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Chapter 10: International Accounting, Finance, and currency's issuance.

There are a wide variety of interest rates

Taxation applicable in these markets depending on the particular
international financial center involved.

Accounting is a field that is characterized by complexity and

Global Equity Markets
broadness because accounting is different in every nation of the
Equity markets facilitate the transfer of shares of ownership of a
world. International accounting exists to support business and
firm to investors. National equity markets are becoming more
economic decisions that cross borders. This chapter discusses the
international as companies see the benefits of equity financing.
environment of global capital markets, including the crucial role
Euro equities are shares of stock sold outside the boundaries of
of accounting information.
the issuing company's home country. As international equity
investment increases, national accounting establishments must
The Environment of Global Financial Markets
provide information useful to international participants.
As globalization increases, more capital is moving across borders
as well. Companies can raise capital internally, through their own
Global Debt Markets
operations, or externally, through transactions in financial
A company may raise capital by borrowing money from some
markets. External financial markets can be considered short-term,
lender. Foreign bonds are sold outside the borrower's country but
less than a year, or long-term.
are denominated in the currency of the country of issue.

The Rise of Cross-border Financing

Global Bank Markets
Companies engage in cross-border financing for a variety of
A third source of capital involves borrowing from banks subject
reasons. Financial reasons include the fact that a company might
to an infinite variety of credit and banking arrangements.
be able to obtain cheaper financing outside its own borders.
Traditionally, bankers relied more on personal knowledge of the
Nonfinancial reasons include a general desire to be a world-class
management of the firm with whom it had a relationship. With
company maintaining financial relationships in many countries.
international expansion, the need for accounting information
Cross-border financial activity is increasing along with the
movement of goods and services.

Some Trends
International Money Markets
The collapse of the Soviet Union marked a philosophical collapse
A Eurocurrency is a foreign currency-denominated deposit or
that was even larger than the political collapse. The information
account at a financial institution outside the country of the
revolution made it easier for capital to cross borders. A major enterprises. Political and economic ties, both historic and current,
trend worldwide is the rise of a global equity culture, also influence a nation's accounting system. The United States,
necessitating the need for international accounting information. Canada, and Australia imported their original accounting systems
from Great Britain.
The Environment of International Financial Accounting
International financial accounting is characterized by what Some Manifestations of International Financial Accounting
appears to be an almost hopeless amount of diversity. It becomes Diversity
reasonable and understandable when the causes of the diversity Accounting in each country is constantly under revision, and the
are explored. In addition, there is an active and very successful differences between countries are fading as a result of increased
international movement to harmonize accounting standards for globalization and efforts of national and international accounting
cross-border flow of capital. bodies. On a large scale, the diversity does not result in a
completely unmanageable set of differences among nations, but
International Financial Accounting Diversity rather a set of clusters of nations having somewhat similar
One of the challenges of international business is that no two accounting practices within each cluster.
countries have exactly the same accounting standards or
procedures. US accounting procedures require that the value of Consequences of International Financial Accounting Diversity
plant and equipment on a balance sheet be shown at historical Despite the many differences from country to country measured
cost of the asset. UK accounting procedures, however, permit above, capital still manages to move across borders, so perhaps
assets to be revalued to current value. This unfortunate situation the accounting diversity noted above is merely a "bump in the
is a considerable barrier to the cross-border flow of capital. road" to a truly global financial system. Accounting diversity is a
"bump in the road" to a truly global financial system, according
Causes of International Financial Accounting Diversity to economist Richard Branson. If the accounting information
Accounting is a social system and the structure and processes of flowed smoothly, perhaps the costs and risks of investing
such a system are determined by the larger system of which it is internationally might be lowered, he says.
a part. Scholars list six classes of variables that shape the
accounting system of a particular country. The accounting system Harmonization of Financial Accounting Diversity
serves as a mechanism to provide information to the providers of Despite the forces favoring international diversity of accounting
capital. Accounting system of a nation is influenced by a series of systems, there are also a number of strong forces favoring
internal factors, such as the size and complexity of business harmonization of the various national accounting systems. Efforts
have been made to encourage accounting harmonization at the  To cooperate together to promote high quality standards
international level as well as at the local level of various nations. of regulation in order to maintain just, efficient, and sound
Standards originally issued by the IASC are known as International markets.
Accounting Standards (IASs). The IASB notes that over 90  To exchange information on their respective experiences
countries claim they will be following IFRS in 2005. in order to promote the development of domestic markets.
 To unite their efforts to establish standards and an
Other Players in Financial Accounting Harmonization effective surveillance of international securities
In addition to the IASB, the following are the other significant transactions.
players in the accounting harmonization movement:  To provide mutual assistance to promote the integrity of
1. Commission of the European Union (EU) markets by a rigorous application of the standards and by
2. International Organization of Securities Commissions effective enforcement against offenses.
3. International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) International Financial Reporting
4. United Nations Intergovernmental Working Group of Two issues that arise in the preparation of international financial
Experts on International Standards of Accounting and statements are consolidation and foreign currency translation.
Reporting (ISAR), part of the United Nations Conference Most likely, a multinational has a subsidiary in each country in
on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). which it has substantial operations. This consolidation is made
even more problematic since each subsidiary may be maintaining
The EU was set up after World War II, and is composed of 15 its own accounts in its local currency.
European member states. The most significant aspect of the
Fourth Directive is philosophical, the establishment of the "true International Consolidations
and fair" rule. The Seventh Directive requires consolidated Consolidation involves "adding" up the accounts of two separate
financial statements as opposed to simply presenting the financial statements, eliminating the effects of any transactions
financial statement of a parent company. Issues involving between them, and producing a single set of financial statements.
consolidation will be discussed later in this chapter. Inter-company transactions can be quite complex, but the logic
The IOSCO is composed of over 170 various national securities of eliminating them is similar to the logic in the above examples.
regulatory organizations, whose objectives are as follows: The possible existence of an unconsolidated subsidiary that is
controlled by a parent company makes the financial statements
of the company open to manipulation.
international organizations are working to promote the
Foreign Currency Translation harmonization of auditing standard worldwide.
The company operates in over 200 countries, many of which have
different currencies and their subsidiaries' financial statements. International Financial Statement Analysis
The following are some possibilities: Accounting and auditing rules and procedures vary from nation
 Current exchange rate—the exchange rate for the current to nation. There are also subtle differences in language and
date. format. For example, UK balance sheets tend to be presented in
 Historical exchange rate—the exchange rate in place when a a different format from a US one. The reader can examine and see
particular transaction occurred. some of the language differences. A US balance sheet typically
 Average exchange rate—the average rate over a particular uses the format of the basic accounting equation:
period of time.
Which exchange rate to use has been the subject of much Assets = liabilities+owners’ equity
controversy in accounting. Exchange rate is used to translate a A UK balance sheet uses the format
particular income statement or balance sheet item under each of Net assets = total capital employed
the four translation methods. The temporal method translates
monetary items (cash, receivables and payables) at the current Equation is equivalent to Equation knowing that net assets =
exchange rate. Nonmonetary items (inventories, fixed assets) are assets - liabilities and total capital employed owners’ equity. In
translated at the historical or current rate. the United Kingdom, fixed assets are listed first. Users of financial
statements likely to see this difference in format in a number of
Auditing in an International Environment nations that were influenced by the UK such as many of its former
Auditing plays a key role in any financial market, since an investor colonies. A corporation might prepare what is called a
must have faith that a set of financial statements produced by a convenience translation. This involves translating the statement
company are reliable. Auditing standards are different from into the foreign user's language and retains the home country's
country to country, and the training and status of auditors are accounting principles.
different as well. Auditing standards are different from country to
country, but Ernst & Young must ensure that any local auditors International Taxation and International Transfer Prices
used should perform this audit in accordance with the United Every nation sets its own tax policy in line with its own national
States' generally accepted auditing standards. Several goals and traditions. Differences in taxation practices from
country to country exert a huge influence on multinationals. This
section looks at the international tax situation and the tactics used International Transfer Pricing
by multinationals to both cope with and take advantage of One way to reduce worldwide taxes is through judicious use of
international tax diversity. transfer prices - the price paid for the transfer of goods and/or
services between subsidiaries of the same multinational
International Diversity of Tax Systems and Tax Rates corporation. Since there are different tax rates from one country
Tax systems vary widely from country to country, but there are to another, transfer prices give multinationals an incentive to shift
some basic philosophical differences that can be noted. Gernon taxable profit to low tax jurisdictions.
and others note two different national philosophies of taxation:
the territorial principle and the worldwide principle. There is also
a wide variation in the effective tax rates between countries.

Tax Minimization Strategies

Multinationals have a variety of tools to escape double taxation
and minimize the worldwide taxes they have to pay. Some of
them include tax credits, tax treaties, and use of tax incentives tax
havens. A tax credit is a mechanism to mitigate the effects of a
worldwide taxation philosophy on multinationals.

A tax haven is a country with low or perhaps even no income tax.

Tax havens are sometimes used by multinationals to shift income
from a high tax country to a low-tax country.

The OECD has been active in identification of tax havens and

pressuring them to avoid practices considered harmful to the
world economy. Through the efforts of the OECD, real tax havens
are becoming fewer and fewer, but they still can be an effective
mechanism to minimize worldwide taxes.

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