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Mata kuliah
Bahasa Inggris

Disusun oleh :
Chitra Ayuni Franisia :
Elsa Adisty Vernanda :

TAHUN 2021/2022

A. Put the following into Indirect speech :

1. Mr West said, "I am very tired".
ANSWER : Mr West said that he was very tired.
2. He said, "I am flying to Rome tomorrow".
ANSWER : He said that he was flying to Rome tomorrow.
3. George said, "I have lived in this village all my life".
ANSWER : George said that he had lived in this village all his life.
4. Peter said to me Ί can't go out with you because I am not feeling well".
ANSWER : Peter said to me that he couldn’t go with me because he was not feeling well.
5. Helen said to me, "I hope you have enjoyed yourself".
ANSWER : Helen said to me that she hopes I had enjoyed myself.
6. She said, "I have been to Paris many times".
ANSWER : She said that she had been to paris many times.
7. Jane said, "I want to study medicine, father".
ANSWER : Jane said to her father that she wants to study medicine.
8. Her friend said, "You are wrong, Mary".
ANSWER : Her friend to her said that she was wrong.
9. He said to me, "I saw your friend a the cinema yesterday".
ANSWER : He said to me that he saw my friend at the cinema the day before.
10. She said to him "I called you up but you didn't answer an hour ago".
ANSWER : She said to him that she called him an hour ago but he didn’t answer.

B. Put the following into Indirect Speech :

1. The teacher said to me, "write your name on this paper."
ANSWER : The teacher said to me that me was write my name on this paper.
2. He said to me, "Wait for me here".
ANSWER : He said that he was wait for me here.
3. He said to them "Don't go out alone".
ANSWER : He said to them that was don’t go out alone.
4. He said to me, "Type this letter immediately,"
ANSWER : He told me to type that later immediately.
5. Peter said to Tom, "Don't do it again".
ANSWER : Peter said to Tom that he don’t do it again.
6. The students said, "We may be a little late".
ANSWER : The students said that they mey be a little late.
7. The teacher said, "You must answer this question in 5 seconds"
ANSWER : The teacher said to me that I must answer this question in 5 seconds.
8. He said, "I can't stay out very late"
ANSWER : He said that he can’t stay out very late.
9. My mother said to me, "You ought to be more careful".
ANSWER : My mother said to me that me ought to be more careful.
10. ! said to them, "Don't write on your desks".
ANSWER : Said to them that was don’t write on your desks.

C. Put the following into Indirect Speech :

1. He asked me, "How much did you pay for this book?"
ANSWER : He asked me that hev was how much did you pay for that book.
2. The nurse asked him, "How are you feeling".
ANSWER : The nurse asked him that how are you feeling.
3. The teacher asked "Have you written your homework?"
ANSWER : The teacher asked to me that was written my homework.
4. He asked me "Do you know anything about the accident?"
ANSWER : He asked me that did you know anything about the accident.
5. My brother asked, "Has anybody called while I was out".
ANSWER : My brother asked that has anybody called while he was out.
6. She asked me "Do you know where Mrs Baker lives?"
ANSWER : She asked me that did me was know where Mrs Baker lives.
7. He asked her, "Has the plane left?"
ANSWER : He asked her where the plane left.
8. She asked, "How much does this coat cost?"
ANSWER : She asked how much did that coat cost.
9. She asked me "Where are you from?"
ANSWER : She asked me where iam from.
10. She asked him "When will you meet your friends?"
ANSWER : She asked him where when will meet your friend.

D. Change from Indirect into Direct Speech :

1. Peter said he had enjoyed himself very much.
ANSWER : Peter said, “I have enjoyed my self very much”
2. She said that she was almost sure.
ANSWER : She said, “I am almost sure”.
3. He asked me how long it would take me to go home.
ANSWER : He asked me, “how long to take go home?”
4. She asked me if I had listened to the 9 o'clock news
ANSWER : She asked me, when I has listened to the 9 o’clock.
5. He asked me if I was going to stay in.
ANSWER : He asked while you go stay in.
6. She asked him if he would go home by bus.
ANSWER : She asked,while you go home by bus.
7. My friend asked me where I had bought my car from.
ANSWER : My friend asked me, “whould you bought you car from”.
8. Helen told Peter to be careful.
ANSWER : Helen told Peter, “be careful”.
9. He told the children to stop that noise.
ANSWER : He told the children,”stop that noise”.
10. She told him not to wait for her outside the cinema.
ANSWER : She told to him,”wait for me outside the cinema”.

Ε. Change from Direct into Indirect Speech :

1. He asked, "How much dob^» »ι, Λ cost?"

ANSWER : He asked how much did it cost.

2. Helen asked, "where are you going?"

ANSWER : Helen asked where they were going.

3. They asked me "Will you invite us?"

ANSWER : They asked me would I invite them.

4. He asked me, "Do you know, where he is?"

ANSWER : He asked me if I knew where he was.

5. She asked me, "What time is it?"

ANSWER : He asked me what time it was.

6. He asked me, "How are you feeling now?"

ANSWER : He asked me how that my feeling now.

7. She asked him, "How are you liking your new job?"

ANSWER : He asked him how he liked his new job .

8. He asked me, "Have you been waiting long?"

ANSWER : He asked me would you have been waiting long.

9. She said to me, "Throw it away".

ANSWER : She said to me whould you throw it away.

10. He said to her, "Stop that noise".

ANSWER : He said to her,that to stop the noise.

11. She said to her, "Don't go near the dog".

ANSWER : She said to her that don’t go near the dog.

12. He said to them, "Put your books on the table".

ANSWER : He said to them put their books on the table.

13. She said to him, "Be careful".

ANSWER : She said to him to be careful.

14. She said to him, "Don't be silly".

ANSWER : She said to him to don’t be silly.

15. Helen says, "I want to be a doctor".

ANSWER : Helen says she want to be a doctor.

16. Jean said, "I want to go out, mother".

ANSWER : Jean said to her mother want to go out.

17. His father said, "You are right, Tom".

ANSWER : His father said Tom Is right.

18. George said to Kate, "Wait for me here".

ANSWER : George said to kate to wait for him here.

19. She asked him, "Have you paid the bill?"

ANSWER : She asked him has he paid the bill.

20. He always says to them "You must pay more attention"

ANSWER : He always says to them that they should always pay more attention .

F. Change from Indirect into Direct Speech :

1. He asked me if I knew the manager.

ANSWER : He asked me, do you knew the manager.
2. She asked me if I liked her new house.
ANSWER : She asked me, do you liked her new house.
3. She asked the driver to give her a lift.
ANSWER : She asked, the driver to give my a lift.
4. Helen said that she would give up trying.
ANSWER : Helen said, I would give up trying.
5. George said he would do his best.
ANSWER : George said, I would do my best.

6. She asked him if he had worked before.

ANSWER : She asked him, have you worked before.
7. They asked me if I could type.
ANSWER : They asked me, could you type ?
8. We asked the neighbours to turn the music down.
ANSWER : We asked the neighbours, turn the music down.
9. He said he would answer the phone for me.
ANSWER : He said I would answer the phone for you.
10. She said she had printed that report 3 times.
ANSWER : She said, I had printed that report 3 times.
11. The manager said he would give us a rise.
ANSWER : The manager said, I would give us a rise.
12. They said they would give up smoking.
ANSWER : They said, we would give up smoking.
13. He told the employees to arrive earlier.
ANSWER : He told, the employees to arrive earlier.
14. She told me to write more clearly.
ANSWER : She told me, write more clearly.
15. They said they had already visited the exhibition.
ANSWER : They said, we had already visited the exhibition.
16. He said he liked our products very much.
ANSWER : He said, I ilked your products very much.
17. He told me to write the memo immediately.
ANSWER : He told me, write the memo immediately.
18. He said he would fill in an application form.
ANSWER : He said, I would fill in an application form.
19. Helen told me to read all ^he reports.
ANSWER : Helen told me, read all I reports.
20. He asked me if I could write a business letter.
ANSWER : He asked me, could you write a business letter.

G. Translate into English :

1. Είπε πως θα εργαζόταν σκληρά

ANSWER : He said he would work hard.

2. Με ρώτησε που δούλευα.

ANSWER : He asked me where worked.

3. Μου είπε να υπογράψω τις επιστολές αµέσως.

ANSWER : He told me to sign the letters immediately.

4. Είπε πως θα επισκεπτόταν το τµήµα εξαγωγών.

ANSWER : He said he would visit the export department.

5. Είπε πως είχε ξαναδούλεψει σ^ ένα κατάστηµα.

ANSWER : He said he had worked in a shop again.

6. Μας είπε πως θα επιθεωρούσε! την αποθήκη.

ANSWER : He told us he would inspect ! the warehouse.

7. Είπε πως θ' αγόραζε την εταιρεία µας.

ANSWER : He said he would buy las’s company.

8. Με ρώτησε πότε θα έστελνα την παραγγελία.

ANSWER : He asked me when I would send the order.

9. Μας είπαν να διαβάσουµε τις οδηγίες.

ANSWER : We were told to read the instructions.

10. Μας είπε να µην ξανάρθουµε καθυστερηµένοι.

ANSWER : He told us not to come back late.

Η. Fill in the blanks with "say" or "tell"

1. She tell that he didn't like it.
2. He tell me that he liked my house.
3. She tell me that she would come.
4. I tell him to wait here.
5. Tom say that he had to go.
6. Don't say the same thing again.
7. Where did you . say you were going?
8. Where did you say me to put it?
9. Does she have anything to say now"
10. Who say you to come?
11. He tell me all about it.
12. I think he didn't say the truth.
13. You must say good-bye to him.
14. Have you ever say lies?
15. The teacher tell us a story.
16. She left without say goodnight.
17. Tom didn't say anything.
18. Helen say that she would wait.
19. Peter tell me not to argue.
20. say it again.
21 tell me where to put them.
22. Peter say that he tell Helen to go.
23. Who say you to go?
24. Can you tell me the time please?
25. Who tell that Chinese is easy?
26. tell me all about your trip.
27. That is what George say
28. She didn't say where he was going.
29. You must always tell the truth.
30. Did you say anything?
Mrs kent asked Jim where the memos she had left on his desk the
previous morning were.
Jim answered that he was sorry but he had thrown them away by
Mrs kent told him that that was a silly thing to do. She also asked if
had taken any photocopies of them at least.
Jim replied that he had and that he had put them in a file.
Mrs kent asked Jim where the sales invoices were. She also said
she had been looking for them everywhere.
Paul answered that he had got no idea himself and suggested asking the
Rewrite this paragraph in a dialogue form; Mrs Kent: where are... Jim: I am
sorry but....

Mrs. Kent : “Where the memos I had left on his desk the previous morning were?”
Jim : “I am sorry, but I had thrown them away by mistake”.
Mrs. Kent : “That was a silly thing to do. Have you take any photocopies of them at
Jim : “Yes, I have. I have put them in a file.
Mrs. Kent : “where the sales invoices were? I have been looking for them everywhere”.
Paul : “I have got no idea myself . and I suggested asking the secretary” 

Ιndirect speech:
Helen: Mr West, what's happened to John? Mr
West: He's left the company
Helen: Why has he done that?
Mr West: He asked me for a rise but I didn't give it to him.
Helen: Why didn't you give him a rise?
Mr West: Because he was lazy.
Helen: Has he found another job?
Mr West: Yes, he is working in a film company.
Helen: What is his salary like?
Mr West: I think he earns quite a lot.
Helen: Does he like the new job?
Mr West: I don't know.
A week later Helen met Peter at the cinema. She told him about their
conversation with Mr West:
I asked Mr West what happened to you. He said that you……(continue)

He said that you left the company. I asked Mr. west why you have done that. And he
answered you asked him for a rise but he didn't give it to you. I asked him why he
didn't give you a rise. He answered because you were lazy. I asked him had you
found another job. He answered you are workingan a film company. I asked him
what your salary like. And he answered he think you earned quite a lot. I asked him
did you like the new job. He said that he didn’t know. 

Multiple choice test (indirect speech)

1. "Who took my English book?"

He was curious to know who...

a. took my English.
b. had taken his English book.
c. takes his English book.
d. has taken my English book.

2. "Where does Helen live?"

Jim wants to know where...
a. Helen lived
b. Helen lives
c. Helen had lived
d. does Helen live?

3. "Why do volcanoes erupt?"

She wondered why...
a. volcanoes erupt
b. volcanoes had erupted
c. volcanoes erupted
d. did volcanoes erupt?

4. "Do you know why she is so

He asked me if ..... so unhappy
a. I know why she is
b. you know why she was
c. did I know why she was
d. I knew why she was.

5. "How many photos have you got?" He

wants to know how many....
a. photos I had got
b. photos you have got
c. photos had I got?
d. photos I have got.

Change the following sentences so as to introduce "had better"

1. It will be better if you wait. = It had better if you waited.

2. It will be better if she visits a doctor. = It had better if she visited a doctor.
3. It will be better if you don't work hard. = It had better if you didn’t work hard.
4. It will be better if I don't wait for her.= It had better if I didn’t wait for her.
5. It will be better if we come back home. = It had better if we come back home.
6. It will be better if they don't say anything? = It had better if they didn’t say anything ?
7. It will be better if he studies harder. = It had better if he studied harder.
8. It will be better if they don't quarrel. = It had better if they didn’t quarrel.
9. It will be better if John comes to the party. = It had better if John come to the party.
10. It will be better if Helen has a long rest. = It had better if Helen had a long rest.


A. Supply "what" or "what a" in the sentences;

1. What a hot day.
2. What nice children.
3. What a foolish mistakes.
4. What happy couple.
5. What easy problem.
6. What difficult exercises.
7. What funny name Helen has.
8. What good company.
9. What a g o o d i d e a .
10. What pretty eyes she has.

B. Change the sentences to exclamation form by using "how",

"what" "what a"
1. Helen has a beautiful new car. = What Helen have ?
2. John's father has a nice garden. = What John’s father have ?
3. It was very hot yesterday. = How was yesterday ?
4. It is very cold today. = How is today ?
5. It is a very cold day. = How is today ?
6. Helen speaks German fluently. = What Helen speaks ?
7. George is wearing a nice tie. = What is George wearing ?
8. It is a wonderful afternoon. = How is afternoon ?
9. Paul drives very well. = How Paul drives ?
10. He sang horribly. = What he sang ?


Rewrite the following sentences with "else":

1. No other person is coming. = No one else other is coming.
2. At what other place must I go? = At what else must I go ?
3. What other person is staying with you? = What else is staying with you ?
4. Has he any other thing to say? = Has he anything else to say ?
5. May I go to some other please? = May I go somewhere else ?
6. Ask some other person to help you. = Ask someone else to help you.
7. All the others have their pens. = All anyone else have their pens.
8. In what other way could I do it? = In what else could I do it ?
9. No other person helped her. = No else other person helped her.
10. I have met them in some other place. = I have met them somewhere else.
11. Did you buy any other thing? = Did you buy anything else ?
12. I think I put it in another place. = I think I put it in somewhere else.
13. What other thing is there to add? = What else is there to add ?
14. Has she bought any other thing? = Has she bought anything else ?
15. She didn't see any other thing she liked. = She didn’t see anything else she liked

Change the following sentences so as to introduce the correct form of
the expression "it takes". Then change the sentences to questions
beginning with "how long".
1. You will walk there in a quarter of an hour,
a. It takes there in a quarter of an hour.
b. How long it takes in there ?

2. He did his homework in less than 2 hours,

a. It takes his homework in less than 2 hours.
b. How long it takes his homework ?

3. He prepares the meal in one hour,

a. It takes the meal in one hour.
b. How long it takes the meal ?

4. They found their dog in three days,

a. It takes their dog in three days.
b. How long it takes their dog ?

5. I will read this book in a week,

a. It takes this book in a week.
b. How long it takes this book ?
6. Helen wrote the letters in 1 hour,
a. It takes the letters in 1 hour
b. How long it takes the letters ?

7. They got there in a few minutes,

a. It takes three in a few minutes.
b. How long it takes in there ?

8. They completed it in a week.

a. It takes it in a week.
b. How long it takes it ?

9. He spent two years to get his degree,

a. It takes two years to get degree
b. How long it takes to get degree ?

10. They built this school in a year,

a . It takes this school in a year.
b. How long it takes this school ?

11. I will translate it in 6 months,

a. It takes it in 6 months.
b. How long it takes it ?

12. He will finish school in two years.

a. It takes school in two years. :
b. How long it takes in school ?

13. We got there in a few minutes,

a. It takes there in a few minutes.
b. How long it takes in three ?

14. She learned Chinese in 10 years.

a. It takes Chinese in 10 years.
b. How long it takes in Chinese ?

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