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The field of heat transfer have a major role in our day-to-day life. Its
application varies from simple household equipment’s to huge industrial
components. One of the most important device derived out from concept of heat
transfer is heat exchanger. Heat exchangers do play major role in Refrigeration
and liquefaction systems. The coefficient of performance of the entire system
depends on the effectiveness of corresponding heat transfer device. The field of
research and analysis can be extended by various geometries that heat
exchanger can accommodate, without much compromising its effectiveness.
The field of cryogenics can also gain advantage from such innovation due to its
promising future and possibility of vast application around the globe. However,
due to the problem of axial conduction and lack of required compactness,
research works are going on now also to find a proper and more relatable heat
There are many methods to improve the COP of a refrigeration system.
Introducing sub cooling and superheating simultaneously could help improving
the performance. Due to super heating, the refrigeration effect of the overall
system increase and it is more preferred to compress the dry steam than the wet
steam. As condensation process occurs, vast amount of heat is rejected to the
surroundings. This heat could be utilised to perform super heating along with
sub cooling. To achieve all of this we introduce a heat exchanger that could
possibly be a counter flow heat exchanger with inputs from evaporator and
condenser of refrigeration system. The counter flow heat exchanger mostly lies
under the category of shell and tube heat exchangers. The effectiveness of such
heat exchangers predominantly depends on the heat transfer area. Therefore, the
introduction of fin with various geometries could possibly help us in studying
the j colburn factors, friction factors, nusselt number, and heat transfer
coefficient. In order to predict the behaviour of such a heat exchanger it is able
to introduce a proper correlation that connects the above said parameters.
Further, it is possible to extend the relation to COP of refrigeration system.
Geometry of matrix heat exchanger has wide popularity due to its ability
to reduce axial conduction. Alternatively spacers and plates are placed there,
thus a thermal gradient will be introduced. This gradient further helps
improving heat exchange between the fluids. Since the spacer is having lower
thermal conductivity, it further prevents axial flow of heat. The alignment
between the holes in various plates cause to the formation of various
simultaneous jets and it enhance the mixing of fluid. Studies could be focused
on to changing the geometry by shifting hole position, enhancing its area and
using different whole shapes. The whole thing could be combined to improve
the enhancement of effectiveness of heat exchangers.
Now the whole thing about refrigeration and heat exchangers could be
connected. In order to improve the performance of a refrigeration system it is
possible to introduce a liquid suction heat exchanger that helps to implement
sub cooling and superheating simultaneously. The further improvement on cop
depends on the performance of heat exchangers. Thus, geometry related to
exchangers has to be studied by altering the shapes of fin, varying mass flow
rate, and type of fluids. By further exploiting, it is possible to introduce various
correlations connecting different performance parameters. These correlations
represent the performance of heat exchangers at any possible conditions.
Geometry of matrix heat exchanger is a possible contender for all of this due to
its ability to reduce axial conduction and improving heat transfer rate.
Now a day’s electronic components face major problems due to discrete
heating around it and further development of hot spots, which could finally lead
in to total failure of system. Even though research works are going through to
contain the problem, due to lack of proper support to predict how system can
work based on real time conditions, it becomes one of the most sophisticated
area to research. I hope to make further research in the field of heat transfer to
solve above-mentioned problems by properly optimising the system with the
help of a multi objective function that could further lead our investigation in to
applications that are more practical.
The problem related to electronic equipment’s mainly occurs due to the
creation of hot spots that created by spatially varying heat flux. The effect of
compactness is proportional to induction of hotspots also. It has proven that
ordinary water and air-cooling is not at all effective on such occasions.
Therefore, the PCM materials become a good candidate to overcome such
difficult problems. PCM usually have two phases, a charging phase and a
discharging phase. Melting and solidification occurs in both cases respectively.
It is essential for PCM to have high thermal conductivity and low volume
expansion. Thus, it’s charging and discharging capability can be boosted. As we
all know that in practical cases heating does not occur uniformly, rather it
occurs discretely.
Practically the heat sinks are able to enhance its heat transfer by
introducing the fins. Fins could be of various shapes and geometry. There are
factors that thwart proper heat transfer performance of heat sinks. One among
that is axial conduction. So perforated discs with alternative spacers and plates
could possibly reduce by an extent. As the heat, transfer occurs along the plate
the axial conduction id prevented by spacers which are having low thermal
conductivity. Introduction of PCM in to these is a possible area to focus
researches on. Optimisation is one of the widely used procedure that could help
us to reach a condition that is most economical in using system associated with
problem. As the number of objective variables increases the behaviour of
problem, become more and more complex. Thus, it becomes inevitable to use
multiple distinct multi objective optimization technique to solve the problem.
My postgraduate thesis work was based on the numerical analysis of heat
transfer and flow friction characteristics of perforated disc heat exchanger.
Using ANSYS fluent, a numerical model of heat exchanger was prepared and it
was analysed for various geometric limits such as plate thickness, perforations,
and plate thickness. Combining all the performance data, obtained a correlation
for colburn j factor and friction factor. Much more research on these kind of
heat exchangers by eliminating the loss of performance due to axial conduction
and other parameters could be an innovation in the field of refrigeration and
I chose to apply IIT Delhi because of the presence of gifted professors and
its great reputation throughout the world. I was also influenced by the prime
moto of institution to be the part of greater innovation going around the world to
make it a better place. I am also wishing to be part of such a great institution,
which is a front-runner in every aspect of technological advancements and
willing to provide my own share of knowledge for the advancement of
humanity. Also trying to find a perfect place to gain much more superior
knowledge, as knowledge is the biggest wealth one could ever achieve.

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