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Task: Create a portfolio regarding all the

topics discussed. The portfolio that you will
be creating should consist of 5 pages which
include: cover page, content (w/
explanation), and reflective essay.

Angelo Lawrence C. Banan

Mr. Nelson L. Gacutan
Personal development consists of activities that develop a person's
capabilities and potential, build human capital, facilitate employability, and
enhance quality of life and the realization of dreams and aspirations.

"Growing up isn't about adding years to your age;

it's about the life experiences you've had in your
life." From elementary up to now, a lot of
experience has taught and processed me in all
facets of my life. It is such a sentimental and
lucid to recall those days.

When receiving input from others, pride would

get the better of me, and the problem would
worsen. The term "pessimism" would be
included. Many people have flaws, and I am
not an exemption. Being pesimist, a flaw that
would exacerbate a bad circumstance and I’ve
learned it the hard way. Now, for the sake of
myself and others, I'm learning to restrain my

A wise man once said, “Being a human is easy,

but acting like one is difficult.” When my
emotions get the better of me, I have a tendency
to act inhumanely. I also have trouble finding
myself at times, and I often surprise myself with
my other traits and personalities. Who am i?
three simple words that are difficult to respond to.
I'll probably figure it out soon enough.


outside of yourself can tell you who you are or how you should live your life.
When you get to know yourself, you'll discover how simple life is and how much
power you have over your own fate. It will always be more important for you to
know who you are than for others to know who you are.
Knowing more about your unique personality can help you be happier by
first identifying how you're most comfortable based on your personality
preferences, and then advising you on how to best play to your own strengths and
address your own weaknesses, whether in your career, free time, relationships, and
other areas.

I'm a pessimistic thinker as a student, and I'm

afraid to bottle up my emotions when I'm
emotionally unstable. In contrast, I am a fighter
who gives it my all in every endeavor, and I can
do anything as long as my mind cooperates. I'm
also not a "happy go lucky" person; in fact, I
rarely smile and appear dispassionate, as if I'm
holding back negativity deep inside.

To be honest, I'm not happy with my existing personality, and

I want to improve and become a better version of myself.
Seeing my buddies assist me in adjusting the features that
needed to be adjusted, boosts my confidence. That change is
conceivable, and that we are currently in the midst of doing so,
thus it's like riding a wave into adulthood. There may be
roadblocks, but go for it.

Most of us have insecurities

as we grow older, and adolescent health issues
such as obesity and gender are two of the most
common. My grin is the source of my uneasiness.
I've always wished for that bright, attractive
smile. Every time I read through my Facebook
newsfeed, I see different people with varied
smiles, which makes me feel even more uneasy.
That's why I'm not smiling much.
We may begin to combat our insecurity once we have a clearer
understanding of where it originates from and how it affects our lives. That every
defect we have is beautiful; all we have to do is recognize the bright side and the
uniqueness of each flaw we have; rather than making it an insecurity, we should
make it unique.
Taking care of our mental health can also help us combat or prevent the
mental health issues that can arise as a result of a chronic illness. It may be able to
prevent the beginning or return of a physical or mental ailment in specific

Stress is extremely difficult to overcome, and it

has an impact on our cognitive, emotional, social,
and physical well-being. We are all stressed out,
and some people commit themselves just because
life is difficult. But living to the stress isn't a
solution; instead, consider it a challenge to
overcome, one step at a time.

The majority of mental health issues that are

identified in adulthood originate in adolescence.
By the age of 14, half of all diagnosable mental
health illnesses have begun, and by the age of 24,
three-quarters have begun. Depression, anxiety,
and attention deficit are the most prevalent
adolescent concerns.

A stressor is anything that causes the release of

stress hormones. There are 3 kinds of stressors:
Cataclysmic, personal and background stressors.
Cataclysmic events are strong that suddenly
occur and may simultaneously affect many
people, personal stressors refer to conditions,
events, situations or anything that causes stress to an individual and background
stressors can be encountered everyday.

Recognizing typical stress symptoms might assist you in managing them.

Unmanaged stress can lead to a variety of health issues, including high blood
pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
"Dream big, develop yourself, unleash your potential, work well with others,
play to your strengths, enjoy the process, share your one-of-a-kind gifts with the
world, and grow your greatness by testing yourself, growing yourself, learning, and
developing," someone once said. It's legitimate in my opinion, and it serves as a
foundation for my life of processing. Once you've totally harmed yourself
physically and mentally, those terrible experiences will be worth it once you've
conquered a specific goal. Others see issues as a huge boulder they can't break
through, but if you look at them differently, they won't intimidate you and will
instead motivate you to complete the task.
I, Angelo Lawrence C. Banan, a simple man, began as a crybaby during
those periods in my life when I felt such misery and despair, to the point where it
caused me stress. As time passed, I gradually overcame each vulnerability they
exploited, one step at a time, until I arrived at my current position. A fearless, self-
sufficient combatant who can show anyone anything.
As an adolescent, and based on my personal experience, it's all about
battling your way to success and never allowing others to use your flaws. Be
powerful and sure of yourself. Consider the possibility that "what you seek will be
provided someday as a result of your hard effort and patience." Never doubt
yourself because it will bring you down. Never allow someone to approach you in
ill manner. Everything is difficult, but at the end, there will be a rainbow, which
represents future success.

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