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Dellava, Marijoy B. Sept.

24, 2020

BSCS 301-E Mr. Raven Topacio


One of the advantages of technology is Helps Improve Communication it can helps us to

communicate more easily especially to our loveones who are far from us. We can easily reach them out,
even though they are apart from us. The technology can also help us to Improve Efficiency, especially to
those who have their own business or company. For example, the company or business has their own
system that can automatically reply to those customers that needs their assistance. This system was
program to give and assist their customers. Then, another advantage of technology is the Unlimited
Supply of Knowledge , which means everything that you wanted to know is you can easily access it from
the Google or from the other website that you can access.

The effects those advantages to me as an individual are it can improve my self-esteem especially
in communication. It can practice my skills and ability to deals with the new normal society nowadays.
This can give me knowledge to the things that are unfamiliar to me. This can also help me as a student
to improve my knowledge and reach out from my comfort zone, accomplish the given task in advance
and to become more prepare.

If the technology has the advantages, it also has their disadvantages. Sedentary habits its one of
the most disadvantages in technology in this habits you can less your productivity because most of our
time are focused on work day sitting down with little movement, so you can’t exercise your entire body
that can cause obesity, diabetes and a variety of other physical health conditions. Distraction is also the
disadvantage of technology because you can’t focus on what you are doing while your using technology.
It has a lot of entertainment and unlimited content that can get your attention. Loneliness is also a part
of disadvantage of technology it develops the loneliness epidemic, which has made people isolated from
others than before. Because you communicate through screen and do not have an interpersonal
interaction are few and far between.

It affects me as an individual and as a student is development of social communication to other.

It less you to interact with others that cause to you to become an anti-social person. It can be also a
distraction because you gave more time to the social media than the work or task that are given to you.
You can’t build a teambuilding or a teamwork when you are alone and it’s important to everyone of us
to accomplish every task easily.

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