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Name………………………………………………………………….. Class………..

…… No…………

VERB แ"งเ%นสองประเภทห/กๆ

1. Verb แ2 .........................................................................................................................

2. Verb ไ4แ2 .........................................................................................................................
















A hobby can be any common activity that gives you pleasure and a feeling and relaxation

1. as you will perform one 2. as having to perform one

3. when having to perform it 4. while you are performing it
5. when you have to perform them

It is not a task that _________ your career or in your academic study program.

1. is assigned for you to be performed by 2. is assigning for you to perform by

3. you are assigned to perform in 4. has assigned for you to perform in
5. you have been performing as assigning by

GAT Mar 52

_________ the growth rings of the tiny crystalline structure in the inner ear of a fish reveal
the age of the creature.

1. Fishermen have long known that

2. It is long known that fishermen see
3. Revealed by fishermen who have known that
4. As fishermen have known for a long time that

The benefit to the plants _________ is that the animals disperse the plant’s seed.

1. allowing animals take their fruit

2. to allow their fruit taken for animals
3. for allowing animals to take their fruits
4. allowed their fruit to take animals.

GAT Jul 52

Life is (1) so fragile and we don’t know what will happen tomorrow, (2) so experience
what you (3) have given because you don’t know how long it is going (4) to last.

(1) Although many eateries publish caloric information on their web sites, or even on (2)
food packaging, advocates of labelling say (3) diners need to be able to read the
information (4) while decided what to do.


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