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I. Aim and objective:
- Help Ss to identify toys.
- To recognize English sounds and spoken words.
- Help Ss to recognize parts of the whole.
- To count 1 and 2.
- To develop motor control.
II. Vocabulary:
Toys: ball, balloon, boat, car, doll, robot, teddy bear.
III. Materials:
- CD track 16 – 17, flashcards 13 – 19.
IV. Class activities:
- T- WC, group work, pair work, individual.
V. Procedure:
Tim Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
5’ I. Warm up:
- Ask Ss about their toys. - Ss tell the class about their toys.
+ Do you like toys? - Name the toys they have.
+ How many toys do you have?
+ What kinds of toys do you have?
+ What are they?
- Ask Ss to answer in Vietnamese.
16’ II. New lesson:
1. Lead in: - Ask Ss to look at the
pictures and answer the questions. - Open the CB at page 16 and 17.
+ Who is the boy in the picture? - Answer the teacher’s questions.
(Baz). - Tell the names of the characters in
+ Who is the girl in the picture? the book.
(Tess). - Name the toys in Vietnamese.
+ Are they playing nicely? (Yes)
2. Practice.
a. Listen and say. - Open their books at page 16.
- Tell Ss that they are going to
learn the words for the toys.
- Play the CD, holding up the - Listen to the CD, point to the
flashcard for each toy as its name is pictures in the book and repeat.
said. Pause after each word, so Ss
can point to the object in their
- Check Ss to be pointing to the
correct object.
- Play the CD again, pause after - Whole the class practice reading in
each word .Ss repeat the words chorus and in individually.
chorally and individually.
- Call some Ss to say before the - Some Ss read before the class.
- Then ask Ss to repeat in group
and in pair.
- Ask Ss to change into Vietnamese - Practice saying into Vietnamese
and English, using the flashcards. and English.
b. Listen and find.
- T sticks the pictures of the objects
on the board.
- Say the words in changing orders.
- Ask Ss to point the correct - Listen and find the correct words.
pictures in their book.
- Ask Ss to work in 2 groups play - Work in 2 groups and play the
the game “Slap the board”. game.
- Play the CD and after each word. - Ss listen and point to the object in
10’ 3. Further practice: Activity their book.
Book (page 18).
* Find and colour.
- Make model before the class. - Listen to the teacher.
- Draw one car and write the - Look at the pictures in the book.
number under it. Then draw two
dolls and write number 2 under the
- Ask Ss to read the number the
thing correctly.
- Explain to the children how to do
exercise. - Find out the correct things in the
- Get Ss to find the correct number book.
of the things in the picture. - After that, Ss colour the picture in
- Then guide Ss to colour the the book.
3’ pictures in the AB.
III. Consolidation: -Remember the words.
- Remind the names of toys in the
1’ lesson.
IV. Home link:
- Remember at home the name of
the toys.

I. Aim and objective:

- Help SS to identify belongings.
- Help Ss to know how to thank someone.
- To develop fine motor control.
II. Vocabulary and structure:
 Vocabulary: Here you are.
 Structure: This is my……
That is your …….
III. Materials:
- CD track 18, flashcards 13- 19.
IV. Class activities:
- T-WC, group work, pair work.
V. Procedure:
Tim Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
5’ I. Warm up:
-Get Ss to play a game “slap the - Listen to the teacher.
- T sticks the pictures of the toys on - Work in 2 groups and play the
the board. Make Ss into 2 teams, 5Ss game.
for each team, ask one student to say
the name of the toys. 2 teams listen - Whole the class work together.
and slap the picture they can hear. If
any team gets more scores, it is
19’ II. New lesson.
1. Lead in:
- Ask Ss to describe the pictures. - Look at the book. And answer the
What are they doing? questions in Vietnamese with their
What is Tess giving Baz? knowledge.
What can they say when they give
the toy to the other?
- Guess Ss to answer the questions.
2. Listen and say.
- Tell SS to look at the book at page
16- 17.
-Play the CD once to check the - Listen to the CD.
answers above.
- Play the CD again, pausing after - Repeat after the CD in chorally and
each phrase. individually.
- Ask Ss to remember what Tess - Listen carefully and answer the
said when she gave Baz his boat questions.
(Here you are).
- And ask them to reply when Here you are
someone give you something. - Ss answer: Thank you
- Get Ss to listen again once more to
* Transcript 18:
Tess: This is my doll. This is your
boat, Baz. Here you are.
Baz: Thank you, Tess. This is my
teddy bear.
- Have Ss to listen and repeat several - Ss listen again and repeat several
times. times.
2. Say and do.
- Hold up the flashcard of boat and
ask: What’s this? - Ss answer: It’s a boat.
- Call one Student to go to the front.
T says: This is your boat, Hoa. Here
you are. Give the flashcard to the Ss. - Ss hold the flashcard and say: thank
Encourage Ss to thank you. you.
- Repeat with other flashcards and - Some Ss to work with the teacher
other student. with some other things.
- Encourage Ss to make the dialogue - Then work in pair to make the
as the same in front of the class. dialogue.

A: This is my……This is your …

Here you are.
B: Thank you. This is my ……..
8’ 3. Further practice. * Further practice.
Activity Book. - Listen to the teacher and do some
a. Trace the same letter. activities.
- Ask Ss to look at the book at - Circle the correct letter and colour
page19. it.
- Guide Ss to trace the same letter in
the box with the same row after
circling the letter.
b. Look and say. Circling the
- Hold up the flashcards of the toys - Look at the pictures, circle the
and ask Ss to say the first sound of correct words and say the sounds
the words. correctly.
- The T sticks the pictures on the
board and asks Ss to say the words
and the correct sounds. - Practice saying the words and the
-Tell the children to say each word letters.
aloud and then circle the letter
whose sound is at the beginning of
the word.
2’ III. Consolidation.
- Remind Ss to remember how to - Remember at home.
read the vocabulary.
1’ IV. Home link.
- Review the words at home.

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