What Is Stress? Stress: Management

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stress can come from

every aspect of life.

Common sources include: What is
stress stress?
Personal life
• Going through a divorce Management Stress is the feeling of pressure,
• Death of a loved one strain or tension that comes
• Suffering from an illness
from dealing with challenging
situations. It is a part of life
• Financial problems
and it happens to everyone.
• Other major changes at home or in life
However, whether or not a
situation is considered stressful
varies from person to person.
Knowing what you personally
• Weather
find stressful can help you cope
• Traffic better in life.
• Overcrowding
• Noise

Buangkok Green Medical Park
• Conflicts with bosses or co-workers Block 9, 10 Buangkok View
• Handling multiple projects Singapore 539747
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Nov 2013
Managing Stress the Right Way Stress Reduction Techniques

Did you have a bad day? Are you stressed out or feeling down? Here are some useful techniques that you can practise to
Individuals with addictions problems often deal with stress by reduce stress. Choose those which best suit you and use
them often for best results.
•smoking Relaxation exercises
How Do You Know You are Stressed? •takingprescriptiondrugs •Learntorelaxyourselfthroughbreathingandmental
relaxation exercises such as visual imagery or meditation
Everyone reacts to stress differently. Being aware of the signs The truth is, relying on substances for help can only relieve
of stress can help you take steps to prevent it from getting you of your stress temporarily. A healthier, more effective
Physical exercises
worse. Here are some common manifestations of stress. and sustainable way of coping is to learn to actively manage
your stress. •Engaginginexercisessuchasjoggingorplayingsports
Physical signs not only strengthens your physical body but also reduces
mental stress in a healthy and natural way
•Allergies Stress Management Strategies
Maintain a sense of humour
•Headaches Find a hobby
Time management •Insteadofcomplainingaboutlife’sfrustrations,trytolaugh
•Increasedheartrate •Developnewandfunhobbies,suchastakingupmusic
•Findbalanceinyourdailylifebylearningtomanagetime about them as laughing can relieve stress, increase pain
lessons or cooking classes. These can take your mind off
•Backpain efficiently and prioritising tasks tolerance and strengthen the immune system
stressful events
•Digestionproblems •Thebottomlineisthatweareresponsibleforthewaywe
Be realistic about what you can do Make plans to manage stress feel, whether or not we feel stressed out and also how we
•Setrealisticandachievablegoalsforyourselfsothatyou choose to manage stress
•Restlessness do not become frustrated or discouraged. Goal-setting is enjoyableactivitiesandstickwithit • Remember that we have the power to choose serenity
also a good way to get yourself started on organising and over stress
Emotional signs planning your time
•Irritabilityoreasilyangered Get support
Think positive
It always helps to talk with someone who knows or cares
•Feelinganxiousorfearful •Confrontandlessenyourstressfulnegativethinkingsuch about you. These include:
•Moodiness as unrealistic expectations, self-righteousness, a sense of
entitlement, blaming, pessimism and doing things your •Familymembers
own way •Friends
Impact of stress on the individual •Avoidbeinghardonyourself.Identifysomeofyourpositive •Co-workers
•Changeinappetite traits and be less critical of yourself. Increase the amount
of positive self-talk such as ‘This is hard, but I can do it!’ •Counsellors
•Sleepproblems •Supportgroupmembers
•Increaseduseof alcohol,otherdrugsorengaginginother Stay healthy
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about
•Maintainahealthylifestyle—eatwell,getenoughsleep, stress management, talk to our counsellor or doctor today.
addictive behaviours (such as gambling, sex or gaming) exercise regularly and avoid alcohol and drugs
Have a support system
peer support, or a spiritual group
psychologist, counsellor or doctor

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