation of ‘f’ shaft = -5.5D0.41;
D) IT 6 =10i
E) Above IT6 grade the tolerance magnitude is multiplied by 10 at each 5th step.
F) Wear allowance on gauge = 10% of gauge tolerance.

4. Explain Taylor’s principle of “design of gauges”.

5. Differentiate between:

a) Tolerance and allowance;

b) “Hole Basis System” and “Shaft Basis System”;

c) “Upper Deviation” and “Lower deviation”;

d) “Clearance Fit” and “Transition Fit”

6. The slip gauge set M 38 consists of the following:

Range (mm) Steps (mm) Pieces

1.005 01

1.01 - 1.09 0.01 09

1.1 - 1.9 0.1 09

1.0 - 9.0 1.0 09

10.0 – 100.0 10.0 10

List the slip gauges to be wrung together to produce the following dimensions:

1) 18.09, 2) 113.385

7. Design “Plug gauge” and “Ring gauge” for a component having 60 H7d8 fit.

Following details may be used

A) Diameter step [1,3,6,10,18,30,50,80,120,180,250,315,400,500];

B) i (micron)=0.45 3√D + 0.001D where D is in mm;
C) Upper deviation of ‘d’ shaft = -16D0.44;
D) IT 6 =10i
E) Above IT6 grade the tolerance magnitude is multiplied by 10 at each 5th step.
F) Wear allowance on gauge = 10% of gauge tolerance.
8. Define “Measurement”.

9. What are the two basic requirement of the ideal measuring system?

10. Define the following terms: (2 marks each)

a) sensitivity, b) accuracy, c) precision, d) repeatability, e) reproducibility,

f) Linearity, g) threshold, h) calibration, i) response,

j) Dynamic or measurement error,

11. Write short notes on:

a) Measurement of level using “spirit level”.

b) Flatness using “straight edge”.

c) Flatness using “interferrometry (Newton’s Rings)”.

d) Flatness using “surface plate”.

12. Differentiate between

a) “Selective assembly” and “Interchangeability” with respect to fit.

b) Reproducibility and repeatability,

c) Precision and accuracy,

d) Tolerance and allowance.

13. Explain the wringing procedure of slip gauges with sketches.

14. a) What is comparator? How they are classified? Enumerate the various use of comparator.

b) Describe briefly the working principle of back pressure Bourdon gauge pneumatic

15. What is the difference between sensitivity and range? What are the disadvantages of a very
sensitive instrument?

16. Discuss several types of tolerance and fit?

17. A Vernier scale consists of 25 divisions on 12 mm spacing main scale has 24 divisions on 12
mm. What is the least count? Define relative error, random error and systematic errors.

18. (a) Determine the actual dimensions to be provided for shaft of 90 mm size for H8/e9 type of
fit. Size 90 mm falls in the diameter steps of 80 and 100 mm. With usual notations, take i = 0.45
(D) 1/3 + 0.001D microns, IT 8 =25i, IT9 = 40i, fundamental deviation for ‘e’ type shaft = -
1.1D0.45 microns.

(b) Design a snap gauge for checking the above shaft as per new British system of design.

19. What is an optical flat? What are the typical dimensions of an optical flat? What cares are to
be taken in using the optical flat?

20. Sketch and interpret the different patterns of interference bands observed through optical flats
for the following:

a) A perfectly flat surface

b) A convex surface
c) A concave surface

21. Describe a dynamical method of determining the radius of arc of a concave surface.

22. Explain different types of errors in measurement with examples.

23. What is a dial indicator?

24. Explain the working principle of a dial indicator with a suitable sketch.

25. Name and explain the various methods of measurement : direct, indirect, comparison,
substitution, transposition, deflection , null, coincidence, absolute or fundamental
methods. Give one example for each.
26. With illustrative sketches explain: parallax error, alignment error. What is Abbe’s
principle of alignment. Relate Abbe’s principle with respect to i) outside micrometer,
vernier calipers. State about cosine error, sine error and combined sine and cosine errors.
27. What are meant by scientific metrology, legal metrology and fundamental metrology?
Also state about the significance and application areas of legal metrology.
28. With reference to measuring instrument/measuring system define and explain the
following terms: accuracy, precision/repeatability, reproducibility, resolution, threshold,
linearity, drift.

29. Define the following terms: upper and lower limits of a dimension, deviation, lower and
upper deviations, fundamental deviation, allowance, basic shaft, basic hole, zero line,
basic size, nominal size, tolerance zone.
30. Determine the upper limits, lower limits, tolerances, lower and upper deviations of both
the hole and shaft for the fit 25 H7/f8: given that 25 mm lies in the step 18mm – 30 mm,
fundamental deviation ( lower deviation) of H hole is zero, fundamental deviation ( upper
deviation) of f shaft + -5.5 D 0.41, the standard tolerance unit i = 0.45 D 1/3 + 0.001 D,
where i is in micron, D is in mm and with usual meaning in this context, IT 7 = 16i, IT 8
= 25i. What is the type of fit? Show relevant sketch What are MML and LML for both
the hole and the shaft?. Also design go-no go plug and ring (or snap) gauges for the
above case.
25. With suitable sketch/sketches explain the working principle of measurement of surface
finish/roughness by Taylor-Hobson Talysurf. What is the purpose of skid in this
26. With an example explain how surface roughness value is indicated on the component
drawing along with the relevant information. Give an approximate idea about surface
roughness values for surfaces produced by turning, shaping, milling, grinding, lapping,
honing etc.
27. Explain why surface quality, especially surface finish is important. Discuss this in respect
of friction and wear characteristics, fatigue strength, strength of the interference joints,
corrosion and lubrication of the mating components.
28. What is a comparator? What are the desired characteristics/features of a comparator?
Classify the comparators and name the different types, compare among them.
29. Explain the working principle of back pressure pneumatic comparator, illustrating how
this principle is utilized in Bourdon Tube Pneumatic Comparator.
30. What is a thermistor? Discuss about the basic principle .of the same for measurement of
temperature. Name various types of the same. State about its uses and advantages.
31. What is a strain gauge? What is gauge factor of a strain gauge? Explain the basic
principle of strain measurement by strain gauge. Name different types of strain gauges.
Write about the materials which are used for strain gauges. Give a sketch of a bonded
wire resistance strain gauge.
32. Write a short note on load cell (or, Discuss about strain gauge load cell and its use for
measurement of force).
33. What is LVDT? With suitable sketches explain its construction and working principle.
Write what type of transducer it is. State about its uses. Explain the various terms in
respect to LVDT like resolution, sensitivity etc. ( or, write a short note on LVDT)
34. With a neat sketch explain how a sine bar can be used for measurement of taper angle of
tapered job of circular cross section. Explain why it is not preferable to use sine bar for
measuring angle more than 45 degree. Deduce the necessary formula in this regard and
show the relevant graph. State the essential requirements for accuracy in the construction
of a sine bar.
35. What is an optical flat? What are its various types? State about its constructional
features. (Or, Give the specifications of optical flat). State about its various
36. With a neat sketch describe the working principle of NPL interferometer and explain how
this instrument can be used to check flatness of a surface and parallelism of a surface.
37. Explain how an optical flat can be used to determine the size/height of an unknown slip
gauge or a component, using a slip gauge of known size/height. Deduce the relevant
formula. Width of slip gauges are same and known and the separation/ distance between
the two gauges is given directly or in some other way. The number of fringes are
observed and known. Practice numerical problem on this, as well)
38. Describe with suitable sketch i) venturimeter and ii) orifice meter. Deduce the relevant
deductions to find the formula for flow rate in each of these cases and explain the
method/arrangement of flow measurement. Name some other types of flow meters like
rotatmeter, electro-magnetic flow meter etc. and basic principle of flow measurement for
39. Explain the working principle of thermocouple. Mention about see back effect.
40. A steel cantilever beam is 0.25 m long, 20 mm wide and 4 mm thick. i) Calculate the
value of the deflection of the free end for the cantilever when a force of 25 N is applied at
this end. The modulus of elasticity for steel is 200 GN/m2. ii) An LVDT with a sensitivity
of 0.05V/mm is used for the measurement of deflection. The voltage is read on a 10 V
voltmeter having 100 divisions. Two tenths of a division can be read with certainty.
Calculate the minimum and maximum value of the force that can be measured with this
41. The output of an LVDT is connected to a 4V voltmeter through an amplifier whose
amplification factor is 500. An output of 1.8 mV appears across the terminals of LVDT,
when the core moves through a distance of 0.6 mm. If the voltmeter scale has 100
divisions and the scale can be read up to ¼ th of a division, evaluate: i) the sensitivity of
LVDT ii) the resolution of the instrument in mm.
42. Show that gauge factor F of a resistance strain gauge is given by F = 1 + 2µ + [(δρ/ρ) /
(δL/L)], where µ is the Poisson ratio, ρ is the resistivity of the material of the wire of
strain gauge and L is the length of the wire.
43. A strain gauge is bonded to a beam which is 12 cm long and has a cross sectional area of
3.8 cm2. The unstrained resistance and gauge factor are 220 Ω and 2.2 respectively. On
the application of load the resistance of the gauge changes by 0.015 Ω. If the modulus of
elasticity for steel is 207 GN/m2, calculate i) the change in length of the steel beam ii)
the amount of applied force to the beam.
44. In the measurement of surface roughness, heights of 20 successive peaks and valleys
from a datum are as follows: 45, 25, 40, 25, 35, 16, 40, 22, 25, 34, 25, 40, 20, 36, 28, 18,
20, 25, 30, 38 microns. If these measurements were made over a length of 20 mm,
determine CLA and RMS values of surface roughness.
45. Calculate the CLA (Ra) value of surface roughness for the following data: The sampling
length = 0.8 mm, the graph is drawn to a vertical magnification of 15000 and horizontal
magnification of 100 and the areas above and below the datum line are 160, 90, 180, 50
mm2 and 95, 65, 170, 150 mm2 respectively.
46. In the measurement of surface roughness the height of 10 successive peaks and valleys (5
peaks, 5 valleys over datum line were found to be: Peaks 45, 42, 40, 35, 35 microns and
Valleys: 30, 25, 25, 24, 18 microns. Determine the Rz (ten point average) value.
47. For a certain thermistor, the thermistor constant beta = 3240 K and the resistance at 27
degree Celsius is known to be 1050 Ω. The thermistor is used for temperature
measurement and the resistance measurement is 2330 Ω. Find the measured temperature.
48. While checking the parallelism of a slip gauge of 20 mm width, 18 and 28 number of
dark bands (fringes) are observed by using interferometer at the beginning and after
rotating the base by 1800 respectively. If the wavelength of the light used is 0.500 micron,
determine the error in parallelism of the slip gauge.
49. A 100 mm sine bar is to be set up to an angle of 33 degree. Determine the slip gauges
needed from a given stated set of slip gauges.

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