Designed by Nguyen Minh Long: Listening Test 10

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Designed by Nguyen Minh Long


Name: ________________________ Mark: _______ / 50

Part 1. Listen to a news bulletin about North Korea nuclear crisis. For questions 1-10, fill in
the missing information with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. Write your answers in the
space provided.

Russian president Putin has warned of a global catastrophe if (1)

_________________________________ with North Korea continue to increase.
As North Korea is unlikely to give up its nuclear programme, South Korea has been holding more (2)
__________________________ and showcasing its naval power.
The South’s president said he is (3) ___________________________ but now it is not the right
Dandong – a Chinese city, is a very good place to (4) ______________________________ in North
Korea nuclear crisis.
(5) ______________________ is an essential export of China to North Korea.
The reporter uses the word (6) ____________________ to describe North Korea’s energy
China fears that pushing North Korea to regime collapse can bring about chaos, instability and (7)
______________________________ or even wars.
Therefore, there is no chance of China opting for a (8) _____________________________, talks
and military actions.
Vladimir Putin says that imposing further sanctions is a (9) ________________________.
He is also very strong in terms of (10) ____________________________ that was being whipped
up over the nuclear crisis.

Part 2. Listen to an interview with Simon Lessing, a leading expert on the phenomenon of
modern piracy. For questions 11-15, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which best fits what
you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
11. What distinguishes modern pirates from those of previous generations is ______.
A. the degree of advanced planning
B. that they use more than one form of weaponry
C. that victims are often murdered
D. the targeting of ships with a certain type of crew
12. Common sources of information for pirate gangs are people who ______.
A. work for shipping companies
B. operate computer networks
C. work for multinational corporations
D. handle the payroll
13. In Lessing’s view, the problem with ‘flags of convenience’ is that they ______.
A. are bought for a low registration fee
B. can be used at open sea
C. make hijacked ships harder to identify
D. help pirates identify easy targets
14. Lessing implies that piracy is a more widespread problem than it used to be because _____.
A. of the forms of disguises pirates now adopt
Designed by Nguyen Minh Long

B. it affects more than just merchant vessels

C. the method of counting and recording incidents has changed
D. pirates have stopped targeting major sea lanes
15. Lessing feels that romantic notions of pirates ______.
A. have never been accurate
B. still apply to modern piracy in some of its forms
C. are appropriate to those who used riddles to indicate the location of their loot
D. persist in modern times because of hidden treasure
Your answers
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 3. For questions 16-25, listen to a news bulletin about Indian economy and complete the
following tasks.
For questions 16-21, choose SIX letters A-K.
Which factors contribute to the fast growth in Indian economy? Write your answers in the
space provided.
16. ________ A. large numbers of young and educated citizens
B. huge amounts of imported oils
17. ________ C. richer countries’ supplies of modern equipment
D. more open economic regime
18. ________ E. attraction of international finance
F. increasing popularity of automation
19. ________ G. plummeting oil prices
H. the arrangements of work for outside people
20. ________ I. Donald Trump’s attention to Indian economy
J. capability for emulation of foreign technology
21. ________ K. occupation of 15% of global wealth

For questions 22-25, answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
or/and A NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the space provided.

22. What is the current growth rate of the US’s economy?

22. ________________________________________
23. What is a difference between Indian and US economy besides working days and retirement age
23. ________________________________________
24. What does India have to sacrifice to produce much more goods?
24. ________________________________________
25. What is the most prominent sector that economic growth cannot reflect?
25. ________________________________________

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