Continuous Writing

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Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |


Notes for teachers and students :

- Continuous writing comes under section C, Question 3 in paper 2

- Suggested time is an hour (60 minutes ). The students are advised to spend not
more than one hour 15 minutes on this question

- students need to write a composition of about 350 words on one of the given

- the total marks for this question is 40

- It is important for students to know the marking scheme for continuous writing so
that they are able to study the question and know the weightage of marks

- The main objectives :

To test the candidate’s ability :

* to produce a piece of continuous prose in
accurate standard English

* respond relevantly and creatively to a task chosen from a

number of alternatives


One of the assessment emphasis used to mark an essay is the language aspect. It
must conform to “Standard English” which means it must :

• clearly communicate to any English speaking person in any part of the world
• obey the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar that are used and
practiced in the English speaking world
• be suitable, especially, for people who are expected to read the piece of
• For examination purpose, the English should be formal and should not contain
any slangs .

Another aspect of assessment is clarity of communication. It means the

examiners or readers get the message accurately.
Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

• write sentences of various length and types.

• vocabulary should be of a wide range with precision.
• able to sustain the interest of readers.
• Appropriate linked paragraphs to show cohesion

It is very important to encourage students. Especially weaker ones to try to form simple
and meaningful sentences.

Types of continuous writing

• Factual
• Descriptive
• Narrative
• Argumentative

SAMPLE QUESTIONS : Section C : Continuous Writing ( SPM 2003 )

(a) A Day you wished had never happened

(b) You Have been given a chance to visit a country of your choice.
Which country would you choose and why ?

(c) An invention you cannot live without

(d) Friends

(e) Write a story that ends with :

“ If only I had listened to his/her advice .’’

Excerpt of a GOOD sample answer (Question b )

Beautiful lush greenery as far as the eyes can see. Cascading streams and
magnificient waterfalls bursting with energy. Let the sounds from your surroundings fill
your ears. Birds twittering sweetly in the distance, crickets and dragonflies creating their
own blend of music. Less than twenty kilometres away you can immerse yourself in the
hustle and bustle of the city, with its bright lights, tall sky scrappers and highways packed
with vehicles. This is Malaysia. If I were given a chance to visit country of my choice, it
would most definitely be my very own country ,Malaysia.
It is not everywhere that you can find a country with cultures and traditions as
diverse as Malaysia’s. The people of this country live in peace and harmony despite
being of different races and religious beliefs. Malaysia is situated just north of the
equator.Its unique location gives a wonderful tropical climate, with both wet and humid
Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

days as well as bright and sunny ones. This type of weather is perfect for the growth of
tropical fruits that can only be found in this part of the world.
One of the reasons that I would choose Malaysia……..
Malaysia also plays its part in the world as a business and technology hub. The
capital Kuala Lumpur with a population of approximately 1.4 million people is bustling
city, full of activities twenty four hours a day .


This candidate is writing with complete confidence and is able to use an extensive
vocabulary and control of structure which produces vivid description and portrayal of a
country .Communication is very clearly established

Excerpt of an AVERAGE sample answer ( Question b )

The country that I would choose is Malaysia. There are a lot of thing that I could
say about Malaysia because there is interesting cultures, and most of all because it is a
lovely and beautiful country.
There are three significant races in the country. For instance, they are
Malays,Chinese and Indians. They all can live together in one country with harmony and
peace by respecting each others cultures and traditions.Therefore, I could learn the
different values and cultural of this multi racial people.
Then, in Malaysia, there are various celebration of different festivals regarding
each religion in the country such as Hari Raya Puasa, Chinese New Year and Deepavali.
The most importantly feature is that all the multi races will come together and celebrate
the festivals. On each festival celebrated by the religion, there will be “Open
Houses”.From this, I can say that people in the country, Malaysia, are very friendly and
respect one’s cultures
Next, is he wheather in Malaysia…..

I would really love to visit Malaysia and learn new thing about their religion and
races,have fun shopping, tasting delicious food and most of all,Malaysia is truly Asian.


The structures are usually accurate but are simple and repetitive. Vocabulary is adequate
but is also simple and repetitive. Largely competent English with many correct sentences
and vocabulary.However,there is never any doubt about the writer’s intention to potray
about a country

Excerpt of a WEAK sample answer ( Question b )

One day, a posman come at my house and give me a formal letter. I look at ^
formal letter and poskard.
Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

I read the formal letter and I^ very happy because I^ a winner a kuiz at a “Berita
Harian News and I get a first prices.
I ^ been given a chance to visit a countryof my choice. I would like ^ visit
Malaysia because at Malaysia I can go at my friend house . My friend say Malaysia
have a 3 people. A 3 people is Melayu, India, and Chines.My friend say a food is good
for taste.
My friend say at Malaysia I can see…..
I like to go ^ Malaysia because ^ is a peace country


Incidence of errors is high and impedes reading.Few simple structures are used correctly.
There are many linguistic mistakes .However, the reader is able to get some sense out of
the script.


Excerpt of sample answer 1 (GOOD)

Question 3 (D) Friends

It is said that ‘no man is an island’. Personally, I think that that saying is
absolutely true. From time immemorial, man has craved for companionship from his
fellow man. It is one of our basest instints , one dating back to the dawn of mankind.
This need for companionship has become ingrained in the human psyche. With the
passing of the millennia, we have become so dependent on this companionship that we
simply cannot survive without it. In the modern context, our friends provide us with the
aforesaid companionship that we so crave.
What, one might ask, constitutes a true friend ? The emphasis here is on the word
‘true’. Is a true friend someone who you say hello to every morning ? Or is it someone
who does you favours when you need them ? Or is there something more; a connection
that is more profound ? The answer to the latter is definitely ‘yes’.
Friends, in the purest sense are one’s soulmates. The emphasis here…………..
A life without friends would be a lonely and sad one to say the least . Friends are
like a ray of sunlight in the gloom of today’s fast-paced,individualist world.
Consequently, we must treasure the friends we have, for true friendship is rare. What
would life without friends be like ? I, for one, would never like to find out.
Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

Excerpt of sample answer 2 (WEAK )

Friend is so good for all people right. My bestfriend at school is hainis or anies. I
^ got a lot of friend but anies is special to me because she ^ understanding, caring,happy
and alwiy smile to people. But when she ^ angry with you ^ ^run fast. You know what
when she got problems I alwis and sometimes I cry anies alwis with me. I cannot fight
with anies or my friends. I really really care about my friend. I hope my friendship is
forever and ever.


Question 3 (a) A day you wished had never happened.

Excerpt of sample answer 1 (GOOD)

Before I stepped out of the classroom into the corridor, I peered through the
window ,looking to the left and right, making sure that he wasn’t around. The last two
months of my life had been hell. Even before I came to this school , I knew it would be
hard, me a poor boy on scholarship fitting in with the rest of the kids at this school.. “You
‘re not like them, they’ll never accept you,” whispered my heart. Unlike the rest of them
I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth with a daddy who owns companies that
made millions with a mother who could afford to jet off to Paris for a shopping trip.
“You shouldn’t have listened to dad,” a traitorous voice said inside……..

“What is it ?”, I really wasn’t worried as nothing could spoil my day. I had just
escaped being beaten to pulp.
“Your father was in an accident. You are to go home today to attend his funeral”,
said the principal.
My heart skipped a beat. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them
again my vision was blurred by the wetness in my eyes. And there and then I knew that
this was the most horrible day of my life.

Excerpt of sample answer 2 (ABOVE AVERAGE )

Have you ever had that thought where you wished something had never
happened ? Have you ever tried to erase the darkest moments you have faced from your
memory ? Have you ever experienced a day when everything is against you and you
wished you could just disappear into thin air ? Have ever been through a situation where
you are helpless and think that you will never feel happy again ? I am sure you have.
Everyone does, especially me.
I am not begging for sympathy or concern. I am not asking you…………

I still visit the park where Mamma left me thirteen years ago. Everyday, in fact,
hoping to be able to see her once again.Maybe she would appear soon but I still wished
that this incident had never left a mark in my biography. All I wanted is to tell Mamma
Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

how much I missed her.And if Mamma really did return, it will be the day I wished ^
would last forever.

Momma, if you are reading this , I want you to know that I still love you though I
do not understand why you left me in the park. I will be waiting in the park everyday and
don’t forget the vanilla flavoured ice-cream. It is still my favourite.

Excerpt of sample answer 3 ( WEAK )

I live in a half-storey flat area. Every Saturday I will go to the supermarket to buy
all the foods and other. My Proton Wira is a 2 months car.So, I have to wait about 2 hours
at ^ house to make sure that the road is peacfull enough for my car to drive at the busy
I drive in my car with confidence and ………

My sister ^ really amazed to see me at her gate. I had a bath,dinner and took a
shorror and still thinking sleep. That morning, I wake up and run towards my sister and
hug her with full of happiness and sadness. I had tell my sister what had happened to me
last night. From that day I never trust anyone and I really wished that this kind of
situation will not happen again. It is a dark dream to me.


Notes for teachers and students

Literature component comes under Section A ( Question 19,20 ,21 and 22-objective )
and section D ( Question 48,49 and 50 –subjective )

The distribution of marks are as follows :

Question 19 - 1 mark
20 - 1 mark
21 - 1 mark
22 - 1 mark
48 - 4 marks

49 - 3 marks
50 - 9 marks
Total Marks 20 marks
Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |


The Assessment objective for Section D ( Question 48,49 and 50 )

• To demonstrate an understanding of lower order reading and comprehension

skills and sub-skills at production level
• To respond relevantly to a task.
• To apply lower order and higher order comprehension skills at production
• To understand themes in stories and messages in poems
• To explain themes in stories and messages in stories and poems
• To give a personal response to the text


Question 19

Read and answer the question on the following poem.

Sonnet 18

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day ?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm,d;
And every fair from fair sometimes declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimm’d;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow,st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wand’rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

William Shakespeare

19 The phrase “…thy eternal summer..” refers to the

A beauty of summer
B poet’s liking for summer
C poet’s love for his beloved
Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

D beauty of the poet’s beloved

Question 20

Read stanza ii from the poem si tenggang’s homecoming by Muhammad

Hj. Salleh and answer the following question.


It’s true i have growled at my mother and grandmother

but only after having told of my predicament
that they have never brought to reason.
the wife that i began to love in my loneliness,
in the country that alienated me,
they took to their predecisions.
i have not entirely returned , I know,
having been changed by time and place,
coarsened by problems
estranged by absence.

20 The line, “it’s true I have growled at my mother and grandfather” in stanza ii
means that the persona
A demanded answers from them
B spoke harshly to them
C punished them
D bullied them

Questions 21 and 22

Read the extract from the short story The Lotus Eater by Somerset Maugham and answer
the questions that follow.

A few days later, I went for a walk with my friend.

We were walking along a narrow path.
“There’s Wilson !” my friend said suddenly.
I looked round and saw a man hiding behind a tree.
He was like a wild animal. As soon as we had passed him, I
heard him running away. That was the last time I saw him.
Wilson died last year. He had lived for six years in
That woodshed. One morning they found his body on the
Hillside. It had been a full moon the night before.
Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

21 Wilson ran away because he did not want to

A annoy his friends

B frighten people
C make friends
D meet anyone

22 Based on the extract, we know that Wilson died

A along a narrow path

B in the woodshed
C on the hillside
D behind a tree

Section C

Question 48

Refer to the poem Monsoon History and answer the questions

48 (a) What do you think the phrase ‘…counted silver paper for the dead’ means ?

sample answers:
- to show respect
- honour the dead
- the dead will have the comforts

(b) Which stanza of the poem did you like best ? Give your reason.

Tips on answering the question:

• no mark will be awarded for mere indication of stanza
• marks will only be awarded for explanation or reason (after indicating the
sample answers :
• stanza 3 – It shows people who respect and remember their ancestors.
• Stanza 4 – It provides me with information about the nyonya and baba
customs such as washing their feet before sleeping and wearing silver mesh.
Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

Question 49

Read the extract from the short story The Drover’s Wife and answer questions that
follow, basing your answers on your knowledge of the whole story.

Alligator still watches the wall from time to time. Suddenly, he

becomes greatly interested; he draws himself a few inches
nearer the partition and a thrill runs through his body. The hair
on the back of his neck begins to bristle, and the battle-light
is in his yellow eyes. She knows what this means and lays her
hand on the stick.

49 (a) Why does Alligator suddenly become interested ?

sample answers :
- he could sense the snake
- he could feel the presence of the snake
- he knew the snake was there

(b) Give two pieces of evidence from this extract that suggest that danger is
sample answers :
- she lays her hand on the stick
- he draws himself a few inches nearer the partition
- the hair on the back of his neck begins to bristle
- the battle-light is in his yellow eyes

Question 50

Jungle of Hope -- Keris Mas

The Pearl -- John Steinbeck
The Return -- K.S. Maniam

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the questions that follow.

50 ( a) Which character do you sympathise with in the novel you have studied ?

Tips on answering the question:

• just mention only one character .(eg. Kino in the novel “The Pearl”
• if mention more than one character zero mark will be awarded.
Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

(b) Explain why you sympathise with this character. Support your answer with
evidence from the novel.
Tips on answering the question:
• the response must be relevant to the task specified
• explanation should be supported with evidence from the text
• main and supporting ideas must be relevant to the task specified
• ideas must be presented clearly and easily understood
• a consistent and convincing point of view must be maintained throughout the

sample answer :

I sympathise with Juana because of her good advice to her husband which was not
heeded by him. She advised Kino to put back the pearl into the sea but Kino just ignored
her. The pearl only brought bad luck to her family and loss of life. Secondly, Juana was
ill-treated by Kino for trying to throw back the pearl into the sea. After wrenching the
pearl from her, he punched her in the face and kicked her in the side until she fell among
the big stones. Her family life was distrupted because of the pearl. Her house was burnt
and her family had to stay with Juan Thomas.Her beloved son became a victim of the
trackers who shot and killed him.She was so sad though he had survived from scorpion
stung but in the end ,Coyotito died just like that. It was the saddest moment in this story
and I really sympathise with Juana.


Read the extract from the poem The Road Not Taken and answer the questions

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler,long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other,as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

48 (a) What can you tell about the persona and which phrase in the poem tells you so ?

Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

(b) Give a similarity between the two roads and a difference between them.

Question 49

Read the extract from the short story Looking for a Rain God and answer the question

But from 1958, a seven-year drought fell upon the

land and even the watering places began to look
dismal as the dry open thorn-bush country; the
leaves of the trees curled up and withered; the moss
became dry and hard and under the shade of the
tangled trees, the ground turned a powdery black
and white because there was no rain…Towards the
beginning of the seventh year of drought, the
summer had become an anguish to live through.

49 What are the consequences of these severe weather conditions in the region ?


Question 50

Jungle of Hope -- Keris Mas

The Pearl -- John Steinbeck
The Return -- K.S. Maniam

Choose any one of the novels and answer the questions that follow.

50 (a) Give one of the themes in the novel.


(b) Give three instances in the story in which the theme is reflected.

Continuos Writing | Sample Questions and Answers of CW | Literature Component | Sample Questions and Answers of LC |

Suggested answers:

48 (a) He is not decisive. The phrase is “long I stood”

(b) Both looked all right but one was grassy and less used.

49 The people could not plant their crops and had no food to eat.

50 (a ) Money is the root of all evil.

(b) Kino led a poor and simple but peaceful life, but all that changed after he
found the pearl. Despite having had his canoe destroyed and his house burnt
down, all the danger to himself and his family, with all the attacks and bloodshed,
he refused to throw back the pearl and even went to the extent of beating up his
wife whom he loved , when she tried to do so. He was blinded by the hope he
harboured of selling the pearl at a good price to get the money to fulfill his dreams
for himself,his family and his people.
Secondly, the doctor did not want to treat Coyotito when Kino had no money.
When he heard that Kino had found the pearl, he personally came to Kino,s house
and he probably poisoned Coyotito and later gave him the antidote ,pretending to
cure him of the scorpion’s sting. And even if he was not the thief in the night, it
was most likely, especially in the first attempt, that he was the one who sent
someone to Kino’s house to steal the pearl.
The third instance would be the case of the pearl buyers who would cheat the poor
Mexican-Indians by paying them very little for their pearls. Even when Kino
decided to go to the capital to sell the pearl, he was followed by a man on
horseback and his trackers to catch him and get the pearl from him; the man could
be the major pearl buyer who controlled all the pearl buyers in La Paz and got
them to buy the pearls at very low prices so that he could make huge profits when
he sold them. In the end, Kino killed all of them but not before a tragic end was
brought by a stray bullet that killed Coyotito.

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