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1 A circle in which sectors represents various quantities is called Histogram Frequency PolygonPie Chart Bar Chart
2 A graph of a cumulative frequency distribution is called Ogive Curve Frequency PolygonPie Chart Bar Chart
3 A Histogram contains a set of Adjacent Rectangles Non-adjacent Rectangles
Adjacent Squares Adjacent Triangles
4 In a Pie chart one can calculate the angles for each sector by the following
formula part(Component
/ Total) X 100part /(Total/Component
Total) X Pi part)
X 360 part/Total) X 360
5 Component bar charts are used when data is divided into Parts Groups Circles Squares
6 A frequency polygon is constructed by plotting frequency of the class interval
The upper
the ofThe
class limit of the
value of the class Sum of lower limit and upper limit
7 A frequency polygon is a closed figure of Two sides Three sides Many sides one side
8 Which of the following considerations for setting up classes in a frequency
widths can isbe
should not Open
ended classes onlyTheatlower
limit of the first class should
9 Frequency distributions can be helpful means of organising and summarisingBar chart
data. What typeScatter
of graphDiagram
is usually usedTime
to accompany
series such data?
10 What are the members in the right column of a frequency distribution tableClass called?
frequency Interval frequencyOrdinal frequency Number frequency
11 A variable is any characteristic which can assume_______ values. Different Similar Assumed Fixed
12 The classes in which the lower limit or the upper limit is not specified are
end as:
classes Close end classes Inclusive classes Exclusive classes
13 The number of observations in a particular class is called: Width of the classClass mark Frequency lower limit
14 The mode of a frequency distribution can be determined graphically by:Histogram Frequency curve Frequency Polygon Ogive
15 The histogram can be used to locate graphical the value of Mean Median Mode Quartile
16 If there are 2 groups with 50 observations each and with 25 and 35 as value
25 of arithmetic30 mean , the combined 35 arithmetic mean of 40100 observations
17 The middlemost observation,dividing the entire distribution into two partsArithmetic
is know Mean
as Median Mode Percentile
18 The sum of the deviations of observations from the following measure isArithmetic Mean Median Mode Percentile
19 In a survey , the data is collected in a Random manner Systematic mannerHaphazard manner Unsystematic manner
20 The data collected for the fist time is known as Values Information Secondary data Primary data
21 When the area to be covered is vast and periodic data is required, it is better
to adopt
indirect oral interview
Questionnaires through local agencies
22 _________ used to represent any statistical data in acondensed form. Graphs axis dimensional Sample
23 Graphs are drawn on ___________ News Paper Presentation Drawing Paper Graph Paper
24 Graphs display relationship between the variables represented on ___________.
Only 'x' axis x' axis and 'y' axis Only 'y' axis zero
25 Graphs are helpful in ______data. question making solution making analysis moving
26 ________ is agraphical representation of frequencies and the correspondingHistogram
class interval.
Percentage Presentation dimensional
27 In ________, method of plotting the point is same as that for FrequencyHistogram
Polygon. Graphs Presentation Frequency Curve
28 Cumulative Frequency Curve is also known as _______. Percentage Histogram Ogive analysis
29 How many types of Curves are available in Cumulative Frequency Curve? one Two three four
30 A ________ is a visual form of presenting the tabulated data which createsanalysis
a long lasting impression.
Presentation Diagram Graph Paper
31 A___________ is used to represent only one variable at a time. multiple bar diagram
simple bar diagramdimensional diagram Percentage bar diagram
32 In _______ bar diagram subdivisions of a total are expressed as percentages.Average Percentage Variate Case Discrete Case
33 Class Width of the class [20 - 30] is 20 30 10 50
34 When sum of all 10 observations is 200, AM is 200 10 20 2
35 Mean of -1, 0 and +1 is 3 1 0 2
36 Which of the following is a correct statement AM is not uniqueMode is unique AM is unique AM is always greater than Mode
37 If the standard deviation of a population is 9, the population variance is9 3 21 81
38 ____________ is not a measure of central tendency AM Median Mode Correlation
39 Which of the following divides a group of data into four subgroups? Percentiles Deciles Median Quartiles
40 AM of 4, 5, 6, 7 and 3 is 4 6 7 5
41 Mode of 6, 7, 6, 7, 7 is 5 7 6 1
42 Median of 5, 9 and 6 is 5 6 9 6.33
43 The Range of 10, 30, 50 is 10 40 30 50
44 Which of the following is a false statement Mode is unique Mode is not uniqueMode is the highest occuring AM is unique
45 The Rank of Median is (1/2)N N 2N 1
46 If sum of 10 observations is 345,the value of the following measures areArithmetic
calculatedMean Median Mode Percentiles
47 If the values of Arithmetic mean and median are 34.5 and 34.1 represent 33.3
the value of mode35.7can be 40.2 42.2
48 The first and last class intervals are 'below 45 ' and '135 and above ' represent
the following
Mean Geometric
measureMeanis the best
suited in this case Mode
49 Mode of 7, 6, 6, 5 is 6 24 5 7
50 If number of components is five or more, a _________ is preferred. Pie Diagram Histogram Graphs Presentation
51 Coefficient of quartile deviation is given by (Q3- Q1) / (Q3+ Q1)(Q3+ Q1) / (Q3- Q1)(Q1 Q3) / ( Q3+Q1) (Q3+ Q1) / (Q3 Q1)
52 If Variance of a data set is 100, then the Std Deviation can be 10 100 10000 1
53 Square of (-3) is 9 -3 3 -9
54 The formula for Coefficient of Variation includes standard deviation Index numbers variation index all angles
55 ________________ indicates degree of consistency in data standard deviation AM Median Mode
56 The sum of the deviations about the mean is always Range Zero Standard Deviation Positive
57 In a frequency distribution, the difference between the upper limit of the Mid-range
highest class interval
Range and the lower Quartile
limit of
the smallestStandard
class interval
is known as
58 QD is a measure of AM Dispersion Mode Standard deviation.
59 The correlation between demand of goods and prices is Positive Negative zero no correlation
60 The method of calculating skewness which is based on the positions of quartiles
Gary's coefficient
and median
of skewness
in a distribution
is called
coefficient ofJack
Karl's coefficient of skewness
61 The percentile and moment system are two groups of skewness measures central tendenciesquartile
measures measures percentile measures
62 The coefficient of skewness by Karl Pearson, Professor Kelly and professor relative
are considered
asmeasure ofconcentrated
skewness measuredirectedof skewness
measure of skewness
63 If the beta one is 9, beta two is 11 then coefficient of skewness is 0.589 0.689 0.489 0.889
64 The kurtosis defines the peakness of the curve in the region which is around the modearound the mean around the median around the variance
65 In measures of skewness, the absolute skewness is equal to mean+mode mean-mode mean+median mean-median
66 The statistical measures such as decile, percentiles, median and quartiles percentile
are classified
as part of system deciles system moment system
67 The frequency distribution is considered as positively skewed if all the values
varianceof distribution
tail uppermoves
tail to lower tail median tail
68 If for a distribution the difference of first quartile and median is less thannegatively
difference skewed
of median
not skewed
and third
at allquartile
the ended
is classified
69 In Symmetrical distribution, the third quartile and first quartile of databe inatdistribution
equal distance must
not be at equal distancepositively value concentration
negatively value concentration
70 The three times of difference between mean and median is divided by standard Professor deviation
Keller Professor
to calculateBowley
Karl Pearson
of skewness by method
Professorof Kelly
71 Considering the mean, mode and skewness of data, the value of skewness mean<median
will be positivemean>median
if mean>mode mean<mode
72 In kurtosis, the frequency curve that has flatten top than normal curve leptokurtic
of bell shaped distribution
platykurtic is classified
megaas curve mesokurtic
73 The mode of set of 20 observations is 18 and the skewness of observations 23 around central7 value is 5 then the13calculated value of arithmetic 43 mean of observations is
74 If the median is 18, coefficient of skewness is 6 and the mean is 30 then 6standard deviation 18of data is 30 36
75 In statistical procedures, the skewness is used to measure the amount of variance amount of upper tail amount
valuesof dispersion direction of dispersion
76 In kurtosis, the frequency curve which looks more peaked than normal mega curvecurve
of bell shapedmesokurtic
distribution is classified
leptokurticas platykurtic
77 If the value of skewness and arithmetic mean is given as 4 and 17 respectively68 then mode4.25 of the values is 21 13
78 If all the values move towards one tail of a distribution then this sceanrio width
of distribution
in height of distribution lengthening the tail shortening the tail
79 The moment about mean which is indication of flatness of frequency curve thirdismoment
classified assecond moment first moment fourth moment
80 Considering the moments in standard units, the third alpha with powerbeta 2 is one
equivalent to beta two beta three beta four
81 The degree or extent to which the frequency of the observations in dataalpha set are
concentratedgamma in given
system frequency
beta system
distribution is classifed
82 If the arithmetic mean is considered as average of deviations then resultant closemeasure
end deviation
is considered
mean absoluteas deviation
mean deviation variance deviation
83 If the positive square root is taken of population variance then the calculated
standard measure
root isstandard
transformed deviation
into standard variance sample variance
84 The examples of applications of range in real world includes weather forecastsno quality controlfluctuation in share prices weather forecasts and fluctuation in s
85 In a set of observations, the amount of variation can be shown in the form absolute
of figures
the helpmeasuresnon-uniform
of measuresexploratory measures
86 If the value of first quartile is 49 and the value of third quartile is 60 then
21value of inter quartile
31 range is 11 41
87 If total sum of square is 20 and the sample variance is 5 then total number 15 of observations 25are 4 35
88 The variability which is defined as the difference between third and firstquartile
is considered
decilesasrange percentile range inter quartile range
89 The mean of squared deviations which is calculated from arithmetic mean mean is called
square average standard square average population average sample square average
90 The measure of distance which is greatly influenced by extreme values in range
data is considered average
as positive uniformity negative uniformity
91 The mean absolute deviation is 5 and the arithmetic mean is 110 then coefficient
1.054 of mean 0.045
absolute deviation 0.054
is 0.064
92 If the quartile range is 24, then what is quartile deviation? 24 21 12 32
93 The number of patients who visited the cardiologists are as 63, 57, 51, 65 8 patients
in four days then 4 patients
the absolute mean 10 patients
deviation (approximately)
15 patients
94 The mean absolute deviation is divided by coefficient of mean absolutevariance
deviation to calculate
Median arithmetic mean coefficent of variation
95 The difference between highest and lowest observation is 20 and coefficient 210 of range is 0.077220 then sum of highest 260 and lowest value 240
96 The categories of measures of dispersion are classified as only uniform measuresonly relative measures only absolute measuresrelative and absolute measures
97 The lesser uniformity of 50% observations around the median value is indicated
larger value
withof the
ofvalue of rangelarger
value of quartilesmaller
value of quartile deviation
98 The value of third quartile is 61 and inter quartile range of the set of observation
24 is 48 then
34value of first quartile
64 is 13
99 The sum of highest and lowest value is 80 and the coefficient of range is70 0.625 then the difference
100 between highest
150 and lowest value 50is
100 If in a formula, the mean absolute deviation is numerator and arithmetic coefficient
mean is denominator
of meancoefficient
as deviation
of mean absolute deviation
101 The number of years of service and the salary of 16 employees is given. Which
Negativetype of correlation
Positive will be found Spurious
in the above example? Semi-positive
102 The contenstants in a beauty contest are judged by 2 eminent personalities Pearsons's
from different
Which measure
correlation will Graphical
be best suited
Method to find relation betwe
103 If the value of Pearson's coefficient of correlation is 0.93, it can be concluded
High Degree
that there
of Positive
of Correlation
Perfect Negative Correlation Negative Correlation
104 For 10 pairs of distinct observations, if ∑d^2 =33, the value of rank correlation
0.8 coefficient0.2 is ____ 0.4 0.5
105 If the covarience of n pairs of observations is zero, the value of Pearson's1coefficient of correlation
0 is ____ -1 Not defined
106 The diagram of n pairs of (x,y) values used to get rough idea about relationship
Scatter between
Diagram variables
Histogram x and y is known
Pie Diagram
as Frequency Curve
107 If two values of variables x are identical, the values of the correlation factor
2 to be used in0.5 rank correlation coefficient
3 is 1.5
108 While calculating rank correlation coefficient, if the values of variable xIncreasing
are rankedorder
in increasing
Decreasing order,
values of variables
or decreasing
y must
be ranked
& decreasing
in order
109 If Pearson's correlation coefficient for income and expenditure of 20 employees
0.87 is calculated
0.14 its value can be -0.25 0.75
110 The values of Pearson's coefficient of correlation between marks of 10 students
Positive and
of passengers
or fake correlation
10 trains Correlation
is obtained High
as 0.94.
It can
be concluded
that the t
111 If the values of coefficient of correlation is 1 then is is Positive correlation Negative correlation Perfect Positive correlation Perfect Negative correlation
112 If the values of coefficient of correlation is -1 then is is Positive correlation Negative correlation Perfect Positive correlation Perfect Negative correlation
113 The coefficient of correlation always lies between 0 and 1 -1 between -1 and 1 between -1 and 0
114 The correlation between number of students passing and the sales of sweets Positive
in April-June, Negative
2011 is zero no correlation
115 The correlation between ages of husband & wife is Positive Negative zero no correlation
116 The more the points are clustered around a straight line on scatter diagram,less the degree ofmore correlation is zero no correlation
117 The values of correlation coefficient is always more than 0 more than 1 more than -2 between -1 and 1
118 Regression is an estimation technique
used to find derivativesused to evaluate an integral used to find moments
119 Linear Regression Equations represent parabolas straight lines circles hyperbolas
120 Two Regression Equations intersect at two points many points no points only one point
121 Solution of two Regression equations give two normal equations mean X and mean YRegression coefficient Correlation coefficient
122 Both regression coefficients (byx and bxy ) have same sign same magnitude opposite sign opposite magnitude
123 Linear Regression Equation is Y=a+b X Y = aX^2 Y = sinX + cosX Y = a + bX + cX^2
124 One of the normal equations in regression analysis is Ey = a + b Ex Ey = an + b Ex Y=a+b X Ey = an + b
125 Y can be estimated as __________ for Regression Equation Y = 20.5 + 0.5X, 20.5
for X=7 0.5 24 21
126 Two Regression Equations coincide when there is perfect
when correlation
there is no correlation
when all X values increment when by all 1
X values decrement by 1
127 Two Regression Equations are perpendicular to each other when there is perfect
when correlation
there is no correlation
when all X values increment when by all 1
X values decrement by 1
128 When Regression Equation is Y = 0.47 + 0.26X, a = 0.47 a = 0.26 b = 0.47 a = 0.83
129 Regression analysis is essentially a ___________ data analysis linear non linear non-uniform non adjacent
130 Regression analysis uses historical datauses imaginary data uses futuristic data uses competitor's data
131 The correlation coefficient is used to determine A specific value ofAthespecific
y – variable
value of
the xastrength
the relationship
of thethe
y variable
x and y variable
132 SSE can never be Larger than sst Smaller than sst Equal to 1 Equal to zero
133 In regression the equation that describe how to respond variable (y) is related
The correlation
to the explanatory
The regression
isDDto compute the correlation
134 In regression analysis the variance that is being predicted is the Response or dependent
or variable
Interventing variable Is usually x
135 In a regression analysis if r 2 =1 then SSE must also be equal
SSE must to one
be equal to
can be any positiveSSE value
must be negative
136 The coefficient of correlation Is the square of theIs the
square root
of determination
Is the same
a r -square
of determination
Can never be negative
137 In a regression and correlation analysis if r2 =1 then SSE =SST SSE=1 SSR =SSE SSR =SST
138 In a regression analysis if SSE =200 and SSR =300 then the coefficient of 0.6667
determination is 0.6000 0.4000 1.5000
139 if the coefficient of determination is 0.81 , the correlation coefficient is 0.6561 could be either +0.9 mustor -0.9
be positive Must be negative
140 If the correlation coefficient is 0.8 percentage of variation in the response
0.80%variable explanatory.
80% By the variation 0.64%in the explanatory 64variable is
141 Which of the following statements is true for correlation analysis? It is a bivariate analysis
It is a multivariate Itanalysis
is a univariate analysis It is a common analysis
142 If the values of two variables move in the same direction, ___________ The correlation isThe saidcorrelation
to be non-linear
is said
The tocorrelation
be linear is said to
negative is said to be positive
143 If the values of two variables move in the opposite direction, ___________
The correlation isThesaidcorrelation
to be linearis said
The tocorrelation
be non-linear
is said to
positive is said to be negative
144 Which of the following techniques is an analysis of the relationship between
to help provide theRegression
prediction mechanism? Quartile deviation
145 Which of the following statements is true about the arithmetic mean ofIttwo is less
than thecoefficients?
It is equal tocoefficient
the correlation
It is greatercoefficient
than or equal
It isto
the correlation
than the correlation
coefficient coeff
146 Which of the following are types of correlation? only linear only non linear only positive Linear, Non Linear and Positive
147 The multiple regression equation consists of correlation coefficients
more than one partial z scores
regression coefficient
several intercepts
148 If the two lines of regression are perpendicular to each other, the correlation coefficient0 r=is? -1 1 cant be defined
149 Regression coefficient is independent of Origin Scale Both origin and scale Neither origin nor scale
150 The average of two regression coefficients is always greater than or equalFundamental
to the correction
is called
Magnitude property Mean property
3 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
acent Triangles 1 Unit 1
mponent part/Total) X 360 4 Unit 1
2 Unit 1
m of lower limit and upper limit 3 Unit 1
3 Unit 1
lower limit of the first class should not be
2 an even multiple of the
1 width
2 Unit 1
mber frequency 1 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
lusive classes 1 Unit 1
3 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
3 Unit 1
2 Unit 1
2 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
systematic manner 2 Unit 1
4 Unit 1
ough local agencies 4 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
4 Unit 1
2 Unit 1
3 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
quency Curve 4 Unit 1
3 Unit 1
2 Unit 1
3 Unit 1
centage bar diagram 2 Unit 1
2 Unit 1
3 Unit 1
3 Unit 1
3 Unit 1
is always greater than Mode 3 Unit 1
4 Unit 1
4 Unit 1
4 Unit 1
4 Unit 1
2 Unit 1
2 Unit 1
2 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
3 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
1 Unit 1
+ Q1) / (Q3 Q1) 1 Unit 2
1 Unit 2
1 Unit 2
1 Unit 2
1 Unit 2
2 Unit 2
ndard deviation. 2 Unit 2
ndard deviation. 2 Unit 2
2 Unit 2
k Karl's coefficient of skewness 3 Unit 2
centile measures 2 Unit 2
ected measure of skewness 1 Unit 2
2 Unit 2
und the variance 1 Unit 2
2 Unit 2
ment system 1 Unit 2
2 Unit 2
itively skewed 1 Unit 2
atively value concentration 1 Unit 2
3 Unit 2
4 Unit 2
2 Unit 2
1 Unit 2
1 Unit 2
ection of dispersion 3 Unit 2
3 Unit 2
4 Unit 2
rtening the tail 3 Unit 2
4 Unit 2
1 Unit 2
4 Unit 2
ance deviation 2 Unit 2
mple variance 2 Unit 2
ather forecasts and fluctuation in share prices
4 Unit 2
loratory measures 1 Unit 2
3 Unit 2
3 Unit 2
er quartile range 4 Unit 2
mple square average 1 Unit 2
ative uniformity 1 Unit 2
2 Unit 2
3 Unit 2
2 Unit 2
fficent of variation 3 Unit 2
3 Unit 2
ative and absolute measures 4 Unit 2
aller value of quartile deviation 3 Unit 2
4 Unit 2
4 Unit 2
fficient of mean absolute deviation 4 Unit 2
2 Unit 3
phical Method 2 Unit 3
gative Correlation 1 Unit 3
1 Unit 3
2 Unit 3
quency Curve 1 Unit 3
2 Unit 3
reasing & decreasing order 1 Unit 3
1 Unit 3
h degree positive correlation 2 Unit 3
fect Negative correlation 3 Unit 3
fect Negative correlation 4 Unit 3
ween -1 and 0 3 Unit 3
1 Unit 3
4 Unit 3
2 Unit 3
ween -1 and 1 4 Unit 3
d to find moments 1 Unit 3
2 Unit 3
4 Unit 3
relation coefficient 2 Unit 3
posite magnitude 3 Unit 3
1 Unit 3
2 Unit 3
3 Unit 3
en all X values decrement by 1 1 Unit 3
en all X values decrement by 1 2 Unit 3
1 Unit 3
1 Unit 3
s competitor's data 1 Unit 3
3 Unit 3
1 Unit 3
2 Unit 3
1 Unit 3
must be negative 2 Unit 3
never be negative 2 Unit 3
4 Unit 3
2 Unit 3
st be negative 2 Unit 3
4 Unit 3
a common analysis 3 Unit 3
correlation is said to be positive 4 Unit 3
correlation is said to be negative 4 Unit 3
artile deviation 3 Unit 3
greater than the correlation coefficient4 Unit 3
ear, Non Linear and Positive 4 Unit 3
eral intercepts 2 Unit 3
1 Unit 3
ther origin nor scale 1 Unit 3
4 Unit 3

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