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Entry of Journal Vouchers
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M/s XYZ Limited purchased stationery items form M/s Prince Stationers as per details
given below:
!"LL #$% &'(

!"LL )*+, -&%'-%&.

 *M$#+ (0('/1

2ow shall you enter the above bill in tally program in the boo3s of M/s XYZ Limited4

5irst of all6 Journal Voucher  shall be prepared for the above transaction because the
stationery is not a trading item and the stationery is purchased on credit also% +he entry
will be prepared as follows:

!S "Y# LIITE$


)*+,: -&%'-%&.

P*7+"8L*7S  *M$#+"# 7P,,S

$E%IT: P7"#+"#9  S+*+"$#,7Y (0('/1

,XP,#S,S */8

TOTAL &'&(!)

CRE$IT: M/S P7"#8, P7"#+,7S (0('/1

TOTAL &'&(!)

;!,"#9 S+*+"$#,7Y P782*S,) 57$M M/S P7"#8, P7"#+,7S *S P,7

+2,"7 !"LL #$% &'( )*+, -&%'-%&. ,#8L$S,)<

No*+ *, s-all ,nt,r ao/, Pur0-as, Vou0-,r in tally as un1,r:

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• $pen +ally program%
• Select your 8ompany% "n our case6 we shall select M/s XYZ Limited%
• Select =>*ccounting ?ouchers> under =9ateway of +ally>

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• #ow6 the following screen will appear:

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• @ust read
the items written on screen with a concentration% 7eply of your all Auestion relating to
voucher entry is available here%
• You want to enter a @ournal ?oucher% See in right side% +here are lots options
available% $ne of those options is =5B C @ournal>%
• Select this icon with the help of mouse or press =5B 3ey>%
• #ow6 select date icon or press>50> 3ey%
•  * boD will show =?oucher )ate>
• Erite the date of voucher here i%e% -&%'-%&0 then press =,nter> 3ey%
• #ow a blan3 form will appear% You have to fill up the details as reAuired in that
• 5irst6 in )r% Particular 8olumn6 you have to write Printing  Stationery ,Dpenses
 */c% +he moment you type = M> a list of account heads started with alphabet =P> shall
appear% You have to select =Printing  Stationery ,Dpenses */c> out of that list%
• "n )ebit amount column write (0(' then press =,nter6 3ey%
• "n 8r% 8olumn press =,nter> 3ey%
• "n Particulars press =P> and select =Prince Printers> out of the list given in right

• "n 8redit amount write (0('/1 and press =,nter> 3ey%

• "n narration column write any narration which you thin3 fit then press =,nter 3ey>
• #ow the screen will be as under 

•  5inally6 +ally as3s you =Yes> or =#o>% 2ere6 you Fust stop and chec3 that every
detail is correct% "f there is any mista3e then press >#> 3ey otherwise press =Y> or press
=,nter> 3ey%
•  *fter you press =Y>6 and all details vanish from the screen and a new voucher
appears then you can say that your voucher is entered and saved%

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Creation of a Company

The first step to get started with Tally is to create a company in Tally. Create a
company using the Company Creation screen.

Go to Gateway of Tally> Company Info> Create Company

Learn more
Use the following details to create a company. To navigate between the fields, you
can use Enter, Tab, the arrow keys or the mouse.



Directory ccept what is displayed on the screen.

!ame TallyE"#$%ook.Com

&ailing !ame TallyE"#$%ook.Com

ddress %alasore, 'disha, (ndia

)tate )elect *'rissa+ from the list of states displayed.

#(! Code -//0

Telephone !o. $123124

E5mail ddress Tallyerp$

Currency )ymbol 7pre5defined8

&aintain ccounts with (nventory


ot! Finan"ial A""o#nt$ an%

ccounts with (nventory
In&entory Re"or%$ of t!e Company

9inancial year from 05153/02

%ooks:beginning from 05153/02

Tally;ault #assword 7if any8 )kip field < Do not enter any details

Use security control !o

%ase Currency (nformation )kips field automatically




#re5set as a default currency "s. 7as specified

%ase Currency )ymbol

Complete name for the currency symbol. %y default,

9ormal !ame
this is set to (ndian "upees.

!umber of Decimal
%y default, this is set to 3.

Tally caters to currencies where the different parts of 

)how amounts in
large amounts are called by special names. %y
millions =
default, this is setto !o.

(s symbol suffi>ed to
%y default, this is set to !o.
amounts =

#ut space between %y default, this is set to ?es.

amounts and symbols = 5

)ymbol for Decimal

%y default, this is set to paise.

Decimal #laces for

#rinting mounts in %y default, this is set to 3.

The completed Company Creation screen displays as shown.

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#ress ? or Enter to accept the screen and create the company, )mart

gencies.  Re"or%in( Tran$a"tion$ of Sample Data

Use the following simple illustration to understand how to record transactions in

nurag "ai started a new shop )mart gencies on @ood )treet, %angalore, on 0515
3/02. )mart gencies will deal in the wholesale trade of stabiliAers and pumps of 
different capacities.

&r. "ai wants to maintain his accounts on Tally $.The transaction details recorded

for )mart gencies are elaborated in the illustration. Tran$a"tion$ for

April )*+, - Li$t of A""o#nt$.

nurag "ai started )mart gencies by bringing in capital of

+. +010)*+, "s.0-,//,/// by cheBue and deposited the same in (C(C(
%ank by opening a new account.

 Anurag Rai wants all entries pertaining to bank receipts (payments) to be made in
bank receipt (payment) voucher. He also wants separate serial numbers to be
displayed for bank receipts and bank payments. Hence, the accountant has to
create a new bank receipt voucher under receipt voucher and bank payment 
voucher under payment voucher.

2o#"!er Type

 voucher is the primary online document for recording transactions. Transaction

recording and analysis are greatly facilitated by having specific formats for different
types of transactions. Tally provides 0 predefined voucher formats. These are
used for recording various transactions pertaining to both accounting and
inventory. )ome of these vouchers can also be used differently according to the
situation, for e>ample, sales vouchers can be used as invoices. )uch use can be
decided at the time of voucher entry by selecting the appropriate button.

Tally acknowledges the special reBuirements of some users for more voucher types.
These arise in cases like when the user needs the same voucher but in different
names or separate series of numbers. E>amples include Cash #ayment vouchers
and %ank #ayment vouchers where the relevant predefined voucher is
#ayment ;oucher.
i/ Create le%(er$ 3An#ra( Rai Capital A4"5 -#n%er Capital A""o#nt. an%
3ICICI an65 -#n%er an6 A""o#nt$.
ii/ Create &o#"!er type an6 Re"eipt

Go to Gateway of Tally > A""o#nt$ Info/ > 2o#"!er Type$ > Create
to view the ;oucher Type Creation screen.

1. Name 7 an6 Re"eipt

)/ Type of 2o#"!er 7 Sele"t Re"eipt from t!e li$t of 2o#"!er Type$/
,/ A88r 7 R"pt
1/ Met!o% of 2o#"!er
N#m8erin(9 7 Sele"t A#tomati" from Type$ of N#m8erin( li$t/
:/ '$e A%&an"e
Confi(#ration 7 Ye$
;/ Prefi< Detail$ =
Parti"#lar$ 7 Type R 4
/ S#ffi< Detail$ =
Parti"#lar$ 7 Type 4+,0+1/

!ote The rest of the fields are retained at their default values. ress !nter to skip
fields without making changes.
The completed ;oucher Creation screen displays as shown.

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?/ Pre$$ Y or Enter to a""ept t!e &o#"!er type

iii/ Ma6e an entry of t!e tran$a"tion in a an6 Re"eipt 2o#"!er

Go to Gateway of Tally > A""o#ntin( 2o#"!er$ > F;7Re"eipt  > Sele"t an6
Re"eipt from ;oucher Type list to view %ank "eceipt ;oucher Entry )creen

0. !arration  Ch. !o. 04$3 being cheBue deposited in (C(C( %ank.

3. #ress ? or Enter to accept the voucher entry 7 as shown below8


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&r. "ai withdrew "s.-/,/// by cheBue for shop e>penditure

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). ,010)*+, from (C(C( %ank.
7CheBue number 0321-0.8

i/ Ma6e an entry of t!e tran$a"tion in a 3Contra &o#"!er5/

Go to Gateway of Tally > A""o#ntin( 2o#"!er$> F17 Contra  to view contra

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voucher entry screen.

0. #ress F) to change voucher date. Type 25153/02. automatically displayed.

3. !arration Ch. !o 0321-0 being cash withdrawn for shop e>penditures.

2. ccept = ?es or !o < #ress ? or Enter.


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,. :010)*+,
&r. "ai purchased furniture and fi>tures worth "s.0,-/,///
for the )hop by cheBue
7CheBue number0321-3.8

i/ Create le%(er 3F#rnit#re an% Fi<t#re5 -#n%er Fi<e% A$$et$./
Learn more
ii/ Create &o#"!er type 3an6 Payment5/

Go to Gateway of Tally > A""o#nt$ Info/ > 2o#"!er Type$ > Create  to bring
up the voucher type creation screen.

0. !ame %ank #ayment.

3. Type of ;oucher )elect #ayment from the list of ;oucher Types.

2. &ethod of ;oucher !umbering= )elect utomatic from Types of !umbering list.

1. Use dvance Configuration ?es

-. #refi> Details < #articulars Type %#.

. )uffi> Details < #articulars Type 4+,0+1

. #ress ? or Enter to accept the voucher type. ,

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