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D9-202o Lectue

Rgehiee Auy Cmpnti koyone ux basu feur

Componants ose called accomors.

Heat Tansfe ehs

Gwthing tuatwe usud Retioptomize vh thu reaerate
Leep u eh fheathanafer. Makcnals lko tapper andaurinluan
an und bocause thuy haut wy ped thuunal nduckuuley.
wms uat Can trarit weugh lhom early. Inuedig &uhpacs
asta is anetho, uy te improutheat hafer

1. Thcompimor s uu heast ia 4yslum. Te Ompun u t
what name iy ltcfaunn ths low jortmure ip
hupighal vopeur pwmue oeypertin ud ampnu
mls a g pruhe vopeur.
2. Thu iwet to tho Commpktmey calladUa 'Sutsn Lin

Herivgs h lourpvemure vaypaur jele As Comyprtmer.

3. Mbrkhe lmpvarer mnmy ha utigeAnt n a
uigh sptms Apor3 t hemans w tAaautt ale
th Diochahgtline'
.Thes 'Dadalgelin eaus the Lnprner And tlns

2. Accause th ufigenat wm conpiaral t is a ket hd

praturo vapour (4 premse poau p enpralun zeu )

3.Thu het vapour anlers the lonensey and Sharti tofo hrouz
te tubes
4. oedisoir ay bloun qesm ta eutids gqKifioned hubes Phe
condenser swlyby q faunbr water elh thepump
5. bre thcair in aleroeter hn theafigoaht, héêad juras fan the
tubina te he coole air (entay gou from hol to col.
6. A e heat in iemovedAem he hapgtrad,tAeackas ii #sakuat.
tmpotut" andstat to fass'(ke chage Saks), idh hisa
premu liuid. Thuhish prmse lgjud luaia th andeng en dhreupk
theAaud Junt' and trauelstahu mefenng deu'. Jemchnes
umuing heug a fplter dayes fhut, to kthsbul ary durt er
oeig plils.

Meturing Dena
Thay hqudts kow much legud hetgetat entess he escporater
Lowmori usad matsing olerteos alt, Small i a cepPer tubes
iupdlh as 'apbs hamally tenlheller chathragm
Valwes calld TV'S Themad npdanren vhus)
3.Jhe rnelbnny derie ty to mamdain a pruyd tmpratesc amna,
4/hu inkit and outut openhys if te elapoválor
4. thu mlig deri hegrdatis the ameurt hstakens
igehat goig to t wapenoer, he derields émal
ad fntrigprad out ntotre dns and Lessn Ake
high prerunl it has sohund it, Newr e kaue a
lor psur cooer eigiud aigota entruy ha
awapriu ced pAaas wet deun to emp
gus den)
Teswnal Expansien \ulue TK elve
deva slleda
f Uy Comon typeoK mlrug haytu
Thesunstalii Exjansi9n ldve) is valu
Conbioltung tu hfigtanl
Cagzely- caja biit thu valuv
Plaar tu lood on tlu evaostor dhaugu,
Can uspord to tt Chage and incMan er dechtad

H accerdungly
2 Thu TV hus tto sEnsug bulb cttrdhad o e a t t y
btu eunyordar, Tks ulb senses tu Suclen dun tnp
Qund Sedsa signal to to 7xV allevrng it to aljud ha
vebug ear
los hai This is umj kecauas uot all, tk cedke
n Bu enayemlbr charges Sta inko agas hese

igud sefigsand tocertint telisru to u Conprsss

to tmpsssov Uguid caunat hel
3. his cau be fatal
Cmpresmd cad whun a Cenaprimer tris h lenppUs
a ligud meshanicd filieg cau hoppen. he (BprhS
n Suffer methand damage u tlo alueß aud
beamighs ald bjpud shygging'
4. The coalor unigaant Jun be cvaporator tuhos, ahees
tu w m Aerm air rhe dhanR anprure caust
rarigpaat te lasi e keid 'and chaugs fhon
a lew preuss Laud t a low sod premws cold
5. T ant. of huat dled to s Ljd tosvaka t
scdbiusales d choug s/atujacalld "SparHe

Nt: 7hage fho pbuli ai4 aporato.

Date oe**ossase **

1. The eporator 's Wton tu huad a hundved em yeur
houst, busines or erigiaten ex.
2. hi loo premuk lajd Laus hs mctering devia ad
Bhlers hu euspemlor
3. USualy;a fam will nnl wasm au hem thu
nd honad Spee acses tw ekpora uniedlois

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