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Influence of matrix microstructure on aging

response of near alpha titanium alloy (IMI834)

parent metal and welds on toughness
S. D. Meshram* and T. Mohandas
Aging of IMI834 welds results in toughness degradation due to interlath precipitation. It has been
observed that this phenomenon is predominant if the matrix microstructure is transformed beta.
Keywords: Toughness, Friction welding, Electron beam welding, Ti alloy

Introduction condition as well as in solution treatedzaged

Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

Titanium alloys are employed extensively in aerospace

as they exhibit high specific strength and excellent Experimental
corrosion resistance. The alloys used fall into three
main classes, i.e. near alpha, alphazbeta and metastable The parent metal is a near alpha alloy conforming to
beta alloys. Near alpha alloys are employed in creep IMI 834 composition (Table 1). The microstructure of
critical applications. For an optimum combination of the parent metal in the standard heat treatment
creep and fatigue properties these alloys are used in the condition consists of equiaxed primary alpha in trans-
bimodal microstructure consisting of equiaxed alphaz formed beta matrix (Fig. 1a). The parent metal in the b
transformed beta.1 The conventional heat treatment is to heat treated consists of transformed beta microstructure
solutionise below beta transus followed by stabilisation/ (Fig. 1b). The prior b grain size in b treated condition is
aging treatment at the temperature about 100uC above much coarser. Heat treatment details are furnished in
the temperature of their operation. IMI 834 is one of the Table 2. Electron beam and friction welding was carried
near alpha alloys that is developed to operate at a out. Electron beam welding was carried out on 15 mm
temperature of y600uC.2 The standard heat treatment thick plates in butt joint configuration. Friction welding
for the alloy consists of solution treatment at 1020uC was carried on a continuous drive friction welding
followed by aging at 700uC.3 Aging is performed to machine employing rods of 22 mm diameter. Optimised
stabilise the microstructure at the temperature of weld parameters for electron beam and friction welding
are given in Table 3.
The welds were subjected to post-weld aging treat-
Conventionally titanium are welded by fusion welding
ment at 700uC for 2 h. The heat treatment details are
routes such as electron beam welding, gas tungsten arc
given in Table 2.
welding, gas metal arc welding, plasma welding, etc.4 To
Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy,
address the problem of microporosity in fusion welds5–11
electron microprobe analysis, X-ray diffraction and
solid state welding such as friction welding is gaining
transmission electron microscopy were employed for
importance.11,12 In addition to freedom from micro-
metallographic studies.
porosity friction welds exhibit very fine b grain size due Notch tensile testing and charpy ‘V’ notch impact test
to the thermomechanical working during welding. In were performed employing specimens as per ASTM
both electron beam and friction welding the original standards with the notch located in the weld region.
base metal microstructure is replaced by entirely trans-
formed beta microstructure. Aging of titanium alloy
welds is reported to lead to reduction in toughness.13–16
Results and discussion
In this background, an investigation has been taken up Metallography
to understand the influence of matrix microstructure on The electron beam and friction welds exhibit martensitic
the aging response on toughness of IMI 834 welds. microstructure and the martensite lathes are coarser in
Notch tensile strength and impact toughness of electron friction welds (Fig. 1c and d). The prior beta grain size
beam and friction welds was evaluated in the as welded in electron beam welds is coarser as compared to that in
and aged conditions. The parent metal was evaluated for friction welds. Aging of welds did not show any change
notch tensile strength and impact toughness in the in the microstructure at optical level.
standard bimodal microstructure condition as well as in Transmission electron microscopy examination of
the b heat treated condition in the as solution treated friction welds revealed fine precipitates in the as welded
condition (Fig. 2a) and coarser precipitates in the post-
weld aged condition (Fig. 2b). Electron probe micro-
Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad-58, India analysis of parent metal after aging (b-STA) revealed
*Corresponding author, email interlath precipitation (Fig. 3b) that is not observed in

ß 2011 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 21 January 2009; accepted 25 March 2009
DOI 10.1179/174328409X439141 Materials Science and Technology 2011 VOL 27 NO 1 235
Meshram and Mohandas Influence of matrix microstructure on aging response of IMI834
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

1 Microstructure of a parent metal (azb)-STA, b parent metal b- ST, c friction weld and d electron beam weld

Table 1 Parent metal composition

Elements C Sn Zr Si Mn Cr Ni Mo Al Cu Fe Nb H O N

wt-% 0.06 4.37 3.84 0.42 ,0.005 0.01 0.008 0.58 5.72 0.056 0.015 0.70 11* 944* 19*
*Parts per million b-transus: 1055uC.

b-ST (Fig. 3a). Scanning electron microscopy back Table 2 Nomenclature and respective heat treatment*
scatter image also shows formation of precipitates along
the lath boundaries in the case of post-weld aged friction Material Heat treatment Designation
welds as compared to as welded welds (Fig. 4). As the
Parent 1020uC/2 h/OQ (azb)-ST
precipitates are very fine they could not be analysed.
Parent 1020uC/2 h/OQz700uC/2 h/AC (azb)-STA
From the reported literature they are proposed to be fine Parent 1080uC/20 min/Ar C b-ST
b12,17–19 as well as silicides.12,20 X-ray diffraction showed Parent 1080uC/20 min/Ar Cz700uC/2 h/AC b-STA
peak splitting subsequent to aging supporting precipita- Weld z700uC/2 h/AC (post-weld aging) PWA
tion reaction during aging.
*ST: solution treated; STA: solution treated and aged; OQ: oil
quenching; AC: air cooling; ArC: argon cooling.
Mechanical properties
The impact toughness and notch tensile properties of the resulted in a drastic reduction in impact toughness. The
welds and parent metal are presented in Table 4. It is toughness of welds in the post-weld heat treated
observed that the impact toughness of friction welds condition is similar to that in b-STA condition. (azb)-
(12–13 J) and electron beam welds (10–13 J) are STA parent metal exhibited higher impact toughness
comparable in the as welded condition although scatter than the b-STA parent metal. Reduction in the notch
is predominant in electron beam welds. Post-weld aging tensile strength has also been observed in the post-weld
Table 3 Optimised weld parameters for electron beam and friction welding

Electron beam welds Friction welds

Welding speed, Voltage, Current, Friction force, Forging force, Burn-off length, Rotation speed,
m min21 V mA kN kN mm rev min21

1.00 55 105 7.9 38 10 1200

236 Materials Science and Technology 2011 VOL 27 NO 1

Meshram and Mohandas Influence of matrix microstructure on aging response of IMI834

a as welded showing fine precipitates; b post-weld aged showing coarse precipitates

2 Transmission electron microscopy of welds
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

aged condition. The deleterious effect of aging on the Fractographic examination of the impact samples
notch tensile strength is more pronounced in the electron exhibited ductile fracture features in the as welded
beam welds possibly due to coarser prior beta grain size condition (Fig. 5d and f) and brittle fracture features in
of electron beam welds compared to friction welds. the post-weld aged condition (Fig. 5e and g). Fracture
features were ductile in the b-ST condition (Fig. 5b) and

3 Electron probe microanalysis back scattered images of

a b-ST parent metal and b b-STA parent metal showing a as welded; b post-weld aged showing precipitates
precipitates 4 Scanning electron microscipy BSE of friction welds

Materials Science and Technology 2011 VOL 27 NO 1 237

Meshram and Mohandas Influence of matrix microstructure on aging response of IMI834
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

a (azb)-STA parent metal; b b-ST parent metal; c b-STA parent metal; d as welded friction weld; e post-weld aged fric-
tion weld; f as welded electron beam weld; g post-weld aged electron beam weld
5 Fractographs of impact toughness samples

238 Materials Science and Technology 2011 VOL 27 NO 1

Meshram and Mohandas Influence of matrix microstructure on aging response of IMI834

Table 4 Impact toughness and notch tensile properties

Impact toughness, J Notch tensile strength, MPa

Without aging With aging Without aging With aging

Friction weld 12,12,13 6,6,6 1506 1386

Electron beam weld 10,12,13 4,5,6 1567 925
Parent metal (b) 09,09,10 6,6,6 … …
Parent metal (azb) 16,14,14 7,8,8,8 … 1412

containing equiaxed alphaztransformed ‘b’ are not

prone to such toughness degradation. This behaviour
could be probably due to finer prior ‘b’ grain size and
high ductility of these microstructures.

The authors express their gratitude to Defence Research
and Development Organization for the financial support
to carry out this programme. The authors are thankful
a b-ST parent metal; b b-STA parent metal to Dr G. Malakondaiah, Director DMRL for his
6 Typical crack path in impact toughness sample continued encouragement and support. The authors
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

are thankful for the support extended by Surface

brittle in b-STA (Fig. 5c). Parent metal in the azb-STA Fracture Analysis Group and Electron Microscopy
condition exhibited higher energy fracture features Group for metallurgical characterisation and to all
(Fig. 5a) compared to that in b-STA (Fig. 5c). Crack those who have directly or indirectly extended their help
path examination revealed tortuous path in the as in carrying out the studies.
welded condition (Fig. 6a) than that in post-weld aged
condition (Fig. 6b). References
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