Learning Episode No. 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Eastern Visayas State University

College of Education
Tacloban City
A.Y. 2021-2022

Prof. Ed. 433 FIELD STUDY 2

Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Learning Episode No. 2

Embedding Action Research for Reflective Learning

Marilou V. Avedańo
Professor Jhon Menard M. Funa

Prof. Jomar Cabuquin

Resource Teacher

Grade 11 1|Field Study II

September 16, 2021 @ 1:00–3:00 pm (Thursday)


Inventory of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teachers

List of Completed Action Research Tiles Author/Authors
Action research and reflective practice: Ruth Leitch & Christopher Day (2000)
towards a holistic view
Action Research: Teacher Evaluation and Courtney Lynne Landry
Teachers’ Reflective Practices in Nicholas Sun-Keung Pang
Implementing Assessment for Learning East China Normal University
Skills in Classroom Teaching
The role of action research in teachers’ Ulrika BergmarkLuleå
efforts to develop research-based University of Technology, Department of
education in Sweden: intentions, Art
outcomes, and prerequisite conditions
Principles and practice of reflective MOHAMAD NOR BIN MOHAMAD TArn (NOR
teaching in the pre service teacher TArn)
education programmed of Malaysian
teacher training


Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Tiles, lets find
out why you have noticed by answering the following questions.

Questions My Answer
1. What you have noticed about the 1. Identified problem to be solved in title
action research tiles? Do the action no. 1: In their various forms, are
research tiles imply problems to considered to be critical dimensions of
solved? Yes or No. the professional development of
teachers. However, whilst both were
receiving academic attention during
the 1930s and 1940s. The article
challenges the rational, cognitive
If YES, identify the problems from the models of reflection that are implicit in
title you have given. much of the action research literature.
It suggests that more attention needs to
be given to the importance of the role
of emotion in understanding and

2|Field Study II
developing the capacities for reflection
which facilitates personal, professional
and ultimately system change.

2. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 2: traditional where the focus is on
the teacher as the expert providing
knowledge to single or similar type of
student; responsive which focus on a
reflective and self-aware educator who
provides rigorous content with more
student-centered and informed
pedagogical skills; and transformative
qualities linking teacher and learner at
the core of the learning environment.

3. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 3: teachers in kindergartens and
teachers in primary schools might
have different emphases on the nine
AfL strategies in teaching. Their own
suggested rooms for improvement in
practicing AfL skills have provided
insights for enhancing teaching
effectiveness. reflective practices can
generate a “reflective spiral” of
planning, acting, observing, and then
reflecting. The study shows that
reflective practitioners become
professional experts who are able to
assure the quality of teaching by self-
enhancement and self-improvement.

4. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 4: were to analyze teachers’ initial
motivations for and expectations when
engaging in action research, and
relating them to the process outcomes

3|Field Study II
and to the broader evidence movement
in education. The first research
question was (1): What motivations
and expectations did the teachers hold
at the beginning of the action research?
The analysis showed that teachers’
initial motivations and expectations
related to three themes.

5. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 5: they test out, mentally,
contrasting ways of teaching and
organising classrooms in order to
judge between options and arrived at
reasoned conclusions. How does the
pre-service teacher education
programme in Malaysia Teacher
Training Colleges inculcate the skills of
reflective teaching? This problem is to
be investigated by looking at the
perceptions of teacher educators,
present and previous trainees, and co-
operating teachers at school.

2. What interpretation about action Title of the action research: Action

research can you make out of your research and reflective practice: towards a
answer in Question n. 1? holistic view

Such a process is independent of but has

clear parallels with approach to ‘living
theory’ call for strategies that promote
teacher awareness by means of non-
rational processes. Whilst often
employing similar tools to facilitate
reflection, the main difference is that the
approach outlined here focuses upon
reflection itself as being central to the
action research paradigm, incorporating

4|Field Study II
psychotherapeutic and psychological

3. Write the title your interpretation of From the title, I think the study that too
the study from the title. much emphasis on the importance of self
in action research can distract the
practitioner from the substantive focus of
the study. There is a tendency for some
action research to become ingrown and
‘contentless’, so that self-exploration and
personal growth seem to become the
whole focus and purpose of the research.
This may be an effective form of therapy,
but it is difficult to call it research.

4. What do you think did the author/s I think the author/s the way of teaching
do with the identified problem as demands a long journey that does not
presented in their titles? have any easily identifiable destination ...
It is a journey that I believe must include a
backward step into the self and it is a
journey that is its own destination. In any
analysis, it is initially important to
differentiate the terms ‘reflection’ and
‘reflective practice’. Reflection is
considered as a process or activity that
is central to developing practices.


Action research seems easy and familiar. Since teaching seems to be full of
problematic situations and that the teacher has a responsibility of finding solution for
everyday problems in school, hence teachers should do action research. This is an exciting
part of being a teacher, a problem solver!

Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have noticed and interpreted in
the previous activity.

5|Field Study II
Key Questions My Answer
Choose from the option given. You may
check more than one answer.
1. From what source do you think, did Choices:
the authors identify the problems of Copied from research books
their action research? ✓ From daily observation of their
teaching practice.
✓ From difficulties they observed of
their learners.
✓ From their own personal
From the told experiences of their
co- teachers.
2. What do you think is the teacher's Choices:
intention in conducting the action ✓ To find a solution to the
research? problematic situation
✓ To comply with the requirement of
the principal
✓ To improve teaching practice
To try out something, if it works
To prove oneself as better than the
3. What benefit do you get as a student Choices:
in FS 2 in understanding and doing ✓ Prepare me for my future job
action research? Get good grades in the course
✓ Learn and practice being an action
✓ Improve my teaching practice
✓ Exposure to the realities in the
teaching profession
Become a better teacher everyday
4. In what ways, can you assist your Choices:
mentor in his/her Action Research ✓ By co-researching with my mentor
Activity? ✓ By assisting in the design of the
✓ By assisting in the implementation
of the AR
By just watching what is being

6|Field Study II

Based on the readings you made and the previous activities that you have done,

1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?

I learned that, from my perspective, I can summarize it by saying that I learned much
about what I intended to learn, and I learned much that I did not intend to learn about
things that were unrelated to my specific area of study. Here are some more specific
thoughts about what I have learned:

• There are many things I already knew, but were incomplete, irrelevant, or
wrong after I learned more. Research isn’t always about learning something
new; it’s about confirming what others assert is true and extending that into
something we want to know more about.
• How to ask better questions. How to ask questions that would help me get a
better answer.
• Finding answers is actually pretty easy. And as Douglas Adams suggested in
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, sometimes it’s more important to have the
right question than the right answer.
• It’s important to have facts and data in order to understand the answers.
• There’s a lot of bad research out there. That should be a caution to anyone who
is gathering research or publishing it.
• I learned why plagiarism, faking data, and trying to match data to conclusions
is dangerous – and why these are considered cardinal sins in academia. I
encountered all of these, and in one case, I had to defend my rejection of a
previous study to my committee. This goes back to one of my first points: What
we think we know is sometimes wrong.
• Finally, there’s always one more question to ask. As a researcher, you’re never

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future teacher?
Yes __No__. If yes, complete the sentence below.

Action Research is as important as life itself. It provides the building block upon
which societal growth and advancement is hinged. Our understanding of the way

7|Field Study II
things are, how things happen and what is responsible for such occurrences is due to
the help of research. Research also helps us study patterns in the past, feelings,
attitudes and opinion then use it to determine what should happen next.

Action Research in education is important in the 21st century as it can be used to

shape the courses, either looking inwardly at the institution and how the current
curricula is working, and outwardly through the examination of various aspects of
the community and society, the needs of the workplace, awareness of advancements
in other countries and to look at what is happening in education across the globe. This
way the students will learn about what makes education what and how it is, and what
are the worldwide commonalities of education.



From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?

• I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or a
problematic situation.

Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and


o in working relationships that were related to gender, such as

embarrassment, attraction and difficulties in understanding the experience
of people of the opposite sex.


What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?

I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution. Write a probable
solution to the problematic situation above

8|Field Study II
o I realized that this is no reason to avoid the study of same-sex relationships.
Indeed, it is important to triangulate a range of qualitative and quantitative
research designs and sources of data in efforts to identify consistent
patterns in same-sex relationships across studies and to draw on
innovative strategies that add to our knowledge of same-sex relationships.
In the sections that follow we point to some specific challenges to, advances
in, and strategies for research on same-sex relationships.

o I do hope to achieve that their will be a one diversity all gender, no

discrimination and etc. Because same-sex relationships is in a period of
intense discovery and enlightenment, and advances in the study of these
relationships are sure to further our theoretical and empirical knowledge
in family studies more broadly. Because of the diversity of same-sex
couples and the increasing political and legal significance of who is in a
same-sex relationship or family, it is essential to advance research that
reflects professional and ethical standards as well as the diversity of same-
sex couples


What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the situation or solve the

• One strategy for addressing parental status is to match same- and different-sex
comparison groups on parental status so that parents are compared with parents
and nonparents are compared with nonparents. This strategy has the advantage
of reducing uncontrolled-variable bias owing to parental status (for quantitative
studies) and yields unique insights into the experiences of same- and different-
sex parents and/or nonparents (for qualitative and quantitative studies). A second
strategy for quantitative researchers is to consider parental status as potentially
confounding or moderating the effects of union status on selected outcomes.


If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?

9|Field Study II
• If will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be Challenges
and Opportunities for Research on Same-Sex Relationships


Direction: Choose the best answer.

1. Every future should do action research because_____.

A. it is a requirement for teachers in the field
B. it will improve teaching practice
C. it will add points to teacher's performance
D. it is part of the teacher's standard

2. Sporting a problematic situation in teaching and learning will____.

A. spark an idea of doing Teacher Action Research
B. give more confusion to the teacher
C. create complexity in everyday teaching
D. add burden to teacher's daily routine

3. Which of the following statements motivates a teacher to do action research?

A. Any problem that occurs in my class will soon pass.
B. For every teaching-learning problem, there is always a solution.
C. Leave the problematic situation for other teachers to solve.
D. There are more important classroom routines than finding solutions.

4. "Every teacher, should be an action researcher." This statement is____.

A. applicable only for teachers in big schools.
B. not doable and very idealistic.
C. the call for teachers in the current times.
D. appropriate for honor graduates.

5. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. Action research problem is created by the teacher.
B. Noticing helps a teacher spot problematic situation.
C. Much of the teaching time should be spent in action research.
D. Action research is an optional teacher activity.

10 | F i e l d S t u d y I I

Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed action research.

The aim of this study is to Three several impediments to nurturing

investigate how the pre-service teacher reflective teaching skills in student
education programme in Malaysian teachers are identified and some
Teacher Training Colleges inculcates the recommendations for improving the pre-
skills of reflective teaching in prospective service teacher programme so as to
teachers. This aim is pursued by successfully nurture reflective teaching
examining the perceptions of teacher skills in student teachers are made.
educators, co-operating teachers, student Briefly, these are to: (i) develop a
teachers and newly qualified teachers programme to stimulate an attitude of
from three Teacher Training Colleges in inquiry and reflection in student
Peninsular Malaysia. A combination ~f teachers; (ii) ensure that present methods
qualitative and quantitative research (micro teaching, 'Kerja Kursus Secara
methods was used. These are Projek' (KKSP), journal writing and
questionnaires, interviews and clinical supervision) are geared more
document analysis. Different sets ~f explicitly to inculcating reflective
questionnaires and interviews were used teaching skills; (iii) encourage teacher
with all the four groups of participants. educators as well as co-operating
teachers to be reflective practitioners; (iv)
The thesis consists of three parts.
strengthen the triadic relationship
Part One), deals with the literature on
(student teachers - teacher educators - co-
reflective practice and highlights how the
operating teachers) in order to promote
notion of reflective teaching has become
reflective teaching effectively; (v)
popular in pre-service teacher education
introduce action research as aformal way
programmes in English speaking
of developing reflection, (vi) promote
countries and elsewhere. Part Two
and sustain critical reflection among
describes the research methodology of
teachers and educators.
the study and examines the research data
in order to answer some specific In general terms, the research
questions concerning the way in which indicates that the Malaysian pre-service
preservice teacher education in Malaysia teacher education programme would
inculcates the skills of reflective teaching more effectively foster reflective teaching
and the way in which Malaysian student if various agencies work in a more
teachers develop reflective teaching integrated way.
skills during their initial training. In Part

11 | F i e l d S t u d y I I

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