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1 Objectives / Assignments

"Monitors" by Sandy Wagner is licensed under CC0

As we move into Week 2, we will be applying the best practices and LMS
evaluation information in the selection of a learning management system
that will be used throughout the entire Developing an Online Teaching
Program course. You will become familiar with technology learning
environments and what distinguishes each one. An in-depth understanding
of these learning spaces offers more guidelines in setting up your LMS.

Participants will

• Identify and become familiar with online, blended, and mobile

learning environments
• Compare and contrast the characteristics of each learning
• Explore features and functionalities

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• Select a learning management system and begin to develop an online
teaching environment

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

Please complete all activities/assignments by Sunday. Make sure you post a

response for each discussion topic for Week 2.

Please note that the reflection thread will not be accessible until Thursday so
it is a true reflection of the week.

Thank you.

Graded Assignments

1. Discussion – Technology Learning Environments

2. Final Project Component: Starting your LMS Course

3. Discussion – Reflection

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A friendly reminder for discussion forum
a. Create an original post, including all information outlined in the

b. Read posts from others in the group.

c. Respond to at least one other participant's post (more is

better ).

d. Please try to respond early in the week and check back often.

Click on this link to access the rubric for discussion assignments

and this one for the final project.

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2.2 Technology Learning Environments
Technology Learning Environments

In the lesson for Week 2, you will gain new insights and information
on technology learning environments and the features and
components that support English language instruction. You will
apply this information in our discussion for this week.

Click on the link in the grey box at the bottom of each page to
advance to the next activity in the lesson. Make sure to complete all

1. Contextualizing the lesson

2. Test your knowledge

3. The future of learning environments (video)

4. Readings

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Part 1: Contextualizing the Lesson

On the following pages, you will see four

questions about Technology Learning Environments. While there
are many overlapping features and functionalities, each learning
environment, or learning space, provides a unique experience for
our students.

As we begin our discussion, consider how to capitalize on the

affordances of each environment.
Please complete the quiz that follows this activity online.

Part 2: The Future of Learning Environments

Watch the video, and as you watch, think about our 21st century
learning environments and how they effectively incorporate best
practices we discussed in Week 1. I hope you will be inspired and

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consider some of these practices as you develop your own online
course and activities.

Part 3: Readings

Image by Pixaline from Pixabay

I hope you have gained some insights into the different
types of technology learning environments; however,
there is so much more to discover about their features
and functionalities. The readings for Week 2 will provide
more information on how you can use each of these
learning spaces in the creation of your course site (LMS)
and the types of activities you can incorporate.

You will use this information to inform your Technology

Support for Best Practices discussion forum post.

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Here is a definition of learning environment from The
Partnership for 21st Century Skills to get started:

The term "learning environment” suggests place and

space—a school, a classroom, a library. But in
today's interconnected and technology-driven world,
a learning environment can be virtual, online, remote;
in other words, it doesn't have to be a place at all.
Perhaps a better way to think of 21st century learning
environments is as the support systems that organize
the condition in which humans learn best—systems
that accommodate the unique learning needs of
every learner and support the positive human
relationships needed for effective learning.
Let's take a look at some specific features of different
21st century technology learning environments. I look
forward to your thoughts, perspectives, and the
discoveries we will make.

Read all three articles. As you read, find the answer to the Fact or
Myth statement.

1. 12 Principles of Mobile Learning

Fact or Myth: A powerful principle of mobile learning

environments is synchronous access.

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2. Advantages of Using Both Synchronous and
Asynchronous Technologies in an Online Learning

Fact or Myth: Two educational advantages of

asynchronous learning are student-teacher
interactions and support for e-folios.

3. What Blended Learning Is – and Isn't

Fact or Myth: Blended learning provides students with some

elements of control.

Optional Resources

Learning in Cyberspace?

Tech Integration in Blended Learning

Blended Learning: It's Not the Tech, It's How the Tech is

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Next Step

When you have completed all readings, go to the

discussion forum "Technology Learning Environments"
and post your response to the discussion prompt. I look
forward to our discussion.


Based on information provided in the lesson for Week 2

and the video/readings, create an original post and
include the following:

1. What specific features define online, blended, and

mobile learning environments?

2. Which features might you incorporate in the design of

a course and lessons to support our English language

3. Post a picture of your learning environment—either

when you are working on course materials or at work
(optional but interesting).

Discussion – Technology Learning Environments

(Discussion forum link)

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(you can also access the discussion forum from the
Course Navigation area)

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2.3 Discussion: Technology Learning

"Technology learning environments —21st Century Classrooms promoting

collaboration, interaction, and students at the center of learning."

~ Sandy Wagner

Post Guidance
Based on information provided in the lesson for Week 2 and the
video/readings, create an original post and include ideas from the following
(150-250 words or similar in video/audio):

1. What specific features define online, blended, and mobile learning


2. Which features might you incorporate in the design of a course and

lessons to support our English language learners?

3. Post a picture of your learning environment—at home or at work

(optional but interesting).

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4. Be sure to post a reply to at least one coursemate (100-150 words). What do you have
in common? What stands out to you?

Options for submitting your post:

1. Text
2. Record your response
3. Create a short video with your response (use your smartphone or tablet
to record)
4. Create a short PowerPoint presentation and upload to the discussion

Please click on the red/pink pen icon to get started.

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2.4 Final Project: Building the Capstone
Learning Environment Part 2

LMS Selection and Scavenger Hunt Course

Familiarization (just the beginning)

The final project component for Week 2 has two parts.

Part 1: Create an LMS (this means creating the site only—we

will add components later on).
1. You should have already identified the LMS you will use. You should
choose either an institutional LMS or Canvas. Some of you might have an
institutional LMS that you will eventually use in your own online teaching;
if that is the case, for this certificate course sequence, consider using a free
version of your institutional LMS. For example, if your institution uses
Blackboard, consider using the free Blackboard for these certificate
courses. That way, you can experiment more easily and it will be easier for
you to enroll users for feedback. You will only be creating a 1-week module
for this certificate sequence, so the amount of redundancy won't be much.

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2. Create your course site, create a profile, and enroll everyone in our group
as a student, including the instructor(s). Be sure when you create your
profile that you put your name, upload your picture, and put your
email. You can find the course roster here and in the Important Information /
Resources area. If you need information on how to enroll students into a
Canvas course, you can see this video. If some emails don't have names
listed, you will need to enter those names manually during the registration
You will be using this site to build your course content in all courses of
Developing an Online Teaching Program.

Be sure your own information is updated in your Settings so that your name
appears in the courses you are enrolled in. See this guide to check your

In Week 3 we will explore in depth those course components that support

best practices.

:-) Remember: You will use this LMS throughout the program, so think of a
course name that reflects your course content or a current course you are
teaching that you want to use online (for example, you could name your
course "Medical English" or "Advanced Academic Writing"). Also, for now,
please put your name in your course name. You can change this later as you
build out the site, but for now, enter a possible title.

Here is an example: "Medical English Jane Doe"

Part 2: Create a Scavenger Hunt Familiarization document

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A familiarization activity, or scavenger hunt as we have used for this
course, is a very important step in creating a comfortable and user-friendly
learning environment. Models for Instructional Design emphasize the
importance of first learning the "mechanics" of the course LMS to become
familiar with the LMS system, knowing where to access information, and
getting a "feel" for how everything works. This activity leads learners to
areas of the LMS that are most frequently used and, at the same time,
provides helpful information to discover.

The importance of providing a course familiarization is highlighted in both

the ACOT and SAMR models with stages for technology integration. Here is
a link if you want to learn more: ACOT/SAMR. The first, or "entry level,"
stage is to become familiar with the basics or "mechanics" of using the new
technology. A course familiarization activity such as a Scavenger Hunt
helps students learn these basics.

A template is attached to help you get started (and feel free to create one of
your own or use an online resource such as Google forms). Complete the
section for "Course Component." Enter each component you think you will
use in your selected LMS. I have included learner directions and three
required components to get you started (Announcements, Discussion
Forum, Gradebook); feel free to modify the instructions to meet your need,
add images, etc.

:-) Note: You only need to list the course components to complete the
activity. You will add guided questions as you develop your course site and
populate it with "Getting Started" documents and course content in Course
3. You do not need to add questions unless you know what information you
will be entering in a specific area of the course. This is a draft that will be
completed in Course 3 when you develop your lesson and finalize your LMS

When you have entered your Course Component features, save the file and

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submit to this Assignment area. If you create an online version, copy and
paste the link to a Word document and submit.

Thank you!

:-) For future reference – a note on creating guided

questions or prompts for Scavenger Hunt purposes

There are many ways to send learners on their familiarization quest:

• Create questions to locate specific information

• Create true/false statements and have them record correct responses for
false answers
• Create multiple choice statements and have learners choose the correct

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2.5 Discussion: Reflection

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

It is always a good idea to reflect on the week and consider what went well,
what could be improved, and what you feel you still want to know. Please
take a few moments to reflect on Week 2 by choosing from the following
(150-250 words):

• What did you already know?

• What new learning have you gained?
• What do you still want to know more about?
• What was most beneficial?

And, of course, post any additional information you wish to share.

Please also post at least one reply to a coursemate (100-150 words).

If you would like a tip sheet on posting pictures in Oba, please click here.

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Thanks for your input.

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