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Posting Pictures in Oba (created by Franco Cook)

Here is a short picture tutorial on how to post a picture from your computer:
1. First, click on the "Image" button at the top of your post editor.
2. The following window will appear. Click on the large gray button that says "browse repositories" to get a picture
from your computer or platform files. (You could also enter the URL of a picture stored on a different location
on the internet).
3. If you wish to post a photo stored in your computer, first you have to upload it to the platform. First (1.), click on
the grey "select file" button; a window (file explorer) will appear showing files in your computer. Secondly, (2.)
select the picture you want to post. Then, (3.) click on the "open" button. Finally, (4.) click on "Upload this file"
4. The following window will appear. Now your photo is saved within your account, and its URL (address to the
photo in the platform storage) appears on the box.

From there you can (1.) choose to write a small description for it (for the visually impaired or for when bad
connection doesn't allow to show the picture) or click on "description not necessary". Then you can (2.) modify
the size of the picture if you want, or leave it at default (if you choose to modify size, don't forget to have "auto
size" on so it keeps its aspect ratio. Finally, you can (3.) click on "Save Image" so it appears on your post.
While editing your post, you can select a photo and delete it, or click on the "image" button again to modify its
Hope this helps!

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