Test Correction Form

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A/B Test Corrections:
EACH CORRECTED WRONG answer is worth ½ POINT. You can earn up to 5 points (10 QUESTIONS)
Q UE STIO N# CORRECT ANSWER: So Why Did I Miss That Question???
Correct Answer (write out the correct answer using the wording from the test choices): Check all appropriate responses
I did not understand what the question was asking.
One or more words were new to me.
I did not know this this word’s meaning:
I did not ask a question about this topic in class.
Other: write in a response if it’s something else
E XPLAIN why this i s the correc t answ er and IDE NT IFY where y ou loc ated it ( book, not es, gra phic organizer, e tc.) o
{Make sure to ide ntify the a ctiv ity /document or sec ti on and pa ge # identifie d.}

o I didn’t underline the question

o When I bubbled the answer on my scan sheet, I
didn’t bubble the answer I had on my test
o I didn’t cross out incorrect answers
Q UE STIO N# CORRECT ANSWER: So Why Did I Miss That Question???
Correct Answer (write out the correct answer using the wording from the test choices): Check all appropriate responses
I did not understand what the question was asking.
One or more words were new to me.
I did not know this this word’s meaning:
I did not ask a question about this topic in class.
Other: write in a response if it’s something else
E XPLAIN why this i s the correc t answ er and IDE NT IFY where y ou loc ated it ( book, not es, graphi c organize r, et c. ) o
{Make sure to ide ntify the a ctiv ity /document or sec ti on and pa ge # identifie d.}

o I didn’t underline the question

o When I bubbled the answer on my scan sheet, I
didn’t bubble the answer I had on my test
o I didn’t cross out incorrect answers
Q UE STIO N# CORRECT ANSWER: So Why Did I Miss That Question???
Correct Answer (write out the correct answer using the wording from the test choices): Check all appropriate responses
I did not understand what the question was asking.
One or more words were new to me.
I did not know this this word’s meaning:
I did not ask a question about this topic in class.
Other: write in a response if it’s something else
E XPLAIN why this i s the correc t answ er and IDE NT IFY where y ou located it ( book, not es, gra phic organize r, et c. ) o
{Make sure to ide ntify the a ctiv ity /document or sec ti on and pa ge # identifie d.}
o I didn’t underline the question
o When I bubbled the answer on my scan sheet, I
didn’t bubble the answer I had on my test
o I didn’t cross out incorrect answers
Q UE STIO N# CORRECT ANSWER: So Why Did I Miss That Question???
Correct Answer (write out the correct answer using the wording from the test choices): Check all appropriate responses
I did not understand what the question was asking.
One or more words were new to me.
I did not know this this word’s meaning:
I did not ask a question about this topic in class.
Other: write in a response if it’s something else
E XPLAIN why this i s the correc t answ er and IDE NT IFY where y ou loc ated it ( book, not es, gra phic organize r, et c. )
{Make sure to ide ntify the a ctiv ity /document or sec ti on and pa ge # identifie d.}
o I didn’t underline the question
o When I bubbled the answer on my scan sheet, I
didn’t bubble the answer I had on my test
o I didn’t cross out incorrect answers
Q UE STIO N# CORRECT ANSWER: So Why Did I Miss That Question???
Correct Answer (write out the correct answer using the wording from the test choices): Check all appropriate responses
I did not understand what the question was asking.
One or more words were new to me.
I did not know this this word’s meaning:
I did not ask a question about this topic in class.
Other: write in a response if it’s something else
E XPLAIN why this i s the correc t answ er and IDE NT IFY where y ou loc ated it ( book, not es, gra phic organize r, et c. )
{Make sure to ide ntify the a ctiv ity /document or sec ti on and pa ge # identifie d.}
o I didn’t underline the question
o When I bubbled the answer on my scan sheet, I
didn’t bubble the answer I had on my test
o I didn’t cross out incorrect answers

  If  you  need  more  space  to  write  responses,  for  any  box,  attach  a  clearly  labeled  piece  of  lined  paper.  
Test Corrections
QUESTION# CORRECT ANSWER: So Why Did I Miss That Question???
Correct Answer (write out the correct answer using the wording from the test choices): Check all appropriate responses
I did not understand what the question was asking.
One or more words were new to me.
 I did not know this this word’s meaning:
I did not ask a question about this topic in class.
Other: write in a response if it’s something else
EXPLAIN why this is the correct answer and IDENTIFY where you located it (book, notes, graphic organizer, etc.)
{Make sure to identify the activity/document or section and page # identified.}
o I didn’t underline the question
o When I bubbled the answer on my scan sheet, I
didn’t bubble the answer I had on my test
o I didn’t cross out incorrect answers
QUESTION# CORRECT ANSWER: So Why Did I Miss That Question???
Correct Answer (write out the correct answer using the wording from the test choices): Check all appropriate responses
I did not understand what the question was asking.
One or more words were new to me.
 I did not know this this word’s meaning:
I did not ask a question about this topic in class.
Other: write in a response if it’s something else
EXPLAIN why this is the correct answer and IDENTIFY where you located it (book, notes, graphic organizer, etc.) o
{Make sure to identify the activity/document or section and page # identified.}
o I didn’t underline the question
o When I bubbled the answer on my scan sheet, I
didn’t bubble the answer I had on my test
o I didn’t cross out incorrect answers
QUESTION# CORRECT ANSWER: So Why Did I Miss That Question???
Correct Answer (write out the correct answer using the wording from the test choices): Check all appropriate responses
I did not understand what the question was asking.
One or more words were new to me.
 I did not know this this word’s meaning:
I did not ask a question about this topic in class.
  Other: write in a response if it’s something else
EXPLAIN why this is the correct answer and IDENTIFY where you located it (book, notes, graphic organizer, etc.)
{Make sure to identify the activity/document or section and page # identified.}
o I didn’t underline the question
o When I bubbled the answer on my scan sheet, I
didn’t bubble the answer I had on my test
o I didn’t cross out incorrect answers
QUESTION# CORRECT ANSWER: So Why Did I Miss That Question???
Correct Answer (write out the correct answer using the wording from the test choices): Check all appropriate responses
I did not understand what the question was asking.
One or more words were new to me.
 I did not know this this word’s meaning:
I did not ask a question about this topic in class.
Other: write in a response if it’s something else
EXPLAIN why this is the correct answer and IDENTIFY where you located it (book, notes, graphic organizer, etc.)
{Make sure to identify the activity/document or section and page # identified.}
o I didn’t underline the question
o When I bubbled the answer on my scan sheet, I
didn’t bubble the answer I had on my test
o I didn’t cross out incorrect answers
QUESTION# CORRECT ANSWER: So Why Did I Miss That Question???
Correct Answer (write out the correct answer using the wording from the test choices): Check all appropriate responses
I did not understand what the question was asking.
One or more words were new to me.
 I did not have the vocabulary term(s) in my notes
I did not ask a question about this topic in class.
  Other: write in a response if it’s something else
EXPLAIN why this is the correct answer and IDENTIFY where you located it (book, notes, graphic organizer, etc.)
{Make sure to identify the activity/document or section and page # identified.}
o I didn’t underline the question
o When I bubbled the answer on my scan sheet, I
didn’t bubble the answer I had on my test
o I didn’t cross out incorrect answers

If  you  need  more  space  to  write  responses,  for  any  box,  attach  a  clearly  labeled  piece  of  lined  paper.  

If  you  need  more  space  to  write  responses,  for  any  box,  attach  a  clearly  labeled  piece  of  lined  paper.  

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