Properties of Plane Areas

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Properties of Plane Areas Notation: A = area _moments of inertia with respect to the x and y axes, respectively oduct of inertia with respect to the x and y axes 1, + ly = polar moment of inertia with respect to the origin of the x and y axes ‘moment of inertia with respect to axis B-B Rectangle (Origin of axes at centroid) = - B sok r vam ah eft Ly bie Ab bh 2) katy haa ob mete) Lo! > poo Rectangle (Origin of axes at comes) ~~ on i ie Phe pe i Be BA I eb) In = ti OR +R) 3 y Triangle (Origin of axes at centroid) 5 bh 2b te A A 2 * 3 3 ‘| copy 391 Copyright 2004 Thomson Learning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ‘May not be copied, seanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. 92 APPENDIX. Properties of Plane Areas, ra Triangle (Origin of aces a venen) B bh bh ays BE hay aye +2) I 12 12 0" Bbe + cy hs bie bh 0 at 37 00-20) 7 5 , Iroseces tangle (Origin of axes at conto) _—_ bh f ay hy 1 pe ote B- — B 36 r bh cape 2) bie we + lew = Bhai 38) tag HP (Note: For an equilateral triangle, h = V3 6/2.) 6 y Right triangle (Origin of axes at centroid) a 4 ie A 2 3°73 o\PS he Bie & 4 Bok 36 4 36 7 2 ~~ bh ya py bh? Ip = Tew = t= Hae +B) tye = 7 y Right triangle (Origin of axes at vertex) ae F a2 Wi eR “12 12 a 4 bh bn? Ow AE ° b 8 y ‘Trapezoid (Origin of axes at centroid) rer a Hat by ha +b) 2 3a) " We + 4ab +1) _ Ga~ by B 36(a + by ” 12 Copyright 2004 Thomson Learning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or dupiicated, in whole or in pat. ‘APPENDIX.D Properties of Plane Areas 893 d= « a 7 (4 so e = art Sur’ _ Sad* w » Semicrele (Origin of axe at ceneid 0 t= 2% 0 a B “ ‘ 2 gay! st 4 W607 b ossauye nya 2 Figg = SE SSOP 0 0548 no» Quarter-circularspandrel (Origin of axes at point of tangency) 2 = _ 00~ 3a aig or, 5- E 3M o22547 = 001825r = Ian 2 )r*~oastor B Circular seetor (Origin of axes at center of crle) angle in radians (a= m2) 1 Fat sinacosa) -F(a-sinacosa) fy =0 Copyright 2004 Thomson Learning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or dupiicated, in whole or in pat. 694 APPENDIX Properties of Plane Areas Circular segment (Origin of axes at center of eircle) a= angle in radians (a= 2/2) (a sin acos @ + 2sin?acosa) Ly =0 A= Pa ~ sin acos a) SGGa ~ 3 sin a 00s a ~ 2 sin’ a cos a) 2 1s af Circle with core removed (Origin of axes at center of citcle) r4 = agleinradians (a= #2) ( . b= aroos a=2r(a-4) é 4 2 e ab, 2ab oe (BAF) nme 16 y Ellipse (Origin of axes at centroid) + rab’ aba’ a D0 Ana = OR ae q * rab { > ab a 4 wi ab + a) oe Circumference ~ m[1.5(a + 6)—Vab) (a3 =b Sa) =417Fla+4a (056 =ai3) ” Parabolic semisegment (Origin of axes at comer) [P-vertex Copyright 2004 Thomson Learning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or dupiicated, in whole or in pat. ‘APPENDIX.D Properties of Plane Areas 895 Parabolic spandrel (Origin of axes at vertex) = so) = yas) = 19 Semisegment of mth degree (Origin of axes at corner) __ yf) 1 bas feo t-2) oo) i ! Gs ol bint) si analy 2in + 2) > Inst 3 = ° Le ohn’ Wn BR? “ % 3in + 3) Ain + UY + 2) 20 |” Spandrel of nth degree (Origin of axes at point of tangency) OST yepnat aro i A= bh bin + 1) hin +1) 5 “ntl nt+2 2Qn + 1) be ee \ 3Gn=D Tor a » Sine wave (Origin of axes at centroid) 6) Boh on Copyright 2004 Thomson Learning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or dupiicated, in whole or in pat. 696 APPENDIXD Properties of Plane Areas Thin circular ring (Origin of axes at center) Approximate formulas for case when 1is small dt 8 Aa2art=ndt [= l= art nd ly =O Ip=2ar't= 20 ‘Thin circular are (Origin of axes at center of circle) Approximate formulas for case when 1 is small B= angle inradians (Note: For a semicircular arc, 8 = 712.) rsin B B 1, = PHB + sin Boos B) 26 + sin2B 2 B A= 2pn PUB — sin B cos B) 28) Jy =O op = 7° Thin rectangle (Origin of axes at centroid) Approximate formulas for case when 1 is small A=b we 2 * cos? 18 ne 1,= sint 1 =F cos? 8 Iyg = sin’ = Ty sin? By = eos B sin B 28 Regular polygon with n sides (Origin of axes at centroid) C = centroid (at center of polygon) umber of sides (n= 3) b= length of aside central angle fora side a = interior angle (or vertex angle) jar as p= A = radius of circumscribed circle (line CA) Ry = radius of inscribed circle (line CB) Beso8 Fook me cor 8 Rabeck R= torh a= Moh 1, = moment of inertia about any axis through C (the centroid C is a principal point and every axis through C is a principal axis) 1 = Bon Bl cur 18a Bs 841) tena Copyright 2004 Thomson Learning, Inc. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or dupiicated, in whole or in pat.

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