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SOM Projects and Assignments

A. End Term Projects

I. Each group is required to study one existing service and design a new service from concept to
delivery that should include the following details:
1) Define competitive dimensions and sub-dimensions for the specific service requirements
2) Develop service vision
3) Develop a service concept for achieving desired customer experience (identify main
touch points and service experience parameters at various stages of a delivery process)
4) Develop service package
5) Service design specifications
6) Delivery specifications
7) Service system design using service blueprint that should include with failure points and
failure prevention method
8) SOPs for service delivery
9) Technology used in service delivery and customer experience
10) Establish performance measures and control for service quality
II. The topics for the projects are as under-
1) Developing a service based on experience of Ola/Uber customers
2) Developing a service for e-waste collections and disposal services
3) Developing a service for JEE exam coaching
4) Developing a service for food delivery services
5) Evaluate influence of service quality on financial performance of Indian airlines
III. Each group may take one topic from the above.
IV. There would be a mid-term review of the progress in the 3rd week of December
V. Each group needs to make a presentation during the first week of January and submit a
detailed report before end term examinations.
VI. The final report has to be prepared and submitted in the format encompassing the areas
mentioned here under the heading of “Contents”:
1. Introduction/Background of the study
2. Objectives
3. Scope of the study
4. Methodology (provide flow diagram)
5. Existing System
6. Data collection
7. Data analysis
8. Proposed System
9. Recommendations
References in APA style

B. Article Reviews

I. Each group is expected to review at least as many research articles and/or industry reports as
is the number of students in a group and submit a report of 8-10 pages.
II. The report would include the following-
1) Introduction
2) Summarization, classification, analysis, critiques, and comparison of central ideas,
methodology and findings
3) References in APA style
Topics for Article Reviews
1) Managing customer experience
2) Customer utility models in service design
3) Use of six sigma in service quality improvement
4) Inventory management in services
5) Lean practices in service industry

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