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Quiz Name: _________________________________ Teacher Scoring

Unit3 Date:

A P Listen to Kim and Alex talk about their health habits. Check (.I) the correct answers.
A 8 points
(2 points each)
1. Alex goes to the gym _ _ . 3. Kim likes to eat _ _ . 1._ 3._
o every day o meat
o twice a week o vegetables
o three or four times a week
2. Alex eats a lot of
o dessert
4. Kim doesn't have time _ _ .
o to cook
2. 4._ ••
junk food
o to exercise
o to see her family ••
B Complete the conversations with the simple present or the present continuous. B 12 points
Use contractions where possible.
LA _ Do__ you ever _ _get_ _ __ (get) colds?
(1 point each)

1. ••
( 1)

B Yeah, I do. Actually, I think I 'm

_ _ _ _ _ (get) a cold right now. 2.

A you usually _______ (take) something when 3.

(3 )

you _ _ _ _ _ _ (have) a cold? 4.


B No, not usually.

2. A What do

B Well, for one thing, I

do __ __ (do) to stay in shape?
you generally _ _

(walk) to work every day.


A Uh-huh. you ever (go) to the gym? 7.


B Not these days. I ___ _ __ _ __ (not work out) at all. I'm too busy. 8.


3. A What _ _ _ you _______ (do) these days to stay healthy? 9._

(9 )

B Actually, I (get) a lot of exercise these days. 10.

A That's great.

B Oh, yeah. My diet's great because my husband

you usually
(eat) healthy food, too?
(cook) wonderful meals.

C Complete the sentences with the problems in the box.
(1 2)

C 6points
a fever a toothache a headache a stomachache a cough
(1 point each)

a headache
1. She has _ _ _ _ __ a stomachache 3. He has ____
a cough __ _
1._2._3. _

a fever
4. Shehas ______

T-158 • Unit 3 Quiz

_ allergies
5. Shehas _____ _ _ a toothache
6. Shehas ____ __ _ 4._5._6._


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D Write answers to the questions. Use the words in parentheses. o 8 points
(2 points each)
Example: A What do you do if you're very tired?
B Wl-.e~ 111M vevy t-lved-, I l-O\\:.e 0\ l-.Ol- oO\l-l-. . (take a hot bath)
1. A What do you do when you get a sore throat? 1.
B _If_ _a_
i get _throat,
sore _ _i drink
__ tea_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . (drink tea with honey)

2. A What do you do if you have a high fever? 2._

B _ __ I get
__ I take
_ some
_ _medicine
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ . (take some medicine)
3. A What do you do when you get a headache? 3._
I don't do anything when i get a headache
B _____________________________ .(notdoanything)
4. A What do you do if you get an upset stomach? 4._
( B ____________________________
I lie down for a while if i get an upset stomach _ _ . (lie down for a while)

E Read each statement. Check (.f) the best response to encourage the people to E 8 points
(2 points each)
( continue talking.
1. A I don't like exercise. 3. A Sometimes I have interesting dreams. 1. 3.
B _ _ __ B
o Oh, really? How come? oI never have any dreams.
o Yeah, exercise is boring. oReally? Like what?
o I don't either. oI like my dreams.
( , 2. A I have a terrible toothache. 4. A I work out about twelve hours a week. 2._ 4.
B _ _ __ B
o I'm sorry. o Everyone is working out these days.
o Yeah. I had a toothache last month. o Oh. That's a lot.
o That's too bad. Do you have a oYou're kidding! Do you go to a gym?
dentist's appointment?

( F Read the leaflet Do you feel tired? Do you avoid exercise? Do you need to improve your diet? F 8 points
about a new class. (2 points each)

What can you can Then join our class on

learn about in this Healthy Lifestyles!
class? Check (.f)
Why "lifestyles," and not "lifestyle"? Because there are many different ways to
the four things. have a healthy lifestyle. However, diet, exercise and stress control are the three
keys to a healthy life for everyone. In this class, learn answers to these questions:
• Am I eating the right foods?
( • When I go to the supermarket, what foods do I choose?
• What meals can larder when I eat out in a restaurant?
( • How can I make quick, healthy meals at home?
( Exercise Stress Control
• Am I getting enough exercise? • Is stress always bad?
• What kind of exercise is best? • Am I too stressed?
\ • How can I find time to exercise? • What can I do about stress in my life? 1.
In this class, you can learn how to ... 3.
o find a better job o cope with stress 4.
o shop for healthy food o make new friends
o find time to exercise o choose a good restaurant Total:
o improve your sleep habits o cook healthy meals _ _ out of 50

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