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Rarefied gas flow past a flat plate at zero

angle of attack
Cite as: Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020);
Submitted: 20 May 2020 . Accepted: 24 July 2020 . Published Online: 11 August 2020

A. A. Abramov , A. V. Butkovskii , and O. G. Buzykin

Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020); 32, 087108

© 2020 Author(s).
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

Rarefied gas flow past a flat plate at zero angle

of attack
Cite as: Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0014629
Submitted: 20 May 2020 • Accepted: 24 July 2020 •
Published Online: 11 August 2020

A. A. Abramov,a) A. V. Butkovskii,b) and O. G. Buzykinc)

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky Str., 140180 Zhukovsky, Russia

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

We consider subsonic, transonic, and moderate supersonic rarefied monatomic gas flows past a flat plate at zero angle of attack in the tran-
sitional regime. The influence of the rarefaction on the flow pattern is investigated mainly by the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. We
study the shear stress, normal momentum flux transferred to the plate, and energy flux transferred to the plate at various Knudsen numbers,
Mach numbers, and plate temperatures. We show that if the plate temperature is equal to the temperature of the undisturbed gas, then at
any Mach number of the incoming flow, the average dimensionless normal momentum transferred to the plate has at least one extreme with
respect to the Knudsen number. Specifically, in the supersonic and sonic cases, these dependences have a maximum. In the case of subsonic
transonic Mach number M = 0.8, the dependence has a weak maximum and a weak minimum. At M = 0.5, it has weak minimum. We show
that in a wide temperature range at subsonic and moderate supersonic Mach numbers in the transitional regime, the plate temperature very
weakly affects the average friction force acting on the plate. We show that there exist certain intervals of plate temperatures ratios and Mach
numbers such that the average dimensionless energy flux transferred to the plate changes the sign if the Knudsen number increases, previously
reaching a local negative minimum.
Published under license by AIP Publishing., s

I. INTRODUCTION systems are rarefied gas flows even under atmospheric conditions.
However, the application of DSMC to the calculation of steady sub-
The rarefied gas flow past a flat plate at zero incidence is one of sonic and transonic flows encounters significant difficulties associ-
the classical problems of molecular gas dynamics. The initial interest ated with the formulation of the correct downstream and upstream
in this problem was caused by the need to understand the processes boundary conditions.
that occur when the rarefied hypersonic gas flows around spacecraft In this paper, unlike Refs. 14–19, we consider the unsteady-state
in the upper atmosphere at hypersonic velocity. This problem has subsonic, transonic, and supersonic gas flows and obtain the steady-
been studied by many authors.1–11 The theoretical studies were car- state as the limiting case. This allows us to avoid the difficulties with
ried out mainly using the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) setting approximate boundary conditions for the stationary subsonic
method. In these studies, distributions of hypersonic flow param- and transonic problems.
eters were obtained at the plate and around it. There are some The above papers are mainly devoted to the development of
results for supersonic rarefied monatomic gas flows past a flat plate boundary conditions for the subsonic rarefied gas flow. The system-
at zero incidence.5,6,12,13 To the best of our knowledge, the transonic atic investigation of the influence of the subsonic flow parameters
flow past a plate in the transitional regime has not been considered on the momentum and energy fluxes transferred to the plate was not
earlier. carried out. Such studies were performed early only for hypersonic
Recently, studies of subsonic flows of rarefied gas have begun flow around the plate. The purpose of our paper is to investigate the
to appear.14–19 This is due to the growing interest in micro- effect of gas rarefaction on the flow around a plate at zero angle of
electromechanical systems (MEMS). Subsonic gas flows in these attack at subsonic, transonic, and moderate supersonic free-stream

Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0014629 32, 087108-1

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Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

velocities. Specifically, we study the effect of rarefaction on the where c∞ = 2RT∞ , R is the gas constant, κ is the heat capacity
normal and horizontal momentum fluxes transferred to the plate ratio, and λ∞ is the mean free path of the molecules in the undis-
and on the energy flux at various Mach numbers and plate tempera- turbed gas. In this paper,
√ we investigate the flow of a hard-sphere
tures. gas. Hence, λ∞ = ( 2σT n∞ )−1 , where σ T is the total cross section
This paper is organized as follows: We formulate the problem of the molecules.
in Sec. II. We state the equation for the molecular velocity distribu- We study the energy flux transferred to the plate Ey and the
tion function and the initial and boundary conditions. In Sec. III, we horizontal and the normal momentum fluxes pxy and pyy ,
review some details of the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
method used in this study as a solution procedure. In Sec. IV, we m(v2x + v2y + v2z )
Ey = − ∫ vy f (V)∣y=0 dV, where dV = dvx dvy dvz ,
analyze the obtained results. The results of the study are summarized 2
in Sec. V. pxy = − ∫ mvx vy f (V)∣y=0 dV, pyy = − ∫ mvy vy f (V)∣y=0 dV.
II. PROBLEM STATEMENT To solve (1)–(5), we use the DSMC method.20
As described above, in order to find the fluid dynamic variables
of the steady flow past a plate, we solve the non-stationary problem. III. SOLUTION PROCEDURE
Consider a semi-infinite space y > 0 that is filled with an undisturbed We investigate unsteady-state flow around a plate. We are
gas of density ρ∞ , temperature T ∞ , and pressure p∞ . Assume that interested in the steady flow only near the plate. This allows us to
at time τ = 0, the gas starts moving from left to right at velocity U∞ , reduce significantly the size of the computational domain for the
and the flat plate 0 < x < L acquires a surface temperature T s . We DSMC simulations as well as the calculation time. To simulate the
suppose that U∞ is directed along the x-axis. The x- and y-axes form physical space, we use the rectangular domain (see Fig. 1).
a Cartesian coordinate system. The dimensions of the computational domain are chosen
To investigate the unsteady-state flow that arises in the prob- so that the disturbances from its boundaries do not reach the
lem, one should solve the Boltzmann equation for the molecule plate by time t m at which the parameters of the flow near
distribution function, the plate become almost steady and the calculations are com-
∂f ∂f ∂f pleted. In our calculations, the value of t m is typically between 7
+ vx + vy = J(f, f ), (1)
∂τ ∂x ∂y and 50.
with the initial condition For subsonic and transonic flows, the first approximation for
⎡ ⎤ the distance from the upper boundary is H = max(tm Tw /2, tm /2).
⎢ (vx − U∞ )2 + v2y + v2z ⎥
f = n∞ (2πRT∞ )−3/2 exp⎢ ⎢−
⎥, y > 0, τ = 0,
⎥ 1/2
For supersonic flows, we set H < max(tm Tw /2, tm /2). For the sub-
⎢ 2RT∞ ⎥
⎣ ⎦ sonic regime, the first approximation for the distance from the lat-
and with the boundary conditions for τ > 0, eral boundary is S = (1 − M2 )H. This value is obtained by estimating
the time required for the perturbation from a lateral boundary of the
⎡ v2x + v2y + v2z ⎤
⎢ ⎥ computational region to reach the plate. Then, we increase the size
f = nr (2πRTs )−3/2 exp⎢− ⎥, vy > 0, 0 < x < L, y = 0,
⎢ 2RT ⎥ of the computational domain and check whether the increase affects
⎣ s ⎦
(3) the momentum and energy fluxes transferred to the plate. If these
fluxes remain the same, we do not increase the size of the domain
f (τ, x, y, vx , vy , vz ) = f (τ, x, y, vx , −vy , vz ) at x < 0,
(4) anymore; otherwise, we increase again the size of the domain and
y = 0, and at x > L, y = 0, repeat this step.
At M = 1, the value of S varies in our calculations from 1.5 for
⎡ ⎤
⎢ (vx − U∞ )2 + v2y + v2z ⎥ Kn = 0.05 and T w = 0.25 to 50 for Kn = 10 and T w = 4. At M = 1.5,
f → n∞ (2πRT∞ )−3/2 exp⎢
⎢− ⎥
⎥ the value of S varies from 0.2 for Kn = 0.05 and T w = 0.25 to 13 for
⎢ 2RT∞ ⎥. (5)
⎣ ⎦ Kn = 10 and T w = 4. The domain volume is divided into cells with
2 2
x +y →∞
The reflection of the molecules from the plate is assumed to
occur diffusely with a temperature equal to the surface temperature.
Here, J(f, f ) is the molecule collision integral;2 vx , vy , and vz
are the Cartesian components of the molecules’ velocities; and n∞ is
the numerical density of the undisturbed gas: n∞ = ρ∞ /m, where
m is the mass of the molecule. The parameter nr of the reflected
molecules distribution function is determined based on the condi-
tion of balance between the incident molecules and the reflected
ones. The dimensionless solution to this problem depends on the
dimensionless variables
X = x/L, Y = y/L, Tw = Ts /T∞ , t = τ ⋅ c∞ /L, FIG. 1. The scheme of the flow geometry and computational domain: AB = CD
√ = S(t m ), AF = DE = H(t m ), BC = 1, and ΔX = ΔY.
M = U∞ / κRT∞ , Kn = λ∞ /L,

Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0014629 32, 087108-2

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sizes ΔX = ΔY. The cell size is chosen small enough to guarantee at Kn = 0.1, M = 0.5, and T w = 4, the dimensions of the domain are
that the ratio of the mean free path of the molecules to the cell size 630 × 330, and at Kn = 5, M = 1, and T w = 0.25, the dimensions
is about 3 or more everywhere in the flow. We check that a further are 42 × 20.
decrease in the cell size does not affect the values of the momentum The flow parameters within one cell are assumed to be
and energy fluxes transferred to the plate. The cell size usually varies constant. At the initial moment of time, t = 0, the sim-
in the range from approximately KnT w /(3M) at M > 1, T w < 1 to ulated molecules are located in space according to the dis-
approximately Kn/3 at M ≤ 1, T w > 1. tribution function (2). The number of molecules in the cell
As seen from above, the dimensions of the computational is 100.
domain substantially depend on the flow parameters. For example, The simulation process is divided into two stages:

FIG. 2. The average normal momentum flux P transferred to the plate, shear stress F, and energy flux Q transferred to the plate in terms of time t at T w = 1 and various Kn:
[(a)–(c)] the subsonic flow, [(d)–(f)] the transonic flow, and [(g)–(i)] the supersonic flow.

Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0014629 32, 087108-3

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(1) All molecules move at a distance determined by their veloci- TABLE II. The average shear stress F and average energy flux Q transferred to the
ties and time Δt. If a molecule reaches the domain boundaries, plate: DSMC vs model equation at M = 1.5 and T w = 1.
then its velocity evolves according to (3)–(5).
(2) The collisions between the molecules in a given cell are mod- F Q
eled. At this stage, we utilize the algorithm proposed by Bird
Kn DSMC Model eq.6 Kn DSMC Model eq.6
(a detailed description can be found in Ref. 20). The time Δt
is usually varied in the range from approximately KnT w /(3M) 0.0394 0.169 0.173 0.0260 0.0977 0.117
in the case M > 1, T w < 1 to approximately Kn/3 in the 0.0787 0.219 0.224 0.0520 0.131 0.156
case M ≤ 1, T w ≥ 1. 0.157 0.273 0.277 0.104 0.169 0.195
0.394 0.333 0.335 0.260 0.213 0.236
The fluid dynamic variables in the cells are calculated from the 0.787 0.361 0.363 0.520 0.238 0.253
molecules’ velocities, which are known. The momentum and energy 3.94 0.382 0.386 2.60 0.257 0.265
fluxes at the wall are computed during the time period Δt from the
known velocities of the incident and reflected molecules. By incre-
menting time, we simulate the time evolution of our dynamical sys- IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
tem. The number of time steps at different Kn, M, and T w usually
ranges from 100 to 4000. By repeating this procedure, we man- A. Verification of the method
age to diminish the statistical uncertainty of the obtained results. We compare the friction forces acting on the plate and the
The number of repetitions at different parameter values ranged energy fluxes transferred to the plate obtained in this paper by the
from 500 to 16 000. The accuracy is determined by the value of DSMC method with the results of the corresponding calculations
the statistical fluctuations and is usually varied from about 0.25% based on the model equation6 in Table II.
to 2%. As can be seen from Table II, the results obtained by solving the
The calculations were carried out on PC Intel Core i7, 3.5 GHz. model equation and by the direct statistical modeling at M = 1.5 are
The typical calculation time depends on the Knudsen number and close. The difference in F varies from 1% at Kn = 3.94 to 2.4% at Kn
varies from an hour to 2 weeks. = 0.0394. The difference in Q varies from 3.1% at Kn = 2.6 to 19.8%
The average dimensionless momentum and energy fluxes at Kn = 0.026.
transferred to the plate in terms of time for unsteady-state flow are The momentum and energy fluxes transferred to the plate over
shown in Fig. 2. We use there the following notation: distance from the leading edge are shown at different Mach num-
bers and Knudsen numbers in Fig. 3 at T w = 1. As can be seen from
pyy pxy Ey Fig. 3, for small Knudsen numbers, these dependences (apart from
Pyy = − , Pxy = , E= ,
ρ∞ c∞ 2
ρ∞ c∞ 3
ρ∞ c∞ the areas near the leading and trailing edges) are close to the depen-
L L L dences obtained by solving the Navier–Stokes equations with slip
P = ∫ Pyy dx/L, F = ∫ Pxy dx/L, Q = ∫ Edx/L. conditions at the plate,2
0 0 0

μ(x, y) ∂u(x, y) 2
u(x, y) = 1.012 at y = 0, (6)
ρ(x, y) ∂y RTs
The curves illustrate how the unsteady-state flow evolves into the
steady one. In order to evaluate the correctness of the choice of t √
at which the unsteady-state flow can be considered sufficiently close 1.173 π ∂T(x, y)
T(x, y) = Ts (x) + √ k(x, y) at y = 0, (7)
to the steady one, we have made a special DSMC code for steady 2Rρ(x, y) ⋅ 2RTs ∂y
supersonic flow past a plate. In Table I, we compare the momen-
tum and energy fluxes obtained by solving non-stationary and sta- where u(x, y), ρ(x, y), and T(x, y) are the gas velocity, den-
tionary problems. The resulting values are identical to each other sity, and temperature, respectively; μ(x, y) and k(x, y) are the
within 3%. dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity, respectively. Dynamic

TABLE I. Comparison of the average momentum and energy fluxes P, F, and Q obtained by solving non-stationary and
stationary problems at M = 1.5, T w = 4, and various Kn.

Unsteady-state flow Steady flow Unsteady/Steady

Kn t P F Q P F Q P F Q

0.05 7.62 0.895 0.194 −0.398 0.900 0.188 −0.393 0.994 1.032 1.013
0.1 14.6 0.949 0.240 −0.499 0.944 0.233 −0.492 1.005 1.030 1.014
0.25 19.5 0.982 0.303 −0.615 0.985 0.297 −0.615 0.997 1.020 1.00
1 39.4 0.887 0.365 −0.648 0.896 0.364 −0.653 0.996 1.001 0.998
5 48.4 0.782 0.383 −0.600 0.790 0.383 −0.606 0.990 1.000 0.990

Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0014629 32, 087108-4

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Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

FIG. 3. The momentum Pxy , Pyy and energy E fluxes transferred to the plate in terms of the distance X from the leading edge at T w = 1 and different M and Kn: [(a)–(c)] the
subsonic flow, [(d)–(f)] the transonic flow, and [(g)–(i)] the supersonic flow.

viscosity depends on the gas temperature. In our case, where perpendicularly to it. Almost squared control volumes have size
molecules are hard spheres, the dynamic viscosity and thermal varying from 5 ⋅ 10−6 at the leading and trailing edges to 0.25 at outer
conductivity are21 boundaries. There are 2290 points at the wall, the total number being
√ about 400 000. The slip boundary conditions are modeled by the
5 π m√ 5 Rμ
μ = 1.016 RT, k = . use of the momentum or enthalpy boundary fluxes, which depend
16 σT 2 Pr consequently on the gas velocity or the gas temperature. The consis-
Here the Prandtl number Pr = 0.661. tency of the boundary values and their normal derivatives is achieved
The free molecular values in Fig. 3 and below in Figs. 5 and iteratively.
6 are obtained using the standard formulas (see Ref. 20). The Note that the slip solution does not coincide with the DSMC
Navier–Stokes equations were solved numerically using the same near the edges. This happens since the Navier–Stokes equations are
non-uniform irregular mesh for all the cases presented. The dimen- not valid if the distance from the edges is shorter than several free
sions of the rectangular domain are 50 along the plate and 25 path lengths.2

Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0014629 32, 087108-5

Published under license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

The results of the experimental studies of the force acting on at least one extremum. Indeed, at any Mach number and sufficiently
a plate located at a zero angle of attack in the subsonic rarefied small Knudsen numbers, the flow is close to the Navier–Stokes one
gas flow are given in Ref. 22. The experiments were carried out in with the Reynolds number,
a wide range of the Mach and Knudsen numbers of the incoming √
M κ
flow. Experimental skin-friction coefficients are, in general, good Re = 1.257 , (8)
to within ±5%.22 In Table III, we compare the values of the shear Kn
stress obtained by the DSMC method with the results of experimen- much greater than unity. Therefore, the flow is described by bound-
tal studies22 for the plate with the aspect ratio AR = 5. Note that ary layer theory.23 Hence, we have
the authors of Ref. 22 do not give the values of the ratios of gas and
P(Kn,M, Tw ) → PNS = 0.5 at Kn → 0.
plate temperatures. However, as will be shown below, at subsonic
and moderate supersonic Mach numbers, the friction force weakly On the other hand,20 we have
depends on T w . Table III also shows the values of the ratio of the √
shear stress obtained by the DSMC method to the corresponding P(Kn,M, Tw ) → PFM = 0.25 (1 + Tw ) at Kn → ∞.
experimental values F rel . The corresponding average values F̄rel and At T w = 1, these limits coincide. Consequently, at any Mach number,
the standard deviation σ are provided there as well. the dependence P(Kn) has at least one extremum.
Note that in Ref. 22, the experiments were carried out for air The dependences P(Kn) obtained by the DSMC method at T w
with the heat capacity ratio κ = 1.4, rather than with κ = 5/3, which = 1 for 0.05 ≤ Kn ≤ 10 and by solving Navier–Stokes equations
corresponds to a hard sphere gas. However, if at T w = 1, the Knudsen with boundary slip conditions (6) and (7) for 0.0016 ≤ Kn ≤ 0.1
number and Mach number tend to zero, the flow tends to the flow are depicted in Fig. 4 at different Mach numbers. Note that when
of a viscous incompressible fluid. For this type of flow, the momen- comparing the DSMC and Navier–Stokes results at the same Knud-
tum transfer problem can be solved without solving the heat transfer sen number, one should take into account that Kn characterizes the
problem,23 and the value of the heat capacity ratio does not affect the degree of rarefaction of gas near the plate if Kn is of the order of unity
friction force. In order to verify that the difference in the heat capac- or greater. If Kn is much less than 1, then the rarefaction of gas is bet-
ity coefficients does not significantly affect the average shear stress at ter characterized by Knδ . This parameter is based on the boundary
the small values of the Knudsen numbers and subsonic Mach num- layer thickness at the trailing edge as the characteristic length,
bers considered in Ref. 22, we performed additional calculations. √
Specifically, we have computed the diatomic gas flow past the plate Knδ = KnM, M > Kn.
using the Navier–Stokes equations with Pr = 0.71 and correspond- Thus, with a decrease in the Mach number for fixed Kn, the
ing slip conditions at the plate.25 Differences in F for diatomic and gas rarefaction Knδ decreases. This is confirmed by a comparison of
monatomic gas are 11%. Note that the Navier–Stokes equations with the calculations presented in Fig. 4. Specifically, the lower the Mach
the slip boundary conditions allow us to calculate the momentum number is, the closer the DSMC and Navier–Stokes results are to
and energy fluxes with a relative accuracy of the order of Kn.24 each other.
Thus, as can be seen from Table III, the method proposed above For example, we have
for calculating the subsonic rarefied gas flow around a plate allows us
P(Kn = 0.1, M = 1.5, Tw = 1)
to obtain a good agreement between the calculated and experimental P(0.1, 0.5, 1)
( )( ) = 0.937.
data in transitional regime. PNS (0.1,1.5, 1) PNS (0.1, 0.5, 1)
For T w = 1, as can be seen from Fig. 4(a), at M = 1.5, the
B. The effect of gas rarefaction on the normal dependence P(Kn) has maximum. The existence of a maximum of
momentum flux this dependence for a supersonic flow around a plate has the fol-
In Ref. 2, it was shown that, at hypersonic velocities, the depen- lowing physical explanation. At Kn ≪ 1, a gas flow can be con-
dence of the average dimensionless normal momentum flux trans- sidered as a continuous flow. In this case, a shock wave occurs in
ferred to the plate on the Knudsen number has a maximum. We front of the plate as a result of the interaction between the bound-
claim now that for T w = 1, at any Mach number, this dependence has ary layer and the outer stream. As the rarefaction (Kn) increases,

TABLE III. The average shear stress F at the plate: DSMC vs experiment.22

Expt. DSMC hard NS NS
M Kn κ = 7/5 sph. κ = 5/3 κ = 7/5 F rel F̄rel σ

0.71 0.0409 0.0656 0.0675 0.0751 0.0671 1.03

0.188 0.0412 0.0109 0.0126 0.0127 0.0113 1.14
0.167 0.0788 0.0158 0.0157 0.0151 0.0135 0.991 1.01 0.079
0.622 0.139 0.0936 0.0916 0.978
0.521 0.244 0.0978 0.0881 0.900

Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0014629 32, 087108-6

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Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

FIG. 4. The average normal momentum

flux P transferred to the plate in terms
of Kn at different Mach numbers. (a) M
= 0.5, 1, 1.5. The dependences P(Kn)
have one extremum. (b) M = 0.8. The
dependence P(Kn) has two extrema.

the Reynolds number decreases, and the thickness of the bound- molecular, the normal momentum flux transferred to the plate
ary layer increases. An increase in the displacement thickness leads, increases with decreasing rarefaction (Knudsen number). This
in turn, to an increase in pressure behind the shock wave. On the is caused by an increase in the number of collisions of the
other hand, at Kn ≫ 1, when the incoming flow is close to free incoming supersonic flow with gas molecules reflected from the

FIG. 5. The average shear stress F

in terms of Kn at different temperature
ratios T w . [(a)–(c)] The temperature ratio
weakly affects the average shear stress
at Kn ≥ 0.01 in the case of the sub-
sonic (a), transonic (b), and moderate
supersonic (c) flows. (d) The hypersonic
effect of nonmonotonicity at the moder-
ate supersonic Mach number M = 2 for
T w = 0.25.

Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0014629 32, 087108-7

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Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

surface, similar to what happens in the Rayleigh problem.26 As a of the edges on the flow decreases, and P(Kn) increases approaching
result, the average normal momentum flux reaches a maximum in to 0.5.
the transitional region. On the other hand, as Kn increases and becomes of order
With a decrease in the Mach number, the maximum of 1, the flow ceases to be described by the boundary layer the-
P(Kn) decreases. However, the dependence P(Kn) retains the ory and, at Kn ≫ 1, becomes close to the free-molecular flow
maximum at M = 1 [see Fig. 4(a)]. With a further decrease along the entire plate. In this case, P(Kn) increases and approaches
in the Mach number, the maximum continues to decrease, and the free molecular value PFM = 0.5. As a result, P(Kn) has a
in addition to it, a weak minimum appears in the dependence minimum.
[see Fig. 4(b)]. The further decrease in the Mach number to
0.5 leads to the fact that in the region under consideration,
the dependence has only a weak (about 4%) minimum [see C. The effect of gas rarefaction on the shear stress
Fig. 4(a)]. The existence of the minimum has the following physical at the plate
explanation. As mentioned above, the viscosity of gas substantially depends
At M = 0.5, the change in the flow gas density is small, and for on its temperature.2 In the continuous medium regime, the gas tem-
Re ≫ 1 [i.e., for Kn ≪ 1 in accordance with (8)], the flow can be perature near the plate is very close to the temperature of the plate.
approximately described by the boundary-layer theory for incom- Therefore, the friction force acting on the plate in the continuous
pressible fluid around the plate.23 In this case, the gas pressure in the medium regime substantially depends on the temperature of the
region of the external flow and in the boundary layer is a little less plate. With an increase in the Knudsen number, the temperature
than p∞ .27 A decrease in Kn leads to an increase in Re and there- jump in the vicinity of the plate increases, and the transition regime
fore to a decrease in the boundary layer displacement thickness and at Knδ ≅ 1, it becomes of the order of unity. This should lead to a
hence to an increase in P(Kn). In addition, as Re increases, the effect significant decrease in the influence of the plate temperature on the

FIG. 6. The average energy flux Q trans-

ferred to the plate in terms of Kn at vari-
ous T w : (a) T w = 1; (b) T w = 0.25; (c) T w
= 2; (d) T w = 4.

Phys. Fluids 32, 087108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0014629 32, 087108-8

Published under license by AIP Publishing
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

friction force in the transitional regime, regardless of the model of method. For small Knudsen numbers, we have solved the Navier–
interaction of molecules. Stokes equations with the slip conditions at the plate. We have stud-
The dependences F(Kn) obtained at different Mach numbers ied the dependences of the shear stress, normal momentum, and
and temperature ratios are shown in Fig. 5. These dependencies have energy fluxes transferred to the plate on the Knudsen number and
the limiting values. Indeed, according to the kinetic theory,2 F(Kn) on the distance from the leading edge. The DSMC results for shear
is proportional to Knδ at Knδ ≪ 1. Hence, we get stress at the plate are in good agreement with the experimental data22
for different Knudsen numbers (0.041 < Kn < 0.244).
F(Kn,M, Tw ) → 0 at Kn → 0. If the plate temperature is equal to the temperature of the undis-
On the other hand, according to Ref. 20, we have turbed gas, we have shown that at any Mach number of the incom-
√ ing flow, the average dimensionless normal momentum transferred
1 κ to the plate P(Kn) has at least one extreme as a function of the
F(Kn, M, Tw ) → FFM = M at Kn → ∞.
2 2π Knudsen number. In supersonic and sonic cases, P(Kn) has a maxi-
As can be seen from Figs. 5(a)–5(c), at subsonic, transonic, and mum. In the case of subsonic transonic Mach number M = 0.8, the
moderate supersonic Mach numbers, the temperature ratio weakly dependence P(Kn) has a weak maximum and a weak minimum. At
affects the friction force acting on the plate not only for Kn ≫ 1 but M = 0.5, in the considered Knudsen number range, P(Kn) has only
also in the entire transitional region at least for 0.25 < T w < 4. a weak minimum. We show that the existence of the extrema is due
Note that at M ≫ 1, the situation changes. For hypersonic Mach to the fact that the properties of the flow are significantly different
numbers, F(Kn) is nonmonotonic at Kn ≫ 1 and the value and at Kn ≪ 1 vs Kn ≫ 1. In the case of the supersonic flow around the
position of the maximum depend on T w .2,9 In addition, it is shown plate, the difference in the flow properties causes P(Kn) to have a
in Ref. 2 that the hypersonic effects can also occur at M ≅ 1 for maximum. On the other hand, for the subsonic flow, the difference
T w ≪ 1. This conclusion for the moderate supersonic Mach num- leads to a weak minimum.
bers is confirmed by the results presented in Fig. 5(d) for T w = 0.25. We show that in contrast to the continuous regime, in the tran-
The dependence F(Kn) has a weak maximum at M = 2. sitional regime, the influence of the plate temperature on the friction
force at subsonic and moderate supersonic Mach numbers of the
D. The effect of gas rarefaction on the energy flux incoming flow is very small in a very wide temperature range.
transferred to the plate We show that in the case of a sufficiently “cold” plate, in accor-
dance with a qualitative analysis,2 the dependences of the aver-
The dependences Q(Kn) obtained at different Mach numbers age dimensionless horizontal momentum and energy fluxes trans-
and temperature ratios are shown in Fig. 6. These dependencies also ferred to the plate on the Knudsen number have a weak maximum
have the limiting values. Indeed, according to the kinetic theory,2 at moderate supersonic Mach numbers. We have also found that
Q(Kn) is proportional to Knδ at Knδ ≪ 1. Hence, we get there exist intervals of plate temperatures ratios and Mach numbers
Q(Kn,M, Tw ) → 0 at Kn → 0. such that the average dimensionless energy flux transferred to the
plate changes the sign if the Knudsen number increases, previously
On the other hand, according to Ref. 20, we have reaching a local negative minimum.

Q(Kn,M, Tw ) → QFM = ( + 2(1 − Tw )) at Kn → ∞.
4 π 2
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